Pierce School Community Proposal Form
*This form is for parent/caregivers/volunteers in the Pierce community who wish to run a special group/project/activity that benefits the Pierce community

*Teachers and Staff: Please do not use this form. Instead, use the Pierce School PTO Teacher and Staff Grants form

Dear Pierce Community Member:

Do you have an event, activity, project, or group that you would like to run at the Pierce school? If so, please fill out this form to share your idea. All proposals, regardless of whether there is a funding request, follow the same process outlined below. If this project is being spearheaded by faculty or staff, the proposal should be submitted as a teacher grant.

Are you an existing Pierce community group or activity? We request that all community groups and activities submit this form for each school year. This enables the PTO to know 1) if your group is still active; 2) who your current point person is; 3) if you have funding requests.

Funding may or may not be available, as items from the approved budget take priority. It is possible that a proposal with merit would have to be postponed for consideration if funding is not available.

Proposals may be submitted on a rolling basis during the school year. The Community Proposal team will review your idea and be able to respond within two months.

If you have questions about this process, please send an email to pierce.pto@gmail.com

Updated 10/14/22

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This form has several questions asking you to describe your project/activity in different ways. We suggest you read the form in its entirety and then return to answer the questions. You may want to type your answers in a word document and then cut and paste them into this form.
What is the name of your group, activity, or event? *
Name of the person submitting this form *
Are there additional people you are working with to submit this community proposal? List their names here. If none, write "none." *
Who are the intended participants of this group/event? [Please note, there is no "children only" option here because that would mean that your activity is a "drop off" event, and the PTO is not currently accepting "drop off" activity proposals. If you have questions on that matter, please contact pierce.pto@gmail.com.]
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What are the goals of your project/activity/group? Please use a list/bullet point style to state your goals. *
Please describe your project/activity/group. How is it structured? When in the year do you hope to hold it? Is it ongoing or short term or one day? Who will be running it? To whom in the community is it open to? Where will the event/meetings be held, etc. *
What grade(s)/group(s) will the project/activity benefit. *
Are you requesting funding this school year as part of your proposal/activity? *
Itemized Costs (be specific) (if none, write "none"):
Total amount of request ($)  (if none, write "none") *
Are there any comments, questions, or additional information that you would like to share?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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