Pierce School PTO Teacher and Staff Grants
Dear Teachers and Staff:
Your PTO encourages you to apply for a grant if you have a special project or activity that you would like to carry out to enhance the educational experience at Pierce. Individuals, teams, and groups are welcome to apply.
For school year 2023-24, applications will be accepted on a rolling basis, pending funding availability. If there is a project you want to secure funding for this school year, it is advisable that you apply as early as possible.

Application process
1. Confirm support for your project with the principal.
2. Once you have approval, then complete this form and submit it by the appropriate deadline(s) stated above.
3. Your proposal will be reviewed by the PTO Grant Committee, composed of the Pierce principal, PTO co-chairs, treasurer, and possibly 1-2 other members.

Updated 10/24/23

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Email *
This form has several questions asking you to describe your project/activity in different ways. We suggest you read the form in its entirety and then return to answer the questions. You may want to type your answers in a word document and then cut and paste them into this form.
Name(s) *
I have shared this idea with the Pierce principal and confirmed support. (If you cannot answer "yes," to this question, please reach out to the principal before proceeding.)
I/we understand that grant recipients will be asked to complete a grant follow-up form sharing a summary of how the project/activity went and how this project benefited the Pierce community. *
Total amount of request ($) (The last question asks for an itemized breakdown. Complete that first, then come back here with the total.) *
Please give a short title for this project/proposal.
Please describe your project/activity.
What are the goals of your project/activity? Please use a list/bullet point style to state your goals. *
How will you measure the success of the grant?
What grade(s)/group(s) will the project/activity benefit. *
How does your proposed project relate to the curriculum, school improvement plan and/or BPS Core Values & Goals?
Itemized Costs (be specific):
Are there any comments, questions, or additional information that you would like to share?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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