The Trust Licence is a system for Year 7 students and above. The system allows students to be able to access the city, without an adult, and take advantage of the resources that exist on our doorstep.
We believe that learning happens everywhere and the Trust Licence allows our students to place their learning in the most appropriate setting.
We see that receiving a Trust Licence is a privilege not a right. We need to make sure that everyone leaving the building on a trip is going to be safe and respectful. We do not give them out lightly and we are prepared to remove one if a student sits outside the agreements that they have made when accepting the responsibility of having one.
One of the key elements in staff agreeing to award aTrust Licence is how respectful and safe a student is operating inside the building. If they are struggling with focus, not following instructions, they're off task, easily distracted, always on their device etc then we find it difficult to feel comfortable allowing them offsite without an adult.
Please note that in this document we refer to Year 7 (as in the year of school they are in) and 14 years (as in how old they are).
Please read the following document and then fill out the form...
Washington Way Skatepark sits outside our Trust Licence area. It is an area that many students like to access. We do have a specific form for you to use to give permission for this...