Please fill out this form if you would like to give permission for your student to skate or scooter down at Washington Way Skate Park during their arotahi (self-directed learning) time.
While Washington Way sits outside our Trust Licence boundary, we recognise that Washington Way is an excellent place to burn off some steam, practise some skills and work on learning goals. We also recognise that it is a location with higher risks, specifically serious injuries. Giving permission through this form acknowledges that you understand those risks and are aware that this might happen.
You also need to be aware that there will be no adult supervision at Washington Way. So by submitting this form you are agreeing that you believe that your child has the skills to manage this risk and that you are happy with them managing this risk.
If you choose to give permission for your student to go to Washington Way we are expecting that they MUST use the Trust Licence system to sign out and they MUST wear a helmet while skating or scootering on their trip.