ColorBrain Token Airdrop #1
The solutions of ColorBrain, the ColorBrain Company, transform the way products are designed, simulated, produced, marketed and supported, leveraging the virtual world to improve the real world.

ColorBrain's focus has been on enabling digital cryptocurrency and to do so in a much broader fashion as the entire enterprise is involved in driving successful customer experiences. This digital cryptocurrency begins with Upstream Thinking, to then Design and Engineering, Manufacturing, Sales & Marketing all the way to Ownership with after-sales. The ColorBrain platform is a critical enabler of this digital cryptocurrency.

The Company believes its global market leadership and financial performance benefit from key characteristics of the Company.

100 each per participants On this airdrop #1
Distrubution after 3000 applicants

ColorBrain Token
Symbol: CBT
Max Supply: 7, 000,000,000
Contract: 0x0e448175D12D21a8970B51B71dBeB25d8Dacec3B

Donations Etherium to token:
0.005 eth 2, 000, 000 CBT
0.01 eth 4, 000, 000 CBT
0.02 eth 8, 000, 000 CBT
0.03 eth 15, 000, 000 CBT
0.04 eth 21, 000, 000 CBT
0.05 eth 35, 000, 000 CBT
0.1 eth 1,000,000,000 CBT

Donations address:

Donators are the first who will receive their tokens on March 28 2018.

Free Airdrop Distrubutions is on May 20 2018

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TxHash ( 0xc46559F039552FB8E8ac43A865563e9d6BF055E5 ) *
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