Custom IV Vitamin Therapy Clinic Toronto Drip Lounge
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This post is part of our blog series, “5 Reasons Why”, which helps readers understand why IV therapy in Toronto is an option for optimal, natural health. Stay tuned for more posts in this series!

Did you know that when we lack certain vitamins and minerals, we may face pain, fatigue, weakness, and even emotional and cognitive issues?

Intravenous (IV) therapy might help improve your health with much-needed nutrients. However, IV vitamin therapy is not a one-size-fits-all approach for reaching optimal health. A custom IV therapy may assist you with reaching your personal health goals – and nobody else’s!

So how do IV therapists and naturopathic doctors create customized formulas for helping with energy and wellness? Why are some vitamins and minerals included in customized nutritional IV drips?

During your first (or next) consultation with your IV therapist or naturopathic doctor, consider learning further facts about these IV vitamins and minerals. Here’s why:

1. Intravenous magnesium is a nutrient our bodies need to stay healthy.
Magnesium helps produce energy and aids in bone maintenance, and muscle and nerve functioning. Oral magnesium supplements (i.e. capsules or tablets) can help boost your magnesium intake, but it may lead to diarrhea or an upset stomach. On the other hand, IV magnesium bypasses the digestive system and enters the bloodstream without uncomfortable side effects.

Magnesium supplementation may be considered because diet alone does not contain enough magnesium. “Research has shown that the mineral content of magnesium in food sources is declining, and that magnesium depletion has been detected in persons with some chronic diseases,” confirms the American Family Physician.

Additionally, “[t]here is strong data to suggest a role for magnesium in migraine and depression, and emerging data to suggest a protective effect of magnesium for chronic pain, anxiety, and stroke,” explains the journal Nutrients. Hence, IV magnesium may be considered for possibly supporting and preventing pain and improving energy production and mental health.

2. IV Vitamin C may support mood and cellular energy.
Vitamin C is an antioxidant that deactivates free radicals. It’s required in the signalling of molecules in the brain; the formation of noradrenaline, adrenaline, and amino acids; and the upkeep of ligaments, tendons, blood vessels and scar tissue. Without sufficient amounts of vitamin C, collagen strands are weak and abnormal.

The human brain constantly utilizes oxygen and it’s laden with polyunsaturated fatty acids that easily deteriorate. Thus, we need to consume antioxidants, such as vitamin C, to help mediate the central nervous system and provide neuroprotective effects.

It’s no surprise that vitamin C has shown to impact mental health. According to Nutrients, “Vitamin C status has been found to be associated with better mood in male students from New Zealand: the higher the plasma concentration, the lower the reported mood disturbance, depression, confusion and anger…”

Unfortunately, high doses of oral vitamin C commonly aggravate the digestive tract, causing unwanted symptoms such as diarrhea. This is why high doses of vitamin C may possibly be effective in intravenous form, especially for patients with an aversion to pills or with intestinal absorption issues. Keep in mind that IV vitamin infusion therapy instantly enters the bloodstream; so, IV vitamin C may perhaps encourage quick health-promoting actions, such as cellular energy production and mood improvement.

3. Intravenous zinc may be associated with immunity and mood support.
Zinc influences the production of proteins, DNA and RNA. It’s a cofactor for 200+ enzymes, particularly for enzymes that contribute to energy metabolism. But according to the British Medical Association, “[z]inc deficiency has now been recognised to be associated with many diseases… malabsorption syndrome, chronic liver disease, chronic renal disease, sickle cell disease, diabetes, malignancy, and other chronic illnesses.” (Note: within these health conditions, other nutrients may also be lacking.) With that, IV zinc may be considered because it might promote recovery from zinc deficiencies.

Zinc may also help lessen the duration of colds. Because IV zinc enters the blood immediately, it may be possible for IV nutrient therapy of zinc to be readily available for immune strengthening. This may be convenient for patients with compromised immune systems or those seeking immunity support during cold and flu seasons.

Notably, there’s a link between zinc and mood. “In humans, zinc has been found to be low in the serum of those suffering from depression. …[T]he more depressed someone is, the lower the zinc level,” confirms Emily Deans M.D. of Psychology Today. Because IV zinc promptly flows into the blood circulation, IV zinc may perhaps help with dispensing mood-supporting qualities.

4. IV B vitamins may help foster brain function and cellular health.
Did you know that a mild B1 deficiency could cause pain, fatigue and weakness? And that a B6 deficiency may contribute to low mood, cognitive decline, and dementia?

The working roles of B vitamins are explained in a Nutrients review: “Their collective effects are particularly prevalent to numerous aspects of brain function, including energy production, DNA/RNA synthesis/repair, genomic and non-genomic methylation, and the synthesis of numerous neurochemicals and signaling molecules.”

A shortfall of any B vitamins will limit our energy production and cognition, sometimes with adverse metabolic results. Think of IV B vitamins as possibly providing a quick “top up” of your B vitamin levels; this may help incite cellular energy and cognitive function.

Notably, riboflavin (known as vitamin B2) promotes migraine recovery and assists with reducing the incidences of migraines. If you’re prone to these painful headaches, you may want to discuss intravenous B2 vitamin with your naturopathic doctor.

5. Calcium IV may help support mitochondrial energy production.
Calcium holds many roles in the body. According to some studies, a combination of calcium and vitamin D may help defend the body from high blood pressure and diabetes. Calcium is also “[e]ssential for the excitability of muscles and nerves,” states the Journal of International Medical Research, further mentioning that the mineral “activates a series of reactions including fatty acid oxidation, mitochondrial carrier for ATP (with magnesium), glucose-stimulated insulin release.”

Calcium controls many enzymes in the cells, especially when metabolizing cellular energy. Calcium concentration is tightly regulated to allow for precise biological processes, such as muscle contractions, apoptosis or cell proliferation. IV calcium may possibly promote cellular energy; in turn, this may trigger metabolic reactions while providing you with energy when you need it (i.e. physical activities).

Your IV therapist or naturopathic doctor may discuss IV calcium to help replenish your body’s calcium. Low calcium levels may cause: sluggishness, low energy, insomnia, and fatigue. Exhaustion induced by low calcium levels may include brain fog, confusion and dizziness. Vegans, postmenopausal individuals, and those who are lactose intolerant may be at risk of a calcium deficiency. (Note: Oral calcium supplements can be helpful, however, one should be aware that these supplements might cause constipation and bloating.)

Tailoring Your IV Therapy in Toronto
No individual is alike; we all have unique health concerns and goals. How can a custom IV therapy drip play a role in your health goals, low energy, pain or digestive discomforts?

At The IV Lounge, we compound personalized IV drips for various health concerns, from Lyme disease and leaky gut syndrome to detoxification and mind-body support. We invite you to learn more about IV therapy in Toronto. (Note: Prior to your first IV drip, a health assessment with Dr. Amauri Caversan, ND or with our other health practitioners at The IV Lounge is required.) Contact us at (647) 549-3484 or by email at for questions and other queries.

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Tardy, A.-L.; Pouteau, E.; Marquez, D.; Yilmaz, C.; Scholey, A. Vitamins and Minerals for Energy, Fatigue and Cognition: A Narrative Review of the Biochemical and Clinical Evidence. Nutrients 2020, 12, 228.

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