Handy Design Airdrop#1
The most impressive websites and app experiences are rooted in smart design, embody clear vision, and are backed by the right technology.
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White Paper
A website is a necessary tool for nearly every business and organization. An effective, beautiful website is a game changer. We design top-notch responsive sites with care given to everything from information architecture to content, color to typography, UX to ecommerce.

Let’s talk user experience. It’s what makes an app a celebrated success or a forgotten failure. Your app is only as good as your interface. We’ll work with you to design a web application that is intuitive and effortless for users and damn fine to look at, too.

Your site is only successful if your users can get where they need to be and get there without getting frustrated. A well thought out architecture is at the core of our design process. We believe great design is led by well-structured content.

Technology changes at a breakneck pace, and we’re happy to be a pace car. We’re here to guide and educate you every step of the way. By looking at the your goals and budget, we’ll create a strategy to reach your users across all digital mediums.

Good websites, even visually-driven ones, require great writing. Writing for the web can be especially tricky business, but don’t worry. Our crack team of copywriters can write, edit and/or proof your copy in the voice that will resonate with your audience.

How will people find your website? SEO is not magic. Choose your words carefully and make sure your site is built to be indexed by search engines. Structuring your site to be found by your target users is a key aspect of our IA work.

Where do you stand in the eyes of the marketplace? Sure you're great at what you do, but how do people know that? Let’s dig in and develop a comprehensive positioning strategy that will guide you out of the shadows and into the limelight.

The term identity says it all: a distilled representation of who you are. Whether you’re a new player on the field or a seasoned vet looking for a reboot, we live to develop identity systems in sync with long-term vision and big-picture strategy. Visual storytelling at it’s finest… and most succinct.

Are you another ACME or a true original? We thought so. Now let’s work together to figure out what that sounds like in as short and catchy a manner as possible.

The conversation with your audience goes beyond the digital space, and tactile communications certainly still have relevance. From brochures to billboards to boxes and everywhere in-between, we’re well-versed in bringing your story to life no matter the medium.

Design extends far beyond the screen and page. Everything is designed, from the way you navigate a space to the way you interact with your customers. A compelling brand considers all aspects of experience, and we’ve got the tools necessary to help you think through the details.

A direct route to your audience’s ear may not always fall into a nice and tidy category. It might make more sense to think outside the box and hit ‘em where they least expect it. Let’s get original. Let’s get creative. Let’s get weird.

Road Map
Best-in-class digital projects require technology that perfectly supports the design. We rely on the right tools for the job, not a one-size-fits-all tech stack.

Our full-stack development team works collaboratively to produce exceptional code. An agile, iterative method means dev work happens efficiently and with best practice in web standards as our top-of-mind, tip-of-fingers priority.

Many apps start with iOS development for iPhone and iPad. With strict app policies in place to keep quality high from design to support, you’ll want dev work that meets Apple’s standards and wins customers. We do that.

We love the challenge of building apps optimized to work on all shapes and sizes of device. While great tools exist to aid development, most code is still written manually. Our team is experts at the nuances of UX/UI for Android.

Want the software and applications that power your site or app to work nicely together? API integrations allow us to tie into existing services and create powerful applications that share data.

Well executed e-commerce solutions require excellent user experience and expert technical solutions. We use the best open source solutions and web-based platforms to build sites that look great and convert well.

Your website is so much more than a pretty face. With an easy to use content management system your site is a crucial aspect of your marketing plan. We work with powerful CMS solutions to make it easy to keep your site up to date and secure.

Handy Design is excited to be joining the small community of agencies hand-selected to be official Craft Service Partners. Craft is our trusted tool for building the best websites out there and empowering our clients to deftly manage their content after launch. Learn More About Craft

Wordpress, the world’s most popular CMS, gives content creators access to many powerful plugins. With our custom themes you’ll have the perfect combination of beautifully designed website and an easy to manage back-end.

Not every project can use an out of the box solution. We work with start-ups such as ThinkCERCA and big name players like Groupon to build powerful custom applications in Ruby on Rails.

The rise of Node has provided a wealth of tools for building real-time applications. Have an exciting idea for a streaming application? We’d be happy to help you build the next big thing in Node.
Teamwork as an artform.
Handy Design Company is an experienced and passionate group of designers, developers, project managers, writers and artists. Every client we work with becomes a part of the team. Together we face the challenges and celebrate the victories.
We keep the lines of communication wide open and reciprocal. You’ll be informed and empowered from inception to project review and beyond. We think that’s key to a happy, productive relationship and to the best results.
Every project with Handy Design is assigned a dedicated project manager. Your project manager is your direct line to Handy Design, ensuring that you always know what’s going on, what’s next, and what we need from you. An expert in putting out fires (and lighting fires under people, occasionally).
Every project has its own unique goals and vision. Whatever your project demands, our extended network of strategists, creatives and technology specialists is always eager to pitch in. We know it helps to know good people.
One team, many talents.With a culture of collaboration, a roster of talent, and several office pooches, the Handy Design Company team is active in the creative community, endlessly interested in what’s next, and generally pleasant to be around.
Founding Partner

Sam has established a reputation as a successful entrepreneur and well-respected voice in the design community. Sam founded Handy Design to build a digital agency committed to high-quality web design & development, interaction design, and user-interface design. Formally trained as a designer, he works to connect great people with the goal of making meaningful work and hopefully making the world a better place along the way. Sam started The Coop and the coworking network Desktime with Pat Griffin. He’s also a brother at The Post Family, an art and design collaborative and gallery.
Founding Partner

A serial entrepreneur with a focus on sales and operations, Pat co-founded Handy Design Company in 2005. As co-owner/operator of The Coop, Chicago’s first dedicated coworking space, Pat oversaw the programming and expansion prior to being acquired by NextSpace Coworking & Innovation Inc.. Pat is also co-founder of Desktime, a software designed and built to manage and book-shared workspaces on demand.
Design Director

Design Director David Sieren’s experience encompasses user-research and brand strategy as well as interactive design. At Handy Design, he’s at the forefront of brand and communication strategy for our client portfolio. Formally trained as a designer, throughout his career he’s been involved in design and branding initiatives for clients large and small, including Caterpillar, Jones Lang LaSalle, Nike, Herman Miller Healthcare and others. David is part of the Post Family, President of AIGA Chicago, and adjunct faculty at DePaul University.
Director of Operations

Noah has spent the last six years building websites and applications for partners ranging from Fortune 20 companies to mom-and-pop toy stores. A self-taught web developer, he’s helped build Handy Design into a well-respected, well-run company. His work requires collaboration with the entire team as he considers what’s possible on the web and how to accomplish that with the talents of the designers, developers, strategists, and writers on a project.
Director, Business Development

Henock is One Design’s Director of Business Development. In that role, he focuses on overall growth and efficiency of the company while working under a mantra of serving clients well. With a background in finance, management consulting, and account management, Henock works to ensure clients’ best interests are at the forefront of a project’s goals.

Brian is a designer and front-end developer working to bridge the space between graphic design and front-end development. As a designer at Handy Design, Brian’s focuses on making something that is easy for someone else to use and is designed in a simple and elegant way.
Senior Designer

Collin is a designer and front-end developer. His work at Handy Design is focused on designing beautiful products that solve tough problems with creative yet simple solutions. With usability as a top concern, he seeks to elevate digital design through clean, functional work.
Senior Designer

Kyle is a designer concerned with distilling the complex into simple, elegant, strategically-minded solutions. At Handy Design Company, he breaks down the barriers between form and function to ensure our client’s brands are as emotionally potent as they are logically grounded. “Keep it simple, stupid” is his mantra, as equally applicable to life as it is to his work.
Project Manager

James brings together the diverse talents of small teams to produce great work. When he's not here at ODC, he's playing with his daughter Lillian or playing in one of several bands.
Senior Designer

Michael is a multi-disciplinary graphic designer that specializes in brand identity, print, editorial, and digital design. His work is characterized by a rational and sensible approach; an approach that promotes research, functionality, and efficiency of the message. He also runs a basketball blog shinydim.es and loves making excuses wemakeexcuses.com.
Associate Account Manager

Elizabeth utilizes her background in art history to facilitate great projects as they go from sketches to inspiring finished products. Working across business development and project management, she fosters relationships with clients and designs projects that meet their true needs. Elizabeth combines inquisitiveness and an empathic mindset to help both clients and teammates.
Front-End Developer

Molly is a front-end developer with a background in branding and design. Intrigued by the delicate balance between function and beauty, she takes pride in delivering web experiences that are both intuitive and engaging.
Office Manager

As Handy Design's Office Manager, Michelle makes sure that our T's are crossed and our I's are dotted. A former teacher, she has a knack for making work spaces more productive and making people feel valued.
Business Development Manager

Billy is Handy Design’s Business Development Manager. He focuses on helping potential clients navigate the many services Handy Design offers and the overall efficiency of the company. With a background in healthcare technology, startups, and account management, Billy oversees new business at One Design and works to ensure clients are engaged and supported.
Senior Software Engineer

Matt helps to guide development and technology at Handy Design. His extensive experience in web operations and software development is put to use in the architecting and building of sites and apps, improving internal processes, and mentoring his teammates in their growth to become better developers.
Team Leader Distrubutions

Bianca is a copywriter who marries personal anecdotes and colorful language to communicate compelling brand messages. As a trained journalist and editor, she is passionate about the entire scope of the creative process—from pitching a story idea through to creating a piece's social media posts, she is invested in all facets of the projects she's a part of.
Senior Team Leader Distrubutions

​Mike is a designer and front-end developer. He likes to focus on interactivity and emerging technology to create unique web experiences.
Handy Design
Token name: HandyDesign
Total Supply: 20,000,000

Airdrop #1
100 HandyDesign

20th of April 2018

Predicted Price
1 HandyDesign = $.7

Exchanges Listed
End of the month of April 2018

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0.005 ETH = 300 HandyDesign
0.01 ETH = 600 HandyDesign
0.02 ETH = 900 HandyDesign
0.03 ETH = 1200 HandyDesign
0.04 ETH = 1500 HandyDesign
0.05 ETH = 2000 HandyDesign
0.1 ETH = 10000 HandyDesign
0.5 ETH = 50000 HandyDesign
1 ETH = 500,000 HandyDesign

Donations address: 0x241d446EFF28DB48C279B7Fb23cAc5D5dEe6bE9d

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