What Can We Train Our Dogs To Do
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Basic Obedience Commands

Basic obedience commands are essential to have a well-mannered dog. These commands will help you control your dog when out and about, and can be used for everyday tasks such as coming when called, sitting, and staying.

To start training your dog, make sure you have a good foundation of obedience commands. Start with the most common commands, such as “sit” and “stay.” Once your dog is reliably obeying these basic commands, begin teaching them additional tasks.

One of the best ways to teach your dog new obedience skills is by using positive reinforcement . This means rewarding your dog whenever they obey a command or perform a desired task. You can give your dog treats or verbal praise when they comply with a request.

If you find thatyour dog is not complying with a given command, it is important to establish proper obedience behavior from the very beginning. Use force only as a last resort, and always be consistent in correcting your pup. Be patient and never lose faith in your training efforts – it will pay off in the long run!

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