ImmortalXKX Hackathon 2021
Offering 10 million ImmortalXKX for developers who successfully release apps utilizing ImmortalXKX. The apps will be chosen publicly through a Twitter poll. The amount will be distributed as follows:
3 million ImmortalXKX for 1st place. 2 million ImmortalXKX for 2nd place. 1 million ImmortalXKX for 3rd place. The rest (6 million ImmortalXKX) will be distributed equally on all functional apps that recive 1000 votes or more.
1- create a trust line to ImmortalXKX through this link:
2- create an app in any field (medical, financial, educational, agricultural, financial inclusion, entertainment... Etc.) that utilizes ImmortalXKX at a rate of 1 ImmortalXKX = 2 USD.
3- fill in the form here after you finish and upload the app to Apple Store or Google Play:
The hackathon deadline is November 15th. The poll will be online from November 16th. Results announced November 20th.
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