Easter Flowers & Scholarship Fund for 2023
Providing a flower for Easter worship also helps support the young adults of Faith! A portion of your donation toward an Easter Flower will go to the Scholarship Fund providing college scholarships to Faith students.  Orders must be placed by Sunday, March 19, 2023!
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Your Full Name *
Your Email Address *
Your phone number *
My Easter Flower is *
The name my Easter Flower is "in honor" or "in memory" of is: *
Flowers I would like to order...
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After Sunday, April 9, 2022 . . . *
Payment Methods
If you wish to donate more than one Easter Flower, click here to fill out an additional form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdYTfmiV3ZF2Kc21yNS07sMbgjWv_O7qDLUbZz9d8jSfDf1MA/viewform

Payment: Please send, drop off, or put in the offering plate a check to "Faith Lutheran Church" for $25 (or other amount). Please write "Easter Flower" in the memo. Or you can pay for your flower online here.

If you have any questions, please call Sally Stauber in the church office at 630-469-2361.
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