Included in Mailchimp?Session InformationSponsorTraining Session TitleShort (a couple of sentences) description of your topic that we can use in our promotional materialsYour session's Eventbrite link
Set up an Eventbrite for your training session (along with a waiting list). We will share this link with Drupal GovCon attendees so they can sign up for your session.
August 21 - Tuesday
yes 6Full Day - Room A - Max 32Debug Academy
Become a programmer: Understanding Code, and writing modern HTML & CSS
Wondering if a career in web development might be right for you? Start here. We will learn how to write semantically correct HTML & CSS using best-practices, tools, and techniques to make our site attractive, accessible, and maintainable. In our training, we will be given a professional, unique image of a design, and we will write HTML & CSS to turn it into a fully functional webpage.
yesFull Day - Room C1/C2 - Max 28Promet Source
What Am I Getting Myself Into? Drupal Crash Course for Non-Developers
A Drupal 8 Crash Course for non-devs, who need to understand how Drupal works including best practices and terminology. Tailored specifically for content editors and project managers, this course provides a broad introduction to Drupal.
yesMorning Half Day - Room B - Max 18Promet SourceIntroduction to Web AccessibiltiySpend your morning getting a deeper understanding of WCAG 2.0 guidelines for web accessibility. This course will provide an introduction laying the groundwork for everyone from content editors to web developers to start considering all aspects of accessibility as related to web development.
yesMorning Half Day - Room G1/G2 - Max 28MobomoLocal Drupal 8 Development with ContainersLearn about the magic of developing locally with containers. During this training, we'll cover the basics of Docker and its ecosystem, utilizing Drupal with this infrastructure locally, and managing this environment between team members. Optimize your workflow and take pressure off your DevOps team with local development!
yesAfternoon Half Day - Room B - Max 18Last Call MediaMaking it work... with JiraJira is incredibly flexible, which makes it easy for it to be configured in all sorts of ways. But without some basics and guidance, it is all too common for a team to self-organize into workflows that, while the tasks get done, just don’t feel right. We'll dive into Jira and Confluence and explore how these tools are designed to work.
Afternoon Half Day - Room G1/G2 - Max 28MobomoOff With the Head (of Drupal)Infinite scalability? High security applications? Unlimited customization? Come explore for yourself the latest hotness in web development: headless Drupal. We'll get hands on and create our own headless applications to take advantage of Drupal's API options. Leave with the knowledge needed to bring your own projects to the next level!
August 22 - Wednesday
yes 4thMorning Half Day - C1/C2 - Max 28Debug AcademyBefore decoupling, learn JS. JavaScript for DrupalersDescription coming soon.
yesAfternoon Half Day - C1/C2 - Max 28CivicActions2018 DKAN Open Data SummitThe 2018 DKAN Summit brings together the Drupal open data community to share, collaborate, and learn about using DKAN to support their open source open data efforts. We'll discuss what's new in DKAN, open data, and what's in store the future. We'll also work together to develop ideas for improvements to the platform, share what community members are working on, and discuss how to get involved in contributing to the project. You'll make lots of great connections to other members of the open source open data community, learn best practices, and contribute toward creating a better platform for everyone.
August 23 - Thursday
yesFull Day - Room C1/C2 - Max 28Drupalize.MeDrupal 8 ThemingThis workshop will familiarize front-end developers with Drupal 8's theme system. Whether your goal is to theme your personal site, pass the Acquia front-end developer certification, or upgrade your skills for a job, our goal is to provide students with a solid foundation on which to start, and enough knowledge to continue to practice and learn on their own.
yesFull Day - Room D - Max 28 at tables + seats around roomLast Call MediaGetting Real About AgileJoin us as we explore how Agile methods can help you and your team increase their speed and effectiveness, and ultimately deliver value to your customers faster.
August 24 - Friday Training
yes 6Full Day - Room C1/C2 - Max 28AGH StrategiesIntegrating CiviCRM with your Drupal siteCiviCRM is a consituent relationship management system that is used by nonprofits, associations, and government agencies to track and facilitate engagement with people. It is free software (AGPL) and installs as a Drupal module (or within some other CMSes).

This training will introduce CiviCRM from the context of Drupal site integration. In the morning we will build an event registration form, directory of contacts, and contact form. After lunch, we will explore how to manage your constituents--those who fill these forms and those who interact with you offline.

This will be a hands-on workshop--bring your laptop, and you'll get your own CiviCRM/Drupal sandbox to work on.
yesFull Day - Room - Room D - Max 28 at tables + seats around roomForum OneComponent-Based Theming with Twig and Pattern LabEach iteration of Drupal introduces new and exciting ways to manage content. However, the display of content is even more important along with the knowledge of how to convert a design to a theme. While we have all read about, watched, and even worked with Twig to create new themes in Drupal 8, the way we work with Twig has changed. Join us as we walk through the theming variations that started with the traditional theme-centric design and has quickly moved into component-based design.
yes #4Morning Half Day - Room J - Max 9 at table + 17 seats around the roomDevShop.SupportHost Your Own Drupal with Open Source DevShopThis FREE half day training will teach you how to spin up your own server from scratch to run Drupal sites.

This will be a hands-on workshop. DevShop.Support staff will be available to walk you through every step of the way:

Choose a cloud server provider and launch a Ubuntu 14 linux server.

Set DNS records for the DevShop server.

Run the script.

Learn the basics of DevShop:

Front-end dashboard.

Back-end command line interface.

Hosting Queues.

Git access and deployment mechanisms.

Migrate sites to the new DevShop Server.

Enable HTTPS with and go live!

This training is a part of DrupalGovCon 2018 and is sponsored by DevShop.Support.
Afternoon Half Day - Room J - Max 9 at table + 17 around the room