1 | Timestamp | Entity Name | Entity website | Entity contact person | Contact email | Contact phone | Do you have experience developing solutions based on OneBusAway? | Do you have experience developing solutions based on OpenTripPlanner? | Do you have experience developing solutions based on TheTransitClock? | What other open-source or proprietary transportation-related software have you developed? |
2 | 10/8/2015 16:05:37 | Center for Urban Transportation Research @ University of South Florida | http://www.cutr.usf.edu/ | Sean Barbeau | barbeau@cutr.usf.edu | 813-974-7208 | Yes | Yes | No | All of our open-source software can be viewed on our Github account: https://github.com/CUTR-at-USF We are a member of the Board of Directors for the OneBusAway open-source project. Notable solutions include: * Deployment of OneBusAway Tampa (http://tampa.onebusaway.org/) and lead developer on the OneBusAway multi-region expansion (https://github.com/OneBusAway/onebusaway/wiki/Multi-Region) * Lead developer for OneBusAway Android - https://github.com/OneBusAway/onebusaway-android * Lead developer for OpenTripPlanner Android - https://github.com/CUTR-at-USF/OpenTripPlanner-for-Android * USF Travel Options App - an OpenTripPlanner-based responsive app focused on the University of South Florida campus - https://github.com/CUTR-at-USF/usf-mobullity, http://mobullity.forest.usf.edu/ * GTFS-realtime generation software (https://github.com/CUTR-at-USF/HART-GTFS-realtimeGenerator, https://github.com/CUTR-at-USF/bullrunner-gtfs-realtime-generator) * Open311 open-source client - used for reporting issues to Open311-compliant systems such as SeeClickFix.com and PublicStuff.com * GTFS-OpenStreetMap (OSM) syncronization software - https://github.com/CUTR-at-USF/gtfs-osm-sync * GTFS / ArcGIS database synchronization software - https://github.com/CUTR-at-USF/RegionalTransitArchitecture * Travel behavior data collection and analysis using mobile devices - see https://www.locationaware.usf.edu/ongoing-research/projects/trac-it/ * Travel Assistance Device (TAD) - a mobile app to help transit riders with special needs - see https://www.locationaware.usf.edu/ongoing-research/projects/travel-assistance-device/. |
3 | 10/8/2015 16:28:43 | Transitime | http://www.transitime.org | Michael Smith | michael@transitime.org | (415) 260-4700 | Yes | Yes | Yes | |
4 | 10/8/2015 21:06:01 | Evan Siroky | Evan Siroky | evan.siroky@gmail.com | 206-799-6545 | Yes | Yes | No | I'm the author of gtfs-sequelize, a Node.js-based Object-Relation Mapping (ORM) for the static gtfs. I also recently created OnTransit, a prototype for crowdsourcing vehicle arrival times from users of a mobile website. | |
5 | 10/9/2015 15:05:09 | Cambridge Systematics | http://www.camsys.com/ | Sarah Anderson | sanderson@camsys.com | 617-234-0540 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Open-source developed: TransAM - Transportation asset management and capital planning platform 1-Click - Trip planner and trip booking built on open trip planner with integrated demand responsive services like paratransit, volunteer, and integration with Trapeze and Ecolane paratransit scheduling systems Ride Pilot - Paratransit scheduling system |
6 | 10/13/2015 0:23:50 | IBI Group | Ritesh Warade | ritesh.warade@ibigroup.com | 617-699-9544 | No | Yes | Yes | For MBTA (Boston, MA), IBI Group created a set of interconnected systems: TRANSIT-realtime aggregates, manages, and disseminates real-time information including locations, predictions, and alerts for all modes for an agency or a set of agencies. TRANSIT-portal allows 3rd party application developers to register for accounts and API keys, and to access real-time information via GTFS-realtime feeds and APIs. TRANSIT-alerts is an intuitive, web-based system that allows agency staff to enter and manage service alerts and publish them to customers through multiple channels. Alerts are disseminated through the API and GTFS-realtime feeds as well as via email/SMS, Twitter and the agency website. TRANSIT-performance records and measures transit service performance in real-time and produces statistics that communicate the quality of service provided by the agency and the quality of service experienced by customers. All systems use GTFS and GTFS-realtime as a core input.The TRANSIT-performance system will be open sourced. | |
7 | 10/13/2015 4:45:59 | Canal TP | http://www.canaltp.fr | Bertrand Billoud | bertrand.billoud@canaltp.fr | +33 (0)1 44 75 12 14 | No | Yes | No | Canal TP (which will change name to "Kisio Digital") is the editor of the open sourced application Navitia: * http://www.navitia.io * https://github.com/CanalTP/navitia This application provides every kind of public transport information services: * journey planning * maps * time tables * it can manage real time, adapted and base schedule data * it is provide with feeding applications, and different kind of front solutions. |
8 | 10/15/2015 7:11:44 | goEuropa Polska | http://www.goeuropa.eu | Wojciech Kulesza | wojciech.kulesza@goeuropa.eu | +48616248682 | Yes | Yes | Yes | We have developed (used in-house for now) a tool called editGTFS that allows import/maintenance/export of GTFS + ability to create pdf of scheduled timetable to be used on bus/tram stops. |
9 | 11/26/2015 4:55:58 | Kisio Digital | http://www.canaltp.fr// | Stephan Simart | stephan.simart@canaltp.fr | +33144751800 | No | No | No | We develop the open-source software Navitia: https://github.com/CanalTP/navitia And we also have an open API to buil cool stuff: navitia.io with a lot of worldwide public transport open data sets: http://www.navitia.io/ |
10 | 12/17/2015 17:40:37 | Trillium Solutions, Inc. | http://trilliumtransit.com | Aaron Antrim | aaron@trilliumtransit.com | 503-567-8422 ext 3 | Yes | Yes | No | * Transit Alerts -- service alerts software (proprietary) * Interactive Map -- interactive system map (proprietary) * GTFS API -- makes GTFS queryable through JSON (proprietary) |
11 | 9/4/2018 18:39:36 | Interline Technologies LLC | https://www.interline.io | Drew Dara-Abrams | drew@interline.io | 805-680-7191 | No | Yes | Yes | Transitland: https://transit.land Mobility Explorer: https://mobility-explorer.netlify.com/ Valhalla: https://www.interline.io/valhalla/ PlanetUtils: https://github.com/interline-io/planetutils OSM Extracts: https://www.interline.io/osm/extracts/ |
12 | 9/6/2018 15:40:13 | Sean Óg Crudden | Sean Óg Crudden | og.crudden@gmail.com | -353-851219364 | Yes | Yes | Yes | I am the maintainer of TheTransitClock and have used it to develop DynamicTime, a headway management system, for high frequency transit routes. https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6382645718871613440 | |
13 | 9/7/2018 16:56:06 | Omnimodal, LLC | http://omnimodal.io | Nathan Selikoff | nathan@omnimodal.io | 407-319-5198 | No | Yes | Yes | GTFS editor/publisher/integrator web app (proprietary) Mobility Widget (proprietary embeddable web app) Transit Data APIs (proprietary) GTFS meta validator web app: http://gtfsvalidator.omnimodal.io/ (proprietary) |
14 | 3/18/2022 17:31:13 | Actionfigure | https://actionfigure.ai/ | Tony Hudgins | sales@actionfigure.ai | 202.688.5006 | Yes | Yes | No | Actionfigure Screen - first released in 2014 as TransitScreen®, Actionfigure Screen provides live real-time information about all transportation choices with messaging capabilities. Actionfigure Mobile is the number-one rated B2B transportation app, popular with apartment and office owners and employers. Actionfigure Insights is a first-of-a-kind commute planning software for employers, office owners, and benefits providers. Insights generates custom door-to-door commute plans and lets employees find and select a commute plan based on their personal preferences, transportation availability, and price, inclusive of all public and private commuting choices. We are a member of the Board of Directors for the OneBusAway open-source project. |
15 | 7/3/2023 18:02:59 | Nautilus Technology | Md. Saroar Jahan | mymetro@nautilus-tech.com.au | +61 410202808 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Supporting OneBusAway in Adelaide, Australia; We have our own AVL module developed; We provide GTFS editor to create/edit GTFS data with ease; We have integrated our own Open311 server for each region to report transit related issues |