Bill and Bill Draft Requests - 2023 Nevada Legislative Session A complete list of Bill Draft Requests (BDRs) & Bills are available on the NV State Legislature homepage at
Bill #BDRDescriptionPrimary SponsorBill StatusThis bill has a direct focus on health disparities.
Early Childhood Education/Preschool
AB11318-65An act relating to children; creating the Office of Early Childhood Systems within the Office of the Governor; prescribing the duties of the Office of Early Childhood Systems; making an appropriation; and providing other matters properly relating theretoAssemblywoman ThomasFAILED-No further action taken.
AN ACT relating to higher education; authorizing the Board of Regents of the University of Nevada to enter into an agreement with certain entities to provide certain educational tools to families and caretakers; Section 1 of this bill authorizes the Board of Regents to enter into an agreement with a nonprofit organization, community entity or governmental agency to provide certain tools for the purpose of facilitating family involvement in early childhood education
Assembly Committee on Education5/24/23 Approved by the Governor. Chapter 30.
AB42238-774AN ACT relating to persons with disabilities; providing for presumptive eligibility of certain infants and toddlers who are determined to be at risk of autism spectrum disorder for certain early intervention services; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.Assemblywoman Gorelow 6/09/23 Enrolled and delivered to Governor.

AB11438-788AN ACT relating to children; revising the membership of the Nevada Early Childhood Advisory Council; defining the term “early childhood program” for purposes of the duties of the Council; and providing other matters properly relating theretoAssemblywoman ThomasApproved by the Governor. Chapter 197.

SB28738-871AN ACT relating to the Nevada ABLE Savings Program; creating the Transforming Opportunities for Toddlers and Students Grant Program within the Nevada ABLE Savings Program; requiring the State Treasurer to administer the Grant Program; authorizing the State Treasurer to adopt regulations relating to the Grant Program; making an appropriation; and providing other matters properly relating theretoSenator HammondFAILED-No further action taken.
AB348S-988AN ACT relating to education; creating the Virtual Early Childhood Family Engagement Pilot Program in the Department of Health and Human Services; making an appropriation; and providing other matters properly relating theretoAssemblywoman Torres6/09/23 Enrolled and delivered to Governor.

1083Revises provisions governing authority over licensure of child care facilities and certain child care programsOffice of Finance in the Office of the GovernorFAILED-Did not meet deadlines
AN ACT relating to education; creating the Early Childhood Literacy and Readiness Account and authorizing grants from the Account for certain purposes; revising the distribution interest, income and excess money in the Education Stabilization Account; authorizing a charter school to receive funding under the Pupil-Centered Funding Plan for transportation for pupils in certain circumstances; revising various provisions relating to the Commission on School Funding; authorizing a pupil to attend a public school outside the zone of attendance the pupil is otherwise required to attend in certain circumstances
Assembly Committee on Education6/12/23 Approved by the Governor. Chapter 387
School Funding
SB34434-4Makes various changes relating to education, including revising provisions governing the Pupil-Centered Funding Plan, imposing liability for certain school administrators and public officers who do not comply with certain provisions relating to the organization of large school districts, revising provisions relating to approval and oversight of charter schools by the State Public Charter School Authority, and making other changes relating to charter schools.Senator Neal FAILED-Did not meet deadlines
SB339S-85AN ACT relating to education; creating the Teachers' School Supplies Assistance Account; providing for an annual allocation from the Account to each school district and charter school for distribution to teachers for the purchase of certain school supplies; making an appropriationSenator Dondero Loop 06/13/23 Approved by the Governor. Chapter 396.
AB22423-155AN ACT relating to collective bargaining; authorizing collective bargaining for certain state employees; providing for the recognition of professional organizations; providing for the establishment of bargaining units and the designation of exclusive representatives; establishing certain rights for professional organizations and professional employees; establishing procedures for collective bargaining and for making collective bargaining agreements;Assemblywoman PetersVetoed by the Governor.
SB20034-181AN ACT relating to education; reenacting and revising provisions relating to the education savings account program; providing that certain pupils participating in the program are not included in determining the average daily enrollment and computing the yearly apportionment from the State Education Fund for a school districtSenator Hammond FAILED-No further action taken.
SB35734-190AN ACT relating to education; establishing the Transportation Modernization Grants Program Account for the purpose of providing grants of money to school districts, charter schools and other entities to provide certain transportation options to pupils; authorizing a school district to use certain money appropriated to the school district to provide grants to parents or guardians of pupils to support the transportation of pupilsSenator Hammond FAILED-No further action taken.
AB434-280AN ACT relating to education; revising provisions governing meetings of the Commission on School Funding; revising the membership of the Commission on Professional Standards in Education; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.Assembly Committee on Ways and Means6/6/23 No further action. 2/9/23 Notice of exemption.
AB334-304AN ACT relating to the State Permanent School Fund; reducing the frequency of financial reports of the State Permanent School Fund; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.Assembly Committee on Ways and Means5/24/23 Approved by the Governor. Chapter 22.

AB3331-357AN ACT relating to governmental financial administration; revising provisions governing the investment of money in the State Permanent School Fund; revising provisions governing the investment of money by certain governmental entities; revising provisions governing money transferred from the State Permanent School Fund to a corporation for public benefit to provide private equity funding to certain businesses; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.Assembly Committee on Government Affairs6/02/23 Approved by the Governor. Chapter 175.

AB5510-360AN ACT relating to unclaimed property; revising provisions of the Uniform Unclaimed Property Act; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. The State Education Fund is hereby created as a special revenue fund to be administered by the Superintendent of Public Instruction for the purpose of supporting the operation of the public schools in this State.Assembly Committee on Judiciary6/02/23 Approved by the Governor. Chapter 179.

AB1022-383 AN ACT relating to tax increment areas; defining “transportation and housing reinvestment zone”; authorizing a governing body to designate by ordinance a transportation and housing reinvestment zone; setting forth certain requirements for a transportation and housing reinvestment zone; (shall consult with one another regarding funding for the operating costs of that public school.)establishing certain requirements for the allocation of property tax revenue in a transportation and housing reinvestment zone; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.Assembly Committee on Government AffairsPursuant to Joint Standing Rule No. 14.3.1, no further action allowed.
SB4840-395AN ACT relating to the control of air pollution; revising the allocation and use of certain proceeds collected from administrative penalties for violations of certain provisions relating to air pollution (Part of the proceeds are required to be deposited into the county school district fund of the county where the violation occurred to be used for programs of education on topics related to air pollution and projects to improve air quality); and providing other matters properly relating thereto.Senate Committee on Natural ResourcesPursuant to Joint Standing Rule No. 14.3.1, no further action allowed.Yes
SB329S-443AN ACT relating to school districts; directing the Joint Interim Standing Committee on Education to appoint a committee to conduct an interim study concerning the budgeting process for and submission of certain required reports by school districts in this StateSenate Committee on EducationFAILED-No further action taken.
SB9834-444AN ACT relating to education; revising provisions relating to funding for pupils enrolled full-time in a program of distance education provided by a school district; authorizing the Commission on School Funding to meet at certain times under certain circumstances; requiring the Commission to conduct an interim study on school funding; making an appropriation; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.
Senate Committee on Finance
06/13/23 Approved by the Governor. Chapter 399.
447Provides for a legislative audit of the Clark County School DistrictAssembly Committee on Ways and MeansFAILED-Did not meet deadlines
SB19554-452AN ACT relating to cannabis; The State Education Fund is hereby created as a special revenue fund to be administered by the Superintendent of Public Instruction for the purpose of supporting the operation of the public schools in this State.Assemblywoman Nguyen 6/13/23 Approved by the Governor. Chapter 441.
SB231S-508Makes an appropriation to the Interim Finance Committee for allocation to school districts that budget salary increases for certain employeesSenator Nicole Cannizzaro0615/23 Approved by the Governor. Chapter 530.
SB244S-557Makes an appropriation for the creation and maintenance of school gardensSenator PazinaFAILED-No further action taken.
SB100S-594AN ACT making an appropriation to the White Pine County School District for the construction of an elementary school; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.
Senator GoicoecheaFAILED-No further action taken.
SB39434-603AN ACT relating to taxation; requiring the board of county commissioners of a county to levy an additional ad valorem tax on property for the support of the public schools; requiring the inclusion of certain information on the property tax bill issued to a taxpayer; and providing other matters properly relating theretoSenate Committee on Revenue and Economic DevelopmentFAILED-Did not meet deadlines
SB24831-631Existing law creates the Account to Stabilize the Operation of the State Government and prohibits the balance in the Account from being more than 20 percent of the total of all appropriations from the State General Fund for the operation of all departments, institutions and agencies of the State Government and for the funding of schools and the regulation of gaming for the fiscal year in which that revenue will be transferred to the Account. (NRS 353.288) This bill revises the maximum balance authorized in the Account by basing the maximum amount authorized on the appropriations for the biennium rather than the appropriations for the fiscal yearSenator Titus Pursuant to Joint Standing Rule No. 14.3.1, no further action allowed.
AN ACT relating to education; creating the Charter School Facilities Account in the State General Fund for the acquisition, improvement and maintenance of facilities of certain charter schools; requiring the Department of Education to distribute money from the Account to certain charter schools based on the attendance of pupils and the eligibility of pupils for free and reduced-price meals
Senator Buck FAILED-No further action taken.
AB39534-723AN ACT relating to education; creating the Financial Oversight of School Spending Committee; prescribing the membership, terms and duties of the Oversight Committee; requiring school districts reviewed by the Oversight Committee to cooperate with the Oversight Committee in the review; requiring the Oversight Committee to submit an annual report to the Governor, the State Board of Education and the Legislature and certain legislative entities; requiring the annual report of accountability prepared by the State Board to be submitted to the Oversight Committee upon request; requiring the quarterly financial report of the State Permanent School Fund to be submitted to the Oversight CommitteeAssemblywoman Brittney Miller
Pursuant to Joint Standing Rule No. 14.3.1, no further action allowed.
AN ACT making an appropriation to the Outdoor Education and Recreation Grant Program Account for the costs of the program; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.
Assemblywoman Jauregui6/09/23 Approved by the Governor. Chapter 260.
AN ACT relating to education; requiring a school district that operates a behavior school to dedicate a certain amount of money to the behavior school; authorizing a school district to deduct money that is dedicated to a behavior school from certain funding for public schools; and providing other matters properly relating thereto
Assemblywoman Thomas
Pursuant to Joint Standing Rule No. 14.3.1, no further action allowed.
AB35318-930requiring a school district to cooperate with and provide assistance to the Inspector General in carrying out those duties; prohibiting retaliation against certain persons who make a lawful complaint concerning fraud, waste, abuse or corruption within a school districtAssemblyman DeLong
Pursuant to Joint Standing Rule No. 14.3.1, no further action allowed.
AN ACT relating to education; repealing the cost adjustment factor by which the statewide base per pupil funding amount is adjusted in the Pupil-Centered Funding Plan; and providing other matters properly relating thereto
Assemblywoman Taylor
Pursuant to Joint Standing Rule No. 14.3.1, no further action allowed.
1038Creates a study of reporting and budgetary requirements for school districts.Joint Interim Standing Committee on Education (NRS 218E.320)Withdrawn
AB45834-1080AN ACT relating to education; authorizing a temporary advance from the Education Stabilization Account to the State Education Fund under certain circumstances; and providing other matters properly relating theretoAssembly Committee on Ways and MeansFAILED-No further action taken.
AB45934-1082AN ACT relating to education; revising provisions requiring the Governor to reserve certain amounts of money in the State General Fund for transfer to the State Education Fund; revising provisions requiring the Governor to include in the proposed executive budget recommendations on the statewide per pupil funding amount and the multiplier for each category of pupils; eliminating the authority of the Governor to recommend such funding for public schools in this State as the Governor determines to be appropriate if the Governor determines that preparing a proposed executive budget would be impracticableAssembly Committee on Ways and MeansFAILED-No further action taken.
Teachers/Educational Personnel
SB8420-28AN ACT relating to confidential information; authorizing certain teachers, instructors and professors and certain retired teachers, instructors and professors to request that certain personal information be kept in a confidential manner; authorizing such persons to request that the Department of Motor Vehicles display an alternate address on a driver's license, commercial driver's license or identification card; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.Senator Buck
Pursuant to Joint Standing Rule No. 14.3.1, no further action allowed.
AB14934-76AN ACT relating to education; creating the Office of the Inspector General of Education and the position of Inspector General of Education; setting forth the powers and duties of the Inspector General and employees of the OfficeAssemblywoman Brittney MillerPursuant to Joint Standing Rule No. 14.3.1, no further action allowed.
SB44234-83AN ACT relating to education; enacting the Interstate Teacher Mobility Compact; requiring the Commission on Professional Standards in Education to adopt regulations to carry out the provisions of the Compact; exempting an applicant for a license as a teacher pursuant to the Compact from certain examination and training requirements; and providing other matters properly relating theretoSenator Dondero Loop 5/31/23 Approved by the Governor. Chapter 139.

AB18234-121AN ACT relating to education; requiring a person to hold a baccalaureate degree before obtaining certain licenses to teach or enrolling in an alternative route to licensure; requiring a person who holds an endorsement in certain fields of specialization to teach only in such a field; adding a license to serve as a substitute teacher as a kind of teaching license; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.Assemblywoman Brittney MillerFAILED-Did not meet deadlines
SB14834-160AN ACT relating to education; prohibiting a local school precinct from employing or otherwise procuring the services of certain personnel for a school; providing that the superintendent of a large school district is responsible for making certain personnel decisions; requiring local school precincts to transfer a certain amount of money to the county school district fund at the end of each fiscal year under certain circumstances; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.Senator Lange No further consideration.
AB253-281Revises provisions governing exemptions from civil liability in certain emergency situations. A person who is required to be certified in the administration of cardiopulmonary resuscitation pursuant to such a plan and who, in good faith, renders cardiopulmonary resuscitation on public school property, in connection with the transportation of pupils to or from a public school, or while on public school activities is presumed to have acted other than in the course of his or her employment or profession and, thus, qualifies for the limitation on civil liability set forth in existing law. Assembly Committee on JudiciaryPursuant to Joint Standing Rule No. 14.3.1, no further action allowed.
AB24317-366AN ACT relating to legislative affairs; revising the deadline to submit an application to serve on the Nevada State Teacher Recruitment and Retention Advisory Task Force;Assembly Committee on Legislative Operations and Elections6/15/23 Vetoed by the Governor.
SB4734-379AN ACT relating to education; creating the Public Education Employee Working Conditions Task Force; prescribing the membership, powers and duties of the Task Force; authorizing the board of trustees of a school district to build, purchase or rent certain residential dwellings for employees; abolishing the fees for certain licenses; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.Senate Committee on EducationFAILED-No further action taken.
SB6534-386AN ACT relating to education; requiring a candidate for the office of trustee of a school district to obtain and file certain certifications; revising provisions governing certain training for professional development required for the members of boards of trustees of school districts and candidates for the office of trustee of a school district; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.Senate Committee on Education
Pursuant to Joint Standing Rule No. 14.3.1, no further action allowed.
SB6434-403AN ACT relating to education; adding certain appointed members to the board of trustees of a county school district; providing that a certain appointed member serves as the president of the board of trustees; requiring the Legislative Auditor to audit school districts; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.Senate Committee on EducationPursuant to Joint Standing Rule No. 14.3.1, no further action allowed.
SB7134-439AN ACT relating to education; creating the Nevada State Education Support Professional Recruitment and Retention Advisory Task Force; prescribing the membership, powers and duties of the Task Force; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.Joint Interim Standing Committee on Education (NRS 218E.320)6/10/23 Approved by the Governor. Chapter 273.
SB72S-441AN ACT relating to education; directing the Joint Interim Standing Committee on Education to conduct certain studies during the 2023-2024 interim and report its findings to the Legislature; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.Joint Interim Standing Committee on Education (NRS 218E.320)6/13/23 Approved by the Governor. Chapter 448.

AB7234-442AN ACT relating to education; creating the Advisory Committee on the Safety and Well-Being of Teachers; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.Joint Interim Standing Committee on Education (NRS 218E.320)6/10/23 Approved by the Governor. Chapter 263.

AN ACT relating to education; clarifying that the hiring of staff by a principal of a local school precinct must conform to applicable collective bargaining agreements; requiring certain approval from an organizational team of a local school precinct to approve a plan of operation for the local school precinct; making the principal of a local school precinct a voting member of the organizational team; revising the procedure for the selection of a candidate to fill a vacancy in the position of principal of a local school precinct
Assemblywoman Rochelle Nguyen6/10/23 Approved by the Governor. Chapter 276.
AN ACT relating to education; requiring the Department of Education to adopt regulations prescribing a method for the board of trustees of a school district to determine whether the employment and supervision of a pupil in a work-based learning program is appropriate; requiring certain volunteers participating in a work-based learning program to be exempted from submitting fingerprints for the purpose of a criminal background check; deeming certain employees of a business, agency or organization that participates in a work-based learning program not to be volunteers at a school for the purposes of certain fingerprinting requirements
Assemblywoman Mosca6/07/23 Approved by the Governor. Chapter 222.

AB24734-570AN ACT relating to education; establishing committees to write and prepare college and career readiness assessments in mathematics, reading and writing and requiring the administration of such assessments to certain pupils in grades 11 and 12; requiring a pupil to obtain a passing score on each college and career readiness assessment to obtain a standard high school diploma; revising provisions governing the use of pupil growth in evaluating the performance of teachers; eliminating required end-of-course finalsAssemblywoman La Rue HatchPursuant to Joint Standing Rule No. 14.3.1, no further action allowed.
SB21234-585AN ACT relating to education; creating the Teachers' School Supplies Assistance Account; providing for an annual allocation from the Account to each school district and charter school for distribution to teachers for the purchase of certain school suppliesSenator StoneFAILED-No further action taken.
AN ACT relating to school districts; revising provisions governing the authority of a large school district to negotiate certain conditions of employment; revising provisions governing mandatory subjects of collective bargaining relevant to school districts; and providing other matters properly relating thereto
Senator Flores No further consideration.
AN ACT relating to education; revising provisions governing the election and appointment of members of the board of trustees of certain school districts; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.
Assemblyman Yurek 6/02/23 Approved by the Governor. Chapter 187.

AB22223-752AN ACT relating to the Public Employees' Retirement System; revising the computation of credit for service for certain members of the Public Employees' Retirement System who are employed by a school district; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.Assemblyman Carter FAILED-No further action taken.
AB42818-775AN ACT relating to economic development; requiring large school districts to offer a Teacher Academy College Pathway ProgramAssembly Committee on Revenue6/09/23 Enrolled and delivered to Governor.
SB31538-808AN ACT relating to persons with disabilities; prescribing certain rights for persons with disabilities who are receiving certain home and community-based services and persons who are aged receiving such services; prescribing certain rights for pupils with disabilities; and providing other matters properly relating theretoSenator Scheible6/13/23 Approved by the Governor. Chapter 374.

AB28234-841AN ACT relating to substitute teachers; requiring school districts to provide certain substitute teachers with a subsidy for the purchase of health insurance coverage; and providing other matters properly relating theretoAssemblywoman Summers-Armstrong6/01/23 Vetoed by the Governor.
AN ACT relating to the boards of trustees of school districts; restricting the time of day during which the board of trustees of a school district may take action or corrective action at a regular or special meeting; authorizing, under certain circumstances, the board of trustees to restrict certain public comment at a regular or special meeting; and providing other matters properly relating thereto
Assembly Committee on Government AffairsFAILED-No further action taken.
AN ACT relating to education; revising provisions governing the selection of members to certain boards, networks and councils; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.
Assemblyman D'SilvaPursuant to Joint Standing Rule No. 14.3.1, no further action allowed.
AN ACT relating to education; requiring a school district that employs certain visa holders as teachers to conduct an orientation and certain meetings to aid the holders of the visas and their accompanying spouses and dependents in transitioning to employment in the school district and life in the community; prohibiting a school district from contracting or partnering with persons or entities who charge more than a certain amount of fees and costs related to the employment of such visa holders; requiring the Joint Interim Standing Committee on Education to conduct an interim study on the employment of certain federal visa holders as teachers
Assemblywoman MoscaPursuant to Joint Standing Rule No. 14.3.1, no further action allowed.
SB30823-1018AN ACT relating to public employees; authorizing teachers and instructors employed by a school district under a teacher exchange program to elect to pay the employee's portion of contributions to the Public Employees' Retirement System on their own behalfSenator FloresFAILED-No further action taken.
AB33723-1052Assembly Bill No. 436 of the 2015 Legislative Session repealed a plan to encourage continuity of service for state employees whereby each employee with 8 years or more of continuous state service was entitled to a semiannual payment which began at $75 and increased annually thereafter for each year of continuous service to a maximum semiannual payment of $1,175. (Chapter 461, Statutes of Nevada 2015, at page 2686) Section 2 of this bill reestablishes that plan. Sections 1 and 3 of this bill make conforming changes to reflect the reestablishment of that plan.Assemblywoman PetersFAILED-No further action taken.
AN ACT relating to education; creating the Teach Nevada Collaborative Account; creating the Teach Nevada Collaborative in the Department of Education; establishing the purpose and duties of the Collaborative; authorizing certain uses of the money in the Account; repealing provisions relating to the Teach Nevada Scholarship Program; making an appropriation; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.
Senator Lange FAILED-No further action taken.
School Safety
AB9343-108AN ACT relating to traffic laws; authorizing a local authority to authorize the installation and use of an automated traffic enforcement system to enforce certain provisions of law; requiring a peace officer of a traffic enforcement agency having jurisdiction over the location of an automated traffic enforcement system to review certain evidence detected by the automated traffic enforcement system before a citation is issued; establishing requirements relating to the issuance of a civil infraction citation based on evidence detected by an automated traffic enforcement system; creating a rebuttable presumption that the registered owner of a vehicle is the driver of the vehicle at the time of a violation detected by an automated traffic enforcement system; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.Assembly Committee on Growth and InfrastructurePursuant to Joint Standing Rule No. 14.3.1, no further action allowed.
SB15834-182AN ACT relating to education; requiring public schools to install video cameras in certain classrooms used for special education; prescribing the length of time that a recording from such a video camera must be retained; specifying the circumstances under which such a recording may be released; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.Senator Hammond FAILED-No further action taken.
AB19434-199AN ACT relating to education; revising provisions governing the suspension, expulsion or permanent expulsion of a pupil from a public school in certain circumstances; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.Assemblywoman Alexis Hansen Pursuant to Joint Standing Rule No. 14.3.1, no further action allowed.
AB6534-275AN ACT relating to education; revising provisions relating to reports regarding and investigations into incidents of discrimination based on race, bullying and cyber-bullying; revising provisions governing the approval of work-based learning programs; revising provisions governing performance evaluations of certain postprobationary teachers and administrators; revising provisions governing the placement of children in certain early grades; revising provisions relating to discipline in public schools; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.Assembly Committee on Education6/02/23 Approved by the Governor. Chapter 182.

AB4334-238AN ACT relating to emergency management; revising certain deadlines relating to school emergency operations plans; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.Assembly Committee on Education5/22/23 Approved by the Governor. Chapter 16.

SB733-516Revises provisions governing civil liability for injury or death resulting from exposure to COVID-19 (The term, includes, without limitation, an organization for youth sports or an alumni, charitable, civic, educational...)Senator Titus
Pursuant to Joint Standing Rule No. 14.3.1, no further action allowed.
AB28534-638AN ACT relating to education; removing requirements for the use of restorative disciplinary practices in public schools; revising provisions governing the development of a plan of discipline by the board of trustees of a school district; revising provisions governing age requirements for the suspension, expulsion and permanent expulsion of pupilsAssemblywoman Taylor5/31/23 Approved by the Governor. Chapter 149.

AB24534-818AN ACT relating to education; requiring the board of trustees of each school district to enter into a memorandum of understanding with an organization that assists victims of sexual misconduct; revising provisions governing the SafeVoice ProgramAssemblywoman Torres6/09/23 Enrolled and delivered to Governor.
Other Education Issues
SB340S-10AN ACT relating to education; requiring the board of trustees of a school district and the State Public Charter School Authority to submit to the Superintendent of Public Instruction plans for the provision of summer school to certain pupils; requiring the submission to certain entities of certain reports relating to such plans for the provision of summer schoolSenator Dondero Loop No further consideration.
19Revises provisions relating to physical education requirements Senator Hardy FAILED-Did not meet deadlines