A | B | C | D | E | F | |
1 | Tecumseh High School $cholarship List | |||||
2 | List is sorted by Due Date. Shaded Gray - deadlines have passed | |||||
3 | Name of Scholarship | Deadline | Amount | Qualifications | How to Apply | Notes |
4 | Lilly Endowment Community Scholarship | 8/22/2024 | Full tuition/fees | Resident of IN, graduate of Warrick HS, 3.7 GPA, essay and interview required for finalists | https://www.warrickcountycf.org/scholarships | Application instructions: https://docs.google.com/document/d/13j-XrUaMu80c8tc81RTczsSo9i5ZpcwRp9HiAYyjeD0/edit?usp=sharing |
5 | Coca-cola Scholars | 9/30/2024 | up to $20,000 giving 150 | 3.0 GPA | Cokeurl.com/scholarships | leadership, service and commitment to school and your community considered |
6 | Prudential Spirit of Community Award | 10/30/2024 | $1,000 | looking for volunteerism | www.prudential.com | |
7 | VFW Essay Contest | 10/31/2024 | $100-$300 | see entry form | entry form on bulletinboard | |
8 | Builders Association Scholarship | 10/31/2024 | $3500 giving 27 | majoring in something construction or engineering related and goidn to college in the midwest | https://thebuildersagc.com/BA/BA/Workforce-and-Professional-Development/Scholarships.aspx | National Scholarship |
9 | Elks Nat'l Most Valuable Student Schol | 11/12/2024 | $1000-$7500 giving 500 nationally | must be pursuing a 4 year degree upon graduation | https://www.elks.org/scholars/scholarships/mvs.cfm | |
10 | Jack Kent Cooke Schol | 11/14/2024 | $55,000 giving 40 | GPA 3.5 have financial need | StudentScholarships.org | National Scholarship |
11 | Students with Disabilities Schol | 11/15/2024 | $5,000 | have a documented disability | StudentScholarships.org | National Scholarship |
12 | 10 Words or Less Schol | 11/15/2024 | $1,000 | submit short essay (1o words) | StudentScholarships.org | National Scholarship |
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14 | USI B/MD | 11/22/2024 | for those interested in med school, attending USI SAT 1280 GPA 3.5 | https://www.usi.edu/science/pre-professional-studies/pre-medicine/bmd-scholarship | ||
15 | Hagan Scholarship | 12/1/2024 | full tuition - + extra: graduate debt free | need based merit schol. You must provide financial info to show need | www.hsfmo.org | |
16 | Dells Scholars Program | 12/1/2024 | $20000 giving 300 | mustshow financial need | https://studentscholarships.org/scholarship/9745/dell_scholars_program | National Scholarship |
17 | Burger King Scholars | 12/15/2024 | $60,000 giving 4200 | https://clicks.aweber.com/y/ct/?l=9A9g&m=3avlh8KlC3y_R70&b=tV6Hrs6EmTgHxFnnKaKw5w | National | |
18 | INACAC Schol | 1/10/2025 | $500-$1000 | https://connect.inacac.org/register/scholarship | Indiana Association for College Admission Counseling | |
19 | Profile in courage awards | 1/15/2025 | $10,000 giving 17 | https://studentscholarships.org/scholarship/9681/profile-in-courage-high-school-awards | National Scholarship | |
20 | Optimist Essay Schol Competition | 1/15/2025 | $500 can earn $2500 | must follow rules and complete essay | applications on bulletin board. Return to Alcorn by 1/15 | |
21 | Allen Family Go Teach Schol | 1/20/2025 | $2,000 | GPA 3.0 pursuing a career in teaching | https://www.warrickcountycf.org/community-scholarship-program | LOCAL! |
22 | Allison Tenbarge Criminal Justice Schol | 1/20/2025 | $500 | female GPA 2.0 pursuiing a career in law enforcement | https://www.warrickcountycf.org/community-scholarship-program | LOCAL! |
23 | Clarence and Dorothy Gerard Schol for Nursing | 1/20/2025 | $11,160 | GPA 3.0 | https://www.warrickcountycf.org/community-scholarship-program | LOCAL! |
24 | Dahni Jo Memorial Schol | 1/20/2025 | $1000 giving 2 | GPA 3.0 [ursuing a career in something animal related | https://www.warrickcountycf.org/community-scholarship-program | LOCAL! |
25 | Elizabeth Rudolph Warrick 4H Schol | 1/20/2025 | $2,510 | GPA 2.5 at least a 2 year 4H member | https://www.warrickcountycf.org/community-scholarship-program | LOCAL! |
26 | Friends of Pioneer Schol | 1/20/2025 | $2,030 | GPA 2.5 parent in AG field | https://www.warrickcountycf.org/community-scholarship-program | LOCAL! |
27 | Friends of Warrick 4H Schol | 1/20/2025 | $850 | 4H participation | https://www.warrickcountycf.org/community-scholarship-program | LOCAL! |
28 | Greater Evv USBCA Schol | 1/20/2025 | $1,390 | GPA 2.0 USBCA (bowling) member | https://www.warrickcountycf.org/community-scholarship-program | LOCAL! |
29 | HArold and Grace Memorial Schol | 1/20/2025 | $3,160 | Member of Main Street UMC in Boonville | https://www.warrickcountycf.org/community-scholarship-program | LOCAL! |
30 | Jay Lampton Memorial Schol | 1/20/2025 | $680 | GPA 2.0 tech school student attending Lincoln Tech | https://www.warrickcountycf.org/community-scholarship-program | LOCAL! |
31 | John Lean susott and Kathryn Campbell Susott Memorial Schol | 1/20/2025 | $1,200 | Live in Elberfeld. Have an aptitude for Art or Music | https://www.warrickcountycf.org/community-scholarship-program | LOCAL! |
32 | Manny Heaton Memorial Schol | 1/20/2025 | $2,000 | GPA 2.0 parent works at Toyota | https://www.warrickcountycf.org/community-scholarship-program | LOCAL! |
33 | Melba Jean Racener Schol | 1/20/2025 | $630 | GPA 3.0 pursuing marketing, advertising, communications degree | https://www.warrickcountycf.org/community-scholarship-program | LOCAL! |
34 | Project Associates Engineering Schol | 1/20/2025 | $2,750 | pursuing engineering degree | https://www.warrickcountycf.org/community-scholarship-program | LOCAL! |
35 | Raymond Fletcher Mcintyre Schol | 1/20/2025 | $1,060 | GPA 2.5 pursuing degree in auto technology | https://www.warrickcountycf.org/community-scholarship-program | LOCAL! |
36 | Roy O Nicholson | 1/20/2025 | $860 | GPA 2.5 THS student | https://www.warrickcountycf.org/community-scholarship-program | LOCAL! |
37 | Sarah Frizzell Memorial Schol | 1/20/2025 | $1,270 | 4H membership | https://www.warrickcountycf.org/community-scholarship-program | LOCAL! |
38 | SW IN Master Gardener Assoc Schol | 1/20/2025 | $2,650 | GPA 2.65 majoring in horticulture, botany, landscape arch | https://www.warrickcountycf.org/community-scholarship-program | LOCAL! |
39 | Thomas Walls Youth Hockey Schol | 1/20/2025 | $620 | GPA 3.0 participated in EVV youth Hockey Assoc | https://www.warrickcountycf.org/community-scholarship-program | LOCAL! |
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41 | Gray Farms Schol | 1/20/2025 | $1000 giving 2 | GP 3.5 | communityfoundationalliance.org/scholarships | This is the first of many LOCAL Community Foundation Schols. If it asks for a code, use WAR |
42 | Breanna Coleman Memorial Nursing Schol | 1/24/2025 | $5,000 | Nursing major with volunteer work activities | https://studentscholarships.org/scholarship/27824/breanna-coleman-memorial-nursing-scholarship | National Scholarship |
43 | C Richard and Verna Lousise Johnson | 1/13/2025 | $5000 2 THS students will win | Preference goes to those majoring in Music or Journalism/Media | Applications on bulletin board. Return to Alcorn by 1/13 | 2 THS students will get this!! |
44 | Indiana Breast Cancer Awareness Trust Schol | 1/27/2025 | $2,500 | child of parent with breast cancer | https://breastcancerplate.org/how-we-help/scholarships/ | go to site, then "How we help" then "Scholarships" then "2025 Schol Application |
45 | Heritage Federal Scholarship | 2/28/2025 | $2000 giving 10 | GPA 3.3 | https://www.heritagefederal.org/about-us/heritage-scholarship-designed-for-you | LOCAL scholarship! |
46 | Next Generation Hoosier Educators Schol | 1/31/2025 | up to $40,000 giving many | GPA 3.0 or top 20% of your class. Must teach in IN | You will apply in Scholar Track. Instructions for creating that account is to the right | https://cdn.learnmoreindiana.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/2024-All-Students-ST-Account-Creation-07_10_2024-copy.pdf |
47 | Knights of Pythius Scholarships | 1/31/2025 | $1000 giving 30 | GPA 3.0 must show need for financial assistance | https://form.jotform.com/242393117788062 | |
48 | MOR Delta Gamma Theta Schol | 3/1/2025 | $1000 giving 30 | merit and needs bassed preference to 21st Cent Scholars! | Applications on bulletin board. | local DEADLINE March 13 but it's March 1 |
49 | Justine Harrell Memorial Schol | 3/1/2025 | going into Educ, GPA 3.0 needs based | https://www.ista-in.org/our-profession/scholarships-awards | ||
50 | Ducks Unlimited Scholarships | varies to 3/1/25 | several from $500 to $10,000 | 60 various schols - all conservation, environment, community related | www.ducks.org/scholarship | |
51 | ISTA Educator Schol | 3/1/2025 | $1,000 | going into Education and child of ISTA member | https://www.ista-in.org/our-profession/scholarships-awards | |
52 | Children of Warriors Schol | 3/1/2025 | $5000 giving 15 | child or grandchild of a veteran, excel in academics, volunteerism | https://studentscholarships.org/scholarship/12483/children-of-warriors-national-presidents-scholarship | National Scholarship |
53 | ISTA Career Schol | 3/1/2025 | $1,000 | Parent is an ISTA member | https://www.ista-in.org/our-profession/scholarships-awards | |
54 | Horatio Alger Scholarships | 3/1/2025 | up to $25,000 a year giving 600+ | have financial need (family makes $65,000 or less). GPA 2.0 be involved in co-curricular and community activities | https://horatioalger.us20.list-manage.com/track/click?u=30cf6294182e9c72962b308fe&id=ec2ec0f377&e=ddae8b07ab | National Scholarship |
55 | Diamond Valley Credit Union Schol | 3/2/2025 | $1000 giving 10 | You or parent must bank at Diamond Valley | papers copies on bulletin board, or DiamondValleyFCU.org | Local schol! |
56 | Liberty Credit union Ted Hitch Schol | 3/7/2025 | $5000 giving 10 | you or parent must bank at Liberty GPA 3.75 | www.libertyfcu.org/scholarship or pick up paper app at any Liberty FCU branch office | |
57 | James Stott Engineering Schol | 3/7/2025 | $1,000 | Must be a engineering or computer major, plus GPA3.3 | https://careers.ecssolutions.com/scholarship/ | Local schol! |
58 | DKG Schol | 3/14/2025 | $1,000 | education majors | https://forms.gle/UPehHEvVhkkH9bQf7 | Local. if you have problems accessing, come see me. Info:http://www.dkgpichapterin.weebly.com/ |
59 | The Wanderers Schol | 3/15/2025 | $1000 giving 2 | going to a trade school: TSpa, Rogers, ivy Tech, etc | thewanderers.us scholarship tab or use QR Code on the bulletin board | Local and for a trade!! |
60 | ASQ Scholarship(Amer Soc for Quality?) | 3/15/2025 | $500 | None | LINK to Application | Email application |
61 | Foundation for Women in Accounting Schol | 3/30/2025 | $10,000 giving 8 | female, accounting major, show financial need | https://studentscholarships.org/scholarship/9566/educational-foundation-for-women-in-accounting-scholarships | National Scholarship |
62 | Beyond the cure Ambassador Schol | 3/31/2025 | $3500 giving 58 | https://studentscholarships.org/scholarship/15058/beyond-the-cure-ambassador-scholarship | National Scholarship | |
63 | Louise Kester Nursing Schol | 4/1/2025 | ??? | pursuing a nursing degree | application son bulletin board | LOCAL |
64 | Ashtyn Pryor Love First Love Big Schol | 4/1/2025 | $500-1000 | GPA 3.0 | Information about scholarship; https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ip9b6V0VCE1-_6ejrzCFw5lfhsaf9-kX-PYOsW4q8Sc/mobilebasic?usp=gmail_thread | For typable google doc copy of scholarship, see email Mrs. Alcorn |
65 | ATHLETES!!! Check out these IHSAA Schols! | To start an application, go to myIHSAA.net section labeled "Program and Schol Nominations" | ||||
66 | Bobby and Kathy Cox Schol | ? | $1000 giving 4 | https://myihsaa-prod-ams.azurewebsites.net/api/resource-library/categories/8c8ee631-ec11-43e0-bc56-08d90e657530/documents/b7faca52-ba54-47d7-a800-a7d26cfc3b50/file | ||
67 | Sparks Foundation Schol | ? | $1000 giving 2 | https://myihsaa-prod-ams.azurewebsites.net/api/resource-library/categories/8c8ee631-ec11-43e0-bc56-08d90e657530/documents/1c21a228-2d80-4891-a8de-95aff789dd1b/file | ||
68 | David Cranfill Truehearted Teammate Schol | ? | $1000 giving 2 | https://myihsaa-prod-ams.azurewebsites.net/api/resource-library/categories/8c8ee631-ec11-43e0-bc56-08d90e657530/documents/46330e49-d386-4712-abca-8eb1366b5d66/file | ||
69 | Parker Amet Unified Sports Scol | ? | $1,000 | https://myihsaa-prod-ams.azurewebsites.net/api/resource-library/categories/8c8ee631-ec11-43e0-bc56-08d90e657530/documents/1b3c9b3a-c46b-4872-95ca-1b54dab9cfca/file | ||
70 | Amy Hasbrook Family Leadership Schol | ? | $1000 giving 2 | https://myihsaa-prod-ams.azurewebsites.net/api/resource-library/categories/8c8ee631-ec11-43e0-bc56-08d90e657530/documents/e85f3eee-41a1-4a6a-abb2-e37111b304f9/file | ||
71 | Lee Lonzo Champions Together Schol | ? | $1000 giving 2 | info: https://myihsaa-prod-ams.azurewebsites.net/api/resource-library/categories/8c8ee631-ec11-43e0-bc56-08d90e657530/documents/7e6d8c24-0399-48e9-a273-cbf97ef4c454/file | https://survey.alchemer.com/s3/7215389/Lee-Lonzo-Champions-Together-Scholarships | |
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73 | ISTA Foundation Dist & retired Schol | 4/1/2025 | ? 2 separate schols | |||
74 | iN Sheriffs' Assoc Schol | 4/1/2025 | ??? | pursuing a career in law enforcement AND child of an ISA member | applications on bulletin board | |
75 | Warrick County Farm Bureau Schol | 4/1/2025 | $1000 giving 6 | WC Farm Bureau Member for 2 years | application bulletin board | 6 to Warrick students |
76 | Several Farm Bureau Schols!! | 4/1/2025 | $1000-$3000 varies | Farm Bureau Membership | https://www.infarmbureau.org/scholarships | county, district, and state level |
77 | Play for Kate Scholarship | 4/1/2025 | $500-1000 | GPA 3.0 plus other requirements. See application | https://docs.google.com/document/d/1I_bOrGUmBNT9KW4GLVTTrtVjdY57N7co/edit | local scholarship |
78 | Warrick County Tchrs Assoc Schol | 4/3/2025 | $1000 to 1 THS student | complete application | entry form on bulletin board | One THS student will win ! |
79 | Bally's Project 21 Essay, poster, video contest | 4/4/2025 | $2000 giving 3 | 17 or older | entry form on bulletin board | |
80 | Rotary Club Service Above Self Schol | 4/5/2025 | $750 to 1 THS student | have leadership and community service | entry form on bulletin board or: https://www.dacdb.com/Rotary/Accounts/6580/Downloads/59604/Warrick_Rotary-2025_College_Award_Application.pdf | One THS student will win ! |
81 | Misti Laskowitz Memorial Schol | 4/6/2025 | ?? to 1 THS student | GPA 2.0 | entry form on bulletin board | One THS student will win ! |
82 | Kyle Parker Memorial Scholarship | 4/7/2025 | $4,000 | must be the child of a deceased parent | entry form on bulletinboard | |
83 | EVille Irons StreetRods Assoc Schol | 4/15/25 | $3,000 | Continuing Educ in a auto motive field | https://drive.google.com/file/d/13_01sZNQHK54rSvC0ybDnzpksInyRj6C/view | |
84 | Gill-Wedding Orthodontics Schol | 4/18/25 | $1,500 | GPA 2.5 orthodontic treatments by Gill-Wedding | applications on buletin board | |
85 | Bold.org scholarship website | varies | varies | https://bold.org/scholarships/by-year/high-school/ | This site asks you several questions, then starts sending you scholarship information. I made myself an account to check if it asks for a fee. It does not. REMINDER: Never pay for a scholarship! | |
86 | NROTC Scholarship Marine Option | Full tuition/fees plus book stipend | US Citizen, 17 years of age, within Marine Corps height, weight, and body fat standards, pass physical fitness test, 1000SAT or 22ACT or 74ASVAB | https://www.netc.navy.mil/Commands/Naval-Service-Training-Command/NROTC/Apply/ | Guaranteed path to commission as a Second Lieutenant in the US Marine Corps. Full tuition and fees. Receive your Bachelor’s Degree in a degree field of your choosing You can pick from over 150 of the nation’s leading colleges and universities. | |
87 | Nat'l Schol Search Site | www.fastweb.com | ||||
88 | Nat'l Schol Search Site | www.collegeboard.com | ||||
89 | Nat'l Schol Search Site | www.collegenet.com/mach25 | ||||
90 | Nat'l Schol Search Site | www.scholarships.com | ||||
91 | Nat'l Schol Search Site | www.studentaid.ed.gov | ||||
92 | Nat'l Schol Search Site | www.goingmerry.com | ||||
93 | Nat'l Schol Search Site | https://www.mometrix.com/blog/scholarships-for-college/ | ||||
94 | ||||||
95 | Mitch Daniels Early Grad Schol | $4,000 | one time award for students entering college a year early | https://www.in.gov/che/state-financial-aid/state-financial-aid-by-program/mitch-daniels-early-graduation-scholarship/ | ||
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