1 | INTRO | ||
2 | START HERE | VIDEO: LG OLED Recommended Settings Guide - YouTube SETUP - GAMING STEP 1: Connect gaming device and apply settings in "Settings - Gaming Steps 1+2." STEP 2: Launch SDR, HDR10, or Dolby Vision content. Decide if you will usually play in a dark room or bright room and apply settings under the appropriate column in "Settings - Gaming Steps 1+2." -Picture Modes are treated independently for each HDMI input and SDR/HDR10/DV status and must be applied for each. -Game Optimizer is the assumed default picture mode. -A non-Game mode can be used with reasonably low input lag if ALLM or PC mode is used. HGiG can be foced in non-Game mode on PC using ColorControl. STEP 3: Apply settings for each game and gaming device in "Settings - Gaming Step 3." [Condition] prefix indicates a requisite condition for a setting to apply. {Footnote} suffix indicates additional discussion related to a setting is provided in "Settings - Footnotes." | |
3 | DISCUSSION | Introduction: -Settings applicable to 2021-2025 C/G-series LG OLED TV with Windows 11 PC + HDMI 2.1 GPU (NVIDIA RTX30+, AMD RX6000+, Intel A7+), Microsoft Xbox Series X, Sony PS5/Pro, and Nintendo Switch. Settings for C/G-series are same unless otherwise specified. -The intent of these settings is to achieve greatest color accuracy without calibration while viewing in a dark room (<5 nits ambient lighting) with no tearing, low input lag, and reduced risk of image retention. Additional comments are provided for those who prefer brighter image, cooler color temperature, saturated picture modes, etc. I encourage trying the most accurate settings for 1-2 weeks to give your eyes and expectations time to adjust and to reduce wear and tear on your OLED. You may find that you come to prefer the more comfortable and consistent accurate image rather than the overly bright, blue, and saturated image that TV/monitor manufacturers use as default to attract consumers in the showroom. Home setup considerations: -For desktop use, 42" or smaller is preferred. 48" will require at least 30" desk depth. -For non-desktop use, determine desired viewing distance/screen size: https://www.rtings.com/tv/reviews/by-size/size-to-distance-relationship -For HDMI connection, ensure cable is certified by HDMI Forum as HDMI 2.1 Ultra High Speed (48 Gbps) or HDMI 2.2 Ultra96 (96 Gbps). -For DP connection, ensure cable is certified by VESA as DP 2.1a UHBR20 (80 Gbps, passive signal up to 1 m) or DP2.1b DP80LL (80 Gbps, active signal up to 3 m). New OLED panel assessment: -Assess uniformity (dirty screen effect) by looking at fullscreen 50% and 5% gray window: https://www.rtings.com/tv/tests/picture-quality/gray-uniformity-dirty-screen-effect-dse --WOLED panel uniformity issues are very common out of the box. Use your OLED for ~100 hours before assessing uniformity. If uniformity appears poor, manually run the Pixel Cleaning. If uniformity is still unacceptable and noticeable during routine use, exchange your TV to try a new panel. -Assess for dead pixels by looking at fullscreen colors: https://www.eizo.be/monitor-test/ --Dead pixels frequently develop over time. Consider purchasing a 3- to 5-year protection plan such as BestBuy Geek Squad to protect against dead pixels or burn-in. Read terms carefully. -Protect panel from temporary image retention and burn-in by using settings provided in this guide and common sense best practices (e.g., don't leave static images on screen, etc.) --Note that LG runs a pixel compensation cycle every 4 hours (RS compensation) and every 2000 hours (JB compensation, Pixel Cleaning) to equalize wear across all pixels. The TV must be powered off for these cycles to activate. Hardware notes: -C2/G2: 42-97". C2 & G2 use 2nd Gen deuterium-based WBE/EX panel, although G2 has heatsink with maxTML 1000 nits. Note that early C2 42-48" units have older WBC panels. -C3/G3: 42-83". G3 55-77" uses 3rd Gen META panel with maxTML 1500 nits. META panel combines EX panel with MLA (micro lens array). Added HDMI 2.1 with QMS VRR. Added DTS passthrough, including DTS:X and DTS:X IMAX Enhanced. -C4/G4/M4: G4 uses 3rd Gen META 2.0 panel with MLA+. G4/M4 lose ATSC 3.0 tuner. -C5/G5/M5: G5s use 4th Gen Primary RGB Tandem 4-Stack panel with maxTML ?2000 nits. Outstanding issues: -VRR induced near black flickering & gamma shift at variable frame times. This is an inherent issue of VRR that is more apparent on OLED than on LCD. -Near-black luminance overshoot. -Color gradient banding. -Text color fringing (chromatic aberration) and blurriness due to white subpixel. -[NVIDIA] Ultrawide resolutions created in NVCP do not work properly. "Create Custom Resolution..." prevents HDR. "Enable desktop resizing" limits color depth to 8 bpc. -[AMD] HDMI VRR is available only when TMDS is active, so FreeSynce over HDMI is forced when FRL is active. -[XSX] ALLM switches TV to Game mode only for Dolby Vision. Missing features: -No UHD Alliance HDR10+, HDR10+ Adaptive, or HDR10+ Gaming SSTM -No HDMI 2.1 SBTM -No HDMI 2.1 QFT -No HDMI 2.1 Cable Power -No AOM Eclipsa Audio (IAMF) -[C2] No HDMI 2.1 QMS -[C2] No DTS passthrough -[Cx, G4-5] No ATSC 3.0 tuner | |
4 | CHANGELOG | 28Feb2025: Overhauled HDR HDR mods section. Added NvTrueHDR to enable driver level RTX HDR to bypass NVIDIA App Game filter. Added RenoDX HDR mods. Added link to HDR Den. 27Feb2025: Overhauled In-Game graphics settings for clarity of native vs upscaled 4k. Set NIS/RSR & Single FG to be activated for individual games only. Added AMD-recommended sub-4k resolutions for RSR. Set FG to be default Off due to visual artifacts. Set RIS to be Off. Set DLAA as preferred option for native rendering. 25Feb2025: Changed PS5 HDR to Always On. Softened recommendation to use RTX HDR because NVIDIA App Game filter is causing performance/latency issues. 13Feb2025: Added Microsoft's recommendation to disable Memory Integrity and VMP. 03Feb2025: Clairifed discussion of upscaling methods. Added HDR settings for maxTML 2000 nits in anticipation of G5. 30Jan2025: Updated NVIDIA App settings to reflect DLSS Override, Smooth Motion, and Game filter/photo mode. Note that disabling Game filter/photo mode may affect RTX HDR. 27Jan2025: Added Lossless Scaling, DLSS Swapper, and NVIDIA Profile Inspector. Updated NVCP/NVIDIA App, AMD Adrenalin, and Intel Graphics Software settings. 14Jan2025: Updated Display Comparison with prelim figures from CES. 14Nov2024: Updated Windows/BIOS power settings according to Intel Arc GPU recommendations to reduce idle power usage. Looking for feedback regarding this because there is little documentation regarding ASPM beyond Intel's recommendations. 12Nov2024: Added PS5 Pro settings. Because some games have variable changes, additional names to rendering modes will be added as I discover them. 27Oct2024: Updated to reflect ColorControl can now modify ICC profiles in Windows Color Management. 12Oct2024: Added AutoHotkey method for applying sRGB to 2.2/2.4 gamma correction for Virtual SDR and Auto HDR. ColorControl can no longer modify ICC profiles in Windows Color Management as of Windows 11 24H2. Unfortunately, AutoHotkey cannot change SDR Content Brightness automatically, so for best accuracy, you would need to manually change SDR Content Brightness or use ColorControl. 18Sep2024: Updated maxTML for C4 and G4. C4 42-48" do not have Brightness Booster and still have maxTML 800 nits. 11Sep2024: Changed RTX HDR Saturation to -25. Generalized RTX HDR settings to apply to both video and games. Added PSSR placeholder. Added data for multiple TVs/monitors from latest rtings reviews. Minor updates to Discussion and FAQ. 8Aug2024: Adjusted keyboard shortcuts for ColorControl due to Windows claiming WinAltS. Reflected new NVIDIA App update. Updated rtings setting for B/C/G4. 24Jun2024: Changed PS5 audio output settings. Updated LG Controller settings in ColorControl to ensure keyboard shortcuts work. 7Jun20242: Added instructions on how to disable Auto HDR for invidual game if want to use RTX HDR without disabling Auto HDR globally. 22May2024: Changed recommendation to use disable ColorControl's LG Controller power settings and to use LGTVCompanion instead. Other functions in LG Controller can be maintained. Removed MacType as it can interfere with some gaming applications. Added a link to change default Windows OS font to Tahoma to improve text clarity. 15May2024: Changed in-game display mode recommendation to Borderless Windowed. Changed NVCP to Prefer DXGI swapchain for OpenGL and Vulkan APIs. These changes should ensure all APIs can be run in borderless windowed mode and allow Windows to apply DXGI flip model and allow for VRR to work properly. 11May2024: Updated overclock settings to be disabled at default. Added more Intel BIOS settings. 05May2024: Changed LGTVCompanion to required utility because as ColorControl LG Controller is not working properly and causing issues with Windows boot behavior. Set LG Controller to Optional. Rearranged ColorControl settings for clarity. 13Apr2024: Set Windows scaling to 100%. Using 100% scaling is necessary for proper viewing of test patterns. As a result, I created a new recommendation to use Text size scaling in Windows 11 to 110-125%. 11Apr2024: Due to popular demand, I added a section for C9, CX, and C1 models to FAQ to show fixes for their limitations. All other settings should still apply for these models, although naming conventions will differ due to their not receiving latest WebOS updates. Updated maxTML settings for C4/G4. Added initial recommendations for 144 Hz mode and Dolby Vision PC. Added automatic overclock setting recommendations for CPUs/GPUs. 01Apr2024: Updated all Settings names to reflect latest WebOS update. Update Sound Settings to also include TV Speaker settings. Added section for Privacy settings. 26Mar2024: Changed NVIDIA App settings to use Normal power mode in Global Settings and Prefer Maximum Performance for Program Settings. Added Intel DTT/Application Optimization settings. Added comment to enable SSD Over Provisioning. 18Mar2024: Created a YouTube video series for gaming settings. 14Mar2024: Updated text for ColorControl settings for improved clarity in Resources and in Gaming-Step 3. 06Mar2024: Replaced AutoHotKey method for gamma correction with ColorControl method. ColorControl method allows for better accuracy by allowing for changes to SDR CB. However, ColorControl relies on ICC profiles and is more cumbersome to setup and requires more planning to use. 05Mar2024: Added general setup instructions for ColorControl in Resources section. This should allow for glitch-free behavior. Added more options for SDR Content Brightness. Updated recommendation to prefer SDR CB of 0% (80 nits) to better coincide with default sRGB gamma transfer in HDR. Updated AutoHotKey files to default to RWL of 80 nits. 03Mar2024: Updated scenarios when to use gamma correction in HDR. Specifically, I made mention that some native HDR games may have raised near blacks and could benefit from gamma correction. Removed comments about changing HDR/SDR RWL (Paper White) for Virtual SDR. This only needs to be changed for Auto HDR. 29Feb2024: I made major changes to setting the HDR/SDR RWL (Paper White) in-game and for RTX HDR to target ITU-R standards appropriate for maxTML. I updated AutoHotKeys scripts to appropriately target ITU-R standards for HDR/SDR RWL for Auto HDR. 28Feb2024: Removed ColorControl settings related to ICC profiles. Please use AutoHotKeys for gamma correction instead. I removed this because Windows Color Management has a difficult time reliably applying ICC profiles and sometimes the profiles do not stick or induce bizarre behavior (such as creating a very cool image). It's unclear if this is due to ColorControl or Windows but is most likely due to Windows. I will revisit this after Windows releases its upcoming redesigned Color Management system. 27Feb2024: Updated AutoHotKeys shortcuts to reflect the fact that Auto HDR increases Paper White (RWL) by ~50 nits above the SDR Content Brightness setting. You will need to download new *.ahk files depending on which combination of nits you want to use: 100 nits + 150 nits, 150 + 200 nits, or 200 + 250 nits. Updated ColorControl section to reflect Auto HDR changes. Expanded FAQ. 26Feb2024: Added an FAQ section. Updated RTX HDR recommended settings based on this guide: https://www.reddit.com/r/nvidia/comments/1b03yfg/rtx_hdr_paper_white_gamma_reference_settings/ 25Feb2024: I clarified recommendations to use SDR RWL 100 nits for desktop use and 203 (204 nits) for gaming. Updated AutoHotKey and ColorControl sections to allow for utilizing gamma correction at both 100 nits and 204 nits. Softened recommendation for RTX HDR due to glitchy behavior. I would continue to use Native HDR10 or Auto HDR (with gamma conversion correction via AutoHotKeys) until RTX HDR is ready for primetime. Added preliminary settings for RTX HDR overlay settings. 23Feb2024: Major update reflecting latest version of Color Control. Created a video summarizing the ColorControl settings. Updated nVidia section to reflect new nVidia App. Updated recommendation to use RTX HDR instead of Auto HDR. Improved clarity of various HDR discussion. Added setting to NVCP to allow forcing Auto HDR on OpenGL/Vulkan games. 25Jan2024: Added RTX Video HDR. |
2 | RECOMMENDED APPS | Microsoft Store -Windows HDR Calibration: https://apps.microsoft.com/store/detail/windows-hdr-calibration/9N7F2SM5D1LR -AV1 Video Extension: https://apps.microsoft.com/store/detail/av1-video-extension/9MVZQVXJBQ9V?hl=en-us&gl=us -HEVC Video Extensions: https://apps.microsoft.com/store/detail/hevc-video-extensions/9NMZLZ57R3T7?hl=en-us&gl=us -VP9 Video Extensions: https://apps.microsoft.com/store/detail/vp9-video-extensions/9N4D0MSMP0PT?hl=en-us&gl=us -Dolby Access: https://apps.microsoft.com/store/detail/dolby-access/9N0866FS04W8?hl=en-us&gl=us -DTS Sound Unbound: https://apps.microsoft.com/store/detail/dts-sound-unbound/9PJ0NKL8MCSJ?hl=en-us&gl=us -NVIDIA Control Panel: https://apps.microsoft.com/detail/9nf8h0h7wmlt?hl=en-US&gl=US -Intel Graphics Software: https://apps.microsoft.com/detail/9p8k5g2mww6z?hl=en-us&gl=US -Intel Application Optimization: https://apps.microsoft.com/detail/9nz98vnk5x1s?hl=en-US&gl=US -(Optional) VESA DisplayHDR Test: https://apps.microsoft.com/store/detail/displayhdr-test/9NN1GPN70NF3?hl=en-us&gl=us&rtc=1 -(Optional) HDR + WCG Image Viewer: https://apps.microsoft.com/store/detail/hdr-wcg-image-viewer/9PGN3NWPBWL9?hl=en-us&gl=us&rtc=1 -(Optional) VLC: https://apps.microsoft.com/detail/XPDM1ZW6815MQM?hl=en-us&gl=US NVIDIA -NVIDIA App: https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/software/nvidia-app/ -(Optional) NVIDIA Profile Inspector: https://github.com/Orbmu2k/nvidiaProfileInspector --Setup Guide: https://www.pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/Nvidia_Profile_Inspector -(Optional) NVIDIA ReShade Github repository: https://github.com/crosire/reshade-shaders/tree/nvidia -(Optional) NVIDIA G-SYNC Pendulum demo (VRR stutter test): https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/geforce/community/demos/ -(Optional) NVIDIA Broadcast: https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/geforce/broadcasting/broadcast-app/ --Setup Guide: https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/geforce/guides/broadcast-app-setup-guide/ -(Optional) NVIDIA NVENC OBS Setup Guide: https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/geforce/guides/broadcasting-guide/ AMD -AMD Software Adrenalin Edition: https://www.amd.com/en/products/software/adrenalin.html -AMD Ryzen Master Utility for Overclocking Control: https://www.amd.com/en/products/software/ryzen-master.html Intel -Intel XTU: https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/download/17881/intel-extreme-tuning-utility-intel-xtu.html Misc -Custom Resolution Utility (CRU): https://www.monitortests.com/forum/Thread-Custom-Resolution-Utility-CRU --Edit EDID. Run "restart64.exe" or reboot after applying settings. Press F8 if video signal is lost. -LGTVCompanion: https://github.com/JPersson77/LGTVCompanion --Used to synchronize power state. If TV is not automatically detected, manually add it by entering IP and MAC address from TV's IP Control Settings menu. -ColorControl: https://github.com/Maassoft/ColorControl --See Setup below. Used to modify TV settings from PC (including locked settings), quickly change HDMI inputs, access Service Menu, synchronize power state, access nVidia Profile Inspector, auto-toggle HDR/SDR, assign ICC profiles to individual games, etc. -(Optional) Lossless Scaling: https://store.steampowered.com/app/993090/Lossless_Scaling/ --Setup guide: https://steamcommunity.com/app/993090/discussions/0/4139437492715610827/ -(Opional) DLSS Swapper: https://github.com/beeradmoore/dlss-swapper -(Optional) AutoHotkey (v1.1): https://www.autohotkey.com/ -(Optional) VRR Flicker Test: https://github.com/MattTS01/VRR_Flicker_Test_OpenGL -(Optional) MacType: https://github.com/snowie2000/mactype --DeepGrayNoHinting: https://github.com/snowie2000/mactype/files/5813503/DeepGrayNoHinting.zip --SoftGrayNoHinting: https://github.com/snowie2000/mactype/files/5813504/SoftGrayNoHinting.zip |
3 | COLORCONTROL SETUP | Options: Customize per personal preference. -Elevation-method: Use Windows Service -Set a shortcut to start the blank screensaver: Win+Alt+/ Color Profiles: Create HDR/SDR ICC profiles. -Minimum Luminance, MHC2 MinCLL, & SDR minimum brightness: Set to minTML (0 nits). -Maximum Luminance & MHC2 MaxCLL: Set to maxTML appropriate for display. -SDR maximum brightness: Set to HDR/SDR RWL appropriate for SDR gamma (100 nits for 2.4 and 120 nits for 2.2). -SDR Transfer Function & Gamma: Set to Piecewise (sRGB) or Pure Power 2.2/2.4. Do not use BT.1886. NVIDIA Controller: Create presets only after setting up PC as in Gaming Step 3. -Settings... > Settings > Quick Access shortcut: Win+Alt+[. I assign all Display Presets to Quick Access. -Add...: Set Preset name, Resolution, and Refresh Rate. -Change... > Color Settings, Refresh rate, Resolution, Dithering, HDR, & Other: Check Included. -Change... > HDR > Output Mode: Uncheck HDR10. -Change... > HDR: Check Enabled for HDR preset. Uncheck Enabled for SDR preset. -Change... > Other > Color Profile: Set to ICC profile generated from Windows HDR Calibration app for HDR. Set to sRGB Color Space Profile.icm for SDR. LG Controller: LGTVCompanion is more reliable for power sync. If TV is not automatically detected, Enable Network discovery in Windows Settings app & click Refresh. If TV is still not detected, click Add & enter IP and MAC address from TV's IP Control Settings menu. -Settings... > Quick Access shortcut: Win+Alt+]. I assign HDMI1-4 to Quick Access. -Settings... > Game Bar shortcut: Win+Alt+;. I assign Backlight, HDR Dynamic Tone Mapping, and Sharpness to Game Bar. -PC HDMI port: HDMI1 -Allow triggers to be fired for this device: On -Use secure connection: On -HDMI1: Win+Alt+,. Allows switching back to HDMI1 input for PC when using more than one HDMI device. Game Launcher: Assign NVIDIA Controller presets to be applied when launching/closing a game. -Settings... > Settings... > Quick Access shortcut: Win+Alt+'. I assign all games to Quick Access. -Add: Navigate to *.exe. -Options... > Auto apply settings > Allow this preset...: On -Pre-launch steps & Finalize steps > Add step > NVIDIA presets: Set to desired preset. |
4 | SECRET MENUS | VRR Information: Press Green button 7 times on remote. Displays current video signal. VRR/GSYNC = HDMI VRR. FREESYNC ACTIVE = FreeSync over HDMI. FIXED = VRR inactive. (*) Note that 10/12-bit color is erroneously displayed as 8-bit at 4k120 YCbCr 422 (FRL4). Ideal outputs are as follows: -PC - NVIDIA - SDR/HDR10 (48 Gbps FRL6): ~120 Hz | VRR/GSYNC | RGB/YCBCR444 12b 4L12 -PC - AMD - SDR/HDR10 (40 Gbps FRL5): ~120 Hz | FREESYNC ACTIVE | RGB/YCBCR444 10b 4L10 -XSX - SDR/HDR10 (40 Gbps FRL5): ~120 Hz | VRR or FREESYNC ACTIVE | 3840 x 2160P@120 | RGB 10b 4L10 -XSX - DV (32 Gbps FRL4): ~120 Hz | VRR or FREESYNC ACTIVE | 3840 x 2160P@120 | YCBCR422 8b 4L8 (*) -PS5 - SDR/HDR10 120 Hz (32 Gbps FRL4): ~120 Hz | VRR | 3840 x 2160P@120 | YCBCR422 8b 4L8 (*) -PS5 - SDR/HDR10, 60 Hz (32 Gbps FRL4): 60 Hz | VRR | 3840 x 2160P@60 | RGB 12b 4L8 -Switch LCD - SDR (9 Gbps TMDS): 60 Hz | FIXED | 1920 x 1080P@60 | RGB 8b TM -Switch OLED - SDR (18 Gbps TMDS): 60 Hz | FIXED | 1920 x 1080P@60 | RGB 8b TM Service Menu: See Footnotes. Home Hub: Hold Input button on remote. Mute Menu: Press Mute button 3 times on remote. Control display of LG logo at power off and Gallery images with signal loss. HDMI Signaling Override: In All Settings, highlight Select Mode/Picture Mode Settings and press 1113111 on remote. Modify various parameters, including HDR Static Metadata. HDMI Diagnostics: In All Settings, highlight Channel Tuning and press 11111 on remote. Select "HDMI Mode." Display detailed video signal info. Information: Press "..." button on remote and select Information under TV functions. Display basic video/audio signal info. Button Menu: Press TV power button (located under center IR receiver or on back). Quickly toggle power and inputs. Quick Access: Hold 0 on remote to Edit. Assign HDMI inputs, Home Hub, or apps to desired number. Hold corresponding number on remote to activate assigned function. |
5 | REFERENCES | Misc references -RTX HDR Reference Settings: https://www.reddit.com/r/nvidia/comments/1b03yfg/rtx_hdr_paper_white_gamma_reference_settings/ -PS5 TML values: https://www.reddit.com/r/PS5/comments/lk4buu/the_definitive_guide_to_setting_up_your_tv_for/ -List of games supporting NVIDIA RTX: https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/geforce/news/nvidia-rtx-games-engines-apps/ -List of games supporting AMD FidelityFX: https://www.amd.com/en/products/graphics/technologies/fidelityfx/supported-games.html#tabs-ab87f43a0c-item-60178a43f6-tab -List of games supporting Intel XeSS: https://game.intel.com/us/xess-enabled-games/ -Intel Arc Graphics Desktop Quick Start Guide: https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/support/articles/000091128/graphics/intel-arc-dedicated-graphics-family.html -Options to optimize gaming performance in Windows 11: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/options-to-optimize-gaming-performance-in-windows-11-a255f612-2949-4373-a566-ff6f3f474613 -Windows 11 Virtual SDR/Virtual HDR10 gamma correction: https://github.com/dylanraga/win11hdr-srgb-to-gamma2.2-icm -HDMI 2.1 FRL Data Rate (Bandwidth): https://www.murideo.com/frl-data-rate-chart.html -ASBL/TPC, GSR, ALB, ABL, and APL discussion: https://tftcentral.co.uk/articles/oled-dimming-confusion-apl-abl-asbl-tpc-and-gsr-explained -Text clarity discussion: https://tftcentral.co.uk/reviews/lg-oled-42c2#Text-Clarity-and-using-PC-input-mode -LG OLED Pro EP950 Best Practices: https://gscs-b2c.lge.com/downloadFile?fileId=RdyKDSyRMhPCWHmWW4Ck4g -FSR vs RSR vs RIS: https://rog.asus.com/us/articles/guides/fsr-vs-rsr-vs-ris-using-the-rog-allys-upscaling-and-sharpening-features/ Test patterns: All scaling (display, GPU, Windows, etc) must be disabled for some test patterns to work properly. -Lagom LCD Test: http://www.lagom.nl/lcd-test/ -Eizo Monitor Test: https://www.eizo.be/monitor-test/ -Chroma subsampling test: https://www.rtings.com/images/test-materials/2017/chroma-444.png -Screen uniformity test: https://www.rtings.com/images/test-materials/2016/5-percent.png -DCI-P3 tests: --Wide Gamut Tests: https://github.com/codelogic/wide-gamut-tests --Interactive Image Comparison: https://webkit.org/blog-files/color-gamut/comparison.html -Audio Test Files: https://www.demolandia.net/ Calibration: View files in VLC. -LG OLED TV Calibration Guide: https://tftcentral.co.uk/articles/lg-oled-tv-calibration-guide-autocal-and-hardware-calibration -[SDR] AVS HD 709 (Download "MP4.7z"): https://www.avsforum.com/threads/avs-hd-709-blu-ray-mp4-calibration.948496/ -[HDR] Mehanik HDR10 Calibration and Test Pattern Set: https://www.avsforum.com/threads/hdr10-test-patterns-set.2943380/ Technical documents -HGiG For Better HDR Gaming: https://www.hgig.org/doc/ForBetterHDRGaming.pdf -VESA CTS 1.1: https://displayhdr.org/performance-criteria/ -CTA-861.3-A HDR Static Metadata Extensions: https://shop.cta.tech/collections/standards/products/hdr-static-metadata-extensions -ITU-R BT.709: https://www.itu.int/rec/R-REC-BT.709-6-201506-I/en -ITU-R BT.2408: https://www.itu.int/pub/R-REP-BT.2408 -ITU-R BT.1886: https://www.itu.int/rec/R-REC-BT.1886/en -SMPTE ST 2084:2014: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/7291452?denied= |
1 | FAQ | Why do you use an LG WOLED TV instead of an OLED monitor, other TV brands, or QD-OLED? We are seeing a significant increase in OLED options for gaming. However, in my opinion, LG OLED TVs still remain the best overall option and are more affordable than monitors. There is no perfect TV/monitor on the market currently with each brand offering differing strengths. Please see the "Reference - Display Comparison" sheet to compare the major models. The ideal 4k120 OLED display would have 4 full bandwidth 48 Gbps HDMI 2.1 ports and/or 80 Gbps DP2.1 ports; full gamut of HDMI 2.1 features (ALLM, VRR, QMS, QFT, SBTM); Dolby Vision and HDR10+ support; Dolby, DTS, and IAMF audio decoding; and high HDR peak brightness (>1000 or >4000 nits at 10% window). The ideal TV for me would have ATSC 3.0 and Google TV OS. OLED monitors generally have much lower HDR peak brightness and cost more than OLED TVs. QD-OLED has several advantages over WOLED, including higher Rec.2020 color gamut (90% vs 75%), Rec.2020 color volume (50-55% vs 35-40%), and better panel uniformity. However, QD-OLED has a polarizing filter that causes a grayish/purplish tint to blacks in a lit room. It also has a triangular subpixel structure that causes worse text fringing issues than on WOLED, although this is being improved on newer panels with "rectangular" variant subpixel structure. Where do these settings come from? The settings come from aggregating information from trusted sources such as HDTVTest, rtings.com, developers at HDR Den, or reputable users on AVSForum. I have tried to simplify their recommendations as much as possible to apply to the majority of users. Why aren't older models included in the main table? What unique settings apply to them? I removed the 2019-2021 models (C9, CX, C1) from the main table due to differences in menu naming conventions and HDMI bandwidth limitations. Limitations with fixes as below: -[C9-C1] No 444 Pass Through option. Fix: In Home Dashboard, set HDMI Input icon to PC. -[CX-C1] 4k120 limited to 10 bit due to 40 Gbps bandwidth limitation in EDID. Fix: CRU - CTA-861 > Edit > HDMI 2.1 support > Maximum FRL rate > 48 Gbps (12 x 4 lanes) -[C9] AMD FreeSync over HDMI is not supported. Fix: CRU - CTA-861 > Edit > Add > FreeSync range > 40-120 Hz. -[C9] Dolby Vision 4k120 is not supported despite 48 Gbps bandwidth. Fix: n/a Why is my screen so dim even after following the guide? You MUST disable Energy Saving Step. This setting is enabled by default to comply with legal energy consumption parameters. Why is my PC scaling messed up even at native resolution? TVs include overscan resolutions in their EDID. LG 4k OLEDs include the resolution 4096x2160. You MUST delete all instances of this resolution from EDID by using CRU as detailed in the guide. How can I change disabled Picture Mode settings? You can re-enable settings on a PC by using ColorControl. This is most commonly utilized to force HGiG when using a non-Game mode. Can I get low input lag outside of Game mode? Yes. You may either enable Game Optimizer/Dynamic Action Sync (the setting, not the Picture Mode) to activate ALLM or enable 444 Pass Through to activate PC mode. Does Game Optimizer mode have worse Color Volume? Many users have noticed a drop in color volume in Game Optimizer mode on some models (G3, C4) which is attributed to disabling of "dynamic color boost." However, rtings has responded to this by demonstating no difference in color luminance and determined that perceived differences in color volume are due to inherent differences in brightness between Game and non-Game modes (rtings). Due to the conflict, the current consensus is that if you feel the Color Volume is decreased in Game Optimizer mode, then use a non-Game mode such as HDR Filmmaker with HGiG forced (via Color Control) or with DTM Off. Should I use G-Sync or FreeSync over HDMI? Firstly, LG TVs do not have G-Sync hardware. Instead, they are G-Sync Compatible, which means they utilize HDMI Forum VRR. It does not matter if you use HDMI VRR or FreeSync over HDMI. I use HDMI VRR for simplicity and because it is the open standard, whereas FreeSync over HDMI is AMD proprietary. Should I use 144 Hz mode? Using this is personal preference. The guide leaves this disabled due to simplicity. Furthermore, running 2160p144 will limit color depth to 10 bit due to 12 bit exceeding 48 Gbps bandwidth. Given the panel bit depth is 10 bits, this should not cause a noticeable degradation in picture quality, although HDTVTest has argued that 12 bit is superior. Note that NULL will cap FPS to 136 FPS for 144 Hz as opposed to 116 FPS for 120 Hz, so the actual increase in refresh rate is 20 Hz, not 24 Hz. Should I use Sharpness 0 or 10? HDTVTest has analyzed this and determined that Sharpness 0 is neutral sharpening. This is what should be used for native 4k image. What SDR OLED Pixel Brightness should I use? The SDR OLED Pixel Brightness determines your SDR Luminance. 100 nits is recommended by ITU-R standards for a dark room. If you are using the display in a lit room, you will probably want to increase the brightness. The only definitive way to know how your SDR OLED Pixel Brightness determines the SDR Luminance is to use a colorimeter. Alternatively, I have provided formulas in the Footnotes to estimate your SDR Luminance as a function of the SDR OLED Pixel Brightness based on rtings.com data. What HDR/SDR Reference White Level (Paper White) should I use? For Windows, I recommend setting the SDR Content Brightness to 0% (80 nits) because this is the standard per sRGB IEC61966-2.1, which also specifies the sRGB piecewise gamma that Windows emulates in HDR mode. You can use other values for SDR CB, such as 100 nits for SDR video with gamma 2.4 (BT.1886) in a dark room per ITU-R BT.709 standard, 120 nits with gamma 2.2 in a lit room, or even higher values for brightly lit rooms. For Native HDR10 games, the HDR/SDR RWL should be set according to ITU-R standards as a function of maxTML. For example, if your display's maxTML is 800 nits, you would set the in-game HDR/SDR RWL to 172 nits. Auto HDR games set HDR/SDR RWL to ~50 nits above SDR Content Brightness. Thus, to properly set HDR/SDR RWL for an Auto HDR game, you would need to set the SDR Content Brightness to ~50 nits below the ITU-R standards. What SDR gamma should I use? sRGB piecewise gamma is the standard for PC web use per IEC. Gamma 2.4 (BT.1886) is the standard for video in a dark room per ITU. Gamma 2.2 is a pseudo-standard used by most consumer monitors. Knowing the mastering gamma for a given SDR game is difficult to know, but 2.2 is most likely. Thus, the safest bet is to use gamma 2.2. Why is a color temperature of 6500K (W50) recommended? It makes my screen look so yellow! This is the standard to define D65 white point accurately. The reason it looks so yellow is because almost every gaming monitor and TV (including LG) defaults to a cool color temperature to boost perceived brightness, which alters our baseline for how an image should appear. I also was skeptical at first but after several weeks, I prefer the accuracy provided by 6500K and do not notice the yellow image. If you still cannot tolerate the image, try a compromise value of W25. Should I use HGiG, DTM, or DTM Off? HGiG allows you to display an HDR image unaltered by the TV's tone mapper. I recommend this for dark room. However, due to the TV's inability to output higher luminance values (1000-4000 nits and 1000-10,000 nits), HGiG will cause the image to appear dim, as it compresses luminance values into the TV's range of actual output luminance. This dimmer image will be a problem if you are playing in a bright room, so I recommend DTM in that situation. DTM dynamically tone maps the image to improve brightness/visibility at cost of some raised near blacks. I do not recommend DTM Off in general because DTM has been greatly improved on latest LG models. Can I leave my PC in HDR at all times? Yes, and this is what I do. I prefer leaving it in HDR because most games do not automatically trigger HDR on the TV. Furthermore, Windows HDR will provide you sRGB gamma in SDR. By utilizing ColorControl as detailed in the guide, you will also be able to quickly change SDR gamma on the fly to sRGB, 2.2, or 2.4, which is much simpler than changing the TV's gamma setting in SDR mode. Setting up HDR as in the guide will display desktop SDR content at 80 nits, mitigating against image retention and ASBL. Should I use Native HDR10 or Virtual HDR (Auto HDR, RTX HDR, etc)? Can I get HDR settings for my game? The choice of Native HDR10 or Virtual HDR is entirely game-dependent. Please refer to the guide for some resources on how to investigate the best HDR experience for your game. I cannot provide settings for every game due to the non-standard settings/terminology and implentation used by almost every HDR game. In fact, some games may have such poor HDR implentation that SDR may be preferred. Should I use Auto HDR or RTX HDR for Virtual HDR? Each form of Virtual HDR has pros and cons. RTX HDR is preferred because it allows you to freely set HDR parameters. However, RTX HDR has some performance cost and is a beta product. Auto HDR is used by Windows and Xbox and thus has seamless integration into the OS. However, Auto HDR does not allow you to change HDR/SDR RWL (Paper White) or SDR gamma transfer. This can be rectified on PC by using ColorControl. Auto HDR sets HDR/SDR RWL at approximately 50 nits higher than the Windows SDR Content Brightness and retains Windows default sRGB gamma transfer, resulting in raised blacks for content mastered to gamma 2.2 or 2.4. Are there alternatives to Auto HDR and RTX HDR? Yes, there are several alternatives, including ReShade filters and SpecialK. I do not incorporate these into the guide because they require use of even more external third-party programs, have their own nuances and detailed settings, and may trigger anti-cheat software in some games. I provide links to these methods for those that are interested. Why and when should I use SDR gamma correction? Windows utilizes the sRGB piecewise gamma curve by default for SDR content and will emulate this curve in HDR for SDR content. This will result in raised blacks for content that was mastered to gamma 2.2 or 2.4 (BT.1886). Thus, applying a gamma correction to 2.2 or 2.4 will correct raised blacks. A method for doing this utilizing ColorControl or AutoHotKeys is detailed in the guide. In general, you should only perform this gamma correction for SDR content in HDR. This includes what I call Virtual SDR (unmanipulated SDR content viewed in Windows HDR mode such as SDR programs, SDR games, SDR videos, etc.) and Virtual HDR (SDR content tone-mapped to provide an HDR experience such as Auto HDR and RTX HDR). The gamma correction may be useful in some Native HDR10 games if they have raised near blacks, which may indicate developer did a poor SDR to HDR conversion without gamma correction. Do NOT use the gamma correction for non-gaming Native HDR10 content or you will get some black crush. I cannot achieve 4k120 with my GPU. Should I use supersampling or spatial upscaling? Should I use Single or Multi Frame Generation? I recommend using supersampling upscaling methods such as DLSS/FSR to acheive 4k60-120. If you still want to achieve 4k120, then Single (2X) Frame Generation can be trialed but will result in artifacts and some increased latency. Spatial upscaling solutions such as NIS/RSR are not recommended because they are more cumbersome to setup, require manually changing input resolution, may be active even at native 4k, and interfere with other technologies such as RTX HDR. Multi (3X/4X) Frame Generation is not necessary unless using a display with 180-480 Hz and will have same drawbacks as Single FG. Why does my screen get dimmer over time and how can I stop this? The gradual screen dimming is due to ASBL. The degree of dimming varies by TV model and is much less aggressive on newer models. If you still want to disable it, methods are provided in the guide, the safest of which is by using ColorControl on a PC. Disabling this is not sanctioned by LG and later models have had further barriers put in place to prevent disabling ASBL. Why is there so much color banding and what can I do about it? Color banding is due to a combination of low bit depth content and poor processing from LG. You can try to combat this by using dithering in ColorControl. Deband in nVidia Freestyle is an option but has a performance cost. Smooth Gradation on the TV will increase input lag and is not recommended. I don't agree with your NVIDIA/AMD settings. Where did you get these settings from? Most driver settings listed in the guide are related to input lag. No consensus exists on best driver settings for all situations and arguments can be made for multiple different settings. Instead, I provide the settings recommended explicitly by nVidia and AMD to provide the lowest latency (see Figures in the guide for reference). Can I get settings for MacOS and Linux? Your guide seems biased to NVIDIA. Given that Windows and NVIDIA have such dominant PC marketshare, almost all third party utilities are created with those devices in mind and thus the guide reflects that bias. Similarly, I am more familiar with Intel CPU than AMD, although I try to provide settings for both. |
4 | BRIGHTNESS | Sound Out | TV Speaker | HDMI (ARC) Device | ||||
5 | Energy Saving Step | Off | eARC Support | - | On (HDMI port 2) | |||
6 | Adjust Logo Brightness {9} | Off | Digital Sound Output | - | Auto or Pass Through | |||
7 | Care Picture Settings | Off | Select HDMI Input Audio Format {10} | Bitstream | Bitstream | |||
8 | [Service Menu] Enable GSR {9} | Off or On | Match Screen and Sound | Bypass | Bypass | |||
9 | [Service Menu] Enable TPC (ASBL) {9} | Off or On | Dolby Atmos | On | - | |||
10 | COLOR | Balance | 0 | - | ||||
11 | HDMI Settings - 4:4:4 Pass Through (PC Mode) {1} | On | Installation Type | Stand | - | |||
12 | HDMI Settings - HDMI Deep Color | 4k | Automatic Volume Adjustment | On | - | |||
13 | HDMI Settings - Dolby Vision PC | Off | Select Mode | Game Optimizer or AI Sound Pro | - | |||
14 | Reduce Blue Light | Off | AI Acoustic Tuning | Standard | - | |||
15 | CLARITY | AI Game Sound | On | - | ||||
16 | Aspect Ratio - User Selection | Original | ||||||
17 | Wide Aspect Ratio | 16:9 or [ultrawide] 21:9/32:9 | DISABLE AD TRACKING | |||||
18 | Just Scan | On | LG OLED SETTINGS - PRIVACY | |||||
19 | Screen Move | On or Off | DEVICE | ALL DEVICES | ||||
20 | [C3-C4/G3-G4] HDMI Settings - Quick Media Switching | Off | AI Recommendation - Who.Where.What? | Off | ||||
21 | GAME OPTIMIZER | AI Recommendation - Smart Tips | Off | |||||
22 | Game Optimizer (Dynamic Action Sync) | On | AI Recommendation - Next Picks | Off | ||||
23 | ALLM | On | Home Settings - Home Promotion | Off | ||||
24 | Prevent Input Delay (Input Lag) | Boost | Home Settings - Content Recommendation | Off | ||||
25 | [C4/G4] 144 Hz Booster | Off | Screen Saver Promotion | Off | ||||
26 | VRR & G-Sync (HDMI VRR) | On | Live Plus | Off | ||||
27 | AMD FreeSync Premium {8} | On | Advertisement - Limit AD Tracking | On | ||||
28 | Dark Room Mode | Off | Do Not Sell My Personal Information | On | ||||
29 | Fine Tune Dark Areas {5} | 0 | ||||||
30 | Game Genre | User | ||||||
31 | Black Stabilizer | 10 | ||||||
32 | White Stabilizer | 10 | ||||||
33 | Game Contrast | [HDR] 100 or [SDR] 85 | ||||||
34 | Game Black Level | 50 | ||||||
35 | Game Color Depth | 55 | ||||||
36 | Adjust Game Sharpness | 0 | ||||||
37 | OS | |||||||
38 | Turn On with Mobile - Turn on via Wi-Fi/Bluetooth | On | ||||||
39 | Always Ready | On | ||||||
40 | Use Always Ready without wallpaper | On | ||||||
41 | Quick Start+ | On | ||||||
42 | Home Settings - Power On Screen | Recent Input | ||||||
43 | [Mute Menu] Auto Power Sync | On | ||||||
44 | [Mute Menu] No Signal Image | Off | ||||||
45 | [Mute Menu] Show LG logo when turning off the TV | Off | ||||||
46 | ||||||||
47 | STEP 2 - LAUNCH GAME | |||||||
50 | *(Optional) settings improve brightnes but are inaccurate | DARK ROOM | BRIGHT ROOM* | DARK ROOM | BRIGHT ROOM* | DARK ROOM | BRIGHT ROOM* | |
51 | PICTURE MODE {2} | |||||||
52 | Select Mode | Game Optimizer [Non-Game mode] Filmmaker | Game Optimizer [Non-Game mode] isf Expert Bright | HDR Game Optimizer [Non-Game mode] HDR Filmmaker | HDR Game Optimizer [Non-Game mode] HDR Cinema Home | DV Game Optimizer [Non-Game mode] DV Filmmaker | DV Game Optimizer [Non-Game mode] DV Cinema Home | |
53 | BRIGHTNESS | |||||||
54 | OLED Pixel Brightness {3} REFERENCE VALUES [Game Optimizer] SDR Peak -200 nits: B4, C2-C4, G2 -300 nits: G3-G4 [Non-Game mode] SDR Peak -300 nits: B4, C2-C4, G2 -400 nits: G3-G4 | [Game Optimizer] -[SDR Peak 200 nits] 42 (100 nits) -[SDR Peak 300 nits] 27 (100 nits) [Non-Game mode] -[SDR Peak 300 nits] 27 (100 nits) -[SDR Peak 400 nits] 20 (100 nits) | [Game Optimizer] -[SDR Peak 200 nits] 42-100 (100-200 nits) -[SDR Peak 300 nits] 27-100 (100-300 nits) [Non-Game mode] -[SDR Peak 300 nits] 27-100 (100-300 nits) -[SDR Peak 400 nits] 20-100 (100-400 nits) | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | |
55 | Peak Brightness {6} | Off | (Optional) High | High | High | High | High | |
56 | Adjust Contrast | 85 | 85 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | |
57 | Black Level | 50 | 50 | 50 | 50 | 50 | 50 | |
58 | Video Range | Auto | Auto | Auto | Auto | Auto/Limited | Auto/Limited | |
59 | Gamma (Adjust Brightness) {5} | BT.1886 | 2.2 | 2.2 (ST.2084) | 2.2 (ST.2084) | 2.2 (ST.2084) | 2.2 (ST.2084) | |
60 | Dynamic Tone Mapping {4} | - | - | [Game Optimizer] HGiG [Non-Game mode] DTM Off | (Optional) On | - | - | |
61 | Auto Dynamic Contrast {5} | Off | (Optional) Low/Med/High | Off | (Optional) Low/Med/High | Off | (Optional) Low/Med/High | |
62 | [C3-C4/G3-G4] Expression Enhancer {5} | - | - | Off | (Optional) Detail/Brightness | Off | (Optional) Detail/Brightness | |
63 | AI Brightness Settings | Off | (Optional) On | Off | (Optional) On | Off | (Optional) [DV Cinema Home] On (DV IQ) | |
64 | Dolby Vision Precision Detail | - | - | - | - | Off | (Optional) [DV Cinema Home] On | |
65 | COLOR | |||||||
66 | Color Depth | [Game Optimizer] 55 [Non-Game mode] 50 | [Game Optimizer] 55 [Non-Game mode] 50 | [Game Optimizer] 55 [Non-Game mode] 50 | [Game Optimizer] 55 [Non-Game mode] 50 | [Game Optimizer] 55 [Non-Game mode] 50 | [Game Optimizer] 55 [Non-Game mode] 50 | |
67 | Tint | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
68 | Color Gamut {6} | Auto Detect | Auto Detect | Auto Detect | Auto Detect | Auto Detect/Native (DCI-P3) | Auto Detect/Native (DCI-P3) | |
69 | Color Temperature {6} | [6500K] W50 [JP - 9300K] C30 | (Optional) W25/0/C50 | [6500K] W50 [JP - 9300K] C30 | (Optional) W25/0/C50 | [6500K] W50 [JP - 9300K] C30 | (Optional) W25/0/C50 | |
70 | Color Adjustment | Off | Off | Off | Off | Off | Off | |
71 | CLARITY | |||||||
72 | Adjust Sharpness {7} | [2160p] 0 [<2160p] 10-25 | [2160p] 0 [<2160p] 10-25 | [2160p] 0 [<2160p] 10-25 | [2160p] 0 [<2160p] 10-25 | [2160p] 0 [<2160p] 10-25 | [2160p] 0 [<2160p] 10-25 | |
73 | Super Resolution | Off | Off | Off | Off | Off | Off | |
74 | Noise Reduction | Off | Off | Off | Off | Off | Off | |
75 | MPEG Noise Reduction | Off | Off | Off | Off | Off | Off | |
76 | Smooth Gradation | Off | Off | Off | Off | Off | Off | |
77 | Real Cinema {11} | Off | Off | Off | Off | Off | Off | |
78 | TruMotion {11} | Off | Off | Off | Off | Off | Off | |
79 | OLED Motion {11} | Off | Off | Off | Off | Off | Off | |
80 | Motion Eye Care | Off | Off | Off | Off | Off | Off | |
81 | AI Picture Pro | Off | Off | Off | Off | Off | Off | |
82 | AI Genre Selection | Off | Off | Off | Off | Off | Off |
1 | ||||||||||
4 | Resolution {7} | In-Game Settings -Render resolution: [16:9] 3840x2160, [21:9] 3840x1600, or [32:9] 3840x1080 | Settings -Display resolution: [16:9] 3840x2160, [21:9] 3840x1600, or [32:9] 3840x1080 | NVIDIA App - System -Resolution - PC: [16:9] 3840x2160, [21:9] 3840x1600, or [32:9] 3840x1080 CRU - CTA-861 (FIGURE) - Edit... -Detailed resolutions > Add...: [21:9] 3840x1600 -Copy > Add... > Paste > Detailed resolutions > Add...: [32:9] 3840x1080 | AMD Software Adrenalin Edition - Display -Custom Resolutions: [21:9] 3840x1600 or [32:9] 3840x1080 | - | Allow 4k: On Resolution: 4k UHD | Resolution: Automatic | TV Resolution: Auto | |
5 | Refresh Rate & HDMI Data Rate REFERENCE VALUES: HDMI 2.1 bandwidth -FRL6 (48 Gbps): RTX30+, RX7000+ -FRL5 (40 Gbps): RX6000, [SDR/HDR10] XSX -FRL4 (32 Gbps): PS5 Pro, [DV] XSX -TMDS (18 Gbps): Switch OLED DP2.1 bandwidth -UHBR 20 (80 Gbps): RTX50+ -UHBR 13.5 (54 Gbps): RX7000+ | In-Game Settings -Refresh rate: 120 Hz [XSX] My games & apps > Select game > Manage game & add-ons > Compatibility options -FPS boost: On | Settings -Choose a refresh rate: 120 Hz -Dynamic refresh rate: Off | NVIDIA App - System -Refresh Rate: 120 Hz | AMD Software Adrenalin Edition - Display -HDMI Link Assurance: Off | - | Refresh rate: 120 Hz Allow 50 Hz: On Allow 24 Hz: On | 120 Hz Output: Automatic | - | |
6 | Scaling {7} | In-Game Settings STEP 1: Choose settings that produce native 2160p60-120 if possible. Options listed in decreasing order of preference. -Quality/Ray Tracing: Ultra, High, Medium, or Low -[XSX/PS5] Rendering mode: Prioritize Resolution (Quality/Fidelity). Note: Targets 2160p30-60. -SR anti-aliasing (DLSS DLAA, FSR/XeSS Native AA, PSSR AA): On --SR sharpness: 10-20% STEP 2: If cannot achieve STEP 1 at desired graphical quality, then choose settings that produce upscaled 2160p60-120. Options listed in decreasing order of preference. -Upscale mode: Super resolution (DLSS, FSR, XeSS, PSSR, Auto SR) or Spatial upscaling (NIS, RSR) -Super resolution (SR) --SR Quality: Ultra Quality (77%), Quality (67%), Balanced (59%), Performance (50%), or Ultra Performance (33%) --SR Sharpness: 10-20% --[PS5 Pro] Rendering mode: Pro Quality/Performance. Note: Targets 1440p60 + PSSR. --[XSX/PS5] Rendering mode: Prioritize Frame Rate (Performance). Note: Targets 60 fps + FSR/Auto SR/DirectML. -[PC] Render resolution: Set below 2160p ONLY if using spatial upscaling (NIS, RSR) or Auto SR. See below. STEP 3: If cannot achieve native or upscaled 2160p120, then activate single 2X frame generation. -Frame generation (DLSS FG, AFMF, XeSS FG, LSFG): Off or On. Note: See below if not available in-game. Device Settings -[PC - NVIDIA] NVIDIA App > Graphics - Program Settings > Select game - Driver Settings --DLSS Override - Model Presets: Latest --DLSS Override - Super Resolution: DLAA (100%) --DLSS Override - Frame Generation (Multi 3X/4X FG): Off (Default) --Smooth Motion (Single 2X FG): Off or On. See STEP 3. --Image Scaling (NIS): Off or On. Note: Only recommended if SR is not available. See STEP 2. ---Render resolution: 85% (3264x1836), 77% (2954x1662), 67% (2560x1440), 59% (2259x1271), or 50% (1920x1080) ---Sharpen (%): 10-20% -[PC - AMD] AMD Software Adrenalin Edition > Gaming > Games > Select game --AMD Fluid Motion Frames (AFMF 2) (Single 2X FG): Off or On. See STEP 3. --Radeon Super Resolution (RSR): Off or On. Note: Only recommended if SR is not available. See STEP 2. ---In-Game Resolution: 3200x1800, 3072x1728, 2560x1440, or 1920x1080 ---Sharpen Effect: 10-20% -[PC] DLSS Swapper: Select game > Select DLL > Select latest version > Swap -[Copilot+ PC] Windows Settings > Display > Graphics - Custom options for applications > Select game --Automatic super resolution (Auto SR): Off or On. Note: Only recommended if other SR methods are not available. Must change in-game resolution to <900 rows (e.g., 1280x800). | Settings -Scale: 100% -[Copilot+ PC] [DirectX] Automatic super resolution (Auto SR): On CRU - CTA-861 (FIGURE): -TV resolutions: Delete all 4096x2160 -HDMI support > HDMI resolutions: Delete all 4096x2160 | NVIDIA App - Graphics - Global Settings -DSR - Factors: Off -Image Scaling (NIS): Off NVIDIA App - System -RTX Video Enhancements - Video Super Resolution: On or Off --Quality: Auto NVCP - Display -Scaling: No scaling, Aspect ratio, or Integer scaling -Perform scaling on: GPU -Override the scaling mode set by games: On NVCP - 3D Settings - Global Settings -Antialiasing --Mode: Application-controlled --Transparency: Multisample (MSAA) --Multi-Frame Sampled AA (MFAA): Off --FXAA: Off --Virtual Reality - Variable Rate Super Sampling: Adaptive --Gamma correction: On -Texture filtering --Anisotropic filtering: 16x --Quality: High quality --Ambient Occlusion: Performance --Negative LOD bias: Clamp | AMD Software Adrenalin Edition - Display -Virtual Super Resolution: Off -GPU Scaling: On -Scaling mode: Center or Preserve aspect ratio -Integer Scaling: Off or On -HDMI Scaling: 0% AMD Software Adrenalin Edition - Graphics -Radeon Super Resolution (RSR): Off -[DirectX/Vulkan] Radeon Image Sharpening (RIS): Off -Antialiasing --Anti-Aliasing: Use application settings --Anti-Aliasing Method: Multisampling (MSAA) --Morphological Anti-Aliasing (MLAA): Off -Texture Filtering --Anisotropic Filtering: On (16x) --Texture Filtering Quality: High --Surface Format Optimization: On --Tessellation Mode: AMD optimized | Intel Graphics Software -Scaling Mode: GPU Scaling or Retro Scaling -Scaling Method: Center Image or Maintain Aspect Ratio -Image Sharpening: Off -Anisotropic Filtering: On (16x) -Adaptive Tessellation: On (0-100%) | - | Enhance Image Quality for PS4 Games: On Performance Mode or Resolution Mode: Default | - | |
7 | VRR & Latency {8} | In-Game Settings -Display mode: Borderless Windowed -Max FPS: 116-120 fps -VSync: On -[OpenGL] Double/Triple Buffering: Off -Low Latency Rendering (Reflex LL/2, Radeon Anti-Lag 2, XeLL): On + Boost [PC - NVIDIA] NVIDIA App > Graphics - Program Settings > Select game - Driver Settings -Power Management Mode: Prefer maximum performance | Settings -Game Mode: On -[DirectX] Optimizations for windowed games: On -Hardware-accelerated GPU scheduling: On -Variable refresh rate: On -Power Mode: Balanced -Energy saver: Off -Enhance pointer precision: On or Off -VBS: Confirm disabled in System Information. If enabled, then do following: --Core isolation > Memory integrity: Off --Turn Windows features on or off > Virtual Machine Platform: Off Control Panel -Power Options: Balanced --Change advanced power settings > PCI Express LSPM: Maximum power savings BIOS -[Intel] XMP/[AMD] DOCP: On -[Intel] Intel Default Settings: On (Performance) -[Intel] ABT: On -[Intel] CEP: On -[Intel] DTT: On -[AMD] PBO: On -ReBAR/SAM: On -Secure Boot: Windows UEFI (Standard) -Devices: Disable unused ports (e.g., SATA) -ASPM: On. Note: Settings vary by BIOS. --Native ASPM (OS controlled): On --PCI Express root port ASPM: On --L1 Substates: On Driver apps -Mouse Polling/Report rate: ≥1000 Hz -SSD Over Provisioning: On -[Intel] Intel Application Optimization --Optimization: On --Advanced Mode: On -[Intel] Intel XTU --Automatic Overclock/Speed Optimizer 2.0: Off or On --Power/Current Optimization: Off or On -[AMD] AMD Ryzen Master --Control Mode: Default or Auto OC --Curve Optimizer Mode: Off or All Cores | NVCP - 3D Settings -Preferred refresh rate: Highest available -Threaded optimization: Auto -OpenGL GDI compatibility: Auto -[OpenGL] Triple buffering: On -[Vulkan/OpenGL] Vulkan/OpenGL present method: Prefer layered on DXGI Swapchain -Virtual Reality pre-rendered frames: 1 NVIDIA App - Graphics - Global Settings -[DirectX] Smooth Motion: Off -Low Latency Mode: Ultra -Max Frame Rate: On - 116 FPS -Monitor Technology: G-SYNC Compatible -Power Management Mode: Normal -Shader Cache Size: Driver default -Vertical Sync: On NVIDIA App - System -G-SYNC: On, Full screen -Automatic Tuning: Off or On NVIDIA App - Settings -NVIDIA overlay: On -Game filters and Photo mode: Off or On. Note: Must be On to use RTX HDR. (Optional) ColorControl (FIGURE) - Game launcher > Options > NVIDIA Profile Inspector > GSYNC - Application Mode: Fullscreen and Windowed | AMD Software Adrenalin Edition - Display -AMD FreeSync Premium/VRR: On AMD Software Adrenalin Edition - Graphics -HYPR-RX: On --AMD Fluid Motion Frames (AFMF 2): Off --[DirectX] Radeon Anti-Lag: On --[DirectX] Radeon Boost: On (50%) -[DirectX/Vulkan] Radeon Chill: On (Min & Max FPS 116 fps) -[DirectX/Vulkan] FRTC: On (Max FPS 116 fps) -[DirectX/Vulkan] Radeon Enhanced Sync: On -[OpenGL] Wait for Vertical Refresh: On -[OpenGL] OpenGL Triple Buffering: On AMD Software Adrenalin Edition - Performance -Tuning Control: Default, Overclock GPU, or Rage -Resizable BAR: On | Intel Graphics Software -Frame Synchronization: VSync On -FPS Limiter: On (116 fps) -Low Latency Mode: On + Boost -Variable Refresh Rate: On | Allow ALLM: On or Off Allow VRR: On Variable refresh rate: Gaming Only | ALLM: Automatic VRR: Automatic -Apply to Unsupported Games: On | - | |
8 | Color & Dithering {6} | [PC - NVIDIA] NVIDIA App - Game filter (Alt+F3) -(Optional) Deband: On | Settings -Automatically manage color for apps: On | NVCP - Display -Output color format: RGB -Output color depth: 12 bpc -Output dynamic range: Full -Desktop color depth: Highest (32-bit) -Override to reference mode: Off NVIDIA App - Graphics -RTX Dynamic Vibrance: Off. ColorControl (FIGURE) - NVIDIA controller -Settings... > Test dithering > Dithering enabled: On --Bit-depth: 8-bit --Mode: Temporal | AMD Software Adrenalin Edition - Display -Color Depth: 12 bpc -Pixel Format: RGB 4:4:4 Pixel Format PC Standard (Full RGB) -Display Color Enhancement: Disabled -Custom Color: Off -Color Deficiency Correction: Off AMD Software Adrenalin Edition - Graphics -10-Bit Pixel Format: Off | Intel Graphics Software -Quantization Range: Full -Color Depth: 12 bits per color -Color Format: RGB | Allow YCC 422: Off Color Depth: 10-bit Color Space: Standard (Limited) | Deep Color Output: Automatic Video Transfer Rate: Automatic RGB Range: Automatic (Recommended) | RGB Range: Auto | |
9 | HDR {3, 4} REFERENCE VALUES: Display maxTML -800 nits: C2-C3, 42-48C4, G1 -1000 nits: 55-83C4, G2, 83-97G3, 97G4 -1500 nits: 55-77G3, 55-83G4 -2000 nits: ?G5 REFERENCE TERMS: [PC] Virtual SDR: Native SDR content displayed in HDR10 without HDR injection. To play a game in Virtual SDR, disable in-game HDR and device Virtual HDR. [PC/XSX] Virtual HDR: SDR content displayed in HDR10 with HDR injection. Includes Auto HDR & RTX HDR. [XSX] Virtual DV: HDR10 content displayed in DV with DV injection. | SETUP - HDR STEP 1: Choose HDR format preference. -[PC] Virtual SDR vs Native SDR: Virtual SDR preferred for SDR gamma control. -[PC/XSX] Virtual HDR vs Virtual SDR: Game dependent. -[PC] Auto HDR vs RTX HDR: Game dependent. --Auto HDR forces SDR gamma sRGB piecewise & HDR/SDR RWL ~50 nits above SDR CB. --RTX HDR is more customizable than Auto HDR but requires NVIDIA App Game filter & has FPS cost. --To use RTX HDR, disable Auto HDR for individual game (Windows Settings > Display > Graphics - Custom options for applications > Select game > Auto HDR: Off). -[PC/XSX] Native HDR10 vs Virtual HDR: Native HDR10 preferred. -[XSX] Native HDR10 vs Native DV: Native HDR10 preferred. -[XSX] Native HDR10 vs Virtual DV: Native HDR10 preferred. STEP 2: Set display-side tone mapper in display settings (Dynamic Tone Mapping). -HGiG: Use for dark room with Game mode. -DTM Off: Use for dark room with (1) non-Game mode or (2) Game mode with non-HGiG-compliant game lacking in-game HDR settings. -DTM On: Use for (1) bright room or (2) dark room if HGiG/DTM Off are too dim. STEP 3: Set source-side tone mapper in device settings to match display's capabilities (see applicable column to the right). -minTML: 0 nits -maxTML: To determine Display maxTML, set display-side tone mapper to HGiG in STEP 2, launch the HGiG calibration app on PC/console, and follow the prompts. The maxTML test pattern will clip at the Display maxTML. Display maxTML should be close to 800, 1000, 1500, or 2000 nits depending on model. -maxFFTML: Set to maxTML. STEP 4: Set source-side tone mapper in game settings to match display's capabilities. Due to lack of HDR standardization, researching each game's settings is advised. -minTML: 0 nits --Alternative names: Min Brightness, Black Point -maxTML: Set to maxTML from STEP 3. --Alternative names: Max/Peak (Display) Brightness/Luminance/Nit, White Point -HDR/SDR RWL: Set according to maxTML per ITU-R BT.2408 standard. --Alternative names: Paper White, (HDR/Adjust) Brightness, SDR Peak/Diffuse White --[maxTML 800 nits] 172 nits --[maxTML 1000 nits] 203 nits --[maxTML 1500 nits] 276 nits --[maxTML 2000 nits] 343 nits -[Virtual SDR/Virtual HDR] Gamma slider: Set according to in-game instructions. If the test pattern does not disappear at the lowest setting, then game likely has raised near blacks, indicating it was not mastered to sRGB piecewise gamma and can benefit from 2.2/2.4 gamma correction (see Windows). --Alternative names: Brightness [PC] STEP 5: Individual games' HDR can be improved with third party mods & utilities which may trigger anti-cheat policies. -References --PCGamingWiki: https://www.pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/Glossary:High_dynamic_range_(HDR) --PCGamingWiki: https://www.pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/List_of_games_that_support_high_dynamic_range_display_(HDR) --HDRGamer: https://www.hdrgamer.com/ --Discord - HDR Den: https://discord.gg/55ySUgZ7YD -Native HDR10 mods: https://www.nexusmods.com/ (search for individual game) -Virtual HDR utilities --Auto HDR Force: https://github.com/ledoge/autohdr_force --NvTrueHDR: https://www.nexusmods.com/site/mods/781 ---Enables driver-level RTX HDR so NVIDIA Game filter can be disabled. Access quality settings to reduce FPS cost. -ReShade mods for Native HDR10/Vitual HDR: https://reshade.me/ --RenoDX: https://github.com/clshortfuse/renodx?tab=readme-ov-file ---Available mods: https://github.com/clshortfuse/renodx/wiki/Mods --DXVK: https://github.com/EndlesslyFlowering/dxvk ---PumboAutoHDR: https://github.com/Filoppi/PumboAutoHDR ---ReShade HDR Shaders (Lilium): https://github.com/EndlesslyFlowering/ReShade_HDR_shaders -SpecialK HDR Retrofit: https://www.special-k.info/ | STEP 1: Settings -Use HDR: On. Note: I recommend keeping Windows in HDR at all times. -HDR video streaming: On --Microsoft Store: Download AV1, HEVC, and VP9 HDR video codecs -[DirectX] Auto HDR: On --Xbox Game Bar - Auto HDR Intensity: 100% -SDR Content Brightness (%) (HDR/SDR RWL): SDR CB = (SDR Luminance - 80)/4 --[HDR/SDR RWL 80 nits] 0% (sRGB IEC61966-2.1 SDR standard) --Other values for reference only: ---[HDR/SDR RWL 100 nits] 5% (SMPTE 2084 HDR standard / ITU-R BT.709 SDR standard) ---[HDR/SDR RWL 120 nits] 10% (SDR pseudo-standard for gamma 2.2) ---[HDR/SDR RWL 172 nits] 23% (ITU-R BT.2408 HDR standard for maxTML 800 nits) ---[HDR/SDR RWL 203 nits] 31% (ITU-R BT.2408 HDR standard for maxTML 1000 nits) ---[HDR/SDR RWL 276 nits] 49% (ITU-R BT.2408 HDR standard for maxTML 1500 nits) ---[HDR/SDR RWL 343 nits] 66% (ITU-R BT.2408 HDR standard for maxTML 2000 nits) STEP 3 (FIGURE): Windows HDR Calibration (FIGURE) -Minimum Luminance (minTML): 0.0000 -Maximum Luminance (maxTML): --[800 nits] 800 --[1000 nits] 1000 --[1500 nits] 1500 --[2000 nits] 2000 -Max Full Frame Luminance Test (maxFFTML): Set to maxTML. -Color Saturation: Less (Default) ColorControl - Options (FIGURE): Advanced... > -Set MinTML and MaxTML when applying color profiles: On STEP 4: Apply sRGB to 2.2/2.4 SDR gamma correction. Note: SDR mastering gamma 2.2 is most common. sRGB and 2.4 are used for some PC and console exclusives, respectively. STEP 4 (PREFERRED) - COLORCONTROL METHOD: Step 4A (FIGURE): Create up to 4 HDR ICC profiles in ColorControl as below: -[ICC 1 - Virtual SDR 2.2] Set SDR Gamma Pure Power 2.2 & SDR maximum brightness 120 nits. -[ICC 2 - Virtual SDR 2.4] Set SDR Gamma Pure Power 2.4 & SDR maximum brightness 100 nits. -[ICC 3/4 - Auto HDR 2.2/2.4] Set SDR Gamma Pure Power 2.2/2.4 & SDR maximum brightness as below: --[maxTML 800 nits] 172 nits --[maxTML 1000 nits] 203 nits --[maxTML 1500 nits] 276 nits --[maxTML 2000 nits] 343 nits Step 4B (FIGURE): Create up to 7 NVIDIA Controller presets in ColorControl as below: -[Preset 1 - Native HDR10] Set SDR brightness to 0%. Set Color Profile to ICC profile from Windows HDR Calibration. -[Preset 2 - Virtual SDR 2.2] Set SDR brightness to 10%. Set Color Profile to ICC profile 1 from Step 4A. -[Preset 3 - Virtual SDR 2.4] Set SDR brightness to 5%. Set Color Profile to ICC profile 2 from Step 4A. -[Auto HDR] --Set SDR brightness as below. Note that Auto HDR adds ~50 nits to SDR CB setting. ---[maxTML 800 nits] 11% (122 nits + 50 nits = 172 nits) ---[maxTML 1000 nits] 18% (153 nits + 50 nits = 203 nits) ---[maxTML 1500 nits] 37% (226 nits + 50 nits = 276 nits) ---[maxTML 2000 nits] 53% (293 nits + 50 nits = 343 nits) --Set Color Profile as below: ---[Preset 4 - Auto HDR sRGB] ICC profile from Windows HDR Calibration ---[Preest 5 - Auto HDR 2.2] ICC profile 3 from Step 4A ---[Preset 6 - Auto HDR 2.4] ICC profile 4 from Step 4A -[Preset 7 - Native SDR] Set SDR brightness to null. Set Color Profile to "sRGB Color Space Profile.icm" from Windows Color Management. Step 4C: Apply NVIDIA Controller presets as appropriate. Presets can be assigned to Quick Access or automatically applied via Game Launcher. -Preset 1 - Native HDR10: Use for Native HDR10 games/video, SDR games mastered to sRGB, & RTX HDR. -Preset 2 - Virtual SDR - 2.2 + 120 nits: Use for SDR games mastered to 2.2 gamma. -Preset 3 - Virtual SDR - 2.4 + 100 nits: Use for SDR video & SDR games mastered to 2.4 gamma. -Preset 4 - Auto HDR - sRGB: Use for Auto HDR games originally mastered to sRGB. -Preset 5 - Auto HDR - 2.2: Use for Auto HDR games originally mastered to 2.2 gamma. -Preset 6 - Auto HDR - 2.4: Use for Auto HDR games originally mastered to 2.4 gamma. -Preset 7 - Native SDR: Use to play SDR games/video using TV's SDR Picture Mode settings. STEP 4 (ALTERNATIVE) - AUTOHOTKEY METHOD: Step 4A: Setup AutoHotKey. -Download files from AutoHotkey SDR sRGB gamma correction. -Install "AutoHotKey_1.1.37.01_setup.exe." -Copy "dispwin.exe" to "C:\Calibrations." -Copy *.ahk file to "C:\Calibrations" appropriate for maxTML. -Open Startup folder (Win+R > Open: "shell:startup"). -Copy *.ahk file from "C:\Calibrations" & Paste shortcut to "Startup." Restart PC. Step 4B: Run AutoHotKey script to apply sRGB to 2.2/2.4 gamma transfer correction. -Win+F1: Resets LUT when gamma correction is not needed. --[Native HDR10] Use for HDR games & non-gaming HDR content --[Virtual SDR] Use for PC desktop & SDR games mastered to sRGB piecewise gamma -Win+F2/F3: Applies sRGB to 2.2/2.4 gamma correction with HDR/SDR RWL set to 120/100 nits. --[Virtual SDR] Use for SDR games & SDR video mastered to 2.2/2.4 gamma. Set SDR CB to 120/100 nits as in Step 1 or Step 4B/C. -Win+F4/F5: Applies sRGB to 2.2/2.4 gamma correction with HDR/SDR RWL set per ITU-R standard. --[Auto HDR] Set SDR CB as described in Preferred Step 4B (i.e., ~50 nits below ITU-R standard). | NVIDIA App - Graphics -[DirectX/Vulcan] RTX HDR: On. See below. NVIDIA App - System -RTX Video Enhancements - HDR: Off or On. Note: Enable once to modify RTX HDR. -Peak brightness (nits) (maxTML): --[800 nits] 800 --[1000 nits] 1000 --[1500 nits] 1500 -Middle grey (nits): MG = HDR/SDR RWL * (0.5 ^ SDR gamma power) --[maxTML 800 nits - HDR/SDR RWL 172 nits] ---[SDR gamma 2.2] 37 ---[SDR gamma 2.4] 33 --[maxTML 1000 nits - HDR/SDR RWL 203 nits] ---[SDR gamma 2.2] 44 ---[SDR gamma 2.4] 38 --[maxTML 1500 nits - HDR/SDR RWL 276 nits] ---[SDR gamma 2.2] 60 ---[SDR gamma 2.4] 52 --[maxTML 2000 nits - HDR/SDR RWL 343 nits] ---[SDR gamma 2.2] 75 ---[SDR gamma 2.4] 65 -Contrast (%) (SDR gamma): --[SDR gamma 2.2] +25 --[SDR gamma 2.4] +50 -Saturation (%): -25 (sRGB) | - | - | STEP 1: Allow HDR10: On Auto HDR: On or Off Allow Dolby Vision: On Dolby Vision for Gaming: On or Off STEP 3: Calibrate HDR for games (Press LT+RT+LB+RB) (FIGURE) -Min Luminance (minTML): 0 -Max Luminance (maxTML): --[800 nits] 800 nits --[1000 nits] 1000 nits --[1500 nits] 1500 nits --[2000 nits] 2000 nits -Max Luminance (maxFFTML): Set same as maxTML. | STEP 1: HDR: Always On STEP 3: Adjust HDR (REFERENCE) -Screen 1/3 (maxFFTML): --[800 nits] 14 clicks from lowest (853 nits) --[1000 nits] 15 clicks from lowest (985 nits) --[1500 nits] 18 clicks from lowest (1500 nits) --[2000 nits] 20 clicks from lowest (2000 nits) -Screen 2/3 (maxTML): Set same as maxFFTML. -Screen 3/3 (minTML): Set to lowest value (0 nits). | - | |
10 | Spatial Sound {10} | - | Settings -Spatial Sound Type: Dolby Atmos or DTS:X | - | - | - | HDMI audio: Bitstream out or 5.1/7.1 uncompressed -Bitstream format: Dolby Atmos, Dolby Digital, DTS Digital Surround, or DTS:X | Output Device: HDMI Device (TV) HDMI Device Type: AV Receiver Audio Format (Priority): Linear PCM, Dolby Atmos, Dolby Audio, or DTS Number of channels: 5.1/7.1 ch | - | |
11 | Image Retention | In-Game Settings -HUD Transparency/Hide: On | Settings -Background: Solid Color - Black -Choose your mode: Dark -Show accent color on: Off -Desktop icon settings: uncheck all -Screen Saver: Blank after 1 minute -Automatically hide the taskbar: On -Network discovery: On LGTVCompanion (FIGURE) (Optional) ColorControl - LG Controller (FIGURE, FIGURE) | - | - | - | Dim screen after: 2 minutes | Dim Screen While Inactive: After 5 Minutes | Screen Burn-in Reduction: On | |
12 | Text Rendering {6} | - | Settings -Text size: 100-125% -Adjust ClearType text: Off (Optional) Change Windows OS font (LINK): Tahoma | - | - | - | - | - | - |
3 | BRIGHTNESS | Sound Out | TV Speaker | HDMI (ARC) Device | ||||
4 | Energy Saving Step | Off | eARC Support | - | On (HDMI port 2) | |||
5 | Adjust Logo Brightness {9} | Off | Digital Sound Output | - | Auto or Pass Through | |||
6 | Care Picture Settings | Off | Select HDMI Input Audio Format {10} | Bitstream | Bitstream | |||
7 | [Service Menu] Enable GSR {9} | Off or On | Match Screen and Sound | Bypass | Bypass | |||
8 | [Service Menu] Enable TPC (ASBL) {9} | Off or On | Dolby Atmos | On | - | |||
9 | COLOR | Balance | 0 | - | ||||
10 | HDMI Settings - 4:4:4 Pass Through (PC Mode) {1} | Off | Installation Type | Stand | - | |||
11 | HDMI Settings - HDMI Deep Color | 4k | Automatic Volume Adjustment | On | - | |||
12 | HDMI Settings - Dolby Vision PC | Off | Select Mode | AI Sound Pro | - | |||
13 | Reduce Blue Light | Off | AI Acoustic Tuning | Standard | - | |||
14 | CLARITY | AI Game Sound | Off | - | ||||
15 | Aspect Ratio - User Selection | Original | ||||||
16 | Wide Aspect Ratio | 16:9 or [ultrawide] 21:9/32:9 | LG OLED SETTINGS - PRIVACY | |||||
17 | Just Scan | On | DEVICE | ALL DEVICES | ||||
18 | Screen Move | On or Off | AI Recommendation - Who.Where.What? | Off | ||||
19 | [C3-C4/G3-G4] HDMI Settings - Quick Media Switching | On | AI Recommendation - Smart Tips | Off | ||||
20 | GAME OPTIMIZER | AI Recommendation - Next Picks | Off | |||||
21 | Game Optimizer (Dynamic Action Sync) | Off | Home Settings - Home Promotion | Off | ||||
22 | OS | Home Settings - Content Recommendation | Off | |||||
23 | Turn On with Mobile - Turn on via Wi-Fi/Bluetooth | On | Screen Saver Promotion | Off | ||||
24 | Always Ready | On | Live Plus | Off | ||||
25 | Use Always Ready without wallpaper | On | Advertisement - Limit AD Tracking | On | ||||
26 | Quick Start+ | On | Do Not Sell My Personal Information | On | ||||
27 | Home Settings - Power On Screen | Recent Input | ||||||
28 | [Mute Menu] Auto Power Sync | On | ||||||
29 | [Mute Menu] No Signal Image | Off | ||||||
30 | [Mute Menu] Show LG logo when turning off the TV | Off | ||||||
31 | ||||||||
34 | *Optional settings improve brightnes but are inaccurate | DARK ROOM | BRIGHT ROOM* | DARK ROOM | BRIGHT ROOM* | DARK ROOM | BRIGHT ROOM* | |
35 | PICTURE MODE {2} | |||||||
36 | Select Mode | Filmmaker | isf Expert Bright | HDR Filmmaker | HDR Cinema Home | DV Filmmaker or DV Cinema | DV Cinema Home | |
37 | BRIGHTNESS | |||||||
38 | OLED Pixel Brightness {3} REFERENCE VALUES [Non-Game mode] SDR Peak -300 nits: B4, C2-C4, G2 -400 nits: G3-G4 | [non-Game mode] -[SDR Peak 300 nits] 27 (100 nits) -[SDR Peak 400 nits] 20 (100 nits) | [non-Game mode] -[SDR Peak 300 nits] 27-100 (100-300 nits) -[SDR Peak 400 nits] 20-100 (100-400 nits) | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | |
39 | Peak Brightness {6} | Off | (Optional) High | High | High | High | High | |
40 | Contrast | 85 | 85 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | |
41 | Black Level | 50 | 50 | 50 | 50 | 50 | 50 | |
42 | Video Range | Auto | Auto | Auto | Auto | Auto/Limited | Auto/Limited | |
43 | Gamma (Adjust Brightness) {5} | BT.1886 | 2.2 | 2.2 (ST.2084) | 2.2 (ST.2084) | 2.2 (ST.2084) | 2.2 (ST.2084) | |
44 | Dynamic Tone Mapping {4} | - | - | Off | (Optional) On | - | - | |
45 | Auto Dynamic Contrast {5} | Off | (Optional) Low/Med/High | Off | (Optional) Low/Med/High | Off | (Optional) Low/Med/High | |
46 | [C3-C4/G3-G4] Expression Enhancer {5} | - | - | Off | (Optional) Detail/Brightness | Off | (Optional) Detail/Brightness | |
47 | AI Brightness Settings | Off | (Optional) On | Off | (Optional) On | Off | (Optional) [DV Cinema Home] On (DV IQ) | |
48 | Dolby Vision Precision Detail | - | - | - | - | Off | (Optional) [DV Cinema Home] On | |
49 | COLOR | |||||||
50 | Color Depth | 50 | 50 | 50 | 50 | 50 | 50 | |
51 | Tint | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
52 | Color Gamut {6} | Auto Detect | Auto Detect | Auto Detect | Auto Detect | Auto Detect/Native (DCI-P3) | Auto Detect/Native (DCI-P3) | |
53 | Color Temperature {6} | [6500K] W50 [JP - 9300K] C30 | (Optional) W25/0/C50 | [6500K] W50 [JP - 9300K] C30 | (Optional) W25/0/C50 | [6500K] W50 [JP - 9300K] C30 | (Optional) W25/0/C50 | |
54 | Color Adjustment | Off | Off | Off | Off | Off | Off | |
55 | CLARITY | |||||||
56 | Adjust Sharpness {7} | [2160p] 0 [<2160p] 10 | [2160p] 0 [<2160p] 10 | [2160p] 0 [<2160p] 10 | [2160p] 0 [<2160p] 10 | [2160p] 0 [<2160p] 10 | [2160p] 0 [<2160p] 10 | |
57 | Super Resolution | Off | Off | Off | Off | Off | Off | |
58 | Noise Reduction | Off | Off | Off | Off | Off | Off | |
59 | MPEG Noise Reduction | Off | Off | Off | Off | Off | Off | |
60 | Smooth Gradation | Off | Off | Off | Off | Off | Off | |
61 | Real Cinema {11} | On or Off | On or Off | On or Off | On or Off | On or Off | On or Off | |
62 | TruMotion {11} | Off or Cinematic Movement | Off or Cinematic Movement | Off or Cinematic Movement | Off or Cinematic Movement | Off or Cinematic Movement | Off or Cinematic Movement | |
63 | OLED Motion {11} | Off | Off | Off | Off | Off | Off | |
64 | Motion Eye Care | Off | Off | Off | Off | Off | Off | |
65 | AI Picture Pro | Off | (Optional) On | Off | (Optional) On | Off | (Optional) On | |
66 | AI Genre Selection | Off | Off | Off | Off | Off | Off |
2 | {1} | Enable PC mode for both PC and consoles by enabling 4:4:4 Pass Through in Picture Mode settings or changing the HDMI input icon to a PC in Home Hub Settings (hold Input button on remote to access). PC mode enables RGB/YCbCr 444, reduces input lag in non-Game modes, and may reduce banding/posterization. XSX/PS5: If you are using console for video consumption in addition to gaming, then I recommend not using PC mode because it disables motion processing and full chroma RGB/YCbCr 444 is not necessary. |
3 | {2} | A dark room has minimal ambient lighting (<5 nits). To create a secondary accurate picture mode for a bright room, use any non-Game mode at desired OLED Pixel Brightness with non-optional settings. For a less accurate brighter/satured image, use Standard or Vivid modes at default. Game mode has the lowest input lag (5-7 ms at 4k120) at cost of reduced brightness and perceived color volume/luminance. Non-Game modes have acceptably low input lag (14-15 ms at 4k120) for non-competitive gaming if PC mode or ALLM (Windows 11, XSX, PS5) are enabled. |
4 | {3} | SETUP - SDR STEP 1: Determine desired SDR Luminance based on viewing environment/comfort. For reference, SDR Luminance mastering levels are 80 nits for PC at gamma sRGB piecewise per sRGB IEC61966-2.1 and 100 nits for SDR video at gamma BT.1886 per ITU-R BT.709 in a dark room. SDR Luminance ~120 nits is a pseudo-standard for gamma 2.2 with a maximum SDR Luminance for "super white/whiter than white" for full color range (0-255) relative to limited color range (16-235). For reference, SDR Luminance (super white) = 100 nits * ((255-16) / (235-16)) ^ 2.2. STEP 2: Determine SDR OLED Pixel Brightness value needed to obtain desired SDR Luminance. To estimate the SDR Luminance, the SDR OLED Pixel Brightness and SDR Luminance must have a linear relationship and SDR Peak and SDR Min Luminance must be provided as follows: SDR Luminance = SDR OLED Pixel Brightness * (SDR Peak - SDR Min)/(100 - 0) + SDR Min >> SDR OLED Pixel Brightness = 100 * (SDR Luminance - SDR Min)/(SDR Peak - SDR Min) The SDR Peak/Min values differ by the specific model/size/picture mode in use and can be obtained with a colorimeter or estimated from online reviews. Rounded estimates using rtings.com measurements are listed in the "Reference - Display Comparison" tab, with SDR Peak = SDR Real Scene Peak Brightness and SDR Min = SDR Minimum Brightness. All models have SDR Min ~25 nits. All models except 55-77G3 have an SDR Peak ~200 nits in Game mode and ~300 nits in non-Game mode, while G3 has SDR Peak ~300 nits and ~400 nits, respectively. Using these estimates, the formula simplifies to: -SDR Peak 200 nits: SDR Luminance = SDR OLED Pixel Brightness * 1.75 + 25 >> SDR OLED Pixel Brightness = (SDR Luminance - 25)/1.75 -SDR Peak 300 nits: SDR Luminance = SDR OLED Pixel Brightness * 2.75 + 25 >> SDR OLED Pixel Brightness = (SDR Luminance - 25)/2.75 -SDR Peak 400 nits: SDR Luminance = SDR OLED Pixel Brightness * 3.75 + 25 >> SDR OLED Pixel Brightness = (SDR Luminance - 25)/3.75 For reference, SDR OLED Pixel Brightness values needed to obtain a desired SDR Luminance (nits) are as follows: -SDR Peak 200 nits: 0 (25 nits), 31 (80 nits), 42 (100 nits), 54 (120 nits), 100 (200 nits) -SDR Peak 300 nits: 0 (25 nits), 20 (80 nits), 27 (100 nits), 35 (120 nits), 63 (200 nits), 100 (300 nits) -SDR Peak 400 nits: 0 (25 nits), 15 (80 nits), 20 (100 nits), 25 (120 nits), 47 (200 nits), 73 (200 nits), 100 (400 nits) |
5 | {4} | SETUP - HDR The PQ EOTF curve is the standard for transforming Source HDR PQ values into actual/measurable Display HDR Luminance per SMPTE ST 2084. The Source HDR PQ values and Display HDR Luminance are both measured in nits but are not necessarily equal unless the maxCLL <= Display maxTML. Because most HDR content has a maxCLL > Display maxTML (i.e., the display cannot physically output an equivalent luminance for upper range PQ values), an HDR tone mapper is necessary to transform the HDR Static Metadata range (minCLL to maxCLL) into the Display HDR TML range (Display minTML to Display maxTML) to minimize clipping of specular highlights. Source HDR PQ values include: -HDR Static Metadata: PQ values are encoded in HDR content by creator and cannot be changed. --minCLL: PQ value of darkest pixel in HDR content. --maxCLL: PQ value of brightest pixel in HDR content. --maxFALL: PQ value of brightest frame average in HDR content. --maxDML: PQ value of the mastering monitor's maximum Display HDR Luminance. -Tone Map Luminance: PQ values are set by end-user to instruct the source HDR tone mapper on the actual brightness capabilities of attached display. --Source minTML: PQ value of 10% black window. Source minTML should be set to 0 nits because OLED's Display minTML (minimum Display HDR Luminance of 10% black window) = 0 nits. --Source maxTML: PQ value of 10% white window (10% APL). Source maxTML should be set as close as possible to Display maxTML (peak Display HDR Luminance of 10% white window). --Source maxFFTML: PQ value of 100% white window (100% APL). Source maxFFTML should be set equal to Source maxTML even though the Display maxFFTML (peak Display HDR Luminance of 100% white window) is significantly lower than maxFFTML due to ABL. -HDR/SDR Reference White Level (HDR/SDR RWL): PQ value of SDR/sRGB white. HDR/SDR RWL approximates the Display HDR Luminance of SDR white. STEP 1: XSX: Allow Dolby Vision enables LLDV (12-bit YCbCr 422 Limited). Dolby Vision for Gaming enables native DV games and converts all HDR10 games to DV (Virtual DV). PC: Auto HDR is dependent on Windows HDR Calibration (TML), SDR Content Brightness (HDR/SDR RWL), and Auto HDR Intensity (Source maxCLL with 0% = SDR Content Brightness + 50 nits and 100% = maxTML). Auto HDR Intensity at 0% does not display the original SDR image but instead displays SDR white with maxCLL = SDR Content Brightness + 50 nits. To view Auto HDR and SDR side-by-side, open Command Prompt as Administrator and enter the following command: reg add HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\GraphicsDrivers /v AutoHDR.ScreenSplit /t REG_DWORD /d 1. To disable side-by-side, enter the following command: reg delete HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\GraphicsDrivers /v AutoHDR.ScreenSplit /f. Set HDR/SDR RWL equal to SDR Luminance ideal for SDR viewing conditions (i.e., 100 nits for dark room, 200 nits for bright room). SDR Content Brightness (SDR CB) sets the HDR/SDR RWL with 0% equivalent to Source HDR PQ value 80 nits. The 100% equivalent Source HDR PQ value is not documented, although maxCLL measurements on an SDR 100% white window in HDR demonstrate a linear relationship between SDR CB and HDR/SDR RWL with 100% equivalent to 480 nits. Thus, HDR/SDR RWL (nits) = SDR CB (%) * (480 - 80)/(100 - 0) + 80 = SDR CB (%) * 4 + 80 >> SDR CB (%) = (SDR RWL - 80)/4. For reference, SDR CB values (%) needed to obtain an HDR/SDR RWL (nits) are as follows: 0% (80 nits), 5% (100 nits), 10% (120 nits), 18% (150 nits), 30% (200 nits), 55% (300 nits), 100% (480 nits). PC - NVIDIA: RTX HDR requires Auto HDR and in-game native HDR10 to be deactivated. Middle grey defines the luminance of a white pixel at 50% intensity with Middle grey (nits) = HDR/SDR RWL * (0.5 ^ SDR gamma power). STEP 2: PC: HGiG can be forced with a non-Game mode by using ColorControl (LG Controller > Expert... > Picture > HDR Dynamic Tone Mapping > HGIG). Display-side HDR tone mapper options include (see "Reference - HDR Tone Mapper" for graphical representation): -HGiG: Display uses a static HDR tone mapper curve approximating PQ EOTF for all PQ values (PQ value = Display HDR Luminance) with "hard clip" at Display maxTML. The source-side HDR tone mapper must parameterize HDR Static Metadata PQ values as a function of Source TML PQ values with Source maxTML = Display maxTML, effectively transforming minCLL-maxCLL range into Source minTML-Source maxTML range and minimizing clipping. HGiG-compliant games (including Auto HDR) will use Source TML PQ values set in the device's HDR calibration. Non-HGiG-compliant games will ignore Source TML PQ values set on device and must have Source TML PQ values set in-game. -DTM Off: Display uses one of several possible static preset HDR tone mapper curves with a variable "roll off" at Display maxTML as PQ values approach a Target maxTML. Target maxTML is determined by the HDR Static Metadata as follows: --If maxDML = maxCLL = 0 (not provided), then Target maxTML = 4000 nits --If maxDML = 0 & maxCLL > 0, then Target maxTML = maxCLL --If maxDML > 0 & maxCLL = 0, then Target maxTML = maxDML --If maxDML & maxCLL > 0 AND ---If maxDML <= 4000 nits & maxCLL < maxDML, then Target maxTML = maxCLL ---If maxDML <= 4000 nits & maxCLL > maxDML, then Target maxTML = maxDML ---If maxDML > 4000 nits, then Target maxTML = maxDML ---If maxCLL >= maxDML, then Target maxTML = maxDML --If resultant Target maxTML <450 nits, then Target maxTML = 450 nits The HDR tone mappers closely approximate the PQ EOTF curve for low/mid range (PQ value = Display HDR Luminance) but increasingly deviate from the PQ EOTF for high range (PQ value > Display HDR Luminance) as Target maxTML increases. Note that consoles do not transmit HDR Static Metadata to the display. Windows may transmit HDR Static Metadata using minCLL = Source minTML, maxCLL = Source maxTML, and maxFALL = Source maxFFTML. The source-side HDR tone mapper should be parameterized with Source maxTML = Display maxTML just like for HGiG. Setting Source maxTML = Target maxTML when Target maxTML > Display maxTML will map high range PQ values beyond the display's capabilities and induce clipping. An HDR tone mapper curve with Target maxTML close to Display maxTML would theoretically minimize the "roll off" and achieve a similar effect to HGiG. This can be attempted by (1) forcing Mastering Peak (maxDML) = maxCLL in HDMI Signalling Override to a value close to Display maxTML and (2) setting the DTM Off Professional Mastering (maxDML) curve appropriate for Display maxTML to 100. For reference, maxDML = maxCLL needed to approximate Display maxTML are as follows: 700 nits (800 nits), 1000 nits (1000 nits). Display maxTML 1500 nits has no good approximation. -DTM On: Display dynamically alters HDR tone mapper for each frame, typically brighteninig mid range PQ values at cost of black raise and clipping. STEP 3: PC: Use Windows HDR Calibration app (System > Display > HDR > HDR Display Calibration). For reference, Maximum Luminance = Max Full Frame Luminance Test values needed to obtain Source maxTML are as follows: 0-2000 (0-2000 nits), 2200 (4000 nits), 2800 (10000 nits). TML values set by Windows HDR Calibration app are inconsistently applied. They can be forced by using ColorControl (Options > Advanced) or CRU (CTA-861 > HDR Static Metadata). For CRU, Max = Max luminance (maxTML, nits) = Max frame-avg (maxFFTML, nits) = 50 * 2^(value/32) and Min luminance (minTML, nits) = Max * (value/255)^2/100. For reference, Max values needed to obtain Source maxTML are as follows: 128 (800 nits), 138 (993 nits), 151 (1288 nits), 157 (1499 nits). TML values can be confirmed by checking Advanced display in Windows Settings, viewing DxDiag.txt (Run dxdiag.exe > Save All Information), or using VESA DisplayHDR Test app. STEP 4: For reference, HDR/SDR Reference White Level is specified as 100 nits per SMPTE ST 2084 and as a function of maxTML per ITU-R BT.2408-5. LG recommends 80 or 100 nits in OLED Pro Monitor Best Practices for PC use. The ICC profiles generated by Windows HDR Calibration app convert native SDR content to Virtual SDR or Auto HDR by applying a gamma transfer from sRGB piecewise to ST.2084. This behavior works properly for native SDR content mastered in gamma sRGB piecewise but will cause raised blacks in SDR games mastered to gamma 2.2 or BT.1886. An sRGB piecewise to 2.2 or BT.1886 SDR gamma conversion can be applied by utilizing AutoHotKeys or ColorControl as described. |
6 | {5} | SDR mastering for games is a non-standard process. Ideally, SDR mastering would be done on a PC monitor with gamma sRGB piecewise or on a TV with gamma BT.1886. However, "mastering" is typically done on an inaccurate monitor with gamma 2.2. Furthermore, LG does not offer sRGB piecewise output and will display PC SDR content mastered to sRGB piecewise with black crush if gamma 2.2 or BT.1886 is chosen. To display SDR content with gamma sRGB piecewise (e.g., web browser), Windows should be kept in HDR mode because Windows accurately applies an sRGB piecewise to ST.2084 gamma conversion. To display SDR content with gamma 2.2 or BT.1886 (e.g., games/video), Windows can be kept in SDR mode with display gamma 2.2 or BT.1886 or in HDR mode with an sRGB piecewise to 2.2 or BT.1886 SDR gamma conversion (see Setup - HDR). SDR gamma sRGB piecewise is the standard for PC use per IEC 61966-2-1:1999 and was created as a modification of gamma 2.2 to improve near black visibility. SDR gamma BT.1886 is video mastering gamma per ITU-R BT.1886. Fine Tune Dark Areas can be used to compensate for VRR-induced gamma shift at variable frame times at cost of black crush. -3 is a good compromise value. Auto Dynamic Contrast alters gamma significantly to increase brightness. |
7 | {6} | Color gamut Auto Detect accurately displays sRGB and DCI-P3 content within [SDR] sRGB/Rec.709 and [HDR] Rec.2020 containers. W50 (6500 K) sets D65 white point accurately but may appear reddish at first. C0 and C50 (10000 K) are bluish. W25 is a popular compromise of accuracy and cooler temperatures typical of PC monitors. Assuming a linear relationship of color temperature (T) and display setting (t), T (K) = 35 * t + 6500 K with t = 0, 50, and 100 corresponding to W50, C0, and C50, respectively. For reference, legacy models such as CX/GX used Warm3, Warm2 (W50), Warm1 (W25), Medium (C0), and Cool (C50). SDR Peak Brightness boosts white subpixel and decreases Color Volume. XSX: Allow YCC 422 has no effect with 4k120, SDR, or DV. At 4k60 (18 Gbps TMDS), Allow YCC 422 forces HDR10 games to 12 bit YCbCr 422 instead of 8 bit RGB. PC: Disabling ClearType enables grayscale anti-aliasing in most areas of Windows GUI. Disabling PC mode reduces text color fringing (chromatic aberration) in some areas, although doing so will force YCbCr 422 chroma subsampling. PC - NVIDIA: Download ReShade GitHub repository by clicking Code > Download ZIP. Extract "reshade-shaders-nvidia.zip." Copy files from "ShadersAndTextures" folder to "C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\Ansel." Create the Ansel folder if it does not exist. With NVIDIA App overlay, press Alt+F3 in-game to access Freestyle. |
8 | {7} | Sharpness 0 disables sharpening and is most accurate for uncompressed 4k signal. Sharpness 10-25 applies sharpening at cost of edge artifacts. PC: Use CRU to delete all 4096x2160 resolutions (CTA-861 > TV Resolutions; HDMI Support > HDMI Resolutions). Aspect ratio scaling displays in-game 1080p/1440p full screen. Centered/No scaling displays in-game 1080p/1440p with black bars. To increase FPS, consider resolution upscaling with super sampling (FSR, XeSS, or [NVIDIA] DLSS) or sharpening ([NVIDIA] NIS or [AMD] RSR). NIS/RSR disable other scaling modes. SETUP - ULTRAWIDE PC - NVIDIA: Use CRU to create ultrawide custom resolutions (Edit... CTA-861 Extension block > Add... Detailed resolutions > modify Active row). To create a second ultrawide resolution, duplicate the CTA-861 Extension block after making other modifications. Using NVCP "Create Custom Resolution" or "Enable desktop resizing" will limit HDR or color depth functionality. |
9 | {8} | XSX: Enabling AMD FreeSync Premium forces FreeSync over HDMI instead of HDMI VRR. ALLM may force Game mode (only works with Dolby Vision currently). PC: "Optimizations for windowed games" applies a flip presentation model to DirectX 10/11 to reduce system latency for games running (borderless) windowed mode. PC - NVIDIA: Multi Frame Generation 3X/4X is not necessary unless using a 240-480 Hz monitor. For games in which HDMI VRR is not working (i.e., Vulkan API), use nVidia Profile Inspector within ColorControl to set GSYNC Application Mode to Fullscreen and Windowed. |
10 | {9} | SETUP - PIXEL DIMMING DISABLING PIXEL DIMMING MAY INCREASE RISK OF BURN-IN/TEMPORARY IMAGE RETENTION AND MAY VOID WARRANTY. TPC (Temporal Peak Luminance Control) gradually lowers luminance in response to stable APL (Average Picture Level). ASBL (Auto Static Brightness Limiter) = TPC. GSR (Global Sticky Reduction) lowers luminance in response to static elements. ALB (Adjust Logo Brightness) dims static elements only. ABL (Auto Brightness Limiter) controls panel's inherent power-limited max luminance as function of APL and cannot be disabled. To disable pixel dimming, set TPC & GSR to Off in the Service Menu and ALB to Off in All Settings. PC: Use ColorControl to disable TPC & GSR (LG controller > Expert... > Config > TPC > Disabled & GSR > Disabled. Console: Purchase an LG service remote (MKJ39170828), press In Start, and enter 0413. In Service Menu, navigate to OLED submenu with LG service remote and set "Enable TPC" and "Enable GSR" to Off. Do NOT press In Stop. Press Settings on regular remote button to exit. |
11 | {10} | HDMI Input Audio Format Bitstream supports both LPCM (5.1/7.1) and Bitstream (Dolby/DTS). PC: "Dolby Atmos for home theater" also supports non-Atmos surround sound (including LPCM 5.1/7.1) via Dolby MAT (Dolby Multichannel 7.1). |
12 | {11} | Video processing should be applied per personal preference. Filmmaker mode defaults to no processing, but the stutter and judder may be intolerable. Clarity settings described below: -Cinema Screen: Applies a reverse 3:2 pulldown if a 3:2 pulldown has been applied by source (i.e., 24p content converted to 60p). Converts 24p to 120p via 5:5 pulldown (frame repeating) to reduce stutter. Stutter is caused when display's refresh rate exceeds the content's frame rate. No motion/frame interpolation is used. Disabled if TruMotion is used. -TruMotion: Applies motion/frame interpolation at cost of image artifacts. --De-Judder: Converts 24p/25p/30p content to 60p via motion/frame interpolation to reduce judder. Judder is caused by variable frame times (such as if a 3:2 pulldown has been applied by source). --De-Blur: Converts 50p/60p content to 120p via motion/frame interpolation to reduce blur. --Off: Sets De-Judder/De-Blur to 0/0. Default for Filmmaker mode. --Cinematic Movement: Most popular option. --Natural: In between Cinematic and Smooth Movement. --Smooth Movement: Sets De-Judder/De-Blur to 10/10. Creates soap opera effect. --OLED Motion Pro: Activates BFI to reduce stutter at cost of dimmer image and flicker. For C2-C3, On operates at 30/60 Hz. For C1, Low/Medium/High operate at 30/60/120 Hz and Auto switches between 30/60 Hz. |
3 | Energy Saving Step | Lowers brightness. | |
4 | Adjust Logo Brightness | Dims static elements only. | |
5 | [Service Menu] Enable GSR | Dims entire screen if sustained static elements are displayed. | |
6 | [Service Menu] Enable TPC | Dims entire screen if sustained bright content is displayed (ASBL). | |
7 | COLOR | ||
8 | HDMI input icon - PC | Enables full chroma RGB/YCbCr 444. Reduces input lag in all picture modes. | |
9 | [C3] 4:4:4 Pass Through | Enables full chroma RGB/YCbCr 444. Reduces input lag in all picture modes. | |
10 | HDMI Deep Color | Enables 10/12-bit color depth. | |
11 | Reduce Blue Light | Warms color temperature. | |
12 | CLARITY | ||
13 | Aspect Ratio | Controls display scaling. | |
14 | [C2-C3] Wide Aspect Ratio | Controls display scaling. | |
15 | Just Scan | Disables over scan. | |
16 | Screen Move | Intermittently shifts image 1 pixel row/column. | |
17 | [C3] Quick Media Switching | Enables VRR to prevent blanking when device changes video output refresh mode (24/30/50/60 Hz). | |
18 | GAMING | ||
19 | Game Optimizer | Enables Dynamic Action Sync (ALLM). | |
20 | Prevent Input Delay | Boost converts 60 fps content to 120 fps to reduce input lag. No effect at 120 fps. | |
21 | [C1-C3] VRR & G-SYNC | Enables HDMI VRR (G-SYNC Compatible). | |
22 | AMD FreeSync Premium | Enables FreeSync over HDMI (AMD FreeSync Premium). | |
23 | Game Genre | Alters gamma. | |
24 | Fine Tune Dark Areas | Alters near-black gamma. | |
25 | [C2-C3] Dark Room Mode | Warms color temperature. | |
26 | OS | ||
27 | Pixel Cleaning | Equalizes wear on pixels. If screen uniformity is bothersome after first 100 hours of use, try a manual Pixel Cleaning before exchanging panel. | |
28 | Quick Start+ | Quick resume. | |
29 | Home Auto Launch | Displays app bar when turning on TV. | |
30 | No Signal Image | Displays Gallery pictures when signal is lost. | |
31 | Live Plus | Targeted advertising. | |
33 | BRIGHTNESS | ||
34 | OLED Pixel Brightness | Controls SDR Luminance. SDR values control peak full screen average luminance and can be adjusted per preference/lighting conditions, although higher values increase risk of temporary image retention and burn-in. HDR values control maxTML and should be left at 100. | |
35 | Peak Brightness | Boosts white subpixel to increase luminance. | |
36 | Contrast | Controls white level. | |
37 | Black Level | Controls black level. | |
38 | Video Range | Controls dynamic range. Limited/Low: Choose if input device color range set to Limited to avoid raised blacks. Full/High: Choose if input device color range set to Full to avoid crushed blacks. | |
39 | Gamma (Adjust Brightness) | Controls % of maximum output luminance for input pixel level. | |
40 | Auto Dynamic Contrast | Dynamically alters gamma. | |
41 | AI Brightness Settings | Adjusts brightness based on ambient lighting. Enables Dolby Vision IQ in Dolby Vision Cinema Home to adjust contrast based on ambient lighting. | |
42 | [C3] Expression Enhancer | Alters EOTF. Dark Detail: Enhances luminance darker areas. Brightness: Enhances luminance in mid levels. | |
43 | HDR/Dynamic Tone Mapping | Sets TV HDR tone mapping method. Goal of tone mapping is to avoid color clipping - losing contrast in bright areas ("blown-out whites/specular highlights") or dark areas ("crushed blacks"). HGiG: HGiG forces TV to use tone mapping curve defined by user in device or in-game settings. Produces best color contrast in high range at cost of dimmer mid-range, assuming TML values are set appropriately. MinTML = 0 nits. MaxTML = maxFFTML. Off: Off sets TV's tone mapping curve to one of several preset curves dependent on HDR Static Metadata. Provides improved color contrast in high range at cost of dim mid-range. On: On enables Dynamic Tone Mapping, which is an LG-proprietary algorithm determined on per frame basis. Produces a brighter mid-range at cost of color clipping in high range and raised near blacks. | |
44 | [C2-C3] Dolby Vision Precision Detail | Enables Dolby Vision Precision Detail in Dolby Vision Cinema Home to enhance contrast in dark scenes. | |
45 | COLOR | ||
46 | Color Depth | Alters color space mapping. | |
47 | Tint | Alters red and green color. | |
48 | Color Gamut | Sets color gamut map. Auto Detect: Accurately maps source color space (sRGB, DCI-P3, BT.2020) within [SDR] BT.709/Rec.709 and [HDR] BT.2020/Rec.2020 containers, respectively. Native/Wide: Content mapped to native panel color gamut (~99% DCI-P3) and displayed within [SDR] Rec.709 or [HDR] Rec.2020 containers. [SDR] Rec.709 container results in color clipping/saturation for sRGB content. Can be forced in PC mode with some non-Game modes or with ColorControl. Dynamic/Extended: Content mapped to non-standard color gamut between sRGB and DCI-P3. Adobe RGB: Content mapped to Adobe RGB. | |
49 | Color Temperature | Alters color temperature. | |
50 | Color Adjustment | Alters color calibration. | |
51 | CLARITY | ||
52 | Adjust Sharpness | Applies anti-aliasing. 0 disables sharpening. LG uses 10/20/25 in various picture modes. | |
53 | Super Resolution | Applies image upscaling. | |
54 | Noise Reduction | Lessens image noise | |
55 | MPEG Noise Reduction | Lessens image noise. | |
56 | Smooth Gradation | Lessens banding. | |
57 | Cinema Screen/Real Cinema | 5:5 pulldown for 24p content. See Settings - Video. | |
58 | TruMotion | Image interpolation. See Settings - Video. | |
59 | OLED Motion Pro | Black frame insertion. See Settings - Video. | |
60 | Motion Eye Care | Dynamically alters brightness/blur. | |
61 | AI Picture Pro | Dynamic upscaling. | |
62 | AI Genre Selection | Dynamic picture/sound processing. | |
64 | Sound Out | Sets audio output device. | |
65 | eARC | Enables eARC (HDMI 2). | |
66 | HDMI Input Audio Format | Sets input audio format. | |
67 | AV Sync Adjustment | Compensates for audio delay. | |
68 | Digital Sound Output | Sets output audio format. |
3 | SELF-EMISSIVE 4K120 TV | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4 | LG G5 | 2025 | WOLED (LGD 4S OLED) | Glossy | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
5 | LG C5 | 2025 | WOLED (LGD EX) | Glossy | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
6 | LG G4 | 2024 | 55-97" | [55-83"] WOLED (LGD META 2.0 (EX + MLA+) + HS) [97"] WOLED (LGD EX + HS) | RWBG stripe | Glossy | 10-bit | ~75% | ~40% | [G4] 4 HDMI @ 48 Gbps | [55-83"] 144 Hz [97"] 120 Hz | Yes | Yes (G-SYNC Compatible) | Yes (Premium) | Yes | Yes | 5 ms | DV IQ PD | Yes | No | No | Yes (1500 nits) | ~1400 nits | ~225 nits | ~25 nits (?) | ~300 nits (?) | ~400 nits (?) | Yes {4} | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | WebOS | ||
7 | LG C4 | 2024 | 42-83" | WOLED (LGD EX) | RWBG stripe | Glossy | 10-bit | ~75% | ~35% | 4 HDMI @ 48 Gbps | 144 Hz | Yes | Yes (G-SYNC Compatible) | Yes (Premium) | Yes | Yes | 5 ms | DV IQ PD | Yes | No | No | Yes (800 nits) (42-48") Yes (1000 nits) (55-83") | ~750 nits (42-48") ~925 nits (55-83") | ~175 nits (42-48") ~200 nits (55-83") | ~25 nits (?) | ~200 nits | ~200 nits | Yes {4} | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | WebOS | ||
8 | LG B4 | 2024 | 48-77" | WOLED | RWBG stripe | Glossy | 10-bit | ~75% | ~35% | 4 HDMI @ 48 Gbps | 120 Hz | Yes | Yes (G-SYNC Compatible) | Yes (Premium) | Yes | Yes (?) | 6 ms | DV IQ PD | Yes | No | No | Yes (? nits) | ~675 nits | ~150 nits | ~25 nits (?) | ~200 nits (?) | ~300 nits (?) | Yes {4} | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | WebOS | ||
9 | LG G3 | 2023 | 55-83" | [55-77"] WOLED (LGD META (EX + MLA) + HS) [83"] WOLED (LGD EX + HS) | RWBG stripe | Glossy | 10-bit | ~75% | ~40% | 4 HDMI @ 48 Gbps | 120 Hz | Yes | Yes (G-SYNC Compatible) | Yes (Premium) | Yes | Yes | 6 ms | DV IQ PD | Yes | No | No | Yes (1500 nits) (55-77") Yes (1000 nits) (83") (?) | ~1400 nits (55"-77") ~1000 nits (83") (?) | ~225 nits | ~25 nits (?) | ~300 nits | ~400 nits | Yes {4} | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | WebOS | ||
10 | LG C3 | 2023 | 42-83" | WOLED (LGD EX) | RWBG stripe | Glossy | 10-bit | ~75% | ~35% | 4 HDMI @ 48 Gbps | 120 Hz | Yes | Yes (G-SYNC Compatible) | Yes (Premium) | Yes | Yes | 6 ms | DV IQ PD | Yes | No | No | Yes (800 nits) | ~825 nits | ~150 nits | ~25 nits (?) | ~200 nits (?) | ~200 nits | Yes {4} | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | WebOS | ||
11 | LG G2 | 2022 | 55-97" | WOLED (LGD EX + HS) | RWBG stripe | Glossy | 10-bit | ~75% | ~35% | 4 HDMI @ 48 Gbps | 120 Hz | Yes | Yes (G-SYNC Compatible) | Yes (Premium) | Yes | No | 6 ms | DV IQ PD | Yes | No | No | Yes (1000 nits) | ~900 nits | ~175 nits | ~25 nits (?) | ~200 nits (?) | ~300 nits | Yes {4} | Yes | Yes | No | No | Yes | WebOS | ||
12 | LG C2 | 2022 | 42-83" | [42-48"] WOLED (LGD EX or WBC) [55-83"] WOLED (LGD EX) | RWBG stripe | Glossy | 10-bit | ~75% | ~35% | 4 HDMI @ 48 Gbps | 120 Hz | Yes | Yes (G-SYNC Compatible) | Yes (Premium) | Yes | No | 6 ms | DV IQ PD | Yes | No | No | Yes (800 nits) | ~700 nits (42-48") ~800 nits (55-83") | ~125 nits (42-48") ~175 nits (55-83") | ~25 nits | ~200 nits | ~300 nits | Yes {4} | Yes | Yes | No | No | No | WebOS | ||
13 | LG G1 | 2021 | 55-77" | WOLED (LGD WBE) | RWBG stripe | Glossy | 10-bit | ~75% | ~35% | 4 HDMI @ 40 Gbps | 120 Hz | Yes | Yes (G-SYNC Compatible) | Yes (Premium) | Yes | No | 6 ms | DV IQ | Yes | No | No | Yes (800 nits) | ~800 nits | ~175 nits | ~25 nits (?) | ~200 nits (?) | ~300 nits | Yes {4} | Yes | Yes | No | No | No | WebOS | ||
14 | LG C1 | 2021 | 48-83" | WOLED (LGD WBE or WBC) | RWBG stripe | Glossy | 10-bit | ~75% | ~35% | 4 HDMI @ 40 Gbps | 120 Hz | Yes | Yes (G-SYNC Compatible) | Yes (Premium) | Yes | No | 6 ms | DV IQ | Yes | No | No | Yes (800 nits) | ~800 nits (48") ~725 nits (55-77") | ~125 nits (48") ~150 nits (55-77") | ~25 nits | ~200 nits | ~300 nits (?) | Yes {4} | Yes | Yes | No | No | No | WebOS | ||
15 | LG GX | 2020 | 55-77" | WOLED (LGD WBC) | RWBG stripe | Glossy | 10-bit | ~75% | ~35% | 4 HDMI @ 40 Gbps | 120 Hz | Yes | Yes (G-SYNC Compatible) | Yes (Premium) | Yes | No | 7 ms | DV IQ | Yes | No | No | Yes (800 nits) | ~800 nits | ~150 nits | ~25 nits (?) | ~200 nits (?) | ~300 nits (?) | Yes {4} | Yes | Yes | No | No | No | WebOS | ||
16 | LG CX | 2020 | 48-77" | WOLED (LGD WBC) | RWBG stripe | Glossy | 10-bit | ~75% | ~35% | 4 HDMI @ 40 Gbps | 120 Hz | Yes | Yes (G-SYNC Compatible) | Yes (Premium) | Yes | No | 7 ms | DV IQ | Yes | No | No | Yes (800 nits) | ~725 nits (48") ~800 nits (55-77") | ~125 nits (48") ~150 nits (55-77") | ~25 nits (?) | ~200 nits | ~300 nits | Yes {4} | Yes | Yes | No | No | No | WebOS | ||
17 | LG C9 | 2019 | 55-77" | WOLED (LGD WBC) | RWBG stripe | Glossy | 10-bit | ~75% | ~35% | 4 HDMI @ 48 Gbps | 120 Hz | Yes {1} (DV off) | Yes (G-SYNC Compatible) | No | Yes | No | 7 ms | DV | Yes {1} (4k60) | No | No | Yes (800 nits) | ~850 nits | ~150 nits | ~25 nits (?) | ~200 nits (?) | ~300 nits | Yes {4} | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No | WebOS | ||
18 | Samsung S95F | 2025 | 55-77" | QD-OLED (EL 3.0) | RGB triangular v2 | Glossy | 10-bit | ~90% | ~55% | 4 HDMI @ 48 Gbps | 165 Hz | ~2000 nits (?) | ~400 nits (?) | |||||||||||||||||||||||
19 | Samsung S90F | 2025 | 55-77" | QD-OLED (EL 3.0) | RGB triangular v2 | Glossy | 10-bit | ~90% | ~55% | 4 HDMI @ 48 Gbps | 165 Hz | ~2000 nits (?) | ~400 nits (?) | |||||||||||||||||||||||
20 | Samsung S90F (WOLED) | 2025 | 42-48", 83" | WOLED (LGD EX) (?) | Glossy | 10-bit | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
21 | Samsung S85F | 2025 | Glossy | 10-bit | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
22 | Samsung S90D | 2024 | 55-77" | QD-OLED (SD + blue HEEL) (?) | RGB triangular v2 | Glossy | 10-bit | ~90% | ~55% | 4 HDMI @ 48 Gbps | 144 Hz | Yes | Yes (G-SYNC Compatible) | Yes (Premium) | Yes | No | 5 ms | HDR10+ Adaptive | No | Yes | No | Yes {3} (?nits) | ~1200 nits | ~225 nits | (?) | (?) | ~400 nits | Yes {5} | Yes | Yes | No | No | No | Tizen OS | ||
23 | Samsung S90D (WOLED) | 2024 | 42-48", 83" | WOLED (?) | RWBG stripe | Glossy | 10-bit | (?) | (?) | 4 HDMI @ 48 Gbps | 144 Hz | Yes | Yes (G-SYNC Compatible) | Yes (Premium) | Yes | No | 5 ms | HDR10+ Adaptive | No | Yes | No | Yes {3} (?nits) | (?) | (?) | (?) | (?) | (?) | Yes {5} | Yes | Yes | No | No | No | Tizen OS | ||
24 | Samsung S85D | 2024 | 55-83" | WOLED (LGD EX) (?) | RWBG stripe | Glossy | 10-bit | ~75% | ~35% | 4 HDMI @ 48 Gbps | 120 Hz | Yes | Yes (G-SYNC Compatible) | Yes (Premium) | Yes | No | 5 ms | HDR10+ Adaptive | No | Yes | No | Yes {3} (?nits) | ~600 nits | ~150 nits | (?) | (?) | ~400 nits | Yes {5} | Yes | Yes | No | No | No | Tizen OS | ||
25 | Samsung S90C | 2023 | 55-77" | QD-OLED (SD + blue HEEL) | RGB triangular | Glossy | 10-bit | ~90% | ~55% | 4 HDMI @ 48 Gbps | 144 Hz | Yes | Yes | Yes (Premium) | Yes | No | 5 ms | HDR10+ Adaptive | No | Yes | No | Yes {3} (?1000 nits) | ~1025 nits | ~200 nits | (?) | (?) | ~200 nits | Yes {5} | Yes | Yes | No | No | Yes | Tizen OS | ||
26 | Samsung S90C (WOLED) | 2023 | 83" | WOLED (LGD EX) (?) | RWBG stripe | Glossy | 10-bit | (?) | (?) | 4 HDMI @ 48 Gbps | 144 Hz | Yes | Yes | Yes (Premium) | Yes | No | 5 ms | HDR10+ Adaptive | No | Yes | No | Yes {3} (?nits) | (?) | (?) | (?) | (?) | (?) | Yes {5} | Yes | Yes | No | No | Yes | Tizen OS | ||
27 | Samsung S95B | 2022 | 55-65" | QD-OLED (SD) | RGB triangular | Glossy | 10-bit | ~90% | ~50% | 4 HDMI @ 48 Gbps | 120 Hz | Yes | Yes | Yes (Premium) | Yes | No | 5 ms | HDR10+ Adaptive | No | Yes | No | Yes {3} (1000 nits) | ~1025 nits | ~225 nits | (?) | ~200 nits (?) | ~200 nits | Yes {5} | Yes | Yes | No | No | Yes | Tizen OS | ||
28 | Panasonic Z95A | 2024 | 65" | WOLED (LGD META 2.0) | RWBG stripe | Glossy | 10-bit | ~75% | ~40% | 2 HDMI @ 48 Gbps | 144 Hz | Yes (G-SYNC Compatible) | Yes (Premium) | Yes | DV IQ HDR10+ Adaptive | Yes | No | Yes | Yes | No | No | Yes | Fire TV | |||||||||||||
29 | Sony A95L | 2023 | 55-77" | QD-OLED (SD + blue HEEL) | RGB triangular | Glossy | 10-bit | ~90% | ~55% | 2 HDMI @ 48 Gbps 2 HDMI @ 18 Gbps | 120 Hz | Yes {2} (VRR Off) | Yes | No | Yes | (?) | (?) | DV | (?) | No | (?) | No {3} | (?) ~1350 nits | (?) ~250 nits | (?) | (?) | (?) | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Google TV | ||
30 | Sharp OLED | 2023 | 55-65" | Roku TV | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
31 | TCL H-QLED | 2024 (?) | QD-OLED (TCL) | ~80% (?) | Yes (Premium Pro) | DV HDR10+ | Google TV | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
32 | Samsung microLED | MicroLED (SD) | Tizen OS | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
33 | Samsung QNED | QNED (SD) | Tizen OS | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
34 | Samsung QDEL | QDEL (SD) | Tizen OS | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
35 | SELF-EMISSIVE 4K120 MONITOR (≤42") | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
36 | LG 45GX990A | 2025 | 45" | WOLED (5120x2160, 21:9, flat/curved 900R) | RGWB stripe | 165 Hz | No | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
37 | LG 45GX950A | 2025 | 45" | WOLED (5120x2160, 21:9, curved 800R) | RGWB stripe | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
38 | LG OLED Flex LX3 | 2022 | 42" | WOLED (LGD WBE/EX curved 900R) | RWBG stripe | Anti-glare | 10-bit | ~75% | ~35% | 4 HDMI @ 48 Gbps | 120 Hz | Yes | Yes | Yes (Premium) | Yes | No | DV | Yes | No | ~700 nits (?) | ~150 nits (?) | ~200 nits (?) | Yes | Yes | No | No | ||||||||||
39 | Samsung G81SF | 2025 | 27" | QD-OLED | RGB triangular v2 | 240 Hz | Yes | Yes | ~250 nits (?) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
40 | Asus PG27UCDM | 2025 | 27" | QD-OLED | RGB triangular v2 | DP2.1 UHBR20 | 240 Hz | Yes | Yes | DV | ~250 nits (?) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
41 | MSI 272URX | DP2.1 UHBR20 | 240 Hz | Yes | Yes | No | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
42 | Dell S3225QC | 2025 | 32" | QD-OLED | 120 Hz | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
43 | Gigabyte AORUS FO32U2P | 2024 | 32" | QD-OLED | RGB triangular v2 | Glossy | 10-bit | ~80% | ~50% | 1 DP2.1 UHBR20 2 HDMI @ 48 Gbps | 240 Hz | Yes | Yes (G-SYNC Compatible) | Yes (Premium Pro) | Yes | No | 3 ms | No | No | No | No | ~475 nits | ~250 nits | (?) | ~250 nits | ~250 nits | No | No | No | No | No | |||||
44 | Philips Evnia 42M2N8900 | 2023 | 42" | WOLED | RWBG stripe | Anti-glare | 10-bit | 2 HDMI @ 48 Gbps | 138 Hz | Yes | Yes (G-SYNC Compatible) | Yes (Premium) | No | |||||||||||||||||||||||
45 | Asus PG42UQ | 2022 | 42" | WOLED (LGD WBE/EX + HS) | RWBG stripe | Anti-glare | 10-bit | ~70% | ~35% | 2 HDMI @ 48 Gbps 2 HDMI @ 18 Gbps | 138 Hz | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | 5 ms (VRR off) | No | No | No | No | Yes (800 nits) | ~800 nits | ~100 nits | ~0 nits | ~200 nits | (?) | Yes | No | No | No | No | No | |||
46 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
47 | FOOTNOTES | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
48 | Notes | Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria: Models relying on DSC are excluded. 4k120 must have HDMI 2.1 FRL5/6 (40/48 Gbps). 4k144 must have HDMI 2.1 FRL6 (48 Gbps). 4k240 must have DP 2.1 UHBR20 (80 Gbps) or HDMI 2.2 (96 Gbps). Luminance: Luminance measurements are derived from rtings.com reviews and rounded to nearest 25th. SDR brightness assumes Peak Brightness/Luminance settings are disabled. SDR Peak Brightness is derived from rtings' SDR "Real Scene Peak Brightness" when possible. Abbreviations: LGD = LG Display. SD = Samsung Display. OLED = organic light-emitting diode. WOLED = WRGB OLED. QD-OLED = quantum dot OLED. QNED = quantum nanorod-emitting diode (different from LG QNED Quantum NanoCell mini LED LCD TV). QDEL = quantum dot electroluminescent. WBC = conventional WOLED. WBE = evo WOLED with BGB emitter layer. EX = deuterium-based WBE. META = EX panel with MLA. MLA = micro lens array. PHOLED = phosphorescent OLED. HEEL= HyperEfficient ElectroLuminescent. HS = heatsink. DV IQ PD = Dolby Vision IQ Precision Detail. SSTM = source-side tone mapping. SBTM = source-based tone mapping. ASBL = automatic screen brightness limiter. APL = average picture level. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
49 | {1} | LG TV: Dolby Vision Gaming limited to 4k60. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
50 | {2} | Sony TV: HDMI VRR forces chroma subsampling (YCbCr 422) at 4k120. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
51 | {3} | Samsung TV: HGiG is available but has persistent dynamic tone mapping and thus does not work correctly. Sony TV: "Perfect for PS5" is a proprietary form of automatic source-derived tone mapping for PS5 only. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
52 | {4} | LG TV: Access Service Menu with ColorControl via a PC or by pressing InStart on universal remote, enter 0-4-1-3, navigate to OLED submenu, set Enable TPC and Enable GSR to Off, and press Settings button. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
53 | {5} | Samsung TV: Access Hospitality Menu by pressing Mute-1-1-9-OK on universal remote, access Service Menu by pressing 1-2-3-4, navigate to Control > QD Option > Screen Saver Brightness, press OK, change value to 0 with Left Arrow, press Return-Return, and turn off the TV. |
2 | VRR TYPE | CONNECTOR | EXPLANATION | G-SYNC {1} | G-SYNC Compatible | AMD FreeSync {2} | VESA Certified AdaptiveSync | NVIDIA RTX30+ | AMD RX6000+ | Intel A7 | Xbox Series | PS5 | |
3 | HDMI VRR | HDMI 2.0-2.1a | HDMI Forum standard for HDMI 2.1 | - | Y | - | - | Y | Y | ? | Y | Y | |
4 | FreeSync over HDMI | HDMI 1.4a-2.1a | AMD proprietary software solution | - | - | Y | - | - | Y | ? | Y | - | |
5 | Adaptive Sync | DisplayPort 1.2a-2.1 | VESA standard for DisplayPort | - | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | - | - | |
6 | G-SYNC | DisplayPort 1.2a-2.1 | NVIDIA proprietary hardware solution | Y | - | - | - | Y | - | - | - | - | |
7 | |||||||||||||
8 | FOOTNOTES | ||||||||||||
9 | {1} | G-SYNC Ultimate includes HDR support. | |||||||||||
10 | {2} | AMD FreeSync Premium includes LFC. AMD FreeSync Premium Pro includes HDR support. |
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1 | ||||||||||
4 | Resolution {7} | |||||||||
5 | Scaling {7} | |||||||||
6 | Refresh Rate & HDMI Data Rate REFERENCE VALUES: HDMI 2.1 -FRL6 (48 Gbps): RTX30+, RX7000+ -FRL5 (40 Gbps): RX6000, [SDR/HDR10] XSX -FRL4 (32 Gbps): PS5, [DV] XSX -TMDS 18 Gbps: Switch OLED DP2.1 -UHBR 13.5 (54 Gbps): RX7000+ | |||||||||
7 | Color & Dithering {6} | |||||||||
8 | HDR {3, 4} REFERENCE VALUES: Display maxTML -800 nits: C1-C3, G1 -1000 nits: G2, 83-97G3 -1500 nits: 55-77G3 [Game Optimizer] SDR Peak -200 nits: C1-C3, G1-G2, 83-97G3 -300 nits: 55-77G3 [Non-Game mode] SDR Peak -300 nits: C1-C3, G1-G2, 83-97G3 -400 nits: 55-77G3 | (Optional) CRU - CTA-861 (FIGURE): HDR Static Metadata > -Max luminance (maxCLL): --[800 nits] 128 (800 nits) --[1000 nits] 138 (993 nits) --[1500 nits] 157 (1499 nits) -Max frame-avg (maxFALL): Set to maxCLL. -Min luminance (minCLL): - (0 nits) SDR CB settings -[Virtual SDR (game)] --[maxTML 800 nits] 23% (172 nits) --[maxTML 1000 nits] 31% (203 nits) --[maxTML 1500 nits] 49% (276 nits) -[Auto HDR] Auto HDR adds ~50 nits to SDR CB. --[maxTML 800 nits] 11% (122 nits) --[maxTML 1000 nits] 18% (153 nits) --[maxTML 1500 nits] 37% (226 nits) (Optional) Step 4C (FIGURE, VIDEO): Use ICC profiles with built-in gamma correction. ColorControl currently randomly causes a cool image when switching ICC profiles. Windows Color Management - Add... -sRGB IEC61966-2.1 "sRGB Color Space Profile.icm" ColorControl - Options (FIGURE): Generate 6 HDR ICC profiles named "CC_HDR_x_y.icm" where x = SDR gamma (sRGB, 2.2, or 2.4) and y = HDR/SDR RWL. Color Profiles... > Create HDR Color Profile... > -Minimum Luminance (nits) (minTML): 0 -Maximum Luminance (nits) (maxTML): --[800 nits] 800 --[1000 nits] 1000 --[1500 nits] 1500 -MHC2 MinCLL (nits): Set to minTML. -MHC2 MaxCLL (nits): Set to maxTML. -When activating, set MinTML and MaxTML to minimum/maximum luminance: On -Advanced HDR Settings > --SDR minimum brightness (nits): 0 --SDR maximum brightness (nits) (HDR/SDR RWL): Set according to SDR Content Brightness chosen above. ---[SDR Content Brightness 5%] 100 nits / 150 nits ---[SDR Content Brightness 18%] 150 nits / 200 nits ---[SDR Content Brightness 30%] 200 nits / 250 nits --SDR brightness boost (%): 0 --SDR Transfer Function & Gamma ---[CC_HDR_sRGB_y.icm] Piecewise ---[CC_HDR_2.2_y.icm] Pure Power > 2.2 ---[CC_HDR_2.4_y.icm] BT.1886 Step 4C (FIGURE) (VIDEO): Set SDR CB to ITU-R standards automatically via ColorControl - NVIDIA Controller presets (see Resources for setup). Note that Auto HDR adds ~50 nits to SDR CB setting. -[Virtual SDR] 5% (100 nits) -[Auto HDR] --[maxTML 800 nits] 11% (122 nits + 50 nits = 172 nits) --[maxTML 1000 nits] 18% (153 nits + 50 nits = 203 nits) --[maxTML 1500 nits] 37% (226 nits + 50 nits = 276 nits) | (Optional) STEP 4: Automatically apply HDR10/SDR status and ICC profiles to game only. ColorControl - NVIDIA controller (FIGURE) Step 4A: Create Display Presets. Select "Current settings" Preset > Clone > Name: -[Native SDR Preset] "SDR" -[Native HDR10 Preset] "HDR" -[Virtual SDR Preset 1] "HDR + SDR gamma sRGB (RWL x nits)" -[Virtual SDR Preset 2] "HDR + SDR gamma 2.2 (RWL x nits)" -[Virtual SDR Preset 3] "HDR + SDR gamma 2.4 (RWL x nits)" -[Auto HDR Preset 1] "HDR + SDR gamma sRGB (RWL x+50 nits)" -[Auto HDR Preset 2] "HDR + SDR gamma 2.2 (RWL x+50 nits)" -[Auto HDR Preset 3] "HDR + SDR gamma 2.4 (RWL x+50 nits)" Step 4B: Apply the following to all Presets. Change... > -Display: Primary display -Color Settings, Color Enhancements, Refresh Rate, Resolution, Dithering, HDR, Driver Settings, Other, HDMI Settings > Included: On Step 4C: Apply the following to indicated Presets only. Change... > -HDR > Enabled: --[SDR Preset] Off --[HDR Preset / HDR Preset 1-6] On -Other > SDR brightness: --[SDR Preset] 0% --[HDR Preset / HDR Preset 1-3] 5% --[HDR Preset 4-6] 31% -Other > Color Profile: --[SDR Preset] sRGB Color Space Profile.icm --[HDR Preset] Use ICC profile generated from Windows HDR Calibration. --[HDR Preset 1-6] Use ICC profiles generated from ColorControl. ColorControl - Game launcher (FIGURE) Step 4D: Assign desired Preset behavior to each game. -Add: Navigate to game's *.exe file. -Settings... > Settings... > Apply presets when launching games externally: On -Options... > Auto apply settings: On --(Optional) Optional action...: Suspend -Pre-launch steps & Finalize steps > Add step > NVIDIA presets > --Example 1: Operate Windows 11 desktop in SDR & want to auto-activate HDR10 only while playing a Native HDR10 game ---Pre-launch steps: Native HDR10 Preset ---Finalize steps: SDR Preset --Example 2: Operate Windows 11 desktop in Native HDR10 and want to play an Auto HDR game ---Pre-launch steps: Auto HDR Preset 2 or 3 ---Finalize steps: Native HDR10 Preset --Example 3: Operate Windows 11 desktop in SDR & want to auto-activate HDR only while playing an Auto HDR game. ---Pre-launch steps: Auto HDR Preset 2 or 3 ---Finalize steps: Native HDR10 Preset, Native SDR Preset | - | - | |||||
9 | VRR & Latency {8} | |||||||||
10 | Spatial Sound {10} | |||||||||
11 | Image Retention | |||||||||
12 | Text Rendering {6} | - |