A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | AA | AB | AC | |
1 | PRODUCERS, DIRECTORS, & OTHER USERS: This is intended as a resource for producers and directors to identify racially and culturally diverse creative teams for theater projects in the US. Please use this resource thoughtfully. Look carefully through the information provided to identify appropriate creatives for your specific project. Avoid general emails to the entire list. Please allow individuals to OPT IN by adding themselves, rather than being added by others. This is not a list of other creatives of color (i.e. directors, playwrights) or designers from other identity groups (i.e. trans designers, Deaf designers) -- though links to such lists can be found in the second sheet below, "Other Lists and Links." ARTISTS: If you are a theater designer or technician who identifies as non-white, BIPOC, or of color, you may add your name to the list using the link below. Be aware that new entries will not show up immediately on this document and may take some weeks or even months to be added. Please only fill out the form once. TO ADD YOUR NAME OR EDIT YOUR ENTRY: https://bit.ly/3Ap15qQ TO REMOVE YOUR EMAIL OR DELETE YOUR ENTRY: Getting too many emails? Use the form above to edit your entry to remove your email, or remove yourself from the list entirely. QUESTIONS? Email megansz@gmail.com. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2 | First Name | Last Name | Production Area | Home location | Other places you have access to local housing | How you identify | Pronouns | Website | Email address | Other | |||||||||||||||||||
3 | Jean | Kim | Set and Costume Design | Brooklyn, NY | Korean American | she/her | jeankimstudio@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
4 | Roya | Abab | Lighting Designer/Programmer | New York, NY | Seattle, WA | Iranian American | royaabab.com | royaabab@gmail.com | Wiling to travel | ||||||||||||||||||||
5 | Sevim | Abaza | Production Manager, AEA Stage Manager, Lighting + Video Design | Los Angeles | Los Angeles , New York, San Francisco, Miami, Istanbul , Mexico | Arab American | https://www.linkedin.com/in/sevimabaza/ or www.kilhur.com | sevim@kilhur.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
6 | Brenda | Abbandandolo | Costume Designer | New York, NY | Los Angeles, D.C | Biracial Asian American | www.bnadesigner.com | brenabban@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
7 | Michael | Aboah | Lighting Designer, Sound Designer, Projections Designer | Washington, DC | NYC | African American | www.michaelaboah.com | michaelaboah@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
8 | Raul | Abrego | Scenic Designer | New York, NY | Hispanic | raulabregodesign.com | raulabrego@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
9 | Ana Maria | Aburto | Set Designer/ Painter | New York, NY | St. Louis, MO; San Antonio, TX | Mexican | anamaria-aburto.com | ana.m.aburto@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
10 | Christopher | Acebo | Set & Costume Designer/Producer | Ashland, OR | Latino/Chicano | www.christopheracebodesign.com | cxadesign@mac.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
11 | Carlos | Aceves | Scenic/Multimedia/Puppet Design | San Francisco Bay area, CA | Ashland OR Los Angeles CA New York NY | Latinx | https://carlosdesignssets.myportfolio.com | Carlos.Designs@icloud.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
12 | Robert | Acosta` | Stage Manager (Non-Union) | Las Vegas, NV | Latino/Mexican-Ameican | robert.acostasm@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||||
13 | Mara | Adanto-Keledei | Sound Designer, Lighting/Scenic experience too, Specialty with Haunts & interactive theatre | Los Angeles, CA | Bay Area, Western Mass, Boston | Mixed: Mexican/Korean | mkeledei@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
14 | Jay | Africa | Designer/technician (scenic, sound, graphic), Composer | Los Angeles, CA | Filipino American | http://www.jayafrica.com/theatre-design.html | jay@jayafrica.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
15 | Tahirah | Agbamuche | Costume Designer, Anthropologist,Dancer | Pittsburgh, PA | Fort Lauderdale, FL | Carribean/Nigerian | tagbamuc@andrew.cmu.edu | ||||||||||||||||||||||
16 | Alfredo (Fredo) | Aguilar | Production Manager, Stage Manager, Technical Director, Deck Manager, Carpenter, Electrician, Fly Rail Operation, Spot Light Operaton, General Stage Hand | Chicago/Evanston, IL | TX, MA, CA, | Latino/Mexican American | derfguy79@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
17 | Robert | Aguilar | Lighting Designer, USA829; Lighting Director at Seattle Repertory Theatre | Seattle, WA | NYC, Los Angeles, Houston, Austin | Latinx | www.robertjaguilar.com | robert@robertjaguilar.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
18 | Angela | Aguilera | Stage Management | Dallas/ Fort Worth | N/A | Mexican | she/her | angelaaguilera99@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
19 | Moriamo Temidayo | Akibu | Costume Designer (non-union) | Washngton, DC | DC | Nigerian American | moriamotakibu@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
20 | Dahlia | Al-Habieli | Scenic Design | Greater Philly/NYC | Boston | Arab American | she/her | www.eloquentaction.com | dalhabie@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||
21 | Asher | Alba-Perlas | Costume Design | Pittsburgh, PA | NYC, DC, Arlington VA | Indigenous Latine | they/them | ashalbaperlas@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
22 | Celso F. | Albuquerque | Light Thechnician & Designer | São Paulo, SP-BR | Afrodescendente Brasileiro | facebook.com/celsoferreiradealbuquerque | celsohare@gmail.com | 55-11-95169-7283 | |||||||||||||||||||||
23 | Martin | Alcocer | Stage Manager/ASM (Theatre, Modern/Contemporary Dance, Opera), Event Manager, Lighting Designer | Salt Lake City, UT | San Antonio, TX; Washington D.C.; Anaheim, CA; New York City, NY | Mexican/ Latino | www.linkedin.com/in/martin-c-alcocer | mcalcocer.sm@gmail.com | Willing to travel. Fluent in Spanish. He/Him/His | ||||||||||||||||||||
24 | Kevin L. | Alexander | Sound Designer, Engineer | Washington, D.C. | Various | African American/Hispanic | www.mixedbykevinlee.com | Klalexander4@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
25 | Brandi | Alexander | Scenic Design MFA looking to assist | Houston, TX | Austin, TX | Black | brandilxndr@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
26 | John D. | Alexander | Lighting Designer / Production Manager | Washington, DC | NYC / LA / Orlando, FL / Dallas, TX | African American | www.JohnDAlexanderDesign.com | joalexdesign@me.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
27 | Carmen Catherine | Alfaro | Stage Manager, Assistant Lighting Designer, Master Electrician | Boston, MA | Seattle, WA. Portland, OR. Los Angles, CA. | Latina/Savalorena | www.carmencalfaro.com | alfaroccarmen@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
28 | Kendall | Allen | AEA Stage Manager, AD & Script Devo, Intimacy Choreo [Non-Cert], Interested in Prod. Management & Dramaturgy | Philadelphia, PA | NYC, LA, Interested in & Will Travel | Black, Afro-Cuban | kendall.allen912@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
29 | Larissa | Almanza | Costume Design/ Costume Tech Assistant or Intern | South Texas | San Antonio, TX / Riverside, CA | Hispanic / Mexican / Latina | larissaalmanza.1224@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
30 | Jorge | Amador | Sound Designer | Princeton, Tx | Dallas | Puerto Rican/Spanish | jorgeamador7@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
31 | Nehprii | Amenii | Set, Puppetry,Prop and Sound Design | Brooklyn, NY | Minneapolis, DC/Virgina, NC | Black | www.nehpriiamenii.com | Nehprii@msn.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
32 | Fatimah | Amill | Stage Manager | New York, NY | Arizona | Latina | amillfy@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
33 | Carmen | Amon | Costume Designer | San Diego, CA | Los Angeles and San Diego Area | Chicana | carmen-amon.com | camon1992@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
34 | Avi | Amon | Composer & Sound Designer | New York, NY | Cleveland, Seattle, Istanbul | Turkish | www.aviamon.com | avi.a.amon@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
35 | Daniella | Ampudia | Costume Design, Stitcher, Specialty Costumer (stitcher x crafts) | Atlanta | San Francisco | Latina/Indigenous/Peruvian | she/her, they/them | daniella.ampudia@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
36 | Christopher | Anaya-Gorman | AEA Stage Manager | New York, NY | Mixed, Mexican + Native American | https://www.linkedin.com/in/christopher-anaya-gorman-8a2b421b/ | christopherkee86@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
37 | Segar | Andre | Lighting Designer | Pittsburgh PA | Orlando Fl | Black | https://drive.google.com/open?id=1JEONbfG-OOY9wp6FYDashSw4S2uCuxXn | AndreSegar@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
38 | Alexandra | Anthony | Technical Director | Richmond, VA | Rochester, NY | Biracial: Black/White | anthony.kata@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
39 | Coleen (Cad) | Apostol | Lighting Designer | Los Angeles, CA | Filipina | http://www.cad.lighting/ | cadlightingdesign@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
40 | Rachel | April | Stage Manager | New York, NY | Orlando, FL | Carribean American | www.racheldeniseapril.com | racheldapril@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
41 | Ray | Archie | Sound Design / Composer / Engineer | Oakland, CA | Brooklyn, NY | African American | he/him | ray@notestothesoul.org | |||||||||||||||||||||
42 | Natali | Arco | Lighting Designer, Web Designer | New York, NY | South Florida; Orlando, FL; St. Louis, MO | Cuban-American, Latina | https://www.nataliarco.com | nataliarco@me.com | Specialized in Branding and Web Design for Theatrical Professionals | ||||||||||||||||||||
43 | Marisa | Arellano | Sound Designer/composer/dramaturg | New York, NY | Mexican/Latinx | www.marisaarellano.com | marisammarellano@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
44 | David | Arevalo | Costume Design | Austin, TX | NYC, Chicago | Mexican, Chicano, Latine | he/him | Www.darevalo.com | Davidandrewarevalo@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||
45 | Malia | Argüello | AEA Stage Manager, Production Manager | Indianapolis, IN | Seatte, Washington DC, LA, Columbus, | Asian Hispanic | kcmalia@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
46 | Gonzalez | Arianna | student costume designer/ technician | Austin, TX | La Joya, TX / Edinburg, Tx | Mexican American | AriannaGonzalez90@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
47 | Janet | Arias-Sanchez | Lighting Designer | Asheville, NC | Various | Latina | www.linkedin.com/in/JanetArias | janet.arias13@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
48 | Esteban | Armenta | Sound Designer | Phoenix, AZ | Mexican American | https://estebanarmenta.com | esteban.armenta.jr@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
49 | Miguel Ángel | Armstrong | Wigs Designer, Hair and Makeup Artist | Chicago, IL | New York City, Los Angeles, Orlando | Mexican | mig.a.armstrong@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
50 | Karen | Arredondo | Scenery Designer and Props | San Antonio, TX | Austin, Dallas, Houston, Memphis San Diego, New Orleans, Orlando, Washington D.C. | Latina | www.karredondodesigns.com | karenrose03@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
51 | David | Arreola | Scenic Carpenter, Stagehand, Production Design/Art Direction Student | Chicago , IL | Mexican American | https://portfolium.com/DavidArreola1 | davidtarreola@gmail.com | Wlling to travel. | |||||||||||||||||||||
52 | Rachel | Arreola | Director, stage manager, arts administration | El Paso, Texas | Washington, DC, Los Angeles, Houston | Latina | https://www.linkedin.com/in/rachel-a-arreola-a1109ab1/ | rachelarreola@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
53 | Jorge | Arroyo | Lighting Designer | New York, NY | Puerto Rican | www.jorgearroyo.com | jaman@jorgearroyo.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
54 | Matt | Artigues | Lighting Designer/Programmer & Production Manager | Seattle, WA | Hispanic | he/him | mattartigues@yahoo.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
55 | Melissa | Au Yeong | sound board op/ sound designer | Fresno, CA | SF Bay Area | Asian (Chinese) | mauyeong@comcast.net | ||||||||||||||||||||||
56 | Byron | Au Yong | Composer | San Francisco, CA | Seattle, WA | Asian American | www.hearbyron.com | bauyong@usfca.edu | |||||||||||||||||||||
57 | Nakia | Avila | Stage Manager | New Haven, CT | New York, South Carolina | African American, Afro-Latinx | she/her | nakiashalice@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
58 | Amy | Avila | Costume Design | Pittsfield, Massachusetts | Lincoln, NE | Mexican | she/her | amymavila.com | Willing to travel | ||||||||||||||||||||
59 | Cristina | Ayón-Viesca | Production Manager | New York, New York | Mexico City | Mexican | she/her | viescacristina@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
60 | Cherie | B. Tay | AEA Stage Manager (Broadway, Off-Broadway, LORT, National Tours) | New York, NY | NYC, Philadelphia, San Diego, Denver | Queer Asian American | www.cheriebtay.com | cheriebtay@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
61 | Melvign | Badiola | Production Manager, Stage Manager (EMC), Teaching Artist | San Francisco/ Oakland CA | Various | Filipino, Asian | melvignbadiola@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
62 | Yoon | Bae | Scenic Designer, Costume Designer, Media Designer, Visual Artist | KY | AZ, NYC, Miami, London (United Kingdom) | Korean | www.yoonbae.com | ybae@me.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
63 | Sirun | Bakrajian | Scenic Designer | Phoenix, AZ | willing to travel anywhere | Armenian-Lebanese | http://sirun.design | sirun.design@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
64 | MeJah | Balams | Scenic artist and designer (student) | Birmingham, Al | New York, Atlanta,GA | African American | Mejahbalams.wix.com/mejahbalams | Mejahbalams@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
65 | Courtney | Banks | Stage Manager/ Producion Manager | Philadelphia, PA | Kansas City, DC, NYC, Dallas | Native American/ American Indian | Courtneylouisebanks@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
66 | Marcella | Barbeau | Lighting Designer | New York, NY | St. Louis, Seattle, Portland, Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, SLC, London | Chinese | www.barbeaudesign.com | marcy.barbeau@gmail.com | Willing to travel | ||||||||||||||||||||
67 | CJ | Barnwell | Lighting Designer, Lighting Programmer, Video/Projection Designer, Video Editor, Master Electrician, Video/Projection Electrician, Android App Creator | Western North Carolina | NYC; Chicago; Columbia, SC; Hampton Roads, VA | African-American | he/him | www.cjLights.com | cj@cjLights.com | ||||||||||||||||||||
68 | Tania | Barrenechea | Scenic Designer | Little Rock, AR | New York, DC, New Jersey | Latina | www.taniabarrenechea.com | tbarrenechea.design@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
69 | Gabriel | Barrera | Charge Scenic Artist | Ashland, Oregon | Los Angeles, CA | Chicano, Native American, Latino, Mexican American | https://www.scenicg.com/ | painted_sky@yahoo.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
70 | Elizabeth | Barrett | Video & Scenic Design | New Haven, CT | San Diego, CA/ Los Angeles, CA/ Seattle, WA/ New York, NY | Chicano | they/them | elizabethjanebarrett@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
71 | Jenny | Barretto | Equity Stage Manager, Production Assistant | New York City | San Francisco Bay Area | Bi-racial Asian American | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1HieSsodYGbnpCm9t7VU-V2MRn3uiYLcS/view?usp=sharing | jennymbarretto@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
72 | Christina | Barrigan | Lighting, Scenic, Video Designer | Seattle Area | Hispanic/Latina | www.barrigandesign.com | cbarrigan@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
73 | Bryana | Barry | Class of 2018 Student focusing in Stage Management | Chicago, IL | Kansas City, NYC, Cincinnati, | African American | bryanabarry2018@u.northwestern.edu | ||||||||||||||||||||||
74 | Valérie | Bart | Costume/Scenic Designer | New York, NY | Southern California | French/Vietnamese American | valeriebart.com | valeriebart@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
75 | Simone | Baskerville | Stage Manager (AEA), Production Manager, Interdisciplinary Artist/Creative | Washngton, DC | DC, GA, PA, NY, FL, IL Has Valid Passport | African-American | simone.baskerville@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
76 | Simone | Baskerville | Production Manager | Stage Manager | Washington, DC | Atlanta, GA; Philadelphia, PA; Chicago, IL; New York, NY | African-American | simone.baskerville@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
77 | Victoria | Beach | Props | Portland OR | Oregon, California, Illinois, New York | Black | nothin | victorialvarezchacon@yahoo.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
78 | Carmelita | Becnel | AEA Stage Manager/Production Stage Manager/Event Coordinator | Princeton NJ | NYC, Philadelphia, Houston, New Orleans, Hartford CT | African American | https://www.linkedin.com/in/carmelitabecnel?trk=nav_responsive_tab_profile_pic | cbecnel@princeton.edu | |||||||||||||||||||||
79 | Reza | Behjat | Lighting Designer | New York, NY | LA | Iranian | https://www.rezabehjat.com/ | rezabehjat@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
80 | Gregg | Bellon | Production Design & Management | Brooklyn, NY | Los Angeles, Miami | Cuban | gbellon@me.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
81 | Asa | Benally | Costume Designer USA 829 | New York, NY | NY,NY, Chicago area. | Native American | https://www.asabenally.com | asa.benally@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
82 | Lawrence | Bennett | Production Management | Atlanta, GA | Houston, TX; Tampa FL; West Palm Beach, FL; Chicago, IL; St. Louis, MO; Los Angeles, CA; Batimore, MD; | Black/African American | he/him | lbbennett504@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
83 | Christina | Benvegnu | Stage & Production Manager | New York, NY | LA, San Diego, Bay Area, Pittsburgh | Mixed: Ethiopian & Italian | Christina.benvegnu@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
84 | abri | berg | sound design | new york city | chicago & aspen, co | asian-american | she/her | abriannaberg.com | abriberg21@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||
85 | Salmah | Beydoun | Set Designer / Deviser | Los Angeles / Mexico City | NYC | Mexican | salmahbeydoun@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
86 | Niew | Bharyaguntra | Stage Manager | Washington, DC | Maryland, VA, Baltimore, Philly, NJ, NY | Asian, Thai-American | www.thatniewgirl.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
87 | Anshuman | Bhatia | Lighting & Scenic Designer | New York, NY | Denver | Asian Indian | bhatiadesign.com | anshumanbhatia@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
88 | Rachael | Blackwell | Lighting | Hampton Roads, VA | NYC | African American | she/her | bnrlight.com | bnrlight@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||
89 | Tei | Blow | Sound, Video, and Interactivity Design, Composer | New York City | New York, Connecticut | Mixed Japanese-American | teiblow.com | hello@teiblow.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
90 | Michael | Bobbitt | Director/Choreographer | Washington, DC | Black | https://www.facebook.com/michael.j.bobbitt | michaeljbobbitt@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
91 | Caitlin | Body | Stage Manager (AEA) | Chicago, IL | Des Moines, Iowa | Latina/Native South American | https://www.linkedin.com/mwlite/in/caitlin-body-690a533b | caitlinbody@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
92 | Alina | Bokovikova | Costume Designer | San Francisco | NYC, Los Angeles, San Diego, Chicago, Sacramento, Seattle | Russian | |||||||||||||||||||||||
93 | Hazel | Bonilla | Technician/Production Assistant | New York, NY | California | Latinx | https://www.linkedin.com/in/hazel-bonilla-76550965/ | bonillahazelb@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
94 | Jhanaë | Bonnick | Stage Manager- AEA Assistant Stage Manager Production Assistant | New York, NY | Hudson Valley, NY, Upper Marlboro, MA | Carribean American | jhanaekcb@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
95 | Angelica | Borrero | Scenic Designer | New York, NY | Puerto Rican | angelicaborrero-fortier.com | angelica.borrero@yahoo.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
96 | Kurt | Bradley | Sound Designer | Denver, CO | New York, NY | Native American | kb43prod@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
97 | Elton | Bradman | Composer/sound designer | Oakland, CA | L.A., San Diego, Bay Area, Miami, NYC, Atlanta, Chicago | African-American | www.eltonsounds.com | basswriter@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
98 | Kara | Branch | Costume Designer USA 829 | New York, NY | Chicago, IL | African American | www.karabranchdesigns.com | kara.branch@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
99 | White | Brandi | Wardrobe, Assistant Costume Designer | St. Louis, MO | New York, Chicago | Black/African-American | https://brandijene.wixsite.com/brandiwhite | brandiwhite48@yahoo.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
100 | Trey | Brazeal | Lighting Designer/ALD | Chicago, IL | Black/African American | tbrazealdesigns.com | tbrazealdesigns@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
101 | Lucrecia | Briceno | Lighting Designer | New York, NY | Various | Latina/Hispanic | lucreciabricenodesign.com | lucreciabriceno@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
102 | Ella | Brooks | Costume Designer | DC/ Raleigh NC | nyc/ if there's work I find a way | mixed, half white and african american | erbrooks.wixsite.com/costuming | er705b@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
103 | Luqman | Brown | Sound designer/engineer/composer/ | New York, NY | NYC, LA, Phila, TX, Chicago, Oregon, CT, NJ, | African American | luqmanbrown.nyc | buddhabug@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
104 | Nathanael | Brown | Sound Designer ,Composer, and Audio Engineer | New Jersey, NJ | New York | African American | Work in progress | nathanaebrown68@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
105 | Meghan | Brown | Scenic Designer | Chicago, IL | P.O.C. | http://www.occupidesign.com/ | |||||||||||||||||||||||
106 | Christopher | Brown | Lighting Designer/Master Electrician | New York, NY | Durham NC, Austin TX, Boston | Mixed: African American/ White | http://www.cbrown-design.com/ | cbrownR99@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
107 | Antonio | Bruno | Sound Designer, Sound Engineer | Chicago | Los Angeles | Puerto Rican | https://www.linkedin.com/in/aroquebruno?trk=hp-identity-name | Tonybruno@urbantheaterchicago.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
108 | Stefania | Bulbarella | Projection / Video Designer | NYC | Latina | www.stefaniabulbarella.com | sbulbarella@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
109 | Dominique | Burford | AEA Stage Manager Electrician Production Manager | Boston, MA | Austin TX Kansas City, MO | Mexican American | ddburford@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
110 | Sharlene | Burgos | Audio (Designing, Live Mixing & Engineering) | Orlando, FL | New York | Latina/Dominican | she/her | sharleneburgos@yahoo.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
111 | Andie | Burns | Stage Management | Easton, PA | NYC, Chicago, DC, Denver, LA, Jacksonville FL, Philly, Baltimore, St. Louis, Madison WI | Biracial (half-black, half white) | she/her | andieleighburns@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
112 | Trinity | Burton | Stage Manager, Scenic Artist, Props Master, Company Management | Oklahoma City, OK | various | Asian / Hispanic | www.trinityburtonsm.com | trinityburton95@gmail.com | willing to travel | ||||||||||||||||||||
113 | Ebony | Burton | Lighting Designer, Master Electrician/Electrician, aspiring Programmer | New York, NY | Bay Area | Black/Mixed (Filipino) | ebonyburton.com | ebony.m.burton@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
114 | Sarafina | Bush | Costume Designer | Brooklyn, NY | Black/White Mixed | https://sbushcostumes.carbonmade.com | sfbush89@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
115 | Joe | Cabrera | Lighting Designer | New York, NY Middlebury, VT | Bay Area, CA Los Angeles, CA Sacramento, CA Chicago, IL Boston, MA New Jersey Minot, ND Albuquerque, NM Hudson Valley, NY Ithaca, NY Portland, OR Seattle, WA | Latinx | www.joecabrera.nyc | joe@joecabrera.nyc | |||||||||||||||||||||
116 | DeMara | Cabrera | Costume and Scenic Design | Oregon | Seattle | Latinx, Indigenous | she/her | demaratamsel@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
117 | Shawna | Cadence | production management, lighting | New York City | San Diego, Nashville, Los Angeles | mixed, Mexican-American | https://www.linkedin.com/in/shawna-cadence-245a15155 | shawna.cadence@gmail.com | she/her/hers; non-neurotypical | ||||||||||||||||||||
118 | Jade | Cagalawan | AEA Stage Manager Production Manager/Adj. Lecturer for Cal Poly Pomona Company Manager for LA Premiere of Allegiance | Los Angeles, CA | Northern California San Antonio Texas | Filipina American | Instagram: @jadecagawhat Twitter: @jadecagawhat | jade.cag@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
119 | Velyncia | Caldwell | Lighting Designer/Master Electrician/ Labor | Dallas, TX | Houston, Louisiana, Detroit, | African American | www.vcdesignsdfw.com | vcdesignsdfw@outlook.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
120 | Chontol | Calvin | Sound | New York | Saint Louis,MO. Dallas,TX. | African American | she/her, they/them | @c_JCalvin | Chontol.Calvin@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||
121 | Catherine | Campbell | Production Manager | Minneapolis, MN | California | Arab/Middle Eastern | catherineannharbcampbell@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
122 | Jessica | Cancino | Set Designer. Scenic Artist. Props Artisan. Sculptor. | Washington, DC | New York City. Miami, FL. Los Angeles,CA. Orlando, FL. | Venezuelan/Latina | www.jessicacancino.com | jessica.cancino001@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
123 | Darian | Cantón | Aspiring Dramaturg, Seamstress/Stitcher, Dresser | Bradenton, FL | Tampa Bay Area | Cuban | https://www.etsy.com/shop/fiveuntilplaces | dariancanton@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
124 | Raine | Canty | East coast/looking to relocate to the west coast | Philadelphia | Rochester | Black Trans Woman | she/her, they/them | Cececanty17@gmail.com | New entry | ||||||||||||||||||||
125 | Xuemei | Cao | Scenic Designer & Scenic Painter&Prop Maker | New York, NY | New York City, NY; South Carolina, SC; New Jersy | Chinese | https://sites.google.com/site/xuemeicaosworld/portrait | blossom.cao@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
126 | Daniel | Cariño | Projection/Video Designer, Supervisor / Watchout Programmer | Phoenix, AZ | San Diego, CA/ Ashland, OR/ New York City, NY | Latino | danielcarino@me.com | danielcarino@me.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
127 | Wendell | Carmichael | Costume Design | 1614 LaFayette Rd. Los Angeles CA 90019 | Atlanta Oklahoma City | African American | he/him | WYNNINGZBYWYNDELL on FB | Wcarmic@aol.com | ||||||||||||||||||||
128 | Simean | Carpenter | Lighting Designer/Production Designer | Chicago, IL | Baltimore, D.C., Charlotte, Atlanta | Black/African-American | https://simcarpenter.squarespace.com/ | smc0547@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
129 | Keiko | Carreiro | Costume Designer/Scenic Designer/Prop Designer | San Francisco,CA | New York,Boston,Iowa City | Japanese American | www.sfmt.org | keikocarreiro@rocketmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
130 | Maggie | Carrido Adams | Costume Designer / Director | Seattle, WA | Southern California, Northern Virginia | Chicanx/ Asian / Indigenous American | http://linkedin.com/in/mccadams | M.carrido.adams@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
131 | Martín | Carrillo | Sound Designer / Composer | Los Angeles | CA | Latinx | http://www.heardrum.org | Martin@heardrum.org | |||||||||||||||||||||
132 | Katie | Carrillo | Costume Design (MFA Student), Asst. Design, Costume Tech | Knoxville, TN | Columbia, SC, Clemson, SC | Latina | carrillokatiev@gmail.com | LGBTQ+ | |||||||||||||||||||||
133 | Gylanni | Carrington | Costume Designer/ Wardobe Supervisor | New York, NY | Black (African American/Trini American) | Gylannic@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||||
134 | Teri-Ann (Teri) | Carryl | Stage Manager, Run Crew, Board Op | New York, NY | Guyanese American | they/them | https://teri.nyc/ | terianncarryl@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
135 | James | Carter | Production Manager/Light & Sound designer | New York, NY | ATL | African American | jcarter891@aol.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
136 | James | Carter | Light & Sound Designer/AEA Stage Manager//Local 1 Stagehand,Director,Production ManagerLight Director,Prop Master. | New York City | .ATL.FL | Brown American | www.jamesecarter.webs.com | Jcarter891@aol.com | Award Winning Light Designer 2010 and 3x Nomineted | ||||||||||||||||||||
137 | Serena | Carvajal | Arts Administration, General Manager, Company Management, Previous Stage Manager | St. Louis, MO | Chicago, IL | Hispanic (puerto rican/ mexican) | https://www.linkedin.com/in/serena-carvajal-9b755929/ | serenacarvajal@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
138 | Alex | Casillas | Lighting and scenic designer, electrician, charge artist, puppeteer, deviser | Chicago, IL | Houston, NYC, Iowa, Austin, San Antonio, Santa Maria/Central Coast, Denver, Nashville | Mexican American/Native | http://modern-muse-designs.squarespace.com | acasillasdesign@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
139 | Jonathan | Castanien | AEA Stage Manager | Brooklyn, NY | Orange County, CA/Los Angeles | Hapa (Vietnamese/Chinese/White) | www.jonathancastanien.com | jecastanien@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
140 | Paula | Castillo | Lighting and Scenography Designer | New York, NY | Latina | www.paulacastillot.com | paulacastillot@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
141 | Wendy | Castro | Stage Manager | Los Angeles, CA | San Diego, CA | Latina | http://linkedin.com/in/wendyccastro | WendyCorazon2@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
142 | Estefani | Castro | Producer | Ashland, OR | Los Angeles, CA; Phoenix, AZ | Latina | https://www.linkedin.com/authwall?trk=gf&trkInfo=AQGgkd7_9jrGXAAAAWH0PJ7IDkZyPNQ-wXxgkad5asObYrq3NVzpfewJDCi6kBujooWK24Sdl8DVdgmEyMhEjzYE1jrRpSq74V5VcbuXstJKGIU6FClUb-c_2riVSKaM6SQ1fEg=&originalReferer=https://www.google.com/&sessionRedirect=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.linkedin.com%2Fin%2Festefani-castro-a2b8ab6b | estefanicastro027@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
143 | Myjoycia | Cezar | Student Stage Manager & Dramaturg | Natchitoches, LA | Shreveport, LA | Black, Bisexual | myjoyciacezar.weebly.com | cezarmyjoycia@gmail.com | Student @ Northewestern State University of LA | ||||||||||||||||||||
144 | J. Dominic | Chacon | Lighting Designer, Production Manager | Philadelphia, PA | Chicago, New York City, Washington DC | Latino | Www.domchacon.com | domchacon@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
145 | Jo | Chalhoub | Stage Management, Fight Choreography | Chicago, IL | Most locations in WI; willing to travel | Middle Eastern, Queer | she/her, they/them | joanne.chalhoub@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
146 | Maisie | Chan | Production Manager, Production Coordinator, Stage Manager | Los Angeles, CA | New York, NY; Phoenix, AZ | Chinese American | www.maisieachan.com | maisieachan@gmail.com | Willing to relocate | ||||||||||||||||||||
147 | Jane | Chan | Lighting Designer/ALD/USA-829/ Production Translator:Chinese[Mandarian/Cantonese]-English) | New York, NY | Maryland, DC, Virginia | Asian (Chinese) | www.janechandesign.com | janechan.design@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
148 | Megan | Chan | Lighting and basic knowledge in audio, rigging, and scenic | Burbank, CA | Asian | she/her | meganchan2017@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
149 | Amith | Chandrashaker | Lighting Designer | New York, NY | Philadelphia, LA | Indian | www.AmithLD.com | amithld@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
150 | Alexis | Chaney | Costume Designer, Asst. Costume Designer, Shopper, Stylist, Costume Crafts | Washington, DC | Chicago, New York, Pittsburgh, NYC, LA | Black | alexischaneydesigns.com | alexis.chaney@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
151 | Frankie | Charles | Technical Direction/ Stagehand | Chicago, IL | Various | Cuban-American | frankiec@myself.com | Graduating in June | |||||||||||||||||||||
152 | Deepsikha | Chatterjee | Costume Designer | New York, NY | Florida, Virginia, New York | Indian/Asian | www.deepschatterjee.com | deepsikhachat@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
153 | Hsi-An | Chen | Set Designer | San Diego | LA, Bay Area | Taiwanese | https://www.hsianchendesign.com/ | chenhsian8394@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
154 | Szu-Feng | Chen | Set Designer | Newmarket, NH | Austin, TX; NYC | Taiwanese | www.szufengchen.com | szufeng.chen@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
155 | You-Shin | Chen | Set Designer | New York, NY | Taipei | Taiwanese | www.youshinchen.com | alwayschenys@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
156 | Yi-Chung | Chen | Lighting Designer | New York, NY | Boston, MA | Taiwanese | www.yichungchen.com | yichung24@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
157 | Ginny | Cheung | Stage Manager | Los Angeles, CA | Chinese American | https://www.linkedin.com/in/ginnycheung/ | cheung.ginny@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
158 | Wesley | Chew | Lighting Designer | Los Angeles, CA | Los Angeles, CA; Seattle, WA; Honolulu, HI; San Jose, CA | Chinese-American | www.wcclightingdesigns.com | wescchew@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
159 | Dawn | Chiang | Lighting Designer | Bridgeport, CT | Asian American | www.dawnchiang.com https://www.linkedin.com/in/dawnchiang/ | dawnchiang@aol.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
160 | Tesia | Childs | AEA Stage Manager | NYC | Charlotte NC | Black Woman | she/her | www.TesiaChilds.com | TesiaChilds@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||
161 | Wilson | Chin | Scenic Designer | New York, NY | San Francisco Bay Area | Chinese | www.wilsonchin.com | wilsonwc76@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
162 | Sophia | Choi | Costume Design | New York | Washington, DC | Korean-American | she/her | www.sophia-choi.com | sophiachoicd@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||
163 | Shelby | Choo | Technical director with an interest in project management | Seattle, WA | Honolulu, HI | Asian American | shelbychoo.weebly.com | shelby.choo@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
164 | Yi-Tai | Chung | Lighting Designer, Photographer | Oxford, MS | Memphis, TN | Taiwanese | www.yitaichung.com | yitaichung@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
165 | Albert | Cisneros | Set Designer | Los Angeles, CA | Pittsburgh, New York | Mexican American | albertcisnerosdesigns.com | ajc.cisneros@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
166 | Gabriel | Clausen | Sound Designer/Composer/Audio Production/Faculty | Winston-Salem, NC | Charlotte, NC; Chicago IL; New York, NY; Los Angeles, CA; Washington DC | Black | gclausen.com | gclausen.mfa@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
167 | Sara Ryung | Clement | set and costume designer | Los Angeles, CA | Minneapolis, MN, NYC | Korean Am | www.sararyungclement.com | sara.clement@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
168 | Jamila | Cobham | Production, Stage/ Event Manager | SF Bay Area | LA | Barbadian/ Black | jamilacobham@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
169 | Rita | Cofield | Stage Manager, Production Manager, Event Manager | Los Angeles | Georgia, Florida | Black (Bi-racial), Straight, female | www.linkedin.com/in/ritacofield | cofieldrita@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
170 | Kelly | Colburn | Projections and Multimedia Designer | Washington, DC | New York, NY | Filipino - White | www.kellycolburn.com | kellycolburndesign@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
171 | Melanie Chen | Cole | Sound Design, Composer | San Diego, CA | Los Angeles, Boston, San Jose, Sacramento | Taiwanese American | www.melaniesound.com | melanie.sound@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
172 | Liz | Coleman | Audio engineer, sound technician | Asheville, NC/ NYC | Chicago, DC, LA, Portland OR | Mixed British and Indian | Ecolemansound@gmail.com | Willing to travel | |||||||||||||||||||||
173 | Kaelyn | Coleman | Stage Manager | Oakland | Hispanic | she/her | kaelyncoleman@me.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
174 | Sydneii | Colter | Light Board Operator, ASM/Stagehand, Costume experience, Visual Artist | New York, NY | Charlotte, NC | Black | sydneii.colter@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
175 | Alexus | Coney | Stage Manager | New Haven, CT | Biracial (Black, White/Puerto Rican) | https://www.linkedin.com/in/alexusconey/ | alexus.coney@yale.edu | ||||||||||||||||||||||
176 | Luis | Cordovez | Stage Management | DC/MD | PR | Taino/Puerto Rican | they/them | luisramoncordovez@gmail.com | New entry | ||||||||||||||||||||
177 | Ian | Coulter-Buford | Choreographer, Director, Instructor. | New York, NY | St. Louis, MO, Phoenix, AZ, Detroit, Michigan, Jackson, MS, Miami, FL, Johannesburg, South Africa, | Black, he/him | www.iancoulterbuford.com | icbcreativeco@gmail.com | Queer, Fully Vaccinated, Valid Passport, Valid Driver's License, and willing to travel. | ||||||||||||||||||||
178 | Mextly | Couzin | Lighting Designer | San Diego, CA | New York City, Los Angeles, San Francisco | Latinx | www.mextlycouzin.com | mextly.almeda@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
179 | Christine | Cover Ferro | Costume Designer | Los Angeles, CA | Los Angeles, CA; Miami, FL | Latina/Cuban-Venezuelan | Christine.CoverFerro@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
180 | Matthew | Crossman | Technician/Carpenter | Detroit, MI | Korean-American | https://www.linkedin.com/in/mhwcrossman | mhwcrossman@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
181 | Aaron | Curry | Lighting Design | Phoenix, AZ | Maori-American | he/him | aaroncurrydesigns@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
182 | Majel | Cuza | Production Manager; Producer | Chicago, IL | Cuban | majelcuza@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||||
183 | Philip | da Costa | Stage Management; Production Manager | Silver Spring, MD | Boston, MA | Brazillian American, Latino | www.philipdc.com | dacosta.philip@yaho.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
184 | Brian | Dang | Lighting Designer, Sound Designer | Seattle, WA | None | Chinese American | https://www.linkedin.com/in/briandang97/ | dang.brian97@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
185 | Jenny | Dang | Stage Management, Production Management, Arts Administration | Dallas, Texas | Bay Area, CA. Los Angeles, CA. San Diego, CA. Atlanta, GA. Philadelphia, PA. New York, New York. Austin, TX. Washington, D.C. | Vietnamese | she/her | Instagram: @citygirljd | jennydangsm@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||
186 | Dymin | DasGupta | Producetion Designer/Art Director/Set Designer | Chicago, IL | Atlanta, Detroit | Black/Mixed | www.dymindasgupta.com | dyminartdept@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
187 | Read | Davidson | Recent graduate looking for opportunities to assist or intern in Lighting Design | Boston, MA | Northern Ohio, Western Mass | Black/African-American | https://readdavidsonlighting.wordpress.com/ | davidsonreade@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
188 | Diana | Davila | Technical Director/Shop Carpenter | El Paso, TX | New York, Dallas, Las Vegas | Mexican | www.dianadavilatech.weebly.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
189 | Kaasaundra | Davis | Electrician and lighting designer | Houston, Texas | Nashville, TN and Portland, OR | Black | dkaasaundra@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
190 | Maria | De Barros | Stage Manager | DC | Florida, NYC | Latina/Venezuelan | mariafdebarros@yahoo.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
191 | Sebastián | De la Paz | Student, Stage Manager | Bogotá, Colombia | Ithaca, NY | Colombian/Mexican | dlp.sebas@gmail.com sdelapaz@ithaca.edu | ||||||||||||||||||||||
192 | Natalia | de la Torre | Costumes | Philadelphia, PA | Worcester, MA | Mixed/Mexican | she/her, they/them | www.nataliadelatorre@gmail.com | Natalia.delatorre@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||
193 | Jonathan | de Leon | Lighting Designer | Davis, CA | Madison, WI/Dallas, TX/ Oklahoma City, OK/ Chicago, IL | Mixed: Filipino and unknown descent | http://jono-deleon.flavors.me/ | jonodeleon@gmail.com | cell: 214-263-0704 | ||||||||||||||||||||
194 | Anthony | Dean | Sound Designer / Composer, Lighting Designer / Electrician | New York, NY | Washington DC, CT, Boston MA | Mixed: Turkish/Native American | www.anthonydean.org | anthony@nynf.org | |||||||||||||||||||||
195 | Emma | Deane | Lighting Designer | New York, NY | Chicago | Native American (Arikara), Guatemalan | http://emmadeane.com | emma.e.deane@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
196 | Cassandra | del Nero | Scenic and Costume Designer | Ashland, OR | TBD | Mixed, Cree (Native American) and Irish | https://cassandradelnero.carbonmade.com/ | cassandra.delnero@gmail.com | IG @ delnerobydesign | ||||||||||||||||||||
197 | Efren | Delgadillo Jr. | Set Designer | Los Angeles, CA | NYC | Mexican/American/Chicano | http://www.efrendelgadillojr.com/ | efren2@mac.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
198 | Leticia | Delgado | Costume Designer; Cutter Draper, | Lubbock, TX | El Paso TX; Chicago Area | Chicana | lettydelgadogibb@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
199 | Mari | DeOleo | Prop and Costume Designer | Chicago, IL | Dominican, Afro-Latinx | www.marideoleo.net | mari@deoleocreative.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
200 | Stacey | Derosier | Lighting Designer | New York City | Black | https://staceyderosier.com/ | stacey.derosier@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
201 | Linda | Di Bernardo | Props Artisan | Washington, DC | NY Area | Mixed/ Puerto Rican | http://lmdibernardo.wix.com/portfolio | lmdibernardo@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
202 | Nelly | Diaz | Stage Manager | MD, Washington, DC | Latina | ndiazrod09@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||||
203 | Stephanie | Diaz | Puppeteer and Puppet Designer | Chicago | Bay Area, San Diego, LA, Portland, Seattle, NYC, London | Latina (Guatemalan American) | I'm working on it! :) | stephcosmos@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
204 | Erik D. | Diaz | Scenic Designer/ Production Manager | Dedham, MA | Los Angeles, DC, New York City, Poughkeepsie, Colorado Springs/Denver, St Louis, Minneapolis, Dallas/Fort Worth, Omaha, Seattle | Mixed: Puerto Rican & Spanish | www.designbydiaz.com | designbydiaz@gmail.com | Willing to travel | ||||||||||||||||||||
205 | J | Díaz | Composer/sound designer | Philadelphia, PA, USA and Glasgow, UK. | NYC, Boston | Latinx | they/them | diazsounds@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
206 | Maydi | Díaz | Stage Manager, Production Manager, QLab | Chicago, IL | San Juan, PR New York City | Latina (Puerto Rican) | maydiaz92@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
207 | Carlos | Diaz Stoop | Creative Producer, Project Manager | Philadelphia, PA | 1.5 generation Latino | he/him | carlos@cdscreativeproductions.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
208 | Jorge | Dieppa | Set Designer | New York | Chicago,Los Angeles, North Carolina, Puerto Rico, Savannah ,Georgia | Puerto Rican | www.jorgeddieppa.com | jdieppa.designer@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
209 | Alyssa | Dillard | Actor, Composer, Lighting and Sound Designer, Musician, Writer | Austin, TX | NYC, Houston, Tx, Los Angeles, San Diego, Denver, DC, Seattle, adaptable, looking to relocate | African American, Black | http://www.alyssadillard.com/ | Alyssa.L.Dillard@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
210 | Marcus | Doshi | Lighting Designer, Set Designer | Chicago, IL | Mixed, half Asian Indian | www.marcusdoshi.com | marcus@marcusdoshi.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
211 | nicHi | douglas | Choreographer, Movement Director | New York, NY | Jamaican-American | www.mynameisnichi.com | ithasabigh@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
212 | Jessica | Drayton | Lighting Designer, Assistant Lighting Designer, Programmer | Dallas, TX | Cincinnati/Dayton Ohio, Atlanta GA, NYC | African American/ White / Indian | www.jessicaanndrayton.com | Drayton.Jessica@yahoo.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
213 | Anna | Drummond | Sound Designer/Sound Effects Designer | Boston, MA | South Florida | Black | https://www.linkedin.com/in/anna-drummond-8ab22a77?trk=nav_responsive_tab_profile_pic | annatdrummond@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
214 | Derek | Duarte | Lighting Designer, Projection Designer | Oakland, CA | various | Latino | https://www.facebook.com/derekduartelightingdesign/ | dduarte@aol.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
215 | Evan | Duckworth | Live Sound Engineer, Studio Engineer, Electrician | Chicago, IL | Mixed (Black & White) | https://www.linkedin.com/in/evan-duckworth-26631311a/ | evanduckworth2@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
216 | Evan | Duckworth | A1 / Audio Engineer / System Tech | Chicago, IL | Gary, IN. Portland, OR. NYC. | Black / Mixed | https://www.linkedin.com/in/evan-duckworth-26631311a | evanduckworth2@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
217 | Estrellita | Edwell | Stage Manager (non-union), producer, production manager | Chicago (currently) | Southwest, Midwest, East coast | Chicana | starrbedwell@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
218 | Dina | El-Aziz | Costume Designer | New York, NY | Egyptian | www.dinae.me | abdelaziz.dina@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
219 | Alexis | Ellis-Alvarez | Stage Manager, non union | San Diego, CA | Anaheim area/Orlando, FL | Mexican-American | https://www.linkedin.com/in/alexis-ellis-alvarez/ | akealvarez@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
220 | Sylvia | Enrique | Costumes, Props | San Diego, CA | DC, Bay Area CA, San Antonio/Austin TX | Chicana/Mexican/Tejana/SoCal | on it's way | senrique6se@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
221 | Alyssa | Escalante | Stage Manager, AEA | Los Angeles, CA | San Diego, Dallas, Atlanta | Mexican american | alyssal.escalante@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
222 | Paula | Escobar | Stage Manager | New York, NY | Raleigh, NC | Hispanic | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1meW-SWkv0GL9qVjAOFntvHSDhVzfY_dA/view?usp=sharing | paulae60274@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
223 | Mario | Estiverne | Master Electrician/Stage Hand | New York | New York OR Washington, DC | Haitian American | https://www.linkedin.com/in/mario-estiverne-b93978149/ | Estivernemario@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
224 | Brandon | Estrella | Scenic Designer / Properties Designer | Los Angeles, CA | Seattle, WA / New York City / Chicago / Honolulu /Bay Area / Portland, OR | Asian / Japanese American / LGBT | www.brandonestrella.com | brandon@brandonestrella.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
225 | Samantha | Estrella | Directing, Producing | NYC | FL, CA, MI | Afro-Latina; Dominican and Puerto Rican; Black | she/her | estrells@umich.edu | |||||||||||||||||||||
226 | Daniel | Etti-Williams | Sound Design | Chicago, IL | Dallas, LA | African American | he/him, they/them | ettiwilliamsdaniel@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
227 | Jessica | Evans | Stage Manager, Technician | Los Angeles, CA | NYC, Raleigh, NC;Boston, MA, | African Americn | www.jessicamoneaevans.com | jessicamoneaevans@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
228 | Avery | Evans | Stage Management | Irvine California | Chicago, Dallas, Jackson MS | Black | he/him | averyjamesevans@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
229 | Kim | Fain | Lighting and Media Design | Las Vegas, NV | Descendant of Spanish/Maya/Cherokee/Irish | she/her, they/them | https://kfed.us/ | kim@kfed.us | |||||||||||||||||||||
230 | Alejandro | Fajardo | Lighting Designer | New York, NY | Latino | www.fajardodesigns.com | alejofaj@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
231 | Jihane | Fareseddine | Scenic Painter & Designer assistant, Costume Design assistant & Illustrator, Production Design assistant, Artistic Director assistant | New Haven | New York, San Diego, Los Angeles, Miami, Oklahoma City | Moroccan | she/her | jfareseddine@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
232 | Molly | Farrell-Savage | Costume Designer | NYC/Western CT | Chinese-American | http://mollyfarrellsavage.wix.com/designer | mollyfarrellsavage@yahoo.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
233 | Maya | Fazio-Siu | Scenic Charge, Properties Artisan, Wardrobe, Makeup Design, Choreography | Chicago, IL | Bay Area; NYC | Latina/Mixed | https://www.linkedin.com/in/maya-fazio-siu-b52b27123 | m.faziosiu@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
234 | Andrea | Felix-Cervantes | Stage Manager | Long Beach, CA | Central Valley in CA | Mexican-American | www.andreafelixcervantes.com | andrea.felix.cervantes@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
235 | Sarita | Fellows | Costume designer | New York City | various | Sierra Leonean American, black | www.saritafellows.com | saritafellowsdesign@gmail | |||||||||||||||||||||
236 | Mykayla | Fernandes | Theatre Technician, Scenic Designer, Artistic Director, Master Carpenter, Lighting, Props | Austin, TX | NYC | Black | mykayla.me | mykayla.fernandes@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
237 | Arturo | Fernandez Jr | Stage and production management, Producer, Lighting Designer | Los Angeles | Miami | Hispanic | he/him | jr.fernandez.arturo@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
238 | Antonio | Ferron | Scenic Designer, Props Artisan | Pittsburgh, PA | Orlando, NYC | Black, Caribbean American | antoniotroyferron.com | antoniotroy232@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
239 | Nina | Field | Lighting & Sound Designer | New York, NY | Puerto Rican/White | www.ninafield.design | ninafield@ninafield.design | ||||||||||||||||||||||
240 | Damien | Figueras | Sound Designer and Composer | Philadelphia, PA | Cuban | www.dfigueras.com | dfiguerassound@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
241 | Rose | Figueroa | Stage Manager | West Palm Beach, FL | New York, Washington DC, Los Angeles CA, Connecticut | Hispanic (Peruvian/Puerto Rican) | rosefigueroa9@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
242 | Juli | Figueroa | Production Manager & Stage Manager | Los Angeles, CA | Oakland, CA / San Diego, CA | Latina | www.julifigueroa.com | juliannefig@hotmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
243 | Emmie | Finckel | Scenic/Props Designer | New York, NY | D.C., Atlanta, Bay Area | Asian-American, Gender Non-Conforming | www.efinckel.com | efinckel@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
244 | Kristen | Flores | Set Designer/Charge Scenic Artist/Assistant Lighting Designer | San Diego, CA | Various | Hispanic American | http://www.kristenflores.org | kristenflores82@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
245 | Miguel | Flores | Production Manager | Beverly, MA | Los Angeles, CA/St. Louis, MO | Latino | mfpuck@me.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
246 | Courtney | Flores | Costume Designer | San Leandro, CA | Various | Mixed: Latina/White | www.courtneyflores.com | CourtneyEFlores@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
247 | Elena | Flores | Costume Designer | Los Angeles, CA | NYC, SF Bay, Chicago, Phoenix, Milan, London, Seattle, Oslo, Twin Cities, many others | Mixed: Honduran/White | www.elenafloresdesign.com | elenafloresdesign@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
248 | Sophina | Flores | Lighting Designer, Production Manager, Stage Manager, Set, Props, Costume Designer | Portland Oregon | MA | Bisexual, Latina, Multiracial, Neurodivergent, Cis-Woman, Abuse Survivor | she/her | Upon Request | angelita.sophina.flores@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||
249 | Roma | Flowers | Lighting/Projection Designer (USAA) | Fort Worth, TX | Black/African American | https://raflowers.wixsite.com/lightingdesign | r.a.flowers@tcu.edu | ||||||||||||||||||||||
250 | Petra | Floyd | Scenic Designer and Visual Artist | Philadelphia, PA | NYC, Baltimore | Black American/ Liberian-American | www.petrafloyd.com | petra.floyd@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
251 | Jennifer | Fok | Lighting Designer | New York, NY | San Diego, Boston, DC, Bay Area. LA | Chinese-American | www.jenniferfok.com | jenniferfoklighting@gmail.com | Willing to Travel | ||||||||||||||||||||
252 | Carin | Ford | A1 Sound Engineer, Sound Designer | New York, NY | Black | https://www.linkedin.com/feed/ | nubiansound@me.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
253 | Hailee | Foster | Production Manager, Stage Manager, Actress | Portland, OR | Omaha, NB | Mixed (white/african-american) | she/her | haileegf@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
254 | Larry | Fowler | Sound (design and composition) | Philadelphia, PA | ATL,NY,MN,MD | Native/African American | soundcloud.com/whatsthatsound1 | whatsthatsoundllc@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
255 | Neaco | Fox | Carpenter, Technical Director, Producer, A2 Sound Engineer | NYC | Pittsburgh, Phoenix, LA, SF, Salt Lake City | Mixed: Taiwanese/Chinese-German/Czech | she/her, they/them | neacodesert@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
256 | Dwayne | Fralin | Lighting Designer, Assisstant Lighting Designer, Master Electrician, Electrician, Photographer, Student Looking for to assist or intern | Washington DC | New York | Africian American | https://www.instagram.com/dj_1032/ | Dwaynefralin@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
257 | Geno | Franco | Production Management/Producing | Santa Maria, CA | Portland OR, Ashland OR, Chicago, Milwaukee, LA area | Latinx | genoafranco@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
258 | Jonah | Free | Technical Design, Production Management, Immersive Art Production, Art+Tech Integration | Saint Petersburg, FL | Boston, MA ; NYC ; Los Angeles, CA | Black | he/him | Jonahfree.com , @i.am.jsf | Jonah.s.free@gmail.com | (727) 412-5943 | |||||||||||||||||||
259 | Chelsea Olivia | Friday | Production Stage Manager (AEA) | Newark, NJ | NYC, ATL, SC, PA, MA | Trinidadian | cfriday27@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
260 | Daniel | Friday | ATD, TD, Sound/Lights/AV Technician, Carpenter | New York, NY | Biracial (West Indian, Afro Carribian) | danielfriday71@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||||
261 | Misha | Fristensky | Stage Management/Acting Experience | New York City | Mixed Black/Czech | he/him | mfristensky2@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
262 | María Cristina | Fusté | Lighting designer/Producer | New York, NY | San Juan, PR | Puerto Rican/Latina | www.mcfuste.com | mcfusteLD@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
263 | Caro | Gage | Designer/technician - lighting, scenic, graphic | Los Angeles, CA | Bay Area | Black, Mexican/Latina | carogage.com | carolynmgage@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
264 | Arshan | Gailus | Sound Designer and Composer | Boston, MA | NYC, Philadelphia, Chicago, Palm Beach FL | Armenian/Lithuanian/Irish | http://www.arshangailus.com/ | arshan@arshangailus.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
265 | Vanessa | Galeno | Scenic Artist, Set Designer | Greenville, SC | San Diego, Sacramento, Colorado Springs, LA | Mixed, Filipino/White | vanessagaleno.com | vgaleno@outlook.com | 864-221-8116 | ||||||||||||||||||||
266 | Laura | Galindo | Composer, Sound Designer, Sound Engineer | New York, NY | South Florida | Hispanic / Colombian ! | lauragalindo.bandcamp.com | thelauragalindo@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
267 | Phillip | Gallegos | Scenic Designer/Construction/Painting | Hayward, CA | Ashland, OR | Latino/Navajo | phillipgallegos.com | scenic_designer@yahoo.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
268 | Luis | Garcia | Lighting Designer, Video Programmer | Kissimmee, Fl | Ashland, Or/ Newark, Nj | Peruvian | LuisGTech.com | LuisGarcia0820@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
269 | Fabian | Garcia | Lighting Designer/Master Electrician | Oklahoma City, OK | Dallas, TX | Mexican American | he/him | www.fabianjgarcia.com | fabianjgarcia1@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||
270 | Madilynn | Garcia | Freelance Production Manager/Producer | Portland, OR | Austin, Dallas, Chicago, Minneapolis, Seattle, Ashland, | Latinx | madilynn.michelle@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
271 | Regina | García | Scenic Design | Chicago | New York, San Juan | Puerto Rican | she/her | lasnenas7.garcia@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
272 | Anthony | Gary | Costume Design/ Makeup Designer & Technician | Kenner, LA | Hattiesburg, MS | Mixed; Hispanic/Mexican and White; Gender Fluid | http://anthonyrlgary.wixsite.com/designs | Anthony.RL.Gary@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
273 | Morgan | Gatson | Stage Manager, Deck supervisor, Crew Supervisor | Colorado Springs, CO | Dallas TX, Sacramento Ca, | Mixed: African American/ White | mgatson@coloradocollege.edu | ||||||||||||||||||||||
274 | Eric | Gelb | Director, Stage Manager | NYC | Dallas, TX. Michigan | Asian American | Website | ericgelb@nyu.edu | Willing to travel | ||||||||||||||||||||
275 | David | Gibson | Sound Designer and Live-Sound Engineer/Mixer, IATSE Local One, Small Business Owner, Technical Director | New York, NY | Black/African-American | https://www.entertainmentsvcs.com | dgibson@entertainmentsvcs.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
276 | Brittany | Giles-Jones | Stage Mangement (AEA), Dramaturg | Atlanta, GA | Fairfield County, CT | Black American | she/her | @britt_kris7 | Bgilesjones@gmail.com | cell: 203.685.2541 | |||||||||||||||||||
277 | Isabella | Gill-Gomez | Lighting/Audio | Philadelphia, Pennsylvania | DC, NYC | Hispanic // Mexican & White | she/her, they/them | isabellagill1011@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
278 | Tai E.C | Glover | Stage Manager/Theater Technician | Valencia, CA | Indianapolis, IN/ Montgomery, AL | Black | taiec.sm@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
279 | Tat | Goddard | Scenic Designer Stagehand Art Department | Atlanta, GA | Savannah, GA South Florida D.C. Riverside, CA | African American | tatgodd.tumblr.com/experience | DreamsMadeWhole@Gmail.com | 561-542-2294 | ||||||||||||||||||||
280 | Mario | Gomez | Dramaturg, SM, ASM, Sound Designer, | Seattle, WA | Hispanic/Latinx | http://www.marioagomez.com http://www.onlinedramaturg.com | mario@marioagomez.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
281 | Uriel | Gomez | Costume Designer | Chicago, IL | Chicago, Milwaukee, Pittsburgh, San Francisco, Los Angeles | Mexican | ugomez.com | gomezuandco@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
282 | Laura | Gomez | AEA stage manager | Northampton, MA | Mixed; Mexican & White | www.linkedin.com/in/laurakgomez | laurakathrynegomez@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
283 | Brendan | Gonzales Boston | Set Design | New York | Chicago | Mexican American | he/him | brendangonzalesboston@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
284 | Melia | Gonzalez | Stage Manager | Los Angeles, CA | IL, WI, various friend's houses | Latina (Honduran, Mexican) | https://www.linkedin.com/in/melia-gonzalez-671267114 or melia-gonzalez.weebly.com | 1melia.gonzalez1@gmail.com | 909-680-0905 | ||||||||||||||||||||
285 | Julian | Gonzalez | Production Manager/Wardrobe/Electrician | Chicago, IL | Los Angeles, CA | Mixed: Latino/White | jbrgonzalez@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
286 | Eric | Gonzalez | Composer, Sound Designer, Music Direction, Sound Tech, Music Performance | Saint Paul, MN | Cleveland, OH, Pittsburgh, PA, San Antonio, TX, Austin, TX, Los Angeles, CA | Mexican | www.agleammusic.com | agleammusic@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
287 | Jared | Gooding | Lighting Designer | Chicago | Houston Tx, New York City | Black/Aftrican American | goodingdesigns.com | gooding.jared@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
288 | Latiana | Gourzong | Technical Director | Watertown, MA | Central and North Jersey, New Haven CT, and NYC | Black, Jamaican | LatianaLT-TD.weebly.com | lgourzong@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
289 | Derek | Graham | Sound Designer/Audio Engineer/Composer | Mebane, NC | Charlotte, NC; Atlanta, GA; Ashand, OR; Athens, OH; Cleveland, OH; Cincinatti, OH; NYC | Black/African-American | www.derekgrahamsound.com | derekgrahamsound@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
290 | Shawn Rene | Graham | Dramaturg | New York, NY | San Jose, Los Angeles, Portland, OR | African American | https://www.linkedin.com/in/shawn-rene-graham-0750853a?trk=hp-identity-name | enersg@msn.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
291 | Chaz | Green | Sound Designer, Sound Engineer, Board Operator | Washington, DC | Peterburg, VA, MD | Black | chazgreen12@gmail.com/ 202-805-1035 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
292 | Dante | Green | Producer, Sound Designer, Composer, Music Director | New York, NY | Philadelphia, Northeast PA | Black/Mixed Race | www.dantegreen.com | dantemgreen@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
293 | Kenney | Green | Director, Choreographer, SDC, Artistic Director - Depot Theatre, Westport, NY | New York, NY | Black, He/Him | www.kenneygreen.com | Kgreen@depottheatre.org | Queer, Fully Vaccinated, Valid Passport, Valid Drivers License | |||||||||||||||||||||
294 | Dasia | Gregg | Projection Designer | Richmond, Va | New York City, NY; Washington, D.C; Charleston, SC | Black | she/her | greggdk.myportfolio.com | gregg.dasia@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||
295 | Angela | Griggs | Stage Manager, AEA | New York, NY | Ithaca, NY, Syracuse NY | black | https://www.linkedin.com/in/angelamgriggs/ | angelamgriggs@gmai.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
296 | Isaac | Grivett | Millinery/costumes, wardrobe | New York, NY | Los Angeles | Mexican | https://www.linkedin.com/in/isaac-grivett-144270112/ | Isaac.qgrivett@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
297 | Pedro | Guevara | Scenic Designer | New York, NY | San Antonio, TX; Hartford, CT; Orlando, Fl | Latino | https://www.pedroguevaradesigns.com | guevaralpedro@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
298 | Sabrina Bianca | Guillaume | Costume Designer/ Production Designer/ Creative Director | Brooklyn, NY | NYC | Haitian-American | www.SabrinaBianca.com | SabrinaBiancaDesigns@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
299 | Hamilton | Guillén | Lighting Designer | New York, NY | San Francisco, CA | Latino | he/him | ||||||||||||||||||||||
300 | Venus | Gulbranson | Lighting Design | Washington DC | New York City, Baltimore, Idaho | Filipino | she/her | venusgulbranson.com | venusgdesign@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||
301 | Gabriela | Gutierrez | Stage manager | Clovis, CA | California (various); Seattle; Portland | Latina | gabrielaxgutierrez@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
302 | Sebastian | Gutierrez | Sound Design | Los Angeles | San Francisco, New York City | Latino | he/him | sebguts26@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
303 | Phil | Gutierrez | Production Manager, Event Manager, Stage Manager | New York, NY | Sacramento, CA; San Francisco, CA | Filipino American | phil.gutierrez@mac.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
304 | Gaby | Gutierrez | Production Manager | New York, NY | New York, Miami, Los Angeles | Hispanic | gabrielabgutierrez@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
305 | Cherelle | Guyton | Hair, Wig and Makeup Designer (Cosmetologist) Assistant Costume Designer | Ashland, OR and Columbia, SC | SC, OR , GA, CA | African American, Native and French | she/her | https://www.cstylezu.com/ | dramaticdesign@cstylezu.com | ||||||||||||||||||||
306 | Melissa Y. | Hamasaki | AEA Stage Manager/Scenic Designer | Seattle, WA | DC, NYC, LA, Chicago, Richmond, VA | Japanese-American | myhamasaki@mac.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
307 | Tony | Hardin | Scenic Designer & Lighting Designer | Lexington, KY | Louisville, KY | African American | http://www.tonyhardindesign.com | tony.hardin42@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
308 | Belynda | Hardin | AEA Production Stage Manager | ASM | New York, NY | Baltimore MD | Black | belyndahardin@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
309 | Yasmine | Hardy-Njie | Student looking for set design internship | D.C. | New York | Gambian- American | https://www.instagram.com/y.njie/ | Yasminehardynjie@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
310 | Tia | Harewood-Millington | AEA Stage Manager, Production Manager, Event Manager | New York, NY | Denver & Los Angeles | Black/Afro-Caribbean | https://www.linkedin.com/in/tiahm?lipi=urn%3Ali%3Apage%3Ad_flagship3_profile_view_base_contact_details%3B0rvgrJ8wTwifM5jMnawIxg%3D%3D | tia.millington13@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
311 | Myke | Harrigan | Light Board Operator/Programmer/Lx | New York, NY | NY | Jamaican | MykeHsm@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
312 | Rachael | Harris | Production Manager / Stage Manager / Lighting Technician / Lighting Board Operator | New York, NY | African American | rharrisproduction@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||||
313 | Rachael | Harris | Production Manager | New York, NY | NA | African-American | rharrisproduction@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
314 | Janessa | Harris | Lighting Designer | Houston, TX | Black American | she/her | janessaaharris.com | janessa.a.harris@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
315 | Rosie | Hartunian Alumbaugh | Stage Management/Arts Admin | Boston, MA | Hartford, CT | Armenian American | she/her, they/them | rgha.29@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
316 | Joseph (Tre) | Haskins | Stage Manager Production Manager | Madison, WI | Chicago, IL Indianapolis, IN | Black | |||||||||||||||||||||||
317 | Evan | Hawkins | Lighting Designer/ Electrician | Teaneck, NJ | Ithaca, NY | Black | ehawk1281@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
318 | Kelly | Hayes | Set designer/virtual set designer | philadelphia,PA | Chinese adoptee | https://www.kellyannelinhayes.com/ | kellyannelinhayes01@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
319 | Cresent | Haynes | Sound Designer, Audio Engineer | Washington, DC | NY / LA / Texas / Philly | Black | www.emittedvisions.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
320 | Edward | Haynes | Set Designer | Los Angeles, CA | Bay Area, CA | Black | https://edhaynes.carbonmade.com | ed.haynes.design@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
321 | Adem | Hayyu | Student Lighting Designer (interested in assisting or intern) | Seattle, WA | None | African-American | www.ademhayyu.squarespace.com | ademhayyu1@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
322 | Jialin | HE | Stage/Production/Event Manager | Pittsburgh, PA | New York, Los Angeles, Washington DC, Philadelphia | Chinese | thisislizpie@yahoo.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
323 | Matthew | Henao | Stage Manager | New York, NY | Latino / Colombian | mhenao5682@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||||
324 | Christian | Henrriquez | Lighting Designer, ALD, Eos Programmer | Washington D.C. | Orange County/LA, CA | Latino (Salvadoran) | he/him | chenrriquez11@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
325 | Calypso | Hernandez | Lighting/Sound Design, Costume Design, Props Design, TD, Wardrobe, Deck Crew, Board Op | Fort Lauderdale, FL | Miami, Kendall, West Palm, Boca Raton, Orlando, Tampa | Cuban/Morroccan/French | designsbycalypso.com | calypsotheatre@gmail.com | Willing to travel. 305-898-1681 | ||||||||||||||||||||
326 | Calypso | Hernandez | Lighting design, ME, crew, board op | Fort Lauderdale, FL | South Florida (Miami-Orlando/Tampa) | Hispanic/Mixed | www.designsbycalypso.com | calypsotheatre@gmail.com | Just recieved MFA looking for positions as a Professor | ||||||||||||||||||||
327 | Isabel | Hernandez | Lighting Designer, Electrician, Stagehand, AV Technician | Orlando, FL | Puertorican / Hispanic / Latina | she/her | 3lebasi@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
328 | Alexandra | Hernandez | Stage Manager/Deck Manager | Dallas TX | Minneapolis MN, San Antonio TX,Jacksonville FL,Portland Or, Orlando FL, Chicago | Chicana, Latina | alexjandra89@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
329 | Rodrigo | Hernandez Martinez | Scenic and Costume Designer | NYC, Mexico City | NJ, CA | Latinx (Indigenous/White) | https://www.rodrigohmdesign.com/ | rhmtz22@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
330 | Emy | Herrera | Stage Manager, Light Board Operator & Interest in LD, Looking for Internships | Miami, FL | Miami, West Palm Beach, & Tallahassee, FL | Latina/Cuban | https://emyherrera3.wixsite.com/mysite | emyherrera3@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
331 | Bentley | Heydt | Lighting Designer | New York, NY | OKC, NYC | Korean-American | bentleyheydt.com | bentley.heydt@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
332 | Adiah | Hick | Sound Design | Philadelphia, PA | Methuen, Massachusettes | Black | she/her | adiahhicks254@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
333 | April | Hickman | Costume Design | Middletown, CT | NYC | black female | she/her | https://aprilmhickman.com/ | aprilmhickman@outlook.com | aprilhickman@yale.edu | |||||||||||||||||||
334 | Jermaine | Hill | Music Director/Arranger/Orchestrator | Chicago | NYC | Black | jermainehillmusic.com | jermainelhill@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
335 | Jennifer | Hiyama | Scenic Painter/ Scenic Designer | Philadelphia, PA | New York; Los Angeles; Scottsdale, AZ | Japanese American | jhiyama.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
336 | Howard | Ho | Sound Designer / Composer / Musician | Los Angeles, CA | None | Chinese American | howardwho@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
337 | Noelle | Hoffman | Sound Designer | Los Angeles, CA | Twin Cities, MN | Korean American | noellehoffman@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
338 | Sandi | Holloway | Director and Choreographer | Washington, DC | New York, NY., Philadelphia, PA., Baltimore, MD., Virginia, Seattle, WA., Miami, FL. | Black | hollowayartsproject@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
339 | Tammy | Honesty | Scene Designer, Scenic Artist | Kent, OH | Mixed-White, Black, Native American | www.tammyhonesty.com/ | tammyhonesty@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
340 | Meghan | Hong | Touring Lighting Director/Relighter/Head Electrician, Lighting Designer, ALD, Programmer, Lighting Technician | Los Angeles, CA | Bay Area, Honolulu | Mixed:Asian/Caucasian | h.meghan@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
341 | Jun | Hong | Student Looking for opportunities/carpenter/electrician | New York, NY | Korean | https://drive.google.com/open?id=1lLmkx4szUldQCbsNXMO9Y882Zwl8RSsq | jhong6394@gmail.com | Graduating May 2019 | |||||||||||||||||||||
342 | Adam | Honoré | Lighting Designer/ ALD | New York, NY | Dallas/Fort Worth, New Orleans, OKC, DC | Louisiana Creole | honorelighting.com | honorelighting@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
343 | Audrey | Hoo | Production Management | Berkeley CA | New York City | Singaporean, Chinese | she/her | ahoo@berkeleyrep.org | |||||||||||||||||||||
344 | Harri | Horsley | Costume Design | Chicago | Dallas, TX | Black/Afro Costa Rican | she/her, they/them | harrihorsley@gmail.com | willing to travel | ||||||||||||||||||||
345 | Tara | Houston | Scenic Design | Baton Rouge, LA | Austin area, San Diego, Tucson | mixed race Latina (white and Mexican) | she/her | tarahouston.net | info@tarahouston.net | ||||||||||||||||||||
346 | Seth | Howard | Scenic Designer | Orlando, FL | St. Louis, MO | Black | he/him | shdesign366@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
347 | Jerry | Hsiao | Sound designer/board operator, Video designer/board operator | Twin Cities, MN | Chinese American | tau10613@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||||
348 | Erica | Huang | Sound Designer/Composer/Audio engineer | New York, NY | Mixed Asian/White | erica-huang.com | ericahuang3@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
349 | Chun-Yen | Huang | Lighting Designer | Seattle, WA | Taiwanese | chunn.yenn@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||||
350 | Alex | Huerta | A1/A2/Asst Sound Design | NYC | Mexican | he/him, they/them | jacob.a.huerta@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
351 | Reiko | Huffman | Scenic Designer | San Diego, CA | Seattle, WA | Japanese, African-American | reikonyhuffman.weebly.com | huffmanreiko@yahoo.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
352 | Jessica | Hunter | Stage Manager, Production Manager, Technical Supervisor | New York, NY | Los Angeles, Louisville, Nashville | Mixed: Native, Black, German | jsloanhunter@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
353 | Carlton | Hurdle | Production/Video Editor/Playwright | New Brunswick, NJ | Orlando, FL/New York City, NY/Baltimore, MD/San Antonio, TX/Richmond, VA/Elizabeth City, NC/Quakertown, PA/Boston, MA/San Jose, CA/Chicago, IL | Black | http://youtube.com/c/CarltonHurdleJr | carlton.hurdle@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
354 | Nikki | Hyde | Stage Manager (AEA, AGMA) | Los Angeles, CA | Mixed, Black & White | https://www.linkedin.com/in/nikki-hyde-sm/ | |||||||||||||||||||||||
355 | Izmir | Ickbal | Scenic, Lighting, Projections Designer | New York City | New York, Connecticut | Mixed Singaporean | http://www.izmirickbal.com/ | izmirickbal@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
356 | Giles | Indic | Lighting Designer/ Master Electrician/ Electrician | New York, NY | New York City, NY, Most of New Jersey, Philadelphia, PA | Filipino American | GILESINDIC@GMAIL.COM | ||||||||||||||||||||||
357 | Anderson | Isabella | Light Designer | Chicago, IL | NA | Latina | ianderson14@eureka.edu | ||||||||||||||||||||||
358 | Bithyah | Israel | Composer, Sound Designer | Boston, MA | Hartford, CT, Baltimore, MD | Multiracial/Black/Dominican | https://www.bithyahisraelmusicdesign.com/ | bithyahisrael@gmail.com | Quick turnaround. | ||||||||||||||||||||
359 | Elisheba | Ittoop | Sound Designer/Composer | New York, NY | DC/Various cities in NC | Indian American | www.elishebaittoop.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
360 | Robles | Ivan | Sound Designer | Los Angeles, CA | Latino | ivan@thelatc.org | |||||||||||||||||||||||
361 | Yuki | Izumihara | Scenic, Projection, Production Designer | Los Angeles, CA | Japanese | https://www.yukiizumihara.com/ | yuki.izumihara@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
362 | James | Jackson | Technical Director, Lighting Designer, Videographer, Projection designer, Photographer, and AV Tech | Philadelphia, PA | Seattle, WA; Washington DC; New York, NY | Black, Japanese, and German | http://raveneyes.com | diversedesigners@raveneyes.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
363 | Ross | Jackson | Stage Manager (AEA) | Los Angeles, CA | LA, NY, CHI, PDX | Black | rossjacksonsm@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
364 | Pope | Jackson | Production Manager, Technical Director, Lighting Designer | New York, NY | ATL | Black | nycpope@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
365 | Aja | Jackson | Lighting Designer | Boston, MA | New York, Nebraska, Los Angeles, Denver | African-American | www.ajajacksonlighting.wixsite/ajajacksonlighting | Ajamjackson@gmail.com | 402-813-2517 | ||||||||||||||||||||
366 | Crista Marie | Jackson | Intimacy Direction/Coordination (IDC Certification Pending - Currently Level 3 of 4) Movement Choreography, Circus Choreography | NYC | Seattle, Los Angeles, Boston | Black | she/her | cristamariejackson@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
367 | Jessica | Jahn | Costume Designer | New York, NY | Seattle | Black/White | Www.jessicajahn.com | Jessicajahnstudio@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
368 | Ramaj | Jamar | Costume Designer & Illustrator | Brooklyn, NY | Houston, TX | Black and Queer | RamaJJamaR.com | Ramaj.theatricaldesigner@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
369 | Willow | James | Sound Designer | Chicago, IL | Atlanta, Phoenix, S.E CT, Houston | Black | willow-james.org | thewillowjames@gmail.org | |||||||||||||||||||||
370 | Hahnji | Jang | Costume Designer, Costume Assistant/Shopper, Crafter | New York, NY | Chicago, Detroit & Ann Arbor, Michigan | Korean American | hahnjijang.com | hahnji@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
371 | Bazemore | Jeffery | Properties Master/Artisan | Delaware | California, Ohio, New York | African American | https://www.linkedin.com/pub/jeffery-c-bazemore/20/89a/674 | bazemoreje@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
372 | Kelsey | Jenkins | Stage Manager | Washington, DC | Virginia, Maryland | Mixed / Black | https://www.linkedin.com/in/kelsey-jenkins-98669ba0/ | jenkinskelsi10@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
373 | Janak | Jha | Lighitng Designer, Assistant Lighting Designer, Associate Lighting Desginer | New York, NY | Chicago, IL | Mixed: Indian & white | www.janakjha.com | janakjha@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
374 | Amanda | Jimenez | Costumes, Costume Crafts, props, stagehand, general technician, costume design | Orange County, CA | Mexican/Irish American | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
375 | Racho-Jansen | Joan | Lighting Designer | New York, New York | Filipino/Lithuanian | joan.lighting@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||||
376 | Matthew | Johns | Lighting Design, Video Design, Drafting, Installation Art | Los Angeles, CA | San Francisco, NYC, Chicago | Mexican American, Mixed | www.mattjohns.com | lighting@mattjohns.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
377 | Chiara | Johnson | Stage manager with some sound/lighting/scenic/props experience | New York, NY | Philadelphia | Black/Latinx | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1WJl3y_iEvL9gljNHmOV4JNuqexsQxM29/view?usp=drivesdk | chiara.johnson0122@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
378 | Phil | Johnson | Sound Designer | Portland, OR | Ohio (Akron, Cleveland, Columbus), New York (NYC,Buffalo), Detroit, Seattle, Chicago | African American | Philjohnsondesignstheworld.com | Phillipgerardjohnson@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
379 | Junior | Johnson | Scenic Designer | New York, NY | Boston, DC | Black, Gay, Genderfluid | www.JuniorJohnsondesigns.com | tjuniorj@yahoo.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
380 | Stephanie Anne | Johnson | Lighting Designer | San Francisco Area | New York, Atlanta, New Jersey | African American | www.lightessencedesign.com | lightessencedesign@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
381 | Kendra | Johnson | Costume Designer | Clemson, SC | Atlanta, Columbia SC, DC/MD/VA | African American | kjohns7@gclemson.edu | ||||||||||||||||||||||
382 | Kendra | Johnson | costume designer | Clemson, SC | SC, VA, DC,MD | African American | kjohns7@g.clemson.edu | ||||||||||||||||||||||
383 | Amber | Johnson | AEA Stage Manager | New York, NY | Chicago, Oklahoma City/Tulsa | Native American | ambrkatz@gmail.com | Willing to Travel | |||||||||||||||||||||
384 | Dorathy | Johnston | Costume Designer | St. Louis, MO | Central Illinois, Possibly New Jersey. Willing to travel | Black/Puerto Rican | @dorathyleedesigns on instagram | Dorathyl.johnston@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
385 | Ben | Jones | Production Manager | Chicago, IL | Various | African American/Puerto Rican | btjones10@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
386 | Allyssa | Jones | Music Director/Composer | Boston, MA | Chicago, NYC, Miami/Ft. Lauderdale, Phoenix, Memphis, Houston | African American | http://allyssajones.3050music.org/ | ajones@3050music.org | |||||||||||||||||||||
387 | Samantha C. | Jones | Costume Designer | Los Angeles, CA | African-American | www.samanthacjones.com | samanthacjonesdesign@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
388 | Philip | Jones | Lighting | New Paltz NY | Orlando FL | Dominican | he/him | philipejones624@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
389 | Alex | Jourdan | Scenic Design | New York CIty, NY | None | African-American | he/him, they/them | jourdanmiller99@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
390 | Mindy | Judson-Garcia | Master Electrician | Phoenix, AZ | Mexican, Mixed | mindy.rjg@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||||
391 | Lauren | Julun | Stage Manager, Technician | Houston, TX | Chicago, IL ; Various | Black | https://www.linkedin.com/public-profile/settings?trk=prof-edit-edit-public_profile | smlaurenjulun@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
392 | Tatiana | Kahvegian | Scenic designer, visual artist | New York | Brazilian/Armenian | https://tatianakahvegian.cargo.site | tatianakahvegian@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
393 | Patti | Kalil | Scenic and Props | Washington, dc | New York, Philly, Chicago, LA, Boston, Miami | Latina | pattikalildesign.com | pmkalil@hotmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
394 | Pornchanok (Nok) | Kanchanabanca | Sound Designer, Composer, Pianist | New York, NY | Chicago | Thai | www.wishnok-music.com | wishnok@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
395 | Arredondo-Starr | Karen | Scenic Designer, Scenic Artist, Props Artisan | San Antonio, TX | DC, FL, CO, CA, NYC, IL | Latina-Mexican | https://www.linkedin.com/in/karen-arredondo-ba738649?trk=hp-identity-name | karenrose03@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
396 | Megumi | Katayama | Sound Designer, Composer | New York, NY | CT, FL | Japanese | www.megumikatayama.com | megumisounddesign@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
397 | Akvinder | Kaur | Lighting Designer, technician | New York, NY | -- | Indian-American | https://akvinderkaur.com | akvindersomal@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
398 | Dawn Marie | Kelley | Stage Manager, Production Manager, Stage Hand, Technician | Berkeley, CA | all along the West Coast, Baltimore, MD, NYC | Black | dawnmariekelley@yahoo.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
399 | Devorah | Kengmana | Lighting/Projection Designer | New York, NY | Boston, MA/ Portland, ME/Kansas City, MO | Asian American | kengmanadesign.com | Dev.Kengmana@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
400 | Marika | Kent | Lighting Designer | New York, NY | SF Bay Area | Mixed:Black/White/Moroccan | www.marikakent.com | marikaemily@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
401 | Wu Chen | Khoo | Lighting Designer; Technical Director; Stagehand | Minneapolis, MN | San Francisco, CA; Seattle, WA; Milwaukee WI | Malaysian | www.techtoolstraining.org | khoodesign@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
402 | Sunny | Kil | Sound Designer | New York, NY | Los Angeles & San Diego, CA Seattle, WA New Paltz, NY | Korean | www.sunheekil.com | sunhee.kil@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
403 | Minjae | Kim | Student (intern), Sound Design | Toronto, Canada | Toronto, Canada | Korean/Canadian | minjae.17.kim@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
404 | Yeaji | Kim | Set Designer, Projections Designer | Chicago, IL | Chicago, NYC | Korean | yeajikim.wixsite.com/yeajikim | yeaji.kim@hotmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
405 | Jean | Kim | Scenic + Costume Designer | New York , NY | San Francisco, Philladelphia, NOLA, Arkansas, LA | Korean | http://www.jeankimstudio.com/ | jeankimstudio@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
406 | SooA | Kim | Projection and Media Designer | Washington DC | NYC, LA, SF | Korean | sooakim.com | sooacolettekim@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
407 | Hana | Kim | Projection / Set Design | Los Angeles, CA | New York, San Francisco | Korean American | www.hananow.com | hanasooyeon@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
408 | Seoyoung | Kim | Assistant Production Manager Freelance General Technician - Looking for opportunities to assist sound and lighting design | Fairfax, Virginia | I don't have housing but also work in DC and Maryland | Korean-American | www.linkedin.com/in/kimsf | Freelance: kimsf@yahoo.com Mosaic Theater Company: seoyoung@mosaictheater.org | |||||||||||||||||||||
409 | Joseph | King | Stage Manager | Irvine, CA (starting summer 2017) | Native American/Bi-Racial | https://www.linkedin.com/in/joseph-king-32990464/ | kingj82@uwosh.edu | ||||||||||||||||||||||
410 | Arnold | King | Lighting Designer, Tecnician | Denver, CO | Black | www.thesourcedenver.org | arnold@suteatro.org | ||||||||||||||||||||||
411 | Katie | Klemme | AEA Stage Manager | Chicago | Bi Racial Latina | https://www.linkedin.com/in/katie-klemme-a086ab70/ | katieklemme@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
412 | Kelsey | Koga | Stage Manager (EMC) | New York, NY | Northern California | Japanese American | kkoga95@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
413 | Phil | Kong | Lighting Designer (member USA) Scenic Designer | Hamburg, Germany | Los Angeles, CA; New York, NY; Houston, TX, Prague, CZ; Cape Cod, MA; Boston, MA; San Francisco, CA; Washington, DC | Chinese American | www.philkong.com | kongdesignld@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
414 | Doran | Konja | Scenic Designer/Director (student) | Kalamazoo, MI | Detroit, Seattle, Chicago | Middle Eastern | dorankonja.com | dorankonja@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
415 | Tejas | Kotak | Sound Designer, Sound Engineer, Sound Board Op, WordPress developer | Atlanta, GA | Chicago, IL | Indian | http://imdt.friendsofdt.org/?action=peep_detail&peep_id=2150 | tkotak013@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
416 | Alison | Kozar | Stage Management, Sound Design, Directing | Seattle, Washington | arab/mixed | they/them | afkozar@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
417 | Vivian | Krishnan | Costume Designer/ Technician, Properties | Denver | Los Angeles, Montegomery, | East Indian, European | www.viviankrishnan.com | viviankrishnan@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
418 | Arjona Adler | Kristina | Scenic Designer | Atlanta, GA | Wilmington, NC | Latina | www.jumpcutcollective.com | kristina.m.adler@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
419 | Christopher | Kuhl | Lighting Designer | Los Angeles, CA | NYC, Various | Latinx | chriskuhl@gmail.com | chriskuhl@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
420 | Olivia | Kurima | Stage Manager | Houston, TX/North Carolina | Japanese American | she/her | oliviakurima.com | Oliviakurimasm@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
421 | Asaki | Kuruma | Cstume Designer, Dramaturg, Cultural Consultant | Philadelphia, PA | Tokyo, Yokohama, Nagano (Japan) | Japanese/ Korean, immigrant | asaki.kuruma@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
422 | Xavier | Laines | Stage Manager, Assistant Stage Manger, Props Master | Houston, TX | Peruvian American | Mrxavierlaines@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||||
423 | Sheldon | Lane | Production Manager AEA Stage Manager IATSE Stagehand | Los Angeles, CA | Phoenix, AZ, Chicago, IL, San Francisco, CA, Houston, TX, Seattle WA, Las Vegas, NV, New York, NY | Black | https://www.linkedin.com/in/sheldonp/ | sheldonpatrick@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
424 | Janice C. | Lane | AEA Stage Manage /Production Manager | Miami, FL | NYC / Washington DC Baltimore / Atlanta | African American | JaiLane1@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
425 | Stephanie | Lasater | Lighting Design | San Diego | Los Angeles, DC | Asian American | she/her | lasaterlighting.com | lasaterlighting@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||
426 | Michelle | Lavergne | Production Stage Manager/Stage Manager | Miami, FL | Orlando, FL; Atlanta, GA; New York, NY; Las Vegas, NV | Latina | www.michellemlavergne.com | michelle.m.lavergne1@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
427 | Justine | Law | Scenic Designer | SF Bay Area, CA | Chinese American / Chinese | www.justinelawdesign.com | justine.g.law@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
428 | Alisha Monique | Lawrence | Costume Designer, Assistant Costume Designer, Production Assistant | Atlanta, GA | NYC, DC, Orlando, Baton Rouge, Columbus (OH) | Black, African American | www.alishamonique.com | alishamonique16@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
429 | Mengyuan/ Isabel | Le | Scenic Designer; Photographer | New York, NY | Seattle, Shanghai | Asian (Chinese) | www.lemengyuanisabel.com | lemengyuanisabel@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
430 | Anthony | Lee | Technical Director | Phoenix, AZ | Saint Louis, MO | Mixed, half Chinese | www.toolstache.com | arthel.lee@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
431 | Ralph Stan | Lee | Stage Manager | New York, New York | PA, CA, OH, FL, TX, CO, NV | African American | N/A under construction | ralphstanleesm@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
432 | JinAh | Lee | Stage & Production Management (MFA Candidate), Events Management | Pittsburgh, PA | Bay Area, NYC | Korean | https://www.linkedin.com/in/ljinah/ | leejinah7368@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
433 | Roc | Lee | Sound Designer / Composer / Audio and Projections Engineer | Washington, DC | Chinese / Taiwanese | http://roclee.net | roc.lee@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
434 | Bora Kyung Min | Lee | Scenic Designer, Production Designer in film, comemrcial. Experiential designer | Los Angeles, CA | Seoul, NYC | Korean/Asian | https://www.borakyungmin.com | borakyungmin@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
435 | Yi-Chien | Lee | Scenic Designer | San Diego, CA | Los Angeles | Asian Taiwanese | gina8015@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
436 | Pei | Lee | Costume Designer | MD | VA, NYC, Shanghai, Taipei | Chinese/American | www.iampeilee.com | peilee75@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
437 | Veronica | Lee | AEA Stage Manager | NYC | N/A | Chinese/Welsh | she/her | veronicalee.sm@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
438 | Iran Micheal | Leon | Costume /Wig/Hair Designer | Oregon | Mexican | he/him | IG @iml_design_elements | Thehairasylum@yahoo.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
439 | Dean | Leong | Lighting Designer, Master Electrician | Washington, DC | Philadelphia, LA, San Francisco | Chinese American | leong.designs@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
440 | Emily | Leong | Lighting Designer | Seattle, WA | CA Bay Area, LA, New York (NYC, Buffalo), New Jersey, Montana (Missoula), New Orleans | Chinese American | emilywleong.com | emily.w.leong@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
441 | David | Levitt | Lighting Designer/ME | New York, NY | Saint Louis, DC, Pittsburgh, Philly, Minneapolis, Cincinatti, LA | Mixed, Latino American | davidlevittlighting.com | dlevitt.tech@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
442 | Cynita | Lew | Stage Manager | NC | Mixed race | she/her, they/them | Cynitalew.com | Cynita.lew@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
443 | Shelly | Lewis | Stage Manager (non-union) | Las Vegas, NV | Black/African American | Shellyjaneen.mgmt@yahoo.com | |||||||||||||||||||||||
444 | Chen-Wei | Liao | Scenic Designer, Scenic Artist | New York, NY | Pittsburgh, LA, San Diego | Taiwanese | chenweiliaodesign.com | chenweiliaodesign@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
445 | Wen-Ling | Liao | Lighting Desinger | San Diego, CA | Boston, MA / New York City | Taiwanese | http://www.wenlingliao.com/ | wenlingliao57@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
446 | Joyce | Liao | Lighting Designer, Photographer | Brooklyn, Nee York | Boston, DC, New Orleans, Las Vegas, Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Houston, Taipei, Beijin HongKong, Seoul | Taiwanese | joyceliaodesign.com | joyceliaodesign@yahoo.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
447 | Joycw | Liao | Lighting Designer, Photographer | Brooklyn, Nee York | New Orleans, Las Vegas, Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Houston, Taipei | Taiwanese | joyceliaodesign.com | joyceliaodesign@yahoo.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
448 | Alexandra | Ligh | Costumes | Longmont, CO | Chinese-American | she/her | alexandralighdesign.com | alexandraligh@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
449 | Megan A. | Liles | Costume Design | Fort Worth, TX | Dallas TX, Brooklyn NY | Filipino-American | she/her | Instagram @the_megli | meganaliles@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||
450 | Joyce | Lim | Stagemanager | New York, NY | New York, New Jersey | South Korean American | joycelimtheater.com | limjoyce.1106@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
451 | Czerton | Lim | Scenic/Set Designer, USA 829 | Fredonia, NY | NYC, Seattle, Chicago, Austin, DC, Baltimore, Richmond, Massachusetts | Filipino | he/him | www.czlimdesign.com | czerton@hotmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||
452 | Eric | Lin | Technical Director and Project Manager | Minneapolis, MN | Chinese | https://www.linkedin.com/in/ericchiyehlin/ | ericclin@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
453 | LeVonne | Lindsay | Costumes | Philadelphia | Washington DC, Atlanta GA, Brooklyn NY | Black/African American | she/her | levonnelindsay@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
454 | Sheryl | Liu | Set Designer | New York, NY | Los Angeles, CA | Asian American | www.sherylliudesign.com | sherylliudesign@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
455 | Vivienne | Liu | Scenic Designer | New York, NY | Pittsburgh, Chicago | Chinese | www.vivienneliudesign.com | vivienneliusetdesign@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
456 | Mengyi | Liu | Scenic Designer/ Scenic artist | New York, NY | Pittsburgh,PA/ Bloomington, IN | Chinese, LGBTQ | she/her | mengyiliu.com | mengyiliu384@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||
457 | Michael | Locher | Scenic Designer | SF Bay Area | Chinese American | www.locherdesign.com | locherdesign@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
458 | Kylee | Loera | Video/Projection Design | New York City | Spanish/American | she/her | kyleeloera@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
459 | Karen | Loewy | student looking to assist | New York, NY | Austin TX, Los Angeles | Colombian | https://www.linkedin.com/in/kloewy/ | loewykaren@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
460 | Shain | Longbehn | Sound Design / Projection Design | Minneapolis, MN | Latino | he/him | shainlongbehn@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
461 | Miguel Angel | Lopez | Technical Director | Tampa, Fl | Phoenix, AZ; Middlesex, NJ; Marietta, OH; Manhattan, NY | Mexican | https://www.linkedin.com/in/tdmiguellopez/ | m.angel.lopez94@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
462 | Martin | Lopez | Set Designer, Costume Designer | New York, NY | various | Hispanic | http://www.martintlopezdesign.com | mtlopez9@yahoo.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
463 | Jesús Enrique | López Vargas | Stage Manager, Lighting Designer | California / Texas | California / Texas | Mexican (immigrant) | jelopez-stage.com | jelopez.sm@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
464 | Miguel | Lopez-Castillo | Art Director | New York,NY | None | Latino - Mexican | miguel.lopezcastillo@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
465 | Tlaloc | Lopez-Watermann | Lighting Designer | New York | New Mexico | Mixed: Mexican/German | https://www.facebook.com/LightConversations | tlaloc@lightconversations.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
466 | David | Loranca | AEA Stage Manager | Chicago, IL | DFW | Latino | https://bit.ly/LorancaSMResume | David@DavidLoranca.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
467 | Andy | Lowe | Director / Producer / Fight Choreographer /Lighting Designer / Casting Director for East West Players | Los Angeles, CA | Los Angeles, CA/San Diego, CA | Asian American (4th Generation Chinese American) | ChinesePirateProductions.com | Andy@ChinesePirateProductions.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
468 | Nick | Loweree | Stage Manager | El Paso, Texas | Illinois | Hipanic | nrloweree@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
469 | Jenna | Lowry | Stage Manager | New York, NY | Asian American / Mixed | jenna@nglowry.com | |||||||||||||||||||||||
470 | Nehemiah | Luckett | Composer/Music Director | New York, NY | Various Locations throughout US and Europe | Black/african-American | http://www.nehemiahlukett.com | nehemiahluckett@gmail.com | Willing to Travel | ||||||||||||||||||||
471 | Connor | Lugo-Harris | Sound designer, Props designer, lighting designer | Washington, DC | Los Angeles, NYC | African-American/Trinidadian-American (Caribbean) | he/him | connormlh@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
472 | Qier | Luo | Lighting Designer | New York, NY | Philadelphia, Boston | Chinese | www.qierluo.com | childe.penguin@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
473 | Jason | Lynch | Lighting Designer | Chicago, IL | Dallas, TX | African American | www.jasondlynch.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
474 | Jonathan | Maag | Lighting Designer, Master Electrician, Sound Designer, Carpenter | Cleveland, OH | Akron, OH, NYC, Cincinnatti Area, Washington DC Area | Mixed: Asian American/White | http://jonathanmaag.deviantart.com/ | jonathan.w.maag@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
475 | Omar | Madkour | Lighting Designer | LA / NY | Egyptian - Arab | www.omarmadkour.com | omarbmadkour@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
476 | Ouida | Maedel | Producing, Production Management, Stage Management | Washington, DC | NYC, Philadelphia, Boston, Bay Area, Dallas | Black | omaedel@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
477 | Kai Hirota | Magee | Lighting Designer, Master Electrician | Los Angeles, CA | Chicago, IL | Japanese | www.kaimageedesign.com | kaihirotamagee@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
478 | Kai | Magee | Lighting Designer, Lighting Technician | Chicago IL | Chicago | Japanese/Filipino | kaimageedesign.com | kaibasilmagee@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
479 | Carlo | Maghirang | Scenic Designer | Los Angeles, CA | New York, San Francisco, etc. | Filipino | www.carlomaghirang.com | cbtmaghirang@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
480 | Elizabeth | Mak | Set, Lighting, and Projection Design | New York, NY | Boston, Chicago, CT | Singaporean | elizabethmak.com | elizabethmak.yy@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
481 | Ramin | Malakoti | Set Design, Graphic Design, Print | San Francisco | Bay Area | Iranian/New-American | http://raminmalakooti.com/ | rmalakoti@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
482 | Arnulfo | Maldonado | Scenic and Costume Designer | New York, NY | various | Mexican American | www.arnulfomaldonado.com | arnulfo.maldonado@gmail.com | IG: somosomos | ||||||||||||||||||||
483 | Slu | Maldonado-Stone | Lightning Design | Milwaukee, WI | Varies | Hispanic/Latina | she/her | Slu.m.stone@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
484 | Muriel | Managual | cutter/ draper, first hand, stitcher | Ashland, OR | Philadelphia | afro latina | murielm@osfashland.org | mmangu02@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
485 | Jesse | Mandapat | Composer, Sound Designer | Los Angeles, CA | NYC, San Francisco, Portland | Filipino American | www.jessemandapat.com | Jesse.Mandapat@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
486 | Nora | Maoui | Costume Designer, Make-Up Artist, Stitcher, Dresser | San Antonio, TX | Houston, Texas, Georgia | Arab American (Algerian/White) | https://www.linkedin.com/in/nora-maoui-65592a122?trk=nav_responsive_tab_profile | Nora.Maoui2@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
487 | Kyle | Marshall | choreographer and director | Jersey City, NJ | NJ, Houston, Orlando | Black | www.kmchoreo.com | kylemarshallchoreography@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
488 | Maríssa "Tyger" | Marshall | Tech director/LD/SD/LBO/SBO/carpenter (can design sets but have never really had to) | Los Angeles | Bay Area/NYC/Chicago | BLACK & some other stuff | http://linkedin.com/in/maríssa-marshall-30019057 | Mhmarshall21@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
489 | DorothyMartinez | Martinez | Costume Design | San Francisco, CA | All of California, NYC & TX | Latin@ / Xicana | www.rustyscissorsinc.com | rustyscissors@mail.com | m4martinezz@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||
490 | Claudia | Martinez | Sound Design | Dallas TX | Philadelphia PA | Bi-racial, Black/White | she/her | claudiacreates.com | claudia@stingraycollective.com | ||||||||||||||||||||
491 | Germán | Martínez | Sound Designer/Audio Engineer (A1/A2) | New York, NY | Union City, New Jersey | Hispanic | https://www.germanlikethelanguage.com/ | germanlikethelanguage@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
492 | Tianna | Mason | Stage Manager/ Sound Designer | Riverside, CA | Black | mason.tianna677@yahoo.com | |||||||||||||||||||||||
493 | Stan | Mathabane | Sound Design | New York City | Portland, OR | Black (South African American) / Mixed | he/him, they/them | StanMathabane.com | Stan.mathabane@yale.edu | ||||||||||||||||||||
494 | Chas | Mathieu | Scenic Designer and Painter | Chicago, IL | Chicagoland Area | Mexican | www.chasmathieu.com | chasmathieu@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
495 | Ada | May | Stage Management | San Francisco, CA | Hapa: Filipino-White | she/her, they/them | cmayada14@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
496 | Ada | May | Stage Manager (non-union) | San Francisco Bay Area | Haha (Filipino-White) | she/her | cmayada14@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
497 | Carolyn | Mazuca | Costume Designer | Los Angeles, CA | San Antonio, Fort Worth, Pittsburgh, New York | Hispanic/Mexican American | carolynmazuca.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
498 | Twi | McCallum | Sound Designer | NYC | Baltimore, Washington DC | Black | she/her, he/him, they/them | www.twibackstage.me | twibackstage@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||
499 | Samantha | McDaniel | Costume Designer, Softgoods Designer | Atlanta | Mixed:Native American/White | www.allgoodandasbill.com | samantha@allgoodandasbill.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
500 | Lyndell | McDonald | Lighting Designer, Technical Director, Sound Designer, Projection Designer, Carpenter | Tuscaloosa, AL | African American | he/him | Lyndll2L7.com | lyndell.t.mcdonald@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
501 | Marybeth | McNally | Stage Manager | New York, NY | Winchester, VA | Chinese-American | marybethmcnally13@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
502 | Sebastian | Medina | Lighting Designer/Technician | Chicago, IL | Chicago | Hispanic | https://www.linkedin.com/in/sebazmed7 | sebazmed7@gmail.com | fluent in Spanish | ||||||||||||||||||||
503 | Jazmin Aurora | Medina | Costume Designer/Wardrobe | Milwaukee, WI | South Eastern WI; Chicago, IL | Mexican-American | www.jazminaurora.com | jazminaurora@outlook.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
504 | Abigail | Medrano | Stage Manager, Assistant Stage Manager | Chicago, IL | Boston, MA; New York, NY; Los Angeles, CA; Miami, Florida | Asian-American (Filipino) | https://www.linkedin.com/in/abigail-medrano-783a5036 | abigailannmedrano@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
505 | sharon | mejia | wardrobe supervisor, dresser | nyc | Ecuadorian/ Latina | she/her | sharonamejia@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
506 | Karina | Mena | Carpentry, Stage management, marketing | Portland, OR | Seattle, WA, Orlando, FL, California | Latina | karinamenatoledo@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
507 | Adrienne | Mendoza | Stage Manager | Seattle, WA | Mixed - Mexican/Romanian | mendoza.adrienne@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||||
508 | Christopher | Meneghetti | Technical Director | St. Louis, MO | New York, NY / St.louis Mo | Japanese American | Chris.meneghetti24@gmail.com | chris.meneghetti24@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
509 | Mallory | Metoxen | Director | Chicago, IL | Chicago, Milwaukee | Native American/White | Mmmetoxen@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
510 | Alyssa | Meyers | Opera Stage Manager | New York, NY | New Jersey, Chicago, Ohio, Nashville | Belizeian | alyssa.meyers11@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
511 | Stephen | Michael | Scenic Artist / Charge Artist / Designer | Saint Paul,MN | Various | African American | www.stephenmichaelstudios.com | snmichael@centurylink.net | |||||||||||||||||||||
512 | Monique | Midgette | Director | Houston, Texas | Maryland, Washington DC, Virginia | African American | she/her | Moniquemidgette.com | Moniquemidgette@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||
513 | Yasmin | Mikhaiel | Dramaturg | Chicago, IL | Austin, TX | Persian (Iranian, Middle Eastern) | www.yasminzacaria.com | yasmin.mikhaiel@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
514 | Rachel Lee | Millena | Stage Manager (non-union) | Portland, OR | Bay Area & Los Angeles, CA | Filipino American | rachelleemillena@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
515 | Joanie | Ming | Milliner; Wardrobe; Costume Technician (Theatre, Opera, & Film) | Atlanta, GA | Orlando & Tampa, FL | Asian American | http://www.imdb.me/jming | joanie.ming@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
516 | VENESSA | MINGS | Stage Management | New York, NY | Jersey City, NJ. Miami, FL | Black Caribbean American | she/her | https://tinyurl.com/VBM-SM | vbmings@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||
517 | Autumn | Mitchell | Stage Manager/Technician | Urbana, IL | Chicago, IL, Bay Area, Alabama | Black | AutumnM3@illinois.edu | ||||||||||||||||||||||
518 | Darlene | Miyakawa | AEA/AGMA Stage Mgr, Production Mgr | Los Angeles, CA | Japanese American | linkaloo@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||||
519 | Christine | Mok | Costume Designer/Dramaturg | Providence, RI | Cincinnati, OH/NYC | Asian American/Korean American | www.wingspace.com | christineymok@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
520 | Camille | Monae | Intimacy Director | Atlanta, GA | San Antonio, TX, Dallas/Fort Worth, TX | African American/Black | she/her | www.camillemonae.com | cmonae@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||
521 | J'Quyra | Moncur-Blue | Event Medical Staff, Physio, Massage, Chiropractic | Fort Lauderdale, Fl | Atlanta, GA | Black American | she/her | escmincfl@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
522 | Francis ERIC | Montesa | AEA Stage Manager (20+ Years), Wardrobe, Props | New York, NY | DC, Tour | Filipino-American | https://www.linkedin.com/in/francis-eric-montesa/ | FEMontesa@aol.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
523 | Savanha | Moore | Stage and Production Management | Los Angeles | Iowa & Chicago | Mixed Race | she/her | Instagram; @savanhalynn | savanha.moore16@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||
524 | Savanha | Moore | Stage Manager | Iowa City IA | Los Angeles & Chicago | Black/White | she/her | savanha.moore16@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
525 | Chris | Moore ll | Lighting Programmer and Designer | Chicago, IL | Chicago | African American | www.chrissmoorell.com | christopheralan.moorell@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
526 | JD | Moran | Sets, Props, Wardrobe | New York City | San Francisco, Oakland, LA | Latinx | www.xjdmoran.com | xjdmoran@gmail.com | IG @xjdmoran | ||||||||||||||||||||
527 | Javier | Moreno | Lighting Designer/Electrician | Las Vegas, NV | San Juan, PR | Puerto Rican | https://jamorenobothwell.wixsite.com/lighting-designs | jamorenobothwell@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
528 | Christopher | Morris | TD, Scenic & Sound Designer | Salem, MA | Various | Black | cmorris@salemstate.edu | ||||||||||||||||||||||
529 | Richard | Morris Jr | Set/Lighting Designer | Cleveland, OH | LA area / NY | African American | setdesigner216@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
530 | Lawrence | Moten | Scenic Designer/Costume Designer | New York, NY | African American/Vietnamese | motendesigns.com | lmoten79@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
531 | Jacourtney | Mountain-Bluhm | Costumes Designer/Costume Design Assistant/Voice Actor | Minneapolis, Minnesota | Houston, TX/ Ashland, OR /Portland, OR | African-American (Black) | she/her | jacourtneymb@outlook.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
532 | David | Murakami | Projection Design | Los Angeles | Japanese, Jewish | he/him | www.davidmurakami.com | murakami.davidm@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
533 | Christopher | Murillo | Scenic Designer | Los Angeles, CA | New York, NY, San Diego, CA | Mexican/ Latino | www.christopherscottmurillo.com | christopherscott.murillo@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
534 | Harry | Nadal | Costume Design | New York City | Latino | he/him | https://www.harrynadal.com | nadalharry@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
535 | Hidenori | Nakajo | Sound Designer, Engineer, Mixer, IATSE ACT | New York, NY | Japanese | https://www.linkedin.com/in/hidenorinakajo/ | hidejnakajo@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
536 | Yee Eun | Nam | Set / Projection Designer | LA, CA | NYC | Korean | www.yeeeunnam.com | yeeeunnam@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
537 | Holly | Nanes | Director, Stage Manager (EMC) | San Antonio, TX | Oakland, NYC, Virginia | Latina | hollynanes@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
538 | Oona | Natesan | Costume Designer | Pittsburgh, PA | Seattle | South Asian ( Indian) | www.oonanatesan.com | oonanat@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
539 | Earon | Nealey | Wig/Hair/Makeup Designer | New York | Black American | she/her | Earonnealey@gmail.com | Earonnealey@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
540 | Nikia | Nelson | Costume Designer | New York, NY | Philadelphia, Denver, NJ | African American | NikiaNelson.com | Nikia@NikiaNelson.com | willing to travel, full wardrobe kit | ||||||||||||||||||||
541 | Stevie | Nemazee | Scenic Designer, Costume Designer, sculptor | Los Angeles, CA | UK/various | mixed: Iranian/white | www.stevieannenemazee.com | stephanienemazee@alum.calarts.edu | |||||||||||||||||||||
542 | Keta | Newborn | Production Manager/COVID Safety Officer | DMV | DC/VA/MD, Boston, San Francisco, NC, ATL, FL, Bay Area, SC | African American | she/her | www.newbornketa.com | cre8tivexpressions@gmail.com; new_born_keta@yahoo.com | Edit to an existing entry | |||||||||||||||||||
543 | Ronald Lee | Newman | Arts Admimistrator, Event Manager | Washignton, DC | NYC, NJ, PA, DE, MD, VA, GA, CA, IL, WA | African-American | RonaldLeeNewman@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
544 | Melissa | Ng | Costume/Projection Designer | Chicago, IL | Chicago, San Francisco, NYC, LA, Austin, Houston, DC | Singaporean, Chinese | https://melissang.carbonmade.com | melissaavang@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
545 | Joshua | Nguyen | Sound & Projections Designer, EMC Stage Manager, Music Director, Conductor, Composer | Dallas, TX | Fort Worth, TX | Vietnamese-American | www.joshuanguyen.net | joshn.business@gmail.com | LGBTQ+ | ||||||||||||||||||||
546 | BinhAn | Nguyen | Scenic Designer, Scenic Artist, Props | Pittsburgh, PA | Orlando, NYC | Vietnamese | nbinhan7@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
547 | Stephanie | Nguyen | Costume Designer/Technician | Arizona | Los Angeles, CA | Mexican-American/Vietnamese-American | stephanhnguyen@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
548 | Noel | Nichols | Sound Designer | New Haven, CT | New York, NY, Santa Fe, NM, Phoenix, AZ, Denver, CO, LA, Bay Area | Chicana, Latina | noelnicholsdesign.com | noelnicholsdesign@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
549 | Danielle | Nieves | Costume Designer/Technician, Crafts, Props | Seattle, WA | NYC, LA, Oakland, Vermont, Philadelphia, Denver | Latina | www.daniellenieves.com | nieves.danielle@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
550 | Carlos R. | Nine | Lighting, Sound, Projection Designer | San Antonio, TX | Austin, Orlando, NYC, Ohio, Virginia, Oklahoma | Puerto Rican | www.cninedesign.com | design@cninedesign com | willing to travel | ||||||||||||||||||||
551 | Kimie | Nishikawa | Set Designer | NYC | Japanese | http://www.kimienishikawa-design.com | nishikawa.kimie@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
552 | Amanda | Novoa | Stage Manager | Irvine, California | Los Angeles & Orange County | Latina | novoaa@uci.edu | ||||||||||||||||||||||
553 | Teshale | Nuer | Props Artist | New York NYC | Oakland CA, Portland OR | Queer Black Afro Latina | she/her, | teshalenuer@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
554 | Jose | Nunez | Properties Artisan | Athens, OH | Washington D.C. | Hispanic | jsnunez4@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
555 | Renee | Nyack | Stage Manager/Assistant Stage Manager | Silver Spring, MD | Washington, DC/VA | Black | rnyack11@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
556 | Tajh | Oates | Production Management, Stage Management | Houston, TX | Atlanta, GA | Black/White | he/him | tajhoates@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
557 | Keith | Obadike | sound designer/composer | New York, NY | African American | Obadike.com | obadike@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
558 | Mfon-Abasi | Obong | Costume Designer | Phoenix, AZ | Charlottesville, VA, Chicago, Atlanta, NYC, Los Angeles, DC | Nigerian | www.mobongdesigns.com | mfon-abasi@hotmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
559 | James | Ogden II | Stage Manager (AEA) | San Francisco, CA | Charlotte, NYC, Philadelphia Region | Black/African-American | linkedin.com/in/jamesogdenii | jogdenii@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
560 | Michelle | Ohumukini | Sound Design / Engineer | Utah | Orlando, Hawaii, Anaheim, Seattle, Chicago, Indianapolis | Hawaiian | she/her | Mohumukini@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
561 | Yuri | Okahana-Benson | Scenic Designer, Scenic Artist | Los Angeles, CA | Various | Japanese | www.yuriokahana.com | yuriokahana@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
562 | Frank | Oliva | Production Designer for Stage & Film | New York, NY | Miami, Los Angeles | Cuban | frankolivadesign.com | frank.oliva.design@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
563 | Frank | Oliva | Set Design | NYC | Miami, FL; Los Angeles, CA; Brazil (SP, Rio, Recife, João Pessoa) | Cuban | he/him | frankjoliva.com | frankjoliva@icloud.com | ||||||||||||||||||||
564 | Valerie | Oliveiro | Lighting Designer | Minneapolis, MN | Southeast Asian | valerieoliveiro@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||||
565 | Tosin | Olufolabi | Sound Designer | Washington D.C. | Durham NC, New York, NY | African American, Nigerian | https://www.linkedin.com/in/tosinolufolabi/ | tosin.olufolabi@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
566 | Jon | Ontiveros | Lighting Programmer / Designer / Asst. Perm. Events Install | NYC | NYC, DC, STL, LA, Central TX area. | Latinx | www.jonontiveros.com | jon.ontiveros@gmail.com | Valid Passport and Drivers Licence | ||||||||||||||||||||
567 | Tanya | Orellana | Set Designer | Los Angeles, CA | San Francisco, CA | Latino | tanyaorellana.com | design@tanyaorellana.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
568 | Hiram | Orozco | Costume and Lighting Designer | Washington, DC | RGV, TX, San Antonio, TX, Chicago, IL, Los Angeles, CA, NYC | Latino | http://www.hiramalexander.com/ | orozco.hiram@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
569 | Carolina | Ortiz Herrera | Lighting Designer | New York, NY | Los Angeles, Chicago | Latina | www.carolinaeortiz.com | caelor27@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
570 | Joan | Osato | Video Designer, Community Engagement Designer, Producer | San Francisco | PHL, LA, HA, DC, | API! | joan.osato@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
571 | Sara | Outing | Scenic Designer, Prop Designer, Puppet Builder | Philadelphia, PA | Cambridge, MA; Chapel Hill, NC | Black | saraouting.com | sara.outing@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
572 | Sarah | Owens | Choreographer/Director | Philadelphia | Black | www.sarahdanielleowens.com/ | sarahowens595@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
573 | Jeannipher | Pacheco | Costume Designer | Brooklyn, NY | Miami, Philadelphia | Chilena- Latina | jeannipherpacheco.com | jeannipher.pacheco@me.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
574 | Afsoon | Pajoufar | Environment & Set designer | New York, NY | Boston, Los Angeles | Iranian/Persian | www.afsoonpajoufar.com | afsoonpajoufar@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
575 | Somie | Pak | Costume Designer | New York | Boston, MA | Korean | www.somiepak.com | somiepak@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
576 | Johanna | Pan | Costume Designer, Scenic Designer | New York, NY | Chinese | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
577 | Leigh | Paradise | Costume design and construction | Philadelpia PA | NYC, Richmond VA, DC, Durham NC | Black | she/her | leighparadise.com | leighparadise@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||
578 | Kay (Jongseo) | Park | Sound Designer, Engineer, Composition & Arrangement | San Jose, CA (SF Bay Area) | Asian (Korean) | kaypark1999@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||||
579 | Cara | Parrish | AEA Stage Manager | Chicago, IL | Detroit, MI; New York, NY; Washington, DC; Atlanta, GA; Cincinnati, OH | Black American | c.parrish.e@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
580 | Adam | Parrocha | Scenic Designer | San Diego, CA | Mexican-American | borderlinecreativity.com | adamparrocha@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
581 | Keannak | Parvaz | Lighting Programmer/Electrician/Assistant LD | Las Vegas, NV | Los Angeles, NYC | Mexican, Iranian | https://www.linkedin.com/in/keannak-parvaz-293b87a2/ | keannak.parvaz@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
582 | Christine | Pascual | Costume Design | Chicago, IL | Filipino American | she/her | christinepascual21@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
583 | Sharath | Patel | Sound Designer | Portland, OR | NYC, Seattle WA, Los Angles & San Francisco CA, Minneapolis MN, New Haven CT, Boston MA, Washington D.C., Columbus & Cleveland OH, Pittsburg PA, Indianapolis IN, Raleigh NC, Richmond VA, Orlando FL | Indian | www.sharathpatel.com | spatelsound@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
584 | Jalon | Payton | Stage Manager | Maryland | Black | he/him | jalon7payton11@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
585 | Nico | Paz | Costume Design/Wardrobe Tech | NYC | Los Angeles | Latinx | www.nikkilunapaz.com | nikkilunapaz@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
586 | Jomary | Pena | May 2015 Graduate Stage Managment/Production managment interest | Bronx, NY | NYC, Long Island and Oneonta NY | Dominican American | jomarypena08@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
587 | TzuWei | Peng | Audio Tech/ Sound Engineer | Winter Park, FL | Various | Taiwanese | https://www.linkedin.com/in/tzuweipeng/ | tzuweipeng42@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
588 | Harlan | Penn | Scenic Designer & Scenic Artist USA829 | New York, NY | Miami, Atlanta | Afro-American | harlanpenn@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
589 | Carla | Pereyra | audio engingeer, sound technician, lighting programmer and designer | Chicago, IL | Chicago and suburbs | polish, croatian & Peruvian (hispanic) | Facebook @ c Rosalie Teresa, instagram @carlitarosalie | cpereyra327@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
590 | Elena L. | Perez | student lighting technician/lightboard op, run crew, looking to learn stage managing | Los Angeles, CA | Mexican-American | elenaperez008@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||||
591 | Amanda | Perez | Stage Manager | Atlanta, GA | Detroit, Michigan | Filipina/White | amandajperez94@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
592 | Antonella | Pérez Ferrero | Stage Manager / ASM | Athens, GA | D.C./Metro area | Spanish | antonella.perezferrero@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
593 | Kathy A. | Perkins | Lighting Designer (USAA) | Durham, N.C. | Black/Aftrican American kathyaperkins.com | kathyaperkins@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||||
594 | Danika | Pettyjohn | Costume designer/stitcher/wardrobe/hair and makeup | Fort Worth, TX | Mixed, half Black | Danika22@LIVE.com | |||||||||||||||||||||||
595 | Jonathan Kim | Phillips | Stage Manager | Philadelphia, PA | NYC | Asian American | jphillips191@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
596 | Jeremy | Phillips | AEA Production Stage Manager | Chicago, IL | Various | African American | jeremy.phillips.SM@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
597 | Kayla | Pierce | Scenic Designer/Builder, Technical Director, | San Francisco, CA | Ohio, Kentucky, LA, NYC | White/Hispanic | kpierce@creativity.org | ||||||||||||||||||||||
598 | Xavier | Pierce | Lighting Designer | New York, NY | LA area / NY | African American | www.xavierpiercedesign.com | xtproductions@yahoo.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
599 | Isaac | Pineda | Costume Designer | Chicago,IL | Los Angeles, CA | Latino | www.isaacjaypineda.com | isaacjaypineda@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
600 | Adriana | Pinkerton | Scenic and Properties Designer/Artisan | Santa Maria, CA | Los Angeles, SoCal, Bay Area, Sacramento, Chicago, Central Florida | Mexican-American, Mixed | she/her | adri.pinkerton@yahoo.com | Willing to travel | ||||||||||||||||||||
601 | Chanel | Pinnock | Production Management | NYC | Atlanta, GA | Black | she/her | chanel.pinnock6@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
602 | Paul | Pinto | Composer, Sound Designer | New York, NY | Latino/Mixed | www.pfpinto.com | pfpinto@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
603 | Sara | Pisheh | Set Designer-(Scenic designer) | New York City, NY | New York, San Francisco, Bay Area CA,San Diego | Middle Eastern | www.sarapisheh.com | sarapisheh@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
604 | Sara | Pisheh | Scenic Designer | New York, NY | Bay Area | Middle Eastern- Iranian | www.sarapisheh.com | sarapisheh@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
605 | Jumatatu | Poe | Choreographer | Philadelphia, PA | New York, NY; Providence, RI; San Diego, CA | Black | http://jumatatu.org/ | jumatatup@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
606 | Jayla | Pollock | Company Management | Brooklyn | Black | she/her | www.jaylapollock.com | jayla.pollock@rocketmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
607 | Alyssa | Pon-Franklin | Stage management (non-union) | Madison WI | Asian/white | she/her | Alyssa.ponfranklin@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
608 | Jesse | Portillo | Lighting Design | Los Angeles | Salt Lake City | Latinx | he/him | https://portillolighting.com | jesse@portillolighting.com | ||||||||||||||||||||
609 | Ali | Pour Issa | Dramaturg, Director, Producer, Instructor | Seattle, WA | Bay Area, Oregon, Washington | Iranian/Persian | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I0b986NFkg8 | ali.pourissa@aya.yale.edu | Willing to travel | ||||||||||||||||||||
610 | Manuel | Prieto | Costume & Scenic Designer | Los Angeles, CA | NYC, SF | Latino | www.manuelprietolam.com | manuelprietolam@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
611 | Shannon | Pringle | Senior Manager, Production | Long Beach, CA | Fresno, CA | Black/ African American | springle@calstate.edu | ||||||||||||||||||||||
612 | Kris | Pritchard | Production Management | NYC | Miami, St Augustine, LA, Philly | Latine, Cuban American | she/her, they/them | krisopperman13@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
613 | Kalyani | Priyadarsan | Set Design Assistant | New York, NY | San Francisco, Houston | Indian Asian | kalyanipriyadarsan@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
614 | Sadah "Espii" | Proctor | sound/media designer | Brooklyn, NY | Black African-Caribbean American | www.sadahespiiproctor.com | espii@sadahespiiproctor.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
615 | Baron | Pugh | Scenic Designer | Boston, MA | Washington, DC | African American | BaronPughDesign.com | Baron.Pugh@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
616 | Imari | Pyles | Costume Designer | Washington D.C | New York | Black American | https://www.linkedin.com/in/imari-pyles-364195214/ | imaripyles@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
617 | Kenann | Quander | Costume Designer, USA 892, Iatse member | Washington DC | DMV, NYC | African American | www.modjeskaquander.com | quanderkm@msn.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
618 | Joan | Racho-Jansen | Lighting Designer | New York City | NYC area, Boston area | Filipino | joan.lighting@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
619 | Ravi (Riw) | Rakkulchon | Scenic Designer | New Haven, CT (currently in school) | NYC | Thai | www.riwrdesign.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
620 | Dany | Ramdhanie | Lighting Design, A/V Technician, Video Editor, Camera Op | New York, NY | Bronx NY, Port of Spain Trinidad | West Indian | http://daramdhanie.wixsite.com/level/media-production | daramdhanie@yahoo.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
621 | Leah | Ramillano | Scenic Design Grad Student at UC-Irvine; (Scenic Designer, Scenic Artist, Vectorworks (2D/3D) draftsperson) | Irvine, CA | Los Angeles area, San Jose (CA), Inland Empire (CA), Chicago, Ashland (OR), Portland, Cleveland, NYC, | Filipino American | leahramillano.tumblr.com | leah_ramillano@yahoo.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
622 | Raquel | Ramirez | Scenic Designer, Director, Editor, Visual Artist | SF Bay Area, CA | Los Angeles | Queer, Latinx | raquel-ramirez.com | raquel.ramirez@rocketmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
623 | Elizabeth | Ramirez | AEA Stage Manager, Director, Production Manager | Boston, MA | Latina/ Mexican (Mixed) | https://www.linkedin.com/in/elizabeth-yvette-ramirez/ | eramirez814@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
624 | Sean | Ramos | Sound | New York, NY | Latinx | he/him, they/them | www.srsounddesign.com | srsounddesign@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
625 | Patty | Rangel-Hernandez | Entertainment Technology Design (Virtual Reality Theater , Mixed-Reality, Telepresence, Holographic Projection) | San Diego, CA. | Los Angeles, Miami, Houston, Orlando, NYC, San Francisco, Mexico City, Tijuana | Mexican-American | mprangel@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
626 | Salim | Razawi | Director, Stage Manager (EMC) | Dublin, CA (SF BAY AREA) | Bay Area | Afghan; Middle Eastern | salimrazawi.weebly.com | SalimrazawiGmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
627 | Nikki | Reed | Director, Production Stage Manager | New York, NY | Dallas, TX | Black | Under Construction | nikkireed714@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
628 | Madeleine | Reid | Lighting Designer, Assistant Lighting Designer; also open to Fellowship/Apprenticeships, Draftsman, and Arts Administration opportunities | St. Louis, MO, Houston, TX | Felxible | Chinese | madeleinegreid.com | madeleine.g.reid@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
629 | Trameeka | Reid | Assistant Technical Director (lighting) | Raleigh, NC | Charlotte, NC | Black | www.facebook.com/tlreid06 | Trameeka.Reid@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
630 | Deanna | Reis | Costume Designer | Los Angeles, CA | San Diego, CA, Phoenix, AZ | Latina | https://docs.google.com/document/d/1JYup_K7-wraYqqEFnADebKqQ76GHcHDqOIp_1VruIbU | deannareis10@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
631 | Christopher | Renfro | Sound Designer, Composer | Los Angeles, CA | San Diego, San Francisco, New York | Multi-ethnic (Filipino, Chinese, White) | ChrisRenfro.com/design | C.renfro@ymail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
632 | Sarina | Renteria | Electrics, Lighting Design | SF Bay Area, CA | Chicana, Native american | she/her | sarinarenteria@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
633 | Nelda | Reyes | Supertitle Specialist & Translator | Portland, OR | US: L.A, San Diego, N.Y, Conneticut, San Francisco, Seattle, Houston, Santa Fe & Albuquerque NM, Miami, Sedona, Abroad: Mexico City, Guadalajara, Monterrey and others in Mexico, Vancouver, CA, Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Recife in Brazil, Buenos Aires, AR., Paris, Madrid & Barcelona in Spain, Holland, Berlin, London. | Latino, Mexican, Mixed race. | www.neldareyes.com | nelda@neldareyes.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
634 | Summer | Reyes | Production Manager, Director | NYC | Jersey City, NJ; Minneapolis, MN | Asian, Hispanic | thinkinginfullcolor.com | summerdawnreyes@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
635 | Thurston | Reyes | Lighting Designer | Washington D.C. | New York,NY / Atlanta,GA / Phoenix,AZ /Baltimore, MD / | African American - Garifuna | tgbr50@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
636 | Ana | Reyes-Rosado | Student Stage Manager | Chicago, IL | New London, CT | Puerto Rican | www.linkedin.com/in/ana-reyes-rosado | areyesro@conncoll.edu | |||||||||||||||||||||
637 | Josafath | Reynoso | Scenic Designer | Richmond, VA | New York NY, Washington DC, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, Kentucky, Georgia. West Virginia, Texas, Florida, California, Washington, Massachusets, Chicago, IL | Hispanic/Latino/Mexican | www.josafathreynoso.com | design@josafathreynoso.com | Willing to travel nationally or internationally. Fluent in Spanish, English, and conversational French | ||||||||||||||||||||
638 | Vanna | Richardson | Director, Stage Manager | North Louisiana | New York City; Middletown, CT; Jacksonville,NC | Black | she/her | vannarenee1@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
639 | Michéal | Ricks | Technical Director, Production Manager, Lighting Designer, Scenic Designer | Los Angeles, CA | Detroit, MI, Kansas City, MO, Chicago IL, Daily,(Bay Area), CA | Cuban American | Mr.lighting5@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
640 | Garcia | Rico | Sound Engineer, Sound Designer. Audio Systems Engineer, Sound to Picture | Los Angeles, CA | Ensendada, MX. Vallarta MX, Reno,NV. Santa Rosa, CA | Mexican American | https://www.linkedin.com/in/ricogarcia1/ | rico_garcia@mac.com | Full time Audio Enginner at Cal State LA | ||||||||||||||||||||
641 | Courtni | Riddick | Costume Designer and Technician | Tallahassee, FL | African American | https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B1GsO0O_ReL9MmNCVWkyLVl0WkRuM0ZydEJJWGVKUXg1SjR3 | CourtniRiddick@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
642 | Rochelle | Riley | Lighting | Atlanta, Georgia | African American | she/her | rdrileynyc@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
643 | Alyssa | Rios | Stage Manager | New York, NY | Latina | rios.alyssa19@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||||
644 | Rui | Rita | Lighting Designer | New York, NY | Portuguese | www.designbyrui.com | rui@designbyrui.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
645 | Emma | Rivera | Lighting Designer, Production Manager, Tour Manager, Producer | New York, NY | Honolulu, HI | Kanaka Maoli-Pinoya (Hawaiian-Filipina) | failsafefestival.com | ek_rivera@yahoo.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
646 | Karim | Rivera | Costume, mask & lighthing designer | NYC | Orlando, FL/ Los Angeles/ Houston, TX/ Dallas, TX/ Washington, DC | Puerto Rican | www.krrdesigns.com | karim.riro@gmail.com | K.rivera@teatrolatea.org | ||||||||||||||||||||
647 | Vanessa | Rivera | (Non-AEA) Stage Manager & Technician | Houston, TX | Austin, TX; Dallas-Fort Worth; Waco, TX; Chicago, IL | Latina | https://www.linkedin.com/in/vanessa-rivera-02a727121/ | vanessa.rivera1397@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
648 | Batul | Rizvi | Scenic Designer & Creative Consultant | Charlottesville, VA | DC, VA | Middle Eastern | www.batulrizvidesign.com | batulrizvidesign@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
649 | T. Carlis | Roberts | composer and sound designer | Oakland, CA | Chicago, Colorado, NYC | Black / mixed | www.tcarlisroberts.com | tabomusic@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
650 | Jaya | Robillard | Stage Manager (non-union) | Minneapolis, MN | Mixed race (Indian and white) | jayarobillard@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||||
651 | Garron | Rodgers | Theatre Technician, master electrician, AutoCAD draftsperson, lighting design | Orange County, CA | Any major city in the US. | Filipino American | www.GarronRodgers.com | garronrodgers@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
652 | Dina Paola | Rodriguez | Stage Manager, Lighting Designer | New York, NY | New York, Boston, LA | Peruvian/ Latinx | |||||||||||||||||||||||
653 | Jeffrey | Rodriguez | Stage Manager (AEA) | New York, NY | Hispanic/Cuban | https://www.linkedin.com/in/jeffrey-rodriguez-40235819/ | JeffrSM@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
654 | Anna V | Rodriguez | Scenic Craftsman/Artisan & Project Manager | Miami, FL | NC, NYC, LA, ATL, South Florida. Abroad: Costa Rica | Latina | anna.v.rodr@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
655 | Larry | Rodriguez | Lighting Designer | Orlando, Fl. | San Francisco, Las Vegas, Seattle | Filipino, Asian | www.l-rod.com | lrod.lighting@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
656 | Pamela | Rodríguez-Montero | Scenographer (Set designer, Lighting designer, Costume designer, Makeup designer) | Lawrence, KS | Latina, Costarricense | https://pamela874.wixsite.com/pamrod-designs | pamela87@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
657 | Jynelly | Rosario | AEA Stage Manager | Bradenton, FL | New York NY, Puerto Rico | Latina | https://www.linkedin.com/in/jynelly-rosario-147543b6 | Jynellyrosario@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
658 | Denise | Rose | Sound Designer/Engineer, Choreographer | Washington DC | Detroit, NYC, Atlanta, | African Amercian | drose0402@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
659 | Brandon | Rosen | Lighting Designer | San Diego, CA | NYC, San Antonio | Hispanic | brandonhrosen.com | brandonhrosen@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
660 | Samantha | Rosenblatt | Stage Manager, Props Master, Lyricist, Bookwriter | New York, NY | Westchester, NY | Jewish-Asian-American | www.theatricallysam.com | rosenblatt.samantha@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
661 | Kristi | Ross-Clausen | Production Manager AEA/IATSE | Appleton, WI | Various | Multi-ethnic/Latina | https://www.linkedin.com/pub/kristi-r-c/0/220/ba8 | MissWisc@aol.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
662 | Daniel | Roth | A1/A2 | New York City | Latino | he/him | droth1995@hotmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
663 | M.E. Guadalupe | Rubi | Costume Designer, Assistant Costume Designer, Stitcher, Visual Artist | New York, NY | New Orleans | Latin & Native American | meguadalupedesigns.com | m.e.guadaluperubidesigns@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
664 | Nathan | Rubio | Sound/Lighting designer, Sound/ Lighting/Video technician, A1 | New York,NY | West Covina CA | Mexican/ Indonesian | nmrubio96@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
665 | Lilliana | Rubio | Non-Union Stage Manager, Assistant Stage Manager, PA | Houston, Tx | San Antonio, Tx, NYC, Chicago, Il | Latina | www.linkedin.com/in/lilliana-rubio-sm | lrubioworks@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
666 | Isabel | Rubio | Costume designer USA 829 | New York,NY | Upstate NY, St Luis MO, Boston, VA, New Orleans, LA , Mexico | Mexican | www.isabelrubio.com | isabelrubionyc@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
667 | Kathy | Ruvuna | Sound Designer, Composer | New York, NY | Los Angeles; Chicago; St. Louis; Houston, Austin, and San Antonio, TX; New Haven, CT | Black, African American | www.kathyruvuna.com | kathy.ruvuna@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
668 | Rebekah | Ryan | Lighting/ Stage Management | Arizona | Asian | she/her | rebekahr279@gmail.com | New entry | |||||||||||||||||||||
669 | Sayantee | Sahoo | Production Manager, Technical Director, Lighting and Scenic designer. Director | Brooklyn, NY | Ann Arbor, Washington DC, Irvine CA | South Asian Indian | sayantees@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
670 | Suzu | Sakai | Scenic Designer | New Haven, CT | NYC, Tokyo (Japan) | Japanese | www.suzusakai.com | contact.suzusakai@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
671 | Andrea | Sala | Lighting Designer, Stage Manager, Assistant Production Manager | Boston, MA | San Antonio, TX, New York, NY | Latina | andreasofiasala.com | andreasaladesign@gmail.com | Also a dancer/choreographer; willing to travel | ||||||||||||||||||||
672 | Adrian | Salas | Lighting Designer/Technician | Irvine, CA | Los Angeles, CA / El Paso, TX | Mexican-American | http://aslighting.weebly.com/ | adrian.salas@yahoo.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
673 | Robert | Salazar | Videographer/Video Designer/Composer | Chicago,IL | New York, Los Angeles, Washington D.C., Baltimore, Philly | Peruvian/White | http://salazarrobert.com/ | GrandestCanyon@gmail.Com | |||||||||||||||||||||
674 | Vianey | Salazar | electrics, lighting design | Wisconsin (currently) | Mexican | she/her | vianey.r.salazar@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
675 | Jacqueline | Saldana | Stage Manager (AEA) | Chicago, IL | Michigan | Latina | jsaldanasm@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
676 | Gene | Salgado | Costume Designer, Theatre Director | El Paso, TX | New Mexico, Texas, Southwest USA | Mexican American | genesalgado.wixsite.com/mysite | genesalgado@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
677 | Angela | Salinas | Production Manager/General Manager | Chicago, IL | California | Mexican | linkedin.com/in/angela-salinas-a05594ab | angelasalinas5@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
678 | Giovanni | Salinas | Lighting | No Longer Based | Hispanic / Mexican | www.giovannisalinas.com | giovannisalinasdesign@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
679 | SeifAllah | Salotto-Cristobal | Lighting and Projection Designer | South Berwick, ME | Boston, Denver, St. Louis, Washington DC | Mixed: Middle Eastern, Phillipino, Hispanic | www.seif.design | ldcristos@gmail.com | Willing to Travel | ||||||||||||||||||||
680 | David | Samba | Sound Designer/Technician | Chicago, IL | New York | African American | davidk.samba@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
681 | Jesse | Sanchez | Composer, Orchestrator, Music Director | Ashland, OR | New York, San Francisco | Latinx | www.jessejsanchez.com | jessejosephsanchez@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
682 | Arnel | Sancianco | Scenic Designer | Chicago, IL | San Diego, San Francisco | Filipino | www.ArnelDesigns.com | Arnel.Sancianco@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
683 | Alexa | Santiago | Stage Manager, Production Manager, Event Manager | Orlando, FL | Chicago, IL/Puerto Rico/Washington DC/NYC | Latina | https://www.linkedin.com/in/alexa-santiago-1a729998/ | s.alexa091@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
684 | Pablo | santiago | Lighting Designer | Los Angeles, CA | Chicago, DC, San Francisco | Mexican american | pablosantiagodesign@gmail.com | pablosantiagodesign@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
685 | Denise | Saunders Thompson | AEA Production Stage Manager/ Production Manager/ Event Manager/ Personal Manager / Arts Administrator | Washington, DC | CT, NYC, NJ, PA, DE, MD, VA, NC, SC, GA, FL,CA, CO,TX | African American | ddsaunders.com | denise@ddsaunders.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
686 | Johnnie | Schleyer | Technical Director, Carpenter, Electrician, Production Management, CAD Drafter, Wanting to get into Film, Ballet and Barre Instructor | Chicago, IL | San Antonio, Austin, Dallas, New York, Los Angeles, Sarasota FL, Nashville TN | American Indian | johnnie.schleyer@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
687 | Macy | Schmidt | Orchestrator, Copyist, Musical Direction, Music Supervision | New York, NY | Houston TX, Sarasota FL, LA, London/UK | Arab/Middle Eastern (Egyptian) | https://www.macyschmidtmusic.com | macyschmidt15@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
688 | Sasha | Schwartz | Student Scenic Designer, Scenic Painter, Props Artisan | Pittsburgh, PA | Boston, MA | Biracial, Chinese/ White | www.sashaschwartz.weebly.com | sashasch@andrew.cmu.edu | |||||||||||||||||||||
689 | Sasha | Schwartz | Scenic Designer, Scenic Artist | Pittsburgh PA | Boston MA, NYC | Biracial, Half- Asian | sashaschwartzscenic.com | sashaschwartz00@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
690 | Chloe | Schweizer | Non-Union Stage Manager, Production Asst., Stagehand, Electrician | San Jose, CA (SF Bay Area) | Chicago, IL | Japanese Am./White | chloe.schweizer14@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
691 | Phaedra | Scott | Dramaturg | Boston, MA | Philadelphia, Cleveland | Black | www.phaedrascott.com | phaedramichelle.scott@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
692 | Cha | See | Lighting Designer | New York, NY | New York, NY/ Manila, Philippines | Filipino | seelightingdesign.com | seelightingdesign@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
693 | Andre | Segar | Lighting Designer, moving lights Programmer | Pittsburgh, PA | Orlando, Fl Chicago, IL | Africa-American | Andresegar@gmail.com | 321-946-6777 | |||||||||||||||||||||
694 | Viana | Segarra | Technical Director/Project Manager | Winston-Salem, NC | Orlando,FL / New York, NY | Hispanic American | vsegarra93@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
695 | Alberto | Segarra | Lighting Designer/ Associate LD /ALD/USA 829 | Washington, DC | NYC/ Boston/ Rhode Island/ Baltimore/ Arlington, VA/ Atlanta/ Detroit/ Orlando,Tampa, FL/ Puerto Rico/ Valencia,Spain | Puerto Rican | albertosegarra.com | ajsegarra@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
696 | Cassie M. | Seinuk | AEA Stage Manager, dramaturg, and playwright | Boston, MA | New York, NY, Hartford CT | Latina (Cuban), Jewish | www.cassiemseinuk.com | cmseinuk@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
697 | Jakyung | Seo | Lighting Designer/Internatinoal Business Contractor | Cleveland, OH | NY, CA, Chicago | Korean | www.jatheatre.com | jakyungseo@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
698 | Audrey | Seraphin | Stage Manager, Director; Prop, Projection & Sound Design | Boston, MA | D.C., Baltimore, NYC, San Diego, LA | Mixed: Indian & white | https://www.linkedin.com/in/audrey-seraphin-97b8b995/ | audrey.seraphin@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
699 | DeMone | Seraphin | Director, Choreographer, Musical Director | NYC | NYC, DC, Chicago | African American | demoneseraphin@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
700 | Plato | Seto | AEA Stage Manager | New York, NY | Los Angeles & San Diego | Chinese American | https://www.linkedin.com/in/plato-seto-264660100 | platoseto@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
701 | Sabeen | Shalwani | Stage Manager, Lighting Designer | Dallas, TX | NYC | Pakistani American / South Asian | sabeenshalwani@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
702 | Dhani | Shanti | Set Design, Projection Design, Lighting Design, Props, Technical Direction, Production Design | Miami, FL | Miami, FL; Possibly Garden City, NY; Doha, Qatar | Middle Eastern (Palestinian) and Cuban | he/him | dshanti0013@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
703 | Tony | Shayne | Lighting Designer, Production Manager, Professor | San Francisco/Los Angeles | NYC, Houston, Portland, DC | Mexican-American/Caucasian | www.tonyshayne.com | tony.shayne@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
704 | Jeff | Sherwood | Sound Designer & Composer | West Lafayette, IN | NYC, DC, Atlanta, Dallas | Asian American (Korean) | www.sherwoodsound.com | JRSherw@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
705 | Yu | Shibagaki | Scenic Designer | New York, NY | Chicago, IL | Japanese | yushibagaki.com | yushibagaki@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
706 | Kyu | Shin | Set Designer | New York, NY | Various | Korean | www.kyushindesign.com | setkyu@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
707 | Yuika | Shinki | Scenic Designer / Technician | Long Beach, CA | New York, Los Angeles | Asian | https://performing28.wixsite.com/my-site-2 | performing28@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
708 | Amir | Shirazi | Music Director, Sound Designer, Composer, Arranger | Portland, OR | Boston | Persian (Iranian, Middle Eastern) | https://www.musicbyash.com | amirbshirazi@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
709 | Kenji | Shoemaker | Props, Stage Manager | Minneapolis, MN | Toronto, Montreal, LA, NYC, | Japanese | https://kenjishoemaker.wixsite.com/home | kenji.shoemaker@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
710 | Kahei | Shum | Costume Designer/Production Designer | High Point, NC | Charlotte, Raleigh NC, Boston MA, Atlanta GA | Hong Kong Chinese | www.kaheishumdesigns.com | kettishum@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
711 | Devario D. | Simmons | Costume Designer (USA 829) | New York, NY | LA | Black/African American | devariosimmons.com | devario.simmons@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
712 | Nick | Simone | Sound Designer & Audio Engineer | New York, NY | NJ & New York City Area | Mixed | nicholas.simone@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
713 | Debashis | Sinha | Sound Designer, composer | Toronto, Canada | various | South Asian Indian | http://debsinha.com | deb@debsinha.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
714 | Ethan | Sinnott | Director, Scenic Designer, and Scenic Artist | Washington, DC | DC; adaptable | ASL-signing Deaf | www.ethansinnott.com | sigenothe@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
715 | Deb | Sivigny | Costume designer, Scenic Designer | Washington, DC | CT, San Francisco, Boston | Korean American | www.debsivigny.com | debsivigny@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
716 | Alexis | Skinner | dramaturg | New Orleans, LA | Baltimore, MD; NYC; Little Rock, AR; Tampa, FL | black | skinneram3@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
717 | Norman Anthony | Small | Production Stage Manager (AEA) | New York, NY | NYC, Orlando | African-American | NormanASmall@gmail.com/917-459-0248 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
718 | Ashani | Smith | Student- Stage Manager (Non-Union) | Charlotte, NC | Black | https://ashanihadiyahsmith.wixsite.com/mysite-1 | ashanihadiyahsmith@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
719 | Shanel | Smith | Scenic/ Automation Designer & Stage Director | Charlotte, NC | Seattle, Wa, Providence, RI, NYC, ATL | Black | shanellashaysmith@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
720 | Phyllis | Smith | AEA Production Stage Manager, Production Manager | Boston, Ma | Black | https://www.linkedin.com/in/phyllis-smith-4b452238 | Phyllisysmith@me.com | Willing to travel | |||||||||||||||||||||
721 | CeCe | Smith | Sound Designer | Denver, Colorado | Baltimore/Washington DC | Black Femme | she/her | sism4751@colorado.edu | |||||||||||||||||||||
722 | Victoria | Solorio | Stage Manager | Baltimore, MD | DC area / Austin, TX / Houston, TX | Mexican/Latina | vsolorio@utexas.edu | ||||||||||||||||||||||
723 | Nikolaj | Sorensen | Production Manager/Technical Director/Scenic Designer | SF Bay Area | Chicago | Biracial Chinese/White | nikolajcs@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
724 | John | Sornsong-Wilder | Lighting Designer | New York, NY | Tampa, FL | Asian American | www.WilderLighting.com | John.sornsong.wilder@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
725 | Jesse | Soto | Technical Director, Production Manager, Technician (Electrical, Scenic, Run) | Pasadena, CA | Latino | www.bostoncourtpasadena.org | Jesses@bostoncourtpasadena.org | ||||||||||||||||||||||
726 | Selby | Souza | Scenic Designer | Los Angeles | SF Bay Area, NYC, Chicago, Pittsburgh | Chinese/White (Mixed) | she/her | https://www.selbysouza.com/ , @selbysnooza (insta), | selbysouza@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||
727 | Caroline | Spitzer | Costume Designer/Assistant | New York, NY | Miami, FL, Chicago, Cincinnati, Boston, Washington DC | Cuban/White | www.carolinespitzer.com | caroline.spitzer@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
728 | Valerie | St. Pierre Smith | Costume Designer, Artisan, Hair & Makeup Designer, USA 829 | Midwest | Washington, DC New York City Minneapolis, MN Louisville, KY Charlotte, NC Kansas City, MO Chicago, IL | Anishnaabe/Chippewa Native American/Bi-Racial | www.valeriestpierresmith.com | vsmithdesign@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
729 | Moneé | Stamp | Lighting Designer / Scenic Artist | New York | Washington DC Chicago, IL Charlotte, NC New York City Florida | West Indian / African American | http://www.mstampdesigns.com/ | moneestamp@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
730 | Luciana | Stecconi | Scenic Designer | Boston, MA | Washington DC, NYC | Hispanic/Argentinian | lucianastecconi.com | lstecconi@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
731 | Brittany | Steele | Set Dresser/Prop Maker, Music Arranger/Director, Stage Manager | Bronx, NY | Philadelphia | Black (carribbean american) | brittmsteele@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
732 | Chavez | Stephanie | Lighting Designer/ Master Electrician/ Electrician | Chicago, IL | Latina, Mexican | chavezzstephanie@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||||
733 | Toni | Sterling | Lighting Designer/ Programmer/ Wardrobe Coordinator | Atlanta, GA | New York, Orlando, Miami, Connecticut, Paris, Jamaica. | Jamaican | tonisterling.com | tsterlinglights@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
734 | David | Stewart | Production Manager | Orlando, FL | Denver, CO | Black | productionondeck.com | davidtkd@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
735 | Jim | Streeter | Lighting Designer/ Production Mgr | Princeton NJ | various | African American | streeter@princeton.edu | ||||||||||||||||||||||
736 | Ambika | Subramaniam | Scenic Designer, Graphics | New York, NY | LA, ATL | Indian | www.ambikasubra.com | a@ambikasubra.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
737 | Karthik | Subramanian | Production Manager | Boston, MA | Indian | he/him | |||||||||||||||||||||||
738 | Ray | Sun | Video Designer | New York, NY | Various | Taiwanese | www.raysun.cc | raysun04@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
739 | Asha | Sundararaman | Stage Manager | Oakland, CA | NYC, LA, Seattle, DC | Mixed South Asian | https://www.linkedin.com/in/ashasundararaman/ | acsundara@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
740 | Jin-young | Sung | Scenic Designer | Los Angeles, CA | Bay Area | Korean | www.jinyoungsung.com | jinsungart21@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
741 | Christopher | Sutton | Sound Designer | Boston, MA | Atlanta, Miami, NYC, SC | Black - African American | ChristopherJSutt@Gmail.com | Willing to Travel | 770-870-8169 | ||||||||||||||||||||
742 | Mikiko | Suzuki-MacAdams | Set Designer | New York, NY | Asian | mikikosuzukimacadams.com | mikiksmo@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
743 | Tiffani | Sydnor | Production Designer for Stage & Film | Washington, DC | Various | Black/African American | tiffanii.com | tiffani@tiffanii.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
744 | Christopher | Sylvie | Stage Manager EMC, Assistant Director | Chicago, IL | Puerto Rican/French Creole | www.christophersylvie.com | christopher.sylvie@yahoo.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
745 | Violet | Tafari | Stage Manager | New York, NY | New York, Miami | Jamaican | tviolet18@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
746 | Lay Hoon | Tan | Production Manager | Queens, NY | Female/Asian/Immigrant | layhoontan@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||||
747 | Katie | Tanaka | Student (lighting design and technology) | Ashland, OR | SF Bay Area, Los Angeles, OH, various | Japanese American | http://katietanaka.com/ | katietanaka@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
748 | Roger | Tang | Producer, Sound Designer, Playwright, Head Cheerleader | Seattle, WA | Phoenix, AZ | Asian American | www.aatrevue.com | gwangung@uw.edu | |||||||||||||||||||||
749 | Christina | Tang | Lighting Designer | New York, NY | New Jersey | Asian American | christinaftang.com | christina.f.tang@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
750 | Jarku | Tang | Lighting designer, master electrician | Montréal, Québec, Canada | QTPOC, Asian-American/Asian-Canadian, Indonesian-Canadian, Chinese-Indonesian | he/him | jarkutang.webflow.io | jarku@alumni.stanford.edu | Willing to relocate for FTE (lol) | ||||||||||||||||||||
751 | Jordan | Tani | Sound Designer, Composer, Ethnomusicologist, Draftsperson (Vectorworks 2D/3D) | Irvine, CA | Southern California, Bay Area | Japanese American | www.jmtsound.com | jtani.san@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
752 | Fior | Tat | Stage Manager | Pittsburgh, PA | New York, New York | Queer Chinese American | fior.tat98@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
753 | Milton | Tatum | Lighting Designer/ Technical Director | Dallas | Everywhere | African American | www.dbdt.com | mttjpro@icloud.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
754 | Gabe | Taylor | Stage Manager | St. Louis, MO | Boston, MA | Mixed- Black, Caucasian | gabe.v.taylor@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
755 | Marianna | Taylor | Costume Designer/ Assistant Designer | New York, NY | Columbus, OH/Dallas, TX | Biracial: Black/White | MariTaylorDesigns.com | MariTaylorDesigns@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
756 | Maria | Tejada | Stage Manager-AEA | Washington DC | Detroit, MI | Hispanic | https://www.linkedin.com/in/maria-tejada-0b7a828 | maria5tejada@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
757 | Shenekah | Telles | Costume Designer, Hair & Makeup Designer | Portland, OR | NM, WA, CA, UT, CO | Hispanic | www.shenekahtelles.com | shentelles@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
758 | Tanya | Telson | Stage Manager | Fremont, CA (San Francisco Bay Area) | Portland, OR | Latinx/Mixed Race | she/her | techpirate8@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
759 | Eriko | Terao | Costume Designer/Technician | Conway, AR | Japanese | https://erikoterao.wixsite.com/costume | erikoterao@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
760 | Sydney Lynne | Thomas | Scenic Designer | Chicago, IL | Dallas, TX | Black | https://www.sydneylynnedesign.com | sydneylynnedesign@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
761 | Nayoyetunda | Thomas | Wig designer | New York City | Black | she/her | Nayothomas.work@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
762 | Brianna Nancy | Thompson | Stage Manager/ Student looking for opportunities | Boston, MA | New Orleans, LA | Mixed, Black | www.linkedin.com/in/briannanancythompson | thompsonnbrianna@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
763 | Jocelyn | Thompson | Stage Manager AEA | Richmond, Va | DC/ Baltimore, MD/ CA | Black | Jocelyn.a.thompson@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
764 | Clarice | Thompson | Ethnomusicologist, Composer, Music Director, Choral Conductor, Music Copyist, | Central Falls/Providence Rhode Island | Boston, Rhode Island, Hartford, New Haven, New York, DC, North Carolina, Nashville, Memphis, Chicago, San Diego, Florida (Miami, Ft. Lauderdale, Palm Beach) | African American | www.rpmvoices.com www.claricelavernethompson.com | claricelt@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
765 | Antoine | Thrower | Lighting Technician and Designer | New York, NY | Tri-State Area | Black | https://www.linkedin.com/in/antoine-j-thrower-5414ba57/ | antoinethrower@yahoo.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
766 | Samantha | Ticker | Lighting Designer & Technician , Sound Designer & A2 , Asst. Production Manager & Asst. Facilities Manager | New York, New York | NJ, NY, NYS, Western Mass | Liberian | bit.ly/stickerdsgn | sbticker55@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
767 | Saawan | Tiwari | Costume Designer | New York, NY | Sacramento, CA; Detroit,MI | Indian | saawandesigns.wixsite.com/home | saawandesigns@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
768 | Quy | Ton | Stage manager & Technician | Seattle, WA | Puget Sound area, LA, San Francisco, NYC | Vietnamese | ton.n.quy@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
769 | Kimberlin | Torain | Arts Administration, Company Management, Stage Management- aspiring general manager | Raleigh, NC | Greensboro, NC | Black | facebook.com/ohsokimberlin | ktorain1230@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
770 | David | Torres | Sound Design/Engineer, Light Design, TD Director | Seattle, WA | Portland, OR, Eastern WA State, LA, Chicago, NYC, Orlando | Mexican/ Latino | davidtorresdesigns@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
771 | Brian | Tovar | Lighting Design | New York City | San Antonio | Mexican/Native American, Spanish | he/him | Www.briantovardesign.com | tovarbri@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||
772 | Deena | Tovar | AEA Stage Manager | Los Angeles, CA | Santa Cruz CA, San Francisco CA, Las Vegas NV | Latina/ Mexican (Mixed) | Deenatvrstage@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
773 | Grace | Towers | Experience Design | San Francisco | Guadalajara, CDMX, Atlanta, NYC, DC, San Diego, Denver, Vancouver, Berlin | Mexican american | https://www.facebook.com/grace.towers.16 | thegracetowers@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
774 | Hannah | Tran | Scenic and Projection Design | New Haven, CT | Bay Area, Southern California | Asian-American | https://www.hannah-tran-designs.com/ | trnhnnh@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
775 | Alejandro | Treccani | Technical Director | Chicago. IL | NYC, Boston, Las Vegas | Latin American, American Indian | treccania3@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
776 | Bailey | Trierweiler | Sound Designer, composer, audio enginer, FOH Mixer and sound technician | Connecticut | NYC | Black | baileytrierweilerdesign.com | b.e.trierweiler@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
777 | Anita | Tripathi | Scene Designer/professor | Charlotte NC | Washington DC area | Asian Indian and Cauc. | www.anitajtripathi.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
778 | Prairie | Trivuth | Scenic Design / Production Design | Los Angeles, CA | Bangkok, Thailand | Thai | she/her | https://www.prairiett.com/ | prairiettrivuth@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||
779 | Susan | Tsu | Costume Designer | Pittsburgh, PA | Chinese American | stsu@andrew.cmu.edu | |||||||||||||||||||||||
780 | Hideaki | Tsutsui | Lighting Designer/Production Coordinator | El Paso, Texas | Rochester, NY, NYC, Honolulu | Japanese | www.hideakitsutsui.com | htlighting@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
781 | Valerie | Tu | Production and Stage Management (Currently employed full-time, so only looking for part-time work) | Chicago | Los Angeles | Asian American | she/her | www.valerietu.com | tuvalerie@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||
782 | Caroline | Tyson | Costume Designer | NYC | Washington, DC / Boston, MA | Black | she/her | carolinetyson.com | carolinetyson95@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||
783 | Sweta | Vakani | Costume Designer/Technician | Austin, TX | Los Angeles, New York, NY, Boston, MA, Philadelphia, PA, Dallas, TX | Indian American | redefiningnude.com | sweta.vakani@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
784 | Josh | Valdez | Sound Designer and Live-Sound Engineer/Mixer | Seattle, WA | Newark, NJ & Fairfax, VA | Filipino | https://www.linkedin.com/in/josh-valdez-222869141/ | jaycvaldez@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
785 | Melody "Alohi" | Valdez | Scenic Artist, Set Designer, Costume Designer | Santa Clarita, CA | Dallas, TX, Houston, TX | Lesbian/Hispanic/Asian | www.alohivaldez.com | alohilani.valdez@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
786 | Shadoe | Valentin | Director, Arts Administration, Intimacy Coordinator, Company Manager | Mobile, AL | NYC. Ft. Myers, FL. | Latino | he/him | shadoevalentin@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
787 | Ansley | Valentine | Costume Designer | Michigan | Cleveland, Columbus, Indianapolis, Chicago | African American | ansleyvalentine@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
788 | Mieka | van der Ploeg | Costume Designer | Chicago IL | Latina | www.miekavanderploeg.com | Mieka.vanderploeg@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
789 | Nina | Vartanian | Costume Designer | New York, NY | NYC | Middle Eastern | http://nina-vartanian.squarespace.com/ | nina.vartanian@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
790 | Fernando | Vasquez | Sound Designer / Audio Engineer | Los Angeles, CA | Cuban | www.ferndawg.com | fernando@diablosound.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
791 | Alexandra | Vasquez Dheming | Student lighting designer | Savannah, GA | Salvadoran/Latina | alexvd.92@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||||
792 | Alexandra | Vásquez Dheming | Lighting Designer/Technician, Production Manager | New York, NY | Las Vegas, Tampa | Salvadoran, Latina | www.alexvasquezdheming.com | alexvasquezdheming@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
793 | Neelam | Vaswani | AEA Stage Manager, Production Manager | NYC | Atlanta, DC, New Jersey, Cali | South Asian, Indian | http://bit.ly/NvaswaniResume | nlvaswani@aol.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
794 | Lupe | Vazquez | costume designer & technition | Detroit,Mi | Mexican | they/them | vazquezlupe.com | vazquezlupe891@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
795 | Tiffany | Vega | Producer, marketing, company management, tour management | New Orleans, LA | New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Washington DC, Baltimore, Minneapolis, Mississippi, Houston | Latina | www.lavegamanagement.com | tiffany@lavegamanagement.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
796 | Elena | Velasco | choreographer, director | Washington, DC | Boston, MA | Latina | elenavelasco.net | elenavelasco.director@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
797 | Jordan | Vera | Lighting Designer | Knoxville, TN | Miami FL , Orlando FL. | Cuban-American , Latino | he/him | Jveradesigns@gmail.com | jveradesigns@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||
798 | Philip | Vilar | Projection Media and Lighting Designer | Dallas, TX | New York, NY, Miami FL | nonbinary mixed Latinx | www.philipvilardesign.com | philip.vilar@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
799 | Hope | Villanueva | AEA Stage Manager, Playwright | Washington, DC area | New York City, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Northern CA | Mexican/Filipino | she/her | www.stagewoozle.com | stagewoozle@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||
800 | Priscilla | Villanueva | AEA Stage Manager | Brooklyn, NY | Boston, New Jersey, Upstate New York (Willing to Travel) | Hispanic | Priscilla825@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
801 | Daniel | Viola | AEA Stage Manager, Production Manager | Trenton, NJ | NNJ, NYC, Philadelphia | Latino, Guatemalan | www.dannyviola.com | dannydoestheater@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
802 | Darrin | Wade | Lighting Designer / Programmer | Irvine, CA | Los Angeles, CA/San Diego, CA/Houston, TX/ | Black | darrinwade5.wix.com/techtheatre | darrinwade5@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
803 | Rishi | Wagle | Lighting Designer, Stage Manager, Sound Designer/Engineer & Composer, Production Manager, Music Director | Iowa City, IA | Chicago, IL | Indian American | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1s0GHuTOCjkjuHQvBvkDneRqrcqvB6RzP/view?usp=sharing | rishinwagle@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
804 | Connor | Wang | Sound Designer | Chicago, IL | NYC, LA | Asian American (Chinese, Laotian) | he/him | connorwangdesigns.com | wang.connor22@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||
805 | Josephine | Wang | Lighting Designer, Installation Artist, Lighting Technician | New York, NY | Los Angeles, Atlanta, Taiwan. | Taiwanese. East Asian. | (flexible) | www.josephinewang.net / ig: @stuff.josephine.makes | josephine@josephinewang.net | ||||||||||||||||||||
806 | Abigail | Wang | Lighting Designer and Electrician | Providence, RI | New England, NYC | Chinese & white | she/her | abigailwangdesign.com | abigailxwang@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||
807 | Adam | Wassilchalk | Production Manager, Stage Manager | New Haven, CT | Austin, TX, NYC, Chicago, IL, Washington DC | Black | he/him | ajwassilchalk@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
808 | Christina | Watanabe | Lighting Designer | New York, NY | Florida, various friends' houses | Other (Father: Peruvian with Japanese and Filipino/French heritage. Mother: white) | StarryEyedLighting@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
809 | Chris | Waters | AEA Stage Manager | San Francisco, CA | New York, San Diego, Seattle | Fijian, Black, and Korean | https://www.dropbox.com/s/euyrywdhz5xfn3e/CWatersSMresume6.pdf?dl=0 | cwaters.sm@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
810 | Ruth Anne | Watkins | Production management/stage management. | Baltimore, MD | DC, Chicago, Minneapolis | Biracial- Chinese & White | she/her | ruthannewatkins@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
811 | Sarah Joonhee Park | Watkins | Scenic Designer | Chicago, IL | NY, TX, AK, CA, WI, FL, CO, AZ, OH, IN, VA, D.C. | Korean with Japanese and Chinese | www.sarah-jhp-watkins.com | sarah.jhp.watkins@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
812 | Lisa | Watson | Stage Management AEA | Atlanta, GA | New York | Black | lisalwatson04@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
813 | Miso | Wei | Production Manager/Stage Manager | San Diego, CA (Shanghai starting 2015) | Los Angelos | Asian (Taiwanese) | miso.cywei@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
814 | Daniela | Weiser | Scenic Charge Artist, Scenic Designer | Tolland CT | Orlando, Austin, San Diego | Latina | she/her | danyweiser@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
815 | Alex | West | Stage Manager | New York, NY | African American | westalex5@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||||
816 | Amber | Whatley | Lighting Designer/Technician/ Programmer | Austin,TX | Georgia, Alabama,Texas,California, Nevada | African American/Black | Www.awhatleylighting.com | Amberwhatleylighting@gmail.com | Willing to travel | ||||||||||||||||||||
817 | Brandi | White | Wardrobe, Assistant Costume Designer | St. Louis, MO | NYC, Chicago | Black/African-American | brandiwhite48@yahoo.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
818 | Brittany | White | Prop Artisan | Richmond, CA | Various | Mixed: African American/ White | BrittanyProps@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
819 | Shannon | White | Carp,A1,Technical Director/Production Manager | New York, NY | ATLanta,VA | African (Speaks Spanish) | shannon.white20@yahoo.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
820 | Levi | Wilkins | Lighting Design | Chicago, IL | Texas & Atlanta | Im Black. My mama black my dad is Nigerian | he/him, He/Him/Homie | Freshlighting@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
821 | Nina | Williams | Stage Manager | Seattle, WA | Portland, OR | Japanese-American | NinaWilliram@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
822 | Rickelle | Williams | Stage Management AEA/AGMA | Oklahoma City, OK | Dallas, TX, Arlingotn, VA, Atlanta, GA, Memphis, TN, | Black | rickelle.williams13@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
823 | Jackson | Williams | Sound Designer, Associate/Assistant Sound Designer, Recording Engineer, Audio Engineer, A2, Composer | Philadelphia, PA | Black/African-American | jackawilliams22@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||||
824 | Yolanda | Williams | Production Manager/Company Manager | Mississippi | Dallas, TX/ Memphis, TN | Black | yolandarwilliams@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
825 | LaVisa | Williams | Costume Designer/Wardrobe Supervisor/Miniaturist | Chicago, IL | Various | Black / mixed | LavisaWilliams.virb.com | lavisa.williams@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
826 | Kacie | Willis | Sound Designer | Atlanta, GA | Chicago, Detroit | Black | www.couldbeprettycool.com | kacie@couldbeprettycool.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
827 | Stephanie R. | Woehrmann | Sound Designer. Composer. Bass Guitar. | San José, CA | Kauai, HI | Puerto Rican/Spanish | facebook/stephanie.r.woehrmann | srw@whoopmedia.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
828 | Mario-Mars | Wolfe | Stage Manager; Event Planner; Administrator | New York, NY | Chicago, IL | African-American | marioewolfe4@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
829 | Melody | Wong | Stage Manager/ House Manager | Philadelphia PA | New York, NY, Washington DC | Asian American / Chinese American | https://www.linkedin.com/in/melody-wong-9b8bb4b9/ | loksun21@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
830 | Lauren M. | Wong | Stage Manager (AGMA) | San Mateo, CA (Shanghai starting Nov. 2015) | NYC; Boston, MA; Santa Fe, NM | Chinese American | https://www.linkedin.com/in/lauren-m-wong-03a55736 | Lmwong11@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
831 | Carolyn | Wong | Lighting Designer | New York, NY | Bay Area | Biracial | wongnumber.com | cwong619@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
832 | Christopher | Wong | Lighting Designer | New York, NY | Asian American | www.christopherwongld.com | christopherwongdesign@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
833 | Melody | Wong | Stage manager | Philadelphia | N/a | Asian American | she/her | Loksun21@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
834 | Randy | Wong-Westbrooke | Scenic Designer, Scenic Artist | SF Bay Area | Ithaca, NY | Biracial, Chinese/White | rwwestbrooke.com | rwwestbrooke@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
835 | E-hui | Woo | Lighting Designer & Electrician | Washington, DC | Ithaca, NY | Singaporean, Chinese | www.e-hui.info | ||||||||||||||||||||||
836 | Georgina | Woo | Lighting Design, LX programming, rigging, Stage Management, Scenic/Prop design and construction, Sound Design | New York, NY | Seattle, WA | Chinese Singaporean | she/her | georgina.woo30@myhunter.cuny.edu | |||||||||||||||||||||
837 | Sarah | Woodham | Costume designer | New York City | Multi-racial/ Caribbean | www.sarahwoodham.com | sarah.e.woodham@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
838 | Corin | Wright | Onset Tailor, Wardrobe (Local 764) Costume Design | New York, NY | NJ, Atlanta, Los Angeles, Chicago, Las Vegas, | African American | www.theCorinWright.com | hello@thecorinwright.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
839 | Maria | Wurttele | Sound Designer/Assistant | New York, NY | DC area/ NC / Miami, FL | Hispanic American | www.wurttele.com | mwurttele@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
840 | Yen Chun | Yang | Sound Designer, Sound Engineer | San Diego, CA | New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Salt Lake City , Seattle, St. Louis | Taiwanese, Asian | http://www.splashsound.net | splash.yang@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
841 | Casie | Yarn | Scenic/Production design (student) | Baltimore, Washington D.C. | New York City | African-American | thecmy.com | casie.yarn@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
842 | Renee | Yeong | Sound Designer | New York, NY | Asian | www.reneeyeong.com | reneeyjh@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
843 | Nihan | Yesil | Sound Designer, Composer | Los Angeles, CA | Kansas City, New York City, Seattle, San Franciso, Istanbul, Scotland | Turkish | she/her, they/them | nhnsound.com | nihanyesil@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||
844 | Jeanette | Yew | Lighting+Video Design and Puppetry Artist | New York, NY | Various | Chinese | www.jeanetteyew.com | jeanette@jeanetteyew.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
845 | Marie | Yokoyama | Lighting Designer and Film programmer | Brooklyn, NY | Japanese | www.marieyokoyama.com | marie.yokoyama@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
846 | Selina G | Young | Lighting Designer/Master Electrician Sound Designer AEA Stage Manager IATSE Stagehand | San Jose, CA (SF Bay Area) | New York City Rochester, NY Los Angeles & San Diego, CA Seattle, WA | Japanese American | https://www.linkedin.com/in/selinagyoung | tuffchick@me.com www.toughchicksproductions.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
847 | Taylor | Young | Costume Designer, Sewist, Upcycler Avalible for PA/Internships | Los Angeles | Available to travel | African-American/Black | instagram: @_tailorgirl | Tailorgirl10@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
848 | Lih-Hwa | Yu | Lighting Designer/ Jr Associate LD IALD | Newmarket, NH | Various | Taiwanese | www.lihhwayu.com | lihhwa.yu@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
849 | Connie | Yun | Lighting Designer | Seattle, WA | NYC area, Boston area | Taiwanese-American | www.connieyun.com | cyun.LD@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
850 | Ashley | Yung | Lighting Design | Boston, MA | Los Angeles, San Diego, NYC, Seattle | Chinese-American | she/her | ashleyyung.com | ashleytyung@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||
851 | Iris | Zacarías | Sound Designer/Engineer, Lighting Designer | New York, NY | Seattle, Los Angeles, San Diego | Mexican-American, Latinx | she/they | iriszdesigns.com | iriszacsan@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||
852 | Sinan | Zafar | Sound Designer and Composer | New York, NY | Bay Area, LA | Turkish/ Pakistani | www.SinanZafar.com | sinan.zafar@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
853 | Sabrina | Zain | Costume Designer | New York, NY | Bay Area | Mixed, half Malaysian | www.sabrinazain.com | sbmzain@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
854 | Haydee | Zelideth | Costume Designer | New York, NY | Austin & Houston TX | Latina | www.haydeezelideth.com | haydee.zelideth@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
855 | Ariel | Zetina | composer/dj | Chicago | NYC, Bay Area | Latina | www.soundcloud.com/unicornflorida | zetina.ariel@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
856 | Ada | Zhang | Stage Manager/Assistant Stage Manager/Company Manager/General Manager/Producer | New York, NY | None | Chinese | https://www.linkedin.com/in/zhangqiyu-ada-zhang-972344157/ | adazzqysm@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
857 | Steven | Zhang | Lighting Designer | Brooklyn, NY | New York, NY | Chinese | Stevenzhangdesigns.com | stevenzhangdesigns@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
858 | Mingshuo | Zhao | Scenic Designer | San Diego, CA | New York | Chinese | www.zhaomingshuo.com | me@zhaomingshuo.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
859 | Yi | Zhao | Lighting Designer | New York, NY | Philadelphia | Chinese | www.yi-zhao.com | yi.zhao@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
860 | Jing | Zhao | Composer, Sound Designer | West Lafayette, IN | Atlanta, NYC, DC, San Francisco | Chinese | www.jingsound.com | zhaojing1234321@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
861 | Parmida | Ziaei | Scenic Design, Production Design, Choreography | Seattle | Los Angeles, New York | Middle Eastern (Iranian) | she/her | www.parmidaziaei.com | parmidaziaei@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||
862 | Mara Ishihara | Zinky | Scenic Designer | Chicago, IL | Boston | Japanse-Am/White | www.mizinky.com | mizinky@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
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