A | B | C | D | E | |
1 | Market | Link | Genre(s) | Payment | Other notes |
2 | 50 Give or Take | https://vineleavespress.submittable.com/submit/288188/50-give-or-take | General | Non-paying | 50 words or fewer, goes out in emails and used in a yearly anthology |
3 | 50 Word Stories | https://fiftywordstories.com/submissions/ | General | Non-paying | Subs open 1st-15th each month. Possible $10CAD award each month. |
4 | 100 Foot Crow | https://100footcrow.com/submission-guidelines/ | SF/F/H | 8c/w | 2 subs per window; relatively new market |
5 | 100 Word Horror | https://snakebitebooks.wixsite.com/snake-bite-books/open-calls | Horror | Non-paying | Prompt sent out to subscribers, monthly comp |
6 | 100 Word Project | https://www.manawaker.com/submit-100wp/ | General | $1 | Monthly prompt, keep stories 'family friendly' |
7 | 100 Word Story | http://100wordstory.org/ | General | Non-paying | Pay to play (£2 submission fee) |
8 | 101 Words | https://101words.org/submit-your-stories | General | Non-paying | Note: 101 words (add a word!). Sim subs allowed, one piece at a time |
9 | A story in 100 words | http://entropy2.com/blogs/100words/submissions/ | General | Non-paying | No sim subs, and the submission page is a little fussy so check you've followed the rules |
10 | Blink Ink | http://www.blink-ink.org/submissions/ | Themed | Non-paying | 50 words-ish. Multiples allowed. Weirdly 90s website. |
11 | Citron Review | https://citronreview.com/submission | General | Non-paying | Up to five subs per quarter. Slow to respond. |
12 | Cuento Mag | https://www.tumblr.com/cuentomag-blog | General | Non-paying | Published on Twitter, prose and poetry under 280 characters. Multiple subs allowed. Must have a twitter handle. |
13 | Dark Moments Monthly Challenge | https://www.blackharepress.com/submissions/ | Themed | 4c/w | No sim subs, and read the guidelines carefully. |
14 | Deadly Drabble Tuesday | https://www.hungryshadowpress.com/submissions-deadly-drabble-tuesdays | Horror, wierd, dark | 8c/w | Sim subs allowed, one entry at a time. There are windows when this is open. |
15 | Drabblecast | https://www.drabblecast.org/ | Weird Fiction | Non-paying | Sim subs allowed, one piece at a time |
16 | Dribble Drabble Review | https://www.thedribbledrabblereview.com/submissions | General | Non-paying | Submission guidelines in their current issue, only acceptances are notified, sim subs allowed |
17 | Fairfield Scribes Micro Fiction | https://www.fairfieldscribes.com/submission-guidelines.html | General | $1 | Reprints allowed, up to 3 subs allowed, sim subs allowed. Editors absolutely lovely. |
18 | Five Minute Lit | https://www.fiveminutelit.com/ | Bios | Non-paying | Sim subs allowed, submit one piece at a time |
19 | Friday Flash Fiction | https://www.fridayflashfiction.com/ | General | Non-paying | Sim subs allowed, submission must have been written within the last 7 days. Friendly editor. |
20 | Hiraeth Drabble Contest | https://www.hiraethsffh.com/drabble-contest | Theme: Interstellar Archives | $1 & a contributor's copy | Deadline May 31, 2024 |
21 | In Short | https://inshortjournal.com/home/submissions/ | General | Non-paying | One piece per cateogory per submission window. Next window 30 Sept - 30 Nov |
22 | Ink in Thirds | https://inkinthirds.org/ | General | Non-paying | Runs 100 word Wednesdays, also takes drabble subs |
23 | Molecule | https://moleculetinylitmag.art.blog/how-to-submit/ | General | Non-paying | 50 words or fewer. Windows: 1 June - 15 July, 1 Dec - 15 Jan |
24 | Paragraph Planet | https://paragraphplanet.com/ | General | Non-paying | Exactly 75 words INCLUDING the title, unpaid. |
25 | Saros | https://sarossf.com/submissions/ | Spec fic | $4 | Themed subs |
26 | SciFanSat | https://scifansat.com/index.html | Spec fic | Non-paying | Seems to be themed? |
27 | Shacklebound Books | https://shackleboundbooks.wordpress.com/submissions/ | Themed | Copy of the ebook | Reprints, multiple, and sim subs allowed |
28 | Six Word SciFi | https://www.wired.com/story/six-word-sci-fi/ | Themed | Non-paying | Six word stories based on a prompt. Submissions through Twitter, FB, IG, or email. All hashtagged stories become Wired's property, which is really intense. |
29 | Splonk | https://splonk.ie/ | General | Non-paying | No sim subs, one submission per submission period, anonymous submissions |
30 | The Centifictionist | https://thecentifictionist.home.blog/about-submission-guidelines/ | General | Non-paying | Looks like this is defunkt, although they seem to still be accepting payment for subs... Pay to play ($3 submission fee). 1-3 submissions at once, sim subs allowed. |
31 | Tadpole Press 100 word writing contest | https://www.tadpolepress.com/100-word-writing-contest | General | Prize-winning | Serious upfront pay-to-play ($15). Multiples and reprints allowed. 100 words or fewer. Deadlines 2x/yr (April & Nov) |
32 | Trembling With Fear | https://horrortree.com/submissions/ | Speculative horror | Non-paying | Multiple submissions allowed. Friendly editor. |
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35 | Closed markets 😠| ||||
36 | The Martian Magazine | https://themartianmagazine.com/ | |||
37 | The Drabble | https://thedrabble.wordpress.com/ | |||
38 | Microfiction Monday | https://microfictionmondaymagazine.com/ | |||
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40 | See a market that's not in our database? Let us know here: https://forms.gle/bqGYdUcTXTDmE3oU6 |
A | B | C | D | E | F | |
1 | Market | Link | Genre(s) | Max words | Payment | Other notes |
2 | 251 | https://twofiftyone.net/ | Humor | 251 | Non-paying | ??? |
3 | 10X10 | https://10x10flash.com/ | General | 500 | Non-paying | Min 200 words per story (no drabbles), one story per submission, no sim subs, submit once every 3 months, wait 3 weeks before querying |
4 | According to the Coroner | https://accordingtothecoro.wixsite.com/home/submission-guidelines | 500 | |||
5 | Augur Microfiction Contest | https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfOWltaBBNCIq-SkK9p-4WhLPcH1CEK5gb-SndOoVwoReT6CQ/viewform | Speculative fiction | 250 | $75 | Deadline August 14, 1 prose and 1 poetry winner |
6 | Backwards Trajectory | https://backwardstrajectory.com/home-2/ | General | 200 | Non-paying | Prose, poetry, and lists/notes |
7 | Beautiful things | https://riverteethjournal.com/beautiful-things/ | General | 250 | Non-paying | Open for submissions 1 Sept - 1 Dec and 1 Jan - 1 April |
8 | Black Poppy Review | https://blackpoppyreview.blogspot.com/p/1.html | Dark poetry | 500 | Non-paying | Currently closed. Dark poetry. Takes multiples. |
9 | Bond Street Review | https://07beb0ba-6587-4c54-9285-127211dba96e.filesusr.com/ugd/2387bb_1243db86be534e0fbf22dc1af556b636.pdf | General (no genre fic) | 500 | Non-paying | Reprints & simsubs allowed, PDF publication, not much online presence |
10 | Broadside Press | https://broadsidedpress.org/submissions/ | General | 300 | Non-paying | Pay to play ($3 entry fee). Reading period September 1 – May 15, aims to respond in 8-9 weeks, sim subs allowed |
11 | Broken Antler Review | https://www.brokenantlermag.com/submit | General | 300 | $10 online, $20 print | Sim subs allowed, up to 3 pieces in one file |
12 | Brown Bag | https://brownbag.online/submission-guidelines/ | Themed | 500 | Non-paying | Summer issue submission period Feb 1 – May 21 and winter issue submission period Aug 1 – Nov 21. Reprints and sim subs allowed. Up to 3 prose pieces at once. Anonymous submissions |
13 | Burningword Literary Journal | https://www.burningword.com/submissions/ | General | 500 | Non-paying | Pay to play ($3 entry fee). 300-500 words, sim subs allowed, up to 2 submissions per issue (can be in the same document), anonymous submission. |
14 | Carmen et Error | https://carmenerror.com/?page_id=19 | General | 400 | Non-paying | Open February, May, August, and November. Submit up to two pieces at once. Sim subs allowed. |
15 | Cease, Cows | https://ceasecows.com/submissions/ | General | 500 | Non-paying | Sim subs allowed, open January (1 – 21) for microfiction and March (1 – 7) for prose poetry |
16 | Centaur | https://centaurlit.com/submissions/ | General | 400 | $20 | One submission every three months, sim subs allowed |
17 | Cincinnati Review | https://www.cincinnatireview.com/submission-guidelines-2021/ | General | 500 | $25 | Sim subs allowed, up to 3 pieces in one file |
18 | Compass Rose | https://www.compassroseliterary.com/submit | Themed | 500 | Non-paying | Submit up to 3 pieces, sim subs and reprints allowed |
19 | Crab Tales Magazine | https://crabtalesmagazine.com/submissions/ | Speculative crabs | 250 | 3c/w | Only submit one story |
20 | Crepuscular Magazine | https://www.patreon.com/posts/submission-85137677 | Spec fic | 250 | 10c/w | Anonymous submissions |
21 | Deathcap and Hemlock | https://www.deathcapandhemlock.com/submit | In the style of a recipe blog | 500 | $10 | Sim subs allowed |
22 | Deep Dive Zine | https://blackstoneonawhitestone.wordpress.com/submissions/ | Surreal, experimental, general | 500 | $10 | Submit 5-8 poems or up to 8 microfiction pieces |
23 | Does It Have Pockets | https://www.doesithavepockets.com/subs | General | Complicated | $10 | Mostly pay to play ($3, but free if submitting the last two weeks of February or August). Sim subs allowed, accepts up to 3-5 flash pieces (which includes micros and drabbles) in a single document as long as the total stays under 5k words. |
24 | Exposition Review | https://expositionreview.com/flash-405/ | General | 405 | 1st and 2nd place receive money | Pay to play ($5 entry fee). No sim subs. Open February 4–March 5, April 4–May 5, June 4–July 5, and August 4–September 5 |
25 | Flash Flood | https://flashfloodjournal.blogspot.com/p/submission-guidelines.html | General | 300 | Non-paying | Send up to three pieces, some reprints allowed, publishes once a year |
26 | Flash in a Flash | https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSevmCisH9YYFNfaiUfWpoGIXd6vCFXQaO7sTgqceTz3G7Y3Ug/viewform | Spec fic | 1000 | $5 | They've accepted a lot of micros under 500 words in the past and I think they would take drabbles as well. |
27 | Flickers of Fear | https://www.offlimitspress.com/flickers-of-fear | Themed | 300 | $25 | Submit up to 3 pieces, open 1-7 Jan |
28 | Free Flash Fiction | https://freeflashfiction.com/submissions/ | General | 500 | Non-paying | Only acceptances will be contacted. Reprints allowed |
29 | Freedom Fiction Journal | https://www.freedomfiction.com/submissions/ | Spec fic | 500 | Non-paying | No notes on sim subs or multiples |
30 | Friday Flash Fiction | https://www.fridayflashfiction.com/ | General | 500 | Non-paying | Sim subs allowed,151-500 words, must have submitted two 100-word stories here before submitting 500-word stories. Submission must have been written within the last 7 days. Friendly editor. |
31 | Gooseberry Pie | https://gooseberry-pie.com/submissions/ | General | 400 | Non-paying | Publishes stories of exactly six-sentences and less than 400 words, send up to 3 stories at a time, sim subs allowed, wait 30 days after response to submit again. |
32 | Grey Sparrow | https://grey-sparrow-press.com/submissions-2/ | Literary, global issues that haunt us all | 500 | Non-paying | Sim subs allowed |
33 | Hoot Review | https://www.hootreview.com/submissions/ | General | 150 | Non-paying | Sim subs and reprints allowed. Wait 6 montsh to submit after a rejection. Submit up to 2 pieces at a time. Publishes 1 piece in print(on a postcard) each month– 1-4 pieces in an online issue. Submission periods January 1st to March 1st, June 1st to August 1st, and October 1st to November 31st. Takes approximently 6 months to repsond, will provide personal feedback, especially upon request. |
34 | Hotazel Review | https://hotazelreviewlit.org/contact/ | General | 500 | Non-paying | Sim subs allowed |
35 | Humana Obscura | https://www.humanaobscura.com/submit | General | 500 | Non-paying | Submit up to 2 pieces, sim subs allowed. No reprints, but does not consider work posted to a blog, social media account, or personal website as published. |
36 | Identity Theory | https://www.identitytheory.com/about/micro-submission-guidelines/ | General | 500 | Non-paying | Submit 1-3 pieces, sim subs allowed, no reprints, should respond within a month. |
37 | In Short | https://inshortjournal.com/home/submissions/ | General | 400 | Non-paying | One piece per cateogory per submission window. Next window 30 Sept - 30 Nov |
38 | Ink in Thirds | https://inkinthirds.org/submissions/ | General | 333 | Non-paying | Sim subs allowed. Reading periods April 1st – July 31st and October 1st – Jan 31st. |
39 | Ink Sack | https://www.cephalopress.com/submissions | Experimental, no genre fiction | 500 | Non-paying | Their favourite themes are anything that captures the human condition, and questions societal beliefs. |
40 | Literary Cocktail Magazine | https://www.literarycocktailmagazine.com/submission-guidelines | General | 300 | Non-paying | Sim subs allowed, acceptances will be informed within three weeks after the submission deadline. Rejections may not be responded to. |
41 | Literary Revelations | https://literaryrevelations.com/submit-lrph/ | General | 500 | Non-paying | May submit up to 2 stories at once, accepts previously published work only if you retained the copyright of your work. |
42 | Little Somethings Press | https://littlesomethingspress.com/submissions/ | Themed | 300 | Honorarium | Sim subs accepted |
43 | Maya's Micros | https://theclosedeyeopen.com/mayas-micros-ed-19/ | General | 108 | Non-paying | Pay to play ($4.50). Multiple subs & sim subs allowed. |
44 | Meow Meow Pow Pow | https://www.meowmeowpowpowlit.com/submission-guidelines.html | Themed | 300 | Non-paying | May submit once per theme, reprints allowed |
45 | Micro | https://micropodcast.org/about/ | General | 300 | Non-paying | Reprints only, no self-published work |
46 | Microcosms | https://microcosmsfic.com/faqs/ | Themed | 300 | Non-paying | Weekly & monthly contest, one $25 award each month. Multiple subs allowed. |
47 | Moon Park Review | https://moonparkreview.com/submission-guidelines/ | General | 200 | Non-paying | Takes pieces up to 750, but if they're 200 words or fewer you can submit 3. Sim subs allowed, no reprints. |
48 | New Flash Fiction Review | https://newflashfiction.com/submit/ | General | 500 | Non-paying | Sim subs allowed, anonymous submission. Submission period June 15-July 15, 2024. May charge a submission fee |
49 | Nunum | https://www.nunum.ca/submissions.html | General | 500 | $20 | Pay to play ($3 entry fee), sim subs and multiple submissions allowed, anonymous submission. |
50 | Odd | https://www.theoddmagazine.com/odd-submissions | General | 500 | Non-paying | |
51 | Panoply | https://panoplyzine.com/ | General | 500 | Non-paying | Sim subs allowed, up to 3 pieces allowed in one submission, anonymous submission, |
52 | Paranoid Tree | https://www.paranoidtree.com/submit | General | 400 | $50 | Sim subs allowed, submit up to 5 pieces at once |
53 | Prose Poems | https://www.prosepoems.com/masthead-2/ | General | 500 | $10 | Prose poetry, flash, and micros as long as they're a paragraph. |
54 | Red Lemon Review | https://theredlemonreview.com/submissions/ | General | 350 | $30 | Sim subs allowed, submit up to 4 pieces at once, wants stories that depict the mundane through a unique lens |
55 | Rhino | https://rhinopoetry.org/general-submissions/ | General | 500 | Non-paying | Sim subs allowed. May submit 3-5 pieces at once, totaling no more than 5 pages |
56 | Rue Scribe | https://underwoodpress.com/ruescribe/submit-your-work/ | General | 500 | Non-paying | Sim subs allowed. May consider some reprints. |
57 | Scaffold Lit | https://www.scaffoldlit.com/ | General | 400 | Non-paying | Sim-subs allowed, no multiples. Microfiction or prose poetry. |
58 | Snowflake Magazine | https://www.snowflakeculture.com/submit-guidelines | Themed | 250 | Non-paying | 3 submissions allowed per issue, reprints allowed. "Submitting to Snowflake Magazine grants us the full rights to publish your submission on our website or in our magazine..." |
59 | Solarpunk | https://solarpunkmagazine.com/micro-fiction/ | Solarpunk | 250 | $25 | 4 submission periods a year: 14-21 Feb, 14-21 May, 14-21 Aug, 14-21 Nov. Capped at 150 subs. Sim subs allowed, no multiple subs. |
60 | Split Lip | https://splitlipthemag.com/submit | General | 400 | $75 | Mostly u1k, but sometimes does specific shorter calls (u400). Sim subs allowed. Sometimes free, sometimes pay to play. Free submisisons January, March, May, August, September, and November. Wait a month after rejection to submit again. Requires address to submit |
61 | Splonk | https://splonk.ie/submit/ | General | 500 | Non-paying | Anonymous submissions, one submission per submission period |
62 | Switch | https://switchonline.org/submit | General | 400 | Non-paying | Submit up to 3 pieces, each piece must be one pargraph. |
63 | Tangled Locks Journal | https://tangledlocksjournal.submittable.com/submit | General | 300 | $15 | Pay to play ($4 entry fee), which supports paying authors. Sim subs accepted. Interested in strong female characters. |
64 | The Violet Hour | https://theviolethourmagazine.com/fiction-nonfiction-art/ | General | 500 | Non-paying | Sim subs allowed, one story at a time. Open for submissions January 1st to March 31st, May 1st to July 31st, and September 1st to November 7th. |
65 | Tiny Frights | https://tinyfrights.com/tiny-frights-submission-guidelines/ | Horror | 260 | Non-paying | Sim subs and reprints allowed, submit up to 6 works in a single submission, |
66 | Unstamatic | https://unstamatic.com/submissions/ | General | 250 | $10 | May submit up to 5 pieces per submission call. Submission periods will only be open for 2-3 days. |
67 | Vestal | https://www.vestalreview.net/guidelines/ | General | 500 | $75 | Pay to play ($3 entry fee). Sim subs allowed. Sumbission periods Feb 10—June 10th and August 1 – November 30. One story per submission. |
68 | Whale Road Review | https://www.whaleroadreview.com/submission-guidelines/ | General | 500 | Non-paying | Sim subs allowed. Open to submissions June 1-15 and December 1-15, one submission per period up to 3 peices per submission. |
69 | Writer Advice | https://writeradvice.com/latest-contest-information/ | General | 500 | Unclear ('financial compensation') | Pay to play ($5) contest, between 1-3 stories as long as the total word count is below 500. Gives feedback. |
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72 | See a market that's not in our database? Let us know here: https://forms.gle/bqGYdUcTXTDmE3oU6 |
A | B | C | D | E | F | |
1 | Market | Link | Genre(s) | Max words | Payment | Other notes |
2 | 365 Tomorrows | https://365tomorrows.com/submission/ | Science fiction | 600 | Non-paying | Sim subs allowed, no reprints, yes multiples. Asks for an address in the form. |
3 | Cosmic Daffodil Journal | https://cosmic-daffodil.squarespace.com/submission-guidelines | Themed | 600 | Non-paying | Sim subs allowed. Submissions should be 300-600 words or less. Sumit once per submission period, with up to two pieces in the document. |
4 | The Journal of Compressed Creative Arts | https://matter.submittable.com/submit | General | 600 | $50 | Submit 1 piece at a time, up to 3 per submission period. Sim subs allowed. Open for submissions March 15 - June 15, September 15 - December 15 |
5 | Trash Cat Lit | https://trashcatlit.com/submissions/ | General | 750 | Non-paying | Submissions are open for the first two weeks of February, June and October or until they reach our cap of 75 Flash Fictions. |
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12 | See a market that's not in our database? Let us know here: https://forms.gle/bqGYdUcTXTDmE3oU6 | |||||
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22 | See a market that's not in our database? Let us know here: https://forms.gle/bqGYdUcTXTDmE3oU6 |
A | B | C | D | E | F | |
1 | Market | Link | Genre(s) | Max words | Payment | Other notes |
2 | Fictive Dream | https://fictivedream.com/submission-guidelines/ | General | 2500 | Non-paying | Sim subs allowed, no reprints, 500 - 2500 words (200-850 for February contest) |
3 | Flash in a Flash | https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSevmCisH9YYFNfaiUfWpoGIXd6vCFXQaO7sTgqceTz3G7Y3Ug/viewform | Spec fic | 1000 | $5 | They've accepted a lot of micros under 500 words in the past and I think they would take drabbles as well. |
4 | Havok | https://gohavok.com/submission-guidelines/ | Themed | 1000 | Non-paying | 300-1000 words, daily/seasonal themes, sim subs allowed, tries to provide feedback on rejections |
5 | Split Lip | https://splitlipthemag.com/submit | General | 1000 | $75 | Mostly u1k, but sometimes does specific shorter calls (u400). Sim subs allowed. Sometimes free, sometimes pay to play. Free submisisons January, March, May, August, September, and November. Wait a month after rejection to submit again. Requires address to submit |
6 | Witcraft | https://witcraft.org/ | General | 1000 | Occasional prizes | 200-1000 words. Focus on brief, humorous, and witty. Reprints accepted. |
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11 | See a market that's not in our database? Let us know here: https://forms.gle/bqGYdUcTXTDmE3oU6 |