1 | Government Entity Name | Law affected (e.g., public records, open meetings) | Summary of measure or policy | Link(s) | |||||||||||||||||||||
2 | Alabama | State of Alabama, Office of the Governor | Open Meetings | Government bodies may conduct meetings electronically and are encouraged to use technology that allows members of the public to listen to, observe, or participate in the meeting. | https://www.alabamanews.net/content/uploads/2020/03/2020-03-18-1st-Supplemental-COVID-19-SOE.pdf | ||||||||||||||||||||
3 | Alabama | Alabama League of Municipalities | Open Meetings | Alabama League of Municipalities asked cities to actively disourage public attendance of government meetings and instead promote virtual attendance by livestreaming and/or incorporating technological features to allow a member of the public to communicate with the governmental body during public hearings and citizen comment portions of meetings. | https://perma.cc/BRK4-QNJS | ||||||||||||||||||||
4 | Alabama | City of Pelham | Public Records | "The Records office is not fulfilling records requests in person. Our records clerks are still working, processing reports daily" via electronic means. Update: as of October 2020, the city is open to in-person requests with certain precautions in place. | https://perma.cc/WKE3-T4JD | ||||||||||||||||||||
5 | Alabama | City of Birmingham | Public Records | "[T]here may be a delay in addressing requests. Please continue to submit public records requests, and we will work to address them." Update: Even as of June 2021, the City is warning of possible delays. Update: As of September 8, 2021, no more COVID delays are being reported. | https://perma.cc/H56Q-MLZG | https://perma.cc/EW2G-S389 | https://perma.cc/4TS3-UVQU | ||||||||||||||||||
6 | Alaska | State Legislature | Open Meetings | Only legislators, their staffers, legislative employees, and credentialed media are allowed inside of the capitol building in Juneau as of March 13, 2020. "Alaskans will be able to participate fully in the public process by following along on Gavel Alaska, AKL.tv, and through written and telephonic testimony." Update: in October 2020, the state capitol was still closed to the public. Update: in the summer of 2021, the capitol was reopened to the public. | https://perma.cc/5ZPA-D7L7 | https://www.adn.com/politics/alaska-legislature/2021/06/16/alaska-lawmakers-reopen-capitol-to-the-public/ | |||||||||||||||||||
7 | Arizona | State of Arizona, Office of the Attorney General | Open Meetings | Public bodies can hold meetings remotely as long as those entities provide ample notice to the public and if they ensure that the public can hear any discussion from the public body and/or other persons making statements. State Attorney General guidance suggests that public bodies could record meetings and post relevant documents/materials discussed at the meeting online. | https://www.azmirror.com/blog/ag-remote-meetings-due-to-coronavirus-ok-under-open-meeting-law/ | ||||||||||||||||||||
8 | Arkansas | State Legislature | Open Meetings | A bill that would allow for electronic meetings by government bodies during the state of emergency passed state legislature and became law in April. The public may attend virtually and such meetings must be recorded. | https://www.arkleg.state.ar.us/Bills/FTPDocument?path=%2FBills%2F2020F%2FPublic%2FHB1082.pdf | ||||||||||||||||||||
9 | Arkansas | Pulaski County Quorum Court | Open Meetings | Meetings have been limited to elected officials and essential staff, according to a news release. The public and press have been asked to watch a live-stream broadcast. | https://www.arkansasonline.com/news/2020/mar/22/experts-see-pandemic-as-test-for-state-/?news | https://pulaskicountyar.swagit.com/live/ | |||||||||||||||||||
10 | California | City of San Leandro | Public Records | A the beginning of the outbreak, the City of San Leandro was only staffing “essential employees” because of a shelter-in-place order from Alameda County. The city said it would need an additional 45 days to respond to records requests after the order is lifted. | https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2020-03-19/coronavirus-california-public-records-requests-suspended | ||||||||||||||||||||
11 | California | Alameda County | Public Records | The Alameda County Clerk-Recorder's Office is continuing to provide access to recorded public records, having deemed doing so an "essential function" of the county. | https://perma.cc/4YYX-4N22 | ||||||||||||||||||||
12 | California | City of Oxnard | Public Records | Delays may still be expected as of June 2021 in processing Public Records Act requests, according to the City's website. | https://perma.cc/2L8J-6PPY | https://perma.cc/QP7H-4R7U | |||||||||||||||||||
13 | California | City of Burlingame | Public Records | "[T]here will be delays in responding to requests for public records for the duration of this emergency." Delays could still be expected as of December 2020. | https://perma.cc/59E7-Z4EM | ||||||||||||||||||||
14 | California | Sonoma County | Public Records | In March 2020, the County responded to PRA requests stating that delays were to be expected and the processing of PRA requets was on hold until the "County resumes normal business operations." At present, the County's website does not speak to COVID-related delays. | https://twitter.com/CPRAlawyer/status/1242593019477417989?s=20 | ||||||||||||||||||||
15 | California | California High-Speed Rail Authority | Public Records | "Our staff is still receiving and processing requests consistent with Government Code section 6250 et. seq., but due to staff working from multiple remote locations, coordination in the retrieval and review of records may take more time. The Authority endeavors to complete Public Records Act requests with minimal delay. We will let you know as soon as possible if there is any delay anticipated for your request." | https://perma.cc/WL99-78VT | https://perma.cc/GBE3-GAHY | |||||||||||||||||||
16 | California | City of Solona Beach | Public Records | Citing its local emergency declaration due to the novel coronavirus outbreak, the city of Solana Beach is “unable to respond to requests received under the California Public Records Act,” according to an email from the city clerk’s office early in the pandemic. In a followup email, City Clerk Angela Ivey clarified that the city will continue to acknowledge receipt of new records requests within 10 days, as required by state law. | https://www.delmartimes.net/news/story/2020-03-30/solana-beach-withholding-public-records-due-to-coronavirus | ||||||||||||||||||||
17 | California | City of Menifee | Public Records | "[T]he City of Menifee will make every effort to respond to you within 10 days. Response times and production of records may be delayed as a result of limited staffing and City Hall closures during the ongoing COVID-19 national, state, and local emergency." The language remains the same as of Sept. 2021. | https://perma.cc/49FS-6QVH | https://perma.cc/96C3-69VX | |||||||||||||||||||
18 | California | City of Yorba Linda | Public Records | Delays to be expected given text on website as of Sept. 2021. | https://perma.cc/RN3H-TH69 | https://perma.cc/527E-E5ZN | |||||||||||||||||||
19 | California | City of Vallejo | Public Records | The City of Valejo Police Department stated in March 2020 that delays were to be expected and the processing of PRA requets was on hold until the city resumes normal business operations. | https://twitter.com/OakMorr/status/1240695502393339905?s=20 | ||||||||||||||||||||
20 | California | City and County of San Diego | Public Records | Delays were expected in the Spring and Summer of 2020. | https://twitter.com/DotKohlhaas/status/1241078365416644608/photo/1 | https://www.nbcsandiego.com/news/investigations/closed-to-the-public-local-governments-respond-slowly-or-not-at-all-to-requests-for-covid-19-information-and-records/2296678/ | https://www.voiceofsandiego.org/topics/government/some-local-agencies-are-no-longer-responding-to-public-records-requests/ | ||||||||||||||||||
21 | California | Los Angeles Unified School District | Public Records | Delays were expected in the Spring and Summer of 2020. | https://twitter.com/DotKohlhaas/status/1240742426513305600?s=20 | ||||||||||||||||||||
22 | California | City of Fremont | Public Records | In the Spring of 2020, the City stated it would not register incoming records requests as "received" for the time being. | https://twitter.com/mattdrange/status/1240700708334080002 | ||||||||||||||||||||
23 | California | State of California, Office of the Governor | Open Meetings | Executive Order N-25-20 allows state and local bodies to hold meetings via teleconference and to make meetings accessible electronically, noting that members of the public should be granted electronic/telephonic access. | https://www.gov.ca.gov/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/3.12.20-EO-N-25-20-COVID-19.pdf | ||||||||||||||||||||
24 | California | City of San Pablo | Public Records | "[W]hile continuing to be committed to governmental transparency, there will be delays in responding to requests for public records for the duration of this emergency. Your understanding is appreciated." This language remains the same as of June 2021. | https://perma.cc/VD54-XPQ3 | https://perma.cc/9LGH-5RNH | |||||||||||||||||||
25 | California | City of Burbank | Public Records | At the beginning of the pandemic, Burbank stated: "[T]he City has determined that responding to Public Records Act requests within the statutory time frames are not essential services . . . . However, you are advised that the City anticipates being delayed with responding to both previously received and new PRA requests . . . ." | https://www.burbankpd.org/requests-for-public-records-during-covid-19-crisis/ | https://www.troutman.com/insights/covid-19-has-blocked-access-to-court-records-how-to-deal-with-disputes-and-reinserting-information-under-the-fcra.html | |||||||||||||||||||
26 | California | City of Santa Clara | Public Records | Delays reported in April 2020. | https://www.sanjoseinside.com/2020/04/09/government-transparency-suffers-amid-pandemic/ | ||||||||||||||||||||
27 | California | City of Santa Monica | Public Records | "[T]here may be delays in responding to public record requests for the duration of this emergency." The delays appear to have been in effect through June 2020. | https://perma.cc/2NL9-KGPQ | https://www.santamonica.gov/coronavirus-emergencyorders | |||||||||||||||||||
28 | California | Orange County Mosquito and Vector Control District | Public Records | "Due to these emergency circumstances, the District’s response to your Public Records Act request may be delayed. We expect to address your PRA request when normal business operations resume." This language remains on the website as of Sept. 2021. | https://perma.cc/9FVK-YF46 | https://perma.cc/8932-UFE6 | |||||||||||||||||||
29 | California | City of Santa Cruz | Public Records | The City of Santa Cruz has informed the public that “[a]s part of the COVID-19 response, City offices will be closed beginning March 17, 2020. Accordingly, our response times for public records act requests during this closure will be delayed. We will, however, diligently process any pending requests as staff time permits or upon our return.” As of December 2020, delays appear to still be occuring. As of June 2021, delays no longer appear to be in effect. | https://perma.cc/FCY7-VWPF | ||||||||||||||||||||
30 | California | City of West Hollywood | Public Records | Delays to be expected in processing PRA requests. Up to date through June 2021. | https://perma.cc/XSH3-RSUQ | https://perma.cc/RB7X-EY3V | |||||||||||||||||||
31 | California | City of San Carlos | Public Records | Delays to be expected in processing PRA requests. Up to date through October 2020. As of June 2021, the website reports no COVID delays to be expected. | https://perma.cc/Y2SM-3FES | ||||||||||||||||||||
32 | California | City of Lancaster | Public Records | "[W]hile continuing to be committed to governmental transparency, there will be delays in responding to requests for public records for the duration of this emergency." Up to date through June 2021. | https://perma.cc/GZ5E-CFHJ | https://perma.cc/825S-KAJF | |||||||||||||||||||
33 | California | City of Santa Ana | Public Records | "[A] response to your request will be delayed. An update on the status will be provided every 30 days." Up to date through June 2021. | https://perma.cc/J8NP-3LP4 | https://perma.cc/P58L-RE79 | |||||||||||||||||||
34 | California | City of Buena Park | Public Records | "The City is processing requests for public records on a “first come, first served” basis, and as staffing levels and availability permit. However, the City’s capacity to respond promptly during this crisis is limited, and the City estimates it will take at least thirty days to identify any non-exempt records that are responsive to your request, and to make those copies available for review. If the request is complex or seeks a large volume of materials, there may be additional delays." This language was on the City's website until at least October 2020. As of June 2021, no reported delays. | https://perma.cc/AV3H-HPHY | ||||||||||||||||||||
35 | California | City of Redwood City | Public Records | "If you are submitting a Public Records Act request, please be advised that in-person inspections and pickup of records are on hold until City Hall re-opens. Additionally, there may be delays to the production of records, however the City Clerk’s Office will make every effort to provide records electronically and timely." Up to date through June 2021. | https://perma.cc/3YYB-XU93 | https://perma.cc/2GWM-QEUC | |||||||||||||||||||
36 | California | City of Vernon | Public Records | Delays to be expected in processing PRA requests. Update: As of July 6, 2020, the language indicating delays appears to have been removed from the City's website. The original language has been archived at the accompanying link. | https://perma.cc/X7U5-TQFV | ||||||||||||||||||||
37 | California | City of Santa Rosa | Public Records | "[A] response to your request will be delayed." Up to date through June 2021. | https://perma.cc/28CU-JF5S | https://perma.cc/3PW9-NNRJ | |||||||||||||||||||
38 | California | City of San Francisco | Public Records | In a March 13, 2020 declaration, Mayor Breed proclaimed that two sections of the city’s administrative code that require city agencies to respond to disclosure requests in a timely manner had been “suspended for the duration” of the coronavirus emergency. | https://sf.gov/sites/default/files/2020-03/SupplementalDeclaration2_03132020_stamped.pdf | https://sfpublicpress.org/news/2020-03/san-franciscos-move-to-delay-public-records-disclosures-criticized | |||||||||||||||||||
39 | California | City of Hawthorne | Public Records | In March 2020, the mayor stated: "[P]ublic records requests and other services will be delayed until the end of this situation." | https://perma.cc/BSW2-YR5Q | ||||||||||||||||||||
40 | California | City of Oakland | Public Records | Delays were reported in April 2020. | https://www.politico.com/states/florida/story/2020/04/01/coronavirus-clampdown-the-virus-casts-a-shroud-over-american-civic-life-1270386 | ||||||||||||||||||||
41 | California | South Coast Air Quality Management District | Public Records | Delays to be expected in processing PRA requests. Up to date through June 2021. | https://perma.cc/WUF4-QSEZ | https://perma.cc/LE7K-VPC7 | |||||||||||||||||||
42 | California | City of Fresno | Public Records | The City of Fresno suspended “immediate responses” to public records requests, according to an email from the city attorney’s office; in the Spring of 2020, Fresno did not register incoming records requests as "received." The city will resume responding to requests once the emergency declaration ends. The city issued Ordinance No. 2020-010 which construes CPRA compliance as a “non-essential city service.” | https://twitter.com/mattdrange/status/1240700708334080002 | https://www.fresno.gov/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/Ord-2020-010-Adding-Section-2-514-to-the-Municipal-Code-Regarding-COVID-19-Pandemic-Emergency.pdf | |||||||||||||||||||
43 | California | City of Chula Vista | Public Records | In March 2020, it was reported that delays were to be expected. | https://www.nbcsandiego.com/news/investigations/closed-to-the-public-local-governments-respond-slowly-or-not-at-all-to-requests-for-covid-19-information-and-records/2296678/ | ||||||||||||||||||||
44 | California | City of Carlsbad | Public Records | In March 2020, it was reported that delays were to be expected. | https://www.nbcsandiego.com/news/investigations/closed-to-the-public-local-governments-respond-slowly-or-not-at-all-to-requests-for-covid-19-information-and-records/2296678/ | ||||||||||||||||||||
45 | Colorado | State Legislature | Open Meetings | Pending in the state legislature was House Bill 20-1308, which would have let elected officials exchange emails unrelated to “the merits or substance” of pending legislation or other public business, without potentially violating the open meetings law. If elected officials forwarded information, scheduled meetings or responded “reply all” to a constituent’s inquiry sent to the entire body, it wouldn’t be “meeting” under the law. (Such emails, however, would still be subject to disclosure under the Colorado Open Records Act.) No action was taken on the bill since May of 2020. | http://leg.colorado.gov/bills/hb20-1308 | https://coloradofoic.org/coronavirus-and-colorados-sunshine-law/ | |||||||||||||||||||
46 | Colorado | State Legislature | Open Meetings | H.B. 20-1301 passed the state legislature and was signed by the governor on March 18, 2020: it permits electronic meetings by Colorado school boards and requires public bodies to have the proper technology in place to allow members of the public to virtually access the meeting. | https://legiscan.com/CO/bill/HB1301/2020 | ||||||||||||||||||||
47 | Colorado | City of Boulder | Open Meetings | The City of Boulder encouraged the public to participate in meetings remotely and provided remote call-in phone numbers that can be used to make public comments. | https://www.dailycamera.com/2020/03/12/boulder-city-council-to-consider-emergency-remote-meeting-ordinance-amid-coronavirus/ | ||||||||||||||||||||
48 | Colorado | Town of Castle Rock | Public Records | "Limited staff is available to respond to open record requests due to the COVID-19 situation." The language remained on the Town's website through at least December 17, 2020. As of June 2021, no delays are being reported. | https://perma.cc/L7TX-DQDG | ||||||||||||||||||||
49 | Colorado | Denver Water | Public Records | "March 13, 2020: Due to the extenuating circumstances surrounding the COVID-19 virus, Denver Water is experiencing a slower response time for CORA requests due to short-staffing. We ask for your patience as some requests may take longer than normal." The language remained on the agency's website as of June 2021, but as of Sept. 2021, no COVID delays are reported. | https://perma.cc/W8MA-VUBX | https://perma.cc/9JCY-P7WF | https://perma.cc/USG7-S6DW | ||||||||||||||||||
50 | Colorado | Douglas County School District | Public Records | In April 2020, it was reported that a "records assistant for the Douglas County School District informed [a] reporter . . . the district wouldn’t respond to her request until after district offices reopen." | https://coloradofoic.org/some-colorado-governments-put-public-records-requests-on-the-back-burner-during-the-pandemic/ | ||||||||||||||||||||
51 | Connecticut | State of Connecticut, Office of the Governor | Open Meetings | Gov. Lamont issued Exec. Order 7B which provides that the in-person meeting requirements of the state’s FOIA (and any municipal ordinance or regulation) are suspended to the extent necessary to permit an agency to meet and take action without requiring in-person public access, and to hold such meetings remotely, provided that: the meetings allow the public to view or listen to “in real time, by telephone, video, or other technology;” are recorded or transcribed; that notice and an agenda are provided online, including information about how the public can access the meeting; and other steps to ensure meaningful public access. | https://portal.ct.gov/-/media/Office-of-the-Governor/Executive-Orders/Lamont-Executive-Orders/Executive-Order-No-7B.pdf | ||||||||||||||||||||
52 | Connecticut | State of Connecticut, Office of the Governor | Public Records | Gov. Lamont issued Exec. Order 7M, Part 1 of which suspends the time requirements to file appeals with the Freedom of Information Commission. Part 2 of the order grants authority to each department head, commissioner, or agency head to extend, as necessary, any statutory or regulatory time requirements or other deadlines for a period not to exceed 90 days. Part 2 was repealed on May 20, 2021. (Part 1 remains in effect as of June 2021.) | https://portal.ct.gov/-/media/Office-of-the-Governor/Executive-Orders/Lamont-Executive-Orders/Executive-Order-No-7M.pdf?la=en | https://portal.ct.gov/-/media/Office-of-the-Governor/Executive-Orders/Lamont-Executive-Orders/Executive-Order-No-12B.pdf | |||||||||||||||||||
53 | Delaware | City of Wilmington | Open Meetings | The Wilmington City Council switched to videoconferencing technology to conduct its public meetings. For its first remote meeting on March 19, 2020, the Council provided an access link on its website and outlined procedures for public comment and participation in the meeting. | https://www.wilmingtoncitycouncil.com/city-council-invites-public-to-participate-in-march-19-2020-virtual-city-council-meeting/ | ||||||||||||||||||||
54 | Delaware | State of Delaware, Office of the Governor | Public Records | "The statutory time periods for responses to requests for public records made pursuant to 29 Del. C. § 10003 . . . are hereby extended until 15 business days following the termination of any active Declaration of a State of Emergency." The state of emergency lifted on July 13, 2021 and was replaced by a narrower public health emergency that remains in effect as of Sept. 8, 2021 but does not appear to impact public records. | https://governor.delaware.gov/wp-content/uploads/sites/24/2020/03/Fourth-Modification-to-State-of-Emergency-03222020.pdf | https://perma.cc/JB9L-GVKA | https://news.delaware.gov/2021/07/12/governor-carney-lifts-covid-19-state-of-emergency/ | ||||||||||||||||||
55 | Delaware | State of Delaware, Office of the Governor | Open Meetings | Public bodies can hold meetings electronically if technology is used that allows the public to contemporaneously hear the proceedings and the public body is able to also receive comment from the public. The public must be able to virtually access meeting materials and participate in the virtual meeting. | https://governor.delaware.gov/wp-content/uploads/sites/24/2020/03/State-of-Emergency_03122020.pdf | ||||||||||||||||||||
56 | Delaware | City of Dover | Public Records | The City of Dover informs requesters that "due to restrictions on staff, facilities, and databases, we may be unable to process some requests until the State of Emergency is lifted." Up to date through July 8, 2021. | https://perma.cc/R76G-L5RU | https://perma.cc/95F9-FEBP | |||||||||||||||||||
57 | Delaware | Sussex County | Public Records | "Be advised, processing of records requests during the COVID-19 crisis may be significantly delayed, based on staffing availability and operational needs . . . ." As of December 17, 2020, such language, originally added in the Spring and having lasted through the Summer, has been removed from the County website. | https://perma.cc/5PQZ-WGXM | ||||||||||||||||||||
58 | District of Columbia | D.C. Council | Public Records | The “COVID-19 Response Emergency Amendment Act of 2020,” passed on March 17, 2020, amended the D.C. Official Code to allow entities to refuse to process D.C. FOIA requests during “days of a COVID-19 closure.” This modification led to substantial backlogs and was in place through 2020. UPDATE: The DC Council voted to reinstate processing deadlines for 2021, but delays can still be expected. | https://dccouncil.us/covid-19-response-emergency-amendment-act-of-2020/ | https://dcogc.org/blog/new-data-on-d-c-public-records-requests-show-backlog-mounting-could-last-for-months/ | https://dcogc.org/blog/d-c-council-votes-to-restore-foia-processing-deadlines-in-the-new-year-but-backlog-could-last-to-march/ | https://www.open-dc.gov/documents/post-public-health-emergency-guidance-foia-officers | |||||||||||||||||
59 | District of Columbia | D.C. Council | Open Meetings | D.C. Act 23-247 amends D.C.'s Open Meetings Act by requiring public bodies to take "steps reasonably calculated to allow the public to view or hear the meeting while the meeting is taking place, or, if doing so is not technologically feasible, as soon as reasonably practicable thereafter." | https://perma.cc/TMW5-3UXM | ||||||||||||||||||||
60 | District of Columbia | Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority | Public Records | Regarding documents that are published under WMATA's Public Access to Records Policy, "effective immediately processing of PARP requests has been temporarily suspended until further notice." The suspension, which was in place through the summer of 2020, no longer appears to be in effect as of December 2020. | https://perma.cc/FYG9-A8SW | ||||||||||||||||||||
61 | Florida | State of Florida, Office of the Governor | Open Meetings | EO 20-69 allows local government bodies to use telephonic and video conferencing for public meetings. No other requirements of the state's open meetings law (like notice) are waived except for the portion requiring a physical quorum. | https://www.flgov.com/wp-content/uploads/orders/2020/EO_20-69.pdf | ||||||||||||||||||||
62 | Florida | Seminole County Sheriff's Office | Public Records | The following language appeared on the website from March through September 28, 2020: "In response to COVID-19, the Records office will be closed to in-person requests. Members of the public can use the agency website in order to request records. Please note that mailed requests may have a longer delay then by e-mail, fax or phone." Now, the office is open for in-person requests again. | https://perma.cc/P2J4-D58N | https://perma.cc/DQ2H-5MHP | |||||||||||||||||||
63 | Florida | Pompano Beach City Commission | Open Meetings | Meetings will be held virtually; live streaming is available; remote public participation is allowed, and detailed instructions for access and participation are provided. | https://pompanobeachfl.gov/assets/docs/pages/emergency_management/vr_meeting_2.pdf | ||||||||||||||||||||
64 | Florida | Town of Cutler Bay | Public Records | "Please be advised that given the current situation related to COVID-19, should a mandated quarantine, or any other mandate occur that will affect staffing, there may be a delay in the Town's response." Up to date as of June 2021. | https://perma.cc/3PQ4-EMRL | https://perma.cc/AA3H-NV6B | |||||||||||||||||||
65 | Florida | City of Winter Haven | Public Records | Those seeking public records are encouraged to use online services whenever possible. The Police Department Records Division was closed to walk-ins during the Spring and Summer of 2020 but as of December 2020 it is now open. | https://perma.cc/X2NL-GWGS | ||||||||||||||||||||
66 | Florida | City of Groveland | Public Records | Delays to be expected. Website lists methods of acquiring public records by phone, email, and snail mail. Up to date through Nov. 2021. | https://perma.cc/3MFA-L5KY | https://perma.cc/FM54-UFSX | |||||||||||||||||||
67 | Florida | Okaloosa County School District | Public Records | "Public Records requests may be delayed while the District is addressing the COVID-19 situation. Due to the Stay in Place Order issued in Florida on 4/1/2020, responses will be extremely delayed. Please check back with our office in May." Update: As of December 18, 2020, this language remains the same. | https://perma.cc/V2RF-7WC4 | ||||||||||||||||||||
68 | Florida | Hillsborough Area Regional Transit | Public Records | "As a result of this re-prioritization of activities and reduction of staffing levels, you may experience a delay in a substantive response to your public record request." Up to date through June 2021. | https://perma.cc/RR23-NSJ2 | https://perma.cc/AAW6-WMC6 | |||||||||||||||||||
69 | Georgia | Georgia Municipal Association | Open Meetings | The Georgia Municipal Association sent a memo to its members affirming that while Georgia’s Open Meetings Act requires city meetings to be open to the public, O.C.G.A. §50-14-1(g), the Act allows cities to conduct meetings via teleconference without a requirement of having a quorum present in person when “necessitated by emergency conditions,” if notice is provided and simultaneous access is afforded to the public. On public access, the memo states: “The city should also consider its own technological capabilities to provide appropriate access to the public.” | https://www.gacities.com/GeorgiaCitiesSite/media/PDF/Coronavirus-Memo-for-Georgia-Cities-final.pdf | ||||||||||||||||||||
70 | Georgia | City of Atlanta | Public Records | Delays to be expected. "If you have requested records via email and are having difficulty reaching the appropriate custodian of those records, you may forward a copy of your email request to ChiefTransparencyOfficer@atlantaga.gov for assistance[.]" As of Nov. 2021, the City's website still advises of unavoidable delays. | https://perma.cc/YW3R-NRH7 | https://perma.cc/5VCF-MPQJ | https://perma.cc/T986-C63E | https://perma.cc/ZP96-27XZ | |||||||||||||||||
71 | Hawaii | Maui County Council | Open Meetings | The Maui County Council will continue to conduct legislative business, though the public is encouraged to practice proper social distancing and provide testimony via email. Specifically, Chairman Ikaika Anderson encouraged people at a March 17, 2020 press conference to watch proceedings remotely and to submit their testimony online. | https://mauitime.com/news/health/covid-19-impacts-state-and-county-sixteen-confirmed-cases-in-hawai%CA%BBi-as-gov-ige-asks-tourists-not-to-come/ | ||||||||||||||||||||
72 | Hawaii | State Legislature | Open Meetings | Hawaii’s Office of Information Practices (OIP) urged the state legislature to add an amendment to S.B. 2038, S.D. 1 that would temporarily allow meetings subject to the Sunshine Law to provide public access to meetings via interactive conference technology without admitting the public to the room where the board is physically meeting. Per the requested amendment, boards would provide the public with remote access to the meeting via livestreaming or similar means, and a linked physical location available for public participation. | https://oip.hawaii.gov/whats-new/oip-supports-emergency-measures/ | https://www.capitol.hawaii.gov/measure_indiv.aspx?billtype=SB&billnumber=2038&year=2020 | |||||||||||||||||||
73 | Hawaii | State of Hawaii, Office of the Governor | Public Records; Open Meetings | Gov. David Ige issued a proclamation on March 16, 2020 suspending the state's public meetings and public records law, stating that boards “shall consider reasonable measures to allow public participation consistent with social distancing,” but that no board action would be invalid “if such measures are not taken.” No explanation was given for the suspension of the public records law. UPDATE: On May 5, 2020, Gov. Ige issued a new proclamation w/r/t the public records law that states that agencies can still delay responding to requests, but should at least acknowledge receipt. UPDATE: The suspension of the public records law was supposed to expire on December 31, 2020, but was extended. On June 7, 2021, Ige issued a proclamation mostly retaining the suspension of the UIPA but requires that agencies processing backlogged requests give priority to: (i) requests that do not require redaction and (ii) requests made in the public interest. In August 2021, the modifications were lifted and the UIPA is back in full effect. | https://www.civilbeat.org/2020/03/suspension-of-hawaiis-open-government-laws-more-extreme-than-other-states/ | https://www.fmcsa.dot.gov/sites/fmcsa.dot.gov/files/2020-03/Hawaii%20Gov%20Supplementary%20Emergency%20Proclamation%20for%20COVID-19%203.16.2020.pdf | https://www.civilbeat.org/2020/05/ige-backs-off-his-suspension-of-state-open-government-laws/ | https://perma.cc/GNN3-QC2Z | https://governor.hawaii.gov/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/2012088-ATG_Seventeenth-Proclamation-Related-to-the-COVID-19-Emergency-distribution-signed.pdf | https://perma.cc/JPY4-9EPP | https://perma.cc/75AM-M752 | https://www.capitol.hawaii.gov/Session2021/Testimony/SB134_SD1_TESTIMONY_PDP_03-16-21_.PDF | |||||||||||||
74 | Hawaii | State of Hawaii, Office of the Governor | Public Records | "Gov. David Ige’s office declined to provide copies of communications about the coronavirus that his staff exchanged with the state Department of Health . . . . The Associated Press asked for the documents in May under Hawaii’s open records law . . . . Ige’s office said it would not comply, [] citing an emergency order he signed suspending deadlines for such information due to the pandemic." | https://www.hawaiipublicradio.org/post/hawaii-governor-declines-address-open-records-request#stream/0 | ||||||||||||||||||||
75 | Hawaii | Hawaii Office of Information Practices | Open Meetings | November 2020: Hawaii Office of Information Practices, the state agency whose mission is to administer the Sunshine Law, is proposing to amend the open meetings law to allow boards to conduct virtual/remote meetings. OIP plans to submit the proposal as part of the governor’s 2021 legislative package. | https://oip.hawaii.gov/whats-new/oip-posts-third-draft-of-sunshine-law-proposal/ | ||||||||||||||||||||
76 | Idaho | City of Boise | Public Records | Unknown delay in processing public records requests. Up to date through Nov. 2021. | https://perma.cc/7TP2-BYGH | https://perma.cc/T7PZ-MQ8J | https://perma.cc/9L9S-8ABB | ||||||||||||||||||
77 | Idaho | Idaho Department of Environmental Quality | Public Records | Delays to be expected in processing public records requests, especially paper copies, through at least December 21, 2020. No reported delays as of June 2021. | https://perma.cc/W4ZF-PQ4C | ||||||||||||||||||||
78 | Illinois | State of Illinois, Office of the Governor | Open Meetings | Gov. Pritzker issued an exec. order on March 16, 2020, waiving a portion of the state’s Open Meetings Act that requires a quorum of members of a public body to be “physically present” at the meeting location and suspends limitations on when remote participation is allowed. While it notes that members of the public can still “monitor” the meeting, it does not specifically address public participation. | https://www.isbe.net/Documents/EO2020-07.pdf | https://www2.illinois.gov/Pages/Executive-Orders/ExecutiveOrder2020-18.aspx | |||||||||||||||||||
79 | Illinois | Chicago Police Board | Open Meetings | The Chicago Police Board has shifted its meetings to remote audio-conferencing; the Board is providing advance notice and detailed instructions for members of the public to access the meeting and provide public comment. | https://www.chicago.gov/city/en/depts/cpb/provdrs/public_meetings/alerts/2020/march/notice-and-agenda-for-the-march-19-police-board-meeting--this-me.html | ||||||||||||||||||||
80 | Illinois | City of Waukegan | Public Records | "The Office of the City Clerk will continue to keep the public informed . . . [and] process FOIA’s. . . during this time." | https://perma.cc/M7XC-4JP8 | ||||||||||||||||||||
81 | Illinois | Chicago Public Schools | Public Records | Chicago Public Schools stated in the Spring of 2020 that "disruption in normal operations caused by the COVID-19 pandemic may result in responses to FOIA requests being significantly delayed or impaired." As of December 2020, this language which was on CPS's website throughout the Summer is no longer posted, indicating that COVID delays may no longer be an issue. | https://perma.cc/X43R-GJR6 | ||||||||||||||||||||
82 | Illinois | City of Chicago | Public Records | "Hours after Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s administration said it would automatically reject all Freedom of Information Act requests submitted by the public due to reductions in city services caused by the coronavirus emergency, the mayor reversed course and said she would follow the Illinois attorney general’s guidance on the issue." | https://www.chicagotribune.com/politics/ct-chicago-suspends-fulfilling-foia-requests-20200318-wfftqzyzrrdx5fgn2rgn65fu74-story.html | ||||||||||||||||||||
83 | Illinois | State of Illinois, Office of the Attorney General | Open Meetings | Illinois requires public bodies to allow for public comment, and the state's attorney general said public bodies should consider taking public comment by email and reading those comments at the meeting. If the meeting is convening by electronic means, the body should ensure the public has means to both observe and comment. | https://perma.cc/F9WQ-5RWJ | ||||||||||||||||||||
84 | Illinois | State of Illinois, Office of the Attorney General | Public Records | Illinois Attorney General Kwame Raoul advised that public bodies should continue to comply with FOIA and respond to each request promptly, to the extent they are able to, given limits on staff and resources during the pandemic. He advised that state entities may extend their response time by five business days, particularly if responding to the request is unduly burdensome under these circumstances, requires review by an unavailable or ill staff member, or requires resources to obtain records located off-site. | https://perma.cc/UCF8-7Q5K | ||||||||||||||||||||
85 | Illinois | Chicago City Council | Open Meetings | The Better Government Association filed suit against the Chicago City Council over a series of conference calls that violate the Open Meetings Act. The closed meetings focused on the city’s response to COVID-19 and protests in following the death of George Floyd. The suit filed in Cook County Circuit Court asked a judge to order the City Council to follow the Open Meetings Act by holding such meetings in public and providing advance notice, agendas and opportunity for public comment. | https://www.bettergov.org/news/bga-sues-chicago-city-council-over-open-meetings-act-violations/?utm_source=opa-violation&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=opa-violation&eType=EmailBlastContent&eId=ef2993b5-4365-4ce3-a331-719b0544ef1a | ||||||||||||||||||||
86 | Indiana | State of Indiana, Office of the Governor | Open Meetings | Gov. Holcomb provided guidance, last updated on March 23, 2020, for public agencies, members of the public and of the media. The guidance explains that the governor's Executive Orders (No. 20-04; -09; etc.) modified certain provisions of the Open Door Law by allowing for electronic meetings. The guidance notes that public access should be facilitated electronically and specifically advises that agencies should notify the news media of any cancellation of public meetings and provide notice on the agency’s website as far in advance as practicable. | https://perma.cc/5HME-NJ9J | ||||||||||||||||||||
87 | Indiana | State of Indiana, Office of the Governor | Open Meetings; Public Records | Gov. Holcomb issued Executive Order 20-09 which says that "strict compliance" with deadlines in regulatory statutes is "hindering" coping with the emergency. The EO suspends the requirement that public bodies must explicitly adopt a policy allowing for public participation at virtual meetings. With respect to public records, the EO required that phone requests for records be suspended through April 6, 2020, and any electronic or physical record request submitted until then would be acknowledged within a "reasonable amount of time" starting April 7, 2020. Pre-COVID deadlines for responding to requests were placed back in effect at the end of May 2020. | https://www.in.gov/gov/files/Executive%20Order%2020-09%20(Continuity%20of%20Government%20Operations).pdf | https://www.kriegdevault.com/insights/exceptions-indianas-open-door-law-access-public-records-act-set | |||||||||||||||||||
88 | Iowa | Iowa Public Information Board | Open Meetings | The Iowa Public Information Board issued guidance on March 12, 2020, explaining that public meetings can be held electronically per Iowa Code section 21.8, and such meetings must allow for public access and must provide proper notice. | https://perma.cc/T4N7-YFGJ | ||||||||||||||||||||
89 | Iowa | State of Iowa, Office of the Governor | Open Meetings | Gov. Reynolds issued a proclamation allowing public meetings to be held electronically, "provided that the governmental body properly notices the meeting or hearing and includes a telephone conference number or website address that permits the public to participate in the meeting or hearing." This remains in effect as of Jan. 2021. | https://governor.iowa.gov/sites/default/files/documents/Public%20Health%20Proclamation%20-%202020.03.19.pdf | https://perma.cc/Y7Z7-ZT9Y | |||||||||||||||||||
90 | Iowa | State of Iowa, Office of the Governor | Public Records | Gov. Reynolds issued a proclamation suspending the ability to inspect public records in-person during the state of the emergency. It is sections 40–41 in the accompanying link to the proclamation. This remained in effect through June 26, 2021. | https://governor.iowa.gov/sites/default/files/documents/Public%20Health%20Proclamation%20-%202020.04.10%20%282%29.pdf | https://perma.cc/Y7Z7-ZT9Y | https://perma.cc/CKP8-E4MP | ||||||||||||||||||
91 | Kansas | Kansas Department of Transportation | Public Records | The Kansas Dep't of Transportation posted a notice on its website informing the public that starting March 23, 2020, KDOT employees will not be at the office and they will "respond to your [records] request when we return to work." Delays, therefore, are expected. As of Jan. 2021, that language no longer appears on the KDOT website, but KDOT still encourages electronic submission of requests due to potential USPS delays. | https://perma.cc/LQ4Q-CTD6 | ||||||||||||||||||||
92 | Kansas | State of Kansas, Office of the Attorney General | Open Meetings | On March 20, 2020, Kansas Attorney General Derek Schmidt proposed formal rules for state and local governments to ensure their meetings remain open to the public while promoting social distancing. Schmidt notes that public bodies should "go the extra mile to ensure their actions are transparent during the time of emergency." The rules state that if meetings are conducted by phone or video, members of the public must be able to join in the electronic conferencing in order to listen to or observe the meeting. | https://perma.cc/4S6F-KN7V | ||||||||||||||||||||
93 | Kansas | Wyandotte County | Public Records | Open records requests are delayed in Wyandotte County by 30 days, as of March 25, 2020. | https://twitter.com/MattFlenerKMBC/status/1242821418087337985 | ||||||||||||||||||||
94 | Kentucky | State of Kentucky, Office of the Governor | Open Meetings | Gov. Andy Beshear announced new guidance on March 12, 2020, instructing boards and commissions to cancel in-person meetings and instead use video technology. The guidance states that boards and commissions should provide the public with a link to access the meeting, explicitly stating that “[m]embers of the public should be encouraged to view video-teleconferenced meetings remotely.” | https://governor.ky.gov/attachments/20200312_Memo_Board-Teleconferencing-Covid19.pdf | ||||||||||||||||||||
95 | Kentucky | State of Kentucky, Office of the Attorney General | Open Meetings | "[A] public agency should precisely identify a website, television station, or other technological means by which the public may view a meeting conducted under the Act until the conclusion of the state of emergency." The Opinion notes that "[u]nder virtually all other circumstances, it should always be feasible to provide a physical location for the public to observe a video teleconference or attend an open meeting." However, "these are not normal circumstances." | https://ag.ky.gov/Priorities/Government-Transparency/opinions/Opinions%20New/OAG%2020-05.pdf | ||||||||||||||||||||
96 | Kentucky | State Legislature | Public Records | Included in the text of SB150 is: "Notwithstanding KRS 61.872 and 61.880, a public agency shall respond to the request to inspect or receive copies of public records within 10 days of its receipt." This extends the time an agency has to respond to public records requests by one week. It was signed by the governor on March 30, 2020, and was still in effect as of February 2021. As of June 2021, there is "confusion" about whether the week-long extension is still in effect. See the accompanying public records guide at pp. 27. | https://apps.legislature.ky.gov/record/20RS/sb150.html | https://ag.ky.gov/Documents/2021%20%20-%20Open%20Records%20Open%20Meetings%20Guide.pdf | https://perma.cc/W2L9-RWWB | ||||||||||||||||||
97 | Kentucky | State Police | Public Records | The Kentucky State Police continues to refer to SB150, signed into law in March 2020, which extended the deadline to respond to public records requests, alerting requesters to the fact that the agency will use the new deadline in processing requests. Up to date as of Nov. 2021. | https://perma.cc/9C8M-64NR | https://perma.cc/4GNB-82UY | |||||||||||||||||||
98 | Kentucky | City of Louisville | Public Records | When the Kentucky Center for Investigative Reporting sought records from the Louisville government, the City's response was: “The staff necessary to respond to this request are also devoted to assisting in the city’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic; thus, it would be a burden not only to them, but also to the residents of Louisville Metro relying on Metro’s work if they were to respond to this request at this time.” | https://kycir.org/2020/04/07/louisville-officials-wont-release-spending-records-amid-pandemic/?fbclid=IwAR36FVCPje7ACMjbx8xOUU9er9xLuF4ebhwKxP0l61XRhKnzyYBX1gzmPso | ||||||||||||||||||||
99 | Kentucky | City of Louisville | Open Meetings | On July 30, 2020, a judge ruled that "Louisville Metro Council and Mayor Greg Fischer must halt their secret teleconferences discussing the city's response to COVID-19." | https://www.courier-journal.com/story/news/politics/metro-government/2020/07/30/louisville-mayor-metro-council-must-halt-secret-calls-judge-rules/5547311002/ | https://www.courier-journal.com/story/news/politics/metro-government/2020/07/20/courier-journal-sues-over-secret-calls-pandemic-and-protests/5444890002/ | |||||||||||||||||||
100 | Kentucky | Marshall County Fiscal Court | Public Records | Delays to be expected as of April 2020. | https://www.facebook.com/419650175248377/posts/655491704997555/?d=n | ||||||||||||||||||||
101 | Louisiana | State of Louisiana, Office of the Governor | Open Meetings | Gov. John Bel Edwards issued a proclamation on March 13, 2020, section 5 of which reads: “The Louisiana Legislature is hereby requested to consider a suspension resolution which would allow for the suspension of any legal requirements to ensure the continued operation of state and local government, including such issues as legal deadlines and quorum requirements for open meetings.” It makes no mention of ensuring public participation. | https://gov.louisiana.gov/assets/ExecutiveOrders/27-JBE-2020-COVID-19.pdf | ||||||||||||||||||||
102 | Louisiana | State of Louisiana, Office of the Governor | Open Meetings; Public Records | Proclamation 2020-30 suspends various legal timelines (which, as stated in the next row, the state AG clarified applies to the public records law) and allows for virtual meetings of public bodies, stating that "all efforts shall be made for observation and input by members of the public." | https://gov.louisiana.gov/assets/ExecutiveOrders/JBE-EO-30.pdf | https://www.natlawreview.com/article/louisiana-legislature-ratifies-and-extends-governor-s-extension-legal-deadlines | |||||||||||||||||||
103 | Louisiana | State of Louisiana, Office of the Attorney General | Public Records | Attorney General Jeff Landry issued guidance on March 25, 2020 confirming that the state's Public Records Act's legal deadlines were suspended. | https://www.ag.state.la.us/Files/Article/9745/Documents/PublicRecordsGuidanceCOVID-19.pdf | https://perma.cc/YML8-99P4 | |||||||||||||||||||
104 | Louisiana | State Legislature | Open Meetings | HB798 was introduced in the state legislature which would authorize public bodies to meet electronically subject to certain requirements; as currently written, it specifically mentions providing notice of meetings to members of the news media. As of May 2020, it appears to have passed the state senate. | https://legis.la.gov/legis/BillInfo.aspx?s=20RS&b=HB798&sbi=y | http://legis.la.gov/Legis/ViewDocument.aspx?d=1167960 | |||||||||||||||||||
105 | Louisiana | City of New Orleans | Public Records | Delays may be expected. Up to date through June 2021. | https://perma.cc/ME58-B3EQ | https://perma.cc/WTK7-Z4G7 | |||||||||||||||||||
106 | Maine | City of Waterville | Open Meetings | The City of Waterville, Maine, formed a subcommittee in response to the COVID-19 outbreak and was illegally meeting in secret, not permitting any public access to its deliberations. City Solicitor William A. Lee III criticized the subcommittee's "closed door" meetings because public notice and an opportunity for the public to attend is essential. | https://www.centralmaine.com/2020/03/19/waterville-coronavirus-panel-illegally-met-in-secret-made-unlawful-decisions/ | ||||||||||||||||||||
107 | Maine | State of Maine, Office of the Governor | Open Meetings | "Gov. Janet Mills’ administration repeatedly flouted Maine’s open meetings and public records laws in the past few weeks as members met secretly with lawmakers and others to discuss the coronavirus pandemic." | https://www.pressherald.com/2020/04/16/mills-administration-held-secret-coronavirus-meetings-with-lawmakers/# | ||||||||||||||||||||
108 | Maine | State Legislature | Open Meetings | The Governor signed PL 2019, c. 617 which authorizes conducting public proceedings through electronic means. Government entities must provide notice to the public which includes the method by which the public may attend the meeting remotely. The new law explicitly requires that entities allow for public participation by remote means, the rationale being that the "need for accountability is even more acute under these conditions." | http://legislature.maine.gov/legis/bills/bills_129th/chapters/PUBLIC617.asp | https://www.maine.gov/foaa/ | |||||||||||||||||||
109 | Maryland | State of Maryland, Office of the Governor | Public Records | Gov. Hogan had issued a proclamation that allowed agencies to toll deadlines for responding to PIA requests which was lifted in the summer of 2021. | https://governor.maryland.gov/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Licenses-Timeframes-2d-AMENDED-03.09.21.pdf | ||||||||||||||||||||
110 | Maryland | State of Maryland, Office of the Attorney General | Open Meetings | The Maryland Attorney General’s Office issued guidance stating that government meetings may be held electronically, but meetings should allow meaningful public access even when faced with the need to physically close meeting spaces. Specifically, “the public body must provide the public with the best possible opportunity to observe the conduct of public business.” It states that telephonic meetings are allowed so long as the public can listen in. The guidance even instructs public officials to “speak audibly so as to assure that the meeting is, in fact, ‘open’ to the public.” | http://www.marylandattorneygeneral.gov/OpenGov%20Documents/Openmeetings/OMA_FAQ_COVID19.pdf | ||||||||||||||||||||
111 | Maryland | Maryland Public Access Ombudsman | Public Records | "[A]ttempts to resolve PIA disputes with a variety of state and local government programs may be slower/less efficient than normal . . . . Electronic communication is currently the most direct way to reach the Ombudsman’s Office. You can email us at pia.ombuds@oag.state.md.us, or at lkershner@oag.state.md.us or jclark@oag.state.md.us." This language appeared through January 21, 2021. As of September 2021, COVID delays no longer reported. | https://perma.cc/UG7Z-8Q2T | ||||||||||||||||||||
112 | Maryland | State Legislature | Open Meetings | The Maryland General Assembly on March 18, 2020, live-streamed its session, but the streaming contained technical difficulties, preventing seamless access by the press and the public. | https://www.baltimoresun.com/maryland/carroll/news/cc-coronavirus-kirwan-carroll-general-assembly-20200318-nccmnpobljeqlmn3rx2usjxcve-story.html | ||||||||||||||||||||
113 | Maryland | Anne Arundel County | Public Records | "Due to the ongoing COVID-19 situation, while Anne Arundel County departments continue to process public records requests, you may experience a brief delay in receiving a response to your request." This language remains on the webside as of Sept. 8, 2021. | https://perma.cc/NH48-DRCM | ||||||||||||||||||||
114 | Maryland | Maryland Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services | Public Records | In May, 2020, the agency noted that it suspended the processing of all public records requests until the state of emergency is lifted. | https://www.marylandmatters.org/2020/05/06/some-state-agencies-pause-access-to-public-information-during-covid-19-pandemic/ | ||||||||||||||||||||
115 | Maryland | Maryland Department of Juvenile Services | Public Records | In May, 2020, the agency noted that it suspended the processing of all public records requests until the state of emergency is lifted. | https://www.marylandmatters.org/2020/05/06/some-state-agencies-pause-access-to-public-information-during-covid-19-pandemic/ | ||||||||||||||||||||
116 | Maryland | Maryland Department of Transportation | Public Records | Continuing to process requests in a timely fashion to the fullest extent practicable. | https://www.marylandmatters.org/2020/05/06/some-state-agencies-pause-access-to-public-information-during-covid-19-pandemic/ | ||||||||||||||||||||
117 | Maryland | Maryland State Police | Public Records | "Governor Larry Hogan has mandated that all non-essential personnel are required to telework. As such, the researching, pulling and preparing of some records responsive to PIA requests will be delayed due to limited access to State offices." Up to date as of June 2021. | https://perma.cc/6KSV-H4U6 | https://perma.cc/T8ZF-VQB2 | |||||||||||||||||||
118 | Maryland | Maryland Medical Cannabis Commission | Public Records | "MMCC Public Information Act staff are working entirely remotely. This may impact our ability to respond fully to a request within the statutory deadline, particularly if the requested information includes records held exclusively at MMCC offices. For any request relating to on-site records, MMCC will respond fully within 30 days from the date the state of emergency is terminated." Up to date as of January 21, 2021. | https://perma.cc/438W-7NCU | ||||||||||||||||||||
119 | Maryland | City of Rockville | Public Records | The City Manager of Rockville stated that city entities do not need to comply with Maryland Public Information Act timelines, claiming that such suspension will not endanger public health or welfare. | https://www.rockvillemd.gov/DocumentCenter/View/38406/Executive-Order-Suspending-MPIA | ||||||||||||||||||||
120 | Massachusetts | Town of East Longmeadow Police Department | Public Records | "Civilian Records Department - Reduced hours. On-site only to comply with meeting state statute requirements for public records requests. All other responsibilities delayed." UPDATE: As of June 1, 2020, the department is operating normally. | https://www.eastlongmeadowma.gov/877/CoVid-19-Info | ||||||||||||||||||||
121 | Massachusetts | State of Massachusetts, Office of the Attorney General | Public Records | "[T]here may be some delays in responding to public records requests, especially those that require the retrieval of hard copy records that are not available electronically. We do not have a timetable as to when we will be returning to normal operations but will do our best to respond to your request within a reasonable timeframe given these extraordinary circumstances." Up to date as of Sept. 2021. | https://perma.cc/L3HP-QHR3 | https://perma.cc/6XDR-GWDU | https://perma.cc/6AQ9-QGP6 | https://perma.cc/APX5-93SH | |||||||||||||||||
122 | Michigan | State of Michigan, Office of the Governor | Open Meetings | Gov. Gretchen Whitmer issued Executive Order 2020-15, which temporarily authorizes public meetings to be held electronically in a manner in which both the public officials and the general public may participate by electronic means. It explicitly contemplates participation by the public, offers comprehensive suggestions for enabling public observation and comment electronically. | http://www.mml.org/pdf/advocacy/2020-3-18-EO-2020-15-Emergency-order-OMA-%20(final-signedl).pdf | ||||||||||||||||||||
123 | Michigan | State of Michigan, Office of the Governor | Public Records | Gov. Whitmer signed an EO on April 5, 2020 stating that public bodies may defer responses that would require workers to report to physical gov't offices. Specifically, if a request requires a search of paper records, it will be deferred until after the state of emergency declared in EO 2020-38 is lifted. The EO also states that public bodies should continue to respond to requests as expeditiously as possible and to the extent practicable by electronic means. UPDATE: On June 11, 2020, the emergency order that allowed agencies to delay responding to records requests was lifted. | https://www.michigan.gov/whitmer/0,9309,7-387-90499-524358--rss,00.html | https://www.michigan.gov/whitmer/0,9309,7-387-90499_90640-530881--,00.html | |||||||||||||||||||
124 | Michigan | City of Battle Creek | Public Records | "If a FOIA request requires a staff member to do a physical search for records, staff will defer it until the state disaster declaration is lifted. If this is the case, staff will communicate with the requester. That person may then amend their request to include only electronic records. At this time, [this] order applies to all FOIA requests received through" June 10, 2020. | https://perma.cc/UCN8-FKWR | ||||||||||||||||||||
125 | Michigan | Charter Township of Oakland | Public Records | Echoed language from Gov. Whitmer's EO that if a request required a search of physical records it will be deferred until after the state of emergency and disaster declared in Executive Order 2020-38 is lifted. No longer in effect. | https://perma.cc/9J7Y-GZ5L | ||||||||||||||||||||
126 | Minnesota | Olmsted County | Public Records | Effective March 18 . . .[t]he Government Center building will remain open but counter services for public records . . . will be closed. We will be able to continue providing many services via phone and online[.]" This language still appears on the county's website as of Jan. 21, 2021. | https://krocnews.com/coronavirus-covid-19-southeast-minnesota-cancellations-news-links/ | ||||||||||||||||||||
127 | Minnesota | Minnesota Department of Administration | Public Records | "Government entities continue to have an obligation to respond to data requests during the emergency. For public data requests, entity responses must be prompt and appropriate, and within a reasonable amount of time. The reasonable and appropriate standards are flexible enough to accommodate changes in circumstances due to the current emergency. However, data request response times for data subjects remain 10 business days . . . . Entities might also consider waiving copy fees at this time when they deem appropriate." | https://mn.gov/admin/assets/Data%20Practices%20and%20Open%20Meeting%20Requirements%20During%20a%20State%20of%20Emergency_tcm36-423398.pdf | ||||||||||||||||||||
128 | Minnesota | Minnesota Department of Administration | Open Meetings | "Public bodies required to comply with the Open Meeting Law must still do so during a state of an emergency. However, . . . we want to highlight Minnesota Statutes, section 13D.021. Section 13D.021, subdivision 1 [which] permits public bodies to hold meetings via telephone or other electronic means . . . . To the extent practical, public bodies should allow the public to monitor the meeting remotely, pursuant to subdivision 3 of this section. However, the public body may charge for the costs incurred as a result of those additional monitoring connections." | https://mn.gov/admin/assets/Data%20Practices%20and%20Open%20Meeting%20Requirements%20During%20a%20State%20of%20Emergency_tcm36-423398.pdf | ||||||||||||||||||||
129 | Mississippi | Mississippi Ethics Commission | Open Meetings | The Ethics Commission has issued guidance on open meetings during the COVID-19 crisis, stating that transparency and public health both need to be prioritized. Specifically, measures could include meeting by teleconference or video, "but the equipment used should be located in a public meeting place and should 'allow all members . . . of the public who attend the meeting to hear the deliberations of the public body.'" The Commission encourages public bodies to record their meetings and to make those recordings available to the public. | https://perma.cc/Y6E4-27QX | ||||||||||||||||||||
130 | Mississippi | Mississippi Emergency Management Agency | Public Records | MEMA informed a records requester in April 2020 that the ordinary timeline (seven working days) for responding to records requests did not apply because the state emergency operations center had been activated. The agency said all requests for public records "will be handled after the agency has returned to normal operation status." | https://www.modernhealthcare.com/government/mississippi-withholds-information-about-covid-19-tests-personal-protection-equipment | ||||||||||||||||||||
131 | Missouri | Office of the Missouri Attorney General | Open Meetings | Missouri's attorney general provided guidance explaining that holding public meetings electronically is permissible under the Sunshine Law. The guidance reminds government bodies that they should ensure ample notice given to the public before hosting any such meetings, and also reminds government entities that the state's Sunshine Law should be liberally construed. Further, it states that as "a best practice and if possible, public governmental bodies should take advantage of their website and social media pages to post recordings or live streams of public meetings." | https://ago.mo.gov/docs/default-source/press-releases/2019/sunshine-law-guidance-for-public-governmental-bodies-during-a-public-health-crisis-or-state-of-emergency.pdf?sfvrsn=2d0b85af_2 | ||||||||||||||||||||
132 | Missouri | Office of the Missouri Attorney General | Public Records | The Missouri AG reinforced the importance of timely compliance with public records requests: government employees in receipt of records requests must timely forward those requests to the proper records custodians; "If the custodian of records is working during a public health crisis, either full-time or part- time and either in-person or remotely, the Sunshine Law still requires the public governmental body to respond to every request for records upon the custodian’s receipt." It also instructs to "[p]rovide as many updates as possible to the public on the status of fulfilling records requests." | https://ago.mo.gov/docs/default-source/press-releases/2019/sunshine-law-compliance-for-public-records-requests-2.pdf?sfvrsn=fe658167_2 | ||||||||||||||||||||
133 | Missouri | State Legislature | Public Records | "A bill passed by the Missouri House [in Feb. 2021] would put a pause on open-records requests when public agencies are closed, an attempt to ease pressure on governments during emergencies like the coronavirus pandemic." A revised version of the bill was vetoed in July 2021 by the governor. | https://www.newstribune.com/news/local/story/2021/feb/19/bill-would-delay-some-public-record-access/860652/ | https://house.mo.gov/billtracking/bills211/hlrbillspdf/1254H.02P.pdf | https://apnews.com/article/michael-brown-bills-health-coronavirus-pandemic-government-and-politics-1f42a75e4a75dcd19c12742be8f81d33 | ||||||||||||||||||
134 | Missouri | City of Florissant | Open Meetings | The City of Florissant is livestreaming its city council meetings with the use of a three-camera broadcast system in the city council chambers. Each meeting video can be viewed full-screen or alongside its agenda, and after the live broadcast, meeting videos are available on the city's website. | https://swagit.com/florissant-becomes-the-first-in-missouri-to-live-stream-meetings-with-swagits-avior-hands-free-broadcast-solution/ | ||||||||||||||||||||
135 | Missouri | County of Saint Louis | Open Meetings | The St. Louis County Council did not allow the public to enter a special meeting on March 20, 2020, where it established a framework for meeting remotely during the duration of the emergency by videoconferencing. The meeting was streamed on Facebook. In a March 19, 2020, memo to reporters, Chairwoman Lisa Clancy said the council will discuss changing its rules to allow people to submit written comment in advance of meetings held on video. The comments would be available to council members for review prior to meetings and be read into the official record. Update: The Council will be taking electronic comments from the public during their weekly meetings; send your public comment to councilcomments@stlouisco.com. | https://www.stltoday.com/news/local/govt-and-politics/in-an-era-of-social-distancing-how-will-city-councils/article_332d1a74-bac6-51bd-8384-ed1d947d4585.html | ||||||||||||||||||||
136 | Missouri | Saint Louis Planning Commission | Open Meetings | April 1, 2020 meeting held by Zoom with access/dial-in information posted online. | https://www.google.com/url?q=https://www.stlouis-mo.gov/government/departments/planning/planning/planning-commission/upload/2020-03-31-April-1-2020-Agenda.pdf&sa=D&ust=1587399324425000&usg=AFQjCNEVCQ3vNU2jpzpScqFvrKNUEd9l5Q | ||||||||||||||||||||
137 | Missouri | Saint Louis County Boundary Commission | Open Meetings | All commission meetings will be held electronically with the public call-in number posted on its website. | https://www.boundarycommission.com/meetings | ||||||||||||||||||||
138 | Missouri | Saint Louis Tax Incremement Financing Commission | Open Meetings | April 15, 2020 meeting held over Zoom and teleconference. There was a public comment process and notice of how to secure public access. | https://www.stlouis-mo.gov/government/departments/sldc/boards/documents/upload/TIF-Board-Packet-2.pdf | ||||||||||||||||||||
139 | Missouri | Saint Louis Economic Development Partnership | Open Meetings | The St. Louis Economic Development Partnership held a special board meeting on April 2, 2020 and public access was facilitated with a call-in number. | https://stlpartnership.com/events/special-st-louis-economic-development-partnership-board-meeting/ | ||||||||||||||||||||
140 | Missouri | City of Chesterfield | Open Meetings | Chesterfield provides virtual access via Zoom and call-in to city council meetings. The information for both is posted in the city council meeting agenda. | https://chesterfield.mo.us/ccAgenda.html | ||||||||||||||||||||
141 | Missouri | City of Ferguson | Open Meetings | Ferguson provides call-in access to city council meetings. The call-in information is posted inside the relevant agenda PDF. | https://www.fergusoncity.com/AgendaCenter | ||||||||||||||||||||
142 | Missouri | City of Overland | Open Meetings | The Mayor acknowledged on March 23, 2020 that the city lacked the technical capabilities to implement short-term alternatives to in-person meetings; the result was that Overland, in the Spring, provided no virtual access to city council meetings. At present, the city council records its meetings and posts them on Facebook the following day. | https://www.overlandmo.org/AgendaCenter/ViewFile/Agenda/_03232020-367 | ||||||||||||||||||||
143 | Montana | State of Montana, Office of the Attorney General | Open Meetings | Montana Attorney General Tim Fox issued guidance on how government entities should conduct open meetings during the state of emergency. It states, among other things, that if a meeting "will be held in whole or in part through remote attendance and participation, the local government should strive, if possible, to provide a remote communication system that provides the members of the local governing body and the public the ability to see, hear, and reasonably participate in the meeting." | https://dojmt.gov/attorney-general-fox-issues-guidelines-for-conducting-public-meetings-during-state-of-emergency/ | ||||||||||||||||||||
144 | Nebraska | State of Nebraska, Office of the Governor | Open Meetings | EO 20-03 allows public meetings to operate electronically so long as the public and the media are able to virtually access the meeting. Notice provisions must be complied with. | https://governor.nebraska.gov/sites/governor.nebraska.gov/files/doc/press/EO%2020-03%20-%20Corona%20Virus%20-%20Public%20Mtgs%20.pdf | ||||||||||||||||||||
145 | Nevada | Carson City | Public Records | "Public Records Departments will continue to provide staff for . . . as well as, track and forward any public records requests that are received. This department will continue to scan records and provide assistance with public record request searches." | https://www.nevadaappeal.com/news/carson-city-closes-city-hall-due-to-coronavirus-services-available-online/ | ||||||||||||||||||||
146 | Nevada | Nevada Department of Public Safety | Public Records | As of May 2020, delays were expected; the agency had deemed public records operations "nonessential." | https://www.reviewjournal.com/opinion/editorials/editorial-the-coronavirus-and-public-records-2020141/ | ||||||||||||||||||||
147 | New Hampshire | New Hampshire Municipal Association | Open Meetings | On March 18, 2020, the New Hampshire Municipal Ass'n issued guidance suggesting that municipalities provide alternative means of participating in meetings and strongly encourage members of the public to use them. These means include live-streaming meetings; allowing the public to call in to the public body’s conference-call; and encouraging people to submit written comments or testimony to be read at the meeting so that they don’t have to attend the meeting to participate. | https://www.nhmunicipal.org/sites/default/files/uploads/documents/2020-03-18_town_meeting_public_meetings_update_0.pdf | ||||||||||||||||||||
148 | New Hampshire | State of New Hampshire, Office of the Governor; Office of the Attorney General | Open Meetings | Gov. Sununu and Attorney General MacDonald have issued a memo on March 16, 2020 informing public bodies that they may meet electronically but still must provide notice to the public per RSA-A:2. The memo states that the body must still make available a physical location for the public to access the meeting (even if it is a room with a speakerphone) and the body, additionally, "could also provide the public with a call in number for meetings that are conducted entirely by telephone." | https://www.governor.nh.gov/news-media/press-2020/documents/rsa-91-a.pdf (Link no longer works) | https://www.concordmonitor.com/covid-coronavirus-public-meetings-right-to-know-33351805 | |||||||||||||||||||
149 | New Hampshire | New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services | Public Records | A lawyer for the New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services told The NY Times in response to a coronavirus-related FOIA request that the agency “will not be able to begin to work on your request until this emergency is over.” | https://www.nytimes.com/2020/05/12/opinion/coronavirus-freedom-of-information.html | ||||||||||||||||||||
150 | New Jersey | State Legislature | Open Meetings | As of March 20, 2020, a bipartisan bill became law which enables local entities to conduct meetings electronically. The bill does not speak to ensuring meaningful public access but does contemplate electronic means of receiving public comment. | https://legiscan.com/NJ/bill/A3850/2020 | ||||||||||||||||||||
151 | New Jersey | State Legislature | Public Records | As of March 20, 2020, a bipartisan bill became law which allow state agencies to extend processing times of OPRA requests beyond seven business days during a state of emergency. Specifically, agencies will be required only to "make a reasonable effort to respond to a request for a government record" within the statutory deadline. Despite the state of emergency ending, agencies are still invoking the provision as of July 2021. | https://legiscan.com/NJ/bill/A3849/2020 | https://perma.cc/2GYC-Z2PC | https://www.nj.gov/governor/news/news/562021/20210604b.shtml | ||||||||||||||||||
152 | New Jersey | Morris County | Public Records | "The County of Morris will make any effort possible to respond in a timely manner during this crisis." Morris County then cites to Gov. Murphy's OPRA deadline modifications. Up to date through Jan. 2021. | https://perma.cc/TB6T-VA4B | ||||||||||||||||||||
153 | New Mexico | New Mexico Office of the Attorney General | Public Records | Attorney General Balderas issued guidance instructing state agencies to comply with the Inspection of Public Records Act by fulfilling requests electronically, if possible, but public entities should suspend in-person inspection of records during the state of emergency. Despite possible delays, the guidance notes that all IPRA deadlines "should still be satisfied." Where COVID-19 hampers an agency's ability to respond, the AG urges the agency "to communicate promptly with the requester to make alternative arrangements to allow for the inspection of records, in keeping with the general spirit of the law." | https://www.nmag.gov/uploads/files/COVID-19/OpenGovernmentDivisionAdviceCOVID-19.pdf | ||||||||||||||||||||
154 | New Mexico | New Mexico Office of the Attorney General | Open Meetings | Attorney General Balderas issued guidance instructing government bodies to fulfill their Open Meetings Act by meeting virtually when conducting meetings is necessary, provided that notices of meetings contain detailed information (password, phone number, etc.) about how members of the public may attend and listen via telephone, live streaming or other similar technologies. | https://www.nmag.gov/uploads/files/COVID-19/OpenGovernmentDivisionAdviceCOVID-19.pdf | ||||||||||||||||||||
155 | New Mexico | City of Albuquerque | Public Records | The Police Department Records Office is closed for walk-in requests. While the City Clerk's Office is closed, they will continue to process requests to inspect public records that are received electronically. Inspection of public records requests that have already been processed will resume when the office is re-opened. Up to date through Jan. 2021. | https://perma.cc/F2CZ-VH52 | ||||||||||||||||||||
156 | New Mexico | Town of Taos | Public Records | "All business with the Town, where possible, will be conducted electronically. Please contact us by phone, email or on-line through our website. We will provide instructions on how to access forms . . . . [R]equests for records, accessing meetings, etc. can be done from our website at taosgov.com." | https://perma.cc/8EP6-WUFE | ||||||||||||||||||||
157 | New Mexico | Bernalillo County | Public Records | "Records Management – closed to public access." Up to date through Feb. 22, 2021. | https://www.bernco.gov/coronavirus | ||||||||||||||||||||
158 | New York | Generally Applicable | Public Records | NY's FOIL page, at the start of the pandemic, stated: "In light of New York State’s reduction in workforce as part of the ongoing response to the COVID-19 pandemic, there may be delays in response to FOIL requests." Language as of August 2020: "As part of the ongoing response to the COVID-19 pandemic, some or all agency employees may be working off-site. As such, there may be delays in response to FOIL requests. If a record responsive to a request is only available in hard-copy format, that record’s availability will be limited until further notice." As of Jan. 2021, the website does not reference COVID delays. | https://perma.cc/YJ3H-RDR8 | https://perma.cc/E4QK-SE2H | |||||||||||||||||||
159 | New York | Roosevelt Island Operating Corporation | Public Records | The Roosevelt Island Operating Corporation posted on its website that there may be delays in processing FOIL requests. Up to date through Sept. 8, 2021. | https://perma.cc/X67E-Y3R5 | ||||||||||||||||||||
160 | New York | New York City Comptroller | Public Records | The NYC Comptroller posted on its website that there may be delays in completing responses to FOIL requests, especially if the requests seek records maintained in hard-copy form only. Up to date through June 2021. | https://perma.cc/HM2M-UUS8 | ||||||||||||||||||||
161 | New York | Metropolitan Transportation Authority | Public Records | The MTA has posted on its website that there may be delays in processing FOIL requests. Up to date through Nov. 2021. | https://perma.cc/3YES-TTFC | https://perma.cc/YAQ6-NPFT | https://perma.cc/PJ4E-UKMW | ||||||||||||||||||
162 | New York | Department of Health | Public Records | "In light of New York State’s reduction in workforce as part of the ongoing response to the COVID-19 pandemic, there may be delays in response to FOIL requests. Thank you for your patience during this extraordinary time." | https://perma.cc/5N6F-CED8 | ||||||||||||||||||||
163 | New York | State of New York, Office of the Governor | Open Meetings | Gov. Andrew Cuomo issued Executive Order 202.1 allowing public meetings to be held electronically so long as public access is provided and the meetings are recorded. | https://www.governor.ny.gov/news/no-2021-continuing-temporary-suspension-and-modification-laws-relating-disaster-emergency | ||||||||||||||||||||
164 | New York | New York Police Department | Public Records | "In light of New York City’s reduction in workforce as part of the ongoing response to the COVID-19 pandemic, there may be delays in response to FOIL requests . . . . As of July 6, 2020, the Freedom of Information Law Unit is now accepting in-person requests for records on an appointment basis only." | https://perma.cc/AX6K-A644 | https://perma.cc/HYK7-BDZ5 | |||||||||||||||||||
165 | North Carolina | University of North Carolina | Open Meetings; Public Records | UNC Professor Frayda Bluestein insisted there is nothing about the Governor’s state of emergency declaration that relieves public officials and public agencies of their obligations under North Carolina open government laws. Public must still be given an opportunity to listen to electronically held meetings. | https://canons.sog.unc.edu/meetings-and-public-hearings-under-the-coronavirus-state-of-emergency/#utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=meetings-and-public-hearings-under-the-coronavirus-state-of-emergency | ||||||||||||||||||||
166 | North Carolina | State of North Carolina, Office of the Attorney General | Open Meetings | "[E]lectronic meetings are allowed under N.C.G.S. §143.318.13, and the requirements of notice, access and minutes can be met through electronic means." | https://perma.cc/4748-V34U | ||||||||||||||||||||
167 | North Carolina | State Legislature | Open Meetings | The Legislature’s Select Committee on COVID-19 and Health Care Working Group have been meeting, but as of March 23, 2020, members were not clear on how the public may access audio of the proceedings. It now appears that audio streaming may be possible on the Committee's website. | http://pulse.ncpolicywatch.org/2020/03/23/meeting-schedule-unclear-for-nc-house-select-committee-on-covid-19/ | https://www.ncleg.gov/Committees/CommitteeInfo/HouseSelect/199 | |||||||||||||||||||
168 | North Carolina | State Legislature | Open Meetings | Session Law 2020-3, passed on May 4, 2020, permits public bodies to conduct remote meetings during the state of emergency and “forgives” remote meetings that took place between March 10 and May 4, 2020. Key provisions of the new law include that proper notice is required; the meeting must be streamed real-time; if it’s a conference call, dial-in information can be provided; and any communications between or among members of the public body by chat, instant message, text, or other format are public records. | https://www.ncleg.gov/EnactedLegislation/SessionLaws/PDF/2019-2020/SL2020-3.pdf | ||||||||||||||||||||
169 | North Dakota | State of North Dakota, Office of the Attorney General; Office of the Governor | Open Meetings | Attorney General Stenehjem issued guidance explaining the effect of Gov. Burgum's Exec. Order which waived the requirement that a physical location accessible to the public is required for public meetings. Because "[t]he waiver of the physical location is the only open meeting law requirement waived" by EO 2020-16, notice/public access is still required. Agencies must provide means for the public to observe meetings such as by call-in numbers or live streaming. These options should be encouraged for public use. Stenehjem stated that “emergency situations such as this call for more transparency, not less, regarding what public officials are doing to protect the public." | https://attorneygeneral.nd.gov/open-records-meetings/open-meeting-requirements-during-covid-19-national-emergency | https://www.governor.nd.gov/sites/www/files/documents/executive-orders/Executive%20Order%202020-16.pdf | |||||||||||||||||||
170 | North Dakota | State Legislature | Open Meetings | The North Dakota legislature had considered live streaming its committee meetings. Update: as of June 2020, some committee meetings are being livestreamed. | https://bismarcktribune.com/news/local/govt-and-politics/north-dakota-legislative-leaders-to-review-livestreaming-before-potentially-expanding/article_14c14eef-3d92-5756-b789-0de7f305e8b9.html | https://bismarcktribune.com/news/local/health/north-dakota-coronavirus-news-march-open-government-urged/article_482cf266-662b-5e1c-a453-9faf227bdffb.html | https://www.legis.nd.gov/events/2020/06/03/human-services-committee | ||||||||||||||||||
171 | Ohio | State of Ohio, Office of the Attorney General | Open Meetings | Attorney General Yost wrote a March 13, 2020, letter to local officials stating that the Open Meetings Act does not contain an exception to its “in person” requirement during the time of a declared emergency, R.C. 121.22(C), but that it is reasonable right now to read the Act’s “in person” requirement as permitting teleconferencing. The letter makes a point to caution that “it is imperative that all other requirements of the [Act] be fulfilled” if meetings are to be held electronically. The letter posits that public access could be achieved through live-streaming. | http://germantown.oh.us/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/OMA-letter.pdf | ||||||||||||||||||||
172 | Ohio | State Legislature | Open Meetings | On March 27, Gov. DeWine signed into law HB 197, allowing members of public bodies to hold / attend meetings electronically. The public body is required to give notice of the meeting to the media at least 24 hours before it takes place. In an emergency, the public body must give notice as soon as practicable. Members of the public must be provided access to the public body’s discussions and deliberations conducted electronically to the same extent that they would get from attending in person. | https://www.ohioattorneygeneral.gov/Media/Coronavirus-Resources-Guidance | ||||||||||||||||||||
173 | Ohio | City of Dayton | Open Meetings | The Dayton City Council voted on March 18, 2020, on Ordinance No. 31797-20, which would allow city council members to meet electronically and also allow public attendance via electronic means. The motion passed with a 5-0 vote. | https://www.daytonohio.gov/AgendaCenter/ViewFile/Agenda/_03182020-727 | https://www.daytonohio.gov/AgendaCenter/ViewFile/Minutes/_03182020-727 | |||||||||||||||||||
174 | Ohio | City of Columbus | Open Meetings | The Columbus City Council has had virtual town halls livestreamed on Facebook and invited the public to participate by emailing questions ahead of time as well as through "Facebook Live." | https://www.facebook.com/ColsCouncil/videos/1444257762400312/?__xts__[0]=68.ARDZJmBPvkAfKPIAyeU9MR1Zu6UO3X93XyyRGy238mWe5np7HM2sAG-hi0ost6vHB_b9vVwgYJiu2aliz80uhVrezyo0o3ALQrPzytagS7WC3LfLse04k7ATHMvbJJNEUry2QlSMNmhSwoNU0KASH4Sp-Z97zBqn_6BlwUR7P8hjD39KaEhM0WyJWJcw442ptBLJZetoP_9W3zeHxB0YB5vYROef0rkV6NYp9rdzx6WhgFhL3Xqr51BQrKVYOW2oXOBTZPgPBNCydlQR0-JgRH7ZmwsoD5d8OQRPelGqNWbwq2vOXOep2hd6JPDR2vBgpqin6tm23_YLsIrc8iri9JpaP2WBRt0BH554EIQeRrONlrzNvFYqMg&__tn__=H-R | ||||||||||||||||||||
175 | Ohio | Village of South Zanesville | Public Records | "When our office is back open and normal hours resume, your public records request will be promptly addressed. In the meantime, please expect delays." Up to date through June 2021. | https://perma.cc/CGV8-XSRL | https://perma.cc/SBV8-8M39 | |||||||||||||||||||
176 | Ohio | County of Richland | Public Records | In the Spring of 2020, the Richland County Sheriff’s Office limited public access to the Records Section to specified times; notably, "If possible, all records requests shall be fulfilled by email." | https://www.richlandsource.com/news/covid19/community-bulletin-covid-19-local-updates/article_8b688faa-646d-11ea-8d86-574666edda78.html | ||||||||||||||||||||
177 | Ohio | City of Gahanna | Public Records | "Due to COVID-19, there will be a delay for responses to public record requests." Up to date through Sept. 8 2021. | https://perma.cc/EZN5-SAYN | https://perma.cc/CK54-M684 | |||||||||||||||||||
178 | Oklahoma | State Legislature | Open Meetings | The OK Legislature approved changes to its Open Meetings Act to allow gov't bodies to meet telephonically. The bill, SB661, requires that public meetings held electronically must be recorded, and still provides for notice and public participation as required by law. However, according to Freedom of Information Oklahoma, the bill does not address (1) whether and how the tape recordings will be kept after the meeting; and (2) when a meeting must reconvene after it is “stopped and reconvened” because the audio is lost. FOIO says that a window of time should be set for reconvening in this circumstance because current language would allow a public body to “lose audio” and reconvene later without notice. | https://www.foioklahoma.org/blog/2020/3/17/oklahoma-legislature-proposes-major-changes-to-open-meeting-act?fbclid=IwAR1saWGbiarc-_O1BHVO6Z7ptJ2Ivs-RST5floHAvyOXnV33tKw2FsmqwRM | ||||||||||||||||||||
179 | Oklahoma | State of Oklahoma, Office of the Attorney General | Open Meetings | The OK Attorney General issued guidance explaining the scope and effects of the above-mentioned changes to the Open Meetings Act. It explains that (1) the "public must still be able to watch the meeting in real time via a videoconference link, or if videoconference is not available, listen to the meeting in real time by calling a conference call line;" (2) "Teleconferences, or audio- only meetings, should only be utilized where videoconferencing capabilities are unavailable;" and (3) it ameliorates FOI Oklahoma's concerns about notice for reconvening meetings interrupted by technical difficulties. | https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5b68bea87e3c3a7bded04e72/t/5e73c2eed7811504fbeaa5c4/1584644847040/SB+661+Open+Meeting+FAQs+from+Atty+General+Mike+Hunter.pdf | ||||||||||||||||||||
180 | Oregon | City of Roseburg | Open Meetings | The City of Roseburg is evaluating available technology that may better facilitate virtual meetings. Update: livestreaming of city council meetings is now available. "Residents that wish to participate in the public comment section of the Council meeting are encouraged to submit their questions via email . . . ." | http://www.cityofroseburg.org/covid-19 | ||||||||||||||||||||
181 | Oregon | Oregon Department of Human Services | Public Records | "DHS anticipates it will take longer than normal to process many public records requests for the foreseeable future . . . . Please note that due to staff telecommuting we can only respond to requests via email at this time and all other formats will be delayed." This language remained on the site through Sept. 8, 2021, but as of Nov. 2021, has been removed. | https://perma.cc/AY3B-TRWJ | https://perma.cc/P9ZU-YCGR | |||||||||||||||||||
182 | Oregon | Oregon Department of Environmental Quality | Public Records | "Please be advised that due to COVID-19, many DEQ staff are working remotely, at reduced hours, or both. As a result there may be longer than usual delays, especially for records only available in hardcopy." Up to date through Sept. 8, 2021. | https://perma.cc/UZ8N-J42N | https://perma.cc/227U-429S | |||||||||||||||||||
183 | Oregon | Department of Land Conservation and Development | Public Records | "DLCD anticipates it will take longer than normal to process many public records requests for the foreseeable future." Agency states it may be impracticable to comply with statutory deadlines. Up to date through June 2021. | https://perma.cc/4UYZ-SWUZ | https://perma.cc/5AQD-B4K3 | |||||||||||||||||||
184 | Oregon | City of Portland | Public Records | The City of Portland posted on its website that "Public Information Officers have been called to perform other essential tasks which prioritize the City’s actions to slow the spread of COVID-19. Only employees critical for day-to-day operations are able to access City of Portland buildings. Consequently, your public records request is in abatement for the duration of the declared emergency (ORS 192.329(6))." Still reporting delays as of Jan. 21, 2021. | https://perma.cc/2D8H-8JVF | https://perma.cc/RJ4C-6VRN | |||||||||||||||||||
185 | Oregon | City of Dalles | Public Records; Open Meetings | "Public Records Request may be delayed during the pandemic." City meetings are held via Zoom and livestreamed on their website. Up to date through Jan. 21, 2021. | https://perma.cc/SB95-K5SP | ||||||||||||||||||||
186 | Oregon | Portland State University | Public Records | "Portland State University Public Records Office is still processing records requests as normal, however, because of precautions due to COVID-19, some delays may occur. The University will update individual requestors if any delays due to COVID-19 will impact individual requests." Up to date through Nov. 2021. | https://perma.cc/JQ2L-S5R2 | https://perma.cc/LV7X-PURK | |||||||||||||||||||
187 | Pennsylvania | Pennsylvania Office of Open Records | Open Meetings | The Pennsylvania OOR issued guidance explaining that meetings via teleconference / other electronic means that allow for two-way communication are permissible. Any agency doing so must provide a reasonably accessible method for the public to participate & comment to the extent that it is "practicable." That method should be clearly explained to the public in advance of and during the meeting. Further, the OOR strongly recommends that any agency holding such a meeting record the meeting and proactively make the recording available to the public. | https://perma.cc/F92L-ZNRF | ||||||||||||||||||||
188 | Pennsylvania | State Legislature | Public Records | A House panel considered a bill in April 2020 that would require state agencies to respond to open records requests, which have largely been shelved by Gov. Wolf’s administration. As of May 6, 2020, the bill moved through the state House. UPDATE: On July 27, 2020 the bill passed. Gov. Wolf had originally threatened to veto the bill, but the bill became law without his signature. | https://lancasteronline.com/news/local/pa-house-panel-to-consider-bill-requiring-state-agencies-to-respond-to-open-records-requests/article_cd7cb2a6-899b-11ea-a49f-bf2b1dd2b08b.html | https://www.legis.state.pa.us/cfdocs/billInfo/billInfo.cfm?sYear=2019&sInd=0&body=H&type=B&bn=2463 | https://www.inquirer.com/politics/pennsylvania/spl/tom-wolf-public-open-records-requests-unanimous-approval-20200726.html | ||||||||||||||||||
189 | Pennsylvania | City of Pittsburgh | Public Records | "[T]he City is suspending the deadlines of all pending and incoming Right-to-Know Law requests until the City of Pittsburgh reopens all City government facilities to the public and returns to full-scale operations." However, the City "encourage[s] requestors to notify the City of Pittsburgh if there is an urgent need for information" so the City can "prioritize the processing of such requests." While the city still warned of delays in January 2021, as of June 2021, no COVID delays are being reported. | https://perma.cc/ECJ7-WYMH | https://perma.cc/B6H5-ALVA | |||||||||||||||||||
190 | Pennsylvania | Chester County | Public Records | Throughout the Spring/Summer of 2020, "The Chester County Archives is closed to the public until further notice. Staff will still respond to email inquiries (no phone calls), but due to limitations on records access, certain requests may be delayed until we reopen." As of Jan. 2021, the Archives is taking research appointments. | https://www.chesco.org/192/Archives-Records | ||||||||||||||||||||
191 | Pennsylvania | Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection | Public Records | "Any requests for public records submitted to DEP on or after March 16, 2020 will be deemed to have been received by the DEP’s open-records officer on the first day of the reopening of the Rachel Carson State Office Building." | https://perma.cc/D2DW-M6YJ | ||||||||||||||||||||
192 | Pennsylvania | Pennsylvania Treasury Department | Public Records | "Requests for records made during a work closure or at a time when the Department has limited workplace access will be deemed submitted on the next business day upon which the Department resumes normal operations." Up to date through Sept. 8, 2021. | https://perma.cc/QY8A-GNSU | https://perma.cc/CMB4-QY86 | |||||||||||||||||||
193 | Pennsylvania | Pennsylvania Office of Open Records | Public Records | Pennsylvania's OOR stated that it "encourages both requesters and agencies to be considerate and patient while working with each other, especially during the current emergency." It advised requesters not to file any new RTKL requests except if urgent. "Additionally, in most cases, inspecting records will not be possible during the emergency; if a request is necessary, please seek copies of records (preferably electronic)." It also loosens the definition of "business day" for the purpose of calculating deadlines and institutes "an indefinite extension on [processing] all appeals filed." Finally, OOR reminded agencies that "transparency builds trust, especially in times of crisis." | https://perma.cc/BEG9-FHMS | ||||||||||||||||||||
194 | Pennsylvania | City of Philadelphia; Department of Public Records | Public Records | The City of Philadelphia's Department of Public Records had largely closed at the start of the pandemic through the Summer of 2020. Requesters were informed that "the City is suspending the deadlines of all pending and incoming Right-to-Know Requests until normal operations resume." | https://perma.cc/2LNQ-PUUZ | https://twitter.com/shmcminn/status/1240264592334426114; https://twitter.com/MediaLawProf/status/1240085683517231107 | https://www.phila.gov/records/pdfs/Records_Notice_COVID-19_Rev_71420.pdf | ||||||||||||||||||
195 | Pennsylvania | City of Philadelphia; Office of the District Attorney | Public Records | "The DAO has now reopened after its temporary closure due to the COVID-19 pandemic. However, DAO's Civil Litigation Unit, which handles incoming Right-to-Know-Law (RTKL) requests, is working remotely . . . . [T]he DAO may require additional time to respond depending upon the nature of the request. Because the Civil Litigation Unit is working remotely, there may be a delay in the DAO's receipt of RTKL correspondence via postal mail or fax." | https://perma.cc/CGZ8-BBKB | ||||||||||||||||||||
196 | Rhode Island | State of Rhode Island, Office of the Governor | Open Meetings; Public Records | Gov. Raimondo issued an executive order which suspends part of the state’s Open Meetings Act and allows public meetings to convene remotely. However, meetings can still take place without public access if the public body cannot afford necessary technology or if they are unable to find the means to allow electronic public access. Additionally, the statutory timeframes for responding to records requests were suspended at least through March 2021. As of June 2021, APRA's deadlines are back in effect, but the governor's recent EO on public records, EO 21-72, still permits agencies to restrict inspection of public records. | http://www.governor.ri.gov/documents/orders/Executive-Order-20-05.pdf | https://www.golocalprov.com/news/raimondo-administration-issues-3900-bill-for-public-record-request-on-2-mon | https://governor.ri.gov/documents/orders/Executive-Order-20-46.pdf | https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/wireStory/governments-delay-access-public-records-pandemic-76447396 | https://governor.ri.gov/executive-orders/executive-order-21-72 | ||||||||||||||||
197 | South Carolina | Beaufort County | Public Records; Open Meetings | Beaufort County closed its Records Management Department from March 16, 2020 to at least March 31, 2020. Additionally, the County Council reminds individuals that its meetings are broadcast and live-streamed. The county provides information on its website for how to submit public comments for the council's consideration. | https://perma.cc/N96Y-4RVW | ||||||||||||||||||||
198 | South Carolina | Sumter County Council | Open Meetings | Sumter County Council had a meeting on March 24, 2020 live-streamed for public viewing through the council's YouTube channel. | https://www.theitem.com/stories/south-carolina-expert-addresses-legality-of-live-streamed-government-meetings-according-to-foia,343260 | ||||||||||||||||||||
199 | South Carolina | South Carolina Department of Archives and History | Public Records | Department was temporarily closed as of March 18, 2020, but continued to offer remote access to records via email and telephone. It re-opened in July of 2020 with safety policies in place. | https://perma.cc/B7FW-AD4V | ||||||||||||||||||||
200 | South Dakota | South Dakota Municipal League | Open Meetings | "State law allows public meetings to be held be teleconference. Notice of meeting remains the same, and all votes must be taken by roll call. Arrangements must be made for the public to participate in the meeting by telephone or internet." | https://perma.cc/4FE3-GBM9 | ||||||||||||||||||||
201 | Tennessee | State Legislature | Open Meetings | On March 19, 2020, the Tennessee General Assembly passed H.B. 2815 which would authorize governing bodies to hold meetings electronically if determined that meeting electronically will prevent the spread of COVID-19. On public access, the bill states that such bodies must provide the public electronic access to the meeting "if the governing body has the capability to do so." If it does not have such capability, any such meeting must be recorded, and a recording of the meeting must be made accessible to the public within 48 hours of the meeting ending. It appears the bill has not become law. | https://trackbill.com/bill/tennessee-senate-bill-2897-open-meetings-as-introduced-authorizes-the-governing-body-of-the-city-of-crossville-to-allow-participation-in-public-meetings-by-electronic-or-other-means-amends-tca-section-8-44-108/1888979/ | ||||||||||||||||||||
202 | Tennessee | Tennessee Registry of Election Finance | Open Meetings | A group of Tennessee journalists, newspapers and television stations filed an 11-page lawsuit in Davidson County Chancery Court alleging an emailed vote taken by the Tennessee Registry of Election Finance violated the state’s open meeting laws. The meeting was secret, the vote was secret, and the public did not know it was going to happen beforehand, the complaint said. | https://www.courthousenews.com/tennessee-state-board-accused-of-violating-open-meeting-laws/ | ||||||||||||||||||||
203 | Tennessee | Metro Nashville Police Department | Public Records | "The Metro Nashville Police Department's in-person public records counter will be closed . . . until further notice. Public records requests can be submitted via email at MNPDPublic@nashville.gov." | https://www.tennessean.com/story/news/health/2020/03/20/nashville-tennessee-coronavirus-news-updates-friday/2882748001/ | ||||||||||||||||||||
204 | Tennessee | Shelby County School District | Open Meetings | Shelby County school board members met privately by video-conference on March 27, 2020 with no notice provided to the public. An attorney for Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press subsequently wrote a letter to the school board explaining that the meeting appears to violate the Tennessee statute governing how public business should be conducted. | https://chalkbeat.org/posts/tn/2020/03/31/behind-virtual-closed-doors-memphis-school-board-met-privately-to-discuss-issues-related-to-the-coronavirus-closure/ | ||||||||||||||||||||
205 | Tennessee | State of Tennsessee, Office of the Governor | Open Meetings | On March 20, 2020, Gov. Lee issued Exec. Order No. 16 which specifically mentioned concerns of the Tennessee Coalition for Open Government regarding public access to electronic meetings of governmental bodies. The EO allows government bodies to meet electronically provided that public access is secured. The EO echoes language from the legislature that if real-time access is impossible / impracticable, a recording of the meeting must be made available. | https://publications.tnsosfiles.com/pub/execorders/exec-order-lee-16.pdf | ||||||||||||||||||||
206 | Texas | State of Texas, Office of the Attorney General | Open Meetings | The provision of the Texas Open Meetings Act requiring a physical gathering space for people to attend the meeting and ask questions has been suspended. While virtual meetings were always an option, a public space to watch or listen to the meeting was required. This suspension, put in place March 16, 2020, nixes that requirement. Virtual meetings still must have 72-hour written notice online with a toll-free dial-in number or a free-of-charge video conference link; an online copy of agendas; means for public participation, like two-way audio or video; and public access to recordings of the meetings. There is currently no official end date put in place for when these changes are set to expire. | https://perma.cc/42D3-CNQ9 | ||||||||||||||||||||
207 | Texas | State of Texas, Office of the Attorney General | Public Records | Attorney General Paxton provided guidance on the calculation of business days under the Texas Public Information Act, given that section 552.233 of the Texas Code permits a governmental body impacted by a disaster to suspend the applicability of the Act for up to 14 calendar days. Paxton stated that even on days when a government body closed its physical offices for purposes of a public health response, such day is not a business day even if staff works remotely. | https://perma.cc/CL8J-9C77 | https://www.caller.com/story/opinion/forums/2021/02/05/pandemic-era-texans-access-public-information-risk/4398325001/ | |||||||||||||||||||
208 | Texas | Health and Human Services Commission | Public Records | "Per the new temporary suspension process under section 552.233 of the Government Code, agency deadlines for current and incoming requests are paused until March 30, and in the meantime our agency’s open records team is continuing to track and process incoming requests we receive. We’ll respond to requests as promptly as possible.” | https://www.kxan.com/investigations/covid-19-could-dampen-access-to-public-records-meetings/ | ||||||||||||||||||||
209 | Texas | Department of Criminal Justice | Public Records | No changes to the department's processing of public records. | https://www.kxan.com/investigations/covid-19-could-dampen-access-to-public-records-meetings/ | ||||||||||||||||||||
210 | Texas | City of Palestine | Open Meetings | The Palestine City Council held its first virtual meeting but the transmission of the broadcast was spotty and inaudible at times. City officials also did not provide a required toll-free number for residents to dial in and participate, according to the news report. The consensus is that it violated the Open Meetings Act. | https://www.palestineherald.com/community/virtual-meeting-may-have-violated-open-meetings-act/article_58ee940e-6e25-11ea-a4db-1f9c02e61620.html | ||||||||||||||||||||
211 | Texas | Travis County District Attorney’s Office | Public Records | Delays reported in March 2020. | https://www.kxan.com/investigations/covid-19-could-dampen-access-to-public-records-meetings/ | ||||||||||||||||||||
212 | Utah | State of Utah, Office of the Governor | Open Meetings | Gov. Gary Herbert issued two executive orders late on March 18, 2020: one allows people to watch Board of Pardons and Parole hearings remotely; the other allows local governments to hold their meetings online as long as they post appropriate notice. | https://rules.utah.gov/wp-content/uploads/Utah-Executive-Order-No.-2020-3.pdf | https://rules.utah.gov/wp-content/uploads/Utah-Executive-Order-No.-2020-5.pdf | |||||||||||||||||||
213 | Utah | State Legislature | Open Meetings | "Utah House leaders seem to have violated the state’s open meetings law by hosting a March conference call to update members of the chamber on Utah’s unfolding coronavirus emergency." The meeting was likely not accompanied by adequate notice. | https://www.sltrib.com/news/politics/2020/04/06/utah-house-conference/ | ||||||||||||||||||||
214 | Utah | Utah Division of Archives and Records Service | Public Records | "Staff will continue to be available to respond to requests for records and information by phone and email. We will announce any changes to the situation as they arise." | https://perma.cc/VPH2-A8NL | ||||||||||||||||||||
215 | Vermont | State Legislature | Open Meetings | The Vermont legislature passed changes to Open Meeting Law which temporarily eliminate the in-person location requirement for public participation. They also require, when feasible, phone or video access by the public. Additionally, the public has been excluded from the Statehouse but some members of the press are allowed in. | https://legislature.vermont.gov/Documents/2020/Docs/JOURNAL/sj200324.pdf | https://legislature.vermont.gov/Documents/2020/Docs/ACTS/ACT092/ACT092%20As%20Enacted.pdf | |||||||||||||||||||
216 | Vermont | State of Vermont, Office of the Attorney General | Open Meetings | "Vermont open meeting laws allow for members of public bodies to attend meetings by electronic means without being physically present at the meeting . . . . Any public body meeting remotely must provide the means for remote public access by electronic or telephonic means." | https://perma.cc/YT6V-DPK6 | ||||||||||||||||||||
217 | Vermont | Vermont League of Cities and Towns | Public Records | The VLCT issued guidance in which is suggests that if municipal offices are closed, those days do not constitute business days during which local agencies and offices need to respond to public records requests. However, acknowledging that this is not ideal, VCLT encourages local offices to post records online when possible. | https://perma.cc/764A-REBG | ||||||||||||||||||||
218 | Vermont | State of Vermont, Office of the Secretary of State | Open Meetings; Public Records | The Vermont Secretary of State issued guidance on best practices. Regarding meetings, it states that any "member who participates remotely . . . must be able to hear and be heard throughout the meeting. This means that participating by speakerphone or Zoom, for example, can be appropriate, while participation by email is not." It notes that public bodies should make "extra efforts to notify the public of phone-in and teleconferencing options to encourage remote participation." The guidance encourages entities to make public records available online when possible. | https://perma.cc/FZU6-539U | ||||||||||||||||||||
219 | Vermont | Vermont Department of Financial Regulation | Public Records | "The department is still conducting business, however there may be some temporary delays in DFR services." No COVID delays reported in 2021. | https://perma.cc/N7FT-3RAP | ||||||||||||||||||||
220 | Virginia | State of Virginia, Office of the Attorney General | Open Meetings | On March 20, 2020, Attorney General Herring issued guidance stating that meetings may be held electronically when those meetings are convened to address the emergency conditions that led to the electronic gathering in the first place (i.e. the spread of COVID-19). The guidance instructs that entities meeting electronically must make arrangements for public access, which can include online streaming and online messengers. Gov. Northam announced Herring’s opinion at a March 21, 2020 briefing, stating: “We’re not throwing out public accountability and transparency measures because there is an emergency.” | https://files.constantcontact.com/bfcd0cef001/588cb72b-9349-40e9-b538-1cad74a4443f.pdf | https://www.washingtonpost.com/dc-md-va/2020/03/21/coronavirus-dc-maryland-virginia-updates/ | |||||||||||||||||||
221 | Virginia | Virginia Freedom of Information Advisory Council | Open Meetings | Gov. Northam recommended amendments to H.B. 29 that would allow more flexibility "for public bodies to meet electronically when circumstances related to an emergency—such as social distancing—make it impractical to meet in a single location." Among the governor's recommendations is the mandate that "a public body shall make available a recording or transcript of the meeting on its website." | https://perma.cc/46BC-QPQX | ||||||||||||||||||||
222 | Virginia | State of Virginia, Office of the Attorney General | Public Records | In October of 2020, the AG issued an opinion explaining that while the VA Code permits localities to adopt plans for continuity in government, localities may not wholesale claim that compliance with statutory deadlines is nonessential during an emergency. Thus, cities cannot enact ordinances that suspend compliance with the Virginia FOIA. | https://www.oag.state.va.us/files/Opinions/2020/20-043-Hudson-issued.pdf | ||||||||||||||||||||
223 | Washington | State of Washington, Office of the Attorney General | Open Meetings | On March 6, 2020, the Washington state attorney general’s office issued guidance that suggests if meetings are absolutely necessary they can be done remotely “where the public could choose to listen to the discussion such as via conference call or other remote alternatives.” The guidance highlights the importance of providing public notice through multiple fora and emphasizes that no public meetings can take place via text or email. | http://mrsc.org/getmedia/4c439dc1-e20c-4098-88b0-b91fd52fe5ad/w3agcoronaopma.pdf.aspx | ||||||||||||||||||||
224 | Washington | Island County | Public Records | "Responses to requests for records may be delayed . . . . All in-person business pertaining to requests for records is suspended, including: making a public records request in person, inspecting records onsite and picking up records onsite. If you have previously scheduled an onsite visit, the department’s records officer will be contacting you with other options." | https://perma.cc/YTL2-SD9U | ||||||||||||||||||||
225 | Washington | City of Chewelah | Public Records | Delays were to be expected through at least the Summer of 2020; as of January 2021, that no longer appears to be the case. | https://perma.cc/TP5W-8WT6 | ||||||||||||||||||||
226 | Washington | City of Fife | Public Records | Records requests will take "significantly longer" to process. Additionally, "Any requests for paper records will be logged, but processing will be delayed until City buildings are reopened." Requests can still be submitted by email or mail. Up to date as of June 2021. | https://perma.cc/4GNK-24ZD | https://perma.cc/XNV5-J7X8 | |||||||||||||||||||
227 | Washington | Employment Security Department | Public Records | Suspended hours for on-site inspection of records; potential delays in acknowledging requests. Up to date as of Jan. 22, 2021. | https://perma.cc/ZC7G-B3R7 | ||||||||||||||||||||
228 | Washington | Sumner-Bonney Lake School District | Public Records | Over the summer of 2020, "[T]here [was] a delay in responding to public records requests under the Washington State Open Public Records Act." As of January 2021, that no longer appears to be the case. | https://perma.cc/DG5A-7UBE | ||||||||||||||||||||
229 | Washington | City of Bothell | Public Records | "Public Requests are still being accepted and processed. However, no in-person public records business is currently allowed, including submitting a request for records, picking up/paying for copies, or physically inspecting records. Requests can be submitted electronically through our online portal." | http://www.bothellwa.gov/1648/COVID-19-Coronavirus | ||||||||||||||||||||
230 | Washington | City of Woodinville | Open Meetings | "[W]e're now closing City Hall to the public even during times when public meetings will occur. Instead, we encourage all residents to participate and submit public comments virtually." | https://perma.cc/JZ2G-29JR | https://www.ci.woodinville.wa.us/covid-19_information/response/virtual_meeting_participation | |||||||||||||||||||
231 | Washington | Washington State Human Rights Commission | Public Records | "You may experience limited or delayed responses when submitting your public records request. Especially for requests received via U.S. mail and/or fax. Please email your request directly to Debbie Thompson at debbie.thompson@hum.wa.gov, or you may leave a message at (360) 359-4925. Please be specific about what records you are seeking." | https://perma.cc/NWJ8-YE74 | https://perma.cc/79Z8-9KC6 | |||||||||||||||||||
232 | Washington | Port of Seattle | Open Meetings | The Port of Seattle Commission adjusted its public comment protocol. There will be no physical location and the Port will not accept in-person comments during its meetings. Those wishing to provide public comment can do so via email (commission-public-records@portseattle.org), and the comments will be distributed to Commissioner and attached to the approved minutes. You may also deliver public comment via phone / Skype if you email commission-public-records@portseattle.org with your name and the topic. You will then be provided with a link to join the Skype meeting. | https://perma.cc/A8WN-VKK8 | ||||||||||||||||||||
233 | Washington | City of Kirkland | Open Meetings | The City of Kirkland began live-streaming its public meetings as of March 17, 2020. Videos of the public meetings are posted on the city's website. While there is no in-person public comment allowed at the meeting, submission of comments to be read aloud or played at the meeting can be done by email, phone, or video. | https://www.facebook.com/tobynixon/posts/10158152315798698 | http://www.kirklandwa.gov/depart/council/Meetings/WatchCouncilMeetings.htm?fbclid=IwAR0IETfOux5R2x6Z4wGOSc8ejnZvFJEyzrkqBsRuaJx6asiQug3m77JL68o | |||||||||||||||||||
234 | Washington | State of Washington, Office of the Governor | Open Meetings; Public Records | Gov. Inslee issued a proclamation on March 24, 2020 that suspended portions of the OPMA that require in-person contact; agencies may meet telephonically or by video so long as conditions are met for public observation. The proclamation lists resources for teleconferencing and web-based meeting platforms. The governor also temporarily waived the requirement that agencies acknowledge receipt of records requests within 5 business days. UPDATE: the suspensions remain in effect through at least 8/1/20. | https://www.governor.wa.gov/sites/default/files/proclamations/20-28%20-%20COVID-19%20Open%20Govt%20Laws%20Waivers%20%28tmp%29.pdf | https://www.governor.wa.gov/sites/default/files/proclamations/20-28.7%20-%20COVID-19%20OpenGovtWaivers%20Ext%20%28tmp%29_0.pdf | |||||||||||||||||||
235 | Washington | State of Washington, Office of the Governor | Public Records | Gov. Inslee stated that strict compliance with the public records law will interfere with efforts to combat COVID-19. He suspended agencies' duties to comply with the public records law through at least August 2020. Update: Suspensions were in effect through at least November 2020, although these later suspensions appeared to be inapplicable to electronically received requests. | https://www.governor.wa.gov/sites/default/files/proc_20-64.pdf?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery | https://www.governor.wa.gov/sites/default/files/proclamations/proc_20-28.12.pdf?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery | |||||||||||||||||||
236 | Washington | Department of Ecology | Public Records | "[T]he Governor has signed a proclamation that temporarily suspends the 5-day response requirement of the Public Records Act. The proclamation also temporarily suspends the PRA requirement that agency offices must be open for public inspection and copying of public records . . . . Ecology will not provide the ability for the public to conduct PRA business at an agency office, such as in-person inspection of records . . . . These suspensions are in effect until midnight April 23, 2020." Update: The suspension is in effect as of Jan. 21, 2021. | https://perma.cc/KU54-NXZD | ||||||||||||||||||||
237 | Washington | Jefferson County | Public Records | "Responses to requests for records may be somewhat delayed during the period of the Covid-19 emergency, but Jefferson County will make every effort to provide a first response to public records requests within five days and to maintain communication with records requestors in a timely manner as staffing availability and workloads allow." | https://perma.cc/B653-VN8K | ||||||||||||||||||||
238 | Washington | Grant County | Public Records | "The Public Records Act 5 day letter requirements are suspended until further notice . . . . [P]roviding documents may be delayed[.] Grant County is not providing or arranging for in-person PRA business contacts with the public at any agency offices or facilities until further notice. Grant County will use alternative communication methods for PRA business with requestors such as phone, mail, email our online portal." | https://perma.cc/45U8-QEBU | ||||||||||||||||||||
239 | Washington | Yakima County | Public Records | "Due to the COVID-19 Health Emergency all Yakima County Departments will have limited services regarding the Public Records Act. Please expect delays for 5-day letters, correspondence and receiving records at this time. Yakima County will continue to assist the public in receiving records to the best of our ability during the COVID-19 Emergency." | https://perma.cc/PY83-BQKL | ||||||||||||||||||||
240 | West Virginia | County Commissioners' Association of West Virginia | Open Meetings | The County Commissioners' Association of West Virginia, under its COVID-19-related resources, links to the West Virginia Ethics Commission's page on open meetings. The open meetings page explains that the "purpose of the Open Meetings Act is to allow citizens to observe the governing body for purposes of promoting transparency. Governing bodies are encouraged to have a public comment period." It also states that members of the media may record meetings. | https://perma.cc/22FX-EDJE | https://perma.cc/BSU6-CK79 | |||||||||||||||||||
241 | West Virginia | West Virginia University | Open Meetings | "West Virginia University’s Board of Governors met for more than three hours June 19, discussing . . . the coronavirus pandemic . . . . None of the discussion took place in public." Arguably this discussion violated the open meetings law becaus discussions about the pandemic "aren’t among the “clearly defined” exceptions written in the open meetings act." | https://www.wvgazettemail.com/news/education/wvu-s-board-repeatedly-keeps-public-from-hearing-discussions-on-responses-to-the-pandemic-racism/article_e374180f-8f52-5269-9bee-c98946b1027f.html | ||||||||||||||||||||
242 | Wisconsin | Milwaukee Police Department | Public Records | The Milwaukee Police Department, according to a March 2020 press release, closed its open records division in light of a member of the department testing positive for COVID-19. However, members of the press and the public may still submit records requests online; the Department stated “delays should be expected” in processing records requests. | https://twitter.com/MilwaukeePolice/status/1239666120883408898 | ||||||||||||||||||||
243 | Wisconsin | City of Milwaukee | Public Records | The city clerk has reminded city staff of their records management/retention obligations while working from home. | https://perma.cc/84XN-U2EM | ||||||||||||||||||||
244 | Wisconsin | Department of Natural Resources | Public Records | Delays to be expected; request electronic public records online whenever possible. "State staff are not currently available to access physical files and no staff are available on-site to allow physical inspection of files by the public until the Governor's COVID-19 restrictions have been lifted." Up to date through January 21, 2021. | https://perma.cc/X7KC-YGMD | ||||||||||||||||||||
245 | Wisconsin | Universit of Wisconsin | Public Records | "Chancellor Rebecca Blank apologized on Monday for emails she sent [during the summer of 2020] suggesting COVID-19 communications between Big Ten leaders be moved to the network’s private portal, an approach one expert on Wisconsin’s public records law called 'clearly illegal.'” | https://madison.com/wsj/news/local/education/university/uw-madison-chancellor-apologizes-for-keeping-covid-19-discussions-private/article_a247b027-4e17-5e74-8d61-87e7a5da3aac.html | ||||||||||||||||||||
246 | Wisconsin | Wisconsin Department of Justice | Open Meetings | The Wisconsin DOJ’s Office of Open Government prepared an advisory on March 16, 2020, explaining that government bodies can meet their open meetings duties while social-distancing by conducting meetings by conference call if the public is provided with an effective way to monitor such calls (e.g. public distribution of dial-in info at least 24 hours in advance). The guidance encourages entities to be mindful of the possibility that it may be burdensome for some who would like to observe meetings to do so remotely, like people without internet access or those who are hard of hearing; therefore, appropriate accommodations should be made to facilitate reasonable access for such individuals. | https://perma.cc/RRG9-P8CR | ||||||||||||||||||||
247 | Wyoming | Town of Jackson | Open Meetings | The Town of Jackson is live-streaming its public meetings, archiving its recordings, and also offers opportunity for public comment by (1) emailing or (2) joining the meeting remotely through its Webex function and digitially "raising their hand." | https://perma.cc/NZ9A-QZ33 | ||||||||||||||||||||
248 | Wyoming | City of Cheyenne | Open Meetings | The Cheyenne City Council's electronic meetings allow public comment via an online chat function as well as verbally from a call-in number. | https://www.cheyennecity.org/Your-Government/City-Council/City-Council-Meetings | ||||||||||||||||||||
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1 | The information below has been archived as of June 12, 2020. For the most up to date information on federal FOIA and COVID-19, visit https://foia.wiki/wiki/COVID-19 | |||||
2 | Federal Entities | Government Entity Name | Law affected (e.g., public records, open meetings) | Summary of measure or policy | Link(s) | |
3 | Federal Bureau of Investigation | Public Records | At the outbreak of the pandemic, the FBI shut down its E-FOIA portal and represented that its records division would be closed through at least until April 13, 2020. As of April 14, 2020, FBI is accepting electronic requests through its online portal, but their records division suspended operations through April. As of May 6, the FBI records management division is once again active but experiencing significant delays in processing FOIA requests. | https://twitter.com/JasonLeopold/status/1249790021420244993 | https://perma.cc/T4GS-J3TV | |
4 | Department of State | Public Records | FOIA operations are "suspend[ed]" "until further notice." "We currently estimate that there is a 96% reduction in ability to process FOIA requests . . . ." | https://twitter.com/JasonLeopold/status/1241056468981272577 | https://www.politico.com/news/2020/03/27/state-department-foia-work-crippled-by-virus-precautions-151476 | |
5 | Center for Disease Control | Public Records | The CDC's FOIA office is open but teleworking. The agency's website advises that it "will not be able to receive FOIA requests/correspondence by mail or FedEx." At the beginning of the pandemic, the CDC's FOIA office was accepting requests by email and facsimile in addition to online portals. However, as of May 1, 2020, CDC "will no longer be accepting requests via E-mail or fax." Requesters can submit a FOIA request using THE FOIA Public Access Link (PAL) or via FOIA.gov. | https://perma.cc/RZ5C-BPX4 | ||
6 | U.S. Air Force | Public Records | Unknown delay in processing FOIA requests. | https://twitter.com/nickturse/status/1240624315349041152 | https://perma.cc/749M-AZJJ | |
7 | Environmental Protection Agency | Public Records | No COVID-19-related disruptions to FOIA process reported. | https://www.eenews.net/stories/1062638381 | ||
8 | Department of the Interior | Public Records | "If your request is for hard copy records, the response to your request will very likely be delayed. In addition, employees may not receive FOIA requests that are sent by U.S. mail, overnight mail services, or facsimile in a timely manner. We recommend, therefore, that requesters submit requests through the Department’s online portal at https://www.doi.gov/foia/foia-request-form or the government-wide portal at https://www.foia.gov." | https://perma.cc/27DS-KF2B | ||
9 | Department of Agriculture | Public Records | No COVID-19-related disruptions to FOIA process reported. | https://www.eenews.net/stories/1062638381 | ||
10 | Department of Energy | Public Records | The Department is continuing to process FOIA requests. However, "employees are on telework and have no access to requests sent by regular mail or requests sent by facsimile." Requesters should submit FOIA requests electronically. | https://twitter.com/JasonLeopold/status/1247689303993417728 | https://perma.cc/BQ44-5D5Z | |
11 | National Nuclear Security Administration | Public Records | "Due to COVID-19, the NNSA Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) program staff are experiencing significant delays in receiving and processing FOIA requests. We ask that FOIA requesters continue to submit their requests to foiofficer@nnsa.doe.gov. Submissions are still accepted, but responses will be delayed." | https://perma.cc/HZ65-NZVL | ||
12 | Bonneville Power Administration | Public Records | "Due to COVID-19, BPA FOIA Office staff are experiencing significant delays in receiving and processing FOIA requests sent by regular mail. We ask that requesters submit FOIA request electronically using the FOIA request form below. Mailed submissions are still accepted but responses will be delayed." | https://perma.cc/8P94-DUCH | ||
13 | Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration | Public Records | At the beginning of the pandemic, there were no COVID-19-related disruptions to FOIA process reported. Later, the following appeared on the agency's website: "the FOIA team is working remotely and not able to process any requests mailed or faxed to the office. Any requests received by mail or fax after Monday, March 16, 2020, may not be processed until employees are able to return safely to the office. If you wish to resubmit your request, please send it [via email]." | https://www.eenews.net/stories/1062638381 | https://perma.cc/8U9Y-MBPC | |
14 | National Archives and Records Administration | Public Records | NARA has stated that FOIA requesters "may experience a delay in receiving an initial acknowledgment as well as a substantive response to" FOIA requests and appeals right now. Additionally, its research facilities are closed until further notice. | https://perma.cc/7M4R-H5EV | ||
15 | U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services | Public Records | USCIS has stated that its "capacity to process paper FOIA requests and deliver records by mail will be greatly reduced" at the moment, and it encourages FOIA requesters to submit requests electronically. | https://perma.cc/583Y-VYGG | ||
16 | Nuclear Regulatory Commission | Public Records | "NRC staff are working remotely and there may be additional delays in responding to FOIA requests. FOIA requests submitted by mail will not be considered received until FOIA staff is physically back in the office. Online and emailed FOIA requests will be processed as normal." | https://perma.cc/TNK6-X2MM | ||
17 | Internal Revenue Service | Public Records | Delays to be expected in processing FOIA requests. | https://perma.cc/BSC3-6LRZ | ||
18 | Immigration and Customs Enforcement | Public Records | ICE's FOIA staff "will have limited access for processing incoming physical mail due to the national response to COVID-19. It is highly recommended that all correspondence regarding FOIA requests be sent electronically to ice-foia@ice.dhs.gov to avoid delay in processing." | https://perma.cc/QE7K-K3G3 | ||
19 | National Security Agency | Public Records | Delays to be expected in conducting FOIA matters; possibility of closure of FOIA office. | https://twitter.com/JasonLeopold/status/1242963828075155458 | ||
20 | Consumer Product Safety Commission | Public Records | Agency currently does not have access to U.S. mail and is only accepting FOIA requests electronically. Encourages use of Public Access Link (PAL). Alternatively, requests and appeals should be sent to cpscfoiarequests@cpsc.gov. | https://perma.cc/6S4N-2RTE | ||
21 | Consumer Financial Protection Bureau | Public Records | "[O]ur responses to mail and fax inquiries will be significantly delayed. The Bureau is working to restore the FOIA team’s access to these services . . . . To ensure a more timely response, please contact the Bureau’s FOIA team by email." | https://perma.cc/Z4Z4-YZ8P | ||
22 | U.S. Postal Service | Public Records | "[Y]ou are strongly encouraged to submit a FOIA request or FOIA appeal via email or facsimile to prevent any delays in service. Please also include your email address with your FOIA request or FOIA appeal so that we may expeditiously provide you with any non-exempt responsive records." | https://perma.cc/NZ6M-A3EG | ||
23 | Defense Intelligence Agency | Public Records | Delays to be expected. | https://www.muckrock.com/foi/united-states-of-america-10/covid-19-foia-impact-defense-intelligence-agency-90803/#comm-871059 | ||
24 | Army Corps of Engineers | Public Records | Delays to be expected. | https://perma.cc/DBE8-PNRM | https://perma.cc/2UC9-BXJ8 | |
25 | Department of Defense, Office of the Secretary of Defense and Joint Staff | Public Records | FOIA requests "should be submitted via our website or email" because "requests submitted via fax or U.S. mail will experience unavoidable delays." | https://perma.cc/34PC-SGQW | ||
26 | Housing and Urban Development | Public Records | Delays to be expected. | https://perma.cc/7SK6-QYTG | ||
27 | DOJ, National Security Division | Public Records | Delays to be expected. | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1CqU1oyo3aXu6VQdszijngI14fLVGVO0b/view | ||
28 | Department of Treasury, Inspector General for Tax Administration | Public Records | Delays to be expected if requests are submitted by U.S. mail. Send requests electronically via e-mail (FOIA.Reading.Room@tigta.treas.gov) or fax it to (202) 622-3339. | https://perma.cc/YB9Y-2BXH | ||
29 | DOJ, Civil Division | Public Records | Delays to be expected. | https://perma.cc/HR2X-3ARM | ||
30 | DOJ, Criminal Division | Public Records | Delays to be expected. Also: "We will be able to acknowledge requests made electronically more quickly than by mail. You may reach out to our FOIA Requester Service Center and FOIA Public Liaison if you have any questions about your request." | https://perma.cc/2H5G-Q2RF | ||
31 | DOJ, Office of Justice Programs | Public Records | Delays to be expected, but agency "will be able to acknowledge requests made electronically more quickly than by mail." | https://perma.cc/K4M6-9J9D | ||
32 | Bureau of Reclamation | Public Records | Delays to be expected for hardcopy records. | https://perma.cc/MEF7-2X5R | ||
33 | National Institutes of Health | Public Records | Delays to be expected. "Please submit all requests through our online portal rather than mail, fax, or courier, to ensure timely logging of your request." | https://perma.cc/VRX8-LV5G | ||
34 | Food and Drug Administration | Public Records | "Please submit all requests through our online portal . . . rather than mail, fax, or courier, to ensure timely logging of your request." | https://perma.cc/6W9U-FZ6P | ||
35 | Department of Labor | Public Records | Still processing FOIA requests. "[W]e are still able to receive and timely log FOIA requests and appeals submitted through the Department’s designated email addresses (foiarequests@dol.gov and foiaappeals@dol.gov, respectively) as well as those submitted through the National FOIA Portal.” | https://perma.cc/K6TT-CYHD | https://twitter.com/FOIANate/status/1251192651807850497 | |
36 | Department of Veterans Affairs | Public Records | "During this time, personnel will not have access to requests submitted to FOIA offices via hard copy mail and facsimile and there will be a delay in responses to such correspondence as well as the processing of requests and appeals. We encourage you to file your new requests or appeals using our electronic submission form . . . or by email." | https://perma.cc/66Y9-FPMN | ||
37 | Office of Government Information Services | Public Records | "Staff will not have access to mail and fax correspondence. As a result, there will be a delay in our responses to such correspondence. To ensure a more timely response to your inquiry, please contact us via email at ogis@nara.gov" | https://perma.cc/DA2J-RT5A | ||
38 | General Services Administration | Public Records | "[Y]ou may experience a delay in receiving an initial acknowledgment as well as a substantive response to your FOIA request or appeal. We will be able to acknowledge requests made electronically more quickly than by mail." | https://perma.cc/H2S9-CB4Y | ||
39 | United States Agency for International Development | Public Records | "Please note that USAID is unable to conduct a search for physical records while teleworking. As a result, all search requests will be limited to electronic records, unless you notify us that you want your request to remain open until USAID employees have physical access to their workspaces." | https://perma.cc/JXX5-JWTX | ||
40 | Department of Transportation | Public Records | The "FOIA team is working remotely and not able to process any requests mailed or faxed to the office. Any requests received by mail or fax after Monday, March 16, 2020, may not be processed until employees are able to return safely to the office." | https://perma.cc/EKH6-36XD | ||
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