1 | KES-IDT-20 17-19 June 2020 | |||
2 | Session | PROSE Paper No | Paper Title / Authors | |
3 | IDT-1: Room 1 17 June 20 10:00 - 12:00 GMT | 1 | idt20-002 | Solving Job Shop Scheduling with Parallel Population-Based Optimization and Apache Spark Ms Izabela Wierzbowska, Prof. Piotr Jedrzejowicz |
4 | Session Title: General Track - Part 1 | 2 | idt20-005 | Predicting Profitability of Peer-to-Peer Loans with Recovery Models for Censored Data Mr Markus Viljanen, Mr Ajay Byanjankar, Prof Tapio Pahikkala |
5 | Chair: Ireneszu Czarnowski | 3 | idt20-008 | Weighted Network Analysis for Computer-Aided Drug Discovery Dr Mariko Ito, Prof Takaaki Ohnishi |
6 | 4 | idt20-013 | Manufacturing as a Service in Industry 4.0: A Multi-Objective Optimization Approach Mr Gabriel Medeiros, Mr Qiushi Cao, Ass. Prof. Ahmed Samet, Prof. Cecilia Zanni-merk | |
7 | 5 | idt20-025 | Conservative Determinization of Translated Automata by Embedded Subset Construction Mr Michele Dusi, Prof. Gianfranco Lamperti | |
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10 | IDT-2: Room 1 17 June 20 14:00 - 16:00 GMT | 1 | idt20-026 | Explanatory Monitoring of Discrete-Event Systems Prof. Gianfranco Lamperti, Mr Nicola Bertoglio, Prof. Marina Zanella, Prof. Xiangfu Zhao |
11 | Session Title: General Track - Part 2 | 2 | idt20-027 | Artificial Intelligence Technique in Crop Disease Forecasting: a Case Study on Potato Late Blight Prediction Prof Gianni Fenu, Dr Francesca Malloci |
12 | Chair: Ireneusz Czarnowski | 3 | idt20-030 | Optimal Quality-based Recycling and Reselling Prices of Returned SEPs in IoT Environment Ph.d Candidate Siyu Zong, Assoc. Prof. Sijie Li, Ph.d Candidate You Shang |
13 | 4 | idt20-032 | On a Novel Representation of Multiple Textual Documents in a Single Graph Prof. Nikos Karacapilidis, Mr. Nikolaos Giarelis, Mr. Nikos Kanakaris | |
14 | 5 | idt20-058 | A Multi-Agent Approach to the DVRP with GLS Improvement Procedure Prof. Dariusz Barbucha | |
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17 | IDT-3: Room 1 18 June 20 10:00 - 12:00 GMT | 1 | idt20-003 | Digital Twin Technology for Pipeline Inspection Phd Radda Iureva, Phd Yuri Andreev, Master Daria Kolesnikova, Phd Artem Kremlev, Master Vladislav Subbotin |
18 | Session Title (IS01): Multi-Criteria Decision-Analysis – Theory and Their Applications | 2 | idt20-060 | Application of Hill Climbing Algorithm in Determining the Characteristic Objects Preferences Based on the Reference Set of Alternatives Mr. Jakub Wieckowski, Mr. Bartlomiej Kizielewicz, PhD Joanna Kolodziejczyk |
19 | Chair: Wojciech Sałabun | 3 | idt20-061 | The Search of the Optimal Preference Values of the Characteristic Objects by Using Particle Swarm Optimization in the Uncertain Environment Mr. Jakub Wieckowski, Mr. Bartlomiej Kizielewicz, PhD Joanna Kolodziejczyk |
20 | 4 | idt20-062 | Finding an Approximate Global Optimum of Characteristic Objects Preferences by Using Simulated Annealing Mr. Jakub Wieckowski, Mr. Bartlomiej Kizielewicz, PhD Joanna Kolodziejczyk | |
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22 | Session | PROSE Paper No | Paper Title / Authors | |
23 | IDT-4: Room 1 18 June 20 14:00 - 16:00 GMT | 1 | idt20-004 | Detecting Relevant Regions for Watermark Embedding in Video Sequences Based on Deep Learning Prof. Margarita Favorskaya, Dr. Vladimir Buryachenko |
24 | Session Title: Intelligent Data Processing and its Applications - Part 1 | 2 | idt20-007 | Artificial Neural Network in Predicting Cancer Based on Infra-Red Spectroscopy Mr. Yaniv Cohen, Dr. Ben Zion Dekel, Prof. Evgenii Krouk, Dr. Arkadi Zilberman |
25 | Chair: Margarita N. Favorskaya, Lakhmi C. Jain, Mikhail Sergeev | 3 | idt20-011 | Evaluation of Shoulder Joint Data Obtained from CON-TREX Medical System Phd Mikhail Kurako, Dr. Evgeny Kabaev, Phd Alexander Matsulev, Dr. Konstantin Simonov, Dr. Aleksandr Zotin |
26 | 4 | idt20-012 | Framework for Intelligent Wildlife Monitoring Dr. Valery Nicheporchuk, Prof. Margarita Favorskaya, Dr. Igor Gryazin | |
27 | 5 | idt20-015 | Computation the Bridges Earthquake Resistance by the Grid-Characteristic Method Dr Alena Favorskaya | |
28 | 6 | idt20-016 | Study the Elastic Waves Propagation in Multi-Storey Buildings, Taking into Account Dynamic Destruction Dr Alena Favorskaya, Dr Vasily Golubev | |
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31 | IDT-5: Room 1 19 June 20 09:30 - 11:30 GMT | 1 | idt20-017 | Icebergs Explosions for Prevention of Offshore Collision: Computer Simulation and Analysis Dr Alena Favorskaya, Dr Nikolay Khokhlov |
32 | Session Title: Intelligent Data Processing and its Applications - Part 2 | 2 | idt20-029 | Genetic Operators Impact on Genetic Algorithms Based Variable Selection Dr Marco Vannucci, Dr Silvia Cateni, Dr Valentina Colla |
33 | Chair: Margarita N. Favorskaya, Lakhmi C. Jain, Mikhail Sergeev | 3 | idt20-034 | Symmetry Indices as a Key to Finding Matrices of Cyclic Structure for Noise-Immune Coding Dr. Anton Vostrikov, Prof. Nikolaj Balonin, Dr. Alexander Sergeev, Prof. Mikhail Sergeev |
34 | 4 | idt20-035 | Search and Modification of Code Sequences Based on Circulant Quasi-Orthogonal Matrices Dr. Anton Vostrikov, Dr. Vadim Nenashev, Dr. Alexander Sergeev, Prof. Mikhail Sergeev | |
35 | 5 | idt20-051 | Processing of CT Lung Images as a Part of Radiomics Phd Mikhail Kurako, Phd Yousif Hamad, Phd Anzhelika Kents, Dr Konstantin Simonov, Dr Aleksandr Zotin | |
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37 | Session | PROSE Paper No | Paper Title / Authors | |
38 | IDT-6: Room 4 19 June 20 09:30 - 11:30 GMT | 1 | idt20-001 | Symbolic Music Text Fingerprinting: Automatic Identification of Musical Scores Prof Michele Della Ventura |
39 | Session Title: High-Dimensional Data Analysis and Its Applications | 2 | idt20-014 | Optimization of Generalized Cp Criterion for Selecting Ridge Parameters in Generalized Ridge Regression Mr. Mineaki Ohishi, Prof. Hirokazu Yanagihara |
40 | Chair: Mika Sato-Ilic | 3 | idt20-046 | A Fast Optimization Method for Additive Model via Partial Generalized Ridge Regression Dr Keisuke Fukui, Mr Mineaki Ohishi, Dr Mariko Yamamura, Prof Hirokazu Yanagihara |
41 | 4 | idt20-048 | Improvement of the Training Dataset for Supervised Multiclass Classification Ms. Yukako Toko, Prof. Mika Sato-ilic | |
42 | 5 | idt20-052 | A Constrained Cluster Analysis with Homogeneity of External Criterion Dr. Masao Takahashi, Mr. Tomoo Asakawa, Prof. Dr. Mika Sato-ilic | |
43 | 6 | idt20-053 | Trust-Region Strategy with Cauchy Point for Nonnegative Tensor Factorization with Beta-divergence Dr. Rafal Zdunek, Mr. Krzysztof Fonal | |
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45 | Session | PROSE Paper No | Paper Title / Authors | |
46 | IDT-7: Room 5 19 June 20 09:30 - 11:30 GMT | 1 | idt20-010 | History of Mechanization and Organizational Change in the Life Insurance Industry in Japan (Examples from Dai-ichi Life, Nippon Life, Imperial Life, Meiji Life) Ph.d Shunei Norikumo |
47 | Session Title: Decision Making Theory for Economics | 2 | idt20-031 | A Diagram for Finding Nash Equilibria in Two-Players Strategic Form Games Dr Takafumi Mizuno |
48 | Chair: Takao Ohya, Takafumi Mizuno | 3 | idt20-033 | An AHP Approach for Transform Selection in DHCT-based Image Compression Mr Masaki Morita, Mr Yuto Kimura, Prof. Katsu Yamatani |
49 | 4 | idt20-054 | SPCM with Improved Two Stage Method for MDAHP including Hierarchical Criteria. Prof. Takao Ohya | |
50 | 5 | idt20-059 | Tournament Method Using a Tree Structure to Resolve Budget Conflicts Dr. Natsumi Oyamaguchi, Dr. Isamu Okada, Dr. Hiroyuki Tajima | |
51 | 6 | idt20-028 | Upgrading the Megacity Piloting a Co-Design & Decision Support Environment for Urban Development in India Prof. Dr.-ing Joerg Noennig, Dipl.-ing. Konstantin Doll, Dipl.-ing. David Hick, Dipl.-psych. Torsten Holmer, B.s. Chiranjay Shah, Dipl.-ing. Sebastian Wiesenhuetter | |
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53 | Session | PROSE Paper No | Paper Title / Authors | |
54 | IDT-8: Room 4 PM 19 June 20 13:30 -15:30 GMT | 1 | idt20-022 | Digital Systems for eCTD Creation on the Pharmaceutical Market of the Eurasian Economic Union Assoc. Prof. Konstantin Koshechkin, Prof. Georgy Lebedev, Prof. Sergey Zykov |
55 | Session Title: Large-Scale Systems for Intelligent Decision Making and Knowledge Engineering | 2 | idt20-023 | Scientific Approaches to the Digitalization of Drugs Assortment Monitoring Using Artificial Neural Networks Assoc. Prof. Konstantin Koshechkin, Prof. Georgiy Lebedev, Mr. Arsalan Tsyndymeyev |
56 | Chair: Sergey Zykov | 3 | idt20-024 | The Geographic Information System of the Russian Ministry of Health Dr Georgy Lebedev, Dr Nikita Golubev, Dr Yuriy Orlov, Dr Alexandr Policarpov, Mr Aleksey Serikov, Ms Elena Tyurina |
57 | 4 | idt20-036 | Creation a Medical Decision Support System Using Evidence-Based Medicine Dr Georgy Lebedev, Mr Eduard Fartushniy, Mr Herman Klimenko, Dr Konstantin Koshechkin, Mr Pavel Kozhin, Dr Igor Shaderkin | |
58 | 5 | idt20-037 | Improve Statistical Reporting Forms in Research Institutions of the Health Ministry of Russia Dr Georgy Lebedev, Mr Eduard Fartushniy, Dr Oleg Krylov, Mr Andrey Lelyakov, Mr Yuriy Mironov, Mr Valeriy Tkachenko | |
59 | 6 | idt20-045 | Chat-based Approach Applied to Automatic Live-stream Highlight Generation Master Student Pavel Drankou, Prof. Sergey Zykov | |
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61 | Session | PROSE Paper No | Paper Title / Authors | |
62 | IDT-9: Room 2 PM 19 June 20 09:30 - 11:30 GMT | 1 | idt20-019 | What are the Differences between Good and Poor User Experience? Dr. Jun Iio |
63 | Session Title: Decision Technologies and Related Topics in Big Data Analysis of Social and Financial Issues | 2 | idt20-043 | Two-component Opinion Dynamics Theory of Official Stance and Real Opinion Including Self-interaction Prof. Akira Ishii, Dr Yuki Ohira, Ms Nozomi Okano |
64 | Chair: Mieko Tanaka-Yamawaki | 3 | idt20-047 | Theory of Opinion Distribution in Human Relations where Trust and Distrust Mixed Prof Akira Ishii, Dr. Yasuko Kawahata |
65 | 4 | idt20-050 | Is the Statistical Property of the Arrowhead Price Fluctuation Time Dependent? Dr. Mieko Tanaka-Yamawaki, Prof. Masanori Yamanaka | |
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