1 | Case | Legal outcomes | Campaigning outcomes | |||||||||||||
2 | 2016 | |||||||||||||||
3 | Can the Prime Minister trigger Article 50? | We won this case, obtaining a declaration that triggering Article 50 required parliamentary approval. | We significantly increased awareness of the primacy of Parliament over the Executive in managing the consequences of a referendum established to advise Parliament. | |||||||||||||
4 | ||||||||||||||||
5 | 2017 | |||||||||||||||
6 | Can the Article 50 notification be revoked (Take One)? | We discontinued this claim because we were unable to obtain costs protection. | ||||||||||||||
7 | Can the Article 50 notification be revoked (Take Two)? | We won this case; the Court ruled that we could revoke the notice we had given under Article 50. | There was greater public awareness of the possibility of revoking Article 50 amongst the public and in Parliament. | |||||||||||||
8 | Should the Electoral Commission investigate Vote Leave's spending? | When we began the challenge to the Electoral Commission's refusal to investigate Vote Leave it reversed its decision and began to investigate. The remainder of the case became largely academic when the Electoral Commission concluded Vote Leave had broken the law. Having won on the remainder in the Divisional Court we lost in the Court of Appeal. | The investigation started in response to the litigation established that Vote Leave had broken electoral law which raised proper questions about the democratic legitimacy of the outcome. | |||||||||||||
9 | Should the Government publish its Brexit studies? | We were in the process of appealing against a refusal of permission when Government released the Brexit studies. | Whilst the litigation was ongoing the Government published summaries of its Brexit studies. | |||||||||||||
10 | Uber has to pay VAT (Take One) | We withdrew this case after we lost an interim application to cap Uber's costs. | GLP's campaign to require Uber to stop dodging VAT succeeded - HMRC assessed it to VAT. | |||||||||||||
11 | ||||||||||||||||
12 | 2018 | |||||||||||||||
13 | Challenge to the health risks posed by a No Deal Brexit | We were refused permission to bring this claim. | The claim helped highlight the effects of a No-Deal Brexit on access to medicines. And Parliament repeatedly rejected No Deal. | |||||||||||||
14 | Challenging training fee clawbacks | We organised claims against a number of organisations charging "exit fees" when people left after receiving training. Litigation continues and we have succeeded against one Defendant, lost against another, and Capita has discontinued the practice. | The issue was covered on a number of media outlets and the Minister promised to review exit fees. Although their use continues, most blue chip employers have ceased using companies that impose exit fees. | |||||||||||||
15 | Home Office deporting academics | We crowdfunded for litigation but did not need to send a letter before action or issue proceedings because the Home Office reversed its decision. | Following a public campaign we were heavily involved in the Home Office reversing its decision. | |||||||||||||
16 | Monocle magazine paying below minimum wage | After we issued proceedings, Monocle settled with the Claimant in this matter outside of court, paying the entirety of her claim and admitting liability. | The case, and the broader issue of unpaid internships, received extensive media coverage. | |||||||||||||
17 | Post-Brexit EU citizenship (Dutch courts) | The Dutch Court referred to the European Court of Justice the question whether we would retain citizenship rights after Brexit but the Dutch Court of Appeal reversed the decision. | ||||||||||||||
18 | Should the Electoral Commission investigate DUP's spending? | We were refused permission to bring this claim while our earlier case relating to Vote Leave was still ongoing. | This donation was investigated by the Electoral Commission and the donors were fined as a result. | |||||||||||||
19 | ||||||||||||||||
20 | 2019 | |||||||||||||||
21 | The Prime Minister had to request an extension to our departure date from the EU under the Benn Act | The Court declined to determine the case "until it is clear that the obligations under [the Benn Act] have been complied with in full", as our claim requested, and they ultimately were. | In his response to our claim the Prime Minister stated in Court that he would do as the law required and request a Brexit extension (contrary to what he was saying in public). As a result of that request, the "no deal" period was extended. The UK did not ultimately leave the EU until January 2022 and there was no "no deal" Brexit. | |||||||||||||
22 | The Prorogation of Parliament was unlawful | We won this case in the Supreme Court. The Court ruled that the prorogation of parliament was unlawful and thus null and void. | The Inner Court of Session found that the Government had in effect misled the Queen; the Government appealled and a unanimous verdict of the Supreme Court found that the prorogation prevented Parliament carrying out its constitutional duties. | |||||||||||||
23 | Uber has to pay VAT (Take Two) | We were refused permission to bring the case. | GLP's campaign to require Uber to stop dodging VAT succeeded - HMRC assessed it to VAT. | |||||||||||||
24 | Unlawful to create a separate customs territory in Northern Ireland | The Court refused our applications for interim orders and we withdrew the case when Parliament impliedly repealed section 55 of the Taxation (Cross-border Trade) Act 2018. | ||||||||||||||
25 | ||||||||||||||||
26 | 2020 | |||||||||||||||
27 | Airports National Policy statements aren't compatible with Net Zero targets | We have not issued proceedings in this case, following pre-action correspondence. | The Government has promised to look at reviewing the policy statements in "early 2022"; we will consider pursuing this further once this review comes out. | |||||||||||||
28 | A Level results downgraded by algorithms | We did not issue proceedings in this case, as Government U-turned and reversed this policy following our pre-action letter. | Following significant pressure, including our threatened claim, Government entirely discarded the results that Ofqual calculated automatically by algorithms and instead based grades on the ones awarded by teachers. | |||||||||||||
29 | Abingdon Health antibody tests | The Court was against us on the substance and found we did not have sufficient legal interest in DHSC's decisions to bring the claim. | This case uncovered the existence of a "VIP lane" within the Test and Trace system and highlighted the use, and vulnerability of private communications channels by Ministers. | |||||||||||||
30 | Challenging Government's "Operation Moonshot" program | After we applied for an oral hearing on permission, following refusal on the papers, Government abandoned the £100bn Moonshot program. | ||||||||||||||
31 | Free School Meals over summer holidays 2020 | We did not issue proceedings because Government abandoned its policy while we were engaged in pre-action correspondence. | Our campaign, and litigation, had some impact but credit is primarily due to Marcus Rashford. | |||||||||||||
32 | Government's Energy National Policy statements fail Net Zero targets | We issued proceedings when Government refused to confirm it would would review its National Policy Statement on Energy Infrastructure. Government later confirmed it would review the policy - and subsequently changed it. | ||||||||||||||
33 | Government failing to publish contracts | We won this case in Court. | The Judge specifically noted that Government admitted their breaches of the law "as a result of this litigation and at a late stage of it". The case attracted widespread attention and precipitated calls for Matt Hancock to resign. | |||||||||||||
34 | Government's preferential treatment for Hanbury | We have been granted permission to bring this claim, but it is currently stayed behind our claim against Public First below. | ||||||||||||||
35 | Government's preferential treatment for Public First, a communications agency linked to Michael Gove and Dominic Cummings | We lost this case in the Court of Appeal; we are seeking permission to appeal to the Supreme Court. | We generated considerable media focus on the award of contracts without any procurement process to friends of Michael Gove and Dominic Cummings. | |||||||||||||
36 | Online education; no resources for disadvantaged children | We did not need to issue proceedings in this case as Government changed course following our pre-action letter. | Government introduced a programme providing support to disadvantaged and vulnerable students, including £85m of funding for laptop purchases. | |||||||||||||
37 | Public inquiry into Covid response | We were refused permission 'on the papers' to bring this claim because the Prime Minister had committed to hold a public inquiry. When the date was firmed up we discontinued our claim. | Government committed to holding a public inquiry in the Spring of 2022. | |||||||||||||
38 | Removal of State Aid rules by executive fiat after Brexit | We withdrew our claim in this case before permission was considered. | After we issued our claim, Government stated that it would change the State Aid regime by properly bringing legislation before Parliament for scrutiny. | |||||||||||||
39 | Recognise air pollution as a potential hazard Government must protect against | We were refused permission to bring this claim. | The Judge agreed there could be "arguments of substance" as to a freestanding precautionary principle. | |||||||||||||
40 | Unlawful appointments of Dido Harding and Mike Coupe | The claim brought by the Runnymede Trust, funded by us, which ran alongside and was identical to ours, succeeded on the grounds that neither the Minister or the Prime Minister carried out their public sector equality duties before appointing Dido Harding or Mike Coupe. Not all grounds of the claim succeeded. | Together we established that the Public Sector Equality Duty should have been taken into account in the appointments and drew widespread attention to the unlawful process around the appointments of Harding and Coupe. | |||||||||||||
41 | VIP lane PPE - Ayanda | The Court found that the VIP lane, through which Ayanda won its contract, was illegal. | We drew wide attention to the institutionalisation of cronyism in the VIP lane. | |||||||||||||
42 | VIP lane PPE - Clandeboye | The Court dismissed all our claims relating to Clandeboye. | We drew wide attention to the institutionalisation of cronyism in the VIP lane. | |||||||||||||
43 | VIP lane PPE - Pestfix | The Court found that the VIP lane, through which Pestfix won its contracts, was illegal. | We drew wide attention to the institutionalisation of cronyism in the VIP lane. | |||||||||||||
44 | VIP lane PPE - Saiger | Although permission was granted in Saiger - a now-familiar story of profiteering, secrecy and waste - more recent courts have shown a reluctance to look at pandemic procurement. In the circumstances, we have decided that it is not a good use of money to proceed with this claim. We withdrew it in June 2022. | We drew wide attention to the institutionalisation of cronyism in the VIP lane. | |||||||||||||
45 | ||||||||||||||||
46 | 2021 | |||||||||||||||
47 | Children in care sent outside home areas | We were refused permission to bring this claim. | We attracted some national media attention to the fact of looked after children being 'dumped' a long way from their support networks in cheaper parts of the country. Since we started the claim, Surrey Council has invested £37 million in new in-area residential accommodation. | |||||||||||||
48 | Delays in providing healthcare to trans people | We have been granted permission to bring this claim. The hearing is set to take place on the 29th and 30th of November. | ||||||||||||||
49 | Failings in the Dylan Lee inquest | We funded representation for Dylan Lee's mother in an inquest into his suicide following racist bullying. However, we were refused permission to challenge the breadth of that inquiry. | We attracted some national media attention to the racist treatment of Gypsy Romani and Traveller children. | |||||||||||||
50 | Blackmailing constituency MPs | We did not issue proceedings in this case, following pre-action correspondence. We do not have sufficient evidence connecting the threats and the removal of spending | Government did not deny that threats were made but undertook they would not recur. | |||||||||||||
51 | Immensa - failures of mass false negative Covid tests | This case is currently awaiting a permission decision. | ||||||||||||||
52 | In cases where a child can't consent to puberty blockers, this power should be given to parents, not the Courts | The Claimants in this case won in Court. Our Legal Defence Fund for Transgender Lives funded the Claimants in this case. | This case has clarified the legal position but very considerable barriers remain to trans children accessing healthcare which we are challenging in other litigation. | |||||||||||||
53 | Levelling Up Fund cash distributed in Conservative seats | We were granted permission to bring this claim but withdrew it following legal advice that on the basis of the disclosure given by Government we were unlikely to succeed. | Our claim helped generate considerable publicity for 'pork-barrel' politics of the Government. | |||||||||||||
54 | Ministers using private emails for Govt business | Our appeal was heard in the Court of Appeal on 8th and 9th November. We are waiting for a decision. | We generated widespread awareness of the improper use to conduct Government business of private communications channels. | |||||||||||||
55 | The use of public money for party political advertising | We did not issue proceedings. Government provided its policies in correspondence; Good Law Project stated that "we no longer believe we can succeed in addressing [this issue] with litigation". | ||||||||||||||
56 | Review decision to allow LGB Alliance charity status | We provided funding to this case but are not the Claimants. The hearing of this case concluded on the 7th and 8th of November. We are now awaiting a ruling. | ||||||||||||||
57 | School absence policies for Covid vulnerable families | After pre-action correspondence with the Minister, he revised the policy to make it clear that schools should show proper flexibility towards clinically vulnerable families. | ||||||||||||||
58 | Scrutinising the appointment of Charity Commission chair | We discontinued proceedings when Government withdrew the appointment of Martin Thomas following revelations about his past conduct we had uncovered. | We generated considerable attention for the Government's attempt to politicise the Charity Commission and appoint a plainly unsuitable candidate as its Chair. | |||||||||||||
59 | Trans orgs intervening in Bell/Tavistock appeal (which stopped puberty blocker prescriptions) | The intervention we organised was allowed and the appeal against the original Bell decision succeeded. | Bell's legal team recently announced they had been refused permission to appeal this to the Supreme Court. | |||||||||||||
60 | Transfer Windrush Compensation Scheme to an independent organisation | We did not issue proceedings in this case, for which we did not crowdfund. | ||||||||||||||
61 | VIP lane PPE - Bunzl | We have been granted permission to bring this claim, which is currently awaiting a hearing. | ||||||||||||||
62 | VIP lane PPE - Pharmaceuticals Direct Limited | This case was dismissed by the Court due to a procedural issue for which Good Law Project was not responsible. That decision was upheld in the Court of Appeal and we have now been granted permission to appeal to the Supreme Court. | ||||||||||||||
63 | Water companies dumping sewage in rivers | We intervened in the case to support the Claimants, Manchester Ship Canal Company, who were unsuccessful in the Court of Appeal. They will decide whether they want to appeal further to the Supreme Court. | We built momentum behind the issue and engaged thousands of supporters. We are now working with a seafood business and leading environmental activist on a new challenge to protect our rivers and coastlines from water companies dumping sewage. | |||||||||||||
64 | ||||||||||||||||
65 | 2022 | |||||||||||||||
66 | Government's Net Zero strategy won't let us reach Net Zero | Our legal challenge was successful. The Court ruled that the Government's Net Zero proposals and report did not meet their statutory targets. The Government has now been ordered by the Court to revise and improve their Net Zero proposals by March 31st 2023. | We campaigned alongside Friends of the Earth and Client Earth to deliver a rare, practical and tangible win for the climate. | |||||||||||||
67 | Met Police failing to investigate No 10 parties | After the Met Police agreed to reverse their original decision not to investigate the PM we withdrew our judicial review. | The Prime Minister was fined after the Met concluded he had committed a criminal offence. | |||||||||||||
68 | Met Police promoting officer who harassed Kristina O'Connor | We have been granted permission to bring this claim, which is currently awaiting a hearing. | ||||||||||||||
69 | E2BN's £70bn framework agreement with Place Group | After we issued our challenge, E2BN withdrew the framework agreement. | We generated a considerable amount of national attention on a local issue and ultimately transparency prevailed. The pressure was such that the framework is no longer going ahead. | |||||||||||||
70 | Thurrock Council's "secretive" investments | We have engaged in legal correspondence with the Council and, given campaigning developments, we do not plan take litigation forward. | We came in behind the work done by The Bureau of Investigative Journalism and added to the national attention and pressure on the council. An investigation has since been launched by central Government into the scandal and the council leader has resigned. | |||||||||||||
71 | Ofgem must protect vulnerable people from fuel poverty | We have issued this claim and are currently awaiting a permission decision. | ||||||||||||||
72 | Public money spent on Johnson's Privileges committee advice | We engaged in correspondence and issued, protectively, but the response from Government is such that we do not consider a challenge could succeed and so we are taking no further steps. | ||||||||||||||
73 | Fight for the climate: stop Surrey Hills gas drilling | We are supporting this claim issued by a local community group. They have been refused permission for their legal challenge, and are asking for that decision to be reviewed at a hearing. | ||||||||||||||
74 | Stop selling off public space: Shropshire Greenfields | We are funding this appeal, which is being pursued by the local Greenfields Community Group. The case is set for a Supreme Court hearing on the 7th of December. | ||||||||||||||
75 | ||||||||||||||||
77 | ||||||||||||||||
78 | Legal outcome | Number | Percentage of can say | |||||||||||||
79 | Win | 18 | 45.00% | |||||||||||||
80 | Mixed | 8 | 20.00% | |||||||||||||
81 | Loss | 14 | 35.00% | |||||||||||||
82 | Total where we can say | 40 | 100.00% | |||||||||||||
83 | Can't say including because presently unresolved | 20 | ||||||||||||||
84 | Total inc. n/a | 60 | ||||||||||||||
85 | ||||||||||||||||
86 | Campaigning outcome | Number | Percentage of total | |||||||||||||
87 | Win | 27 | 45.00% | |||||||||||||
88 | Mixed | 12 | 20.00% | |||||||||||||
89 | Can't say | 2 | 3.33% | |||||||||||||
90 | Nothing further | 19 | 31.67% | |||||||||||||
91 | Total | 60 | 100.00% |