1 | Name | Room | Job Title | Campus | |||
2 | Mrs. | Susie | Abraham | 113 | SPED Paraprofessional | L | sabraham@responsiveedtx.com |
3 | Mrs. | Hailey | Anver | 149 | SPED Paraprofessional/11th Literature | U | hanver@responsiveedtx.com |
4 | Mrs. | Salena | Atwell | 118 | Third Grade Teacher | L | satwell@responsiveedtx.com |
5 | Mrs. | Dee Dee | Baker | 130 | Music Teacher | L | dbaker@responsiveedtx.com |
6 | Ms. | Julie | Bakke | 127 | Fifth Grade Math Teacher | L | jbakke@responsiveedtx.com |
7 | Mrs. | Cenobia | Bone | 142 | Office Aide/Enrollment Records | U | cbone@responsiveedtx.com |
8 | Mrs. | Kristen | Bryant | 149 | SPED Paraprofessional | L | k.bryant82705@gmail.com |
9 | Mrs. | Amy | Cristina | 120 | Third Grade Teacher | L | acristina@responsiveedtx.com |
10 | Mrs. | Leah | Clark | 147 | Upper Academic Advisor | U | lbclark@responsiveedtx.com |
11 | Ms. | Amanda | Cotter | 139 | CNP | L | acotter@responsiveedtx.com |
12 | Mrs. | Janie | Creek | 122 | Fourth Grade Teacher | L | jcreek@responsiveedtx.com |
13 | Ms. | Rachel | DiFurio | 112 | Second Grade Teacher | L | rdifurio@responsiveedtx.com |
14 | Mr. | Tyler | Dubek | 154 | 11th Physics/11-12th Philosophy/AP Calculus/Latin 2 | U | tdubek@responsiveedtx.com |
15 | Mrs | Amanda | Dubek | 165 | 9th Composition/10th Lit. 2/11th Rhetoric/12th Sr. Thesis | U | adubek@responsiveedtx.com |
16 | Mrs. | Ranjana | Duggal | 158 | 8th Algebra 1/10th Algebra 2/Math Test Prep | U | rduggal@responsiveedtx.com |
17 | Mrs. | Catharine | Erwin | 114 | Third Grade Teacher | L | cerwin@responsiveedtx.com |
18 | Mrs. | Margaret | Fanning | 126 | Art Teacher | L | mfanning@responsiveedtx.com |
19 | Mrs. | Debbie | Farver | 113 | (PT) Instructional Support | L | dfarver@responsiveedtx.com |
20 | Nurse | Caroline | Feathers | 101/137 | Nurse | L | cfeathers@responsiveedtx.com |
21 | Miss | Kelsie | Fleetwood | 102 | Kindergarten Teacher | L | kfleetwood@responsiveedtx.com |
22 | Ms. | Megan | Fontenot | 151 | 7th &10th Latin 1/9th Latin 3 | U | mfontenot@responsiveedtx.com |
23 | Mr. | Garrett | Frosch | 149 | SPED Resource Teacher- Instructional Support | U | gfrosch@responsiveedtx.com |
24 | Dr. | Brad | Gersey | 152 | Special Topic Science | U | bgersey@responsiveedtx.com |
25 | Mrs. | Marie | Gillespie | 149 | Dyslexia/504 Coordinator | U | mgillespie@responsiveedtx.com |
26 | Mrs. | Mary Jo | Gomez-Uranga | 100 | Kindergarten Teacher | L | mgomezuranga@responsiveedtx.com |
27 | Mrs. | Edna | Guerrero | 149 | SPED Paraprofessional | U | eguerrero@responsiveedtx.com |
28 | Mrs. | Jennifer | Hair | 162 | 6th Literature/8th Literature and Grammar | U | jhair@responsiveedtx.com |
29 | Ms. | Leslie | Hargus | 143 | Office Aide/Purchasing | U | lhargus@responsiveedtx.com |
30 | Mrs. | Kathryn | Harris | 115 | Dyslexia | L | ksharris@responsiveedtx.com |
31 | Miss | Carolina | Herrera | 121 | Fourth Grade Teacher | L | cherrera@responsiveedtx.com |
32 | Mr. | Todd | Hickman | 125 | Fifth Grade Teacher | L | thickman@responsiveedtx.com |
33 | Mr. | Gene | Holloway | 145 | Headmaster | U | gholloway@responsiveedtx.com |
34 | Mrs. | Lydia | Hubbard | 119 | EB/EEA | L | lhubbard@responsiveedtx.com |
35 | Mr. | Jay | Johnson | 141 | PE | PE | jayjohnson@responsiveedtx.com |
36 | Mrs. | Amber | Jordan | 156 | 6th Art/8th Art Portfolio/Studio Art 1 & 2/Graphic Design&Photography | U | ajordan@responsiveedtx.com |
37 | Ms. | Delaine | Keenum | 105 | First Grade Teacher | L | dkeenum@responsiveedtx.com |
38 | Ms. | Pamela | Killingsworth | 113 | SPED Instructor/Dept. Head | L | pkillingsworth@responsiveedtx.com |
39 | Ms. | Dana | Knisely | 104 | Kindergarten Teacher | L | dknisely@responsiveedtx.com |
40 | Mrs. | Kirsten | Kula | 123 | Fourth Grade Teacher | L | kkula@responsiveedtx.com |
41 | Mr. | Miguel | Ladao | na | Economics/Paidea/Professional Communication/Journalism/YB | U | mladao@responsiveedtx.com |
42 | Mrs. | Shawna | Lapteanu | 129 | PE/ Health | L | slaptenau@responsiveedtx.com |
43 | Mrs. | Sarah | Lenski | 160 | 7th Pre Algebra/8th Algebra/12th Statistics | U | slenski@responsiveedtx.com |
44 | Miss | Michelle | Little | 128 | Fifth Grade Teacher | L | mlittle@responsiveedtx.com |
45 | Mr. | John | Lopke | 115 | 504 Coordinator | L | jlopke@responsiveedtx.com |
46 | Mrs. | Nicole | MacDougall | 152 | 8th-10th Latin 2/9th Latin 3/10th AP Latin 4 | U | nmacdougall@responsiveedtx.com |
47 | Ms. | Elisa | Miller | 144 | Office Mgr/Enrollment/Attendance | U | emiller@responsiveedtx.com |
48 | Mrs. | Rachel | Moreno | 166 | 7th-8th Music/Band & Orchestra/MS Performance/Choir | U | ramoreno@responsiveedtx.com |
49 | Mrs. | Alexius | Morgan | 103 | Kindergarten Teacher | L | eamorgan16@gmail.com |
50 | Mrs. | Elizabeth | Nied | 138 | Dean of Students | L | enied@responsiveedtx.com |
51 | Mrs. | Katherine | O'Brien | 141 | 6th-7th PE /Anatomy & Physiology | U/PE | kobrien@responsiveedtx.com |
52 | Mrs. | Shannon | O'Shaughnessy | 108 | First Grade Teacher | L | soshaughnessy@responsiveedtx.com |
53 | Mrs. | Nicolle | Ohman | 149 | SPED Dept. Head | U | nohman@responsiveedtx.com |
54 | Miss | Melinda | Ortego | 116 | Third Grade Teacher | L | mortego@responsiveedtx.com |
55 | Ms. | Rachel | Pauletti | 159 | 11th-12th W. Civ./12th Govt/Poetry | U | rpauletti@responsiveedtx.com |
56 | Mrs. | Kristin | Pearson | 119 | EB/EEA | L | kpearson@responsiveedtx.com |
57 | Ms. | Blair | Peden | 113 | SPED Instructor | L | bpeden@responsiveedtx.com |
58 | Mr. | Jim | Powell | 175 | Office Aide/Enrollment Records | L | jlpowell@responsiveedtx.com |
59 | Mrs. | Robin | Rabiee | 106 | First Grade Teacher/After Care Coordinator | L | rrabiee@responsiveedtx.com |
60 | Ms. | Farrel | Reid | 113 | SPED Paraprofessional | L | freid@responsiveedtx.com |
61 | Mrs. | Elle | Rivera | 132 | Office Manager/Enrollment/Attendance | L | erivera@responsiveedtx.com |
62 | Mrs. | Helen | Rodriguez | 150 | 8th Science/10th Chem/12th AP Chem | U | prodriguezharrington@responsiveedtx.com |
63 | Ms. | Denise | Salloum | 124 | Fourth Grade Teacher | L | dsalloum@responsiveedtx.com |
64 | Mrs. | Becky | San Juan | 111 | Second Grade Teacher | L | rsanjuan@responsiveedtx.com |
65 | Mrs. | Cheryl | Saxton | 133 | Office Aide | csaxton@responsiveedtx.com | |
66 | Ms. | Alyssa | Schneider | 164 | 7th History/8th Logic | U | aschneider@responsiveedtx.com |
67 | Mr. | Garrett | Smith | 141 | 6th-8th PE/Athletics Director | PE | gcsmith@responsiveedtx.com |
68 | Mrs. | Courtney | Stacey | 113 | SPED Paraprofessional | L | cstacey@responsiveedtx.com |
69 | Mr. | Drew | Stapleton | 155 | 7th Science/9th Biology/Current Events | U | dstapleton@responsiveedtx.com |
70 | Mr. | Matt | Steadman | 141 | 8th-12th PE | PE | msteadman@responsiveedtx.com |
71 | Mrs. | Niki | Swagerty | 139 | Assistant Headmaster | L | nswagerty@responsiveedtx.com |
72 | Mr. | Justice | Swarthout | 153 | 8th Science/6th Math | U | jswarthout@responsiveedtx.com |
73 | Mr. | Cameron | Tavares | 167 | 9th Lit. 1/12th Lit. 4 | U | ctavares@responsiveedtx.com |
74 | Mrs. | Shaina | Thomas | 146 | Assistant Headmaster | U | sdthomas@responsiveedtx.com |
75 | Mrs. | Stephanie | Thompson | 110 | Second Grade Teacher | L | slthompson@responsiveedtx.com |
76 | Ms. | Molly | Tremblay | 109 | Second Grade Teacher | L | mtremblay@responsiveedtx.com |
77 | Mrs. | Katherine | Vasquez | 107 | First Grade Teacher | L | kvazquez@responsiveedtx.com |
78 | Mrs. | April | Washam | 168 | 8th History/10th W Civ 2 | U | awasham@responsiveedtx.com |
79 | Mr. | Robert | Wasielewski | 161 | 6th History/9th W Civ/12th Government | U | rwasielewski@responsiveedtx.com |
80 | Mrs. | Amy | Wasielewski | 163 | 6th Grammar/6th and 7th Lit. & Grammar | U | awasielewski@responsiveedtx.com |
81 | Mr. | Dean | West | 131 | Fifth Grade ScienceTeacher | L | dwest@responsiveedtx.com |
82 | Mr. | Michael | Willis | 157 | 9th Geometry/11th-12th Pre-Calculus/PFL/Mythology | U | mwillis@responsiveedtx.com |
83 | Mrs. | Pamela | Wright | 115 | Dyslexia/504 Coordinator | L | pwright@responsiveedtx.com |
84 | Mrs. | Elizabeth | Walker | 169 | Events Coordinator | U | ewalker@responsiveedtx.com |