1 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2 | 36th MALTA NATIONAL SCRABBLE CHAMPIONSHIP | #REF! | #REF! | #REF! | #REF! | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3 | Sheet prepared for automated verification, signification & publication of bingos by Nicky V Laurenti, bingos input by Mario Camilleri on | 2/7/2021 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4 | Division I | Division I | Division I | Division I | Division I | Division I | Division I | Division II | Division II | Division II | Division II | Division II | Division II | Division II | Division II | Division II | Division II | Division II | Division II | Division II | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
5 | Theresa Brousson | David Delicata | Nicky V Laurenti | Moira Fenech | Mario Saliba | Josephine Mayo | Mario Camilleri | Paul Mifsud | Frans Farrugia | Dominic Borg | Albert Zammit | Kevin Pirotta | Alfred Xuereb | Maria Scicluna | Anna Borg | Reno Zammit | Marlene Calleja | Rosanne Farrugia | Marvic Cutajar | Margaret Meli | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
6 | 1920 | 1786 | 1586 | 1585 | 1509 | 1458 | 1329 | 1318 | 1294 | 1236 | 1231 | 1203 | 1123 | 1082 | 1079 | 1060 | 1060 | 843 | 676 | 549 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
7 | 115 | 104 | 42 | 70 | 52 | 61 | 32 | 67 | 50 | 102 | 59 | 65 | 39 | 41 | 69 | 22 | 62 | 16 | 16 | 13 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8 | 56 | 59 | 22 | 40 | 33 | 38 | 26 | 54 | 40 | 81 | 48 | 49 | 36 | 29 | 53 | 19 | 52 | 12 | 11 | 7 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
9 | 59 | 44 | 20 | 29 | 17 | 23 | 6 | 13 | 10 | 21 | 11 | 15 | 3 | 12 | 16 | 3 | 10 | 4 | 4 | 6 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
10 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
11 | 2.40 | #N/A | 2.17 | #N/A | 1.75 | #N/A | 1.46 | #N/A | 1.08 | #N/A | 1.27 | #N/A | 1.33 | #N/A | 1.20 | #N/A | 0.89 | #N/A | 1.82 | #N/A | 1.05 | #N/A | 1.16 | #N/A | 0.70 | #N/A | 0.73 | #N/A | 1.23 | #N/A | 0.92 | #N/A | 1.11 | #N/A | 0.67 | #N/A | 0.67 | #N/A | 0.54 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
12 | Word | Meaning | Word | Meaning | Word | Meaning | Word | Meaning | Word | Meaning | Word | Meaning | Word | Meaning | Word | Meaning | Word | Meaning | Word | Meaning | Word | Meaning | Word | Meaning | Word | Meaning | Word | Meaning | Word | Meaning | Word | Meaning | Word | Meaning | Word | Meaning | Word | Meaning | Word | Meaning | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
13 | GLADLIER | GLADLY, in a glad manner [adv] | UPRAISED | UPRAISE, to raise up [v] | ALCOVES | ALCOVE, (Arabic) a vaulted or arched recess in a room-wall, formerly especially one for a bed [n] | AROUSING | AROUSE, to stimulate [v] | MOUNTAIN | a large, natural elevation of the earth's surface [n -S] | CHEATERS | CHEATER, one that cheats [n] | SCORIAE | SCORIA, (Latin) the dross or slag from metal smelting [n] | RESOLVE | to make a firm decision about [v RESOLVED, RESOLVING, RESOLVES] | SMARTED | SMART, to sting [v] | EQUITES | EQUES, (Latin) a member of the privileged military class of ancient Rome [n] | DECODER | one that decodes [n -S] | CURATES | CURATE, to act as a curator [v] | RAIDERS | RAIDER, one that raids [n] | NITRATES | NITRATE, to treat with nitrates [v] | DIRTIES | DIRTY, to soil [v] | LARDERS | LARDER, a place where food is stored [n] | EATERIE | a restaurant, also EATERY [n -S] | SETTING | the scenery used in a theatre production [n -S] | SENDERS | SENDER, one that sends [n] | COTTERS | COTTER, to secure with a kind of pin [v] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
14 | PEROGIE | (Russian) a small dumpling with a filling, also PEROGI, PEROGY, PIEROGI, PIROGI, PYROGY, PYROHY [n -S] | CADAVERS | CADAVER, a corpse [n] | ORANGEST | ORANGE, the colour of an orange (a fruit) [adj] | ORBITING | ORBIT, to revolve around [v] | MENDERS | MENDER, one that mends [n] | NEAREST | NEAR, situated within a short distance [adj] | MINERAL | any of various classes of inorganic substances [n -S] | SCOUTED | SCOUT, to reconnoitre [v] | SAVIOURS | SAVIOUR, one who saves, also SAVIOR [n] | READERS | READER, one that reads [n] | SAVINGS | SAVING, money laid aside for future use [n] | REZONED | REZONE, to zone again [v] | CROWNER | an officer who investigates questionable deaths, also CORONER [n -S] | INSERTER | one who inserts [n -S] | SWEETIE | an attractive person, a poppet, also SWEETY [n -S] | LARDERS | LARDER, a place where food is stored [n] | DARKIES | DARKIE, (offensive) a coloured person, also DARKY, DARKEY [n] | PEARLING | (Scots) a lace of silk or thread, used as edging, also PEARLIN [n -S] | SUBDUES | SUBDUE, to bring under control, also SUBDEW [v] | WOOINGS | WOOING, the act of wooing [n] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
15 | OURARIS | OURARI, (Caribbean) the plant yielding curare, also OORALI, OURALI, URALI, URARI, WOORALI, WOORARA, WOORARI, WOURALI [n] | PETULANT | peevish [adj] | BAUXITES | BAUXITE, an ore of aluminium, also BEAUXITE [n] | ISOLATE | to set apart from others [v ISOLATED, ISOLATING, ISOLATES] | GOODIES | GOODY, an archaic title for a goodwife [n] | COLLARED | COLLAR, to provide with a neckband [v] | SATIRES | SATIRE, the use of ridicule or scorn to criticise folly or vice [n] | BELIEFS | BELIEF, a conviction of the truth of anything [n] | TRAILED | TRAIL, to draw along behind [v] | AGISTERS | AGISTER, a former officer of the king's forest, who had the care of cattle agisted, also AGISTOR [n] | BEASTIE | a small beast [n -S] | BEANIES | BEANIE, a small close-fitting hat, also BEANY [n] | ATONIES | ATONY, muscular debility, also ATONIA [n] | GENTEEL | well-bred or refined [adj GENTEELER, GENTEELEST, GENTEELLY] | QUAGGAS | QUAGGA, (Hottentot) an extinct South African wild ass [n] | IODISES | IODISE, to treat with iodine, also IODIZE [v] | DINNERS | DINNER, to dine [v] | SEAMING | the act of joining by sewing together [n -S] | BEFRIENDS | BEFRIEND, to act as a friend to [v] | LETTINGS | LETTING, the act of letting [n] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
16 | AVARICES | AVARICE, greed [n] | VIRINOS | VIRINO, a hypothetical particle said to be the cause of BSE [n] | MODENAS | MODENA, (Italian) a popular variety of domestic fancy pigeon originating in Modena [n] | DETONATED | DETONATE, to cause to explode [v] | SIFTING | sieving [adj SIFTINGLY] / the act of sifting [n -S] | COURAGES | COURAGE, the quality that enables people to be brave [n] | TOONIES | TOONIE, (Canadian) a Canadian two-dollar coin, also TWONIE, TWOONIE [n] | SOOTIER | SOOTY, covered with soot [adj] | JANITORS | JANITOR, (Latin) a doorkeeper; an attendant or caretaker [n] | TSARIST | a supporter of tsarism, also CZARIST, TZARIST [n -S] | NEEDING | NEED, to have an urgent or essential use for [v] | STEAMED | STEAM, to cook by water in the form of vapour [v] | SERVERS | SERVER, one who serves another [n] | RETINUE | a group of attendants [n -S] | STEELED | STEEL, to cover with a tough iron alloy [v] | ARSENAL | a storehouse for weapons [n -S] | STEAMED | STEAM, to cook by water in the form of vapour [v] | SLOTTER | a machine that cuts slots [n -S] | ENTANGLE | to twist together [v ENTANGLED, ENTANGLING, ENTANGLES] | INTONED | INTONE, to speak in a singing voice [v] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
17 | BILLETS | BILLET, to accommodate or quarter [v] | FENITARS | FENITAR, a plant once used to treat scurvy, also FUMITORY, FEMETARY, FEMITER [n] | TOADLETS | TOADLET, a small toad [n] | SNOTTIE | (slang) a midshipman, also SNOTTY [n -S] | INSIDER | an accepted member of a group [n -S] | SEARCHES | SEARCH, to look carefully for something [v] | ERASIONS | ERASION, the act of rubbing out [n] | LISTENS | LISTEN, to try to hear [v] | RETSINA | (Modern Greek) a resin-flavoured Greek wine [n -S] | UNDRESS | to take off clothing [v UNDRESSED, UNDREST, UNDRESSING, UNDRESSES] | BILLIES | BILLY, (Australian slang) a metal camp pot, also BILLIE, BILLYCAN [n] | LORRIES | LORRY, a vehicle used for transportation [n] | SIRINGS | SIRING, the act of begetting [n] | DIRTING | DIRT, to make dirty [v] | ENLISTED | ENLIST, to engage for military service [v] | OUTLIERS | OUTLIER, a detached portion of anything lying some way off or out, e.g. a rock [n] | SNORTER | one that snorts [n -S] | BOONIES | remote, undeveloped country [n] | VIRUSES | VIRUS, (Latin) a pathogenic agent, usually a protein-coated particle of RNA or DNA, capable of increasing rapidly inside a living cell [n] | BLEEPING | BLEEP, to emit a short high sound [v] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
18 | VERGERS | VERGER, a church official, also VIRGER [n] | RETREAD | to tread again [v RETROD, RETRODDEN, RETREADING, RETREADS] / to furnish with new tread [v RETREADED, RETREADING, RETREADS] | SEASONS | SEASON, to improve flavour [v] | MISFITS | MISFIT, to fit badly [v] | DEPOSING | DEPOSE, to remove from office [v] | REWRITES | REWRITE, to write again [v] | STEARIC | pertaining to, or obtained from, stearin or tallow [adj] | TOASTER | a device for toasting [n -S] | SHARING | the act of sharing [n -S] | STUTTER | to speak with spasmodic repetition [v -ED, -ING, -S] | BATTLES | BATTLE, to fight [v] | ROUTINES | ROUTINE, a regular course of procedure [n] | FOSTERS | FOSTER, to promote the growth of [v] | RETAINS | RETAIN, to keep possession of [v] | CRACKIER | CRACKY, full of cracks [adj] | TINGLER | a thing which causes tingling, esp. a smarting blow [n -S] | BLISTERS | BLISTER, to cause fluid filled swellings on the skin [v] | SCARRIER | SCARRY, marked with scars [adj] | SERVING | a portion of food [n -S] | WEALTHS | WEALTH, valuable possessions [n] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
19 | CHAGRINS | CHAGRIN, (French) to humiliate [v] | EATERIES | EATERIE, a restaurant, also EATERY [n] | OESTRUM | (Latin) the period of heat in female mammals, also ESTRUM, ESTRUS, OESTRUS [n -S] | SLEAZED | SLEAZE, to behave in a sleazy, corrupt manner [v] | ABATING | ABATE, to reduce in intensity [v] | MENTIONS | MENTION, to remark briefly [v] | EARLIER | EARLY, before the due time [adj] | POLITICS | the science of government [n] | RECITES | RECITE, to say from memory [v] | DIARIES | DIARY, a personal journal [n] | FORMICA | any of various laminated products used especially for surface finish [n -S] | BUTANES | BUTANE, a hydrocarbon of an alkane series, widely used as a fuel [n] | SEQUOIA | any of a genus of coniferous trees, attaining an immense size [n -S] | LISTINGS | LISTING, something that is listed [n] | FORMULA | (Latin) a prescribed or set form [n FORMULAS or FORMULAE] | QUARTER | to divide into four parts [v -ED, -ING, -S] | FENITAR | a plant once used to treat scurvy, also FUMITORY, FEMETARY, FEMITER [n -S] | TUNINGS | TUNING, the way in which a musical instrument is tuned [n] | SAUSAGE | finely chopped and seasoned meat in a casing [n -S] | LOADINGS | LOADING, a burden [n] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
20 | YOUTHIER | YOUTHY, (Scots) young, also YOUNGTHLY, YOUTHLY, YOUTHSOME [adj] | INTONER | one who intones [n -S] | HALTERE | (Greek) the rudimentary hindwing of a fly [n -S] | ROUGHEN | to make rough [v -ED, -ING, -S] | STOOLIE | (short for) a stool-pigeon, a police informer, also STOOLY [n -S] | NESTERS | NESTER, one who nests [n] | BAILERS | BAILER, (US) a person who bails property to another, also BAILOR [n] | TAKEABLE | that can be taken, also TAKABLE [adj] | LEARING | LEARE, (Scots) to teach, also LEAR, LEIR, LERE [v] | FENNELS | FENNEL, a yellow-flowered umbelliferous plant [n] | EROTICS | EROTIC, a person who is particularly susceptible to sexual arousal [n] | BRAINIER | BRAINY, intelligent [adj] | RICIEST | RICY, containing rice, also RICEY [adj] | GRINDER | one who, or that which, grinds [n -S] | CLIENTS | CLIENT, a customer [n] | BIDDERS | BIDDER, one who bids [n] | TOTTERS | TOTTER, to walk unsteadily [v] | TANTRUM | a fit of rage [n -S] | DAINTIER | DAINTY, tasteful, delicate [adj] | TREATED | TREAT, to deal with [v] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
21 | HEARTIES | HEARTY, a comrade [n] | SERRATI | SERRATUS, (Latin) a muscle of the thorax [n] | SODDIER | SODDY, consisting of sod; covered with sod [adj] | DOMAINES | DOMAINE, (French) an estate where wine is made [n] | HOLLIES | HOLLY, an evergreen shrub having leathery, shining, spinous leaves and red berries [n] | OUTREAD | to surpass in reading [v OUTREAD, OUTREADING, OUTREADS] | FRONTAGE | the front of a building [n -S] | GRANULE | a little grain [n -S] | SOAPIER | SOAPY, like soap [adj] | ACORNED | bearing acorns [adj] | HITCHES | HITCH, to fasten with a knot or hook [v] | TROUNCES | TROUNCE, to beat severely [v] | BLISTER | to cause fluid filled swellings on the skin [v -ED, -ING, -S] | DOLLARS | DOLLAR, a monetary unit of the USA [n] | AUNTIES | AUNTY, an aunt, also AUNTIE [n] | ATONIES | ATONY, muscular debility, also ATONIA [n] | ECLIPSE | to obscure [v ECLIPSED, ECLIPSING, ECLIPSES] | QUILTING | the act of making quilts [n -S] | ADMIRES | ADMIRE, to have a high opinion of [v] | CARRIERS | CARRIER, one that carries [n] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
22 | SENECIO | (Latin) any plant of the genus Senecio, that includes groundsels and ragworts [n -S] | URICASE | an enzyme occurring in the liver and kidneys [n -S] | DEGRADES | DEGRADE, to debase, also DISGRADE [v] | TRITONE | a musical interval of three whole tones [n -S] | CAESIUM | a metallic element [n -S] | OVERTIME | to exceed the correct allowance of time [v OVERTIMED, OVERTIMING, OVERTIMES] | LEGLESS | without legs [adj] | SERINGA | (Portuguese) a Brazilian tree yielding rubber [n -S] | GRANITE | a highly felsic igneous rock [n -S] | GROSSERS | GROSSER, a product that yields much business [n] | SETTING | the scenery used in a theatre production [n -S] | HARVEST | to gather in a crop, also HAIRST [v -ED, -ING, -S] | OUTRAGE | to arouse anger or resentment in [v OUTRAGED, OUTRAGING, OUTRAGES] | ATOMISED | ATOMISE, to reduce to a fine spray, also ATOMIZE [v] | TARTIEST | TARTY, like a prostitute [adj] | RELATES | RELATE, to give an account of [v] | CINDERS | CINDER, to reduce to ashes [v] | CREATION | something that is created [n -S] | BLOATING | a disease of cattle and sheep, aka hoove [n -S] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
23 | TARTANES | TARTANE, (French) a Mediterranean sailing vessel, also TARTANA [n] | BILINEAR | pertaining to two lines [adj] | TENANTED | TENANT, to occupy as tenant [v] | SEAMIER | SEAMY, unpleasant [adj] | ARRANGER | one that arranges [n -S] | OVERTURE | an instrumental prelude to an opera, oratorio [n -S] / to put forward as an overture [v OVERTURED, OVERTURING, OVERTURES] | EROTISES | EROTISE, to give a sexual meaning to, also EROTIZE [v] | REBITES | REBITE, in engraving, to freshen a plate by a new application of acid [v] | DENTALS | DENTAL, a sound produced by applying the tongue to the teeth or gums [n] | PELTERS | PELTER, to shower blows or missiles, also PELT [v] | TONGUES | TONGUE, to touch with the fleshy organ of the mouth [v] | PORTERS | PORTER, to carry luggage [v] | RECEDES | RECEDE, to move back [v] | SEARING | burning [adj SEARINGLY] / the act of searing [n -S] | UPROARS | UPROAR, (Shakespeare) to throw into uproar or confusion [v] | OLEATES | OLEATE, a salt of oleic acid [n] | GARDENS | GARDEN, to cultivate a plot of land [v] | FERRIES | FERRY, to transport by a type of boat [v] | RELINED | RELINE, to line again [v] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
24 | PANSIED | bedecked with pansies [adj] | JITTERY | extremely nervous [adj JITTERIER, JITTERIEST] | TESTATE | one who makes a will, also TESTATOR [n -S] | CANTERS | CANTER, to ride a horse at an easy gallop [v] | REJOINED | REJOIN, to join again [v] | SOURINGS | SOURING, a crabapple [n] | RENTING | the act of renting [n -S] | SLEEPER | one that sleeps [n -S] | NETTIES | NETTIE, an internet aficionado [n] | STORERS | STORER, one who stores things [n] | DEMOTION | the action of demoting [n -S] | RELATING | RELATE, to give an account of [v] | EXISTED | EXIST, to have actual being, to live [v] | ENSUING | ENSUE, to follow, also ENSEW [v] | NEARING | NEAR, to approach [v] | GRUDGES | GRUDGE, to be unwilling to give or admit, also GRUTCH [v] | OUTLINE | to make a general statement without details [v OUTLINED, OUTLINING, OUTLINES] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
25 | AGITATED | AGITATE, to stir violently [v] | TELERAN | (trademark) an air-traffic control system, in which ground based radar screen is televised to pilots [n -S] | COUGARS | COUGAR, a mountain lion, also COUGUAR [n] | AEOLIAN | (Latin) relating to, acted on by, or due to the agency of, the wind, also EOLIAN [adj] | NETBALLS | NETBALL, a team game [n] | REVENUES | REVENUE, the income of a government [n] | VIRAGOS | VIRAGO, (Latin) a noisy, domineering woman [n] | ABLATING | ABLATE, to remove or decrease by ablation [v] | REGALES | REGALE, to delight [v] | BROWNIE | a benevolent creature who may secretly help with domestic work [n -S] | CARAFES | CARAFE, (French) a glass bottle for water or wine at a table, in a bedroom, etc. [n] | PENCILS | PENCIL, to write or draw with graphite or lead [v] | COATERS | COATER, a worker, machine etc. that applies a coating [n] | RELEASE | to set free [v RELEASED, RELEASING, RELEASES] | ABALONE | a sea snail of rocky coasts, aka ormer [n -S] | RELAPSED | RELAPSE, to slip back into a former state [v] | TEARING | TEAR, to weep [v] | FLOURIER | FLOURY, fine-grained like flour [adj] | STATION | to assign to a position [v -ED, -ING, -S] | SEALINGS | SEALING, the act of sealing [n] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
26 | HARLOTRY | the behaviour of a harlot [n HARLOTRIES] | FRESNELS | FRESNEL, a unit of optical frequency equal to one terahertz [n] | READJUST | to adjust again [v -ED, -ING, -S] | SOONEST | SOON, in the near future [adv] | SOUVENIRS | SOUVENIR, to provide a souvenir of [v] | THISTLE | a prickly composite plant with pink, white, yellow but usually purple flower-heads, also THRISSEL, THRISTLE [n -S] | TRAIPSE | to walk wearily, also TRAPE, TRAPES, TRAPSE [v TRAIPSED, TRAIPSING, TRAIPSES] | WAISTER | a seaman stationed in the middle of the ship [n -S] | SHARPING | raising a note in music by a semitone [n -S] | RAVINES | RAVINE, a narrow, steep-sided valley [n] | FACINGS | FACING, the lining at the edge of a garment [n] | BERRIES | BERRY, to collect berries [v] | SNARING | the act of snaring [n -S] | AERIEST | AERY, airy [adj] | RELINES | RELINE, to line again [v] | ENDINGS | ENDING, termination [n] | REPEATS | REPEAT, to say or do again [v] | BENDERS | BENDER, a drunken spree [n] | CROUPIER | (French) an attendant in a casino [n -S] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
27 | AWMRIES | AWMRIE, a cupboard for sacred vessels, also AMBRY, ALMERY, AMBERY, AUMBRY, AWMRY [n] | CREMATES | CREMATE, to reduce to ashes [v] | RAFFLING | RAFFLE, to dispose of by tickets of chance [v] | DETAINED | DETAIN, to hold in custody [v] | JUSTICES | JUSTICE, a judge [n] | ROUSING | ROUSE, to disturb or awaken [v] | FRIGATE | a class of war vessels intermediate between corvettes and ships of the line [n -S] | BETTIES | BETTY, a burglar's tool, a type of short crowbar [n] | ENLARGED | ENLARGE, to make larger, also ENLARGEN [v] | TRANNIE | (colloquial) transistor, also TRANNY [n -S] | LIGATED | LIGATE, to tie with a ligature [v] | ILLNESS | sickness [n -ES] | SUSTAIN | to maintain by providing with food and drink [v -ED, -ING, -S] | COOLERS | COOLER, (colloquial) a prison [n] | FEARING | FEAR, to be afraid of [v] | SPEARED | SPEAR, to pierce with a long pointed weapon [v] | INSOLES | INSOLE, the inner sole of a shoe or boot [n] | MASHIES | MASHIE, a kind of golf club [n] | LOANERS | LOANER, one who loans [n] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
28 | REEDITED | REEDIT, to edit again [v] | SLATIER | SLATY, resembling slate, also SLATEY [adj] | TAENIATE | ribbonlike; shaped like a ribbon or tapeworm, also TAENIOID, TENIOID [adj] | EBONIES | EBONY, a dark heavy tropical wood, also EBON, HEBEN [n] | PUTTERS | PUTTER, to occupy oneself in a leisurely or ineffective manner, also POTTER [v] | PALETTE | (French) a board on which an artist mixes colours [n -S] | HORNIEST | HORNY, like horn [adj] | NUGGETS | NUGGET, to polish shoes or boots [v] | SCORIAE | SCORIA, (Latin) the dross or slag from metal smelting [n] | STRAINED | STRAIN, to exert to the utmost [v] | TONTINES | TONTINE, a form of collective life insurance [n] | MEDIATED | MEDIATE, to act as an intermediary [v] | UNAIRED | not aired [adj] | NUTTIER | NUTTY, tasting of nuts; crazy [adj] | STAINER | that which stains [n -S] | PLASTER | to cover with a mixture of lime, sand and water [v -ED, -ING, -S] | RELINES | RELINE, to line again [v] | LEAFIER | LEAFY, abounding in leaves, also LEAVY [adj] | RESISTS | RESIST, to strive against, oppose [v] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
29 | HOTLINE | a direct communications system for immediate contact [n -S] | TORANAS | TORANA, (Hindi) in the Indian subcontinent, a sacred Buddhist gateway, also TORAN [n] | MILEAGE | the total distance expressed in miles, also MILAGE [n -S] | ROSEATE | resembling a rose; overly optimistic [adj ROSEATELY] | OATIEST | OATY, like oats [adj] | STINGERS | STINGER, one that stings [n] | POESIES | POESY, to utter poetry [v] | DENTING | DENT, to make a depression in [v] | SEATING | material for covering seats [n -S] | SARDINE | to pack tightly together [v SARDINED, SARDINING, SARDINES] | MAULERS | MAULER, one that mauls [n] | NUTSIER | NUTSY, (slang) crazy [adj] | MASTERS | MASTER, to become skilled in [v] | REGAINED | REGAIN, to take possession once more [v] | ODORISE | to make odorous, also ODORIZE [v ODORISED, ODORISING, ODORISES] | LINAGES | LINAGE, payment for written work by the line [n] | IDOLIZER | one who idolises, also IDOLISER [n -S] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
30 | OUTSAID | OUTSAY, to surpass in saying [v] | EROTISED | EROTISE, to give a sexual meaning to, also EROTIZE [v] | HOLIEST | HOLY, perfect in a moral sense [adj] | VINTAGE | to strip of grapes, also VINT [v VINTAGED, VINTAGING, VINTAGES] | KEROSINE | a fuel oil, also KEROSENE, KERO [n -S] | ANXIOUS | full of fear [adj ANXIOUSLY] | MELTING | in a melting state [adj MELTINGLY] / the act of melting [n -S] | SMUGGED | SMUG, to seize without ceremony [v] | STOURIE | (Scots) dusty, also STOURY [adj STOURIER, STOURIEST] | MAINTAIN | to keep in proper condition [v -ED, -ING, -S] | INDITES | INDITE, to write or compose, also DITE, ENDITE [v] | SCOURGER | one who scourges [n -S] | PROMISE | to make a declaration of assurance [v PROMISED, PROMISING, PROMISES] | SENATES | SENATE, a governing body [n] | ARENOSE | sandy; containing much sand, also ARENOUS [adj] | DECIDER | one that decides [n -S] | LETTERS | LETTER, to inscribe with symbols of speech sounds [v] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
31 | REGOLITH | a layer of loose rock overlaying solid rock [n -S] | EUGENOL | an aromatic liquid [n -S] | INTERIM | (Latin) temporary, provisional [adj] / the time between [n -S] | LACKERS | LACKER, to coat with a glossy substance, also LACQUER [v] | INTONER | one who intones [n -S] | PANTERS | PANTER, (Shakespeare) the officer in a great family who had charge of the bread and other provisions, also PANTLER [n] | GREISEN | (German) a rock composed of quartz and mica [n -S] | LARDING | LARD, to smear with the melted fat of pigs [v] | PRESSED | PRESS, to compress or squeeze [v] | TANNING | the process of converting hides into leather [n -S] | SWINDLE | to take money or property from by fraudulent means [v SWINDLED, SWINDLING, SWINDLES] | PERMING | PERM, to permanent wave the hair [v] | DEALERS | DEALER, one that deals [n] | NATURED | having a certain disposition [adj] | SURVEILS | SURVEIL, to watch closely, also SURVEILLE [v] | SETTING | the scenery used in a theatre production [n -S] | RESINERS | RESINER, a resin gatherer [n] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
32 | MAUMETS | MAUMET, a puppet; a doll, also MAMMET, MAWMET, MOMMET [n] | TWINERS | TWINER, a twining plant [n] | RIGIDEST | RIGID, stiff [adj] | ESTRONE | an estrogen, also ESTRIN, OESTRIN, OESTRONE [n -S] | HEELINGS | HEELING, the act of inclining laterally [n] | SEVERING | SEVER, to divide or cut into parts [v] | SPONSOR | a person who promises responsibility [n -S] / to act as a sponsor [v -ED, -ING, -S] | RAIDERS | RAIDER, one that raids [n] | UNRATED | not rated [adj] | RECITING | RECITE, to say from memory [v] | DECIMATE | to kill every tenth person; to destroy a large proportion of a group [v DECIMATED, DECIMATING, DECIMATES] | STURDIED | afflicted with sturdy [adj] | STAIRED | having, or arranged like, stairs [adj] | ROUSERS | ROUSER, a person or thing that rouses [n] | CERATINS | CERATIN, a nitrogenous compound, the constituent of horny tissue, also KERATIN [n] | STAGIER | STAGY, having a theatrical quality, also STAGEY [adj] | DREADING | DREAD, to fear greatly [v] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
33 | TERRITS | TERRIT, a metal ring on a harness through which the reins pass, also TERRET, TORRET [n] | DEATHIER | DEATHY, like death [adj] | WHETTERS | WHETTER, one who, or that which, whets [n] | AGONISES | AGONISE, to suffer agony, also AGONIZE [v] | REVERTS | REVERT, to return to a former state [v] | TAUNTED | TAUNT, to goad or provoke [v] | CAPTAINS | CAPTAIN, to lead or command [v] | DODGIEST | DODGY, dubious, shady [adj] | NAILERS | NAILER, a maker of nails [n] | OUTWITS | OUTWIT, to defeat by superior ingenuity [v] | TEASING | making fun of [adj TEASINGLY] / the act of teasing [n -S] | UNWISER | UNWISE, not wise [adj] | SPOTTIER | SPOTTY, marked with spots [adj] | ENRAGED | ENRAGE, to make very angry [v] | QUIETER | one who quiets [n -S] | CORRUPT | to make bad, debase [v -ED, -ING, -S] / debased [adj CORRUPTER, CORRUPTEST, CORRUPTLY] | SLINTER | (Australian slang) a trick, also SLANTER [n -S] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
34 | GLORIAS | GLORIA, (Latin) a type of very closely woven fabric, usually of a mixture of silk or nylon and wool or cotton, often used for umbrellas [n] | REBATED | REBATE, to give a discount for payment [v] | AVAILING | AVAIL, to be of use or advantage to [v] | NOSTRIL | an external opening of the nose [n -S] | AILERONS | AILERON, (French) a balancing flap on an aeroplane [n] | ARREARS | ARREAR, an unpaid and overdue debt [n] | NITRATE | a salt or ester of nitric acid [n -S] / to treat with nitrates [v NITRATED, NITRATING, NITRATES] | RESIDER | one who resides [n -S] | OARIEST | OARY, having the form of or using oars [adj] | DEALINGS | DEALING, a business transaction [n] | CLONERS | CLONER, one who clones [n] | TWISTING | a form of trickery used in selling life insurance [n -S] | SCOWLING | SCOWL, to frown angrily [v] | DETAINS | DETAIN, to hold in custody [v] | SEAMIER | SEAMY, unpleasant [adj] | DETAINS | DETAIN, to hold in custody [v] | BANTIES | BANTY, a bantam [n] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
35 | TITIANS | TITIAN, a reddish-brown colour [n] | SPINATE | bearing a spine; in the form of a spine [adj] | LEAGUES | LEAGUE, to come together for a common purpose [v] | ARENOUS | sandy, containing much sand, also ARENOSE [adj] | QUALITY | persons of the upper class collectively [n QUALITIES] | CEMENTS | CEMENT, to bind firmly [v] | PLANETS | PLANET, a celestial body [n] | SPAWNERS | SPAWNER, a mature female fish [n] | WHIPPER | one who whips [n -S] | ENTREAT | to ask for earnestly, also INTREAT [v -ED, -ING, -S] | VINTNER | a wine merchant [n -S] | REVILED | REVILE, to assail with bitter abuse [v] | SEATERS | SEATER, someone or something that seats [n] | VERSIONS | VERSION, to create a new account or description from a particular point of view [v] | REPEATS | REPEAT, to say or do again [v] | ATELIERS | ATELIER, (French) an artist's studio [n] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
36 | OUTSANG | OUTSING, to surpass in singing [v] | STRANGLE | to choke to death [v STRANGLED, STRANGLING, STRANGLES] | NEONATES | NEONATE, a newborn child [n] | SOBERING | SOBER, to make sober [v] | OLEATES | OLEATE, a salt of oleic acid [n] | SAILERS | SAILER, a vessel that sails [n] | NEROLIS | NEROLI, (French) an oil distilled from orange flowers [n] | GRASPED | GRASP, to seize firmly with the hand [v] | GEARINGS | GEARING, a system of gears [n] | YESTERN | pertaining to yesterday, also YESTER [adj] | HORNETS | HORNET, a stinging insect [n] | DESTINE | to determine beforehand [v DESTINED, DESTINING, DESTINES] | RETIRES | RETIRE, to withdraw or retreat [v] | PENDANT | hanging, also PENDENT [adj PENDANTLY] / anything hanging, esp. for ornament [n -S] | FRITTER | to squander little by little [v -ED, -ING, -S] | SOLDIER | to perform military service [v -ED, -ING, -S] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
37 | BRANSLE | (French) an old French dance, also BRANLE, BRANTLE [n -S] | HALITES | HALITE, a native salt; sodium chloride [n] | RECREATE | to reinvigorate [v RECREATED, RECREATING, RECREATES] | ALATION | the state of having wings [n -S] | TEACHING | a doctrine [n -S] | OUTPACE | to move faster than [v OUTPACED, OUTPACING, OUTPACES] | TINNIER | TINNY, making a noise like tin [adj] | LEGGIEST | LEGGY, having long legs [adj] | ISOLATE | to set apart from others [v ISOLATED, ISOLATING, ISOLATES] | REMANIE | (French) a fossil or other relic of an older rock preserved in a later deposit [n -S] | GOUACHE | (French) a method of painting with gum-based opaque water colors [n -S] | TRENDING | TREND, to have a tendency for [v] | SEQUOIA | any of a genus of coniferous trees, attaining an immense size [n -S] | RETIRES | RETIRE, to withdraw or retreat [v] | AGITATED | AGITATE, to stir violently [v] | MANGLED | MANGLE, to hack, tear or crush [v] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
38 | AIRGLOWS | AIRGLOW, a faint light in the night sky, produced by radiation from the upper atmosphere [n] | ESERINE | an alkaloid found in the Calabar bean, used in ophthalmic surgery for its effect in contracting the pupil [n -S] | ALBINOS | ALBINO, a person or organism lacking normal pigmentation [n] | REGATTAS | REGATTA, (Italian) a rowing or sailing competition [n] | LUSTIER | LUSTY, full of vigour [adj] | GETTING | begetting, procreation [n -S] | PLEASED | PLEASE, to give enjoyment or satisfaction to, also PLEASURE [v] | WINDIER | WINDY, related to wind [adj] | BUSTING | the act of busting [n -S] | PELTERS | PELTER, to shower blows or missiles, also PELT [v] | TRIPLEX | to provide something in triplicate [v -ED, -ING, -ES] | RUSTIER | RUSTY, covered with rust [adj] | ENJOYERS | ENJOYER, one who enjoys [n] | SNOTTED | SNOT, to blow the nose [v] | MATTERED | MATTER, to be of importance [v] | MAESTRO | (Italian) a master of an art [n MAESTROS or MAESTRI] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
39 | EMPAIRED | EMPAIRE, (Spenser) to become worse, also EMPARE [v] | ROTUNDA | (Italian) a rounded, domed building or hall [n -S] | OVERLAIN | OVERLAY, to lay over [v] | GRASPER | one who grasps [n -S] | EASIEST | EASY, not difficult [adj] | ONESIES | ONESIE, a soft, loose-fitting, one-piece garment worn by adults for sleeping or lounging [n] | SENATOR | (Latin) a member of a senate [n -S] | SUNNIER | SUNNY, full of sun [adj] | ALIENEE | one to whom the title of property is transferred, as opposed to alienor [n -S] | SATIRES | SATIRE, the use of ridicule or scorn to criticise folly or vice [n] | HINDERS | HINDER, to impede [v] | STERNED | STERN, to back, row backwards, also STARN [v] | PANTERS | PANTER, (Shakespeare) the officer in a great family who had charge of the bread and other provisions, also PANTLER [n] | MANURES | MANURE, to fertilize with manure [v] | RAINIEST | RAINY, marked by rain [adj] | EERIEST | EERY, uncanny, also EERIE [adj] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
40 | DROSERA | a genus of insectivorous plants that includes the sundew [n -S] | RADDLING | RADDLE, to redden with red ochre, also REDDLE [v] | PEARLIER | PEARLY, like a pearl [adj] | ENGLOBES | ENGLOBE, to form into a globe, also INGLOBE [v] | PASTIES | PASTIE, a meat pie, also PASTY [n] | ENVIERS | ENVIER, one who envies [n] | TORSION | the act of twisting [n -S] | BOASTED | BOAST, to brag [v] | VAULTER | one who vaults [n -S] | ATONIES | ATONY, muscular debility, also ATONIA [n] | FORGIVER | one who forgives [n -S] | CARPETS | CARPET, to cover a floor with a heavy woven fabric [v] | BUTTERS | BUTTER, to spread with a milk product [v] | RELATING | RELATE, to give an account of [v] | FALSIES | FALSIE, a pad worn within a brassiere [n] | SWATTER | (dialect) to splash or spill about [v -ED, -ING, -S] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
41 | RENAMING | RENAME, to issue with a new name [v] | HEATERS | HEATER, an apparatus for heating [n] | CURIOSA | (Latin) rare and curious books [n] | REBOILED | REBOIL, to boil again [v] | CARLINS | CARLIN, (Scots) an old woman, a witch, also CARLINE [n] | OVERSEER | one that oversees [n -S] | SELLING | the act of giving up for money [n -S] | PLEATING | a set of pleats [n -S] | ENTANGLE | to twist together [v ENTANGLED, ENTANGLING, ENTANGLES] | LATRINE | a type of toilet [n -S] | RIALTOS | RIALTO, a theatrical district; a marketplace [n] | PATTIES | PATTY, a small, flat cake of chopped food, also PATTIE [n] | POLLERS | POLLER, one that polls, also POLLIST, POLLSTER [n] | INVERSE | opposite [adj INVERSELY] / to turn something into the opposite [v INVERSED, INVERSING, INVERSES] | HAIRIER | HAIRY, covered with hair [adj] | MISTRAL | (French) a strong cold dry northeast wind that blows through the Rhone valley towards the Mediterranean [n -S] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
42 | PUCKERED | PUCKER, to gather into small wrinkles or folds [v] | DONGOLA | a type of tanned leather designed to resemble kidskin [n -S] | DESYATIN | (Russian) a measure of land, also DESSIATINE, DESSYATIN, DESSYATINE [n -S] | YODELING | singing that changes rapidly from normal to falsetto, also YODELLING [n -S] | WORDLESS | without words [adj WORDLESSLY] | ENTERED | ENTER, to go or come in [v] | REENTER | to enter again [v -ED, -ING, -S] | SEAMING | the act of joining by sewing together [n -S] | EARLIES | EARLY, an early potato [n] | MEETING | an assembly for a common purpose [n -S] | LOCATES | LOCATE, to find or pinpoint [v] | ARIETTES | ARIETTE, a short aria, also ARIETTA [n] | STAINED | STAIN, to discolour, also STAYNE [v] | ENTITLE | to give a right to, also INTITLE, INTITULE [v ENTITLED, ENTITLING, ENTITLES] | SLANGED | SLANG, to use extremely informal language [v] | BOILERS | BOILER, a vessel for boiling [n] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
43 | BILLETEE | one who is billeted [n -S] | PEBRINE | (French) a disease of silkworms [n -S] | NEUROID | either of the halves of a neural arch [n -S] | LITREAGE | volume in litres [n -S] | REVEILLE | (French) a morning bugle call [n -S] | NEARSIDE | the passenger side of a car [n -S] | EXISTED | EXIST, to have actual being, to live [v] | HASTENS | HASTEN, to hurry, also HASTE [v] | TANNERS | TANNER, in pre-decimal coinage, a sixpence [n] | BEAKERS | BEAKER, a large cup [n] | BROODING | pondering gloomily [adj BROODINGLY] / an act of brooding [n -S] | GATHERS | GATHER, to bring together in one place or group [v] | TAILERS | TAILER, one who secretly follows another [n] | FRONTERS | FRONTER, a three-year-old animal, esp. a sheep [n] | RUSTIER | RUSTY, covered with rust [adj] | SMITTED | SMIT, (Scots) to stain, infect [v] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
44 | AGENDAS | AGENDA, (Latin) a list of things to be done [n] | ORIENTAL | from the Orient [adj ORIENTALLY] / a precious stone, esp. a pearl; an Oriental rug [n -S] | LEOTARD | a skintight garment worn by dancers, acrobats, etc. [n -S] | SATINET | a thin satin, also SATINETTA, SATINETTE [n -S] | ENTERIC | typhoid fever [n -S] | INDENTS | INDENT, to cut or tear irregularly [v] | SENATOR | (Latin) a member of a senate [n -S] | MINISTER | to give aid or service [v -ED, -ING, -S] | STORAGE | a place for storing [n -S] | TEQUILA | a Mexican alcoholic drink made from the agave plant, also TEQUILLA [n -S] | TROWELS | TROWEL, to smooth with a tool with a flat blade [v] | DAILIES | DAILY, a newspaper published every day [n] | TANKERS | TANKER, to transport by a ship designed to transport liquids [v] | STEADIED | STEADY, to make steady [v] | LEASING | a falsehood [n -S] | ATONERS | ATONER, one who atones [n] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
45 | DISSEAT | to unseat, dethrone [v -ED, -ING, -S] | CRAZIER | CRAZY, insane [adj] | LEADENS | LEADEN, to make leaden [v] | HAILIEST | HAILY, with hail falling [adj] | LESSONS | LESSON, to teach a lesson to [v] | ODORISED | ODORISE, to make odorous, also ODORIZE [v] | SAVAGES | SAVAGE, to attack or treat brutally [v] | TINNIES | TINNIE, a mug made of tinplate; a can of beer, also TINNY [n] | PEONIES | PEONY, a showy flower, also PAEONY, PINY, PIONEY, PIONY [n] | SEVERAL | various [adj SEVERALLY] / privately owned land [n -S] | LADRONS | LADRON, (Spanish) a robber; a pirate; hence, loosely, a rogue or rascal, also LADRONE, LATRON [n] | RELINES | RELINE, to line again [v] | PASTRIES | PASTRY, articles made of dough [n] | REALIST | one who is concerned with fact or reality [n -S] | HEARTENS | HEARTEN, to give courage to, also HARTEN [v] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
46 | ZENAIDA | a wild dove [n -S] | SERIATE | arranged in a series or rows [adj SERIATELY] / to arrange in rows [v SERIATED, SERIATING, SERIATES] | REINJURE | to injure again [v REINJURED, REINJURING, REINJURES] | WIDGEON | a kind of freshwater duck, also WIGEON [n -S] | INGESTS | INGEST, to take into the body [v] | GATINGS | GATING, punishment by gating, keeping in [n] | LETTERS | LETTER, to inscribe with symbols of speech sounds [v] | CINDERS | CINDER, to reduce to ashes [v] | VENTILS | VENTIL, a valve in wind instruments [n] | RECLAIM | to make suitable for cultivation or habitation [v -ED, -ING, -S] | SURLOIN | a loin of beef, or the upper part of the loin, also SIRLOIN [n -S] | STRAINS | STRAIN, to exert to the utmost [v] | STORIES | STORY, to relate an account of an event [v] | ABUSERS | ABUSER, one who abuses [n] | OUTSEES | OUTSEE, to see beyond [v] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
47 | RETINAS | RETINA, (Latin) a membrane of the eye [n] | RATANIES | RATANY, (Quechua) a South American shrub with astringent roots, also RHATANY [n] | MARQUEES | MARQUEE, a large tent with open sides for outdoor entertainment [n] | SIMITAR | a curved oriental sword, also CEMITARE, SCIMITAR, SCIMETAR, SCIMITER, SEMITAR, SEMITAUR, SYMITAR, SYMITARE [n -S] | ORATION | a formal speech [n -S] | VOTINGS | VOTING, casting a vote [n] | STRIDES | STRIDE, to walk with long steps [v] | GEARING | a system of gears [n -S] | SEATINGS | SEATING, material for covering seats [n] | DINGIES | DINGY, to ignore or avoid [v] | TOFFIES | TOFFY, a toffee, also TAFFY, TOFFEE [n] | COUNTED | COUNT, to number [v] | NESTING | the act of making nests [n -S] | SEARING | burning [adj SEARINGLY] / the act of searing [n -S] | SQUARES | SQUARE, to make equal all over [v] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
48 | PITURIS | PITURI, (Native Australian) a type of Australian shrub [n] | REVERTS | REVERT, to return to a former state [v] | EARRINGS | EARRING, a ring worn on the earlobe [n] | MENHIRS | MENHIR, (Welsh) a single upright rude monolith of usually prehistoric origin [n] | BISCUIT | a small, thin, crisp cake [n -S] | REQUIRES | REQUIRE, to have need of [v] | WIRELESS | signalling through space without conducting wires [adj WIRELESSLY] / to communicate by radio [v -ED, -ING, -ES] | URINALS | URINAL, a sanitary fitting, usually plumbed into a wall, for the use of men when urinating [n] | RUSTLES | RUSTLE, to steal cattle [v] | ARABISE | to adopt Arab customs, also ARABIZE [v ARABISED, ARABISING, ARABISES] | ATONERS | ATONER, one who atones [n] | SMALLER | SMALL, not large [adj] | SATINET | a thin satin, also SATINETTA, SATINETTE [n -S] | TREEING | TREE, to drive up a tree [v] | GOATIEST | GOATY, like a goat, smelling of goat [adj] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
49 | MUCRONES | MUCRO, (Latin) a sharp point at the end of certain plant and animal organs [n] | FORELAIN | FORELAY, to wait in ambush [v] | LEADENS | LEADEN, to make leaden [v] | CRINGIER | CRINGY, causing acute feelings of embarrassment or disgust, also CRINGEY [adj] | SPEARED | SPEAR, to pierce with a long pointed weapon [v] | DUELISTS | DUELIST, one who duels, also DUELER, DUELLER, DUELLIST [n] | SEARING | burning [adj SEARINGLY] / the act of searing [n -S] | URINALS | URINAL, a sanitary fitting, usually plumbed into a wall, for the use of men when urinating [n] | BISCUIT | a small, thin, crisp cake [n -S] | SAILERS | SAILER, a vessel that sails [n] | PALLIES | PALLY, as in to pally up with, to become friends [v] | MASTERS | MASTER, to become skilled in [v] | TOUSLED | TOUSLE, to dishevel, rumple, also TOUSE, TOUZE, TOUZLE, TOWSE, TOWZE [v] | NATTERS | NATTER, to chatter [v] | TRUSTED | TRUST, to place confidence in [v] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
50 | SALVINGS | SALVING, the act of salving [n] | NEGATOR | one that negates, also NEGATER [n -S] | SANDIER | SANDY, covered with sand [adj] | OREIDES | OREIDE, an alloy used in imitation gold jewelry, also OROIDE [n] | SITINGS | SITING, the act of situating [n] | SNIRTLED | SNIRTLE, (Scots) to snicker [v] | TROTTED | TROT, to proceed at a pace between walking and running [v] | OUTLINE | to make a general statement without details [v OUTLINED, OUTLINING, OUTLINES] | PANSIES | PANSY, a name for various species of violet, also PANCE, PAUNCE, PAWNCE [n] | AWARDEE | a recipient of an award [n -S] | GOLDENER | GOLDEN, of the colour of gold [adj] | RAIDERS | RAIDER, one that raids [n] | UNAWARE | not aware, also UNAWARES, UNWARE, UNWARES [adj UNAWARELY] | SEARING | burning [adj SEARINGLY] / the act of searing [n -S] | SENATES | SENATE, a governing body [n] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
51 | ENDOSTEA | ENDOSTEUM, the internal periosteum, a membrane lining the medullary capillary of a bone [n] | SIRTUIN | any of a group of enzymes which regulate cell metabolism and aging [n -S] | BENDIEST | BENDY, full of bends [adj] | POTTIEST | POTTY, crazy [adj] | OVERTIME | to exceed the correct allowance of time [v OVERTIMED, OVERTIMING, OVERTIMES] | COLLATES | COLLATE, to examine and compare [v] | RETAINS | RETAIN, to keep possession of [v] | PLAINED | PLAIN, to complain [v] | THANKED | THANK, to express gratitude [v] | TREATING | the act of treating [n -S] | SANDIER | SANDY, covered with sand [adj] | ROADIES | ROADIE, a person who works for travelling entertainers [n] | BEATING | a defeat [n -S] | DIGESTS | DIGEST, to assimilate food in the stomach, also DISGEST [v] | SERIATE | arranged in a series or rows [adj SERIATELY] / to arrange in rows [v SERIATED, SERIATING, SERIATES] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
52 | SILAGED | SILAGE, to harvest and store a crop [v] | RESPELL | to spell again [v RESPELLED, RESPELT, RESPELLING, RESPELLS] | TIARAED | wearing a tiara [adj] | RENTERS | RENTER, one who rents [n] | DERISION | the act of deriding [n -S] | CULVERT | to channel a stream through an arched construction or channel enclosing a drain or watercourse beneath a road, railway, etc. [v -ED, -ING, -S] | BLOUSES | BLOUSE, to puff out loosely [v] | SNARIER | SNARY, in danger of entrapment [adj] | BEEFING | BEEF, to grumble [v] | IGNEOUS | of rock, formed by cooling and consolidation of magma [adj] | TRIPLED | TRIPLE, to make three times as great [v] | RELATING | RELATE, to give an account of [v] | SENORES | SENOR, (Spanish) a Spanish gentleman [n] | LORRIES | LORRY, a vehicle used for transportation [n] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
53 | TEAGLES | TEAGLE, to hoist [v] | BARONET | the lowest British hereditary title [n -S] | DANCING | the act of dancing [n -S] | ADONISE | to adorn (oneself), also ADONIZE [v ADONISED, ADONISING, ADONISES] | SAILING | the act of one that sails [n -S] | FROWNED | FROWN, to wrinkle the brow with displeasure [v] | PITHIER | PITHY, full of pith, to the point [adj] | RUDDIER | RUDDY, reddish [adj] | MASTERY | superior knowledge or skill, also MAISTRY [n MASTERIES] | SARNIES | SARNIE, (colloquial) a sandwich, also SARMIE, SARNEY [n] | CREATING | CREATE, to bring into being [v] | EQUATING | EQUATE, to be regarded as equal [v] | RATLINS | RATLIN, any of the small lines forming the steps of the rigging of ships, also RATLINE, RATLING, RATTLIN, RATTLINE, RATTLING [n] | ETOILES | ETOILE, (French) in heraldry, a six-pointed star whose rays are wavy, instead of straight like those of a mullet, also ESTOILE [n] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
54 | OOMIACS | OOMIAC, (Inuit) an Inuit canoe, also OOMIACK, OOMIAK, UMIAC, UMIACK, UMIAK, UMIAQ [n] | SLEAVES | SLEAVE, to separate into fine filaments [v] | ATTIRED | ATTIRE, to clothe [v] | REGULATE | to control according to rule [v REGULATED, REGULATING, REGULATES] | CONTRITE | deeply sorry [adj CONTRITELY] | LIQUORS | LIQUOR, to intoxicate with an alcoholic beverage [v] | HOLIEST | HOLY, perfect in a moral sense [adj] | SIGANID | any of a family of fishes [n -S] | CLEAVER | a heavy knife [n -S] | IONISER | something that ionizes, also IONIZER [n -S] | DURATION | the portion of time during which anything exists [n -S] | ENCORES | ENCORE, (French) to call for a repetition of a performance [v] | ENDEARS | ENDEAR, to make beloved [v] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
55 | GAYNESS | gaiety, finery [n -ES] | LANTERNS | LANTERN, to provide with a case for carrying a light [v] | PIRANHAS | PIRANHA, (Tupi) a ferocious, carnivorous South American fish, also PERAI, PIRAI, PIRANA, PIRAYA [n] | ARCHAIC | pertaining to an earlier time [adj ARCHAICALLY] | SERENADE | (French) a piece of vocal music, esp. one on an amorous subject, also SERENATA, SERENATE [n -S] / to address a serenade to [v SERENADED, SERENADING, SERENADES] | WANDERS | WANDER, to move about with no destination or purpose [v] | RESIDING | RESIDE, to live in a certain place [v] | PRICIEST | PRICY, expensive, also PRICEY [adj] | BOTTLES | BOTTLE, to enclose in a narrow-necked vessel [v] | RIOTING | the act of rioting [n -S] | AGONISED | AGONISE, to suffer agony, also AGONIZE [v] | MOTIVES | MOTIVE, to inspire to action, also MOTIVATE [v] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
56 | CROWNER | an officer who investigates questionable deaths, also CORONER [n -S] | OUTREAD | to surpass in reading [v OUTREAD, OUTREADING, OUTREADS] | DECORATE | to adorn [v DECORATED, DECORATING, DECORATES] | MISRATE | to rate incorrectly [v MISRATED, MISRATING, MISRATES] | REMAINS | REMAIN, to continue in the same state [v] | SHORTED | SHORT, to cause a type of electrical malfunction in [v] | SALTING | land regularly flooded by tides [n -S] | LEADENS | LEADEN, to make leaden [v] | TINNERS | TINNER, a tin miner [n] | ROUGHENS | ROUGHEN, to make rough [v] | SYNAGOG | (Greek) a Jewish church, also SYNAGOGUE [n -S] | EROTISE | to give a sexual meaning to, also EROTIZE [v EROTISED, EROTISING, EROTISES] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
57 | WALLIES | WALLY, an idiot or imbecile, also WALLIE [n] | DEVILETS | DEVILET, a young devil, also DEVILING, DEVLING, DEVILKIN [n] | RANGERS | RANGER, an officer supervising the care of a forest [n] | ROWINGS | ROWING, the sport of racing in light, long and narrow rowboats [n] | TASERED | TASER, to immobilize with a taser [v] | WELTERS | WELTER, to roll about [v] | WAITINGS | WAITING, attendance, service, e.g. in a restaurant [n] | FEELING | the sense of touch [n -S] | SAUCIER | a chef who specializes in sauces [n -S] | TINNIER | TINNY, making a noise like tin [adj] | HINTERS | HINTER, one that hints [n] | FRONTERS | FRONTER, a three-year-old animal, esp. a sheep [n] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
58 | RESONATE | to resound [v RESONATED, RESONATING, RESONATES] | ENRAGES | ENRAGE, to make very angry [v] | ELATING | ELATE, to raise the spirits of [v] | ENTREAT | to ask for earnestly, also INTREAT [v -ED, -ING, -S] | OUTAGES | OUTAGE, a failure in use [n] | LEADERS | LEADER, one that leads or guides [n] | ENQUIRED | ENQUIRE, to ask, also INQUERE, INQUIRE [v] | LIMITERS | LIMITER, a friar who had a license to beg within certain areas, also LYMITER [n] | GROUTING | thin mortar used to fill cracks [n -S] | COVERED | COVER, to spread something over [v] | SPORING | SPORE, to produce an asexual reproductive body [v] | LOWERED | LOWER, to appear dark and threatening, also LOUR [v] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
59 | LONELIER | LONELY, sad from lack of companionship [adj] | OUTVIES | OUTVIE, to surpass in competition [v] | GLOATING | the act of exulting [n -S] | AVERSIONS | AVERSION, a feeling of repugnance [n] | TASERED | TASER, to immobilize with a taser [v] | DETOURS | DETOUR, to take an indirect route [v] | GINNIER | GINNY, affected with gin (a strong liquor) [adj] | SOAPIER | SOAPY, like soap [adj] | STRINGY | fibrous [adj STRINGIER, STRINGIEST, STRINGILY] | ELECTRONS | ELECTRON, an elementary particle [n] | LOUSIER | LOUSY, infested with lice [adj] | RELINED | RELINE, to line again [v] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
60 | GAVOTTE | (French) a kind of French country dance, also GAVOT [n -S] / to dance a gavotte [v GAVOTTED, GAVOTTING, GAVOTTES] | EUCAINE | an anaesthetic safer than cocaine, also EUCAIN [n -S] | FEARING | FEAR, to be afraid of [v] | TRACTORS | TRACTOR, a motor vehicle used for farming [n] | AMBLING | walking at a leisurely pace [n -S] | REWIRES | REWIRE, to install new wiring [v] | AROUSES | AROUSE, to stimulate [v] | TRENDING | TREND, to have a tendency for [v] | ELEVATE | to raise [v ELEVATED, ELEVATING, ELEVATES] | RELINED | RELINE, to line again [v] | MORNING | the early part of the day [n -S] | SOLVERS | SOLVER, one who solves [n] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
61 | EVADABLE | able to be evaded [adj] | BLASTIE | a dwarf [n -S] | ALIENATE | to make indifferent or unfriendly [v ALIENATED, ALIENATING, ALIENATES] | RECITAL | a detailed account [n -S] | POSTAGE | the charge for mailing an item [n -S] | STANCHES | STANCH, to stop the flowing of, as blood, also STAUNCH [v] | GODDESS | a female god [n -ES] | DINGLES | DINGLE, a deep narrow wooded valley, a dell, also DIMBLE [n] | ELEVATOR | a lift [n -S] | OARIEST | OARY, having the form of or using oars [adj] | TENDERS | TENDER, to offer [v] | SARNIES | SARNIE, (colloquial) a sandwich, also SARMIE, SARNEY [n] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
62 | SLANTED | SLANT, to deviate from the horizontal or vertical [v] | ALTERANT | something that alters the state of something [n -S] | SHINIER | SHINY, filled with light [adj] | LUSTRED | LUSTRE, to make lustrous, also LUSTER [v] | GREENER | a newly-arrived immigrant [n -S] | POSTERS | POSTER, to stick bills on [v] | NETTERS | NETTER, one who nets [n] | AGONIES | AGONY, extreme suffering [n] | FRIEZED | FRIEZE, to put a decorative band on the top edge of a wall [v] | SOILIER | SOILY, dirty, soiled [adj] | RETAINS | RETAIN, to keep possession of [v] | ENDORSE | to declare one's approval, also INDORSE [v ENDORSED, ENDORSING, ENDORSES] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
63 | MONOLOG | a lengthy speech by one person [n -S] / to give a monolog, also MONOLOGUE [v MONOLOGGED, MONOLOGGING, MONOLOGS] | OUTHIRE | to hire out, also OUTHYRE [v OUTHIRED, OUTHIRING, OUTHIRES] | MENDABLE | able to be mended [adj] | TANAGERS | TANAGER, (Tupi) a brightly-coloured South American bird [n] | LOONIES | LOONIE, (Canadian) a Canadian dollar coin with a loon bird on one of its faces [n] | COILERS | COILER, one who coils [n] | TOADIES | TOADY, to fawn on or flatter [v] | RETRIALS | RETRIAL, a second trial [n] | GUERITE | (French) a projecting turret for a sentry, as at the salient angles of works, or the acute angles of bastions [n -S] | EXPLAINS | EXPLAIN, to make clear and understandable [v] | QUERIES | QUERY, to question [v] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
64 | CISTERN | an artificial reservoir for storing water, esp. one in the roof-space of a house etc. [n -S] | SCENTING | the act of a dog scenting its prey [n -S] | INVERTED | INVERT, to turn upside down [v] | ALIENORS | ALIENOR, a person who transfers property, also ALIENER [n] | GREATEST | the greatest person in some field [n -S] | GUARDER | one who guards [n -S] | AGONISED | AGONISE, to suffer agony, also AGONIZE [v] | CARRIES | CARRY, to convey from one place to another [v] | SCRINES | SCRINE, (obsolete) a chest for records, also SCRYNE [n] | STUNNER | a very attractive person [n -S] | RECLOSE | to close again [v RECLOSED, RECLOSING, RECLOSES] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
65 | RUBYLIKE | like a ruby [adj] | RANDIEST | RANDY, full of sexual desire [adj] | ERADIATE | to shoot out like a ray of light [v ERADIATED, ERADIATING, ERADIATES] | PRELATE | a high ranking clergyman [n -S] | SEELIEST | SEELY, fortunate; innocent [adj] | TIRADES | TIRADE, (French) a long vehement or angry harangue [n] | NEEDIER | NEEDY, in a state of poverty [adj] | TRAVELS | TRAVEL, to go from one place to another [v] | RELINES | RELINE, to line again [v] | OVERBIDS | OVERBID, to bid or offer beyond, or in excess of [v] | SPITTED | SPIT, to throw out saliva from the mouth [v] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
66 | INCENSED | INCENSE, to make very angry [v] | PINWALES | PINWALE, a type of fabric [n] | FLEXING | FLEX, to bend [v] | FLAKING | FLAKE, to peel off in thin flat pieces [v] | DOOLIES | DOOLY, (Hindi) a litter or palanquin, also DHOOLY, DOOLEE, DOOLIE [n] | LAUNCHES | LAUNCH, to set in motion [v] | EROTISED | EROTISE, to give a sexual meaning to, also EROTIZE [v] | RETAILS | RETAIL, to sell direct to the consumer [v] | BRASSED | BRASS, to coat with an alloy of copper and zinc [v] | ROWINGS | ROWING, the sport of racing in light, long and narrow rowboats [n] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
67 | KOTARES | KOTARE, (Maori) a small greenish-blue kingfisher found in New Zealand [n] | ORIENTAL | from the Orient [adj ORIENTALLY] / a precious stone, esp. a pearl; an Oriental rug [n -S] | TOUSLED | TOUSLE, to dishevel, rumple, also TOUSE, TOUZE, TOUZLE, TOWSE, TOWZE [v] | GENIUSES | GENIUS, (Latin) an exceptional natural aptitude [n] | BUTLERS | BUTLER, to act as a butler [v] | LEERING | the act of leering [n -S] | BEANIES | BEANIE, a small close-fitting hat, also BEANY [n] | ROUNDING | the process of raising or lowering a number to an approximation which has fewer decimal places [n -S] | EERIEST | EERY, uncanny, also EERIE [adj] | CARTONS | CARTON, to pack in a cardboard box [v] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
68 | COTTIERS | COTTIER, an Irish tenant holding land as the highest bidder, also COTTAR, COTTER [n] | ANNELIDS | ANNELID, any of a phylum of segmented worms [n] | IRISATES | IRISATE, to make iridescent [v] | DELATION | the act of informing against someone [n -S] | RELATERS | RELATER, one who relates, also RELATOR [n] | RATIONS | RATION, to distribute in fixed amounts [v] | SWEATING | the act of sweating [n -S] | RETCHES | RETCH, to make an effort to vomit [v] | FURLESS | without fur [adj] | ROOMIES | ROOMIE, (colloquial) a roommate [n] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
69 | ELVANITE | a granular rock, also ELVAN [n -S] | DENTALIA | DENTALIUM, (Latin) any mollusc or shell of the genus Dentalium, of scaphopod molluscs whose shells resemble an elephant's tusk [n] | LEVERING | LEVER, to prise open [v] | NOSIEST | NOSEY, unduly curious, also NOSY [adj] | SENIORS | SENIOR, a person who is older than another [n] | SERIATE | arranged in a series or rows [adj SERIATELY] / to arrange in rows [v SERIATED, SERIATING, SERIATES] | OLESTRA | (tradename) a noncaloric fat substitute [n -S] | STIRRES | STIRRE, (Shakespeare) probably a misprint for 'sperre' [n] | SCARTED | SCART, to scratch, scrape, also SCRAT [v] | YEARLIES | YEARLY, a once a year publication [n] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
70 | RESIGNS | RESIGN, to give up an office or position [v] | DRAPETS | DRAPET, (Spenser) a cloth covering [n] | BLINDER | a thing that blinds [n -S] | CLANGERS | CLANGER, (colloquial) a mistake [n] | HOLLERS | HOLLER, to call out or yell to attract attention [v] | ENGINER | (Shakespeare) an engineer, also INGENER [n -S] | SEQUOIA | any of a genus of coniferous trees, attaining an immense size [n -S] | OATIEST | OATY, like oats [adj] | COUNTED | COUNT, to number [v] | REWAKEN | to waken again, also REAWAKE, REWAKE [v -ED, -ING, -S] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
71 | TARSIAS | TARSIA, (Italian) a form of decorative wood inlay work, developed in Italy, also INTARSIA [n] | AUGITES | AUGITE, one of the pyroxene group of minerals, very similar to hornblende [n] | UNTWINED | UNTWINE, to separate twisted or tangled parts [v] | STERNER | STERN, severe [adj] | SMITING | SMITE, to strike heavily [v] | NASTIER | NASTY, ill-natured [adj] | SHORTER | SHORT, having little length [adj] | SUNDAES | SUNDAE, a dish of ice-cream topped or mixed with fruit, nuts, syrup, whipped cream, etc. [n] | VIBRATE | to move back and forward rapidly [v VIBRATED, VIBRATING, VIBRATES] | GALLEYS | GALLEY, any of various kinds of ship propelled by oars or sails used in ancient or medieval times as a warship or as a trader [n] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
72 | RESCORE | to score again [v RESCORED, RESCORING, RESCORES] | RESINATE | to treat with a viscous substance, also RESIN [v RESINATED, RESINATING, RESINATES] | BRIDGES | BRIDGE, to connect across a gap [v] | REVIVED | REVIVE, to bring back to life or consciousness [v] | SINGERS | SINGER, one that sings [n] | ALIGNED | ALIGN, to arrange in line [v] | INCISES | INCISE, to cut into [v] | AROUSED | AROUSE, to stimulate [v] | INTENSE | existing in a high degree [adj INTENSER, INTENSEST, INTENSELY] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
73 | ABSINTHE | (French) the wormwood plant or other species of Artemisia; a liqueur made from this, also ABSINTH [n -S] | OLOGIST | an expert in a particular ology [n -S] | ENTAMED | ENTAME, (Shakespeare) to tame [v] | SALIENT | strikingly conspicuous; prominent [adj SALIENTLY] / an outward-pointing angle, esp. of a fortification or line of defences [n -S] | METEORS | METEOR, a small celestial body that enters the earth's atmosphere [n] | TOOTERS | TOOTER, one who toots; one who plays upon a pipe or horn [n] | TOGETHER | into a union or relationship, also THEGITHER [adj] | STARVERS | STARVER, one who starves [n] | INSOLES | INSOLE, the inner sole of a shoe or boot [n] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
74 | INGENUE | (French) an artless, naive young woman [n -S] | DENTALIA | DENTALIUM, (Latin) any mollusc or shell of the genus Dentalium, of scaphopod molluscs whose shells resemble an elephant's tusk [n] | AREOLAE | AREOLA, (Latin) a small space in a network of leaf veins, also AREOLE [n] | QUINTES | QUINTE, an attacking fencing position [n] | MUNCHED | MUNCH, to chew noisily [v] | TODDLERS | TODDLER, a young child [n] | AURELIA | (Italian) a genus of jellyfish [n -S] | FASHIONS | FASHION, to give a particular shape or form to [v] | RESTAGED | RESTAGE, to put on the same play again [v] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
75 | SILENTS | SILENT, a silent film [n] | ARCSINE | a trigonometric inverse function [n -S] | NOTARIES | NOTARY, a public official who can certify documents [n] | RETAINED | RETAIN, to keep possession of [v] | WINDIER | WINDY, related to wind [adj] | DENOTES | DENOTE, to indicate [v] | RESIGNS | RESIGN, to give up an office or position [v] | REBOILED | REBOIL, to boil again [v] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
76 | ADRENALS | ADRENAL, an adrenal gland [n] | GRATINEE | (French) to cook or serve au gratin [v GRATINEED, GRATINEEING, GRATINEES] | ETAERIOS | ETAERIO, an aggregated fruit like a blackberry [n] | FASTING | abstaining from eating [n -S] | HELMETS | HELMET, to supply with a protective covering for the head [v] | SCARCITY | the quality of being scarce [n SCARCITIES] | ZANIEST | ZANY, comical, clownish [adj] | ESQUIRES | ESQUIRE, to escort [v] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
77 | EPHORAL | pertaining to an ephor, one of a body of five magistrates chosen by the people of ancient Sparta [adj] | LENTIGO | (Latin) a freckle [n LENTIGINES] | CARROTS | CARROT, a root vegetable [n] | DOWSING | the act of looking for water with a divining rod [n -S] | BRIDGED | BRIDGE, to connect across a gap [v] | SHALIER | SHALY, resembling shale, also SHALEY [adj] | EASIEST | EASY, not difficult [adj] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
78 | RELATED | RELATE, to give an account of [v] | STONIER | STONY, of or like stone, also STONEY [adj] | DENARII | DENARIUS, (Latin) a coin of ancient Rome [n] | SOBERLY | SOBER, having control of one's faculties [adv] | SLITHERS | SLITHER, to slide from side to side [v] | DIRTIES | DIRTY, to soil [v] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
79 | SNIFTER | to sniff, snivel [v -ED, -ING, -S] | SENARII | SENARIUS, (Latin) a Greek or Latin verse consisting of six metrical feet [n] | ANXIETY | painful or apprehensive uneasiness of mind [n ANXIETIES] | SNARING | the act of snaring [n -S] | STEAMED | STEAM, to cook by water in the form of vapour [v] | EASIEST | EASY, not difficult [adj] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
80 | RESOLUTE | determined [adj RESOLUTER, RESOLUTEST, RESOLUTELY] / (Shakespeare) a determined person [n -S] | ARCSINE | a trigonometric inverse function [n -S] | FATTENER | one that fattens [n -S] | ANTSIER | ANTSY, eager, excited [adj] | MELTERS | MELTER, one who, or that which, melts [n] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
81 | TATSOIS | TATSOI, (Chinese) a variety of Chinese cabbage [n] | SAUTERNE | (French) a sweet white wine made in the district of Sauterne, France [n -S] | SNARING | the act of snaring [n -S] | UPDATES | UPDATE, to bring up to date [v] | DEVOTES | DEVOTE, to give oneself wholly to [v] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
82 | EARTHING | EARTH, to cover with soil [v] | ARTERIES | ARTERY, a vessel that carries blood from the heart [n] | REALISED | REALISE, to accomplish, also REALIZE [v] | VITAMIN | an organic substance essential to proper nutrition, also VITAMINE [n -S] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
83 | BISTROS | BISTRO, (Russian) a small bar or restaurant [n] | UPGRADING | UPGRADE, to raise to a higher standard [v] | ELOINER | one who eloins, also ELOIGNER [n -S] | BLOWING | the act of blowing, as in dry blowing, the use of a current of air to separate particles of mineral (esp. gold) from the material in which it is found [n -S] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
84 | CAUDATE | having a tail, also CAUDATED [adj] / a creature with a tail [n -S] | TOSHIER | TOSHY, full of twaddle [adj] | DAILIES | DAILY, a newspaper published every day [n] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
85 | WEIRDOS | WEIRDO, a very strange person, also WEIRDIE, WEIRDY [n] | DILUTES | DILUTE, to make thinner [v] | INFLATE | to expand with air or gas [v INFLATED, INFLATING, INFLATES] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
86 | SPONSOR | a person who promises responsibility [n -S] / to act as a sponsor [v -ED, -ING, -S] | GRADIENT | a rate of inclination [n -S] | CITRONS | CITRON, the fruit of the citron tree, resembling a lemon [n] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
87 | PANTILED | roofed with pantiles [adj] | WATERIER | WATERY, like water [adj] | DIETING | the act of dieting [n -S] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
88 | DIALECTS | DIALECT, a language peculiar to a region [n] | STRUMAE | STRUMA, (Latin) a disease of the lymph glands [n] | RILIEST | RILEY, turbid, also ROILY [adj] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
89 | SHROWING | SHROW, (Shakespeare) to shrew, to curse, also SHREW [v] | DEVISALS | DEVISAL, the act of devising [n] | ENSNARE | to trap, also INSNARE [v ENSNARED, ENSNARING, ENSNARES] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
90 | LATIGOES | LATIGO, (Spanish) a strap used to fasten a saddle [n] | JADEITES | JADEITE, a mineral, a silicate of sodium, aluminium, and ferric iron [n] | TOONIES | TOONIE, (Canadian) a Canadian two-dollar coin, also TWONIE, TWOONIE [n] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
91 | GIRNIER | GIRNIE, ill-tempered [adj] | AGENDAS | AGENDA, (Latin) a list of things to be done [n] | ISOTONE | one of a number of nuclides having the same number of neutrons in the nucleus with differing numbers of protons [n -S] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
92 | SHORTIA | a perennial herb [n -S] | ORACLES | ORACLE, to utter as an oracle [v] | CONSOLE | to comfort [v CONSOLED, CONSOLING, CONSOLES] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
93 | VENTAYLE | (Spenser) the movable front to a helmet, also AVENTAIL, AVENTAILE, VENTAIL, VENTAILE [n -S] | RETRACT | to take back [v -ED, -ING, -S] | SHEARING | the act of cutting wool or hair [n -S] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
94 | MACHINES | MACHINE, to process by a mechanical device [v] | UNSHARED | not shared [adj] | BEDDINGS | BEDDING, articles used in making up a bed [n] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
95 | LEOTARDS | LEOTARD, a skintight garment worn by dancers, acrobats, etc. [n] | NAUTILI | NAUTILUS, (Greek) a spiral-shelled mollusk [n] | TEMPERS | TEMPER, to moderate by adding a counterbalancing agent [v] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
96 | SOILIEST | SOILY, dirty, soiled [adj] | INFLICT | to impose on [v -ED, -ING, -S] | SLANDERS | SLANDER, to defame [v] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
97 | REFASTEN | to fasten again [v -ED, -ING, -S] | IODISER | one that iodizes, also IODIZER [n -S] | WHARFING | material used for making wharfs [n -S] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
98 | TANTALUS | a case in which alcohol decanters are visible but locked up [n -ES] | SITULAE | SITULA, (Latin) a bucket [n] | ROASTIE | (colloquial) a roast potato [n -S] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
99 | SPAWNERS | SPAWNER, a mature female fish [n] | ENTERING | the act of entering [n -S] | CALLING | a vocation or profession [n -S] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
100 | MIRRORED | MIRROR, to reflect an image of [v] | EBONIST | an ebony worker [n -S] | TENDING | TEND, to watch over [v] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
101 | EOSINES | EOSINE, a red dye, also EOSIN [n] | LACIEST | LACEY, resembling lacework, also LACY [adj] | RETURNEE | one who has returned [n -S] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
102 | ORATION | a formal speech [n -S] | DOTTEREL | a shore bird, also DOTTREL [n -S] | STROKING | the act of stroking [n -S] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
103 | TORTUOUS | marked by turns or bends [adj TORTUOUSLY] | MINUTED | MINUTE, to take brief notes [v] | SCARING | SCARE, to frighten [v] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
104 | ETERNISE | to make eternal, also ETERNIZE [v ETERNISED, ETERNISING, ETERNISES] | TRAINMEN | TRAINMAN, a railroad employee [n] | STRIDES | STRIDE, to walk with long steps [v] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
105 | ETAERIOS | ETAERIO, an aggregated fruit like a blackberry [n] | ABRIDGED | ABRIDGE, to shorten [v] | OUTRAGE | to arouse anger or resentment in [v OUTRAGED, OUTRAGING, OUTRAGES] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
106 | PLANTERS | PLANTER, one who plants [n] | STONERAG | a kind of lichen, also STONERAW [n -S] | FILTERS | FILTER, to purify a fluid of solid matter [v] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
107 | OSCULANT | adhering closely [adj] | CREMANT | of wine, moderately sparkling [adj] | RATTING | rat-hunting [n -S] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
108 | DEGOUTED | DEGOUT, (French) to make (something) into drops [v] | OARAGES | OARAGE, a rowing movement [n] | MINDERS | MINDER, one that minds [n] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
109 | VEINLET | a small vein, also VEINULE, VEINULET, VENULE [n -S] | VANITIES | VANITY, inflated pride in oneself [n] | RETAINED | RETAIN, to keep possession of [v] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
110 | VASELINE | to cover or smear with a translucent gelatinous substance obtained from petroleum [v VASELINED, VASELINING, VASELINES] | SOUTANE | (French) a Roman Catholic priest's cassock [n -S] | NEARING | NEAR, to approach [v] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
111 | FERNLIKE | like a fern [adj] | HEADRAIL | a rail on the head of a ship [n -S] | GUTSIER | GUTSY, (colloquial) courageous [adj] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
112 | TOTEABLE | capable of being toted, also TOTABLE [adj] | AUNTIES | AUNTY, an aunt, also AUNTIE [n] | TEASING | making fun of [adj TEASINGLY] / the act of teasing [n -S] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
113 | EVENTUAL | happening as a consequence [adj EVENTUALLY] | AGENESIA | absence or imperfection of a bodily part, also AGENESIS [n -S] | DESIRER | one who desires [n -S] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
114 | REPRISAL | the act of retaliation [n -S] | RIBSTONE | an apple, also RIBSTON [n -S] | GREISEN | (German) a rock composed of quartz and mica [n -S] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
115 | CLIQUING | CLIQUE, to form an exclusive group [v] | ANGORAS | ANGORA, fabric made from the hair of the angora goat, aka mohair [n] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
116 | EASYING | EASY, to stop rowing [v] | DENATURE | to deprive of natural qualities [v DENATURED, DENATURING, DENATURES] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
117 | SYENITE | a coarse-grained igneous rock, allied to granite, also SIENITE [n -S] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
118 | CORELLA | (Native Australian) an Australian long-billed cockatoo [n -S] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
119 | ANEARING | ANEAR, (archaic) to draw near to [v] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
120 | RATTLERS | RATTLER, a rattlesnake [n] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
121 | BRAWLING | rowdy fighting [n -S] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
122 | TEOPANS | TEOPAN, (Nahuatl) an Aztec pyramid temple, also TEOCALLI [n] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
123 | LOADENS | LOADEN, (archaic) to load, also LADE, LADEN, LAID [v] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
124 | LEKGOTLA | (Bantu) an assembly of tribal elders in Botswana, also KGOTLA [n -S] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
125 | TETRAGON | a four-sided polygon [n -S] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
126 | KWAITOS | KWAITO, (South African) a type of South African pop music [n] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
127 | UNVOICED | UNVOICE, to deprive of voice [v] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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