2 | A brief atlas of the human body | 50 kr |
3 | A brief atlas of the human body (2nd) | 0 kr |
4 | Akutpsykiatri | 350 kr |
5 | ||
6 | Anestesiologi (Uppl 3:6) | 200 kr |
7 | Applications of Counseling in Speech-language Pathology and Audiology | 0 kr |
8 | Atlas of Histology (10th) | 200 kr |
9 | ATLS Student Course Manual (9th) | 150 kr |
10 | Basic Pathology (6h) | 400 kr |
11 | Becker's World of the Cell | 50 kr |
12 | Biochemistry | 250 kr |
13 | Biochemistry (6th) | 250 kr |
14 | Biology | 0 kr |
15 | Blood Banking and Transfusion Medicine | 25 kr |
16 | Campbell Biology (9th) | 150 kr |
17 | Cellbiologi (2nd) | 200 kr |
18 | Chemical Principles | 750 kr |
19 | Clinical Anatomy | 120 kr |
20 | Clinical Medicine | 150 kr |
21 | Comparative health policy | 50 kr |
22 | Contemporary Orthodontics | 50 kr |
23 | Culture of animal cells | 50 kr |
24 | Current diagnosis & treatment | 550 kr |
25 | Embryology (6th) | 75 kr |
26 | Essenatial Guide to Blood Coagulation (2nd) | 300 kr |
27 | Essential Dental Public Health (2nd) | 150 kr |
28 | Essential Haematology (6th) | 300 kr |
29 | Essentials of Genetics (8th) | 150 kr |
30 | Foundations in microbiology (9th) | 50 kr |
31 | Fundamentals of operative dentistry | 0 kr |
32 | Fundamentals of operative dentistry (3rd) | 0 kr |
33 | Grunderna i vår tids psykologi | 250 kr |
34 | Gynekologi (2nd) | 400 kr |
35 | Hälsa och vrådande i teori och praxis | 200 kr |
36 | Hälsoarbete | 50 kr |
37 | Health and health care in Britain | 50 kr |
38 | Histology (2nd) | 100 kr |
39 | Human Anatomy | 250 kr |
40 | Human Anatomy (5th) | 100 kr |
41 | Human Anatomy (7th) | 300 kr |
42 | Human Anatomy (8th) | 250 kr |
43 | Human anatomy & physiology (8th) | 300 kr |
44 | Human Physiology | 200 kr |
45 | Human Physiology | 150 kr |
46 | Illustrated Textbook of Paediatrics | 350 kr |
47 | Infektionsmedicin | 780 kr |
48 | Internmedicin (4th) | 600 kr |
49 | Introduction to Audiology (9th) | 200 kr |
50 | Introduction to Organic Chemistry | 50 kr |
51 | Kir. (9th) | 750 kr |
52 | Kirurgiboken (4th) | 200 kr |
53 | Kirurgi (5th) | 500 kr |
54 | Kit: Undersökningstekniker + Öron Näsa Hals | 250 kr |
55 | Klinisk kemi och klinisk fysiologi | 200 kr |
56 | Lippincott's Microcards | 250 kr |
57 | Medical Embryology | 180 kr |
58 | Medical Embryology (13th) | 200 kr |
59 | Medical Genetics | 75 kr |
60 | Medical Microbiology (6th) | 350 kr |
61 | Medical Microbiology (8th) | 500 kr |
62 | Medical Microbiology (9th) | 500 kr |
63 | Medical Sciences | 150 kr |
64 | Medicin (1st) | 500 kr |
65 | Neuroscience | 150 kr |
66 | Neuroscience | 200 kr |
67 | Neuroscience (3rd) | 400 kr |
68 | Neuroscience (3rd) | 350 kr |
69 | Neuroscience (5th) | 0 kr |
70 | New clinical genetics | 100 kr |
71 | Obstetrik (2nd) | 500 kr |
72 | ÖNH-handboken (uppl 1:1) | 650 kr |
73 | Organic Chemistry (8th) Adapted International Edition | 150 kr |
74 | Organic Chemistry (8th) Adapted International Edition | 150 kr |
75 | Organic Chemistry (8th) International Edition | 150 kr |
76 | Organic Chemistry (8th) International Edition | 150 kr |
77 | Organisation | 200 kr |
78 | Ortopedi (4th) | 700 kr |
79 | Pathologic Basis of Disease | 300 kr |
80 | Pathologic Basis of Disease (8th) | 350 kr |
81 | Pathologic Basis of Disease (8th) | 400 kr |
82 | Pathologic Basis of Disease (8th) | 400 kr |
83 | Pathologic Basis of Disease (8th) | 300 kr |
84 | Pathologic Basis of Disease (8th) | 350 kr |
85 | Pathologic Basis of Disease (9th) | 600 kr |
86 | Pathology (3rd) | 300 kr |
87 | Pharmacology (5th) | 150 kr |
88 | Pharmacology (6th) | 250 kr |
89 | Pharmacology (Rang and Dale's) (6th) | 200 kr |
90 | Physical examination & health assessment | 100 kr |
91 | Physiology (7th) | 100 kr |
92 | Primer to The Immune Response | 250 kr |
93 | Principles and techniques of biochemestry and molecular biology | 25 kr |
94 | Prosthodontic Treatment | 0 kr |
95 | Psykiatri (7th) | 500 kr |
96 | Psykiatri (Uppl 2:7) | 700 kr |
97 | Radiologi | 500 kr |
98 | Rang & Dale's Pharmacology (6th) | 300 kr |
99 | Rang & Dale's Pharmacology (6th) | 120 kr |
100 | Rang & Dale's Pharmacology (7th) | 300 kr |
101 | Rörelseapparatens anatomi | 300 kr |
102 | Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy | 0 kr |
103 | Signals and Systems for Speech and Hearing | 100 kr |
104 | Social Injustice and Public Health | 150 kr |
105 | Stress | 50 kr |
106 | Stroke och cerebrovaskulärsjukdom | 200 kr |
107 | Teckenlexikon | 0 kr |
108 | Textbook of endodontology (2nd) | 0 kr |
109 | The Biology of Cancer | 600 kr |
110 | The biology of child health | 200 kr |
111 | The Cell (4th) | 100 kr |
112 | The Cell (5th) | 200 kr |
113 | The Cell (5th) | 200 kr |
114 | The Cell (6th) | 200 kr |
115 | The developing human - Clinically oriented embryology | 0 kr |
116 | The immune system (3rd) | 0 kr |
117 | The immune system (3rd) | 200 kr |
118 | Urologi (Uppl 2:1) | 700 kr |