1 | RULES AND INFO | ||||||||||||||
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4 | 1) This 31st Community Playthrough is for Pokemon X and Y on 3DS. | ||||||||||||||
5 | 2) To join, inform an event organizer which version you'll be playing and (if any) your challenge/theme run. This challenge/theme can be changed at any time! | ||||||||||||||
6 | 3) Inform a staff member of the following each week: | 1 | Current team (state if any Pokémon are shiny) | 2 | Total play time | 3 | Number of Pokémon SEEN. | ||||||||||||||
7 | 4) This information should be delivered through PMs on Showdown or with Lady Monita/Officer Jenny Mail if staff are absent. | ||||||||||||||
8 | 5) If unable to complete the current checkpoint, contact a staff member and request to be excused. You are still expected to update upon reaching that checkpoint. | ||||||||||||||
9 | 6) If you don't update before the weekly deadline, you will be dropped from future checkpoints. To re-join the CP, you must submit data for all missed checkpoints. | ||||||||||||||
10 | 7) Hacking is prohibited. However, almost all in-game choices, including glitches, are permitted. | ||||||||||||||
11 | 8) Do not progress further in the story until the next checkpoint has started! | ||||||||||||||
12 | This is a community playthrough, and the idea is for members to go through the game together. | ||||||||||||||
13 | Event Organizers | ||||||||||||||
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16 | The following are the Pokemon Games room auth members that primarily handle the recording process- | ||||||||||||||
17 | PM them first, and only send weekly updates to other room auth if none of these loggers are online: | ||||||||||||||
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20 | eva | ||||||||||||||
21 | CaMe827b | ||||||||||||||
22 | Clementine | ||||||||||||||
23 | in the hills | ||||||||||||||
24 | havi | ||||||||||||||
25 | ThugKing25 | ||||||||||||||
26 | Milak | ||||||||||||||
27 | XYZ15 | ||||||||||||||
28 | Tenshi | ||||||||||||||
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30 | The log takes a minimum of 5 minutes to update- wait that long before asking if it was forgotten or re-sending. | ||||||||||||||
31 | Registration formally ends after March 3rd. Join before/on that date for guaranteed entry! | ||||||||||||||
33 | Checkpoints | ||||||||||||||
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36 | These are the different goals we will be hitting each week of the playthrough. | ||||||||||||||
37 | Once you complete a checkpoint, you can of course keep playing, but don't break the boundaries set by the checkpoint! | ||||||||||||||
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40 | CHP 1: Defeat Grant and obtain the Cliff Badge (February 26th - March 3rd) [Don't enter Geosenge Town] | ||||||||||||||
41 | CHP 2: Defeat Clemont and obtain the Volt Badge (March 4th - March 10th) [Don't enter Lysandre Café] | ||||||||||||||
42 | CHP 3: Defeat Team Flare once and for all and save the Kalos region (March 11th - March 17th) [Don't enter Route 18] | ||||||||||||||
43 | *CHP 4: Defeat Diantha and become Champion of the Kalos region (March 18th - March 24th) | ||||||||||||||
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45 | **There is no log for checkpoint 4- data will be added directly to the Hall of Fame submission sheet by players. | ||||||||||||||
46 | You are also able to complete the Looker post-game quest before updating for CHP 4. | ||||||||||||||
47 | Hall of Fame | ||||||||||||||
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51 | -Those who complete checkpoint 4 will have their teams recorded to the Hall of Fame, which can be found here! | ||||||||||||||
52 | -If you would like to have your team immortalized, you will need to complete a HOF submission. | ||||||||||||||
53 | -The sheet for this will be sent to you upon completion of Checkpoint 4, and can be obtained from organizers after December 20th. | ||||||||||||||
54 | -If you have any questions, be sure to ask staff, but only after you have thoroughly read the sheet's contents. | ||||||||||||||
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1 | Player | Status | Dex | Time | Special Run | ||||||||||||
2 | Alexndr(–)ndr | French | |||||||||||||||
3 | alolanxbutton | Bibarel | Kadabra | Charmeleon | Quilladin | 94 | 8:54 | Nuzlocke | |||||||||
4 | AssassinMew | Bibarel | Floette | Tyrunt | Helioptile | 95 | 11:08 | Hardcore Soul Link, Set Mode & BST <= 495 w/ craftasaurus61 | |||||||||
5 | Atlas | Vivillon | Wormadam | Vespiquen | Ninjask | Dwebble | Kecleon | 93 | 17:20 | ||||||||
6 | Beuto | Grass Monotype Run | |||||||||||||||
7 | blahajman | Frogadier | Wartortle | Vaporeon | Azumarill | Binacle | Psyduck | 91 | 8:21 | Water Monotype Run | |||||||
8 | Blitz | Metapod | Kakuna | Silcoon | Cascoon | Spewpa | 66 | 11:09 | COCOON RUN | ||||||||
9 | CajunSpice38 | Wonderlocke | |||||||||||||||
10 | CharizardX59 | Frogadier | Pancham | Inkay | Absol | 82 | 3:55 | Mono Dark | |||||||||
11 | cheezard | ||||||||||||||||
12 | ChickenMan153 | ||||||||||||||||
13 | Chocobo6 | Surskit | 91 | 5:53 | Surskit Solo | ||||||||||||
14 | Citadark Isle | EXC | KANTOOOO Nuzlocke | ||||||||||||||
15 | Clementine | Ivysaur | Pancham | Linoone | Linoone | Diggersby | 81 | 6:27 | |||||||||
16 | Cobalt_Px | ||||||||||||||||
17 | craftasaurus61 | Azumarill | Combee | Amaura | Sandile | 96 | 12:56 | Hardcore Soul Link, Set Mode & BST <= 495 w/ AssassinMew | |||||||||
18 | Cruzer108 | Wonderlocke | |||||||||||||||
19 | dadrinka | Shiny Only | |||||||||||||||
20 | deknees | ||||||||||||||||
21 | dhelmise | Normal/Ice/Rock/Steel only Nuzlocke | |||||||||||||||
22 | DLEG | "Bad" Pokemon | |||||||||||||||
23 | Dolphin64 | Skiddo | Furfrou | Wartortle | Braixen | Tyrunt | 69 | 3:51 | |||||||||
24 | dubhedubhe | Dunsparce | Litleo | Vivillon | Quilladin | Honedge | Binacle | 108 | 15:46 | Set Mode + No Items in Battle | |||||||
25 | DugTripleBan | Pikachu | Heliolisk | 97 | 8:07 | Electric Monotype Run | |||||||||||
26 | efgdelcatty | Non-Hardcore Nuzlocke Rules | |||||||||||||||
27 | Element Jr | Frogadier | Marill | Panpour | Psyduck | Bibarel | Ducklett | 86 | 4:31 | Water Monotype Run | |||||||
28 | femboytsb | Ducklett | Vespiquen | Mawile | Skiddo | Dunsparce | Ferroseed | 119 | 11:51 | ||||||||
29 | Gekkouga67 | Frogadier | Ivysaur | Honedge | Fletchinder | 72 | 5:55 | ||||||||||
30 | GrassyStorm | ||||||||||||||||
31 | Gyarados422 | Nuzlocke | |||||||||||||||
32 | Harry8704 | ||||||||||||||||
33 | hashtagcc | Wartortle | Azumarill | Kirlia | Furfrou | Solrock | Braixen | 101 | 7:59 | Colour-Themed Nuzlocke (French colours) | |||||||
34 | hydr0fisher | Friendship Evolutions Only + Set Mode + Cheese Nicknames | |||||||||||||||
35 | IConsumeChairs | Quilladin | Granbull | Meditite | 73 | 2:47 | Hardcore Nuzlocke + Physical Moves Only + Set Mode | ||||||||||
36 | JGabe5023 | Single Stage Pokemon Only | |||||||||||||||
37 | joof904 | Braixen | Ivysaur | Aerodactyl | Umbreon | 111 | 9:19 | Hardcore Nuzlocke | |||||||||
38 | jxstxn | Wonderlocke | |||||||||||||||
39 | KAP07 | Frogadier | Scraggy | Honedge | Inkay | 82 | 3:56 | Ghost/Dark only run | |||||||||
40 | kazattacker | Steelix | Frogadier | Tyrunt | Bunnelby | Inkay | Golbat | 97 | 7:53 | Nuzlocke | |||||||
41 | KintsugiKitten | Braixen | Pansear | Litleo | Flareon | Fletchinder | Charmeleon | 87 | 12:53 | ||||||||
42 | Klmondo | Frogadier | Charmeleon | Fletchinder | Honedge | Amaura | 96 | 14:36 | |||||||||
43 | Loomaz | ||||||||||||||||
44 | Magnetarmatric | ||||||||||||||||
45 | Majaco | Gyarados | Snorlax | Meowstic | Steelix | Litleo | Frogadier | 122 | 16:23 | Hardcore Nuzlocke | |||||||
46 | malignantlychained | Vivillon | Litleo | Floette | Spritzee | Bagon | Amaura | 102 | 10:07 | ||||||||
47 | Miss Novelist | Frogadier | Bunnelby | Litleo | Espurr | 54 | 4:05 | Generation 6 Pokemon (inc. Mega Evolution) | |||||||||
48 | modularform | Wormadam-Trash | Vivillon | Whirlipede | Beedrill | Vespiquen | 126 | 16:49 | Bug Monotype | ||||||||
49 | Mr Spaz | Aron | Trevenant | Skarmory | Skrelp | Haunter | Flareon | 107 | 8:26 | Wonderlocke | |||||||
50 | MrKrustyKrust | Bug Type Nuzlocke | |||||||||||||||
51 | ndaeil | N Challenge | |||||||||||||||
52 | nottabird | Wartortle | Snorlax | Quilladin | Floette | Fletchinder | Cubone | 91 | 6:37 | Set Mode | |||||||
53 | NPSHarmonia | Chubby Pokemon Only | |||||||||||||||
54 | One Armed Scizor | ||||||||||||||||
55 | partyrockersintheh | Onix | 119 | 19:29 | Onix Solo Run | ||||||||||||
56 | Patryk1 | Hawlucha | Azurill | Flabebe | Braixen | Amaura | Ivysaur | 65 | 5:47 | Playing in German | |||||||
57 | Pineapple1001 | Amaura | Espurr | Pancham | Skrelp | Vivillon | 90 | 5:17 | Kalos Pokemon Only | ||||||||
58 | Potato38683 | ||||||||||||||||
59 | Poyo miam miam | Aerodactyl | Sandile | Amaura | Braixen | Binacle | Eevee | 105 | 7:14 | Apocalocke | |||||||
60 | PressPlayBrendan | Wartortle | Floette-Yellow | Honedge | Mienfoo | 87 | 7:34 | Randomly Rolled Team via Dex Number | |||||||||
61 | Psyche_Hiero | Helioptile | Fletchinder | Litleo | Wartortle | Quilladin | Tyrunt | 67 | 6:14 | Hardcore Nuzlocke | |||||||
62 | Raccoonator | Bagon | Charmeleon | Tyrunt | Axew | Skrelp | 111 | 14:00 | Dragon Monotype + No Items in Battle + No Grinding + Set Mode | ||||||||
63 | Ransei | Frogadier | Flabebe | Ivysaur | Audino | Honedge | 81 | 18:27 | No Recovery Items, No EXP Share, Groudon | ||||||||
64 | Red_luigi12 | Floette | Furfrou | Binacle | Meowstic | Litleo | Quilladin | 98 | 7:32 | Generation 6 Pokemon Only Nuzlocke | |||||||
65 | Sammy13 12 | Dragon Only | |||||||||||||||
66 | schnoschno | Honedge | Flabebe-Blue | Klefki | Inkay | Pumpkaboo | 98 | 18:35 | Egglocke | ||||||||
67 | Scourgekku | Fletchinder | Pidgeotto | Skiploom | Drifblim | Vespiquen | 78 | 7:59 | Flying Monotype Run | ||||||||
68 | searches | ||||||||||||||||
69 | Stabitha Christie | Croagunk | Houndour | Drifloon | Wormadam-Trash | Dunsparce | 92 | 4:55 | Pokemon Theyve never used before | ||||||||
70 | TDBNinja2 | Frogadier | Fletchinder | Sylveon | Bagon | Ivysaur | Meowstic | 109 | 10:45 | Nuzlocke | |||||||
71 | Tempoleon | Frogadier | Bunnelby | Espurr | Helioptile | Binacle | 64 | 4:53 | |||||||||
72 | Tenshii | Ferroseed | Fletchinder | Skitty | Seviper | 89 | 6:02 | Hugs Only ... ? | |||||||||
73 | TheAura | Soullink Hardcore Nuzlocke w/ Zigzapadam | |||||||||||||||
74 | TheDanSixx | Chespin | Pidgeotto | Ledian | Wartortle | Zubat | 61 | 14:27 | Soullink Nuzlocke with Worst0ftheWorst | ||||||||
75 | ThugKing25 | Charmeleon | Frogadier | Deino | Golett | Raikou | Tornadus-Therian | 90 | 15:55 | Bakugan Themed Team | |||||||
76 | tigromata | Meowstic | Quilladin | Vespiquen | Wartortle | Eevee | Dewbble | 113 | 8:15 | Wedlocke | |||||||
77 | Tookanyuu | Bunnelby Only | |||||||||||||||
78 | tsardedede | Axew | Charmeleon | Steelix | Litleo | Fletchinder | Braixen | 82 | 5:19 | "Badab War" Theme Team + Set Mode | |||||||
79 | Vamsi30 | Charmeleon | Bagon | Tyrunt | Axew | 86 | 4:24 | Dragon Monotype Run | |||||||||
80 | Veine | Floette | Floette | Floette | Floette | Floette | 96 | 7:01 | Floette Only Run | ||||||||
81 | VelvetEvening | Quilladin | Fletchinder | Wartortle | Floette | Meowstic | Honedge | 111 | 11:46 | No Type Overlaps | |||||||
82 | wet kisser | Braixen | Vivillon | Pancham | 87 | 10:09 | |||||||||||
83 | Worst0ftheWorst | Axew | Braixen | Floette | Ivysaur | Pidgeotto | Scraggy | 102 | 16:31 | Soullink Nuzlocke with TheDanSixx | |||||||
84 | xicebeam1 | Kirlia | Azumarill | Mawile | Sylveon | Snubbull | Floette | 99 | 10:19 | Fairy Monotype + Set Mode | |||||||
85 | xopy92 | Braixen | Azurill | Ivysaur | Honedge | Snorlax | Amaura | 88 | 6:18 | ||||||||
86 | XYZ15 | Pokemon Legends: Z-A featured Pokemon only | |||||||||||||||
87 | yeeter3199 | Braixen | Lucario | Hawlucha | Bunnelby | 123 | 23:26 | ||||||||||
88 | zebrares | Panpour/Simipour Solo Run | |||||||||||||||
89 | Zipzapadam | Soullink Hardcore Nuzlocke w/ TheAura | |||||||||||||||
90 | zneo_99 | Vivillon | Meowstic | Braixen | Helioptile | Tyrunt | 71 | 4:40 | Generation 6 Pokemon Only | ||||||||
91 | zubat mean look | Quilladin | Smoochum | Furfrou-Star | Swirlix | 62 | 5:11 | ||||||||||
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1 | Player | Status | Dex | Time | Special Run | ||||||||||||
2 | Alexndr(–)ndr | French | |||||||||||||||
3 | alolanxbutton | Nuzlocke | |||||||||||||||
4 | AssassinMew | Hardcore Soul Link, Set Mode & BST <= 495 w/ craftasaurus61 | |||||||||||||||
5 | Atlas | Skrelp | Scolipede | Crobat | Roserade | Toxicroak | Kecleon | 175 | 27:38 | ||||||||
6 | Beuto | Grass Monotype Run | |||||||||||||||
7 | blahajman | Greninja | Blastoise-Mega | Vaporeon | Clauncher | Octillery | Lapras | 151 | 13:50 | Water Monotype Run | |||||||
8 | Blitz | Metapod | Kakuna | Silcoon | Cascoon | Spewpa | Pupitar | 153 | 17:22 | COCOON RUN | |||||||
9 | CajunSpice38 | Wonderlocke | |||||||||||||||
10 | CharizardX59 | Greninja | Malamar | Absol | Pangoro | 186 | 10:16 | Mono Dark | |||||||||
11 | cheezard | ||||||||||||||||
12 | ChickenMan153 | ||||||||||||||||
13 | Chocobo6 | Surskit | 199 | 19:33 | Surskit Solo | ||||||||||||
14 | Citadark Isle | EXC | KANTOOOO Nuzlocke | ||||||||||||||
15 | Clementine | Delphox | Venusaur-Mega | Pangoro | Lanturn | Diggersby | Linoone | 156 | 11:34 | ||||||||
16 | Cobalt_Px | ||||||||||||||||
17 | craftasaurus61 | Hardcore Soul Link, Set Mode & BST <= 495 w/ AssassinMew | |||||||||||||||
18 | Cruzer108 | Wonderlocke | |||||||||||||||
19 | dadrinka | Shiny Only | |||||||||||||||
20 | deknees | ||||||||||||||||
21 | dhelmise | Normal/Ice/Rock/Steel only Nuzlocke | |||||||||||||||
22 | DLEG | "Bad" Pokemon | |||||||||||||||
23 | Dolphin64 | ||||||||||||||||
24 | dubhedubhe | Quilladin | Honedge | Binacle | Lucario | Vivillon | Ampharos-Mega | 177 | 18:03 | Set Mode + No Items in Battle | |||||||
25 | DugTripleBan | Pikachu | Heliolisk | Lanturn | Ampharos-Mega | 175 | 17:55 | Electric Monotype Run | |||||||||
26 | efgdelcatty | Non-Hardcore Nuzlocke Rules | |||||||||||||||
27 | Element Jr | Azumarill | Lapras | Psyduck | Wartortle | Greninja | Pelipper | 150 | 8:28 | Water Monotype Run | |||||||
28 | femboytsb | Slugma | Granbull | Miltank | Swanna | Skuntank | 191 | 21:26 | |||||||||
29 | Gekkouga67 | Greninja | Lucario | Venusaur-Mega | Gabite | Talonflame | Doublade | 159 | 11:34 | ||||||||
30 | GrassyStorm | ||||||||||||||||
31 | Gyarados422 | Nuzlocke | |||||||||||||||
32 | Harry8704 | ||||||||||||||||
33 | hashtagcc | Tyrantrum | Nidoqueen | Gallade | Furfrou | Talonflame | Delphox | 177 | 17:49 | Colour-Themed Nuzlocke (French colours) | |||||||
34 | hydr0fisher | Friendship Evolutions Only + Set Mode + Cheese Nicknames | |||||||||||||||
35 | IConsumeChairs | Chesnaught | Medicham | Swoobat | Tauros | Lucario | Lapras | 130 | 7:05 | Hardcore Nuzlocke + Physical Moves Only + Set Mode | |||||||
36 | JGabe5023 | Single Stage Pokemon Only | |||||||||||||||
37 | joof904 | Delphox | Venusaur | Aerodactyl | Umbreon | Chatot | Lapras | 180 | 15:32 | Hardcore Nuzlocke | |||||||
38 | jxstxn | Wonderlocke | |||||||||||||||
39 | KAP07 | Golett | Malamar | Drifblim | Greninja | Scrafty | Doublade | 158 | 9:16 | Ghost/Dark only run | |||||||
40 | kazattacker | Steelix | Trapinch | Lucario | Slowpoke | Mantyke | Fletchinder | 151 | 25:31 | Nuzlocke | |||||||
41 | KintsugiKitten | Golurk | Hawlucha | Slowpoke | Lucario | Pyroar | Charizard | 144 | 18:56 | ||||||||
42 | Klmondo | Fraxure | Greninja | Charizard | Talonflame | Doublade | Lucario | 168 | 22:31 | ||||||||
43 | Loomaz | ||||||||||||||||
44 | Magnetarmatric | ||||||||||||||||
45 | Majaco | Greninja | Meowstic | Snorlax | Crobat | Steelix | Pyroar | 201 | 26:23 | Hardcore Nuzlocke | |||||||
46 | malignantlychained | Pyroar | Florges | Aromatisse | Shelgon | Aurorus | Carbink | 180 | 26:06 | ||||||||
47 | Miss Novelist | Generation 6 Pokemon (inc. Mega Evolution) | |||||||||||||||
48 | modularform | Scolipede | Crustle | Pinsir | Vivillon | 184 | 26:13 | Bug Monotype | |||||||||
49 | Mr Spaz | Trevenant | Gengar | Gardevoir | Aerodactyl | Skrelp | 199 | 19:33 | Wonderlocke | ||||||||
50 | MrKrustyKrust | Bug Type Nuzlocke | |||||||||||||||
51 | ndaeil | N Challenge | |||||||||||||||
52 | nottabird | Floette | Marowak | Quilladin | Fletchinder | Snorlax | Lapras | 131 | 10:58 | Set Mode | |||||||
53 | NPSHarmonia | Chubby Pokemon Only | |||||||||||||||
54 | One Armed Scizor | ||||||||||||||||
55 | partyrockersintheh | Onix | 216 | 46:56 | Onix Solo Run | ||||||||||||
56 | Patryk1 | Floette | Amaura | Venusaur-Mega | Hawlucha | Braixen | Azumarill | 119 | 10:51 | Playing in German | |||||||
57 | Pineapple1001 | Vivillon | Skrelp | Amaura | Pangoro | Meowstic | 139 | 9:15 | Kalos Pokemon Only | ||||||||
58 | Potato38683 | ||||||||||||||||
59 | Poyo miam miam | Krokorok | Delphox | Aerodactyl | Espeon | Stunky | Gabite | 156 | 10:29 | Apocalocke | |||||||
60 | PressPlayBrendan | Mienfoo | Doublade | Florges | Blastoise | Ampharos | 165 | 14:41 | Randomly Rolled Team via Dex Number | ||||||||
61 | Psyche_Hiero | Hardcore Nuzlocke | |||||||||||||||
62 | Raccoonator | Shelgon | Skrelp | Charizard-Mega-X | Tyrunt | Trapinch | Axew | 176 | 23:08 | Dragon Monotype + No Items in Battle + No Grinding + Set Mode | |||||||
63 | Ransei | No Recovery Items, No EXP Share | |||||||||||||||
64 | Red_luigi12 | Clauncher | Meowstic | Chesnaught | Tyrunt | Pyroar | Dedenne | 155 | 14:51 | Generation 6 Pokemon Only Nuzlocke | |||||||
65 | Sammy13 12 | Dragon Only | |||||||||||||||
66 | schnoschno | Amaura | Floette-Blue | Doublade | Gourgeist | Skrelp | Malamar | 175 | 33:12 | Egglocke | |||||||
67 | Scourgekku | Flying Monotype Run | |||||||||||||||
68 | searches | ||||||||||||||||
69 | Stabitha Christie | Marowak | Mantine | Miltank | Gallade | Carbink | Wormadam-Trash | 222 | 24:08 | Pokemon Theyve never used before | |||||||
70 | TDBNinja2 | Greninja | Talonflame | Lucario-Mega | Venusaur-Mega | Gabite | Sylveon | 156 | 18:27 | Nuzlocke | |||||||
71 | Tempoleon | ||||||||||||||||
72 | Tenshii | Carbink | Seviper | Skitty | Ferroseed | Golett | Talonflame | 169 | 12:23 | Hugs Only ... ? | |||||||
73 | TheAura | Soullink Hardcore Nuzlocke w/ Zigzapadam | |||||||||||||||
74 | TheDanSixx | Soullink Nuzlocke with Worst0ftheWorst | |||||||||||||||
75 | ThugKing25 | Charizard-Mega-Y | Frogadier | Golett | Deino | Raikou | Tornadus-Therian | 158 | 13:09 | Bakugan Themed Team | |||||||
76 | tigromata | Hippowdon | Umbreon | Blastoise | Vespiquen | Chesnaught | Meowstic | 184 | 13:20 | Wedlocke | |||||||
77 | Tookanyuu | Bunnelby Only | |||||||||||||||
78 | tsardedede | Golett | Axew | Charmeleon | Talonflame | Tauros | Sharpedo | 147 | 12:50 | "Badab War" Theme Team + Set Mode | |||||||
79 | Vamsi30 | Charizard-Mega-X | Fraxure | Shelgon | Tyrantrum | Skrelp | Kingdra | 167 | 9:10 | Dragon Monotype Run | |||||||
80 | Veine | Floette | Floette-White | Floette-Yellow | Floette-Blue | Floette-Orange | 147 | 11:39 | Floette Only Run | ||||||||
81 | VelvetEvening | Meowstic | Chesnaught | Houndoom | Blastoise | Floette | Doublade | 197 | 22:53 | No Type Overlaps | |||||||
82 | wet kisser | Delphox | Vivillon | Dedenne | Pangoro | 158 | 20:34 | ||||||||||
83 | Worst0ftheWorst | Soullink Nuzlocke with TheDanSixx | |||||||||||||||
84 | xicebeam1 | Fairy Monotype + Set Mode | |||||||||||||||
85 | xopy92 | ||||||||||||||||
86 | XYZ15 | Pokemon Legends: Z-A featured Pokemon only | |||||||||||||||
87 | yeeter3199 | Delphox | Crawdaunt | Bunnelby | Lucario | Hawlucha | 168 | 64:21 | |||||||||
88 | zebrares | Panpour/Simipour Solo Run | |||||||||||||||
89 | Zipzapadam | Soullink Hardcore Nuzlocke w/ TheAura | |||||||||||||||
90 | zneo_99 | Generation 6 Pokemon Only | |||||||||||||||
91 | zubat mean look |
1 | Player | Status | Dex | Time | Special Run | ||||||||||||
2 | Alexndr(–)ndr | French | |||||||||||||||
3 | alolanxbutton | Nuzlocke | |||||||||||||||
4 | AssassinMew | Hardcore Soul Link, Set Mode & BST <= 495 w/ craftasaurus61 | |||||||||||||||
5 | Atlas | Sharpedo | Bisharp | Honchkrow | Krookodile | Scrafty | Kecleon | 238 | 41:53 | ||||||||
6 | Beuto | Grass Monotype Run | |||||||||||||||
7 | blahajman | Water Monotype Run | |||||||||||||||
8 | Blitz | Metapod | Kakuna | Spewpa | Silcoon | Cascoon | Pupitar | COCOON RUN | |||||||||
9 | CajunSpice38 | Wonderlocke | |||||||||||||||
10 | CharizardX59 | Greninja | Malamar | Absol | Drapion | Pangoro | 210 | 14:00 | Mono Dark | ||||||||
11 | cheezard | ||||||||||||||||
12 | ChickenMan153 | ||||||||||||||||
13 | Chocobo6 | Surskit | 115 | 21:41 | Surskit Solo | ||||||||||||
14 | Citadark Isle | EXC | KANTOOOO Nuzlocke | ||||||||||||||
15 | Clementine | Delphox | Venusaur-Mega | Pangoro | Lanturn | Klefki | Murkrow | 207 | 16:30 | ||||||||
16 | Cobalt_Px | ||||||||||||||||
17 | craftasaurus61 | Hardcore Soul Link, Set Mode & BST <= 495 w/ AssassinMew | |||||||||||||||
18 | Cruzer108 | Wonderlocke | |||||||||||||||
19 | dadrinka | Shiny Only | |||||||||||||||
20 | deknees | ||||||||||||||||
21 | dhelmise | Normal/Ice/Rock/Steel only Nuzlocke | |||||||||||||||
22 | DLEG | "Bad" Pokemon | |||||||||||||||
23 | Dolphin64 | ||||||||||||||||
24 | dubhedubhe | Set Mode + No Items in Battle | |||||||||||||||
25 | DugTripleBan | Delphox | Venusaur-Mega | Raichu | Doublade | Snorlax | Goodra | 261 | 45:30 | ||||||||
26 | efgdelcatty | Non-Hardcore Nuzlocke Rules | |||||||||||||||
27 | Element Jr | Water Monotype Run | |||||||||||||||
28 | femboytsb | Magcargo | Granbull | Swanna | Miltank | Skuntank | Reuniclus | 268 | 30:39 | ||||||||
29 | Gekkouga67 | ||||||||||||||||
30 | GrassyStorm | ||||||||||||||||
31 | Gyarados422 | Nuzlocke | |||||||||||||||
32 | Harry8704 | ||||||||||||||||
33 | hashtagcc | Tyrantrum | Azumarill | Gallade | Furfrou | Talonflame | Delphox | 264 | 28:00 | Colour-Themed Nuzlocke (French colours) | |||||||
34 | hydr0fisher | Friendship Evolutions Only + Set Mode + Cheese Nicknames | |||||||||||||||
35 | IConsumeChairs | Tauros | Lucario | Flygon | Lapras | Medicham | 185 | 11:17 | Hardcore Nuzlocke + Physical Moves Only + Set Mode | ||||||||
36 | JGabe5023 | Single Stage Pokemon Only | |||||||||||||||
37 | joof904 | Delphox | Umbreon | Roserade | Garchomp | Poliwrath | Beartic | 260 | 25:35 | Hardcore Nuzlocke | |||||||
38 | jxstxn | Wonderlocke | |||||||||||||||
39 | KAP07 | Scrafty | Greninja | Golurk | Malamar | Doublade | Drifblim | 217 | 13:53 | Ghost/Dark only run | |||||||
40 | kazattacker | Nuzlocke | |||||||||||||||
41 | KintsugiKitten | ||||||||||||||||
42 | Klmondo | ||||||||||||||||
43 | Loomaz | ||||||||||||||||
44 | Magnetarmatric | ||||||||||||||||
45 | Majaco | Greninja | Pyroar | Snorlax | Blastoise | Amoonguss | Yveltal | 290 | 37:33 | Hardcore Nuzlocke | |||||||
46 | malignantlychained | Pyroar | Florges | Aromatisse | Salamence | Aurorus | Carbink | 254 | 34:19 | ||||||||
47 | Miss Novelist | Generation 6 Pokemon (inc. Mega Evolution) | |||||||||||||||
48 | modularform | Bug Monotype | |||||||||||||||
49 | Mr Spaz | Gardevoir | Escavalier | Dragalge | Aerodactyl | Gengar | Trevenant | 288 | 30:29 | Wonderlocke | |||||||
50 | MrKrustyKrust | Bug Type Nuzlocke | |||||||||||||||
51 | ndaeil | N Challenge | |||||||||||||||
52 | nottabird | Snorlax | Marowak | Lapras | Talonflame | Floette | Chesnaught | 210 | 19:51 | Set Mode | |||||||
53 | NPSHarmonia | Chubby Pokemon Only | |||||||||||||||
54 | One Armed Scizor | ||||||||||||||||
55 | partyrockersintheh | Onix | 301 | 65:27 | Onix Solo Run | ||||||||||||
56 | Patryk1 | Playing in German | |||||||||||||||
57 | Pineapple1001 | Vivillon | Meowstic | Dragalge | Pangoro | Trevenant | Aurorus | 208 | 14:31 | Kalos Pokemon Only | |||||||
58 | Potato38683 | ||||||||||||||||
59 | Poyo miam miam | Krookodile | Espeon | Aerodactyl | Skuntank | Delphox | Garchomp | 199 | 14:12 | Apocalocke | |||||||
60 | PressPlayBrendan | Blastoise-Mega | Ampharos-Mega | Florges | Aegislash | Drapion | Mienshao | 241 | 26:28 | Randomly Rolled Team via Dex Number | |||||||
61 | Psyche_Hiero | Hardcore Nuzlocke | |||||||||||||||
62 | Raccoonator | Tyrantrum | Dragalge | Charizard-Mega-X | Haxorus | Flygon | Salamence | 248 | 30:38 | Dragon Monotype + No Items in Battle + No Grinding | |||||||
63 | Ransei | No Recovery Items, No EXP Share | |||||||||||||||
64 | Red_luigi12 | Goodra | Meowstic | Clawitzer | Pyroar | Dedenne | Chesnaught | 223 | 21:28 | Generation 6 Pokemon Only Nuzlocke | |||||||
65 | Sammy13 12 | Dragon Only | |||||||||||||||
66 | schnoschno | Malamar | Doublade | Florges-Blue | Aurorus | Dragalge | 245 | 51:43 | Egglocke | ||||||||
67 | Scourgekku | Flying Monotype Run | |||||||||||||||
68 | searches | ||||||||||||||||
69 | Stabitha Christie | Wormadam-Trash | Gallade | Rotom-Heat | Ludicolo | Drapion | Marowak | 273 | 29:39 | Pokemon Theyve never used before | |||||||
70 | TDBNinja2 | Nuzlocke | |||||||||||||||
71 | Tempoleon | ||||||||||||||||
72 | Tenshii | Delcatty | Carbink | Golurk | Talonflame | Ferrothorn | Seviper | 227 | 17:41 | Hugs Only ... ? | |||||||
73 | TheAura | Soullink Hardcore Nuzlocke w/ Zigzapadam | |||||||||||||||
74 | TheDanSixx | Soullink Nuzlocke with Worst0ftheWorst | |||||||||||||||
75 | ThugKing25 | Charizard-Mega-Y | Raikou | Greninja | Golurk | Tornadus-Therian | Zweilous | 230 | 20:53 | Bakugan Themed Team | |||||||
76 | tigromata | Hippowdon | Umbreon | Lucario | Tentacruel | Floette | Machamp | 263 | 19:04 | Wedlocke | |||||||
77 | Tookanyuu | Bunnelby Only | |||||||||||||||
78 | tsardedede | Golurk | Sharpedo | Tauros | Fraxure | Charizard | Talonflame | 200 | 44:29 | "Badab War" Theme Team + Set Mode | |||||||
79 | Vamsi30 | Charizard-Mega-X | Haxorus | Salamence | Kingdra | Tyrantrum | Dragalge | 223 | 14:01 | Dragon Monotype Run | |||||||
80 | Veine | Floette | Floette-White | Floette-Yellow | Floette-Blue | Floette-Orange | 218 | 18:02 | Floette Only Run | ||||||||
81 | VelvetEvening | Houndoom | Chesnaught | Clauncher | Fraxure | Florges | Doublade | 274 | 30:22 | No Type Overlaps | |||||||
82 | wet kisser | Delphox | Vivillon | Politoed | Pangoro | Florges | 231 | 35:51 | |||||||||
83 | Worst0ftheWorst | Soullink Nuzlocke with TheDanSixx | |||||||||||||||
84 | xicebeam1 | Fairy Monotype + Set Mode | |||||||||||||||
85 | xopy92 | ||||||||||||||||
86 | XYZ15 | Pokemon Legends: Z-A featured Pokemon only | |||||||||||||||
87 | yeeter3199 | Delphox | Abomasnow | Crawdaunt | Hawlucha | Lucario | Bunnelby | 255 | 88:52 | ||||||||
88 | zebrares | Panpour/Simipour Solo Run | |||||||||||||||
89 | Zipzapadam | Soullink Hardcore Nuzlocke w/ TheAura | |||||||||||||||
90 | zneo_99 | Generation 6 Pokemon Only | |||||||||||||||
91 | zubat mean look |