1 | Taken from a few different lists from /rabm and stuff. Collab and corrections welcome. Artist | Country | COLOR KEY: ■ NAZI - Pro-fascist or far right content, or proven fascists ■ SKETCH - Evidence suggesting fascists or far right but perhaps no true proof ■ QUESTIONABLE - Debatable, shifted over time, or otherwise worth noting ■ SAFE - Nothing sketch, as far as we know ■ UNKNOWN - Politics & views of band are unknown Explanation | |
2 | 1349 | 🇳🇴 | The band explained in an interview that their song "Mengele's" is a warning about what happens when people are given too much power and the horrors that can ensue. Bassist Seidemann has stated that he feels "no pride in being Norwegian. My parents procreated me here, so I am here". | |
3 | 1389 | 🇧🇦 | Outwardly NSBM in image and lyrics. | |
4 | 1914 | 🇺🇦 | When asked if they were NSBM, responded with "fuck nsbm and all nazi shit". | |
5 | Abbath (see Immortal) | 🇳🇴 | ||
6 | Abigail | 🇯🇵 | Use the Japanese imperial flag imagery but didn’t mean anything by it; have publicly denounced NSBM | |
7 | Abigail Williams | 🇺🇸 | ||
8 | Abigor | 🇦🇹 | The lyrics of the song "The Dark Kiss" were written by infamous Nazi Hendrik Möbus of Absurd, who is a friend of guitarist/bassist Peter Kubik. Kubik claims to share part of Möbus' worldview, including "those that relate to establishing a new world order". Drummer Thomas Tannenberger has made xenophobic statements and when asked, refused to condemn NSBM because "black metal is about extremism". | |
9 | Absu | 🇺🇸 | The actual politics of the band are not known, but former guitarist Melissa Moore was kicked out of the band for coming out to them as transgender and the band broke up as a result. In an interview, she said that it was "only because I am trans" and that "the most fucked up transphobia from my bandmates is what happened" when asked about the breakup of Absu. The band have not commented on these allegations. | |
10 | Absurd | 🇩🇪 | Absurd are perhaps the most infamous German NSBM act and are even listed as a hate group by the state government of Thuringia. They're also murderers, if you didn't already know. | |
11 | Acherontas | 🇬🇷 | Performed at Asgardsrei twice. Releases on Darker than Black and World Terror Committee. | |
12 | Addaura | 🇺🇸 | Featured on anti-fascist metal compilation The Dark Skies Above Us. | |
13 | Ad Hominem | 🇫🇷 | NSBM | |
14 | Aesir | 🇦🇷 | NSBM | |
15 | Afsky | 🇩🇰 | Played with Akhlys in Israel and doubled down on playing the show even after he was told about the problems with Akhlys. He also arranged Pest Fest in Copenhagen where he invited Skaur and refused to remove them when told that they're nazis. He was also kind of "all lives matter" after October 7th 2023. He has also defended Winterfylleth. On the other hand they are pro LGBT+ and have an Antifa flag in their rehearsal room and has shared posts on his personal social media expressing distaste for police brutality.. Possibly a "performative leftist" | |
16 | Agalloch | 🇺🇸 | Frontman Jon Haughm forged connections with Neo-Nazi neofolk acts and made anti-Semitic comments such as referring to Facebook as "Jewbook" for its supposed censorship. However, the rest of the band condemned this comment and are out-and-out lefties. Agalloch's lyrical content is generally safe, showing great concern for the environment as well as distaste for the colonization of the Americas and destruction of indigenous American cultures. | |
17 | Aghone | 🇫🇷 | NSBM | |
18 | Akhenaten | 🇺🇸 | See Helleborus | |
19 | Akhlys (see Nightbringer) | 🇺🇸 | ||
20 | Akitsa | 🇨🇦 | Work with/tours with lots of fascist bands; have distanced themselves a bit but not vocally; invited Absurd member to a gig in 2019. Did a split with Satanic Warmaster and released an album on an NSBM label. | |
21 | Aksumite | 🇺🇸 | ||
22 | Aktion T4 | 🇫🇷/🇸🇪 | NSBM | |
23 | Akvan | 🇮🇷/🇺🇸/🇦🇪 | Lyrics are Iranian nationalist in nature and are anti-Islamic, however antireligious lyrics are typical for black metal as a whole. While Zoroastrianism can be potentially sketchy due to occultist fascists co-opting it, there's nothing that outwardly suggests Akvan is fascist. | |
24 | Al-Namrood | 🇸🇦 | The band's lyrics are primarily against the Saudi Arabian government, which prohibits black metal, and they are confirmed anti-authoritarians. | |
25 | Albionic Hermeticism | 🇬🇧 | Lyrics primarily concern Aryan hermeticism, an occult fascist philosophy. Although lone band member O.W.G.A. stated in an interview that Albionic Hermeticism was "not an NS project and it will never be", he admitted that he sympathized with national socialist ideology. | |
26 | Alcest | 🇫🇷 | Both members are ex-Peste Noir (French NSBM) however Neige has disavowed the politics of Peste Noire deeming Nazism "too hateful" and regrets ever joining them in the first place, as well as collaborating with Drudkh. Neige also voiced support for various left-wing and progressive causes, most famously Black Lives Matter. Fellow band member Winterhalter shares similar progressive politics to Neige. | |
27 | Alda | 🇺🇸 | ||
28 | Alghazanth | 🇫🇮 | Vocalist Mikko Kotamäki is a member of Swallow the Sun, and is confirmed non-sketch. The issue arises with the rest of the band, who have played with fascist acts such as Horna and Behexen. | |
29 | Alghol | 🇺🇸 | Has posted antifascist and anti-NSBM statements on social media. Generally seen as RABM or RABM-adjacent. | |
30 | Allfather (Canada) | 🇨🇦 | Some nazi lyrics, ex "blood and soil"; wear nazi jewelry (Himmler’s black sun) | |
31 | Allfather (UK) | 🇬🇧 | put out tracks on "metalheads against nazis" comp | |
32 | Altar of Plagues | 🇮🇪 | When discussing the influence of Burzum on the band's music, stated that although they are uninterested in politics, they are strongly against fascism. | |
33 | Altarage | 🇪🇸 | ||
34 | Altare | 🇺🇦 | ||
35 | Amesoeurs | 🇫🇷 | Had Neige of Alcest, who is confirmed to hold left-wing politics. Also had Audrey Sylvain of Peste Noire, who is confirmed to hold far-right politics. The band's music isn't political, but you may wish to avoid them based on the connection to KPN. | |
36 | Amiensus | 🇺🇸 | Have been featured on RABM blogs and are considered RABM or RABM-adjacent. | |
37 | Anaal Nathrakh | 🇬🇧 | Have strong ties to left-wing grindcore band Napalm Death. Although the band's lyrics are unpublished, much of their music is explicitly anti-nationalist, anti-fascist, and anti-authoritarian in tone. | |
38 | Anarchist Wolves | 🇺🇸 | RABM (anti-fascist BM) | |
39 | Ancst | 🇩🇪 | ||
40 | Anorexia Nervosa | 🇫🇷 | Former vocalist RMS Hreidmarr is currently in NSBM band Baise Ma Hache. The band has been on hold since 2007, as no suitable replacement vocalist could be found after Hreidmarr left. | |
41 | Antaeus (see Aosoth) | 🇫🇷 | ||
42 | AntiChrist Siege Machine | 🇺🇸 | Drummer and vocalist Scott Bartley has posted support on social media for Black Lives Matter. The band have connections to the left-wing Tampa grindcore scene. | |
43 | Antifatushka | 🇬🇷 | ||
44 | Antlers (aka NTLRS) | 🇩🇪 | Appears on Anti NSBM Compilation | |
45 | Aorlhac | 🇫🇷 | The drummer for their third album was Ardraos, who has played in several NS bands including Wolfsangel, Vouïvre, and Peste Noire. Aorlhac frontman NKS also produced the first Sühnopfer album, which is Ardraos' one-man band. Aorhlac claim to be apolitical. | |
46 | Aosoth | 🇫🇷 | The band's name is taken from the esoteric far-right organization Order of the Nine Angels, and vocalist MkM's label has published NSBM records. However, MkM has stated that in the early days of the French black metal scene, Aosoth "did not fit anywhere" as it was not part of Les Légions Noires or the NSBM scene. | |
47 | Apotheosis | 🇲🇹 | Posted "Black Metal Matters. Black Lives Don't" on the band's Facebook page along with videos from right-wing YouTubers, and is openly nationalist. | |
48 | Aquilus | 🇦🇺 | ||
49 | Archgoat | 🇫🇮 | Worked with Werwolf on every album since 2015; bassist did splits with Goatmoon and Wolfnacht. The band has released a split with NSBM act Satanic Warmaster. In an interview, guitarist Ritual Butcherer stated that he thinks that "white supremacism is as dumb as it gets" and brought up that the black metal scene was pioneered by non-Caucasian bands from places such as South America. | |
50 | Arcturus | 🇳🇴 | Effectively a black metal supergroup, and although it did feature confirmed left-wingers such as Garm from Ulver, the band has been effectively lead by Hellhammer who has made numerous racist and xenophobic statements. | |
51 | Arditi | 🇸🇪 | Named after Italian stormtroopers from World War I, many of whom would later go on to join the fascist movement. The band themselves are frequent collaborators with Marduk and have album titles like Imposing Elitism and Insignia of the Sun. | |
52 | Arkona (Аркона) | 🇷🇺 | In an interview Masha was asked if she was worried about being confused for NS bands of the same name and she said something along the lines of "we're not fascists or anti-semites so I'm not worried about that." They also made a statement about being against "extremism" when a concert got shut down by police. That said there are multiple interviews where Masha refers to the members of Nokturnal Mortum as "close friends" and she guested on an album by an ex-Nokturnal Mortum member. Track 8 has lyrics about "free aryans," when put into Google Translate, though Masha only contributed to track 4, which is fairly unproblematic on its own. Note: There was short lived Russian band of the same name which was NSBM, but changed their name to Варяг and style to Doom/Pagan Metal | |
53 | Arkona | 🇵🇱 | Facebook statement: "Due to some suspicions that Arkona is part of NS scene, which seems to appear from time to time, we want to state what's following: Arkona is a black metal band, NOT nsbm! Arkona was never supporting any totalitarian ideology. Also our lyrics never included any themes connected with fascism or communism. They are focusing on paganism, anti-christianity, death and human existence. Anyone interested is welcome to check our lyrics out. In that case there is no need to worry that our gigs may include any gestures or symbols that might be treated as NS. Such things never happened during our previous concerts." | |
54 | Arnaut Pavle | 🇫🇮 | ||
55 | Aryan Art | 🇧🇬 | Should be obvious. Outwardly NSBM in image and lyrics. | |
56 | Aryan Kampf 88 | 🇧🇪 | Should be obvious. Outwardly NSBM in image and lyrics. | |
57 | Aryan Wind | 🇺🇸 | Should be obvious. Outwardly NSBM in image and lyrics. | |
58 | Asagraum | 🇳🇱 | Obscura has said she said some very sketchy stuff in interviews about race, mentally disabled people (eugenics style), and immigration. | |
59 | Ash Borer | 🇺🇸 | The band's music itself is apolitical, but all band members are left-leaning and play in anarchist circles. | |
60 | Ash Pool | 🇺🇸 | Ash Pool have many associations from all over the political spectrum. On one hand, they have done a split with sketchy band Akitsa and member Dominick Fernow has released three splits with white supremacist Mikko Aspa. They also often feature Nazi/Holocaust imagery. On the other hand, they have collaborated with and produced for leftist acts Shallow Waters, Axebreaker, and Azar Swan, and Fernow is good friends with the leftist thrash band Power Trip and Igor Cavalera of Sepultura, one of the most well-known left-wingers in metal. Fernow also hosts a music festival which has had left-wing acts such as Tomb Mold, Godflesh, Jesu, and Merzbow, but also right-wing acts such as Akitsa. It's likely that the duo are apolitical but heavily invested in the extreme music scene and don't particularly care what the politics of their collaborators are. Lyrics are also "rapey' | |
61 | Asphodèle | 🇫🇷 | Audrey Sylvain (Peste Noire) is a member. | |
62 | Astarte | 🇬🇷 | Lead singer (now deceased) also member of Vorphalack, fascist adjacent band | |
63 | Astriaal | 🇦🇺 | Drummer Gryphon played in Urgrund, whose band leader Rob Scavenger is involved in the Australian NSBM scene, for a short time. Aside from this, nobody in the band have made any sketchy connections or political statements. | |
64 | Atrament | 🇺🇸 | ||
65 | Auld Ridge (see Albionic Hermeticism) | 🇬🇧 | ||
66 | Aura Noir | 🇳🇴 | ||
67 | Azaghal | 🇫🇮 | Said some extremely racist stuff in the 00’s | |
68 | Baise Ma Hache | 🇫🇷 | Openly NSBM in lyrical content and image. | |
69 | Bal-Sagoth | 🇬🇧 | ||
70 | Barad Dûr | 🇩🇪 | Openly NSBM in lyrical content and image. | |
71 | Barshasketh | 🇳🇿 | Released material on NSBM labels in the past | |
72 | Bathory | 🇸🇪 | Bathory has an unresolved history of using fascist symbols and iconography, such as the infamous sunwheel on the back of Hammerheart. Quorthon was also confirmed to hold conservative views. That being said, many of the symbols that they used such as runes were done in the context of ancient Norse and Viking cultural references, and Quorthon's political beliefs were inconsistent with fascism. He believed that the church stifled human progress, Nazism should not be mixed with Odinism, metal music and subculture are inconsistent with National Socialist views and would not exist in a fascist society, and that Filipinos dying of natural disasters and Africans dying of starvation should be seen as a tragedy at least on the level of 9/11. | |
73 | Battle Ruins | 🇺🇸 | ||
74 | Batushka | 🇵🇱 | publicly condemn racism/former member in anti fascist punk band (Sturmovik) | |
75 | Behemoth | 🇵🇱 | Their edgy sense of humor can be potentially alienating, but band leader Nergal is pro-LGBT, pro-BLM, and pro-feminism. While he has made statements against antifa, his politics seem more progressive than not. This being said, he has admitted in an interview to witnessing the sexual assault of a drunk woman and doing nothing, so there may be other reasons to avoid this band. | |
76 | Beherit | 🇫🇮 | Their live guitarist Ancient Corpse Desekrator is also a live member of NSBM band Goatmoon. Band leader Nuclear Holocausto Vengeance dodged the question on NSBM when it was brought up in an interview, calling it a "weird topic" that doesn't have anything to do with his music. | |
77 | Behexen (see Horna) | 🇫🇮 | ||
78 | Belliciste | 🇳🇿 | Released material on NSBM labels in the past | |
79 | Belphegor | 🇦🇹 | Likely just massive edgelords and have some potentially antisemetic lyrics on SBSR | |
80 | Bestial Warlust | 🇳🇿 | Racist member (KK Warslut) wrote lyrics for Destroyer666 | |
81 | Bethlehem (see Darkened Nocturn Slaughtercult) | 🇩🇪 | ||
82 | Biesy | 🇵🇱 | ||
83 | Bilskirnir | 🇩🇪 | Openly NSBM | |
84 | Black Altar | 🇵🇱 | Releases on NSBM compilations | |
85 | Black Cilice | 🇵🇹 | ||
86 | Black Curse | 🇺🇸 | Comprised of members from Blood Incantation, Primitive Man, and Khemmis, all of which are explicitly antifascist and some of those bands at least contain properly leftist musicians. | |
87 | Black Funeral | 🇺🇸 | While representing Black Funeral, Michael W. Ford (Baron Von Abaddon) said that Nazi occultism is important to him and that you have to be white to play black metal. | |
88 | Black Murder | 🇫🇷 | Along with the highly questionable band name, their first demo's cover depicted a lynching. | |
89 | Black Trinity | 🇬🇷 | ||
90 | Black Witchery | 🇺🇸 | Vocalist Impurath is a member of Diocletian, and has released NSBM on his label Darkness Attack Productions. The band have done splits with Nyogthaeblisz and Revenge (and Revenge frontman James Read is a live member). | |
91 | Blasphemy | 🇨🇦 | Edgy, but anti-NSBM. The band supposedly beat up Deströyer 666 vocalist K.K. Warslut after he called guitarist Caller of the Storms a racial slur while the two were touring, although this has never been officially confirmed. | |
92 | Blaze Of Perdition | 🇵🇱 | Have ties to sketchy (if not outright fascist bands) such as Graveland and Kriegsmachine from current & former members | |
93 | Blood Of Kingu | 🇺🇦 | Side project of Roman Saenko, known for his work in Hate Forest and Drudkh. | |
94 | Blood Tyrant | 🇳🇱 | Shared member with NS band The Wampyric Spectre. Version of logo has been spotted with swastika | |
95 | Blue Hummingbird on the Left | 🇺🇸 | Members of the Black Twilight Circle, led by Eduardo Ramírez of Volahn who associates with the American NSBM scene. Ramírez also plays drums and rhythm guitar for the band. It is unknown if any of the other members of the band share his political viewpoints, however, the band's logo features a swastika-like symbol. | |
96 | Blut Aus Nord | 🇫🇷 | Despite the sketchy name, Blut aus Nord have gone on record condemning NSBM and implying that bands use the shock value of Nazi imagery to cover up for lack of talent. They are anti-nationalism, pro-environmentalism, and claim similar politics to Wolves in the Throne Room. While their current drummer is a former member of Acherontas, he has disavowed their politics and stated that he is against Nazi politics in black metal. | |
97 | Blutschrei | 🇫🇮/🇫🇷 | NSBM | |
98 | Bölzer | 🇨🇭 | When asked about his thoughts on Nazi ideology, stated that he is against eugenics and does not believe in racial superiority, but is anti-immigration in the name of "cultural preservation" and "biological diversity" despite the fact that he is mixed race and his father is a British Nigerian. All this being said, he is in support of Black Lives Matter and Greta Thunberg and is pro-environmentalism. Has swastika, suncross, and wolfangel tattoos but says he’s trying to reclaim their positive meaning | |
99 | Bone Awl | 🇺🇸 | Member runs an NSBM label | |
100 | Bonjour Tristesse | 🇩🇪 | RABM | |
101 | Borknagar | 🇳🇴 | ||
102 | Bosse-de-Nage | 🇺🇸 | Posted a statement condemning racism, fascism, and right-wing US president Donald Trump on the band's Facebook page. Confirmed lefties. | |
103 | Branikald | 🇷🇺 | Outwardly NSBM in image and lyrics. | |
104 | Briargh | 🇪🇸 | ||
105 | Bron | 🇬🇧 | Released material on NSBM labels in the past | |
106 | Brüja | 🇺🇸 | Anti-colonial Blackened Crust | |
107 | Brumalis | 🇺🇸 | NSBM | |
108 | Burzum/Varg Vikernes | 🇳🇴 | Burzum is a one-man project created by Varg Vikernes, the most infamous Neo-Nazi in black metal and the one generally viewed as responsible for the rise of fascism in the metal scene. While Burzum albums do not contain politics as Varg does not wish to include them in his music (and likely knows that doing so would alienate a large chunk of his audience), he is a confirmed and proud white supremacist, anti-semite, homophobe, anti-modernist, and ecofascist. He was also convicted for the murder of Euronymous from Mayhem, although he claims such act was in "self-defense". | |
109 | Caedes Castus | 🇺🇸/🇵🇱 | ||
110 | Caladan Brood | 🇺🇸 | One of the band's two members is Jake Rogers of heavy metal band Visigoth, who has been described as holding left-wing politics by personal friends. | |
111 | Candelabrum | 🇵🇹 | ||
112 | Cantique lépreux | 🇨🇦 | Although he is a Québécois nationalist, in an interview when he discussed his beliefs he made sure to distance himself from right-wing nationalism and NSBM. | |
113 | Carathis | 🇦🇹/🇸🇪 | Drummer Skoll is a member of NSBM bands Jarnvidr and Woldzverke, but vocalist/guitarist Erech's solo project Narzissus's bandcamp page has a statement against NSBM on it. As Skoll does not list any NSBM bands in his active projects, he may have left the scene and is attempting to distance himself from sketchy ties. | |
114 | Carpathian Forest | 🇳🇴 | Band leader Nattefrost is a confirmed Norwegian nationalist, and has stated that while he does not consider himself a Nazi he is against "race-mixing". This was followed up by the typical "I have black friends" and "I hate all people equally" defenses. | |
115 | Carved Cross | 🇦🇺 | Guitarist/drummer M.N. has had some unsavory ties with NSBM acts in the past, and the band have played at the incredibly sketchy Recrucify the Bastard festival. This being said, M.N. has since disavowed NSBM and the scene and says that he had begun to fall into the radicalization chamber before escaping and he is now more interested in anti-fascism and anarchism. | |
116 | Celtic Frost | 🇨🇭 | Tom G. Warrior is a confirmed progressive and the band was heavily influenced by D-beat and punk bands such as Discharge. | |
117 | Cénotaphe (see Necropole) | 🇫🇷 | members are also in Necropole, French NSBM | |
118 | Chthonic | 🇹🇼 | Vocalist and founder Freddy Lim was the former head of the Taiwanese chapter of Amnesty International. He also co-founded the New Power Party, a progressive opposition party whose stances include: anti Chinese reunification, pro gay marriage, anti capital punishment, and pro labor politics. Although Lim is now an independent in the Taiwanese legislative body, his co-founder status of the NPP makes it safe to assume the band carries generally progressive politics. | |
119 | Clandestine Blaze | 🇫🇮 | Lone band member Mikko Aspa is a confirmed white supremacist with ties to various far-right organizations in Finland. He has also been accused of pedophilia and has a power electronics side project devoted to the concept. | |
120 | ColdWorld | 🇩🇪 | Lone member Georg Börner is a confirmed leftist. | |
121 | Conjuror | 🇺🇸 | There are 4 bands on Metal Archives named Conjuror. This appears to be the American Black Metal band who have released albums on Red Nebula (antifascist) label) | |
122 | Cradle Of Filth | 🇬🇧 | Band leader Dani Filth stated that he had no strong feelings on either side of the Brexit referendum in an interview, and said he finds politics "grossly irritating". Later on in the interview, he stated that politics has no influence on Cradle of Filth and the band's lyrics seem to confirm this statement. | |
123 | Craft | 🇸🇪 | Somewhat edgy, but have strong ties with big name Swedish bands such as Opeth, Katatonia, and Paradise Lost, who are generally considered progressive. Likely safe, but no information is available on their political views. | |
124 | Craven Idol | 🇬🇧 | Stated in an interview that all of their members are leftists. | |
125 | Cross Rot | |||
126 | Cult Of Fire | 🇨🇿 | The band have used a swastika in their artwork, however this was done within a Hindu spiritual context as the band's music concerns Hindu spirituality and Vedic ritual. | |
127 | Curse Upon a Prayer | 🇫🇮 | Anti-Islam; tough to parse the reasoning behind it | |
128 | Czort | 🇵🇱 | Their label, Under the Sign of Garazel productions, has previously hosted some sketchy bands such as Mgła, Arkona, and Kriegsmaschine. However, the politics of the band are unknown. | |
129 | Dark Fortress | 🇩🇪 | Early in their career, did a split release with NSBM band Barad Dur. However, the band claimed that the split was offered to them by the label and they were ignorant of who Barad Dur were. They have since distanced themselves from that release. | |
130 | Dark Funeral | 🇸🇪 | Former singer Emperor Magus Caligula claimed that NSBM bands do not know or understand their heritage and said it was "uncool" to be far right. | |
131 | Dark Fury | 🇵🇱 | Openly NSBM in lyrical content and image. | |
132 | Darkened Nocturn Slaughtercult | 🇩🇪 | DNS member sympathizes with nazi views 20 years ago and not publicly changed | |
133 | Darkenhöld | 🇫🇷 | refused to work with Graveland and Peste Noire | |
134 | Darkspace (see Paysage d'Hiver) | 🇨🇭 | Explicitly refuses to collaborate with fascist bands. | |
135 | Darkthrone | 🇳🇴 | Early collaborations with Varg. Fenriz has actually held elected office as a member of the Liberal Party, which is a socially liberal centrist party in Norway, so the band's current outlook on politics is likely safe. | |
136 | Dawn Ray’d | 🇬🇧 | Openly leftist and refuse to work with sketchy bands | |
137 | Deafheaven | 🇺🇸 | Much of the criticism leveled at Deafheaven seems to be old tweets from guitarist Kerry McCoy that contain homophobic language, however McCoy and the rest of the band appear to be genuine progressives and the official Deafheaven account follows various left-wing figures. Deafheaven has often used their platform to support progressive causes such as Black Lives Matter, and vocalist George Clarke has made his distaste for fascism in metal clear in interviews discussing the band's influence from Burzum. | |
138 | Deafknife (see Ultar) | 🇷🇺 | ||
139 | Deathspell Omega | 🇫🇷 | The vocalist of the group is Mikko Aspa of Clandestine Blaze, who is confirmed as far-right. However, the band claims that one of their members is left wing, and that the contrast in politics and the tension that results fuels the band's creative process. Their album The Furnaces of Palingenesia is an anti-authoritarian concept album, so it is likely that the band's lyricist is at least not fascist-sympathetic. | |
140 | Deluge | 🇫🇷 | Has a member in Night, which has nationalist, anti-zionist themes | |
141 | Demoniac | 🇳🇿 | It's hard to tell how serious they truly are, but the band have stated that they wanted to make "Hitler metal" and have a song with a racial slur in the title. Fun fact, their guitarist is Asian. Other fun fact, he left to start DragonForce (yes, that DragonForce). | |
142 | Demonomancy | 🇪🇸 | Drummer Shadowolf has played in bands with such lovely names as "Terror 88" and "Jewicide" and owns a label called "Blood & Soil Productions". | |
143 | Departure Chandelier | 🇨🇦 | Members in Akitsa & Ash Pool | |
144 | Der Stürmer | 🇬🇷 | Possibly the most famous Greek NSBM act. The band name is in reference to a German national socialist newspaper. | |
145 | Der Weg einer Freihit | 🇩🇪 | Posted in support of Black Lives Matter during the 2020 protests. Confirmed lefties. | |
146 | Destroyer 666 (aka D666) | 🇦🇺 | The lyrics to the song "Australian and Anti-Christ" contains the line "I'm not ashamed to be white", and the band holds anti-modernist views. Vocalist K.K. Warslut has also voiced islamophobic and sexist views, parroting far-right talking points about "invasion" and "matriarchy". While a reasonable argument could be made that the band are not fascists, they are at the very least right-wing and share a sizeable amount of views with the far-right. | |
147 | Devil Master | 🇺🇸 | Active in Philadelphia punk circles and have politics in line with anarchist punk. Rhythm guitarist Hades Apparition stated that upsetting Nazis "empowers" him, and the band believes that "Satanism is staunchly anti-conservatism". | |
148 | Diabolical Masquerade | 🇸🇪 | Side project of Anders Nyström of Katatonia, which is a known progressive band. | |
149 | Dimmu Borgir | 🇳🇴 | The band released their first album on NSBM label No Colours Records, and the band featured Mayhem's Hellhammer on drums for a short period in the 2000s who has made several xenophobic and racist comments in the past. Vocalist Shagrath once said in an interview in the early 90s that he would gladly "cut the throat" of every black person in the world; although this is widely considered to be an extremely edgy joke, given the scene and context of the time it's quite worrying. Rhythm guitarist and co-founder Silenoz has stated that he is "not into politics so I wouldn't be the right person to talk to about politics" but holds vaguely anti-authoritarian views. Given the amount of time since the band's sketchy behavior, the band receives a Moderate Sketch rating. | |
150 | Diocletian | 🇳🇿 | The lyrics to the song "Werewolf Directive" include lines such as "Progeny of Europa/Successors of struggle and pride". The band have played at several NS or NS-adjacent festivals and in an interview stated themselves to be white nationalists. | |
151 | Disiplin | 🇳🇴 | National Socialism themes | |
152 | Dispossessed | 🇦🇺 | Anti-colonial, indigenous | |
153 | Dissection | 🇸🇪 | No politics are present in the music of Dissection, and band leader Jon Nödtveidt is on record of making statements against racism in metal and believing that Nazism was for "weak-minded people". That being said, Nödtveidt was a member of the Misanthropic Luciferian Organization, a Satanist group known for animal sacrifice that was associated with foreign Neo-Nazi organizations, and was convicted a hate crime, specifically the murder of a gay immigrant with the suspected motive that the victim made a pass at him. In either case, Nödtveidt is deceased, and other band members from the Reinkaos era are known to be fascist or fascist-sympathetic. | |
154 | Dodsferd | 🇬🇷 | ||
155 | Dödsrit | 🇸🇪 | Guitarist Geor Maxouris stated in an interview that although Dödsrit is not a political band, the band members believe that "there shouldn't be a place for xenophobia, apartheid, totalitarianism, and such in the world." | |
156 | Dola | 🇵🇱 | ||
157 | Dolch | 🇩🇪 | ||
158 | Dordeduh (see Negură Bunget) | 🇷🇴 | ||
159 | Dornenreich | 🇦🇹 | Vocalist influenced by Klezmer music | |
160 | Downfall Of Gaia | 🇩🇪 | Signed to Alerta Antifascista Records, an RABM label. | |
161 | Dragged Into Sunlight | 🇬🇧 | The anonymous nature of the band makes their exact politics a mystery, but they have been vouched for by Dawn Ray'd, who are an outwardly leftist act. The band's only known political position is supporting the Norwegian government's support for the arts. | |
162 | Dreams Of The Drowned | 🇫🇷 | Anarchist themes | |
163 | Drowning the Light | 🇦🇺 | The band claim not to be NSBM, but have highly nationalistic and racist lyrics, are linked to NS label Asgard Musik, and even have a song titled "Blitzkrieg Over Israel". side project titled “Reich of the Black Sun” | |
164 | Drudkh | 🇺🇦 | The band's lyrics do occasionally quote Christian humanists and socialists, but they named an album Blood in Our Wells and dedicated it to far-right Ukrainian nationalist Stepan Bandera. Although nationalism is common in Ukrainian metal circles due to the country's political unrest and tense relationship with neighboring Russia, naming song titles after the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (which killed thousands of innocent Polish civilians) seems to signify that the band is at least sympathetic to far-right causes. Furthermore, the band has strong ties to Hate Forest and band leader Roman Saenko has collaborated with fascist bands such as Peste Noire and Nokturnal Mortum. | |
165 | Dub Buk | 🇺🇦 | Outwardly NSBM in image and lyrics. | |
166 | Dumal | 🇺🇸 | Signed to Vigor Deconstruct, a left-wing label that vets its artists considerably. | |
167 | Dunkelheit | 🇭🇺 | Released material on NSBM labels in the past | |
168 | Einherjer | 🇳🇴 | ||
169 | Eldamar | 🇳🇴 | ||
170 | Eldrig (see Fanisk) | 🇺🇸 | ||
171 | Ellende | 🇦🇹 | Vocally apolitical and evasive so no one’s sure; on slightly sketchy label | |
172 | Emit | 🇬🇧 | Kicked off the label Fort Evil Fruit due to ties with neo-Nazi occultist group Order of the Nine Angles. Also known as Hammemit. | |
173 | Emperor | 🇳🇴 | Former drummer Faust has close ties with Varg Vikernes, and killed a gay man "just because", although he claims not to be homophobic and was the first person to congratulate Gaahl on coming out. However, Faust has not been present on an Emperor recording since In the Nightside Eclipse and band leader Ihsahn is confirmed to hold progressive political views. However, guitarist Samoth once referred to Faust's victim as a "homosexual" and "human pig", which has never been resolved. | |
174 | Encircling Sea | 🇦🇺 | Vocalist Rob Allen has been seen wearing Nazi symbols and the band used to sell a shirt featuring the black sun. Guitarist Dase Beard left the band in 2015 alleging that another member of the band had been making racist comments. | |
175 | Endstille | 🇩🇪 | Use both Nazi and communist imagery in their aesthetic. Although they are also members of Dysangelum, signed to far-right label World Terror Committee, the band have made several statements condemning NSBM and are pro-Black Lives Matter. | |
176 | Enslaved | 🇳🇴 | The band are critical of nationalism, racism, and authoritarianism, but describe such as being a response to "90s globalism" and criticize the left as well as the right. They have gone on record denouncing the ideology of Varg Vikernes and believe that all human races have a "shared pagan heritage". Confirmed centrists. | |
177 | Ereb Altor | 🇸🇪 | ||
178 | Esoctrilihum | 🇫🇷 | Although one of his album covers was done by Wrest of Leviathan, he is signed to I, Voidhanger, a left-wing label that vets its artists considerably. | |
179 | Eternum | 🇦🇺 | ||
180 | Evil | 🇧🇷 | Openly NSBM, preformed at Asgardsrei. Member of the Pagan Front | |
181 | Evilfeast | 🇵🇱 | Side project “Black Sunrise” | |
182 | Extirpation | 🇪🇸 | Lyrics are pagan and Basque nationalist in tone. Lone band member Iban de Arana played in Demonomancy, alongside Shadowolf who owns a label called "Blood & Soil Productions". | |
183 | Falkenbach | 🇩🇪 | In interviews tends to take the typical black metal boomer "it should be extreme" position and released an album on NSBM label No Colours Records. However, he has toured in Israel and seems to harbor no ill will towards Israelis or Jewish people in general. Likely a right-wing, improbably a fascist. | |
184 | Falls of Rauros | 🇺🇸 | Openly anarchist, and are commonly cited as RABM. | |
185 | False | 🇺🇸 | Not explicitly political, but tended to play in RABM and RABM-adjacent circles. However, the band disbanded as a result of multiple sexual assault allegations against guitarist Jimmy Claypool, so you may want to take this into account. | |
186 | Fanisk | 🇺🇸 | Openly NSBM. The Noontide album cover prominently displays a swastika. | |
187 | Fell Voices | 🇺🇸 | Have strong ties to confirmed non-sketch bands Vanum, Yellow Eyes, Ash Borer, and Ruin Lust. | |
188 | Feminazgûl | 🇺🇸 | RABM and have explicitly anti-fascist lyrical content. | |
189 | Fen | 🇬🇧 | Confirmed themselves as anti-authoritarian leftists in an interview, stating that they believe that the world's largest problems of the day include "the ever-increasing rise of fascism, the denigration of compassion, the shunning of intellect, the self-important (and ever more dogmatic) entrenchment of monotheism". | |
190 | Finnentum | 🇫🇮 | NSBM | |
191 | Finnr's Cane | 🇨🇦 | Forest loving apolitical BM, no sketchy ties | |
192 | Fluisteraars | 🇳🇱 | The band believes that their music will assist in bringing about an anarchist society. | |
193 | ForceOut (see M8L8TX) | 🇺🇦 | ||
194 | Frozen Graves (see Necropole) | 🇫🇮/🇫🇷 | members are also in Necropole, French NSBM | |
195 | Fukpig | 🇬🇧 | ||
196 | Full Of Hell | 🇺🇸 | ||
197 | Funeral Forest | 🇫🇷 | On NSBM Label Blood And Soil | |
198 | Funeral Mist (see Marduk) | 🇸🇪 | Writes nazi lyrics to "shock/troll people" | |
199 | Funeral Presence | 🇺🇸 | ||
200 | Furia | 🇵🇱 | ||
201 | Fyrnask | 🇩🇪 | Anti-nazi statement on their bandcamp | |
202 | Gaahls Wyrd (see Gorgoroth) | 🇳🇴 | ||
203 | Gaerea | 🇵🇹 | Posted support for Black Lives Matter on the band's official Facebook page. | |
204 | Gallowbraid | 🇺🇸 | ||
205 | Gaylord | 🇬🇧 | Anti-Fascist Black Metal | |
206 | Genozid | 🇪🇸 | On NSBM Label Blood And Soil | |
207 | Gevurah | 🇨🇦 | ||
208 | Gjendod | 🇳🇴 | on Darker Than Black (nazi) label | |
209 | Gloosh | 🇷🇺 | ||
210 | Gnaw Their Tongues | 🇸🇷/🇳🇱 | Sole band member Maurice de Jong's prolific output contains copious amounts of violent and sexist imagery, but this is done in a manner meant to indict the horrors that humanity is capable of rather than glorifying it. | |
211 | Goatmoon | 🇫🇮 | Openly NSBM. | |
212 | Goatpenis | 🇧🇷 | Deceased vocalist and multi-instrumentalist Shabbaoth claimed that the band "does not support any flag or political ideologies". However, the band was signed to NSBM label Satanic Skinhead Productions and headlined the Hot Shower Festival, which is known for hosting NSBM and NS-affiliated bands. | |
213 | Goatwhore | 🇺🇸 | Have ties with Soilent Green and other New Orleans-based hardcore and grindcore acts. | |
214 | God Seed (see Gorgoroth) | 🇳🇴 | ||
215 | Gorgoroth | 🇳🇴 | Former vocalist Gaahl has said some potentially worrying things in a 90s interview about "subhumans", although this was before he came out as gay and before his prison sentence during which he claimed to have learned "a lot" about acceptance. Either way, a Norwegian court of law ruled that Gorgoroth belongs to founding member Infernus, and Gaahl has been out of the band since the lawsuit. Infernus stated in an interview that he is "against racism in thought and practice", so Gorgoroth itself is not sketchy. This being said, Infernus was found guilty of rape and served time in prison for it in the mid-2000s, so there may be other moral reasons to avoid Gorgoroth. Touring guitarist Paimon is a former member of NSBM bands Swastyka and Thunderbolt, so it seems the band may be willing to overlook some sketchy ties. | |
216 | Gospel of the Horns | 🇦🇺 | While not political in lyrical content, the band have shared members with sketchy bands such as Deströyer 666, Spear of Longinus, and Vomitor. They were also signed to sketchy label Invictus Productions. | |
217 | Grainheim | 🇩🇪 | Blodspan has a black sun tattoo on his chest | |
218 | Grand Belial's Key | 🇺🇸 | If the album title Judeobeast Assassination wasn't enough of a clue, the band's lyrics from their second album onwards are anti-Semitic. The band are perhaps the most well-known NSBM act in American black metal. | |
219 | Grausamkeit | 🇩🇪 | Had a project called "Jew Atomizer" and some of his various projects including Corneus and Germania had pro-NS messages. However, this was over 20 years ago and has been attributed to an edgy sense of humor. Furthermore, he has also played in anti-fascist band Musical Arse Decomposition. | |
220 | Graveland | 🇵🇱 | Openly NSBM and generally seen to be the forebearers of the Polish NSBM scene. | |
221 | Grift | 🇸🇪 | ||
222 | Grima | 🇷🇺 | Signed to the Naturmacht label, which refuses to work with extremist bands. | |
223 | Gruzja | 🇵🇱 | ||
224 | Gudsforlat | 🇺🇸 | RABM and have explicitly anti-fascist lyrical content. | |
225 | Gyibaaw | 🇨🇦 | Anti-colonial, Indigenous | |
226 | Hag Graef | 🇺🇸 | ||
227 | Harakiri for the Sky | 🇦🇹 | After a controversy resulted when the band stated plans to include Peste Noire member and known racist Audrey Sylvain on a song, the band removed her feature and apologized, stating that they had been led to believe she had changed her ways. Vocalist Michael V. Wahntraum stated that he had "been on the left all my life" and that bandmate Matthias Sollak held similar beliefs. | |
228 | Hate Forest | 🇺🇦 | The band are confirmed white nationalists and feature highly nationalistic lyrics, as well as a tendency to dedicate their songs or albums to various far-right organizations and figures. | |
229 | Havukrunnu | 🇫🇮 | Signed to the Naturmacht label, which refuses to work with extremist bands. Stefan's guitar also featured an anti-bigotry sticker in a music video. | |
230 | Heldune | 🇻🇪/🇨🇦/🇨🇱 | NSBM | |
231 | Helleborus | 🇺🇸 | Jerred Housemann played live for Nightbringer in 2014. A few steps of separation from somew sketchy bands. Otherwise politics & views are unknown | |
232 | Hellhammer (Band) (see Celtic Frost) | 🇨🇭 | The band (not Hellhammer the drummer for Mayhem) | |
233 | Hellkult | 🇫🇮 | Made NSBM albums in ‘97-98 | |
234 | Hellripper | 🇬🇧 | Explicitly anti-fascist, and have ties to the UK grindcore and hardcore scenes. Did a benefit donation to help trans youth in 2019. | |
235 | Helrunar | 🇩🇪 | ||
236 | Heretoir | 🇩🇪 | ||
237 | Holocausto | 🇧🇷 | ||
238 | Horn | 🇩🇪 | Forest loving apolitical BM, no sketchy ties | |
239 | Horna | 🇫🇮 | Band leader Shatraug had an NSBM side project called Blutschrei, owns a label that has released NSBM, and has publicly stated support for National Socialist political ideology. | |
240 | Hot Graves | 🇺🇸 | ||
241 | Hulder | 🇺🇸 | ||
242 | Huldrekall | 🇺🇸 | ||
243 | Human Serpent | 🇬🇷 | The album booklet for Inhumane Minimalism contains "Fuck NS Black Metal". | |
244 | HVØSCH | 🇷🇺 | Considered to be RABM-adjacent and have ties to RABM circles. | |
245 | I Shalt Become | 🇺🇸 | Band leader S. Holliman has a former side project called Birkenau, which he claims was merely "a statement on the horrific nature of humankind". However, the opening track from Birkenau's sole demo "Burning" was featured on a NSBM compilation, and furthermore, I Shalt Become has released on infamous NSBM labels No Colours and Darker Than Black. | |
246 | Ifernach | 🇨🇦 | Ifernach is of Mi'kmaq descent and has anti-colonial lyrics. Although he cites several leftist punk bands as inspirations, he is also pro-NSBM out of the belief that metal should be as evil as possible. In an interview, he even said that he wished to wear swastikas on stage at one point to take a shot at antifa. | |
247 | Ifing | 🇺🇸 | interviews seem to indicate that their Norse/Pagan inspirations are purely elemental and not political; name drop leftist bands as influences | |
248 | Ihsahn (see Emperor) | 🇳🇴 | Despite having some sketchy band members in his original band Emperor, Ihsahn himself holds progressive politics and has expressed support for various left-leaning causes. | |
249 | Ildjarn | 🇳🇴 | The manifesto published as a final statement calling gay people "subhuman" and "the lowest of the low", comparing them to the mentally handicapped, black people, and Arabs (all described using slurs, naturally). | |
250 | Immortal | 🇳🇴 | Although Immortal has an album titled Pure Holocaust, they have been noted as never having anti-religious or racist lyrics and did not participate in church burnings. Their lyrics tend to focus around their fantasy world of Blashyrkh, and tend to take themselves less seriously than many other black metal bands. The band members themselves have never made problematic statements or held far-right ties | |
251 | Impaled Nazarene | 🇫🇮 | Generally considered to be NSBM-adjacent, and have songs containing homophobic lyrics. | |
252 | Imperial Triumphant | 🇺🇸 | Signed to Gilead Media, a left-wing label. Drummer Kenny Grohowski has played in several progressive and jazz circles and often posts left-wing content on his social media. | |
253 | Imperium Dekadenz | 🇩🇪 | Frontman Vespasian stated in an interview that "We hate NSBM combos like any other sane person! Black metal is art for free-thinking people. For me, the intentions of true Black Metal are in stark contrast to pseudo-nationalistic ideas. I am also in favor of right-wing extremist (but also left-wing extremist) filth being combated." Likely not too left-wing, but definitely not fascist sympathetic. | |
254 | Infernal Coil | 🇺🇸 | ||
255 | Infernal Execrator | 🇸🇬 | On NSBM label | |
256 | Infernal War | 🇵🇱 | Outwardly NSBM in image and lyrics. | |
257 | Inferno | 🇨🇿 | Outright NS content in the past, current lyrics probably apolitical, however probably still sketch or at least really sketchy connections. Splits with Tundra, Infernal War, Amalek. Shared band member(s) with Arkona, Horna, Plaga | |
258 | Infernum | 🇵🇱 | Outwardly NSBM in image and lyrics. | |
259 | Inquisition | 🇨🇴/🇺🇸 | Band leader Dagon has a side project called 88MM, named after a Nazi weapon (the number 88 is in and of itself a Nazi dogwhistle as well). The band have been seen wearing neo-Nazi clothing and performing Hitler salutes. This is irrelevant to their politics, but Dagon is also a convicted pedophile. | |
260 | Iskra | 🇨🇦 | Their lyrics frequently tackle sociopolitical issues from an anarchist standpoint. One of the prominent names in RABM. | |
261 | Judas Iscariot | 🇺🇸 | Lone band member Akhenaten is a former member of the Pagan Front, an international fascist organization, and the band was signed to NSBM label No Colours. Complicating matters, the band's lyrical content is apolitical, Akhenaten has stated that "Judas Iscariot is no Nazi band. I myself am no Nazi either" and is openly anti-capitalist, which makes it difficult to get a grip on the band's true politics. It should be noted that opposition to capitalism is not exclusive to left-leaning politics. | |
262 | Jute Gyte | 🇺🇸 | openly anti fascist; Has a song titled "Your Blood and Soil are Piss and Shit". | |
263 | Kaevum | 🇳🇴 | When asked about being allegedly NSBM, stated that they are not but share the belief in "a natural force, honor and of course anti-Semitism which we classify below religion". They further conflate Nazism with socialism, a common right-wing talking point, and claim that their imagery and artwork is meant to dissuade "any hippie, politically correct, or religious person from our listeners". Not only do they confirm themselves as anti-leftists, but as anti-Semites as well. | |
264 | Kalmankantaja (see Order of the White Hand) | 🇫🇮 | ||
265 | Kampfar | 🇳🇴 | On the subject of NSBM, vocalist Dolk stated that it "sucks" and that "I will not be a part of it! It's not difficult at all. Black metal to me is not about Nazism: pure and simple!" | |
266 | Kanonenfieber | 🇩🇪 | Aligned themselves with 1914, who stated that they were anti-NSBM and anti-Nazism, when the topic of NSBM came up on social media. | |
267 | Kataxu | 🇵🇱 | Outwardly NSBM in image and lyrics. | |
268 | Kawir | 🇬🇷 | former members were fash/fash adjacent; bass player has black sun tattoo | |
269 | Keep of Kalessin | 🇳🇴 | Accused of rape | |
270 | Këkht Aräkh | 🇺🇦 | Stated in response to a fan question that his music had "nothing to do with politics" and had a song included on a compilation by Vigor Deconstruct, a left-wing label that vets its artists considerably. Discussed the influence of Burzum on his music in an interview, but claims that he did not know of Burzum's shadiness when he discovered the band. | |
271 | Kly | 🇵🇱 | ||
272 | Koldovstvo | Unknown | On antifascist label | |
273 | Kommodus | 🇦🇺 | Has posted "kill all commies" on social media and has a demo dedicated to Japanese imperialist Yukio Mishima, who is a historical figure loved by the far-right. The project's lyrics also have nationalistic and highly questionable themes. This being said, he has also posted to his personal social media that he is against the mistreatment of indigenous Australians and donated to the Black Lives Matter movement during the 2020 protests. Likely a case of being anti-Communist but not far right. | |
274 | Korgonthurust | 🇫🇮 | On NSBM Label Blood And Soil | |
275 | Kosmogyr | 🇨🇳/🇨🇿 | Vocalist Ivan Belcic stated in an interview that "picking the low-hanging fruit of a message of bigotry as some sort of excuse for shock value is a lazy route towards garbage art." The band are generally considered RABM-adjacent despite not having outwardly political lyrics. | |
276 | Krallice | 🇺🇸 | Considered to be RABM-adjacent, and the song "Hate Power" is explicitly anti-fascist. | |
277 | Krieg | 🇺🇸 | did a split with Satanic Warmaster but have since really distanced themselves | |
278 | Kristallnacht | 🇫🇷 | Openly NSBM in lyrical content and image. The band name is a reference to the Holocaust. | |
279 | Kroda | 🇺🇦 | Played at the NSBM festival Asgardsrei. Full on NSBM lyrics. | |
280 | Kronstadt | 🇨🇿 | The band are openly antifascist and float around RABM circles. | |
281 | Kvelertak | 🇳🇴 | Former drummer Kjetil Gjermundrød was in nationalist band Haggis, and has a long history of making racist and sexist statements. Other than that, the band's crust and hardcore punk influences show that they are at least receptive to left-wing music. | |
282 | Kvelgeyst | 🇨🇭 | ||
283 | Lamp of Murmuur | 🇺🇸 | Condemned fascists in the metal scene as belonging to "mundane hateful ideologies with a poor interpretation of evil", and described such as "weak-minded individuals". | |
284 | Laster | 🇳🇱 | ||
285 | Lathspell (see Order of the White Hand) | 🇫🇮 | ||
286 | Leviathan | 🇺🇸 | Lone band member Wrest has a personal YouTube channel contains a playlist titled "Politik" containing anti-leftist and far right content. He has also been convicted of domestic violence. | |
287 | Liturgy | 🇺🇸 | Haela Hunt-Hendrix expressed dismay for artistic philosophy that she believes leads to fascism in an interview. Hunt-Hendrix is openly transgender and her ideology is influenced by Marxism. | |
288 | Loits | 🇪🇪 | Have played at NSBM and far-right music festivals, use Nazi imagery, and have lyrics praising the Estonian Waffen SS 20th Grenadier Division. | |
289 | Lord Belial | 🇸🇪 | put out an album called “Purify Sweden” | |
290 | Lugubre | 🇳🇱 | Have songs with eugenicist lyrics, and have been seen performing Nazi salutes. | |
291 | Lunar Aurora | 🇩🇪 | Pretty apolitical but band leader has conservative/reactionary personal politics | |
292 | Lurker of Chalice (see Leviathan) | 🇺🇸 | ||
293 | Lutosmyl | 🇺🇦 | Has stated that he envies people "whose only problems boil down to presence of jews or blacks" and that he does not hold NS views. This being said, he has connections to Nokturnal Mortum and the lyrics of songs off of his first album "Вызов" from 2002 contain "Throw off the blackthorn wreath of a Jewish god" and "Slavonic Honor is the Blood and the Land". | |
294 | Lux Occulta | 🇵🇱 | ||
295 | M8L8TH | 🇺🇦 | If the dogwhistle in the name didn't give it away, this band is one of the most infamous acts in NSBM. Band leader Alexey Levkin organizes NSBM festival Asgardsrei and has ties to the Ukrainian fascist group Azov Battalion. | |
296 | Macabre Omen | 🇬🇷 | Has ties to NSBM band Acherontas, and band leader Alexandros Antoniou is a Greek nationalist who has released NSBM on his label. | |
297 | Make A Change.. Kill Yourself | 🇩🇰 | Lyrics on their self-titled album are quite sketchy, black metal edginess with some select lines including "It is time for the northern heritage to return" and "Join me brother of blood, help me create a war", but lyric analysis shows lyrics are anti-christian, rather than nationalist. Ynleborgaz has later apologized for that line about "northern heritage". | |
298 | Mäleficentt | 🇺🇸 | Work with Maquahitl, open fascist | |
299 | Malokarpataan | 🇸🇰 | They have stated that their music is "about as nationalistic as Tales From The Thousand Lakes by Amorphis", and asked Metal Archives to remove the "national pride" tag from their lyrical themes. | |
300 | Malum | 🇫🇮 | Their vocalist is also the vocalist for Kalmankantaja, a side project of NS band Order of the White Hand. | |
301 | Manetheren | 🇺🇸 | Share members with Blut aus Nord and Chaos Moon, who are both safe. | |
302 | Maquahuitl | 🇺🇸 | Lone band member Yahualcuauhli Eztli is a member of NSBM bands Blood Division and Sturmgewehr, and the song "The Age of Bronze Resistance" was featured on a Pagan National Socialist Front compilation. | |
303 | Marduk | 🇸🇪 | Leaked sales records from the Nordic Resistance Movement, a Swedish neo-Nazi organization, showed that vocalist Mortuus and drummer Fredrik Widigs had purchased various items and memorabilia. Despite the legal names and shipping addresses of the band members being clearly included in the sale records, the band published a statement on their website denying that they had ever purchased from the NRM. Given their lack of substantial proof in the response, they will be considered highly sketchy for this list. | |
304 | Mare Cognitum | 🇺🇸 | Stated in a Reddit AMA that he wants nothing to do with fascism in metal and takes proactive steps in avoiding associating with people who are sketchy or undisturbed by fascism in metal. | |
305 | Martyrdöd | 🇸🇪 | ||
306 | Marxthrone | 🇪🇸 | Openly communist in image and lyrical content. Confirmed lefties. | |
307 | MasseMord | 🇵🇱 | Polish BM Band - Edgy on purpose but no known sketchy ties. Politics are unknown | |
308 | Massemord | 🇳🇴 | Norweigan NSBM | |
309 | Master's Hammer | 🇨🇿 | The band have been around since the 1980s without any indications of sketchiness. | |
310 | Mayhem | 🇳🇴 | The band at one point featured Varg Vikernes as bassist, and drummer Hellhammer has a long history of making racist and xenophobic comments such as "black metal is for white people". The band also used Nazi imagery in their advertising and as part of their image. While deceased former guitarist Euronymous was a communist, he was so because he believed that authoritarian communist regimes maximized human misery and began to trend further right in his politics before his death. Mayhem's lyrics, however, do not feature politics. | |
311 | Melechesh | 🇮🇱 | The band are anti-religious, believing that it divides humanity. | |
312 | Mephorash | 🇸🇪 | Mephorash features lyrics in Hebrew and uses Kabbalism/Jewish mysticism as a theme in their music. | |
313 | Mgła | 🇵🇱 | Signed to Northern Heritage, a label run by Mikko Aspa of Clandestine Blaze who Mgła often open for. They have toured with blatantly NSBM bands like Infernal War, Warhead, and Thunderbolt, and frontman M.'s former ambient project Leichenhalle had an album titled Judenfrei (German for "Free of Jews"). When a German antifa group launched a boycott against them for their sketchy ties, the band sued claiming defamation and proceeded to include anti-leftist lyrics in their next album. | |
314 | Midnight Odyssey | 🇦🇺 | Although the band have covered Nokturnal Mortum, it has also done a collaboration with leftist deathgrind band Cattle Decapitation. It is also signed to I, Voidhanger Records, a left-wing label that vets its artists considerably. | |
315 | Minenwerfer | 🇺🇸 | Signed to sketchy label Purity of Fire, and on the topic of NSBM said that "we're not a part of it, but believe that whatever a band wants to say in their music is their own prerogative". In an interview, the band mentioned being inspired by several NSBM acts including Grand Belial's Key. However, their guitarist was in Slaughterbox, an explicitly anti-fascist and anti-conservative band. | |
316 | Mirrorthrone | 🇨🇭 | The song "A Scream to Express the Hatred of a Race" has been frequently interpreted as being racist, and contains lyrics such as "behold the inferior blood flow" and "hear my call for genocide". In response, lone band member Vladimir Cochet posted on his website that "Mirrorthrone is NOT racist, nazi, white pride or whatever you call it", and that the song is attacking the human race in its entirety due to its adoption of nihilism and its sociopathic attitude towards each other. He has clarified that as a non-native English speaker, the word he meant was "species". | |
317 | Mistur | 🇳🇴 | ||
318 | Misþyrming | 🇮🇸 | In an interview, vocalist D.G. complained about "the feminist-vegan-no borders community" and "SJWs" ruining black metal. Ultimately, more black metal boomer than fascist, and given the lack of reactionary statements an argument can be made that he is merely right-leaning but not fascist. Drummer H.R.H. is openly bisexual and holds progressive views. | |
319 | Mitochondrian | 🇨🇦 | ||
320 | Mizmor | 🇺🇸 | Signed to Gilead Media, a left-wing label. The band's name is Hebrew and its lyrical content discusses religious mysticism. | |
321 | Moloch | 🇺🇦 | Sketchy labels, sketchy connections, sketchy splits | |
322 | Monolith Deathcult | 🇳🇱 | not nazis, but spend a lot of time with really sketchy people like Jef Whitehouse | |
323 | Moongates Guardian | 🇷🇺 | Unambiguously fascist - both members were also the sole two members of the NSBM band Holdaar | |
324 | Moonsorrow | 🇫🇮 | Toured with Nazi band Loits, who they referred to as "good friends". When questioned about doing so, their response basically consisted of a flippant "we don't care". While the band have released an official statement condemning Nazi ideology and everything that "destroys humanity", their actions do not seem to make good on these words. | |
325 | Morke | 🇩🇪 | NSBM | |
326 | Morke | 🇺🇸 | From their Facebook: Minnesota's Morke is in NO WAY AFFILIATED with the scourge that is NSBM, I have no ties to the 90s German Morke, trans rights are human rights, white pride is bullshit, fuck the american prison system, black lives matter, and MAGA is anti-american. | |
327 | Morowe | 🇵🇱 | ||
328 | Mulla | 🇮🇶 | Sketchy in a completely different way than traditional fascism. Much of their lyrics concern Islam and espouse Islamist political philosophy. They are at the very least opposed to racism, but the anonymous nature of the band makes their true politics impossible to decipher. It should be mentioned that there have been doubts raised about the band's authenticity as being from Iraq and being native Arabic speakers. | |
329 | Murmuüre | 🇫🇷 | A Facebook page formerly thought to have been lone band member Felix Naos' posted content that although anti-capitalist, contained COVID denial, racism, and support for far-right politics. However, it has recently came to light that Felix never owned the page, which has since been deleted. Since then, he has openly stated to be against capitalism and fascism. | |
330 | Mütiilation | 🇫🇷 | Band leader and only consistent member Meyhna'ch was a former member of NS band Gestapo 666 in the early 90s. Since then, he has not been involved in any sketchy projects and has not made any statements promoting far-right politics. | |
331 | Mystifier | 🇧🇷 | Band leader and only consistent member Beelzeebubth has described himself as an "anarchist" and is outspoken about his support for left-wing politics, disdain for the Brazilian government, and hatred of the far right on his personal social media. | |
332 | Nagelfar | 🇩🇪 | See entry for The Ruins of Beverast. | |
333 | Naglfar | 🇸🇪 | Have been around for a long time with no sketchy ties or statements made. | |
334 | Nargaroth | 🇩🇪 | Racist; throw tantrums at “SJWs” | |
335 | Ne Obliviscaris | 🇦🇺 | No sketchy ties to speak of. However, former bassist Cygnus was convicted of domestic abuse. While he seems to have genuinely reformed and it seemed to be a result of childhood abuse, drug addiction, and mental health issues, this may affect your decision to listen to their music. | |
336 | Nechochwen | 🇺🇸 | Native american themes | |
337 | Neckbeard Deathcamp | 🇺🇸 | The band is an explicitly anti-fascist parody of NSBM. | |
338 | Necromantia (Magus) | 🇬🇷 | Greek fascist/fascist adjacent act | |
339 | Negative Plane | 🇺🇸 | ||
340 | Negură Bunget | 🇷🇴 | openly anti fascist. Quote from their manager "NEGURA BUNGET is probably the most humble, talented, down to earth and friendly band in the whole black metal scene, where 90% of the black metal bands speaks about violence, hate, satan or whatever is ‘evil’ or ‘wrong. NEGURA BUNGET stands for humanity, nature and emotions. There is NOTHING in their music and lyrics about Nazism or fascism; they NEVER supported such organizations." | |
341 | Nekrokrist SS | 🇫🇮 | NSBM | |
342 | Nekrasov | 🇦🇺 | apolitical | |
343 | Netjajev Society System | 🇸🇪 | ||
344 | Nifelheim | 🇸🇪 | ||
345 | Night | 🇫🇷 | Metal archives lists 'nationalism' as a theme | |
346 | Nightbringer | 🇺🇸 | Has a song sampling fascist figure Julius Evola, and band leader Naas Alcameth's personal social media accounts are full of racism and far-right rhetoric. | |
347 | Nihilsect | 🇬🇷 | ||
348 | Nocturnal Departure | 🇨🇦 | Vocalist and guitarist Funeror plays in explicitly leftist grindcore band Flashout. | |
349 | Nokturnal Mortum | 🇺🇦 | Participated in NSBM festival Asgardsrei, and have anti-Semitic lyrics especially in their early content. In the past, their logo contained swastikas as well. | |
350 | Non Opus Dei | 🇵🇱 | ||
351 | None | 🇺🇸 | Signed to Hypnotic Dirge, an anti-fascist label. | |
352 | Numenorean | 🇨🇦 | Had a sale on some of their earlier music with the proceeds going to Black Lives Matter. A note alongside this sale stated "Fuck Nazis and Fuck Trump". They disbanded after 2 members (one current and former) had sexual assault allegations. | |
353 | Nyogthaeblisz | 🇺🇸 | Their song "A Bewitched Outbreak of Chemical Pestilence Quells the Subhuman Race" was featured on the Declaration of Anti-Semetic Terror compilation by NSBM label Satanic Skinhead Propaganda. | |
354 | Oak | 🇳🇱 | NSBM | |
355 | Oathbreaker | 🇧🇪 | ||
356 | Obsequiae | 🇺🇸 | bad ties in the past but have made up for it | |
357 | Occultist | 🇺🇸 | ||
358 | Octobre | 🇧🇷 | ||
359 | Odal | 🇫🇷 | NSBM | |
360 | Odraza | 🇵🇱 | ||
361 | Ofdrykkja | 🇸🇪 | ||
362 | Ofermod | 🇸🇪 | Connections to some sketchy bands but Mika Hakola has spoken out against Nazis | |
363 | Old Nick | 🇺🇸 | Their label, Grime Stone Records, has "SAY NO TO NSBM" in the Bandcamp description and is run by a member of the band. | |
364 | Old Wainds | 🇷🇺 | Former band member said some poorly worded bit about “NS being an impractical ideal” but he’s no longer in the band | |
365 | Oldowan Gash | 🇺🇸 | lists sketchy bands as influences, on label with fascist bands | |
366 | Olhava | 🇷🇺 | ||
367 | Ondfødt | 🇫🇮 | ||
368 | Oranssi Pazuzu | 🇫🇮 | The band are confirmed anti-authoritarians and have lyrical content condemning the rise in right-wing authoritarianism in Mestarin kynsi. | |
369 | Order of the White Hand | 🇫🇮 | Outwardly NSBM in image and lyrics. | |
370 | Ostots | 🇪🇸 | Released a split with Ødelegger, a side project of NSBM band Bilskirnir. Some of their material has also been released with NSBM label Darker Than Black. | |
371 | Pagan Hellfire | 🇨🇦 | NSBM | |
372 | Pagan Moon | 🇺🇸 | Lone band member LH made a post on Reddit in response to accusations of sketch due to being signed to sketchy label Knife Vision, stating that he personally holds radical left-wing politics and is vehemently anti-Nazi. | |
373 | Pale Chalice | 🇺🇸 | ||
374 | Pan Amerikan Native Front | 🇺🇸 | Did a split with known NSBM sympathizer Ifernach, but this was moreso out of their shared anti-colonial and pro-indigenous American lyrics. Lone member Kurator of War has posted several statements to his personal Facebook page condemning racism and right-wing US president Donald Trump. | |
375 | Panopticon | 🇺🇸 | Lone member Austin Lunn is an anarcho-communist and Panopticon has lyrics in several songs referring to the atrocities committed against the indigenous people of the Americas. Confirmed RABM. | |
376 | Panzerfaust | 🇨🇦 | Although the name may give pause, vocalist/guitarist Kaiser stated in an interview that he believed "all free thinking people should be anti-fascist" and heavily disavowed NSBM. That said they did make a very violent Anti-Antifa shirt and a "This is not a fucking safe space" shirt. They also attended a "Freedom Convoy" (many right wing factions there) and posted about it with hashtags like "thetruenorthfreeandstrong". It's worth noting that they also pissed on the fence of the Westboro Baptist Church and posted a picture of the event on their social media. | |
377 | Paysage d'Hiver | 🇨🇭 | Lone member Wintherr, despite being a self-described "conspiracy theorist" with some of his beliefs including COVID denial and global warming denial, is anti-capitalist and anti-fascist. He remembers feeling dissatisfaction with the politics of Burzum, which was a major step in his decision to create the Paysage d'Hiver project. | |
378 | Peste Noire | 🇫🇷 | Self described "racialists" and "right-wing anarchists", with several ties to various French and Ukrainian NSBM bands. They have headlined NSBM festival Asgardsrei in the past. | |
379 | Pillorian (see Agalloch) | 🇺🇸 | Note that everyone except Jon Haughm quit after Jon's outburst on Facebook - Jon is the only questionable member. | |
380 | Plaga | 🇵🇱 | members were in NSBM bands; deep NSBM ties, nazi imagery that they removed later | |
381 | Primitive Warfare | 🇺🇸 | ||
382 | Primordial | 🇮🇪 | Primordial's Irish nationalist and anti-capitalist lyrics may mislead the listener into thinking that the band is left leaning, but the band have ties to racist acts such as Gospel of the Horns and have given liner notes to white supremacist Michael Moynihan. The band hold far-right beliefs such as the conspiracy theory of "cultural Marxism" and "degeneracy" causing the decline of Europe. Band leader Alan Averill's politics seem to be centrist in the manner that he holds extreme beliefs from all parts of the political spectrum. | |
383 | Profanatica | 🇺🇸 | has said some pretty racist and awful shit | |
384 | Profecium | 🇦🇷 | RABM and have explicitly anti-fascist lyrical content. | |
385 | Psychonaut 4 | 🇬🇪 | One of their music videos shows "FUCK NAZIS" graffiti'd onto a wall, however vocalist Graf has an unfortunate willingness to collaborate with NS-affiliated bands such as Asphodèle and has once even collaborated with openly NSBM act Чёрные Озёра. | |
386 | Puna Terrori | 🇫🇮 | RABM and have explicitly anti-fascist lyrical content. | |
387 | Pure Evil | 🇫🇮 | On NSBM label | |
388 | Put'/Путь | 🇷🇺 | Apolitical in lyrical content, and none of the band members have shown themselves to be interested in politics. | |
389 | Ragana | 🇺🇸 | Themes of Anarchism, Women's/LGBT struggles, Anti-fascism | |
390 | Raggradarh | 🇧🇬 | NSBM | |
391 | Rebel Wizard | 🇦🇺 | apolitical | |
392 | Revenge | 🇨🇦 | Band leader Chris Ross called Blasphemy guitarist Caller of the Storms a racial slur in an interview, and provided backing vocals for NSBM act Ad Hominem. Former bassist Pete Helmkamp has cited Adolf Hitler as an influence and has used quotes from Hitler in his former band Angelcorpse's lyrics. | |
393 | Ritual Knife | 🇺🇸 | ||
394 | Root | 🇨🇿 | Vocalist Big Boss started the Czech branch of the Church of Satan, which espouses anti-authoritarian beliefs | |
395 | Rotting Christ | 🇬🇷 | Grew out of anarchist punk circles in Greece and headlined the Rage Against Racism festival. Confirmed lefties. | |
396 | Ruin Lust | 🇺🇸 | Associated with Trenchgrinder, a leftist OSDM revival band, as well as several left-wing punk bands from the New York scene. | |
397 | Rüsa Nivul | 🇮🇹 | ||
398 | Rye / Rozh / РOЖЬ | 🇷🇺 | Apolitical in lyrical content. In an interview, lone band member Vladimir Frith listed several left-wing bands such as Panopticon, Wolves in the Throne Room, and Fall of Efrafa as influences. This combined with his self-categorization of Rozh's music as "post-black metal" (a term generally associated with left-wing and liberal musicians) leads me to suspect he holds non-sketchy personal beliefs. | |
399 | Saccage | 🇨🇦 | Anarchist themes | |
400 | Sacramentum | 🇸🇪 | Some of their members played in Belial and Dissection; however in both cases this was early on in the bands' career and before either were outwardly sketchy. | |
401 | Sacred Son | 🇬🇧 | RABM (anti-fascist BM) | |
402 | Saguzar | 🇪🇸 | ||
403 | Sankara | 🇺🇸 | Openly communist in image and lyrical content. Confirmed lefties. | |
404 | Saor | 🇬🇧 | Saor does not feature much in the way of explicitly political lyrics, but sole band member Andy Marshall was a member of the band Askival, which was signed to NSBM label Darker Than Black and had incredibly suspect lyrics and track titles such as "White Wolves". Marshall also collaborated with Roman Saenko of Drudkh/Hate Forest in the band Old Silver Key; however, Old Silver Key also featured Neige of Alcest who is a confirmed left-winger and Drudkh have collaborated with several bands that do not share their politics in the past. In Marshall's favor, he did remark about wanting to "get away from some shitty people" after Askival disbanded, which is likely in reference to DTB and the NSBM scene. | |
405 | Sapaudia | 🇫🇷/🇸🇪 | NSBM | |
406 | Sapthuran | 🇺🇸 | Lone member Patrick Hall has a NSBM side project called Heathen Hammer. | |
407 | Sarcófago | 🇧🇷 | Like much of the 80s Brazilian scene, Sarcófago are anti-authoritarians and much of their early lyrical content is meant as a protest against the grip that the Catholic church had on Brazilian society. | |
408 | Sargeist (see Horna) | 🇫🇮 | ||
409 | Sarkrista | 🇩🇪 | very right-wing | |
410 | Satanic Warmaster | 🇫🇮 | Outwardly NSBM in image and lyrics. | |
411 | Satyricon | 🇳🇴 | The song "Black Wings and Withering Gloom" is about Norwegian anti-Nazi resistance fighters, so the band are not Nazi sympathetic; however, they are definitely nationalistic. Satyr is likely right-wing, as he has made statements criticizing "the left" and wants the band to emphasize Norwegian heritage, but the band's anti-Nazi lyrics prove that they are not sympathetic to fascism. | |
412 | Scald | 🇷🇺 | one member associates with some pretty fascist crap (band called Cmyta, in a Russian nationalist band circle) | |
413 | Schammasch | 🇨🇭 | on Prosthetic label which is generally considered safe. Made a post ridiculing Maga | |
414 | Scour | 🇺🇸 | Features Phil Anselmo, famous as the vocalist of groove metal band Pantera, who has given Nazi salutes and shouted "white power" at concerts. | |
415 | Scum (see Emperor) | 🇳🇴 | Samoth & Faust from Emperor | |
416 | Seas of Winter | 🇺🇸 | openly anti fascist | |
417 | Seigneur Voland | 🇫🇷 | Outwardly NSBM in image and lyrics. | |
418 | Serpent Column | 🇺🇸 | Signed to Mystískaos, a safe label with connections to the RABM scene. | |
419 | Shining | 🇸🇪 | The band have expressed that they believe those who hold Nazi-sympathetic beliefs to be ignorant, but band leader Niklas Kvarforth is well known as a massive edgelord who has no problem throwing racial slurs around. Kvarforth has also assaulted (and allegedly attempted to sexually assault) audience members, so there may be other reasons to avoid this band. | |
420 | Shiptarian Darkness | 🇦🇱 | Have songs with titles such as "Skanderbeg's Attack on the Bastard Macedonian Race". | |
421 | Sickle Of Dust | 🇷🇺 | ||
422 | SIG:AR:TYR | 🇨🇦 | Guy behind the project seems like your typical libertarian/wannabe Viking bro/antifeminist with serious fetishes for Jordan Petersen and Elon Musk. Also has retweeted alt-right racists like Paul Joseph Watson and posts with “preserve western tradition” fascist dog whistle type sentiments | |
423 | Sigh | 🇯🇵 | Refer to themselves as "depolitical", meaning not apolitical but believing all current political ideologies to be unsatisfactory and deciding not to bother with politics as a result. Mirai Kawashima has also stated in an interview that he believes that there is no functional difference between democracy and communism, meant as both an anti-democratic and anti-communist statement. This being said, none of the band have ever expressed any outwardly suspect political statements and politically appear to be more enlightened centrists than fascists. | |
424 | Silencer | 🇸🇪 | Anti-semitic lyrics | |
425 | Skagos (see Iskra) | 🇨🇦 | ||
426 | Skáphe | 🇺🇸/🇮🇸 | Donated profits from his music towards bail funds following the Black Lives Matter protests of 2020. Confirmed leftist. | |
427 | Skitsystem | 🇸🇪 | ||
428 | Skogen | 🇸🇪 | ||
429 | Skyforger | 🇱🇻 | The band's logo used to feature a Latvian symbol resembling a swastika, but the band changed their logo to avoid association with fascism and the NSBM scene. The band have described themselves as apolitical and their website states that the band have "never been interested in any kind of national-socialist ideology." The band seem to hold a genuine interest in the pagan traditions of their region and have no bigoted lyrics. | |
430 | Slaughter Messiah | 🇧🇪 | Founding member also had one-man NSBM act | |
431 | Sol Invictus | 🇫🇷/🇺🇾 | Sol Invictus used to be more fascist adjacent, but have moved away from that; Tony Wakeford denounced his racist past | |
432 | Solar Temple | 🇳🇱 | ||
433 | Solstafir | 🇮🇸 | talk of political ideologies and agendas as not what they’re about; they’re into nihilism and self discovery, hedonism | |
434 | Sonic Poison | 🇫🇮 | ||
435 | Sonnenrad | 🇪🇸 | On NSBM label | |
436 | Sorgsvart | 🇳🇴 | Lone band member Sorg describes his music as "Norwegian Anarchist Black Metal". Confirmed lefty. | |
437 | Søvngænger | 🇩🇰 | ||
438 | Spear Of Longinus | 🇦🇺 | Outwardly NSBM in image and lyrics. | |
439 | Spearhead | 🇬🇧 | members play in bands on nazi labels | |
440 | Spectral Lore | 🇬🇷 | Ayloss has an explicitly leftist side project called Mystras, and has made numerous statements condemning fascism in interviews. | |
441 | Spectral Wound | 🇨🇦 | The band claim not to feel the need to make a statement about their politics, but acknowledge that their music contains themes and lyrics in opposition to racism and fascist ideology. | |
442 | Spirit Posession | 🇺🇸 | ||
443 | StarGazer | 🇦🇺 | Did a split with Nazi melodeath band Arghoslent, however this was early in their career and before the time that people realized Arghoslent were fascists. Nothing about StarGazer themselves is particularly sketchy and this was long enough ago in their career that they get the benefit of the doubt. | |
444 | Steingrab | 🇩🇪 | ||
445 | Stillers Tod | 🇩🇪 | Posted on their Facebook page a statement criticizing NSBM, racist ideology, and bands that refused to condemn NSBM. | |
446 | Stormlord | 🇮🇹 | ||
447 | Striborg | 🇦🇺 | ||
448 | Stutthof (see Acherontas) | 🇬🇷 | On NSBM Label, appears on NSBM compilation, named after Nazi concentration camp | |
449 | Stworz | 🇵🇱 | Lyrics are overtly anti-left and borderline/outright fascist. | |
450 | Sühnopfer | 🇫🇷 | One-man project by Ardraos, a former member of Peste Noire. Ardraos has also been involved in several other NS bands, such as Wolfsangel and Vouïvre. | |
451 | Summoning | 🇦🇹 | Summoning has long been described as an anti-fascist band due to their tendency to play in anarchist circles as well as band member Protector being particularly outspoken about his leftist beliefs. However, band member Silenius has stated in an interview that his "heart beats on the right", and that he does not agree with the political views of Protector. Silenius was also a member of Abigor, a far sketchier band. | |
452 | Sunchariot | 🇺🇸 | NSBM | |
453 | Svalbard | 🇨🇦 | Makes zero secret of their progressive political leanings either in lyrics or interviews | |
454 | Svartidauði | 🇮🇸 | Although interested in several fringe right-wing conspiracy theories including things such as Pizzagate, bassist/vocalist Sturla Viðar Jakobsson once got in a fight with a Nazi at a live show, so they're at the very least not fascist-sympathetic. | |
455 | Svrm | 🇺🇦 | Signed to Vigor Deconstruct, a left-wing label that vets its artists considerably. | |
456 | Sylvan Awe | 🇦🇺 | Band leader Stu Callinnan joined the sketchy band Encircling Sea after their original guitarist quit alleging that another band member had made racist statements. The band's lyrical content primarily concerns Scottish heritage, and one of Callinnan's side projects has an album called "Sons of the North" that was released on ultra-sketchy label Werewolf Promotion. | |
457 | Szron | 🇵🇱 | fascist band | |
458 | Taake | 🇳🇴 | Has performed wearing swastikas and iron crosses, and when asked about Islamophobic lyrics stated that it was not a phobia to be anti-Islam. When protested by antifa, accused them of attempting to stifle freedom of speech and compared his experience to the Salem witch trials. | |
459 | Tarpan | 🇷🇺 | RABM (anti-fascist BM) | |
460 | Tchernobog | 🇺🇸 | Lone band member Markov Soroka's personal social media is full of statements ridiculing NSBM and fascist ideology. | |
461 | Teitanblood | 🇪🇸 | Band leader NSK used to run a fanzine called "Final Solution" and the band has a song called "Extermination Temple" with lyrics including "zyklon baptism" and "racial katharsis". The band have been silent on their personal politics, and the band presents an edgy "exterminate the human race" attitude common in war metal. | |
462 | Temnozor | 🇷🇺 | Outwardly NSBM in image and lyrics. | |
463 | Tetragrammacide | 🇮🇳 | The band have merch featuring the black sun and not equal sign, two hate symbols often used by far right groups. Their merch also contains the swastika, however given that the band are Hindu occultists from India, this is somewhat less sketchy than their other symbology. They have also used the phrase "Embrace the Cull-Yuga" - a direct callout to a 4chan esoteric neofascist slogan. | |
464 | The Great Old Ones | 🇫🇷 | The band's lyrics and image are homages to the cosmic horror of H.P. Lovecraft, who was a notorious racist. However, the band have yet to make any sketchy statements and seem more interested in cosmic horror and weird fiction as artistic inspiration rather than the beliefs of Lovecraft himself. | |
465 | The Ruins Of Beverast | 🇩🇪 | The band are against politics in black metal in general, and characterized NSBM bands as "adolescent" and "clueless". | |
466 | The Projectionist | 🇨🇦 | Singer was in NSBM Bands Heldune & Weisskrieg | |
467 | The Wampyric Spectre | 🇳🇱 | NSBM | |
468 | Thecodontion | 🇮🇹 | ||
469 | Thorns | 🇳🇴 | Thorns is mainly the project of Snorre Ruch, aka Blackthorn. Blackthorn's personal politics are unknown, but he was convicted of being an accessory to Varg Vikernes in the murder of Euronymous. The band has at times featured Hellhammer, a notorious right-wing bigot, and Faust, who murdered a gay man "just because" (although is apparently accepting of gay people according to Gaahl). According to his nephew, however, Blackthorn no longer associates with Vikernes. | |
470 | Thy Catafalque | 🇭🇺 | Thy Catafalque is an apolitical band, but founder Tamás Kátai is personally against NSBM and the band draws influence from left-wing acts such as Kreator, Brutal Truth, and Napalm Death. | |
471 | Thy Worshiper | 🇵🇱 | ||
472 | Toadeater | 🇩🇪 | The album sleeve for Codex has "Fuck NSBM" on the back. | |
473 | Totalselfhatred (see Horna) | 🇫🇮 | Worked with Shatraug and other fascist bands | |
474 | Totalt Jävla Mörker | 🇸🇪 | ||
475 | Totenwache | 🇩🇪 | Their song "Vernichtung" contain the lyrics "Your culture is worthless/It will therefore be eradicated/We don't care about other peoples/We will found the eternal reich". Host of Cinder (their guitarist) is a typical "reactionary centrist" who believes in political equilibrium (both sides are bad, NSBM and left wing BM are both neccessary, anti-immigrant violence is the same as anti-police violence, that kind of rethoric) and overtly gushes over Satanic Warmaster and admits to willingly overlook things when it comes to musicans he supports or shows he plays. No 'hot' NSBM ties though. Their split "Verbrannte Erde" is with Mavorim (a right wing band), and their member Valfor plays in right wing (not straight NSBM) bands. They also released through and promoted Purity Through Fire, a label which had NSBM bands Baise Ma Hachet & Bilskirnir in their roster. | |
476 | Trespasser | 🇸🇪 | Explicitly anarchist, antifascist | |
477 | Triptykon (see Celtic Frost) | 🇨🇭 | ||
478 | TRNA | 🇷🇺 | ||
479 | Truppensturm | 🇩🇪 | Uses Nazi lyrics. Vangard von Rimburg stated in a 2010 interview that the band does not glorify war, fascism, genocide, etc., but rather finds these topics particularly suitable for this type of brutal music. | |
480 | Tsjuder | 🇳🇴 | Signed to sketchy label Drakkar Productions, and one member was in a side project called Sturmgeist with an album called Operation Zion featuring highly questionable lyrics. | |
481 | Tulpa | 🇮🇹 | ||
482 | Turia | 🇳🇱 | ||
483 | Tyranny (see Horna) | 🇫🇮 | ||
484 | Uada | 🇺🇸 | Have stated that they are "apolitical" and "do not condone bigoted idiocy", and have a Jewish band member. When a festival they were booked to play at was cancelled due to antifascist protests (the festival had booked a NSBM act), they voiced displeasure with antifa yet acknowledged that they had a right to protest. | |
485 | Ülfengard | 🇫🇷 | NSBM | |
486 | Ultar | 🇷🇺 | Previously known as Deafknife. Similar to The Great Old Ones, they are an apolitical band that are more interested in Lovecraftian cosmic horror and literature than the actual views of H.P. Lovecraft. | |
487 | Ultha | 🇩🇪 | Anti-nazi statement on their bandcamp | |
488 | Ulthar | 🇺🇸 | Inspired by Lovecraft but nothing sketchy | |
489 | Ulver | 🇳🇴 | When performing at a literature festival where a noted Holocaust denier was speaking, performed with a background video set highlighting the horrors of the Holocaust. Confirmed lefties. | |
490 | Underdark | 🇬🇧 | RABM (anti-fascist BM) | |
491 | Ungfell | 🇨🇭 | From the notes of Es grauet: "We would like to extend a flaming halberd and sever the heads of all nazi, communist and other -ist scum that claim supremacy in some form or another." Not RABM-sympathetic, but definitely not NSBM-sympathetic either. | |
492 | Ûngrûn | 🇳🇱 | zieg heil onstage and sing about eugenics | |
493 | Unshriven Aghast | 🇺🇸 | ||
494 | Urfaust | 🇳🇱 | An apolitical band that actually is so. Mostly associated with the Aachen scene (Nagelfar, The Ruins of Beverast). | |
495 | Urgrund | 🇦🇺 | Tasmanian NSBM scene | |
496 | Vali | 🇬🇧 | Dark folk | |
497 | Vanen | 🇺🇸 | Posted on Instagram "If you are a fascist, racist, nazi, homophobe, transphobe, or any other kind of worthless scum, your ears are not worthy of my music". | |
498 | Vanum | 🇺🇸 | Opened for RABM band Falls of Rauros and have donated to Black Lives Matter. | |
499 | Vanyar | 🇬🇧 | NSBM (or adjacent to nazi band Raggardarh) | |
500 | Ved Buens Ende | 🇳🇴 | ||
501 | Vehemence | 🇫🇷 | collab with former Peste Noire members | |
502 | Vèrmyapre Kommando | 🇫🇷 | Pretty sketchy label. The bands lyrics contain Nazi themes. | |
503 | Via Dolorosa | 🇮🇹 | Openly NSBM in lyrical content and image. | |
504 | Vindsval | 🇱🇺 | Nearly impossible to find information on due to the band having the same name as the founder of Blut aus Nord. No known sketchy connections, and their lyrics are mostly typical fantasy stuff. | |
505 | Vinterland | 🇳🇴 | fans have done extensive digging and not found anything beyond a post-Jon Dissection collab | |
506 | Violet Cold | 🇦🇿 | Has lyrical content in support of LGBT rights, anti-fascism, anti-nationalism, and left-wing politics | |
507 | Vlad Tepes (see Vèrmapyre Kommando) | 🇫🇷 | Pretty sketchy label | |
508 | Volhahn | 🇺🇸 | Lone member Eduardo Ramírez has been seen wearing a t-shirt of infamous Nazi band Graveland, and associates with the American NSBM scene. Likely a case of Aztlan supremacism, given the lyrical nature of Volahn's music. | |
509 | Vomitor | 🇦🇺 | Have covered NSBM band Spear of Longinus and share a member with them. | |
510 | Von | 🇺🇸 | There is a rumor that the band's name is an acronym for "Victory Orgasm Nazism"; the band themselves have denounced this as false. To my knowledge, the band members have never made any statements on politics. | |
511 | Vorga | 🇩🇪 | ||
512 | Vothana | 🇻🇳/🇺🇸 | Signed to NSBM label Darker Than Black and are openly anti-Semitic and espouse national socialist views. The insert of Vua Quang Trung contains an anti-Semitic rant. | |
513 | Vouïvre | 🇫🇷 | Side project of Peste Noire frontman Famine, and their logo contains a swastika. | |
514 | Vrag | 🇦🇺 | Tasmanian NSBM scene | |
515 | Vredehammer | 🇳🇴 | ||
516 | Vreid (see Windir) | 🇳🇴 | have an anti-nazi themed album | |
517 | Wacht | 🇨🇭 | Openly racist; odd because they have a non-white member who’s also in Nifelheim | |
518 | Wagner Ödegård | 🇸🇪 | ||
519 | Walknut | 🇷🇺 | The band are white nationalist pagans, and vocalist Anton Svyagir was a member of NSBM band Temnozor. | |
520 | Watain | 🇸🇪 | Have stated that they are "apolitical" and "do not condone bigoted idiocy". When a festival they were booked to play at was cancelled due to antifascist protests (the festival had booked a NSBM act), they voiced displeasure with antifa yet acknowledged that they had a right to protest. | |
521 | Wayfarer | 🇺🇸 | Donated profits from their online sales to Black Lives Matter. | |
522 | Weakling | 🇺🇸 | The band members are active in Bay Area punk circles and vocalist John Gossard played in the band Asunder after the breakup with members of various Bay Area crust punk bands. Confirmed lefties. | |
523 | Wędrujący Wiatr (see Stworz) | 🇵🇱 | Frontman has another projects, like Stworz, where lyrics are overtly anti-left and borderline/outright fascist. | |
524 | Weisskrieg | 🇺🇸/🇻🇪 | NSBM | |
525 | Weltmacht | 🇺🇸 | NSBM | |
526 | White Ward | 🇺🇦 | Valter, the vocalist on the Illusions EP, is a member of several NSBM bands, however guitarist Yuriy Kazaryan stated that he was merely a session vocalist whose activities in other bands were unknown at the time. Kazaryan himself played in fascist deathgrind band Nerve Abscess, however this was before the band became outwardly fascist and added anti-Semitic and homophobic lyrics and song titles. The band themselves have publicly condemned NSBM and bigotry within the metal scene and are confirmed to hold left-wing political views. | |
527 | Wiegedood | 🇧🇪 | The band have not made any outwardly political statements, but count left-wing hardcore punk among their influences and have toured with many outwardly leftist acts including Dawn Ray'd and Martyrdöd. | |
528 | Wilczyca | 🇵🇱 | The band's lyrical content is primarily anti-Christianity, and the band have voiced distaste for the far-right due to their defense of oppression by the Catholic church. Vocalist Louve stated in an interview that "everyone who sympathizes with nationalist-Catholic rhetoric with black metal in the background we consider idiots." | |
529 | Windir | 🇳🇴 | The album art for Arntor is taken directly from Norwegian Nazi propaganda drawn by infamous Nazi collaborator Harald Damsleth. That being said, the band have confirmed that they are politically liberal and their post-disbanding project Vreid has an album explicitly dedicated to Norwegian anti-Nazi resistance fighters in WWII. | |
530 | Winterfylleth | 🇬🇧 | Describe themselves as "English heritage black metal" and have voiced displeasure with what they believe to be British reliance on the European Union. Band member Dan Capp has also done layout work for Burzum, with one of the album covers in question including a border made of swastikas. All this being said, the band fired bassist Christopher Westby shortly after a photo of him giving the Hitler salute went viral, although it has not been confirmed that the reason for his dismissal was this and not inter-band conflict. | |
531 | Wolfthrone | International | On NSBM Label Blood And Soil | |
532 | Wolves in the Throne Room | 🇺🇸 | Wolves in the Throne Room are perhaps the biggest name in Red Anarchist Black Metal (RABM); although it may not be always evident from the lyrics their music is heavily influenced by left-wing anarchism. The band are also politically active in their support for left-wing causes. | |
533 | Wolves Of Hades | 🇳🇱 | ||
534 | Woodland Tomb | 🇺🇸 | RABM (anti-fascist BM) | |
535 | Woods Of Desolation | 🇦🇺 | Lone band member D.'s politics are unknown, and he seems to be the "I'll collaborate with anyone" type. | |
536 | Woods Of Ypres | 🇨🇦 | Band leader David Gold was a member of the Canadian left-wing New Democratic Party, and other members of the band have posted statements in support of Black Lives Matter on their personal social media. | |
537 | Wormlust | 🇮🇸 | Despite one incident of project leader Hafsteinn Viðar Lyngdal using the triple parenthesis, it was later clarified that it was a cultural misunderstanding as he is Icelandic and did not understand that it was a Nazi dogwhistle. Lyngdal's label, Mystískaos, is considered safe and has tangential connections to online RABM communities. | |
538 | Wormwitch | 🇨🇦 | Have ties to the left-wing Vancouver crust punk scene, and signed to Prosthetic Records, a left-wing label which carries acts such as Dawn Ray'd and Neckbeard Deathcamp. Half of the band are also in Vital Spirit, which is about indigenous American mythology. | |
539 | Worsen | 🇺🇸 | ||
540 | Wyrd (see Hellkult) | 🇫🇮 | Used to play NSBM under the name Hellkult. | |
541 | Wyrms | 🇫🇷 | On sketchy label Purity Through Fire, lyrical themes include "hatespeech" & "denegration" | |
542 | Xasthur | 🇺🇸 | Stated that he "does not take offense to NSBM" and believes that fascism would be useful in "taking out the trash" of democracy and liberalism, although noted that "some people who may not deserve to suffer under the reign of fascism would." At the very least, racist and fascist-sympathetic. | |
543 | Yaotl Mictlan | 🇲🇽 | Anti-colonial, indigenous | |
544 | Yellow Eyes | 🇺🇸 | Although the band is apolitical, the band members have previously voiced distaste for political extremism and have mentioned having to leave a black metal show because of the realization that some bands scheduled were sketchy or outright fascist. | |
545 | Ygg | 🇺🇦 | NSBM | |
546 | Ymir (see Horna) | 🇫🇮 | ||
547 | Young & In the Way | 🇺🇸 | Broke up after member was accused of sexual assault | |
548 | Yovel | 🇬🇷 | Anti-Fascist Black Metal | |
549 | Yxxan | 🇸🇪 | ||
550 | Zeal & Ardor | 🇨🇭 | Their style is a combination of African-American spirituals and black metal, and their lyrical content is anti-racist and discusses the impact of slavery. | |
551 | Zemial | 🇬🇷 | ||
552 | Zerivana | 🇵🇱 | On NSBM label | |
553 | Zyklon-B | 🇳🇴 | The band name and lyrical subjects (death, warfare, genocide, misanthropy) might give pause, but the band have gone on record saying that their lyrics do not espouse any racist ideology and they have no overt political statements. The band contains Ihsahn, who is known to be left-leaning, and Frost of the band 1349 who are confirmed anti-NSBM. | |
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1 | Artist | Country | Genre | Explanation | |
2 | 3 Inches Of Blood | 🇨🇦 | Power/Heavy Metal | Members from Canadian band Allfather which was sketch | |
3 | Ace of Base | 🇸🇪 | Dance-Pop | Founder Ulf Ekberg was in a punk band Commit Suiside, which was openly fascist. Although he has apologized for his involvement in neo-Nazism, the band's name has also long been rumoured to be a reference to a Nazi military base. | |
4 | Ad Nauseam | 🇮🇹 | Technical Death Metal | Drummer Andrea Stefani was a member of NSBM band Via Dolorosa from 2003-2004. | |
5 | Agathocles | 🇧🇪 | Grindcore | Antifascist, anarchist | |
6 | Ahab | 🇩🇪 | Doom Metal | ||
7 | Allerseelen | 🇩🇪 | Neofolk | Openly fascist and have entire albums dedicated to Nazi occultism. | |
8 | Amenra | 🇧🇪 | Doom/Sludge Metal | ||
9 | Amon Amarth | 🇸🇪 | Melodic Death Metal | ||
10 | Anal Cunt | 🇺🇸 | Grindcore | Much of the band's songs contain homophobia, sexism, racism, ridicule of the less fortunate and humor that is offensive for the sake of being offensive. While this could be chalked up to an edgy sense of humor, starting with It Just Gets Worse the band began to include songs glorifying Adolf Hitler and the Holocaust. Frontman Seth Putnam was seen at a show yelling racial slurs and performing Nazi salutes. | |
11 | Angelcorpse | 🇺🇸 | Death Metal | Vocalist and bassist Pete Helmkamp cited Adolf Hitler as one of his influences, and uses quotes from Hitler in his songs. | |
12 | Anti-Ritual | 🇩🇰 | Blackened Crust | Has songs with titles like “No Human Is Illegal” and “Necrocapitalism”, and two of the members run the record label Indisciplinarian, which invariably publishes records by left-leaning bands like Orm, Eyes and Terminalist. | |
13 | Arghoslent | 🇺🇸 | Melodic Death Metal | Outwardly a fascist band in image, lyrical content, and political views. A side project of NSBM band Grand Belial's Key. | |
14 | As I Lay Dying | 🇺🇸 | Metalcore | Vocalist Tim Lambesis was convicted of attempting to hire a hitman to kill his wife. | |
15 | At the Gates | 🇸🇪 | Melodic Death Metal | ||
16 | Atlantean Kodex | 🇩🇪 | Heavy Metal | ||
17 | Avvika | 🇨🇿/🇸🇪 | Crust | ||
18 | Be'Lakor | 🇦🇺 | Melodic Death Metal | ||
19 | Biipiigwan | 🇨🇦 | Sludge Metal | Anti-colonial, Indigenous | |
20 | Black Magick SS | 🇦🇺 | Psychedelic Rock | Use Nazi symbology in their image and have releases tagged as "Containing Nazi material" on rateyourmusic. | |
21 | Black Royal | 🇫🇮 | Stoner / Death | ||
22 | Bolt Thrower | 🇬🇧 | Death Metal | Confirmed Antifascist. Beat a Nazi in the head with a bat | |
23 | Broken Hope | 🇺🇸 | Death Metal | Guitarist Jeremy Wagner donated his farm to a no-kill shelter, and posts on social media against conservatism / pro-leftist content regularly | |
24 | Brutal Truth | 🇺🇸 | Grindcore | ||
25 | Cannibal Corpse | 🇺🇸 | Death Metal | Guitarist Jack Owen unknowingly collaborated with Nazi band (Attack from FLA); Made a post on Metal Archives clarifying the situation | |
26 | Carnivore | 🇺🇸 | Crossover Thrash | See entry for Type O Negative. Gimmick was male supremacist lyrics. | |
27 | Castrator | 🇺🇸 | Death metal | Feminist, misandrist, anti-rape | |
28 | Cattle Decapitation | 🇺🇸 | Grindcore / Progressive Death Metal | The band has a quite large fanbase among animal rights/liberation supporters due to their beliefs, album covers, and lyrics, which usually focus on prioritizing animals over human life | |
29 | Chat Pile | 🇺🇸 | Sludge Metal / Noise Rock | Openly Leftist | |
30 | Children Of Technology | 🇮🇹 | Speed/Thrash metal | ||
31 | Coil | 🇬🇧 | Industrial | Openly Leftist | |
32 | Convulsing | 🇦🇺 | Death Metal | Sole member is fairly vocal antifascist | |
33 | Crude S.S. | 🇸🇪 | Swedish Leftist Crust Punk | The SS stands for "Society System" | |
34 | Dakhma | 🇺🇸 | Hardcore/Powerviolence | All proceeds donated to ACLU | |
35 | Darkwood | 🇩🇪 | Neofolk | Nazi lyrics | |
36 | Death | 🇺🇸 | Death Metal | ||
37 | Death in June | 🇬🇧 | Post Punk | Although band leader Douglas Pierce is openly gay and was a member of the leftist band Crisis, which played at Rock Against Racism and Anti-Nazi League rallies, he stated that he later became fascinated with National Bolshevism and Nazi officials Gregor Strasser and Ernst Röhm. Death in June has a long history of using Nazi symbolism in their image and music, and are considered white power music by the Southern Poverty Law Center. | |
38 | Decapitated | 🇵🇱 | Death Metal | Accused of kidnapping/rape but charges were dropped. | |
39 | Deceased | 🇩🇪 | Death Metal | ||
40 | Demons & Wizards | 🇺🇸 | Power Metal | A side project of Blind Guardian's Hansi Kürsch and Iced Earth's Jon Schaffer (see entry for Iced Earth for details). It's worth noting that after Schaffer's arrest, Kürsch left the band and stated "my collaboration with Jon in Demons & Wizards is over". | |
41 | Disfear | 🇸🇪 | Crust Punk | ||
42 | Dishammer | 🇪🇸 | Thrash Metal / Crust Core | ||
43 | Disma | 🇺🇸 | Death Metal | Founded by former Incantation vocalist and known neo-Nazi Craig Pillard. Although Pillard was removed from the band due to his beliefs resulting in the band being dropped from festivals, he was quietly re-added to the lineup a year later. | |
44 | Ekkaia | 🇪🇸 | Neocrust | Pretty much an anarchist band very active in the squat scene through Spain. When the band split some of the members went on to form another great band called Cop on Fire. | |
45 | Empyrium | 🇩🇪 | Neofolk / Doom metal | ||
46 | Entombed | 🇸🇪 | Death Metal | ||
47 | Eremit | 🇩🇪 | Doom/Sludge Metal | Came from the hardcore scene; seem by all rights to be more nature worshipping apolitical/lefty dudes | |
48 | Firespawn | 🇸🇪 | Death Metal | ||
49 | Five Finger Death Punch | 🇺🇸 | Alternative Metal | Released a video during the 2020 COVID-19 lockdowns showing a Communist government forcing its population to wear masks. | |
50 | Godflesh | 🇬🇧 | Industrial | Openly Leftist | |
51 | Godspeed You! Black Emperor | Post Rock | Openly Leftist | ||
52 | Haggis (Not to be confused w/ Bay Area Haggus) | 🇳🇴 | Oi! / Hardcore | Totally racist and sexist; one member went by “Kjetil the N word” | |
53 | Heilung | 🇩🇰 | Experimental Folk | After a fan was harassed at a concert, posted a statement condemning hate speech and racism, stating that the band is about "what we have in common, not what divides us." | |
54 | Hooded Menace | 🇫🇮 | Death Doom | ||
55 | Horrid | 🇨🇦 | Crust Punk | ||
56 | Iced Earth | 🇺🇸 | Power Metal | Band leader Jon Schaffer was photographed taking part of the storming of the U.S. Capitol Building in 2021 and spent time on the FBI's Most Wanted list before turning himself in. All band members except drummer Brent Smedley quit as a result of this. | |
57 | Incantation | 🇺🇸 | Death Metal | Former vocalist Craig Pillard is infamously a neo-Nazi. Although he hasn't been in the band since their second album, the group have toured with the sketchy black metal band Horna since his departure. | |
58 | Infester | 🇺🇸 | Death Metal | The song "Braded Into Palsy" contains the lyric "repulsive ebony skin", although in the context of a dead body. The song "Epicurean Entrails" contains the lyric "Now I begin the quest I was born for/Ridding the world of those pigmented abortion babies". The band have since apologized, stating that they were teenagers at the time and were just trying to be edgy. | |
59 | Integrity | 🇺🇸 | Hardcore Punk / Metalcore | Very Leftist | |
60 | Kanye West | 🇺🇸 | Rap | Connections to sketchy artists, Said "Slavery is a choice", Friends with Trump, released "White Lives Matter" shirts, made numerous anti-semetic comments, stated "I like Hitler" on Inforwars, etc, etc, etc | |
61 | Katatonia | 🇸🇪 | Doom/Death Metal | Ties with big name Swedish bands such as Opeth and Paradise Lost, who are generally considered progressive. | |
62 | Korrozia Metalla | 🇷🇺 | Thrash Metal | Several songs of theirs have been banned in Russia for inciting inter-ethnic hatred. Band leader Pauk fired the band after the release of 1.966 to reflect a shift in the band's alignment to neofascism. | |
63 | Kreator | 🇩🇪 | Thrash Metal | ||
64 | Limp Bizkit | 🇺🇸 | Nu Metal | Vocalist Fred Durst called right-wing Russian dictator Vladimir Putin a "great guy with clear moral principles" and supported the Russian annexation of the Crimean Peninsula. | |
65 | LLNN | 🇩🇰 | Sci-Fi Atmospheric Sludge Metal | Explicitly anti-capitalist & anti-imperialist | |
66 | Loss | 🇺🇸 | Funeral Doom / Death Metal | founder Mike Meacham is anti-Muslim and homophobic online | |
67 | Malevolent Creation | 🇺🇸 | Death Metal | Multiple members of the band hold openly racist views, and the band used the n-word in a song. | |
68 | Maliblis | 🇺🇸 | Death metal | ||
69 | Megadeth | 🇺🇸 | Thrash Metal | Frontman Dave Mustaine became a born-again Christian in 2003 and has since then espoused several far-right conspiracy theories such as birtherism (the belief that U.S. President Barack Obama was born outside of the U.S.). Endgame was based off of a film by far-right conspiracy theorist Alex Jones, and Dystopia's lyrics are intensely xenophobic and anti-immigration. | |
70 | Melvins | 🇺🇸 | Sludge Metal | Frontman Buzz Osborne had an interview with Gavin McInnes, leader of the far-right Proud Boys group during which he described himself as a "reactionary libertarian" and agreed with McInnes' statement that left-wingers believe that being right-wing is "worse than being a pedophile", among other distasteful comments. The original printing of Electroretard also featured a rabbit in a Hitler mustache and a thanks to "A. Hitler" in the liner notes, and their live box set Endless Residency featured a Totenkopf. | |
71 | Ministry | 🇺🇸 | Industrial | Openly Leftist | |
72 | Morbid Angel | 🇺🇸 | Death Metal | ||
73 | Morbius | 🇺🇸 | Death Metal | See entry for Arghoslent. | |
74 | Napalm Death | 🇬🇧 | Grindcore | ||
75 | Neurosis | 🇺🇸 | Post metal | Scott Kelly quit band after revealing he was abusing his family. Otherwise praise leftist influencing bands; stated their politics are pretty obvious by the company they keep | |
76 | Old Silver Key | 🇺🇦 | Shoegaze | A collaboration between Neige of Alcest (and infamously, formerly of Peste Noire: see entry on the other page) and Roman Saenko of various sketchy Ukrainian bands including Drudkh, Hate Forest, and Blood of Kingu. | |
77 | Opeth | 🇸🇪 | Melodic Death Metal | Generally considered pretty progressive | |
78 | Order From Chaos | 🇺🇸 | Death Metal | See entry for Angelcorpse. | |
79 | Osi and the Jupiter | 🇺🇸 | Neo Folk | ||
80 | Pantera | 🇺🇸 | Groove Metal | Although songs such as "Heresy" and "No Good (Attack the Radical)" were anti-racist lyrically, the band was known for playing up their Texan/Southern heritage, and deceased guitarist Dimebag Darrell used to play with Confederate flag painted guitars. Vocalist Phil Anselmo has been caught on video doing Nazi salutes and shouting "white power" at a concert. | |
81 | Paradise Lost | 🇬🇧 | Death Doom | Gregor Mackintosh's side project Vallenfyre contains anarchist lyrics - and Makintosh has performed in a jacket with a Conflict patch displayed prominently. | |
82 | Pig Destroyer (see Anal Cunt) | 🇺🇸 | Grindcore | Guitarist Scott Hull was also in Anal Cunt | |
83 | Portal | 🇦🇺 | Death Metal | Little information is available on the politics of the band, but they did a split with Drudkh/Hate Forest side project Blood of Kingu and one of their members was in a band with a member of NSBM band Spear of Longinus. | |
84 | Prurient (Dominick Fernow) | 🇺🇸 | Noise | See entry for Ash Pool | |
85 | Prussian Blue | 🇺🇸 | Folk Pop | Outwardly a fascist band. | |
86 | Radiation VOmit | 🇺🇸 | Grindcore / Death Metal | ||
87 | Rage Against The Machine | 🇺🇸 | Rock | Openly Leftist | |
88 | Redbait | 🇺🇸 | Crust | ||
89 | Reverend Bizarre | 🇫🇮 | Doom metal | vocal against NSBM; strangely also like using the aesthetic | |
90 | Sieben | Neo Folk | Antifascist | ||
91 | Skrewdriver | 🇬🇧 | Oi! | Likely the most infamous Nazi Oi! band. | |
92 | Sodom | 🇩🇪 | Thrash Metal | Their lyrics are typically anti-war. Angelripper may be right leaning personally | |
93 | Solstice | 🇬🇧 | Heavy/Doom Metal | ||
94 | Sol Invictus | 🇬🇧 | Neofolk | Band leader Tony Wakeford is a former member of the National Front, a British neofascist organization, and the band's early lyrical content was inspired by far-right traditionalism and the fascist philosopher Julius Evola. However, Wakeford has since denounced his fascist past and has stated that his involvement with the National Front "was probably the worst decision of my life and one I very much regret". The band currently takes a hard-line stance against fascism, racism, anti-Semitism, and homophobia; this does not absolve their early work of containing fascist themes. | |
95 | Stabat Mater | 🇫🇮 | Funeral Doom Metal | See entry for Clandestine Blaze on the other page. | |
96 | Sunn O))) | 🇺🇸 | Drone/Doom Metal | The band have played with and have ties to some seriously sketchy artists such as Burzum and Mayhem, but the band themselves hold progressive politics and were featured on a compilation album raising money for Black Lives Matter. Their album Kannon's liner notes describe that the album is thematically in opposition to misogyny and Eurocentrism. | |
97 | Tampere SS | 🇫🇮 | Hardcore Punk | Anti Nazi band | |
98 | Tenhi | 🇫🇮 | Neo Folk | ||
99 | The Smiths | 🇬🇧 | Alternative Rock | Singer Morrissey has endorsed several far-right political parties. | |
100 | Thou | 🇺🇸 | Sludge/Drone/Doom Metal | Openly leftist and refuse to work with sketchy bands | |
101 | Toxic Holocaust | 🇺🇸 | Thrash Metal | ||
102 | Type O Negative | 🇺🇸 | Gothic Metal | Vocalist Peter Steele was a known conservative and the song "I Like Goils" is outwardly homophobic. He was also in crossover thrash band Carnivore, whose gimmick was male supremacist lyrics. | |
103 | Ulcerate | 🇳🇿 | Technical Death metal | Twitter bio reads: "leftist hot takes", oppression used as a lyrical theme | |
104 | Varyag (Варяг) | 🇷🇺 | Doom/Pagan Metal | FKA Arkona (Аркона) & has National Socialist themes. Not to be confused with current Russian Arkona (Аркона) Black Metal band | |
105 | Venom Prison | 🇬🇧 | Death Metal | Singer Larissa Stupar has been called out as a TERF, following anti LGBT groups, liking anti trans posts, etc | |
106 | Wardruna | 🇳🇴 | Folk/Ambient | Mild sketch as the band was started with Gaahl, but he left in 2015 and they are publicly vocal against fascists at their shows | |
107 | West Wall | 🇺🇸 | Death Metal | Tagged on Metal Archives as having national socialist lyrical content. | |
108 | Whipstriker | 🇧🇷 | Heavy/Speed Metal | ||
109 | Whitechapel | 🇺🇸 | Deathcore | ||
110 | Whitehouse | 🇬🇧 | Noise | have anti-facist roots but use facist stuff in their art but claim it’s transgressive | |
111 | Wolcensmen | 🇬🇧 | Dark Folk | See Winterfylleth | |
112 | Wormphlegm | 🇫🇮 | Funeral Doom | See Horna | |
113 | Wolfbrigade (formerly Wolfpack) | 🇸🇪 | Hadrcore/Crust | Anarchist band - uses Nazi adjacent imagery to be provocative | |
114 | Xiu Xiu | 🇺🇸 | Experimental Rock | Openly Leftist | |
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1 | Label | Explanation | |
2 | A Moment Of Clarity | ||
3 | Alerta Antifascista | RABM Label | |
4 | Astral Noize | ||
5 | Autisartilli Records | Super Fascist/NSBM | |
6 | Bindrune | ||
7 | Blood and Soil | NSBM label | |
8 | Darker Than Black | Nazi Label | |
9 | Entropic Recordings | Only sign lefty bands | |
10 | Exalted Woe | ||
11 | Extraconscious Records | Antifascist label | |
12 | Forest Summoner | Green record label. 100% of album sales go to planting wildflowers & trees in Mojave Desert. (Also antifascist) | |
13 | Gilead Media | Left Wing Label | |
14 | Grime Stone Records | Has "SAY NO TO NSBM" in the Bandcamp description | |
15 | Hau Ruck | lots of openly fascist bands | |
16 | Heimat der Katastrophe | ||
17 | Heretical Records | ||
18 | Invictus Productions | Ok putting out “Blood and Soil” by Allfather | |
19 | Iops Music | ||
20 | Labyrinth Tower | Antifascist label but scammed a bunch of people and then shut down | |
21 | Legion Blotan | Goatreich 666 is on the label; Aryan art | |
22 | Les Legions Noires | Pretty sketchy label | |
23 | Mourning Light Records | ||
24 | Mystikaos (aka Fallen Empire) | made a goof but apologized for it; | |
25 | Naturmacht | Strict no fascist policy, 42 BM bands on it (note- this label also bans RABM, no “extreme” politics) | |
26 | Northern Heritage | NSBM Label | |
27 | Profound Lore | Good except for Disma and Akitsa | |
28 | Prosthetic Records | ||
29 | Purity Through Fire | Has/had NSBM bands Kroda, Baise Ma Hachet & Bilskirnir in their roster | |
30 | Realm And Ritual | RABM Label | |
31 | Recrucify The Bastard (festival) | Tasmanian NSBM scene/bands | |
32 | Red Nebula | Explicitly anifascist | |
33 | Replenish Records | RABM & Antifascist Label | |
34 | Satanic Skinhead | NSBM Label | |
35 | Semirutarum Urbium Cadavera | Anti NSBM Collective | |
36 | Sentient Ruin Laboratories | ||
37 | Stygian Black Hand | ||
38 | Tempest Tome | ||
39 | The Flenser | ||
40 | Tridroid Records | ||
41 | Vendetta Records | ||
42 | Vigor Deconstruct | Only sign lefty bands | |
43 | Werewolf Records | NSBM Label | |
44 | World Terror Committee | NSBM Label | |
45 | Zyklon-B Productions | NSBM Label | |
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