1 | Unique ID | Importing Country | Trade name/product name | Concentration of banned chemical(s) | Banned pesticide ingredient (s) | Year of planned export | Estimated amount of substance or mixture to be shipped, export notification (kg/l per year)* | Changes following checks (kg/l per year)* | Measure used for weight/volume of expected amount exported (kg/l per year) | 3.3 Foreseen category (industrial chemical or pesticide) in importing country | 3.3 Foreseen use in importing country | Exporting company | Exporting country | Added information | Low or middle income country?** | 2019 exports only*** |
2 | A1 | Algeria | Sabueso | 0.5 | Iprodione | 2019 | 2,867 | No change | kg | Pesticide | For agricultural use | Proplan Plant Protection Company | Spain | LMIC | 2019only | |
3 | A10 | Argentina | >70 | Ferbam | 2019 | 10,000 | No change | kg | Pesticide | crop protection for Tobacco, peach, cherry, almond, apple, pear, potato, tomato, flowers. | TAMINCO | Belgium | LMIC | NO | ||
4 | A100 | China | Perozin 80% WP | 0.8 | Zineb | 2018 | 450,000 | - | kg | Pesticide | Plant protection product | Agria | Bulgaria | Company stated that export did not take place in year | LMIC | NO |
5 | A101 | Colombia | 43,8 | Iprodione | 2019 | 2,400 | No change | l | Pesticide | fungicide | ARYSTA | Belgium | LMIC | 2019only | ||
6 | A102 | Colombia | 0.44 | Paraquat | 2018 | 600,000 | No change | kg | Plaguicida | Herbicide to be used for further formulation | Syngenta | United Kingdom | LMIC | NO | ||
7 | A103 | Colombia | Redacted | 1) Paraquat dichloride belongs to the group Paraquat 46.3% | Paraquat | 2019 | 1,541,000 | No change | kg | Pesticide | Herbicide to be used for further formulation | Syngenta | United Kingdom | LMIC | NO | |
8 | A119 | Costa Rica | Perozin 80% WP | 0.8 | Zineb | 2018 | 20,000 | - | kg | Plaguicida | Plant protection product | Agria | Bulgaria | Company stated that export did not take place in year | LMIC | NO |
9 | A105 | Colombia | Agrocelhone - NE | 1) 1,3-dichloropopene-60.8% 2) Chloropicrin-33.3 % | 1,3-dichloropropene/Chloropicrin | 2018 | 19,200 | No change | kg | Plaguicida | Soil disinfection for vegetables and flowers | Agroquimicos de Levante SA | Spain | LMIC | NO | |
10 | A106 | Colombia | 80-100 | Thiodicarb | 2018 | 7,920 | No change | kg | Pesticide | Use as Insecticide | Bayer | Germany | LMIC | NO | ||
11 | A11 | Argentina | 43,8 | Iprodione | 2019 | 6,100 | No change | l | Pesticide | fungicide | ARYSTA | Belgium | LMIC | 2019only | ||
12 | A110 | Colombia | >= 96,5 % | Cyfluthrin | 2018 | 420 | No change | kg | Use as Insecticide | Pesticide | Bayer | Germany | LMIC | NO | ||
13 | A111 | Costa Rica | 0.437 | Carbendazim | 2018 | 8,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | fungicide | ARYSTA | Belgium | LMIC | NO | ||
14 | A112 | Costa Rica | 43,7 | Carbendazim | 2019 | 3,200 | No change | l | Pesticide | fungicide | ARYSTA | Belgium | LMIC | NO | ||
15 | A113 | Costa Rica | >70% | Ferbam | 2018 | 10 | 10,000 | kg | Pesticide | fungicide | TAMINCO | Belgium | Company provided figure for amount actually exported | LMIC | NO | |
16 | A114 | Costa Rica | >70 | Ferbam | 2019 | 10 | 29,490 | kg | Pesticide | fungicide | TAMINCO | Belgium | Company provided figure for amount actually exported | LMIC | NO | |
17 | A116 | Costa Rica | 43,8 | Iprodione | 2019 | 6,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | fungicide | ARYSTA | Belgium | LMIC | 2019only | ||
18 | A129 | Cuba | Perozin 75% WP | 0.75 | Zineb | 2018 | 200,000 | - | kg | Plaguicida | Plant protection product | Agria | Bulgaria | Company stated that export did not take place in year | LMIC | NO |
19 | A130 | Cuba | Cuprozin Super | 0.15 | Zineb | 2018 | 50,000 | - | kg | Plaguicida | Plant protection product | Agria | Bulgaria | Company stated that export did not take place in year | LMIC | NO |
20 | A151 | Georgia | Cuprozin | 0.34 | Zineb | 2018 | 40,000 | - | kg | Pesticide | Plant protection product | Agria | Bulgaria | Company stated that export did not take place in year | LMIC | NO |
21 | A120 | Costa Rica | Agrocelhone - NE | 1) 1,3-dichloropopene-60.8% 2) Chloropicrin-33.3 % | 1,3-dichloropropene/Chloropicrin | 2018 | 19,200 | No change | kg | Plaguicida | Soil disinfection for vegetables and flowers | Agroquimicos de Levante SA | Spain | LMIC | NO | |
22 | A121 | Costa Rica | 60 | Ethoxysulfuron | 2019 | 1,400 | No change | kg | Pesticide | Use as Herbicide | Bayer | Germany | LMIC | NO | ||
23 | A122 | Costa Rica | 60 | Ethoxysulfuron | 2018 | 1,200 | No change | kg | Pesticide | Use as Herbicide. | Bayer | Germany | LMIC | NO | ||
24 | A123 | Côte d'Ivoire | Krismat 75 WG | 73,1% | Ametryn | 2018 | 10,000 | No change | kg | Pesticide | Herbicide | Schirm GmbH | Germany | LMIC | NO | |
25 | A16 | Argentina | Perozin 80% WP | 0.8 | Zineb | 2018 | 80,000 | - | kg | Plaguicida | Plant production product | Agria | Bulgaria | Company stated that export did not take place in year | LMIC | NO |
26 | A184 | Indonesia | Nefos 45 WP | 0.12 | Zineb | 2018 | 36,000 | - | kg | Pesticide | Plant protection product | Agria | Bulgaria | Company stated that export did not take place in year | LMIC | NO |
27 | A126 | Côte d'Ivoire | TOPSTAR SC 400 | 0.354 | Oxadiargyl | 2018 | 30,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | Use as herbicide | Bayer | Spain | LMIC | NO | |
28 | A127 | Côte d'Ivoire | TOPSTAR SC 400 | 0.354 | Oxadiargyl | 2018 | 30,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | Use as herbicide | Bayer | Spain | LMIC | NO | |
29 | A128 | Côte d'Ivoire | TOPSTAR SC 400 | 0.354 | Oxadiargyl | 2019 | 1,000 | No change | kg | Pesticide | Use as herbicide | Bayer | Spain | LMIC | NO | |
30 | A187 | Indonesia | Perozin 80 WP | 0.8 | Zineb | 2018 | 48,000 | - | kg | Pesticide | Plant protection product | Agria | Bulgaria | Company stated that export did not take place in year | LMIC | NO |
31 | A13 | Argentina | >= 96,5 % | Cyfluthrin | 2018 | 300 | No change | kg | Use as Insecticide | Pesticide | Bayer | Germany | LMIC | NO | ||
32 | A24 | Armenia | Cuprozin | 0.34 | Zineb | 2018 | 20,000 | - | kg | Pesticide | Plant protection product | Agria | Bulgaria | Company stated that export did not take place in year | LMIC | NO |
33 | A131 | Cuba | Agrocelhone - NE CE | 1) Chloropicrin-29.5% 2) 1,3-dichloropropene - 51.14% | 1,3-dichloropropene/Chloropicrin | 2018 | 19,200 | No change | kg | Plaguicida | Soil disinfection for vegetables and flowers | Agroquimicos de Levante SA | Spain | LMIC | NO | |
34 | A132 | Dominican Republic | 43,7 | Carbendazim | 2019 | 4,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | fungicide | ARYSTA | Belgium | LMIC | NO | ||
35 | A133 | Dominican Republic | 0.437 | Carbendazim | 2018 | 12,560 | No change | l | Pesticide | fungicide | ARYSTA | Belgium | LMIC | NO | ||
36 | A134 | Dominican Republic | 43,8 | Iprodione | 2019 | 3,500 | No change | l | Pesticide | fungicide | ARYSTA | Belgium | LMIC | 2019only | ||
37 | A135 | Dominican Republic | Agrocelhone - NE | 1) 1,3-dichloropopene-60.8% 2) Chloropicrin-33.3 % | 1,3-dichloropropene/Chloropicrin | 2018 | 19,200 | No change | kg | Plaguicida | Soil disinfection for vegetables and flowers | Agroquimicos de Levante SA | Spain | LMIC | NO | |
38 | A136 | Ecuador | 0.437 | Carbendazim | 2018 | 48,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | fungicide | ARYSTA | Belgium | LMIC | NO | ||
39 | A137 | Ecuador | 43,7 | Carbendazim | 2019 | 52,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | fungicide | ARYSTA | Belgium | LMIC | NO | ||
40 | A138 | Ecuador | 43,8 | Iprodione | 2019 | 7,200 | No change | l | Pesticide | fungicide | ARYSTA | Belgium | LMIC | 2019only | ||
41 | A139 | Ecuador | 0.44 | Paraquat | 2018 | 320,000 | No change | kg | Plaguicida | Herbicide | Syngenta | United Kingdom | LMIC | NO | ||
42 | A14 | Argentina | >= 96,5 % | Cyfluthrin | 2019 | 1,000 | No change | kg | Use as Insecticide | Pesticide | Bayer | Germany | LMIC | NO | ||
43 | A140 | Ecuador | Redacted | 1) Paraquat dichloride belongs to the group Paraquat 46.3% | Paraquat | 2019 | 249,600 | No change | kg | Pesticide | Herbicide | Syngenta | United Kingdom | LMIC | NO | |
44 | A244 | Malaysia | Dosay 45 WP | 0.12 | Zineb | 2018 | 20,000 | - | kg | Pesticide | Plant protection product | Agria | Bulgaria | Company stated that export did not take place in year | LMIC | NO |
45 | A142 | Ecuador | Agrocelhone - NE | 1) 1,3-dichloropopene-60.8% 2) Chloropicrin-33.3 % | 1,3-dichloropropene/Chloropicrin | 2018 | 19,200 | No change | kg | Plaguicida | Soil disinfection for vegetables and flowers | Agroquimicos de Levante SA | Spain | LMIC | NO | |
46 | A143 | Egypt | Dumper | 0.55 | Fenbutatin oxide | 2018 | 25,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | Agricultural uses | Industrial Quimica Key SA | Spain | LMIC | NO | |
47 | A144 | Egypt | Dumper | 0.55 | Fenbutatin oxide | 2019 | 25,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | Agricultural uses | Industrial Quimica Key SA | Spain | LMIC | NO | |
48 | A145 | Egypt | Dumper | 0.55 | Fenbutatin oxide | 2019 | 25,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | Agricultural uses | Industrial Quimica Key SA | Spain | LMIC | NO | |
49 | A269 | Moldova, Republic of | Perozin 75% WP | 0.75 | Zineb | 2018 | 100,000 | - | kg | Pesticide | Plant protection product | Agria | Bulgaria | Company stated that export did not take place in year | LMIC | NO |
50 | A147 | Egypt | Agrocelhone - NE | 1) 1,3-dichloropopene-60.8% 2) Chloropicrin-33.3 % | 1,3-dichloropropene/Chloropicrin | 2018 | 19,200 | No change | kg | Pesticide | Soil disinfection for vegetables and flowers | Agroquimicos de Levante SA | Spain | LMIC | NO | |
51 | A117 | Costa Rica | 0.5 | Cyanamide | 2018 | 600 | No change | l | Plaguicida | Pesticide | AlzChem AG | Germany | LMIC | NO | ||
52 | A149 | Ethiopia | Agrocelhone - NE | 1) 1,3-dichloropopene-60.8% 2) Chloropicrin-33.3 % | 1,3-dichloropropene/Chloropicrin | 2018 | 19,200 | No change | kg | Pesticide | Soil disinfection for vegetables and flowers | Agroquimicos de Levante SA | Spain | LMIC | NO | |
53 | A15 | Argentina | Picoxystrobin | 2019 | 400,000 | No change | kg | Plaguicida | Picoxystrobin is an active ingredient to produce Fungicides | Corteva | Spain | LMIC | 2019only | |||
54 | A150 | Georgia | PRIMEXTRA_GOLD 720 SC | 0.288 | Atrazine | 2018 | 2,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | Herbicide | Syngenta | France | LMIC | NO | |
55 | A270 | Moldova, Republic of | Cuprozin Super | 0.15 | Zineb | 2018 | 100,000 | - | kg | Pesticide | Plant protection product | Agria | Bulgaria | Company stated that export did not take place in year | LMIC | NO |
56 | A153 | Ghana | Agrocelhone - NE | 1) 1,3-dichloropopene-60.8% 2) Chloropicrin-33.3 % | 1,3-dichloropropene/Chloropicrin | 2018 | 19,200 | No change | kg | Pesticide | Soil disinfection for vegetables and flowers | Agroquimicos de Levante SA | Spain | LMIC | NO | |
57 | A292 | Myanmar | Dosay 45 WP | 0.12 | Zineb | 2018 | 30,000 | - | kg | Pesticide | Plant protection product | Agria | Bulgaria | Company stated that export did not take place in year | LMIC | NO |
58 | A155 | Ghana | TOPSTAR SC 400 | 0.354 | Oxadiargyl | 2018 | 4,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | Use as herbicide | Bayer | Spain | LMIC | NO | |
59 | A156 | Ghana | TOPSTAR SC 400 | 0.354 | Oxadiargyl | 2018 | 4,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | Use as herbicide | Bayer | Spain | LMIC | NO | |
60 | A157 | Ghana | TOPSTAR SC 400 | 0.354 | Oxadiargyl | 2019 | 3,300 | No change | l | Pesticide | Use as herbicide | Bayer | Spain | LMIC | NO | |
61 | A158 | Guatemala | 0.437 | Carbendazim | 2018 | 800 | No change | l | Pesticide | fungicide | ARYSTA | Belgium | LMIC | NO | ||
62 | A159 | Guatemala | 43,7 | Carbendazim | 2019 | 800 | No change | l | Pesticide | fungicide | ARYSTA | Belgium | LMIC | NO | ||
63 | A294 | Myanmar | Perozin 80% WP | 0.8 | Zineb | 2018 | 32,000 | - | kg | Pesticide | Plant protection product | Agria | Bulgaria | Company stated that export did not take place in year | LMIC | NO |
64 | A160 | Guatemala | 43,7 | Carbendazim | 2019 | 1,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | fungicide | ARYSTA | Belgium | LMIC | NO | ||
65 | A161 | Guatemala | 43,7 | Carbendazim | 2019 | 1,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | fungicide | ARYSTA | Belgium | LMIC | NO | ||
66 | A162 | Guatemala | 43,8 | Iprodione | 2019 | 1,600 | No change | l | Pesticide | fungicide | ARYSTA | Belgium | LMIC | 2019only | ||
67 | A163 | Guatemala | 43,8 | Iprodione | 2019 | 800 | No change | l | Pesticide | fungicide | ARYSTA | Belgium | LMIC | 2019only | ||
68 | A164 | Guatemala | Agrocelhone - NE | 1) 1,3-dichloropopene-60.8% 2) Chloropicrin-33.3 % | 1,3-dichloropropene/Chloropicrin | 2018 | 19,200 | No change | kg | Plaguicida | Soil disinfection for vegetables | Agroquimicos de Levante SA | Spain | LMIC | NO | |
69 | A165 | Guatemala | Agrocelhone - FE | 1) Chloropicrin-57% 2) 1,3-dichloropropene - 38% | 1,3-dichloropropene/Chloropicrin | 2018 | 19,200 | No change | kg | Plaguicida | Soil disinfection for vegetables and flowers | Agroquimicos de Levante SA | Spain | LMIC | NO | |
70 | A166 | Guatemala | 60 | Ethoxysulfuron | 2018 | 2,000 | No change | kg | Pesticide | Use as Herbicide | Bayer | Germany | LMIC | NO | ||
71 | A167 | Guatemala | 60 | Ethoxysulfuron | 2019 | 1,200 | No change | kg | Pesticide | Use as Herbicide | Bayer | Germany | LMIC | NO | ||
72 | A17 | Argentina | Perozin 70% | 0.7 | Zineb | 2018 | 200,000 | 89,970 | kg | Plaguicida | Plant production product | Agria | Bulgaria | Company provided figure for amount actually exported | LMIC | NO |
73 | A170 | Guatemala | Agrocelhone 94 EC | 1) 1,3-dichloropopene-94% | 1,3-dichloropropene | 2018 | 19,200 | No change | kg | Plaguicida | Soil disinfection for vegetables and flowers | Agroquimicos de Levante SA | Spain | LMIC | NO | |
74 | A172 | Honduras | >=95% | 1,3-dichloropropene | 2018 | 600,000 | 670,520 | kg | Pesticide | Crop Protection Product for treating nematodes | KANESHO | Belgium | Company provided figure for amount actually exported | LMIC | NO | |
75 | A295 | Myanmar | Zincop BUL 52 WP | 0.145 | Zineb | 2018 | 30,000 | - | kg | Pesticide | Plant protection product | Agria | Bulgaria | Company stated that export did not take place in year | LMIC | NO |
76 | A174 | Honduras | Agrocelhone 112.8 EC | 1) 1,3-dichloropopene-94% | 1,3-dichloropropene | 2018 | 19,200 | No change | kg | Plaguicida | Soil disinfection for vegetables and flowers | Agroquimicos de Levante SA | Spain | LMIC | NO | |
77 | A175 | India | 0.44 | Paraquat | 2018 | 600,000 | No change | kg | Pesticide | Herbicide to be used for further formulation | Syngenta | United Kingdom | LMIC | NO | ||
78 | A176 | India | Redacted | 1) Paraquat dichloride belongs to the group Paraquat 46.3% | Paraquat | 2019 | 810,000 | No change | kg | Pesticide | Herbicide to be used for further formulation | Syngenta | United Kingdom | LMIC | NO | |
79 | A177 | India | Tricyclazole | 2018 | 6,000 | No change | kg | Pesticide | Herbicide used for plant protection product | Proplan Plant Protection Company | Spain | LMIC | NO | |||
80 | A148 | Ethiopia | 0.5 | Cyanamide | 2018 | 3,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | Pesticide | AlzChem AG | Germany | LMIC | NO | ||
81 | A179 | India | Picoxystrobin | 2019 | 100,000 | No change | kg | Pesticide | Pesticide use: to produce fungicide | Corteva | Spain | LMIC | 2019only | |||
82 | A18 | Argentina | Agrocelhone - NE | 1) 1,3-dichloropopene-60.8% 2) Chloropicrin-33.3 % | 1,3-dichloropropene/Chloropicrin | 2018 | 19,200 | No change | kg | Plaguicida | Soil disinfection for vegetables | Agroquimicos de Levante SA | Spain | LMIC | NO | |
83 | A296 | Myanmar | Dosay 45 WP | 0.12 | Zineb | 2018 | 30,000 | - | kg | Pesticide | Plant protection product | Agria | Bulgaria | Company stated that export did not take place in year | LMIC | NO |
84 | A297 | Myanmar | Perozin 80 WP | 0.8 | Zineb | 2018 | 32,000 | - | kg | Pesticide | Plant protection product | Agria | Bulgaria | Company stated that export did not take place in year | LMIC | NO |
85 | A182 | Indonesia | 0.44 | Paraquat | 2018 | 500,000 | No change | kg | Pesticide | Herbicide | Syngenta | United Kingdom | LMIC | NO | ||
86 | A224 | Jordan | 0.5 | Cyanamide | 2018 | 10,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | Pesticide | AlzChem AG | Germany | LMIC | NO | ||
87 | A325 | Philippines | Perozin 80% WP | 0.8 | Zineb | 2018 | 60,000 | - | kg | Pesticide | Plant protection product | Agria | Bulgaria | Company stated that export did not take place in year | LMIC | NO |
88 | A185 | Indonesia | Perozin 80% WP | 0.8 | Zineb | 2018 | 50,000 | 16,000 | kg | Pesticide | Plant protection product | Agria | Bulgaria | Company provided figure for amount actually exported | LMIC | NO |
89 | A186 | Indonesia | Nefos 45 WP | 0.12 | Zineb | 2018 | 64,000 | 16,000 | kg | Pesticide | Plant protection product | Agria | Bulgaria | Company provided figure for amount actually exported | LMIC | NO |
90 | A331 | Russian Federation | Perozin 75% WP | 0.75 | Zineb | 2018 | 60,000 | - | kg | Pesticide | Plant protection product | Agria | Bulgaria | Company stated that export did not take place in year | LMIC | NO |
91 | A188 | Indonesia | Redacted | 1) Paraquat dichloride belongs to the group Paraquat 42.25% | Paraquat | 2019 | 2,304,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | Herbicide | Syngenta | United Kingdom | LMIC | NO | |
92 | A374 | Taiwan | 0.5 | Cyanamide | 2018 | 10,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | Pesticide | AlzChem AG | Germany | HIC | NO | ||
93 | A238 | Lebanon | 0.5 | Cyanamide | 2018 | 12,800 | No change | l | Pesticide | Pesticide | AlzChem AG | Germany | LMIC | NO | ||
94 | A452 | Vietnam | Vizincop 50 WP Blue | 0.2 | Zineb | 2018 | 32,000 | - | kg | Pesticide | Plant protection product | Agria | Bulgaria | Company stated that export did not take place in year | LMIC | NO |
95 | A192 | Iran | Trifluralin | 2018 | 60,000 | No change | kg | Pesticide | Herbicide | SIPCAM OXON SPA | Italy | LMIC | NO | |||
96 | A193 | Iran | 4.1 % | Triasulfuron | 2019 | 7,000 | No change | kg | Herbicide | Pesticide | Pergande | Germany | LMIC | 2019only | ||
97 | A64 | Cambodia | Zineb BUL 80 WP | 0.8 | Zineb | 2018 | 48,000 | - | kg | Pesticide | Plant protection product | Agria | Bulgaria | Company stated that export did not take place in year | LMIC | NO |
98 | A195 | Iran | 10 | Ethoxysulfuron | 2018 | 3,250 | No change | kg | Pesticide | Use as Herbicide | Bayer | Germany | LMIC | NO | ||
99 | A65 | Cambodia | Dosay 45 WP | 0.12 | Zineb | 2018 | 32,000 | - | kg | Pesticide | Plant protection product | Agria | Bulgaria | Company stated that export did not take place in year | LMIC | NO |
100 | A197 | Iraq | 0.437 | Carbendazim | 2018 | 2,100 | No change | l | Pesticide | fungicide | ARYSTA | Belgium | LMIC | NO | ||
101 | A198 | Iraq | 43,7 | Carbendazim | 2019 | 20,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | fungicide | ARYSTA | Belgium | LMIC | NO | ||
102 | A199 | Israel | Acaritel | 0.25 | Cyhexatin | 2018 | 10,000 | No change | kg | Pesticide | Agricultural | SIPCAM OXON SPA | Italy | HIC | NO | |
103 | A2 | Algeria | 0.437 | Carbendazim | 2018 | 8,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | fungicide | ARYSTA | Belgium | LMIC | NO | ||
104 | A200 | Israel | 0.9 | Atrazine | 2018 | 5,000 | No change | kg | Pesticide | Agriculture use | SIPCAM OXON SPA | Italy | HIC | NO | ||
105 | A201 | Israel | 43,8 | Iprodione | 2019 | 2,500 | No change | l | Pesticide | fungicide | ARYSTA | Belgium | HIC | 2019only | ||
106 | A202 | Israel | 0.2 | Amitraz | 2018 | 24,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | insecticide | ARYSTA | Belgium | HIC | NO | ||
107 | A203 | Israel | 21,5 | Amitraz | 2019 | 8,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | Insecticide | ARYSTA | Belgium | HIC | NO | ||
108 | A204 | Israel | 80-100 | Linuron | 2019 | 1,000 | No change | kg | Pesticide | It is known by exporter, that the importer in the importing country formulates the substance to pesticide preparations for further export to the USA. | WeylChem Frankfurt GmbH | Germany | HIC | 2019only | ||
109 | A330 | Russian Federation | 0.49 | Cyanamide | 2018 | 15,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | Pesticide | AlzChem AG | Germany | LMIC | NO | ||
110 | A206 | Israel | >= 96,5 % | Cyfluthrin | 2018 | 400 | No change | kg | Use as Insecticide | Pesticide | Bayer | Germany | HIC | NO | ||
111 | A207 | Israel | >= 96,5 % | Cyfluthrin | 2019 | 400 | No change | kg | Use as Insecticide | Pesticide | Bayer | Germany | HIC | NO | ||
112 | A208 | Israel | CONDOR* F (EC) / IN LINE* _Solution Drip Fumigant / Dorlone* EC Soil Fumigant/Telone EC | 1) 1,3-dichloropropene - 93.6% | 1,3-dichloropropene | 2018 | 320,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | Pesticide use: Plant Protection Product - Soil fumigant | Corteva | Spain | HIC | NO | |
113 | A209 | Israel | 1,3-dichloropropene | 2018 | 128,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | Plant Protection Product - Soil fumigant Registered for use in Israel (Registration number 1181) | Corteva | Spain | HIC | NO | |||
114 | A21 | Armenia | 0.215 | Amitraz | 2018 | 770 | No change | l | Pesticide | insecticide | ARYSTA | Belgium | LMIC | NO | ||
115 | A210 | Israel | Agrotal | 1) 1,3-dichloropopene-94% | 1,3-dichloropropene | 2018 | 19,200 | No change | kg | Pesticide | Soil disinfection for vegetables and flowers | Agroquimicos de Levante SA | Spain | HIC | NO | |
116 | A211 | Israel | Agrocelhone | 1) 1,3-dichloropopene-93% | 1,3-dichloropropene | 2018 | 19,200 | No change | kg | Pesticide | Soil disinfection for vegetables and flowers | Agroquimicos de Levante SA | Spain | HIC | NO | |
117 | A212 | Japan | 1,3-dichloropropene | 2018 | 4,000,000 | No change | kg | Pesticide | Namatocide | INOVYN | United Kingdom | Name of exporter confirmed by Inovyn reply on 27/5. Export notification had clerical error - volume given as 40m. Correct volume 4m, confirmed by Inovyn on 27/5. Correction made 27/5. Note that this change is made also in the original volume/quantity column, because the actual quantity exported was not given to us by Inovyn. They simply confirmed that there was a clerical error in the EA. The correction of 27/5 was modified on 8 July to reflect this. | HIC | NO | ||
118 | A213 | Japan | >=94 | 1,3-dichloropropene | 2019 | 4,000,000 | No change | kg | Pesticide | Namatocide | INOVYN | Belgium | Export notification had clerical error - volume given as 40m. Correct volume 4m, confirmed by Inovyn on 27/5. Correction made 27/5. Note that this change is made also in the original volume/quantity column, because the actual quantity exported was not given to us by Inovyn. They simply confirmed that there was a clerical error in the EA. | HIC | NO | |
119 | A214 | Japan | 0.95 | Flufenoxuron | 2018 | 10,000 | No change | kg | Pesticide | acaricide/pesticide | BASF | Belgium | HIC | NO | ||
120 | A215 | Japan | 95 | Flufenoxuron | 2019 | 5,000 | No change | kg | Pesticide | acaricide/pesticide | BASF | Belgium | HIC | NO | ||
121 | A216 | Japan | 0,5 | Fipronil | 2019 | 1,000 | No change | kg | Pesticide | crop protection for Sugar Cane and sweet potato | BASF | Belgium | HIC | 2019only | ||
122 | A217 | Japan | Chlorate | 2018 | 2,000,000 | 200,000 | kg | Pesticide | Herbicide | Arkema | France | Quantity exported revised on grounds that exporter stated that only 10% of volume exported used as herbicide. | HIC | NO | ||
123 | A218 | Japan | 0.463 | Paraquat | 2018 | 250,000 | No change | kg | Pesticide | Herbicide | Syngenta | United Kingdom | HIC | NO | ||
124 | A219 | Japan | Redacted | 1) Paraquat dichloride belongs to the group Paraquat 46.3% | Paraquat | 2019 | 230,400 | No change | l | Pesticide | Herbicide | Syngenta | United Kingdom | HIC | NO | |
125 | A22 | Armenia | 21,5 | Amitraz | 2019 | 440 | No change | l | Pesticide | Insecticide | ARYSTA | Belgium | LMIC | NO | ||
126 | A220 | Japan | Picoxystrobin | 2019 | 100,000 | No change | kg | Pesticide | Pesticide use: to produce fungicide | Corteva | Spain | HIC | 2019only | |||
127 | A221 | Japan | Trifluralin | 2018 | 200,000 | 144,000 | kg | Pesticide | Production of Plant Protection formulation (pesticide) | Finchimica | Italy | Company provided figure for amount actually exported | HIC | NO | ||
128 | A222 | Japan | 60 | Ethoxysulfuron | 2018 | 700 | No change | kg | Pesticide | Use as Herbicide | Bayer | Germany | HIC | NO | ||
129 | A223 | Japan | 60 | Ethoxysulfuron | 2019 | 270 | No change | kg | Pesticide | Use as Herbicide | Bayer | Germany | HIC | NO | ||
130 | A433 | Uruguay | 0.5 | Cyanamide | 2018 | 16,000 | No change | l | Plaguicida | Pesticide | AlzChem AG | Germany | HIC | NO | ||
131 | A226 | Kenya | 0.437 | Carbendazim | 2018 | 15,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | fungicide | ARYSTA | Belgium | LMIC | NO | ||
132 | A227 | Kenya | 43,7 | Carbendazim | 2019 | 16,756 | No change | l | Pesticide | fungicide | ARYSTA | Belgium | LMIC | NO | ||
133 | A228 | Kenya | 43,8 | Iprodione | 2019 | 4,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | fungicide | ARYSTA | Belgium | LMIC | 2019only | ||
134 | A66 | Cambodia | Corforce Blue 51 WP | 0.34 | Zineb | 2018 | 32,000 | - | kg | Pesticide | Plant protection product | Agria | Bulgaria | Company stated that export did not take place in year | LMIC | NO |
135 | A189 | Iran | 0.5 | Cyanamide | 2018 | 35,000 | - | l | Pesticide | Pesticide | AlzChem AG | Germany | Company stated that export did not take place in year | LMIC | NO | |
136 | A230 | Kenya | 0.77 | Acetochlor | 2018 | 15,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | To be used by farmers as a pesticide in the agricultural sector | Bayer | Belgium | LMIC | NO | ||
137 | A231 | Kenya | 1,3-dichloropropene | 2018 | 100,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | Pesticide use: Plant Protection Product - Soil fumigant Registered for use in Kenya (Registration number PCPB(R)0196). | Corteva | Spain | LMIC | NO | |||
138 | A232 | Kenya | Agrocelhone - D | 1) 1,3-dichloropopene-93% | 1,3-dichloropropene | 2018 | 19,200 | No change | kg | Pesticide | Soil disinfection for vegetables and flowers | Agroquimicos de Levante SA | Spain | LMIC | NO | |
139 | A233 | Korea | 0.95 | Flufenoxuron | 2018 | 5,000 | No change | kg | Pesticide | acaricide/insecticide | BASF | Belgium | HIC | NO | ||
140 | A234 | Korea | 95 | Flufenoxuron | 2019 | 5,000 | No change | kg | Pesticide | agriculture use | BASF | Belgium | HIC | NO | ||
141 | A190 | Iran | 0.5 | Cyanamide | 2018 | 35,000 | - | l | Pesticide | Plant Growth Regulator | AlzChem AG | Germany | Company stated that export did not take place in year | LMIC | NO | |
142 | A236 | Korea | Picoxystrobin | 2019 | 100,000 | No change | kg | Pesticide | Pesticide use: to produce fungicide | Corteva | Spain | HIC | 2019only | |||
143 | A237 | Korea | >= 96,5 % | Cyfluthrin | 2018 | 15 | No change | kg | Use as Insecticide | Pesticide | Bayer | Germany | HIC | NO | ||
144 | A141 | Ecuador | 0.5 | Cyanamide | 2018 | 20,000 | No change | l | Plaguicida | Pesticide | AlzChem AG | Germany | LMIC | NO | ||
145 | A239 | Lebanon | Agrocelhone - NE | 1) 1,3-dichloropopene-60.8% 2) Chloropicrin-33.3 % | 1,3-dichloropropene/Chloropicrin | 2018 | 19,200 | No change | kg | Pesticide | Soil disinfection for vegetables | Agroquimicos de Levante SA | Spain | LMIC | NO | |
146 | A371 | Switzerland | 0.49 | Cyanamide | 2018 | 10,000 | - | l | Pesticide | Pesticide | AlzChem AG | Germany | Company stated that export did not take place in year | HIC | NO | |
147 | A240 | Malaysia | Chlorate | 2018 | 2,000,000 | 1,104,000 | kg | Pesticide | Herbicide | Kemira | Finland | Company provided figure for amount actually exported | LMIC | NO | ||
148 | A241 | Malaysia | >= 96,5 % | Cyfluthrin | 2018 | 532 | No change | kg | Use as Insecticide | Pesticide | Bayer | Germany | LMIC | NO | ||
149 | A242 | Malaysia | >= 96,5 % | Cyfluthrin | 2019 | 360 | No change | kg | Use as Insecticide | Pesticide | Bayer | Germany | LMIC | NO | ||
150 | A243 | Malaysia | Perozin 80% WP | 0.8 | Zineb | 2018 | 100,000 | 6,300 | kg | Pesticide | Plant protection product | Agria | Bulgaria | Company provided figure for amount actually exported | LMIC | NO |
151 | A377 | Thailand | 0.5 | Cyanamide | 2018 | 20,000 | - | l | Pesticide | Pesticide | AlzChem AG | Germany | Company stated that export did not take place in year | LMIC | NO | |
152 | A246 | Mali | Krismat 75 WG | 73,1% | Ametryn | 2019 | 20,000 | No change | kg | Pesticide | Pesticide, Herbicide | Schirm GmbH | Germany | LMIC | NO | |
153 | A247 | Mali | TOPSTAR SC 400 | 0.354 | Oxadiargyl | 2018 | 25,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | Use as herbicide | Bayer | Spain | LMIC | NO | |
154 | A248 | Mali | TOPSTAR SC 400 | 0.354 | Oxadiargyl | 2019 | 6,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | Use as herbicide | Bayer | Spain | LMIC | NO | |
155 | A249 | Mali | TOPSTAR SC 400 | 0.354 | Oxadiargyl | 2018 | 25,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | Use as herbicide | Bayer | Spain | LMIC | NO | |
156 | A25 | Australia | PDC + 796 | 0.44 | Paraquat | 2018 | 25,000 | No change | kg | Pesticide | Herbicide | Syngenta | United Kingdom | HIC | NO | |
157 | A250 | Mexico | Ametryn | 2018 | 100,000 | No change | kg | Plaguicida | Herbicide | SIPCAM OXON SPA | Italy | LMIC | NO | |||
158 | A251 | Mexico | Ametryn | 2019 | 50,000 | No change | kg | Plaguicida | Herbicide | SIPCAM OXON SPA | Italy | LMIC | NO | |||
159 | A252 | Mexico | Atrazine | 2019 | 50,000 | No change | kg | Plaguicida | Herbicide | SIPCAM OXON SPA | Italy | LMIC | NO | |||
160 | A253 | Mexico | PDC+796 (BROWN) BULK | 0.44 | Paraquat | 2018 | 2,500,000 | No change | kg | Plaguicida | Herbicide to be used for further formulation | Syngenta | United Kingdom | LMIC | NO | |
161 | A254 | Mexico | Redacted | 1) Paraquat dichloride belongs to the group Paraquat 46.3% | Paraquat | 2019 | 1,472,000 | No change | kg | Pesticide | Herbicide to be used for further formulation | Syngenta | United Kingdom | LMIC | NO | |
162 | A183 | Indonesia | 0.5 | Cyanamide | 2018 | 20,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | Pesticide | AlzChem AG | Germany | LMIC | NO | ||
163 | A256 | Mexico | >= 96,5 % | Cyfluthrin | 2018 | 300 | No change | kg | Use as Insecticide | Pesticide | Bayer | Germany | LMIC | NO | ||
164 | A257 | Mexico | >= 96,5 % | Cyfluthrin | 2019 | 300 | No change | kg | Use as Insecticide | Pesticide | Bayer | Germany | LMIC | NO | ||
165 | A258 | Mexico | Perozin 80% WP | 0.8 | Zineb | 2018 | 180,000 | 40,000 | kg | Plaguicida | Plant protection product | Agria | Bulgaria | Company provided figure for amount actually exported | LMIC | NO |
166 | A259 | Mexico | 30,25 | Thiodicarb | 2018 | 100 | No change | l | Pesticide | Use as Insecticide | Bayer | Germany | LMIC | NO | ||
167 | A336 | Saudi Arabia | 0.5 | Cyanamide | 2018 | 20,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | Pesticide | AlzChem AG | Germany | HIC | NO | ||
168 | A7 | Angola | 0.5 | Cyanamide | 2018 | 500 | - | l | Plaguicida | Pesticide | AlzChem AG | Germany | Company stated that export did not take place in year | LMIC | NO | |
169 | A125 | Côte d'Ivoire | 4.95 % | Fipronil | 2019 | 720 | - | kg | Is used for Termiten | Pesticide | BASF | Germany | Regulator stated that export did not take place in year | LMIC | 2019only | |
170 | A27 | Australia | >= 96,5 % | Cyfluthrin | 2018 | 100 | No change | kg | Use as Insecticide | Pesticide | Bayer | Germany | HIC | NO | ||
171 | A180 | Indonesia | AP(3082) Atrazin >= 25% - <= 30% | Atrazin - >= 25% - <= 30% | Atrazine | 2018 | 32 | - | l | Pesticide | Corn growers use it for weed Control after emerging seed | BASF | Germany | Regulator stated that export did not take place in year | LMIC | NO |
172 | A271 | Morocco | 1,3-dichloropropene | 2018 | 850,000 | No change | kg | Pesticide | Crop Protection Product for treating nematodes | unconfirmed | Spain | LMIC | NO | |||
173 | A273 | Morocco | >=94% | 1,3-dichloropropene | 2018 | 500,000 | 357,120 | kg | Pesticide | Crop Protection Product for treating nematodes | KANESHO | Belgium | Company provided figure for amount actually exported | LMIC | NO | |
174 | A274 | Morocco | CONDOR* F Solution Drip Soil Fumigant | 1) 1,3-dichloropropene - 93.6% | 1,3-dichloropropene | 2018 | 500,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | Usage comme pesticide autorisé au Maroc: Plant Protection Product - Soil fumigant, No Homologation E05-1-011 | Corteva | Spain | LMIC | NO | |
175 | A275 | Morocco | Inline* Soil Fumigant | 1) 1,3-dichloropropene - 93.6% | 1,3-dichloropropene | 2018 | 500,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | Usage comme pesticide autorisé au Maroc: Plant Protection Product - Soil fumigant, No Homologation F11-2-045 | Corteva | Spain | LMIC | NO | |
176 | A276 | Morocco | CONDOR* F (EC) / IN LINE* _Solution Drip Fumigant / Dorlone* EC Soil Fumigant/Telone EC | 1) 1,3-dichloropropene - 93.6% | 1,3-dichloropropene | 2018 | 500,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | Usage comme pesticide: Plant Protection Product - Soil fumigant, Authorized in Morocco (Registration number E05-1-011) | Corteva | Spain | LMIC | NO | |
177 | A277 | Morocco | 0.936 | 1,3-dichloropropene | 2018 | 400,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | Soil fumigant | unconfirmed | Italy | LMIC | NO | ||
178 | A181 | Indonesia | AP(3082) Atrazin >= 25% - <= 30% | Atrazin - >= 25% - <= 30% | Atrazine | 2018 | 32 | - | l | Pesticide | Corn growers use it for weed Control after emerging seed | BASF | Germany | Regulator stated that export did not take place in year | LMIC | NO |
179 | A279 | Morocco | 4.1 % | Triasulfuron | 2019 | 10,000 | No change | kg | Herbicide | Pesticide | Pergande | Germany | LMIC | 2019only | ||
180 | A28 | Australia | >= 96,5 % | Cyfluthrin | 2019 | 100 | No change | kg | Use as Insecticide | Pesticide | Bayer | Germany | HIC | NO | ||
181 | A280 | Morocco | 4.1 % | Triasulfuron | 2019 | 10,000 | No change | kg | Herbicide | Pesticide | Pergande | Germany | LMIC | 2019only | ||
182 | A281 | Morocco | 4.1 % | Triasulfuron | 2019 | 10,000 | No change | kg | Herbicide | Pesticide | Pergande | Germany | LMIC | 2019only | ||
183 | A104 | Colombia | 0.5 | Cyanamide | 2018 | 30,000 | No change | l | Plaguicida | Pesticide | AlzChem AG | Germany | LMIC | NO | ||
184 | A283 | Morocco | BEAM* 75WP FUNGICIDE | 0.75 | Tricyclazole | 2018 | 2,000 | No change | kg | Pesticide | Plant protection product - fungicide, BEAM 75 WP is registrered in Morocco (Registration number E07-06-004) | Corteva | Italy | LMIC | NO | |
185 | A284 | Morocco | Nemaflash | 1) 1,3-dichloropopene-55.4% 2) Chloropicrin-32.7 % | 1,3-dichloropropene/Chloropicrin | 2018 | 19,200 | No change | kg | Pesticide | Soil disinfectant for vegetables | Deuxal SA | Spain | LMIC | NO | |
186 | A285 | Morocco | Flash-Sol FE | 1) Chloropicrin-52,8% 2) 1,3-dichloropropene - 36,7% | 1,3-dichloropropene/Chloropicrin | 2018 | 100,000 | No change | kg | Pesticide | Soil disinfectant for vegetables | Deuxal SA | Spain | LMIC | NO | |
187 | A286 | Morocco | Flash - Sol | 1) 1,3-dichloropopene-55.4% 2) Chloropicrin-32.7 % | 1,3-dichloropropene/Chloropicrin | 2018 | 19,200 | No change | kg | Pesticide | Soil disinfection for vegetables | Deuxal SA | Spain | LMIC | NO | |
188 | A287 | Morocco | 1,3-dichloropropene | 2018 | 100,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | Usage comme pesticide: Plant Protection Product -soil fumigant Registered for use in Morocco (registration number F08-3-003) | Corteva | Spain | LMIC | NO | |||
189 | A288 | Morocco | 1,3-dichloropropene | 2018 | 100,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | Usage comme pesticide: Plant Protection Product -soil fumigant Registered for use in Morocco (registration number F08-3-003) | Corteva | Spain | LMIC | NO | |||
190 | A289 | Morocco | Telodrip* Soil Fumigant | 1) 1,3-dichloropropene - 61.4% 2) Chloropicrin - 33.63% | 1,3-dichloropropene/Chloropicrin | 2018 | 114,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | Usage comme pesticide: Plant Protection Product, Registered for use in Morocco (Registration number E06-3-003) | Corteva | Spain | LMIC | NO | |
191 | A29 | Australia | Perozin 80% WP | 0.8 | Zineb | 2018 | 30,000 | 5,000 | kg | Pesticide | Plant protection product | Agria | Bulgaria | Company provided figure for amount actually exported | HIC | NO |
192 | A290 | Morocco | Flash Or | 1) 1,3-dichloropopene-93% | 1,3-dichloropropene | 2018 | 19,200 | No change | kg | Pesticide | Soil disinfectant for vegetables | Texpa SA | Spain | LMIC | NO | |
193 | A291 | Morocco | 0.75 | Tricyclazole | 2018 | 2,000 | No change | kg | Pesticide | Plant protection product (fungicide "BEAM 75 WP" registered in Morocco -Registration number E07-06-004) | Corteva | Belgium | LMIC | NO | ||
194 | A23 | Armenia | 2.0 % | Fipronil | 2019 | 8,000 | - | kg | Used for potatoes | Pesticide | BASF | Germany | Regulator stated that export did not take place in year | LMIC | 2019only | |
195 | A293 | Myanmar | Zincop BUL 52 WP | 0.145 | Zineb | 2018 | 32,000 | 6,300 | kg | Pesticide | Plant protection product | Agria | Bulgaria | Company provided figure for amount actually exported | LMIC | NO |
196 | A328 | Russian Federation | 2.0 % | Fipronil | 2019 | 10,000 | - | kg | Is used for protection of potatoes, wheat and barley against insecticides. | Pesticide | BASF | Germany | Regulator stated that export did not take place in year | LMIC | 2019only | |
197 | A396 | Turkey | 4.8 % | Tepraloxydim | 2018 | 200,000 | - | l | Liquid herbicide is sold to farmers | Pesticide | BASF | Germany | Regulator stated that export did not take place in year | LMIC | NO | |
198 | A401 | Uganda | 9.1 % | Fipronil | 2019 | 960 | - | kg | Is used for production of insecticides | Pesticide | BASF | Germany | Regulator stated that export did not take place in year | LMIC | 2019only | |
199 | A48 | Belarus | 2.0 % | Fipronil | 2019 | 34,000 | - | kg | Use as Insecticide | Pesticide | BASF | Germany | Regulator stated that export did not take place in year | LMIC | 2019only | |
200 | A298 | New Zealand | 43,7 | Carbendazim | 2019 | 8,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | fungicide | ARYSTA | Belgium | HIC | NO | ||
201 | A299 | New Zealand | 1,3-dichloropropene | 2018 | 400,000 | No change | kg | Pesticide | Pesticide use: Soil Fumigant | Corteva | Spain | HIC | NO | |||
202 | A3 | Algeria | 43,7 | Carbendazim | 2019 | 15,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | fungicide | ARYSTA | Belgium | LMIC | NO | ||
203 | A30 | Australia | Trifluralin | 2018 | 500,000 | 2,520,000 | kg | Pesticide | Production of Plant Protection formulation (pesticide) | Finchimica | Italy | Company provided figure for amount actually exported | HIC | NO | ||
204 | A300 | New Zealand | 0.437 | Carbendazim | 2018 | 20,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | fungicide | ARYSTA | Belgium | HIC | NO | ||
205 | A301 | New Zealand | 43,8 | Iprodione | 2019 | 10,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | fungicide | ARYSTA | Belgium | HIC | 2019only | ||
206 | A390 | Tunisia | 0.5 | Cyanamide | 2018 | 35,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | Pesticide | AlzChem AG | Germany | LMIC | NO | ||
207 | A303 | New Zealand | Agrocelhone - FE | 1) Chloropicrin-57% 2) 1,3-dichloropropene - 38% | 1,3-dichloropropene/Chloropicrin | 2018 | 19,200 | No change | kg | Pesticide | Soil disinfection for vegetables | Agroquimicos de Levante SA | Spain | HIC | NO | |
208 | A306 | Nicaragua | 0.437 | Carbendazim | 2018 | 2,100 | No change | l | Pesticide | fungicide | ARYSTA | Belgium | LMIC | NO | ||
209 | A307 | Nicaragua | 43,7 | Carbendazim | 2019 | 1,008 | No change | l | Pesticide | fungicide | ARYSTA | Belgium | LMIC | NO | ||
210 | A308 | Nicaragua | Agrocelhone - FE | 1) Chloropicrin-57% 2) 1,3-dichloropropene - 38% | 1,3-dichloropropene/Chloropicrin | 2018 | 19,200 | No change | kg | Plaguicida | Soil disinfection for vegetables | Agroquimicos de Levante SA | Spain | LMIC | NO | |
211 | A309 | Nicaragua | Agrocelhone - NE | 1) 1,3-dichloropopene-60.8% 2) Chloropicrin-33.3 % | 1,3-dichloropropene/Chloropicrin | 2018 | 19,200 | No change | kg | Pesticide | Soil disinfection for vegetables and flowers | Agroquimicos de Levante SA | Spain | LMIC | NO | |
212 | A31 | Australia | Agrocelhone - FE | 1) Chloropicrin-57% 2) 1,3-dichloropropene - 38% | 1,3-dichloropropene/Chloropicrin | 2018 | 19,200 | No change | kg | Pesticide | Soil disinfection for vegetables | Agroquimicos de Levante SA | Spain | HIC | NO | |
213 | A154 | Ghana | 10 | Ethoxysulfuron | 2019 | 450 | - | kg | Pesticide | Use as Herbicide | Bayer | Germany | Regulator stated that export did not take place in year | LMIC | NO | |
214 | A311 | Nigeria | TOPSTAR SC 400 | 0.354 | Oxadiargyl | 2018 | 26,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | Use as herbicide | Bayer | Spain | LMIC | NO | |
215 | A312 | Nigeria | TOPSTAR SC 400 | 0.354 | Oxadiargyl | 2019 | 45,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | Use as herbicide | Bayer | Spain | LMIC | NO | |
216 | A313 | Pakistan | PRIMEXTRA_GOLD 720 SC | 0.288 | Atrazine | 2018 | 30,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | Herbicide | Syngenta | France | LMIC | NO | |
217 | A314 | Pakistan | PRIMEXTRA_GOLD 720 SC | 0.288 | Atrazine | 2018 | 32,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | Herbicide | Syngenta | France | LMIC | NO | |
218 | A315 | Pakistan | PRIMEXTRA_GOLD 720 SC | 0.288 | Atrazine | 2019 | 32,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | Herbicide | Syngenta | France | LMIC | NO | |
219 | A316 | Palestine | 43,8 | Iprodione | 2019 | 2,016 | No change | l | Pesticide | fungicide | ARYSTA | Belgium | LMIC | 2019only | ||
220 | A317 | Palestine | Agrocelhone | 1) 1,3-dichloropopene-93% | 1,3-dichloropropene | 2018 | 19,200 | No change | kg | Pesticide | Soil disinfection for vegetables and flowers | Agroquimicos de Levante SA | Spain | LMIC | NO | |
221 | A196 | Iran | 10 | Ethoxysulfuron | 2019 | 4,536 | - | kg | Pesticide | Use as Herbicide | Bayer | Germany | Regulator stated that export did not take place in year | LMIC | NO | |
222 | A205 | Israel | 0.5 | Cyanamide | 2018 | 80,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | Pesticide | AlzChem AG | Germany | HIC | NO | ||
223 | A32 | Australia | Agrocelhone - NE | 1) 1,3-dichloropopene-60.8% 2) Chloropicrin-33.3 % | 1,3-dichloropropene/Chloropicrin | 2018 | 19,200 | No change | kg | Pesticide | Soil disinfection for vegetables and flowers | Agroquimicos de Levante SA | Spain | HIC | NO | |
224 | A320 | Peru | Agrocelhone - NE | 1) 1,3-dichloropopene-60.8% 2) Chloropicrin-33.3 % | 1,3-dichloropropene/Chloropicrin | 2018 | 19,200 | No change | kg | Plaguicida | Soil disinfection for vegetables | Agroquimicos de Levante SA | Spain | LMIC | NO | |
225 | A321 | Philippines | 0.437 | Carbendazim | 2018 | 20,160 | No change | l | Pesticide | fungicide | ARYSTA | Belgium | LMIC | NO | ||
226 | A322 | Philippines | 43,7 | Carbendazim | 2019 | 26,880 | No change | l | Pesticide | fungicide | ARYSTA | Belgium | LMIC | NO | ||
227 | A323 | Philippines | >= 96,5 % | Cyfluthrin | 2018 | 300 | No change | kg | Use as Insecticide | Pesticide | Bayer | Germany | LMIC | NO | ||
228 | A324 | Philippines | >= 96,5 % | Cyfluthrin | 2019 | 360 | No change | kg | Use as Insecticide | Pesticide | Bayer | Germany | LMIC | NO | ||
229 | A235 | Korea | >= 96,5 % | Cyfluthrin | 2019 | 30 | - | kg | Use as Insecticide | Pesticide | Bayer | Germany | Regulator stated that export did not take place in year | HIC | NO | |
230 | A326 | Philippines | Perozin 80 WP | 0.8 | Zineb | 2018 | 60,000 | 36,557 | kg | Pesticide | Plant protection product | Agria | Bulgaria | Company provided figure for amount actually exported | LMIC | NO |
231 | A327 | Russian Federation | 4.1 % | Triasulfuron | 2019 | 5,000 | No change | kg | Herbicide | Pesticide | Pergande | Germany | LMIC | 2019only | ||
232 | A260 | Mexico | 30,25 | Thiodicarb | 2019 | 50 | - | l | Pesticide | Use as Insecticide | Bayer | Germany | Regulator stated that export did not take place in year | LMIC | NO | |
233 | A329 | Russian Federation | 4.8 % | Tepraloxydim | 2018 | 200,000 | No change | l | Liquid herbicide is sold to farmers | Pesticide | BASF | Germany | LMIC | NO | ||
234 | A33 | Australia | Agrocelhone - C60 | 1) Chloropicrin-59.5% 2) 1,3-dichloropropene - 39.5% | 1,3-dichloropropene/Chloropicrin | 2018 | 19,200 | No change | kg | Pesticide | Soil disinfection for vegetables and flowers | Agroquimicos de Levante SA | Spain | HIC | NO | |
235 | A12 | Argentina | 0.5 | Cyanamide | 2018 | 90,000 | No change | l | Plaguicida | Pesticide | AlzChem AG | Germany | LMIC | NO | ||
236 | A310 | Nigeria | 10 | Ethoxysulfuron | 2018 | 1,200 | - | kg | Pesticide | Use as Herbicide | Bayer | Germany | Regulator stated that export did not take place in year | LMIC | NO | |
237 | A332 | Russian Federation | Cuprozin Super | 0.15 | Zineb | 2018 | 120,000 | 14,280 | kg | Pesticide | Plant protection product | Agria | Bulgaria | Company provided figure for amount actually exported | LMIC | NO |
238 | A333 | Russian Federation | Agrocelhone - NE | 1) 1,3-dichloropopene-60.8% 2) Chloropicrin-33.3 % | 1,3-dichloropropene/Chloropicrin | 2018 | 19,200 | No change | kg | Pesticide | Soil disinfection for vegetables and flowers | Agroquimicos de Levante SA | Spain | LMIC | NO | |
239 | A334 | South Africa | 43,7 | Carbendazim | 2019 | 16,320 | No change | l | Pesticide | fungicide | ARYSTA | Belgium | LMIC | NO | ||
240 | A335 | Saudi Arabia | CONDOR* F (EC) / IN LINE* _Solution Drip Fumigant / Dorlone* EC Soil Fumigant/Telone EC | 1) 1,3-dichloropropene - 93.6% | 1,3-dichloropropene | 2018 | 24,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | Pesticide use: Plan Protection Product - Soil fumigant, authorized in Saudi Arabia | Corteva | Spain | HIC | NO | |
241 | A282 | Morocco | 0.5 | Cyanamide | 2018 | 100,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | Pesticide | AlzChem AG | Germany | LMIC | NO | ||
242 | A337 | Senegal | 1,3-dichloropropene | 2018 | 160,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | Plant Protection Product- Soil fumigant | Corteva | Spain | LMIC | NO | |||
243 | A338 | Senegal | 43,8 | Iprodione | 2019 | 1,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | fungicide | ARYSTA | Belgium | LMIC | 2019only | ||
244 | A318 | Panama | 60 | Ethoxysulfuron | 2018 | 30 | - | kg | Pesticide | Use as Herbicide | Bayer | Germany | Regulator stated that export did not take place in year | HIC | NO | |
245 | A34 | Australia | Agrocelhone - Liquid Injectable Fumigant | 1) Chloropicrin-34,7% 2) 1,3-dichloropropene - 61,1% | 1,3-dichloropropene/Chloropicrin | 2018 | 19,200 | No change | kg | Pesticide | Soil disinfection for vegetables and flowers | Agroquimicos de Levante SA | Spain | HIC | NO | |
246 | A340 | Senegal | Agrocelhone - D | 1) 1,3-dichloropopene-93% | 1,3-dichloropropene | 2018 | 19,200 | No change | kg | Pesticide | Soil disinfection for vegetables | Agroquimicos de Levante SA | Spain | LMIC | NO | |
247 | A341 | Singapore | 0.463 | Paraquat | 2018 | 150,000 | No change | kg | Pesticide | Herbicide | Syngenta | United Kingdom | HIC | NO | ||
248 | A342 | Singapore | Redacted | 1) Paraquat dichloride belongs to the group Paraquat 46.3% | Paraquat | 2019 | 208,000 | No change | kg | Pesticide | Herbicide | Syngenta | United Kingdom | HIC | NO | |
249 | A344 | Singapore | Picoxystrobin | 2019 | 100,000 | No change | kg | Pesticide | Pesticide use: to produce fungicide | Corteva | Spain | HIC | 2019only | |||
250 | A345 | South Africa | 1,3-dichloropropene | 2018 | 100,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | Soil fumigant plant protection product, Registered for use in South Africa (Registration number L5223) | Corteva | Spain | LMIC | NO | |||
251 | A346 | South Africa | Atrazine | 2019 | 23,000 | No change | kg | Pesticide | Active ingredient for the herbicide product | Syngenta | France | LMIC | NO | |||
252 | A347 | South Africa | Alanex 48 CS | 0.4479 | Alachlor | 2018 | 220,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | Agriculture use | SIPCAM OXON SPA | Italy | LMIC | NO | |
253 | A348 | South Africa | 0.437 | Carbendazim | 2018 | 16,320 | No change | l | Pesticide | fungicide | ARYSTA | Belgium | LMIC | NO | ||
254 | A349 | South Africa | Atrazine | 2018 | 50,000 | No change | kg | Pesticide | Herbicide | SIPCAM OXON SPA | Italy | LMIC | NO | |||
255 | A350 | South Africa | Atrazine | 2019 | 60,000 | No change | kg | Pesticide | herbicide | SIPCAM OXON SPA | Italy / France | LMIC | NO | |||
256 | A351 | South Africa | Alanex 48 CS | 0.4479 | Alachlor | 2019 | 100,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | Herbicide | SIPCAM OXON SPA | Italy | LMIC | NO | |
257 | A352 | South Africa | 0.44 | Paraquat | 2018 | 240,000 | No change | kg | Pesticide | Herbicide | Syngenta | United Kingdom | LMIC | NO | ||
258 | A353 | South Africa | Redacted | 1) Paraquat dichloride belongs to the group Paraquat 46.3% | Paraquat | 2019 | 500,000 | No change | kg | Pesticide | Herbicide | Syngenta | United Kingdom | LMIC | NO | |
259 | A26 | Australia | 0.5 | Cyanamide | 2018 | 250,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | Pesticide | AlzChem AG | Germany | HIC | NO | ||
260 | A355 | South Africa | >= 96,5 % | Cyfluthrin | 2018 | 90 | No change | kg | Use as Insecticide | Pesticide | Bayer | Germany | LMIC | NO | ||
261 | A356 | South Africa | >= 96,5 % | Cyfluthrin | 2019 | 100 | No change | kg | Use as Insecticide | Pesticide | Bayer | Germany | LMIC | NO | ||
262 | A357 | South Africa | Agrocelhone - NE | 1) 1,3-dichloropopene-60.8% 2) Chloropicrin-33.3 % | 1,3-dichloropropene/Chloropicrin | 2018 | 19,200 | No change | kg | Pesticide | Soil disinfection for vegetables and flowers | Agroquimicos de Levante SA | Spain | LMIC | NO | |
263 | A358 | South Africa | Agrocelhone - FE | 1) Chloropicrin-57% 2) 1,3-dichloropropene - 38% | 1,3-dichloropropene/Chloropicrin | 2018 | 19,200 | No change | kg | Pesticide | Soil disinfection for vegetables and flowers | Agroquimicos de Levante SA | Spain | LMIC | NO | |
264 | A359 | South Africa | Telopic* Soil Fumigant | 1) 1,3-dichloropropene - 63.4% 2) Chloropicrin - 34.7% | 1,3-dichloropropene/Chloropicrin | 2018 | 96,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | Soil fumigant plant protection product, Registered for use in South Africa (Registration number L7164) | Corteva | Spain | LMIC | NO | |
265 | A363 | Sudan | 0.5 | Atrazine | 2018 | 150,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | Agriculture use | SIPCAM OXON SPA | Italy | LMIC | NO | ||
266 | A339 | Senegal | 10 | Ethoxysulfuron | 2018 | 1,400 | - | kg | Pesticide | Use as Herbicide | Bayer | Germany | Regulator stated that export did not take place in year | LMIC | NO | |
267 | A365 | Sudan | Krismat 75 WG | 73,1% | Ametryn | 2019 | 30,000 | No change | kg | Pesticide | Herbicide | Schirm GmbH | Germany | LMIC | NO | |
268 | A366 | Sudan | Atrazine 500 G/L | 0.5 | Atrazine | 2019 | 150,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | Herbicide | SIPCAM OXON SPA | Italy | LMIC | NO | |
269 | A367 | Sudan | PRIMEXTRA_GOLD 720 SC | 0.288 | Atrazine | 2018 | 150,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | Herbicide | Syngenta | France | LMIC | NO | |
270 | A368 | Sudan | PRIMEXTRA_GOLD 720 SC | 0.288 | Atrazine | 2018 | 100,480 | No change | l | Pesticide | Herbicide | Syngenta | France | LMIC | NO | |
271 | A369 | Sudan | 18.9 % | Fipronil | 2019 | 4,000 | No change | kg | Is used for control of Termites in Sugar Cane Fields | Pesticide | BASF | Germany | LMIC | 2019only | ||
272 | A370 | Sudan | 2.0 % | Fipronil | 2019 | 4,000 | No change | kg | Is used for control of Termites in Sugar Cane Fields | Pesticide | BASF | Germany | LMIC | 2019only | ||
273 | A146 | Egypt | 0.5 | Cyanamide | 2018 | 300,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | Pesticide | AlzChem AG | Germany | LMIC | NO | ||
274 | A372 | Taiwan | Ametryn | 2018 | 10,000 | No change | kg | Pesticide | Herbicide | SIPCAM OXON SPA | Italy | HIC | NO | |||
275 | A373 | Taiwan | Ametryn | 2019 | 10,000 | No change | kg | Pesticide | Herbicide | SIPCAM OXON SPA | Italy | HIC | NO | |||
276 | A178 | India | 0.5 | Cyanamide | 2018 | 310,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | Pesticide | AlzChem AG | Germany | LMIC | NO | ||
277 | A375 | Tanzania, United Republic Of | 2,1 | Ethoxysulfuron | 2018 | 2,770 | - | l | Pesticide | Use as Herbicide | Bayer | Germany | Regulator stated that export did not take place in year | LMIC | NO | |
278 | A376 | Tanzania, United Republic Of | 2,1 | Ethoxysulfuron | 2019 | 30,690 | - | l | Pesticide | Use as Herbicide | Bayer | Germany | Regulator stated that export did not take place in year | LMIC | NO | |
279 | A302 | New Zealand | 0.5 | Cyanamide | 2018 | 400,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | Pesticide | AlzChem AG | Germany | HIC | NO | ||
280 | A378 | Thailand | Perozin 80% WP | 0.8 | Zineb | 2018 | 260,000 | 36,300 | kg | Pesticide | Plant protection product | Agria | Bulgaria | Company provided figure for amount actually exported | LMIC | NO |
281 | A381 | Togo | TOPSTAR SC 400 | 0.354 | Oxadiargyl | 2018 | 4,400 | No change | l | Pesticide | Use as herbicide | Bayer | Spain | LMIC | NO | |
282 | A382 | Togo | TOPSTAR SC 400 | 0.354 | Oxadiargyl | 2018 | 5,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | Use as herbicide | Bayer | Spain | LMIC | NO | |
283 | A403 | Uganda | 2,1 | Ethoxysulfuron | 2019 | 7,000 | - | l | Pesticide | Use as Herbicide | Bayer | Germany | Regulator stated that export did not take place in year | LMIC | NO | |
284 | A386 | Tunisia | Mankey | 0.8 | Maneb | 2019 | 5,000 | No change | kg | Pesticide | Agricultural uses | Industrial Quimica Key SA | Spain | LMIC | 2019only | |
285 | A387 | Tunisia | FLURAL | 0.48 | Trifluralin | 2018 | 35,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | Agricultural uses | Industrial Quimica Key SA | Spain | LMIC | NO | |
286 | A388 | Tunisia | SIMAKEY | 0.5 | Simazine | 2018 | 60,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | Agriculture uses | Industrial Quimica Key SA | Spain | LMIC | NO | |
287 | A389 | Tunisia | SIMAKEY | 0.5 | Simazine | 2019 | 80,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | Agriculture uses | Industrial Quimica Key SA | Spain | LMIC | NO | |
288 | A39 | Azerbaijan | 0.437 | Carbendazim | 2018 | 1,440 | No change | l | Pesticide | fungicide | ARYSTA | Belgium | LMIC | NO | ||
289 | A85 | Chile | 0.5 | Cyanamide | 2018 | 400,000 | No change | l | Plaguicida | Pesticide | AlzChem AG | Germany | HIC | NO | ||
290 | A391 | Tunisia | 4.1 % | Triasulfuron | 2019 | 5,000 | No change | kg | Herbicide | Pesticide | Pergande | Germany | LMIC | 2019only | ||
291 | A395 | Turkey | 4.1 % | Triasulfuron | 2019 | 10,000 | No change | kg | Herbicide | Pesticide | Pergande | Germany | LMIC | 2019only | ||
292 | A425 | United States | >= 96,5 % | Cyfluthrin | 2018 | 1,000 | - | kg | Use as Insecticide | Pesticide | Bayer | Germany | Regulator stated that export did not take place in year | HIC | NO | |
293 | A397 | Turkey | >= 96,5 % | Cyfluthrin | 2018 | 3,600 | No change | kg | Use as Insecticide | Pesticide | Bayer | Germany | LMIC | NO | ||
294 | A398 | Turkey | 9.3 % | Cyfluthrin | 2018 | 1,000 | No change | kg | Use as Insecticide | Pesticide | Bayer | Germany | LMIC | NO | ||
295 | A399 | Turkey | 9.3 % | Cyfluthrin | 2019 | 1,000 | No change | kg | Use as Insecticide | Pesticide | Bayer | Germany | LMIC | NO | ||
296 | A4 | Algeria | 4.1 % | Triasulfuron | 2019 | 9,000 | No change | kg | Herbicide | Pesticide | Pergande | Germany | LMIC | 2019only | ||
297 | A40 | Azerbaijan | 43,7 | Carbendazim | 2019 | 1,440 | No change | l | Pesticide | fungicide | ARYSTA | Belgium | LMIC | NO | ||
298 | A400 | Turkey | >= 96,5 % | Cyfluthrin | 2019 | 400 | No change | kg | Use as Insecticide | Pesticide | Bayer | Germany | LMIC | NO | ||
299 | A426 | United States | >= 96,5 % | Cyfluthrin | 2019 | 15,000 | - | kg | Use as Insecticide | Pesticide | Bayer | Germany | Regulator stated that export did not take place in year | HIC | NO | |
300 | A402 | Uganda | 2,1 | Ethoxysulfuron | 2018 | 2,770 | No change | l | Pesticide | Use as Herbicide | Bayer | Germany | LMIC | NO | ||
301 | A74 | Canada | >= 96,5 % | Cyfluthrin | 2018 | 30 | - | kg | Use as Insecticide | Pesticide | Bayer | Germany | Regulator stated that export did not take place in year | HIC | NO | |
302 | A404 | Ukraine | PRIMEXTRA_GOLD 720 SC | 0.288 | Atrazine | 2018 | 800,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | Herbicide | Syngenta | France | LMIC | NO | |
303 | A405 | Ukraine | PRIMEXTRA_GOLD 720 SC | 0.288 | Atrazine | 2019 | 760,960 | No change | l | Pesticide | Herbicide | Syngenta | France | LMIC | NO | |
304 | A406 | Ukraine | 11,4 | Isoproturon | 2019 | 170,000 | No change | kg | Pesticide | is used for winter wheat and winter barley | BASF | Germany | LMIC | 2019only | ||
305 | A407 | Ukraine | 20.5 % | Fipronil | 2019 | 30,400 | No change | l | Insecticide for fungicide soy | Pesticide | BASF | Germany | LMIC | 2019only | ||
306 | A408 | Ukraine | 40.0 % | Fipronil | 2019 | 3,200 | No change | l | Is used for insecticide sunflower corn | Pesticide | BASF | Germany | LMIC | 2019only | ||
307 | A409 | Ukraine | 2.0 % | Fipronil | 2019 | 195,120 | No change | kg | Is used for insecticide sunflower corn potatories | Pesticide | BASF | Germany | LMIC | 2019only | ||
308 | A41 | Azerbaijan | PRIMEXTRA_GOLD 720 SC | 0.288 | Atrazine | 2018 | 5,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | Herbicide | Syngenta | France | LMIC | NO | |
309 | A75 | Canada | >= 96,5 % | Cyfluthrin | 2019 | 100 | - | kg | Use as Insecticide | Pesticide | Bayer | Germany | Regulator stated that export did not take place in year | HIC | NO | |
310 | A411 | Ukraine | 42.7 % | Carbendazim | 2019 | 100,000 | No change | kg | Pesticide use : Fungicide | Pesticide | Schirm GmbH | Germany | LMIC | NO | ||
311 | A412 | Ukraine | 28.0 % | Carbendazim | 2019 | 32,000 | No change | l | Wheat and Soybean | Pesticide | Stefes GmbH | Germany | LMIC | NO | ||
312 | A413 | Ukraine | Trophy 90EC | 0.822 | Acetochlor | 2018 | 650,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | Plant Protection Product Herbicide, Registered for use in Ukraine (Registration number A 02860) | Corteva | Belgium | LMIC | NO | |
313 | A414 | Ukraine | Trophy 90EC | 0.822 | Acetochlor | 2018 | 650,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | Plant Protection Product Herbicide, Registered for use in Ukraine (Registration number A 02860) | Corteva | France | LMIC | NO | |
314 | A415 | Ukraine | Trophy 90EC | 0.822 | Acetochlor | 2018 | 650,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | Plant Protection Product Herbicide, Registered for use in Ukraine (Registration number A 02860) | Corteva | France | LMIC | NO | |
315 | A416 | Ukraine | Trophy 90EC | 0.822 | Acetochlor | 2018 | 650,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | Plant Protection Product Herbicide, Registered for use in Ukraine (Registration number A 02860) | Corteva | Belgium | LMIC | NO | |
316 | A417 | Ukraine | 0.82 | Acetochlor | 2018 | 1,500,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | To be used as herbicide by farmers | Bayer | Belgium | LMIC | NO | ||
317 | A418 | Ukraine | 0.41 | Acetochlor | 2018 | 183,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | To be used by farmers as a pesticide in the agricultural sector | Bayer | Belgium | LMIC | NO | ||
318 | A419 | United States | 0.46 | Paraquat | 2018 | 14,000,000 | No change | kg | Pesticide | Herbicide to be used for further formulation | Syngenta | United Kingdom | HIC | NO | ||
319 | A42 | Azerbaijan | PRIMEXTRA_GOLD 720 SC | 0.288 | Atrazine | 2019 | 3,200 | No change | l | Pesticide | Herbicide | Syngenta | France | LMIC | NO | |
320 | A422 | United States | Atrazine | 2018 | 100,000 | No change | kg | Pesticide | Herbicide | SIPCAM OXON SPA | Italy | HIC | NO | |||
321 | A423 | United States | Simazine | 2018 | 114,000 | No change | kg | Pesticide | herbicide | SIPCAM OXON SPA | Italy | HIC | NO | |||
322 | A54 | Brazil | 0.5 | Cyanamide | 2018 | 460,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | Pesticide | AlzChem AG | Germany | LMIC | NO | ||
323 | E1 | Senegal | 35.4 | Oxadiargyl | 2018 | 10,100 | - | l | Pesticide | Use as Herbicide. | Bayer | Germany | Regulator stated that export did not take place in year | LMIC | NO | |
324 | E2 | Benin | 35.4 | Oxadiargyl | 2018 | 2,000 | - | l | Pesticide | Use as Herbicide. | Bayer | Germany | Regulator stated that export did not take place in year | LMIC | NO | |
325 | A428 | United States | Picoxystrobin | 2019 | 400,000 | No change | kg | Pesticide | Pesticide use: to produce fungicide | Corteva | Spain | HIC | 2019only | |||
326 | A429 | United States | Trifluralin | 2018 | 4,000,000 | 2,502,000 | kg | Pesticide | Production of Plant Protection formulation (pesticide) | Finchimica | Italy | Company provided figure for amount actually exported | HIC | NO | ||
327 | A43 | Azerbaijan | Perozin 75% | 0.75 | Zineb | 2018 | 32,000 | 5,000 | kg | Pesticide | Plant protection product | Agria | Bulgaria | Company provided figure for amount actually exported | LMIC | NO |
328 | A430 | United States | 1,3-dichloropropene | 2018 | 5,000,000 | No change | kg | Pesticide | Plant Protection Product - Soil fumigant | Corteva | Netherlands | HIC | NO | |||
329 | A431 | United States | Redacted | 1) Paraquat dichloride belongs to the group Paraquat 46.3% | Paraquat | 2019 | 20,000,000 | No change | kg | Pesticide | Herbicide to be used for further formulation | Syngenta | United Kingdom | HIC | NO | |
330 | A432 | Uruguay | 43,8 | Iprodione | 2019 | 750 | No change | l | Pesticide | fungicide | ARYSTA | Belgium | HIC | 2019only | ||
331 | A424 | United States | 0.5 | Cyanamide | 2018 | 600,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | Pesticide | AlzChem AG | Germany | HIC | NO | ||
332 | A434 | Uruguay | Agrocelhone - NE | 1) 1,3-dichloropopene-60.8% 2) Chloropicrin-33.3 % | 1,3-dichloropropene/Chloropicrin | 2018 | 19,200 | No change | kg | Plaguicida | Soil disinfection for vegetables | Agroquimicos de Levante SA | Spain | HIC | NO | |
333 | G180 | Iraq | 1.73 | Cyfluthrin | 2019 | 55,000 | - | pesticide | Use as Insecticide | Bayer | France | Note, the company provided combined figures for two separate exports to Iraq, with different concentrations. To be on the conservative side, this estimate assumes the entire export was of the product with a higher concentration of the active ingredient. | LMIC | NO | ||
334 | A436 | United States | >=95% | 1,3-dichloropropene | 2018 | 125,000 | 167,812 | kg | Pesticide | Crop Protection Product for treating nematodes | KANESHO | Belgium | Company provided figure for amount actually exported | HIC | NO | |
335 | A437 | United States | >70% | Ferbam | 2018 | 75,000 | 19,945 | kg | Pesticide | fungicide | TAMINCO | Belgium | Company provided figure for amount actually exported | HIC | NO | |
336 | A438 | United States | >70 | Ferbam | 2019 | 27,000 | 24,045 | kg | Pesticide | fungicide | TAMINCO | Belgium | Company provided figure for amount actually exported | HIC | NO | |
337 | A439 | Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of | >= 96,5 % | Cyfluthrin | 2019 | 30 | No change | kg | Use as Insecticide | Pesticide | Bayer | Germany | LMIC | NO | ||
338 | A44 | Azerbaijan | Cuprozin | 0.34 | Zineb | 2018 | 50,000 | 1,000 | kg | Pesticide | Plant protection product | Agria | Bulgaria | Company provided figure for amount actually exported | LMIC | NO |
339 | G188 | Bosnia and Herzegovina | 4.95 | Cyfluthrin | 2019 | 180 | - | pesticide | Use as Insecticide | Bayer | France | Regulator stated that export did not take place in year | LMIC | NO | ||
340 | A441 | Vietnam | 60 | Ethoxysulfuron | 2018 | 3,960 | No change | kg | Pesticide | Use as Herbicide | Bayer | Germany | LMIC | NO | ||
341 | A442 | Vietnam | 10 | Ethoxysulfuron | 2018 | 26,010 | No change | kg | Pesticide | Use as Herbicide | Bayer | Germany | LMIC | NO | ||
342 | A443 | Vietnam | 2,1 | Ethoxysulfuron | 2019 | 42,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | Use as Herbicide | Bayer | Germany | LMIC | NO | ||
343 | A444 | Vietnam | 10 | Ethoxysulfuron | 2019 | 3,600 | No change | kg | Pesticide | Use as Herbicide | Bayer | Germany | LMIC | NO | ||
344 | A445 | Vietnam | 60 | Ethoxysulfuron | 2019 | 3,600 | No change | kg | Pesticide | Use as Herbicide | Bayer | Germany | LMIC | NO | ||
345 | A446 | Vietnam | 15 | Ethoxysulfuron | 2018 | 22,000 | No change | kg | Pesticide | Use as Herbicide. | Bayer | Germany | LMIC | NO | ||
346 | A447 | Vietnam | 15 | Ethoxysulfuron | 2019 | 11,520 | No change | kg | Pesticide | Use as Herbicide. | Bayer | Germany | LMIC | NO | ||
347 | A448 | Vietnam | 2,1 | Ethoxysulfuron | 2018 | 150,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | Use as Hericide | Bayer | Germany | LMIC | NO | ||
348 | A449 | Vietnam | 100 | Flufenoxuron | 2019 | 1 | No change | kg | Pesticide | acaricide/pesticide | BASF | Belgium | LMIC | NO | ||
349 | A45 | Bangladesh | 0.437 | Carbendazim | 2018 | 52,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | fungicide | ARYSTA | Belgium | LMIC | NO | ||
350 | A450 | Vietnam | Altramet Combi | 1) 43% 2) Atrazine 43% | Ametryn/Atrazine | 2018 | 53,000 | No change | kg | Pesticide | Herbicide | Adama | Hungary | 3.5 Exporting country: Hungary (Source: ECHA) Exporting Company Adama (confirmed by company) | LMIC | NO |
351 | A451 | Vietnam | Perozin 80% WP | 0.8 | Zineb | 2018 | 600,000 | 458,020 | kg | Pesticide | Plant protection product | Agria | Bulgaria | Company provided figure for amount actually exported | LMIC | NO |
352 | G252 | Colombia | 35.4 | Oxadiargyl | 2019 | 5,760 | - | pesticide | Use as Herbicide | Bayer | France | Regulator stated that export did not take place in year | LMIC | NO | ||
353 | A453 | Vietnam | Dosay 45 WP | 0.12 | Zineb | 2018 | 60,000 | 56,000 | kg | Pesticide | Plant protection product | Agria | Bulgaria | Company provided figure for amount actually exported | LMIC | NO |
354 | A454 | Vietnam | Corforce Blue 51 WP | 0.34 | Zineb | 2018 | 64,000 | 24,000 | kg | Pesticide | Plant protection product | Agria | Bulgaria | Company provided figure for amount actually exported | LMIC | NO |
355 | G256 | Dominican Republic | 35.4 | Oxadiargyl | 2019 | 270 | - | pesticide | Use as Herbicide | Bayer | France | Regulator stated that export did not take place in year | LMIC | NO | ||
356 | A46 | Bangladesh | 43,7 | Carbendazim | 2019 | 64,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | fungicide | ARYSTA | Belgium | LMIC | NO | ||
357 | A47 | Belarus | 4.1 % | Triasulfuron | 2019 | 12,000 | No change | kg | Herbicide | Pesticide | Pergande | Germany | LMIC | 2019only | ||
358 | G277 | Malaysia | 37.5 | Propanil | 2019 | 72,000 | - | pesticide | herbicide | Bayer | France | Regulator stated that export did not take place in year | LMIC | NO | ||
359 | A49 | Brazil | >=95 | Flufenoxuron | 2019 | 3,000 | No change | kg | Pesticide | agriculture use | BASF | Belgium | LMIC | NO | ||
360 | A5 | Algeria | Telone EC | 1) 1,3-dichloropopene-93.6% | 1,3-dichloropropene | 2018 | 80,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | Used as pesticide: plant protection product soil fumigant | Brenntag Maghreb SAS | France | LMIC | NO | |
361 | A50 | Brazil | Ametryn | 2019 | 100,000 | No change | kg | Pesticide | Herbicide | SIPCAM OXON SPA | Italy | LMIC | NO | |||
362 | A51 | Brazil | Atrazine | 2019 | 200,000 | No change | kg | Pesticide | Herbicide | SIPCAM OXON SPA | Italy | LMIC | NO | |||
363 | A52 | Brazil | 0.44 | Paraquat | 2018 | 9,000,000 | No change | kg | Pesticide | Herbicide | Syngenta | United Kingdom | LMIC | NO | ||
364 | A53 | Brazil | Redacted | 1) Paraquat dichloride belongs to the group Paraquat 46.3% | Paraquat | 2019 | 8,770,000 | No change | kg | Pesticide | Herbicide | Syngenta | United Kingdom | LMIC | NO | |
365 | A255 | Mexico | 0.5 | Cyanamide | 2018 | 700,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | Pesticide | AlzChem AG | Germany | LMIC | NO | ||
366 | A55 | Brazil | >= 96,5 % | Cyfluthrin | 2018 | 420 | No change | kg | Use as Insecticide | Pesticide | Bayer | Germany | LMIC | NO | ||
367 | A56 | Brazil | >= 96,5 % | Cyfluthrin | 2019 | 240 | No change | kg | Use as Insecticide | Pesticide | Bayer | Germany | LMIC | NO | ||
368 | A57 | Brazil | Picoxystrobin | 2019 | 800,000 | No change | kg | Pesticide | Picoxystrobin is an active ingredient to produce Fungicides, Reg 07905 | Corteva | Spain | LMIC | 2019only | |||
369 | A58 | Brazil | 60 | Ethoxysulfuron | 2019 | 14,080 | No change | kg | Pesticide | Use as Herbicide | Bayer | Germany | LMIC | NO | ||
370 | A59 | Brazil | 60 | Ethoxysulfuron | 2018 | 20,000 | No change | kg | Pesticide | Use as Herbicide. | Bayer | Germany | LMIC | NO | ||
371 | A6 | Algeria | TELONE EC | 1) 1,3-dichloropropene - 93.6% | 1,3-dichloropropene | 2018 | 80,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | Usage comme pesticide: Pesticide use: Pesticide use: used as pesticide: plant protection product-soil fumigant Registered in Algeria (registration number R 08-46-066 | Corteva | Spain | LMIC | NO | |
372 | A60 | Brazil | 46 | Thiodicarb | 2018 | 42 | No change | l | Pesticide | Use as Insecticide | Bayer | Germany | LMIC | NO | ||
373 | A63 | Burkina Faso | TOPSTAR SC 400 | 0.354 | Oxadiargyl | 2018 | 9,800 | No change | l | Pesticide | Use as herbicide | Bayer | Spain | LMIC | NO | |
374 | G87 | Panama | 35.4 | Oxadiargyl | 2018 | 600 | - | Pesticide | Use as Herbicide. | Bayer | France | Regulator stated that export did not take place in year | HIC | NO | ||
375 | G88 | Cuba | 35.4 | Oxadiargyl | 2018 | 16,000 | - | l | Pesticide | Use as Herbicide. | Bayer | France | Regulator stated that export did not take place in year | LMIC | NO | |
376 | G89 | Dominican Republic | 35.4 | Oxadiargyl | 2018 | 1,200 | - | Pesticide | Use as Herbicide. | Bayer | France | Regulator stated that export did not take place in year | LMIC | NO | ||
377 | A67 | Cambodia | Copforce Blue 51 WP | 0.34 | Zineb | 2018 | 32,000 | 3,300 | kg | Pesticide | Plant protection product | Agria | Bulgaria | Company provided figure for amount actually exported | LMIC | NO |
378 | A68 | Cambodia | Dosay 45 WP | 0.12 | Zineb | 2018 | 32,000 | 1,190 | kg | Pesticide | Plant protection product | Agria | Bulgaria | Company provided figure for amount actually exported | LMIC | NO |
379 | A69 | Cambodia | Zineb BUL 80 WP | 0.8 | Zineb | 2018 | 48,000 | 54,000 | kg | Pesticide | Plant protection product | Agria | Bulgaria | Company provided figure for amount actually exported | LMIC | NO |
380 | A84 | Chile | 0.5 | Cyanamide | 2018 | 700,000 | No change | l | Plaguicida | Pesticide | AlzChem AG | Germany | HIC | NO | ||
381 | G90 | Senegal | 35.4 | Oxadiargyl | 2018 | 10,100 | - | Pesticide | Use as Herbicide. | Bayer | France | Regulator stated that export did not take place in year | LMIC | NO | ||
382 | A71 | Canada | >70% | Ferbam | 2018 | 11,000 | 3,000 | kg | Pesticide | Fungicide | TAMINCO | Belgium | Company provided figure for amount actually exported | HIC | NO | |
383 | G91 | Benin | 35.4 | Oxadiargyl | 2018 | 2,000 | - | Pesticide | Use as Herbicide. | Bayer | France | Regulator stated that export did not take place in year | LMIC | NO | ||
384 | G93 | Honduras | 35.4 | Oxadiargyl | 2018 | 250 | - | l | Pesticide | Use as Herbicide. | Bayer | France | Regulator stated that export did not take place in year | LMIC | NO | |
385 | A76 | Canada | Trifluralin | 2018 | 300,000 | 216,000 | kg | Pesticide | Production of Plant Protection formulation (pesticide) | Finchimica | Italy | Company provided figure for amount actually exported | HIC | NO | ||
386 | A77 | Chile | cyhexatin 60 sc | 0.505 | Cyhexatin | 2018 | 10,000 | No change | l | Plaguicida | acaricide - agricultural use | SIPCAM OXON SPA | Italy | HIC | NO | |
387 | A78 | Chile | 0.437 | Carbendazim | 2018 | 48,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | fungicide | ARYSTA | Belgium | HIC | NO | ||
388 | A79 | Chile | 0.437 | Carbendazim | 2018 | 2,200 | No change | l | Pesticide | fungicide | ARYSTA | Belgium | HIC | NO | ||
389 | A8 | Angola | Agrocelhone - NE | 1) 1,3-dichloropopene-60.8% 2) Chloropicrin-33.3 % | 1,3-dichloropropene/Chloropicrin | 2018 | 19,200 | No change | kg | Plaguicida | Soil disinfection for vegetables and flowers | Agroquimicos de Levante SA | Spain | LMIC | NO | |
390 | A80 | Chile | 43,7 | Carbendazim | 2019 | 80,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | fungicide | ARYSTA | Belgium | HIC | NO | ||
391 | A81 | Chile | 43,7 | Carbendazim | 2019 | 2,200 | No change | l | Pesticide | fungicide | ARYSTA | Belgium | HIC | NO | ||
392 | A82 | Chile | 43,8 | Iprodione | 2019 | 6,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | fungicide | ARYSTA | Belgium | HIC | 2019only | ||
393 | A83 | Chile | Atrazine | 2019 | 10,000 | No change | kg | Plaguicida | herbicide | SIPCAM OXON SPA | Italy | HIC | NO | |||
394 | A354 | South Africa | 0.5 | Cyanamide | 2018 | 900,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | Pesticide | AlzChem AG | Germany | LMIC | NO | ||
395 | A319 | Peru | 0.5 | Cyanamide | 2018 | 1,500,000 | No change | l | Plaguicida | Pesticide | AlzChem AG | Germany | LMIC | NO | ||
396 | A86 | Chile | Trifluralin | 2018 | 500,000 | 90,000 | kg | Plaguicida | Production of Plant Protection formulation (pesticide) | Finchimica | Italy | Company provided figure for amount actually exported | HIC | NO | ||
397 | A87 | Chile | Agrocelhone - NE chile | 1) 1,3-dichloropopene-55.4% 2) Chloropicrin-37.2 % | 1,3-dichloropropene/Chloropicrin | 2018 | 19,200 | No change | kg | Plaguicida | Soil disinfection for vegetables and flowers | Agroquimicos de Levante SA | Spain | HIC | NO | |
398 | A88 | Chile | Solfac Fumig Auto AE0.1 | 0.001 | Cyfluthrin | 2019 | 20 | No change | l | Plaguicida | Use as Insecticide | Bayer | Italy | HIC | NO | |
399 | A89 | Chile | >=94 | 1,3-dichloropropene | 2019 | 300,000 | 397,340 | kg | Pesticide | Crop protection product for treating nematodes | KANESHO | Belgium | Company provided figure for amount actually exported | HIC | NO | |
400 | A91 | Chile | Tri-form | >=94% | 1,3-dichloropropene | 2018 | 150,000 | No change | kg | Plaguicida | Crop Protection Product for treating nematodes | unconfirmed | Belgium | HIC | NO | |
401 | A92 | Chile | >=94% | 1,3-dichloropropene | 2018 | 150,000 | 377,720 | kg | Pesticide | Crop Protection Product for treating nematodes | KANESHO | Belgium | Company provided figure for amount actually exported | HIC | NO | |
402 | A93 | China | >= 96,5 % | Cyfluthrin | 2018 | 40 | No change | kg | Use as Insecticide | Pesticide | Bayer | Germany | LMIC | NO | ||
403 | A95 | China | 4,95 - 5 % | Cyfluthrin | 2019 | 12,200 | No change | l | Use as Insecticide | Pesticide | Bayer | Germany | LMIC | NO | ||
404 | A96 | China | >= 96,5 % | Cyfluthrin | 2019 | 360 | No change | kg | Use as Insecticide | Pesticide | Bayer | Germany | LMIC | NO | ||
405 | H1 | United Arab Emirates | 10 | Cyfluthrin | 2018 | 2000 | - | l | Pesticide | Insecticide | Bayer | France | Regulator stated that export did not take place in year | HIC | NO | |
406 | A98 | China | Cuprozin Super | 0.15 | Zineb | 2018 | 96,000 | 277,820 | kg | Pesticide | Plant protection product | Agria | Bulgaria | Company provided figure for amount actually exported | LMIC | NO |
407 | A99 | China | Perozin 65% WP | 0.65 | Zineb | 2018 | 100,000 | 35,200 | kg | Pesticide | Plant protection product | Agria | Bulgaria | Company provided figure for amount actually exported | LMIC | NO |
408 | C12 | Egypt | Harness 84EC | 0.77 | Acetochlor | 2018 | 80,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | Pesticide use: To be used by farmers as a pesticide in the agricultural sector. | Bayer | Belgium | LMIC | NO | |
409 | H10 | Chile | 0.1 | Cyfluthrin | 2018 | 15000 | - | l | Pesticide | Insecticide | Bayer | France | Regulator stated that export did not take place in year | HIC | NO | |
410 | E131 | Canada | Ethalfluralin | 2018 | 1,000,000 | 792,000 | kg | Pesticide | Chemical substance used for the production of plant protection product | Finchimica | Italy | Company provided figure for amount actually exported | HIC | NO | ||
411 | E132 | Canada | Ethalfluralin | 2019 | 1,000,000 | 558,000 | kg | Pesticide | Chemical substance used for the production of plant protection product | Finchimica | Italy | Company provided figure for amount actually exported | HIC | NO | ||
412 | E133 | India | Propargite | 2018 | 250,000 | No change | kg | Pesticide | Vegetables and tea plants | Lanxess Solutions Italy SRL | Italy | LMIC | NO | |||
413 | E134 | Israel | OMITE 75EC - 400000003990 | 0.57 | Propargite | 2018 | 5,200 | No change | l | Pesticide | Pesticide used as acaracide for fruits, tea, vegetables | MacDermid Agricultural Solutions Italy Srl | Italy | HIC | NO | |
414 | E135 | Kazakhstan | Omite 57 EW | 0.53 | Propargite | 2019 | 10,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | Pesticide used as acaracide for fruits, vegetables and others | ARYSTA | Belgium | LMIC | NO | |
415 | E136 | Korea | Ethalfluralin | 2018 | 20,000 | 11,500 | kg | Pesticide | Raw material for the production of plant protection products | Finchimica | Italy | Company provided figure for amount actually exported | HIC | NO | ||
416 | E137 | Korea | Ethalfluralin | 2019 | 20,000 | 39,000 | kg | Pesticide | Raw material for the production of plant protection products | Finchimica | Italy | Company provided figure for amount actually exported | HIC | NO | ||
417 | E138 | Morocco | Omite 30W | 0.3 | Propargite | 2018 | 30,000 | No change | kg | Pesticide | Pesticide used as acaricide | MacDermid Agricultural Solutions Italy Srl | Italy | LMIC | NO | |
418 | E139 | Morocco | Omite 570 EW | 0.5277 | Propargite | 2018 | 3,720 | No change | l | Pesticide | Pesticide used as acaricide | MacDermid Agricultural Solutions Italy Srl | Italy | LMIC | NO | |
419 | E140 | Morocco | Omite 30W - 000000016633 | 0.3 | Propargite | 2019 | 30,000 | No change | kg | Pesticide | Pesticide used as acaracide | MacDermid Agricultural Solutions Italy Srl | Italy | LMIC | NO | |
420 | E141 | Morocco | Omite 570 EW - 400000000975 | 0.5277 | Propargite | 2019 | 1,800 | No change | l | Pesticide | Pesticide used as acaracide | MacDermid Agricultural Solutions Italy Srl | Italy | LMIC | NO | |
421 | E142 | Russian Federation | Chinufur FS | 0.4 | Carbofuran | 2018 | 100,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | Seed dressing | Agro-Chemie Kft. | Hungary | LMIC | NO | |
422 | E143 | Russian Federation | Dimethoate + beta-cypermethrin 300/40 EC | 0.0415 | Beta-cypermethrin | 2019 | 13,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | Insecticide for agricultural use | Berluga Kft. | Hungary | LMIC | 2019only | |
423 | E144 | Russian Federation | Chinufur FS | 0.4 | Carbofuran | 2019 | 50,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | Seed dressing | Agro-Chemie Kft. | Hungary | LMIC | NO | |
424 | H11 | Australia | 10 | Cyfluthrin | 2018 | 2000 | - | kg | Pesticide | Insecticide | Bayer | France | Regulator stated that export did not take place in year | HIC | NO | |
425 | E146 | United States | Ethalfluralin | 2018 | 800,000 | 918,000 | kg | Pesticide | Chemical substance used for the production of plant protection product | Finchimica | Italy | Company provided figure for amount actually exported | HIC | NO | ||
426 | E147 | United States | Ethalfluralin | 2019 | 800,000 | 1,134,000 | kg | Pesticide | Chemical substance used for the production of plant protection product | Finchimica | Italy | Company provided figure for amount actually exported | HIC | NO | ||
427 | E148 | Vietnam | Comite 73 EC | 0.73 | Propargite | 2018 | 40,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | Acaricide | MacDermid Agricultural Solutions Italy Srl | Italy | LMIC | NO | |
428 | E149 | Chile | Casoron G | 0.0675 | Dichlobenil | 2018 | 36,000 | No change | kg | Plaguicida | Used as herbicide on some fruit and veggies crops | ARYSTA | Netherlands | HIC | NO | |
429 | E150 | Chile | Casoron G7 | 0.0675 | Dichlobenil | 2018 | 36,000 | No change | kg | Plaguicida | Used as herbicide on some fruit and veggies crops | ARYSTA | Netherlands | HIC | NO | |
430 | E151 | Chile | Casoron G | 0.0675 | Dichlobenil | 2019 | 36,000 | No change | kg | Plaguicida | Used as herbicide on some fruit and veggies crops | ARYSTA | Netherlands | HIC | NO | |
431 | E152 | Japan | Dichlobenil | 2018 | 170,000 | No change | kg | Pesticide | herbicide | ARYSTA | Netherlands | HIC | NO | |||
432 | E153 | Japan | Dichlobenil | 2019 | 190,000 | No change | kg | Pesticide | herbicide | ARYSTA | Netherlands | HIC | NO | |||
433 | E154 | Japan | Maneb | 2019 | 150,000 | No change | kg | Pesticide | Fungicide | Cerexagri | Netherlands | HIC | 2019only | |||
434 | E155 | Kazakhstan | Sumithion 50 EC | 0.5 | Fenitrothion | 2018 | 10,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | Insecticide | ARYSTA | Netherlands | LMIC | NO | |
435 | E156 | Kazakhstan | Sumithion 50 EC | 0.5 | Fenitrothion | 2019 | 10,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | Insecticide | ARYSTA | Netherlands | LMIC | NO | |
436 | E157 | Kazakhstan | Sumithion 50 EC | 0.5 | Fenitrothion | 2019 | 10,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | Insecticide | ARYSTA | Netherlands | LMIC | NO | |
437 | E158 | Korea | Dichlobenil | 2018 | 32,625 | No change | kg | Pesticide | herbicide | ARYSTA | Netherlands | HIC | NO | |||
438 | E159 | Korea | Dichlobenil | 2019 | 32,625 | No change | kg | Pesticide | herbicide | ARYSTA | Netherlands | HIC | NO | |||
439 | E160 | Kyrgyzstan | Sumithion 50 EC | 0.5 | Fenitrothion | 2018 | 10,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | Insecticide | ARYSTA | Netherlands | LMIC | NO | |
440 | E161 | Russian Federation | Sumithion 50 EC | 0.5 | Fenitrothion | 2018 | 40,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | Insecticide | ARYSTA | Netherlands | LMIC | NO | |
441 | E162 | Russian Federation | Sumithion 50 EC | 0.5 | Fenitrothion | 2019 | 45,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | Insecticide | ARYSTA | Netherlands | LMIC | NO | |
442 | E164 | United States | Casoron CS | 0.153 | Dichlobenil | 2018 | 18,920 | No change | kg | Pesticide | herbicide | ARYSTA | Netherlands | HIC | NO | |
443 | E165 | United States | Casoron W85 | 84-86% | Dichlobenil | 2018 | 3,965 | No change | kg | Pesticide | herbicide | ARYSTA | Netherlands | HIC | NO | |
444 | E166 | United States | Dichlobenil Technical - 400000003963 | <= 100% | Dichlobenil | 2018 | 66,000 | No change | kg | Pesticide | herbicide | ARYSTA | Netherlands | HIC | NO | |
445 | E167 | United States | Casoron CS | 15.3 % | Dichlobenil | 2019 | 45,424 | No change | l | Pesticide | Herbicide | ARYSTA | Netherlands | HIC | NO | |
446 | E168 | United States | Dichlobenil Technical - 400000003963 | >=90 - <= 100% | Dichlobenil | 2019 | 66,000 | No change | kg | Pesticide | Herbicide | ARYSTA | Netherlands | HIC | NO | |
447 | E169 | Uzbekistan | Sumithion 50 EC | 0.5 | Fenitrothion | 2018 | 10,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | Insecticide | ARYSTA | Netherlands | LMIC | NO | |
448 | E170 | Uzbekistan | Sumithion 50 EC | 0.5 | Fenitrothion | 2019 | 10,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | Insecticide | ARYSTA | Netherlands | LMIC | NO | |
449 | E171 | Uzbekistan | Sumithion 50 EC | 0.5 | Fenitrothion | 2019 | 10,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | Insecticide | ARYSTA | Netherlands | LMIC | NO | |
450 | E172 | Armenia | 400000000975 - OMITE® 570 EW | 0.53 | Propargite | 2018 | 2,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | Acaricide | ARYSTA | Netherlands | LMIC | NO | |
451 | E173 | Armenia | 400000000975 - OMITE® 570 EW | 0.53 | Propargite | 2019 | 1,500 | No change | kg | Pesticide | Acaricide | ARYSTA | Netherlands | LMIC | NO | |
452 | E174 | Armenia | 400000000975 - OMITE® 570 EW | 0.53 | Propargite | 2019 | 1,500 | No change | kg | Pesticide | Acaricide | ARYSTA | Netherlands | LMIC | NO | |
453 | E175 | Australia | Propargite | 2018 | 6,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | Acaricide | ARYSTA | Netherlands | HIC | NO | |||
454 | E176 | Australia | 400000003988 - OMITE® 30 WP | 0.3 | Propargite | 2018 | 12,800 | No change | kg | Pesticide | Acaricide | ARYSTA | Netherlands | HIC | NO | |
455 | E177 | Australia | 400000000975 - OMITE® 570 EW | 0.53 | Propargite | 2018 | 6,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | Soybeen, fruits, peanuts and others | ARYSTA | Netherlands | HIC | NO | |
456 | E178 | Australia | 400000003988 - OMITE® 30 WP | 0.3 | Propargite | 2019 | 9,400 | No change | kg | Pesticide | Acaricide | ARYSTA | Netherlands | HIC | NO | |
457 | E179 | Australia | 400000000975 - OMITE® 570 EW | 0.53 | Propargite | 2019 | 5,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | Soybeen, fruits, peanuts and others | ARYSTA | Netherlands | HIC | NO | |
458 | E180 | Azerbaijan | 400000000975 - OMITE® 570 EW | 0.53 | Propargite | 2018 | 1,440 | No change | l | Pesticide | Acaricide | ARYSTA | Netherlands | LMIC | NO | |
459 | E181 | Azerbaijan | Omite 57 EW | 0.53 | Propargite | 2019 | 5,280 | No change | l | Pesticide | Acaricide | ARYSTA | Netherlands | LMIC | NO | |
460 | E182 | Bangladesh | Omite 57 EC | 0.57 | Propargite | 2018 | 16,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | Pesticide used as acaracide for fruits, tea, vegetables | ARYSTA | Netherlands | LMIC | NO | |
461 | E183 | Bangladesh | Omite 57 EC | 0.57 | Propargite | 2019 | 16,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | Pesticide used as acaracide for fruits, tea, vegetables | ARYSTA | Netherlands | LMIC | NO | |
462 | E184 | Bangladesh | Omite 57 EC | 0.57 | Propargite | 2019 | 16,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | Pesticide used as acaracide for fruits, tea, vegetables | ARYSTA | Netherlands | LMIC | NO | |
463 | E185 | Brazil | Propargite | 2018 | 600,000 | No change | kg | Pesticide | Acaricide | ARYSTA | Netherlands | LMIC | NO | |||
464 | E186 | Brazil | Propargite | 2019 | 608,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | Acaricide | ARYSTA | Netherlands | LMIC | NO | |||
465 | E187 | China | Comite | 0.74 | Propargite | 2018 | 208,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | Pesticide used as acaracide | ARYSTA | Netherlands | LMIC | NO | |
466 | E188 | China | Comite | 0.74 | Propargite | 2019 | 240,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | Pesticide used as acaracide | ARYSTA | Netherlands | LMIC | NO | |
467 | E189 | Colombia | Propargite | 2018 | 900 | No change | kg | Plaguicida | Acaricide | ARYSTA | Netherlands | LMIC | NO | |||
468 | E190 | Colombia | Propargite | 2018 | 5,000 | No change | kg | Plaguicida | Acaricide | ARYSTA | Netherlands | LMIC | NO | |||
469 | E191 | Colombia | Propargite | 2019 | 1,800 | No change | kg | Plaguicida | Acaricide | ARYSTA | Netherlands | LMIC | NO | |||
470 | E192 | India | Propargite | 2018 | 180,000 | No change | kg | Pesticide | Acaricide | ARYSTA | Netherlands | LMIC | NO | |||
471 | E193 | India | Propargite | 2019 | 198,000 | No change | kg | Pesticide | Acaricide | ARYSTA | Netherlands | LMIC | NO | |||
472 | E194 | Israel | 400000003990 - OMITE® 57EC | 0.57 | Propargite | 2018 | 5,200 | No change | l | Pesticide | Pesticide used as acaracide for fruits, tea, vegetables | ARYSTA | Netherlands | HIC | NO | |
473 | E195 | Israel | 400000003990 - OMITE® 57EC | 0.57 | Propargite | 2019 | 8,000 | No change | kg | Pesticide | Pesticide used as acaracide for fruits, tea, vegetables | ARYSTA | Netherlands | HIC | NO | |
474 | E196 | Japan | Propargite | 2018 | 18,000 | No change | kg | Pesticide | Acaricide | ARYSTA | Netherlands | HIC | NO | |||
475 | E197 | Japan | Propargite | 2019 | 18,000 | No change | kg | Pesticide | Acaricide | ARYSTA | Netherlands | HIC | NO | |||
476 | E198 | Kazakhstan | 400000000975 - OMITE® 570 EW | 0.53 | Propargite | 2018 | 20,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | Pesticide used as acaracide for fruits, vegetables and others | ARYSTA | Netherlands | LMIC | NO | |
477 | E199 | Kazakhstan | 400000003990 - OMITE® 57EC | 0.57 | Propargite | 2018 | 50,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | Acaricide for fruits and vegetables | ARYSTA | Netherlands | LMIC | NO | |
478 | H12 | Iraq | 5 | Cyfluthrin | 2018 | 16000 | - | l | Pesticide | Insecticide | Bayer | France | Regulator stated that export did not take place in year | LMIC | NO | |
479 | E200 | Kazakhstan | 400000003990 - OMITE® 57EC | 0.57 | Propargite | 2019 | 50,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | Acaricide for fruits and vegetables | ARYSTA | Netherlands | LMIC | NO | |
480 | E201 | Kazakhstan | 400000000975 - OMITE® 570 EW | 0.53 | Propargite | 2019 | 10,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | Pesticide used as acaracide for fruits, vegetables and others | ARYSTA | Netherlands | LMIC | NO | |
481 | E202 | Kazakhstan | 400000000975 - OMITE® 570 EW | 0.53 | Propargite | 2019 | 10,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | Pesticide used as acaracide for fruits, vegetables and others | ARYSTA | Netherlands | LMIC | NO | |
482 | E203 | Kazakhstan | 400000003990 - OMITE® 57EC | 0.57 | Propargite | 2019 | 50,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | Acaricide for fruits and vegetables | ARYSTA | Netherlands | LMIC | NO | |
483 | E204 | Korea | Propargite | 2018 | 14,400 | No change | kg | Pesticide | Acaricide | ARYSTA | Netherlands | HIC | NO | |||
484 | E205 | Korea | Propargite | 2019 | 5,400 | No change | kg | Pesticide | Acaricide | ARYSTA | Netherlands | HIC | NO | |||
485 | E206 | Kyrgyzstan | 400000000975 - OMITE® 570 EW | 0.53 | Propargite | 2018 | 10,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | Acaricide | ARYSTA | Netherlands | LMIC | NO | |
486 | E207 | Kyrgyzstan | 400000000975 - OMITE® 570 EW | 0.53 | Propargite | 2019 | 10,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | Acaricide | ARYSTA | Netherlands | LMIC | NO | |
487 | E208 | Kyrgyzstan | 400000000975 - OMITE® 570 EW | 0.53 | Propargite | 2019 | 10,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | Acaricide | ARYSTA | Netherlands | LMIC | NO | |
488 | E209 | Kyrgyzstan | 400000003990 - OMITE® 57EC | 0.57 | Propargite | 2019 | 10,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | Acaricide | ARYSTA | Netherlands | LMIC | NO | |
489 | E210 | Malaysia | 000000016633 - OMITE® 30W | 0.3 | Propargite | 2018 | 2,700 | No change | kg | Pesticide | Acaricide for fruits, vegetables and others | ARYSTA | Netherlands | LMIC | NO | |
490 | E211 | Malaysia | 400000003990 - OMITE® 57EC | 0.57 | Propargite | 2018 | 1,600 | No change | l | Pesticide | Acaricide | ARYSTA | Netherlands | LMIC | NO | |
491 | E212 | Malaysia | 000000016633 - OMITE® 30W | 0.3 | Propargite | 2019 | 2,700 | No change | kg | Pesticide | Acaricide for fruits, vegetables and others | ARYSTA | Netherlands | LMIC | NO | |
492 | E213 | Malaysia | 400000003990 - OMITE® 57EC | 0.57 | Propargite | 2019 | 800 | No change | l | Pesticide | Acaricide | ARYSTA | Netherlands | LMIC | NO | |
493 | E214 | Morocco | 400000000975 - OMITE® 570 EW | 0.53 | Propargite | 2019 | 1,800 | No change | l | Pesticide | Acaricide | ARYSTA | Netherlands | LMIC | NO | |
494 | E215 | Morocco | 000000016633 - OMITE® 30W | 0.3 | Propargite | 2019 | 30,000 | No change | kg | Pesticide | Acaricide for soybeen, fruits, vegetables and others | ARYSTA | Netherlands | LMIC | NO | |
495 | E216 | Palestine | 400000003990 - OMITE® 57EC | 0.57 | Propargite | 2019 | 850 | No change | l | Pesticide | Acaricide for fruits, vegetables and others | ARYSTA | Netherlands | LMIC | NO | |
496 | E217 | Russian Federation | 400000000975 - OMITE® 570 EW | 0.53 | Propargite | 2018 | 77,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | Acaricide | ARYSTA | Netherlands | LMIC | NO | |
497 | E218 | Russian Federation | 400000000975 - OMITE® 570 EW | 0.53 | Propargite | 2019 | 77,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | Acaricide | ARYSTA | Netherlands | LMIC | NO | |
498 | E219 | South Africa | Comite EC | 0.8 | Propargite | 2018 | 3,500 | No change | l | Pesticide | Acaricide | ARYSTA | Netherlands | LMIC | NO | |
499 | E220 | South Africa | Comite EC | 0.8 | Propargite | 2019 | 4,164 | No change | l | Pesticide | Acaricide | ARYSTA | Netherlands | LMIC | NO | |
500 | E221 | Tajikistan | 400000003990 - OMITE® 57EC | 0.57 | Propargite | 2018 | 10,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | Acaricide | ARYSTA | Netherlands | LMIC | NO | |
501 | E222 | Tajikistan | 400000000975 - OMITE® 570 EW | 0.53 | Propargite | 2018 | 10,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | Acaricide for fruits, vegetables and others | ARYSTA | Netherlands | LMIC | NO | |
502 | E223 | Tajikistan | 400000000975 - OMITE® 570 EW | 0.53 | Propargite | 2019 | 10,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | Acaricide for fruits, vegetables and others | ARYSTA | Netherlands | LMIC | NO | |
503 | E224 | Tajikistan | 400000003990 - OMITE® 57EC | 0.57 | Propargite | 2019 | 10,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | Acaricide | ARYSTA | Netherlands | LMIC | NO | |
504 | E225 | Tajikistan | 400000000975 - OMITE® 570 EW | 0.53 | Propargite | 2019 | 10,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | Acaricide for fruits, vegetables and others | ARYSTA | Netherlands | LMIC | NO | |
505 | E226 | Thailand | 400000000975 - OMITE® 570 EW | 0.53 | Propargite | 2018 | 148,960 | No change | l | Pesticide | Acaricide for soybeen, fruits, vegetables and others | ARYSTA | Netherlands | LMIC | NO | |
506 | E227 | Thailand | 000000016633 - OMITE® 30W | 0.3 | Propargite | 2018 | 63,000 | No change | kg | Pesticide | Acaricide for fruits, vegetables and others | ARYSTA | Netherlands | LMIC | NO | |
507 | E228 | Thailand | 000000016633 - OMITE® 30W | 0.3 | Propargite | 2019 | 32,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | Acaricide for fruits, vegetables and others | ARYSTA | Netherlands | LMIC | NO | |
508 | E229 | Thailand | 400000000975 - OMITE® 570 EW | 0.53 | Propargite | 2019 | 150,560 | No change | kg | Pesticide | Acaricide for soybeen, fruits, vegetables and others | ARYSTA | Netherlands | LMIC | NO | |
509 | E230 | Thailand | 400000000975 - OMITE® 570 EW | 0.53 | Propargite | 2019 | 150,560 | No change | kg | Pesticide | Acaricide for soybeen, fruits, vegetables and others | ARYSTA | Netherlands | LMIC | NO | |
510 | E231 | Thailand | 000000016633 - OMITE® 30W | 0.3 | Propargite | 2019 | 32,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | Acaricide for fruits, vegetables and others | ARYSTA | Netherlands | LMIC | NO | |
511 | E232 | Ukraine | 400000000975 - OMITE® 570 EW | 0.53 | Propargite | 2018 | 50,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | For fruits, vegetables and others | ARYSTA | Netherlands | LMIC | NO | |
512 | E233 | Ukraine | 400000000975 - OMITE® 570 EW | 0.53 | Propargite | 2019 | 50,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | For fruits, vegetables and others | ARYSTA | Netherlands | LMIC | NO | |
513 | E234 | Ukraine | 400000000975 - OMITE® 570 EW | 0.53 | Propargite | 2019 | 50,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | For fruits, vegetables and others | ARYSTA | Netherlands | LMIC | NO | |
514 | E235 | United States | 400000004099 - COMITE® II | 0.69 | Propargite | 2018 | 442,728 | No change | l | Pesticide | Pesticide used as acaricide for cotton, corn, peanuts and others | ARYSTA | Netherlands | HIC | NO | |
515 | E236 | United States | Propargite | 2018 | 561,475 | No change | kg | Pesticide | Acaricide | ARYSTA | Netherlands | HIC | NO | |||
516 | E237 | United States | Propargite | 2019 | 479,700 | No change | l | Pesticide | Acaricide | ARYSTA | Netherlands | HIC | NO | |||
517 | E238 | United States | 400000004099 - COMITE® II | 0.69 | Propargite | 2019 | 528,048 | No change | l | Pesticide | acaricide for cotton, corn, peanuts and others | ARYSTA | Netherlands | HIC | NO | |
518 | E239 | Uzbekistan | 400000000975 - OMITE® 570 EW | 0.53 | Propargite | 2018 | 10,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | AS ACARICIDE FOR FRUITS , VEGETABLES | ARYSTA | Netherlands | LMIC | NO | |
519 | E240 | Uzbekistan | 400000003990 - OMITE® 57EC | 0.57 | Propargite | 2019 | 10,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | Acaricide | ARYSTA | Netherlands | LMIC | NO | |
520 | E241 | Uzbekistan | 400000000975 - OMITE® 570 EW | 0.53 | Propargite | 2019 | 10,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | Acaricide for fruits, vegetables and others | ARYSTA | Netherlands | LMIC | NO | |
521 | E242 | Uzbekistan | 400000000975 - OMITE® 570 EW | 0.53 | Propargite | 2019 | 10,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | Acaricide for fruits, vegetables and others | ARYSTA | Netherlands | LMIC | NO | |
522 | E243 | Vietnam | Comite 73 EC | 0.73 | Propargite | 2018 | 40,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | Acaricide | ARYSTA | Netherlands | LMIC | NO | |
523 | E244 | Vietnam | Comite 73 EC | 0.73 | Propargite | 2019 | 32,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | Acaricide | ARYSTA | Netherlands | LMIC | NO | |
524 | E245 | Georgia | Logran 75 WG | 0.75 | Triasulfuron | 2019 | 200 | No change | kg | Pesticide | Herbicide | Syngenta | Spain | LMIC | 2019only | |
525 | E246 | Azerbaijan | Logran 75 WG | 0.75 | Triasulfuron | 2019 | 300 | No change | kg | Pesticide | Herbicide | Syngenta | Spain | LMIC | 2019only | |
526 | H17 | China | 5 | Cyfluthrin | 2018 | 5760 | - | l | Pesticide | Insecticide | Bayer | France | Regulator stated that export did not take place in year | LMIC | NO | |
527 | G100 | Ghana | 38.8 | Propisochlor | 2018 | 2,000 | No change | Pesticide | herbicide | ARYSTA | France | LMIC | NO | |||
528 | G101 | Mexico | 72 | Propisochlor | 2018 | 30,000 | No change | Pesticide | herbicide | ARYSTA | France | LMIC | NO | |||
529 | G102 | Chile | 72 | Propisochlor | 2018 | 45,000 | No change | Pesticide | herbicide | ARYSTA | France | HIC | NO | |||
530 | G103 | Ukraine | 74.6 | Propisochlor | 2018 | 30,000 | No change | Pesticide | herbicide | ARYSTA | France | LMIC | NO | |||
531 | G104 | Burkina Faso | 38.8 | Propisochlor | 2018 | 1,000 | No change | Pesticide | herbicide | ARYSTA | France | LMIC | NO | |||
532 | G105 | Bolivia | 72 | Propisochlor | 2018 | 10,000 | No change | Pesticide | herbicide | ARYSTA | France | LMIC | NO | |||
533 | G106 | Belarus | 72 | Propisochlor | 2018 | 66,400 | No change | Pesticide | herbicide | ARYSTA | France | LMIC | NO | |||
534 | G107 | Ukraine | 72 | Propisochlor | 2018 | 550,000 | No change | Pesticide | herbicide | ARYSTA | France | LMIC | NO | |||
535 | G108 | Ukraine | 45 | Propisochlor | 2018 | 40,000 | No change | Pesticide | herbicide | ARYSTA | France | LMIC | NO | |||
536 | G109 | Russian Federation | 72 | Propisochlor | 2018 | 900,000 | No change | Pesticide | herbicide | ARYSTA | France | LMIC | NO | |||
537 | G110 | Syrian Arab Republic | 50 | Procymidone | 2018 | 7,000 | 1,500 | Pesticide | fungicide | Sumitomo | France | Amount of substance actually exported revised on July 24, following response from France/Company providing Article 10 data. The company provided figures for actual export of active substance. This was a formulated product, so needed to calculate the volume of total export from this data. | LMIC | NO | ||
538 | G111 | South Africa | non précisé | Procymidone | 2018 | 9,000 | 4,620 | Pesticide | fungicide | Sumitomo | France | Amount of substance actually exported revised on July 24, following response from France/Company providing Article 10 data. Note, this was an export of pure chemical, so no difference between export volume and volume of active substance. | LMIC | NO | ||
539 | G112 | Malaysia | 37.5 | Propanil | 2018 | 40,000 | 62,621 | Pesticide | herbicide | Bayer | France | Amount of substance actually exported revised on July 26, following response from France/Company providing Article 10 data. The company provided figures for actual export of active substance. This was a formulated product, so needed to calculate the volume of total export from this data. | LMIC | NO | ||
540 | G113 | Senegal | non précisé | Propanil | 2018 | 3,000 | No change | Pesticide | Herbicidal use | ARYSTA | France | LMIC | NO | |||
541 | G114 | Senegal | 59.5 | Thiocyclam | 2018 | 200 | No change | Pesticide | insecticide | ARYSTA | France | LMIC | NO | |||
542 | G115 | Bahrain | 59.5 | Thiocyclam | 2018 | 1,000 | No change | Pesticide | insecticide | ARYSTA | France | HIC | NO | |||
543 | G116 | Ghana | 59.5 | Thiocyclam | 2018 | 400 | No change | Pesticide | insecticide | ARYSTA | France | LMIC | NO | |||
544 | G117 | Côte d'Ivoire | 59.5 | Thiocyclam | 2018 | 1,752 | No change | Pesticide | insecticide | ARYSTA | France | LMIC | NO | |||
545 | G118 | Iraq | 59.5 | Thiocyclam | 2018 | 2,100 | No change | Pesticide | insecticide | ARYSTA | France | LMIC | NO | |||
546 | G119 | Egypt | 59.5 | Thiocyclam | 2018 | 2,875 | No change | Pesticide | insecticide | ARYSTA | France | LMIC | NO | |||
547 | G120 | Cameroon | 59.5 | Thiocyclam | 2018 | 1,440 | No change | Pesticide | insecticide | ARYSTA | France | LMIC | NO | |||
548 | G121 | Morocco | 59.5 | Thiocyclam | 2018 | 14,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | insecticide | ARYSTA | France | LMIC | NO | ||
549 | G122 | Tunisia | 59.5 | Thiocyclam | 2018 | 6,000 | No change | Pesticide | insecticide | ARYSTA | France | LMIC | NO | |||
550 | G141 | Australia | non précisé | Amitrole | 2019 | 10,000 | No change | pesticide | herbicide | Nufarm | France | HIC | 2019only | |||
551 | G142 | Chile | 20.5 | Amitrole | 2019 | 50,000 | No change | pesticide | herbicide | Nufarm | France | HIC | 2019only | |||
552 | G143 | Chile | 20.5 | Amitrole | 2019 | 50,000 | No change | pesticide | herbicide | Nufarm | France | HIC | 2019only | |||
553 | G144 | South Africa | 23.14 | Amitrole | 2019 | 5,000 | No change | pesticide | herbicide | Nufarm | France | LMIC | 2019only | |||
554 | G16 | Egypt | 48.24 | Butralin | 2018 | 40,000 | No change | Pesticide | Herbicide, plant growth regulator | Nufarm | France | LMIC | NO | |||
555 | G161 | Egypt | 48.24 | Butralin | 2019 | 20,000 | No change | pesticide | Herbicide, plant growth regulator | Nufarm | France | LMIC | NO | |||
556 | G162 | United States | non précisé | Butralin | 2019 | 20,000 | No change | pesticide | Active substance used for manufacturing pesticides (herbicides, plant growth regulators). | Nufarm | France | HIC | NO | |||
557 | G163 | South Africa | 37.1 | Butralin | 2019 | 10,000 | No change | pesticide | Herbicide, plant growth regulator | Nufarm | France | LMIC | NO | |||
558 | G164 | Malaysia | 48.24 | Butralin | 2019 | 20,000 | No change | pesticide | Herbicide, plant growth regulator | Nufarm | France | LMIC | NO | |||
559 | G165 | Korea | 37.1 | Butralin | 2019 | 20,000 | No change | pesticide | Herbicide, plant growth regulator | Nufarm | France | HIC | NO | |||
560 | G166 | Korea | non précisé | Butralin | 2019 | 5,600 | No change | pesticide | Active substance used for manufacturing pesticides (plant growth regulators for tobacco). | Nufarm | France | HIC | NO | |||
561 | G167 | Japan | 8.27 | Butralin | 2019 | 64,000 | No change | pesticide | Plant growth regulator for tobacco crops (sucker control) | Nufarm | France | HIC | NO | |||
562 | G168 | Indonesia | 25.18 | Butralin | 2019 | 12,000 | No change | pesticide | Plant growth regulator for tobacco | Nufarm | France | LMIC | NO | |||
563 | G17 | Indonesia | 25.18 | Butralin | 2018 | 16,000 | No change | Pesticide | Plant growth regulator for tobacco | Nufarm | France | LMIC | NO | |||
564 | G173 | Côte d'Ivoire | 8.55 | Carbendazim | 2019 | 8,000 | No change | pesticide | Fungicide | ARYSTA | France | LMIC | NO | |||
565 | G174 | Cameroon | 8.55 | Carbendazim | 2019 | 35,000 | No change | pesticide | Fungicide | ARYSTA | France | LMIC | NO | |||
566 | G176 | Taiwan | 10 | Chlorfenapyr | 2019 | 30,000 | No change | pesticide | AGRICULTURE USE | BASF | France | HIC | NO | |||
567 | G177 | China | 10 | Chlorfenapyr | 2019 | 40,000 | No change | pesticide | AGRICULTURE USE | BASF | France | LMIC | NO | |||
568 | G179 | Iraq | 4.95 | Cyfluthrin | 2019 | 8,000 | 19,960 | pesticide | Use as Insecticide | Bayer | France | Amount of substance actually exported revised on July 26, following response from France/Company providing Article 10 data. The company provided figures for actual export of active substance. This was a formulated product, so needed to calculate the volume of total export from this data. Note, the company provided combined figures for two separate exports to Iraq, with different concentrations. To be on the conservative side, this estimate assumes the entire export was of the product with a higher concentration of the active ingredient. | LMIC | NO | ||
569 | G18 | South Africa | 37.1 | Butralin | 2018 | 10,000 | No change | Pesticide | Herbicide, plant growth regulator | Nufarm | France | LMIC | NO | |||
570 | H2 | United Arab Emirates | 5 | Cyfluthrin | 2018 | 5602 | - | l | Pesticide | Insecticide | Bayer | France | Regulator stated that export did not take place in year | HIC | NO | |
571 | G181 | Lebanon | 4.95 | Cyfluthrin | 2019 | 1,500 | 1,515 | pesticide | Use as Insecticide | Bayer | France | Amount of substance actually exported revised on July 24, following response from France/Company providing Article 10 data. The company provided figures for actual export of active substance. This was a formulated product, so needed to calculate the volume of total export from this data. | LMIC | NO | ||
572 | G182 | Hong Kong, China | 4.95 | Cyfluthrin | 2019 | 720 | 727 | pesticide | Use as Insecticide | Bayer | France | Amount of substance actually exported revised on July 24, following response from France/Company providing Article 10 data. The company provided figures for actual export of active substance. This was a formulated product, so needed to calculate the volume of total export from this data. | HIC | NO | ||
573 | G183 | Korea | 4.95 | Cyfluthrin | 2019 | 2,160 | 4,323 | pesticide | Use as Insecticide | Bayer | France | Amount of substance actually exported revised on July 26, following response from France/Company providing Article 10 data. The company provided figures for actual export of active substance. This was a formulated product, so needed to calculate the volume of total export from this data. | HIC | NO | ||
574 | G184 | United Arab Emirates | 10 | Cyfluthrin | 2019 | 800 | 810 | pesticide | Use as Insecticide | Bayer | France | Amount of substance actually exported revised on July 26, following response from France/Company providing Article 10 data. The company provided figures for actual export of active substance. This was a formulated product, so needed to calculate the volume of total export from this data. | HIC | NO | ||
575 | G185 | Kuwait | 4.95 | Cyfluthrin | 2019 | 2,000 | 1,030 | pesticide | Use as Insecticide | Bayer | France | Amount of substance actually exported revised on July 26, following response from France/Company providing Article 10 data. The company provided figures for actual export of active substance. This was a formulated product, so needed to calculate the volume of total export from this data. | HIC | NO | ||
576 | G186 | Saudi Arabia | 4.95 | Cyfluthrin | 2019 | 5,000 | 20,061 | pesticide | Use as Insecticide | Bayer | France | Amount of substance actually exported revised on July 26, following response from France/Company providing Article 10 data. The company provided figures for actual export of active substance. This was a formulated product, so needed to calculate the volume of total export from this data. | HIC | NO | ||
577 | G187 | Chile | 0.1 | Cyfluthrin | 2019 | 15,000 | 7,000 | pesticide | Use as Insecticide | Bayer | France | Amount of substance actually exported revised on July 26, following response from France/Company providing Article 10 data. The company provided figures for actual export of active substance. This was a formulated product, so needed to calculate the volume of total export from this data | HIC | NO | ||
578 | H4 | Iraq | 1.73 | Cyfluthrin | 2018 | 110000 | - | l | Pesticide | Insecticide | Bayer | France | Regulator stated that export did not take place in year | LMIC | NO | |
579 | G189 | Vietnam | 10 | Cyfluthrin | 2019 | 720 | 4,320 | pesticide | Use as Insecticide | Bayer | France | Amount of substance actually exported revised on July 26, following response from France/Company providing Article 10 data. The company provided figures for actual export of active substance. This was a formulated product, so needed to calculate the volume of total export from this data. | LMIC | NO | ||
580 | G19 | Korea | 8.27 | Butralin | 2018 | 60,000 | No change | Pesticide | Plant growth regulator for tobacco | Nufarm | France | HIC | NO | |||
581 | G190 | Serbia | 4.95 | Cyfluthrin | 2019 | 210 | 121 | pesticide | Use as Insecticide | Bayer | France | Amount of substance actually exported revised on July 26, following response from France/Company providing Article 10 data. The company provided figures for actual export of active substance. This was a formulated product, so needed to calculate the volume of total export from this data. | LMIC | NO | ||
582 | G191 | North Macedonia, Republic of | 4.95 | Cyfluthrin | 2019 | 250 | 202 | pesticide | Use as Insecticide | Bayer | France | Amount of substance actually exported revised on July 26, following response from France/Company providing Article 10 data. The company provided figures for actual export of active substance. This was a formulated product, so needed to calculate the volume of total export from this data. | LMIC | NO | ||
583 | G192 | Kosovo | 4.95 | Cyfluthrin | 2019 | 210 | 20 | pesticide | Use as Insecticide | Bayer | France | Amount of substance actually exported revised on July 26, following response from France/Company providing Article 10 data. The company provided figures for actual export of active substance. This was a formulated product, so needed to calculate the volume of total export from this data. | LMIC | NO | ||
584 | G193 | Albania | 4.95 | Cyfluthrin | 2019 | 100 | 40 | pesticide | Use as Insecticide | Bayer | France | LMIC | NO | |||
585 | G194 | Russian Federation | 4.95 | Cyfluthrin | 2019 | 16,000 | 20,646 | pesticide | Use as Insecticide | Bayer | France | Amount of substance actually exported revised on July 26, following response from France/Company providing Article 10 data. The company provided figures for actual export of active substance. This was a formulated product, so needed to calculate the volume of total export from this data. | LMIC | NO | ||
586 | G195 | Ukraine | 4.95 | Cyfluthrin | 2019 | 720 | 2,162 | pesticide | Use as Insecticide | Bayer | France | Amount of substance actually exported revised on July 26, following response from France/Company providing Article 10 data. The company provided figures for actual export of active substance. This was a formulated product, so needed to calculate the volume of total export from this data. | LMIC | NO | ||
587 | G196 | Oman | 4.95 | Cyfluthrin | 2019 | 23,000 | 10,909 | pesticide | Use as Insecticide | Bayer | France | Amount of substance actually exported revised on July 26, following response from France/Company providing Article 10 data. The company provided figures for actual export of active substance. This was a formulated product, so needed to calculate the volume of total export from this data. | HIC | NO | ||
588 | G20 | Korea | 98% - 100% | Butralin | 2018 | 5,000 | No change | Pesticide | Active substance used for manufacturing pesticides (plant growth regulators for tobacco) | Nufarm | France | HIC | NO | |||
589 | G206 | Ukraine | 50 | Fenitrothion | 2019 | 9,000 | No change | pesticide | insecticide | Sumitomo | France | LMIC | NO | |||
590 | G207 | Kenya | non précisé | Fenitrothion | 2019 | 5,000 | No change | pesticide | insecticide | Sumitomo | France | LMIC | NO | |||
591 | G208 | Saudi Arabia | 50 | Fenitrothion | 2019 | 1,000 | No change | pesticide | insecticide | Sumitomo | France | HIC | NO | |||
592 | G209 | Oman | 50 | Fenitrothion | 2019 | 8,500 | No change | pesticide | insecticide | Sumitomo | France | HIC | NO | |||
593 | G21 | United States | 98% - 100% | Butralin | 2018 | 30,000 | No change | Pesticide | Active substance used for manufacturing pesticides (herbicides, plant growth regulators). | Nufarm | France | HIC | NO | |||
594 | G210 | Russian Federation | 50 | Fenitrothion | 2019 | 45,000 | No change | pesticide | insecticide | Sumitomo | France | LMIC | NO | |||
595 | G211 | Egypt | non precisé | Fenitrothion | 2019 | 11,000 | No change | pesticide | insecticide | Sumitomo | France | LMIC | NO | |||
596 | G212 | Syrian Arab Republic | 10 | Fenpropathrin | 2019 | 4,000 | No change | pesticide | insecticide | Sumitomo | France | LMIC | NO | |||
597 | G213 | Saudi Arabia | 10 | Fenpropathrin | 2019 | 5,000 | No change | pesticide | insecticide | Sumitomo | France | HIC | NO | |||
598 | G214 | Kenya | 15 | Fenpropathrin | 2019 | 3,000 | No change | pesticide | insecticide | Sumitomo | France | LMIC | NO | |||
599 | G215 | South Africa | non précisé | Fenpropathrin | 2019 | 9,000 | No change | pesticide | insecticide | Sumitomo | France | LMIC | NO | |||
600 | G216 | South Africa | 10 | Fenpropathrin | 2019 | 4,000 | No change | pesticide | insecticide | Sumitomo | France | LMIC | NO | |||
601 | G22 | Malaysia | 37.1 | Butralin | 2018 | 20,000 | No change | Pesticide | Herbicide, plant growth regulator | Nufarm | France | LMIC | NO | |||
602 | G23 | Japan | 8.27 | Butralin | 2018 | 50,000 | No change | Pesticide | Plant growth regulator for tobacco crops (sucker control) | Nufarm | France | HIC | NO | |||
603 | G230 | Taiwan | 8.7 | Flufenoxuron | 2019 | 3,200 | No change | pesticide | AGRICULTURE USE | BASF | France | HIC | NO | |||
604 | G231 | Mexico | 8.7 | Flufenoxuron | 2019 | 4,000 | No change | pesticide | Agriculture insecticide | BASF | France | LMIC | NO | |||
605 | G232 | Ecuador | 9.6 | Flufenoxuron | 2019 | 3,600 | No change | pesticide | AGRICULTURE USE | BASF | France | LMIC | NO | |||
606 | G233 | Colombia | 9.6 | Flufenoxuron | 2019 | 1,920 | No change | pesticide | AGRICULTURE USE | BASF | France | LMIC | NO | |||
607 | G234 | Tunisia | 20 | Iprodione | 2019 | 5,000 | No change | pesticide | Fungicide | ARYSTA | France | LMIC | 2019only | |||
608 | G235 | Iraq | 18.28 | Iprodione | 2019 | 3,000 | No change | pesticide | Fungicide | ARYSTA | France | LMIC | 2019only | |||
609 | G236 | Morocco | 20 | Iprodione | 2019 | 2,000 | No change | pesticide | Fungicide | ARYSTA | France | LMIC | 2019only | |||
610 | G237 | Tunisia | 40 | Linuron | 2019 | 2,000 | No change | pesticide | herbicide | ARYSTA | France | LMIC | 2019only | |||
611 | G24 | South Africa | 37.1 | Butralin | 2018 | 10,000 | No change | Pesticide | Herbicide, plant growth regulator | Nufarm | France | LMIC | NO | |||
612 | G250 | Korea | 35.4 | Oxadiargyl | 2019 | 2,400 | 720 | pesticide | Use as Herbicide | Bayer | France | Amount of substance actually exported revised on July 26, following response from France/Company providing Article 10 data. The company provided figures for actual export of active substance. This was a formulated product, so needed to calculate the volume of total export from this data. | HIC | NO | ||
613 | G251 | Chile | 35.4 | Oxadiargyl | 2019 | 12,960 | 1,441 | pesticide | Use as Herbicide | Bayer | France | Amount of substance actually exported revised on July 26, following response from France/Company providing Article 10 data. The company provided figures for actual export of active substance. This was a formulated product, so needed to calculate the volume of total export from this data. | HIC | NO | ||
614 | H8 | Kosovo | 5 | Cyfluthrin | 2018 | 1000 | - | l | Pesticide | Insecticide | Bayer | France | Regulator stated that export did not take place in year | LMIC | NO | |
615 | G253 | Costa Rica | 35.4 | Oxadiargyl | 2019 | 10,596 | 1,079 | pesticide | Use as Herbicide | Bayer | France | Amount of substance actually exported revised on July 26, following response from France/Company providing Article 10 data. The company provided figures for actual export of active substance. This was a formulated product, so needed to calculate the volume of total export from this data. | LMIC | NO | ||
616 | G254 | Panama | 35.4 | Oxadiargyl | 2019 | 4,536 | 1,008 | pesticide | Use as Herbicide | Bayer | France | Amount of substance actually exported revised on July 26, following response from France/Company providing Article 10 data. The company provided figures for actual export of active substance. This was a formulated product, so needed to calculate the volume of total export from this data. | HIC | NO | ||
617 | G255 | Cuba | 35.4 | Oxadiargyl | 2019 | 65,700 | 4,802 | pesticide | Use as Herbicide | Bayer | France | LMIC | NO | |||
618 | H9 | Norway | 5 | Cyfluthrin | 2018 | 720 | - | l | Pesticide | Insecticide | Bayer | France | Regulator stated that export did not take place in year | HIC | NO | |
619 | G257 | Japan | 35.4 | Oxadiargyl | 2019 | 25,500 | 21,054 | pesticide | Use as Herbicide | Bayer | France | Amount of substance actually exported revised on July 26, following response from France/Company providing Article 10 data. The company provided figures for actual export of active substance. This was a formulated product, so needed to calculate the volume of total export from this data. | HIC | NO | ||
620 | G259 | Ukraine | 74.6 | Propisochlor | 2019 | 35,000 | No change | pesticide | herbicide | ARYSTA | France | LMIC | NO | |||
621 | G26 | Argentina | 8 | Carbaryl | 2018 | 440,000 | No change | Pesticide | According to the registration of CLARTEX BB in Argentina | BORIE INDUSTRIES | France | LMIC | NO | |||
622 | G260 | Bolivia | 72 | Propisochlor | 2019 | 32,000 | No change | pesticide | herbicide | ARYSTA | France | LMIC | NO | |||
623 | G261 | Belarus | 72 | Propisochlor | 2019 | 129,533 | No change | pesticide | herbicide | ARYSTA | France | LMIC | NO | |||
624 | G262 | Ghana | 38.8 | Propisochlor | 2019 | 2,000 | No change | pesticide | herbicide | ARYSTA | France | LMIC | NO | |||
625 | G263 | Russian Federation | 74.6 | Propisochlor | 2019 | 50,000 | No change | pesticide | herbicide | ARYSTA | France | LMIC | NO | |||
626 | G264 | Russian Federation | 72 | Propisochlor | 2019 | 21,120 | No change | pesticide | herbicide | ARYSTA | France | LMIC | NO | |||
627 | G265 | Belarus | 72 | Propisochlor | 2019 | 129,533 | No change | pesticide | herbicide | ARYSTA | France | LMIC | NO | |||
628 | G266 | Ukraine | 44.53 | Propisochlor | 2019 | 40,000 | No change | pesticide | herbicide | ARYSTA | France | LMIC | NO | |||
629 | G267 | Mexico | 72 | Propisochlor | 2019 | 10,000 | No change | pesticide | herbicide | ARYSTA | France | LMIC | NO | |||
630 | G268 | Côte d'Ivoire | 38.8 | Propisochlor | 2019 | 10,000 | No change | pesticide | herbicide | ARYSTA | France | LMIC | NO | |||
631 | G269 | Ukraine | 72 | Propisochlor | 2019 | 540,000 | No change | pesticide | herbicide | ARYSTA | France | LMIC | NO | |||
632 | G270 | Bolivia | 72 | Propisochlor | 2019 | 32,000 | No change | pesticide | herbicide | ARYSTA | France | LMIC | NO | |||
633 | G271 | Ghana | 38.8 | Propisochlor | 2019 | 2,000 | No change | pesticide | herbicide | ARYSTA | France | LMIC | NO | |||
634 | G272 | Chile | 72 | Propisochlor | 2019 | 45,000 | No change | pesticide | herbicide | ARYSTA | France | HIC | NO | |||
635 | G273 | Burkina Faso | 38.8 | Propisochlor | 2019 | 1,000 | No change | pesticide | herbicide | ARYSTA | France | LMIC | NO | |||
636 | G274 | Ukraine | 74.6 | Propisochlor | 2019 | 35,000 | No change | pesticide | herbicide | ARYSTA | France | LMIC | NO | |||
637 | G275 | South Africa | non precisé | Procymidone | 2019 | 9,000 | No change | pesticide | fungide | Sumitomo | France | LMIC | NO | |||
638 | G276 | Syrian Arab Republic | 50 | Procymidone | 2019 | 4,000 | No change | pesticide | fungide | Sumitomo | France | LMIC | NO | |||
639 | E145 | South Africa | Marshal 4EC | 1) 48% 2) 0.97% | Carbosulfan/Carbofuran | 2019 | 10,160 | - | l | Pesticide | Enduse insecticide product | Cheminova | Denmark | Regulator stated that export did not take place in year | LMIC | 2019only |
640 | G278 | Senegal | non precisé | Propanil | 2019 | 12,000 | No change | pesticide | herbicide | ARYSTA | France | LMIC | NO | |||
641 | G279 | Congo, Democratic Republic of the | 59.5 | Thiocyclam | 2019 | 240 | No change | pesticide | insecticide | ARYSTA | France | LMIC | NO | |||
642 | G280 | Lebanon | 59.5 | Thiocyclam | 2019 | 800 | No change | pesticide | insecticide | ARYSTA | France | LMIC | NO | |||
643 | G281 | Egypt | 59.5 | Thiocyclam | 2019 | 6,000 | No change | pesticide | insecticide | ARYSTA | France | LMIC | NO | |||
644 | G282 | Ghana | 59.5 | Thiocyclam | 2019 | 400 | No change | pesticide | insecticide | ARYSTA | France | LMIC | NO | |||
645 | G283 | Cameroon | 59.5 | Thiocyclam | 2019 | 1,440 | No change | pesticide | insecticide | ARYSTA | France | LMIC | NO | |||
646 | G284 | Senegal | 59.5 | Thiocyclam | 2019 | 200 | No change | pesticide | insecticide | ARYSTA | France | LMIC | NO | |||
647 | G285 | Morocco | 59.5 | Thiocyclam | 2019 | 32,000 | No change | pesticide | insecticide | ARYSTA | France | LMIC | NO | |||
648 | G286 | Iraq | 59.5 | Thiocyclam | 2019 | 4,000 | No change | pesticide | insecticide | ARYSTA | France | LMIC | NO | |||
649 | G287 | Bahrain | 59.5 | Thiocyclam | 2019 | 1,000 | No change | pesticide | insecticide | ARYSTA | France | HIC | NO | |||
650 | G288 | Côte d'Ivoire | 59.5 | Thiocyclam | 2019 | 1,752 | No change | pesticide | insecticide | ARYSTA | France | LMIC | NO | |||
651 | G289 | Tunisia | 59.5 | Thiocyclam | 2019 | 6,480 | No change | pesticide | insecticide | ARYSTA | France | LMIC | NO | |||
652 | G29 | Côte d'Ivoire | 8.55 | Carbendazim | 2018 | 14,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | Fungicide | ARYSTA | France | LMIC | NO | ||
653 | G30 | Cameroon | 8.55 | Carbendazim | 2018 | 12,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | Fungicide | ARYSTA | France | LMIC | NO | ||
654 | G311 | Egypt | DUMPER | 55% | Fenbutatin oxide | 2018 | 25,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | Agricultural uses | Industrial Quimica Key SA | Spain | LMIC | NO | |
655 | G313 | Russian Federation | Carbendazim 500 g/l SC | 44.60% | Carbendazim | 2019 | 31,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | Agricultural uses | Berluga Kft. | Hungary | LMIC | NO | |
656 | G315 | South Africa | Azinphos-methyl | 2019 | 40,000 | No change | kg | Pesticide | Control and treatment of several crops | General Quimica S.A.U. | Spain | LMIC | 2019only | |||
657 | G32 | China | 10 | Chlorfenapyr | 2018 | 24,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | AGRICULTURE USE | BASF | France | LMIC | NO | ||
658 | G322 | United States | Atrazine | 2019 | 50,000 | No change | kg | Pesticide | Herbicide | SIPCAM OXON SPA | Italy | HIC | NO | |||
659 | G323 | Guatemala | PARAQUAT CONC | 44% | Paraquat | 2019 | 200,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | Herbicide | Syngenta | United Kingdom | LMIC | NO | |
660 | G33 | Taiwan | 10 | Chlorfenapyr | 2018 | 16,000 | No change | l | Pesticide | AGRICULTURE USE | BASF | France | HIC | NO | ||
661 | G45 | Saudi Arabia | 50 | Fenitrothion | 2018 | 1,000 | No change | Pesticide | insecticide | Sumitomo | France | HIC | NO | |||
662 | G46 | Kenya | non précisé | Fenitrothion | 2018 | 5,000 | 4,000 | Pesticide | insecticide | Sumitomo | France | Amount of substance actually exported revised on July 24, following response from France/Company providing Article 10 data. Note, this was an export of pure chemical, so no difference between export volume and volume of active substance. | LMIC | NO | ||
663 | G47 | Egypt | non précisé | Fenitrothion | 2018 | 25,000 | No change | Pesticide | insecticide | Sumitomo | France | LMIC | NO | |||
664 | G48 | Oman | 50 | Fenitrothion | 2018 | 7,000 | 7,512 | Pesticide | insecticide | Sumitomo | France | Amount of substance actually exported revised on July 24, following response from France/Company providing Article 10 data. The corrected figure was revised again on July 27, after a review of recent data provided by France showed that the export was in fact a 50% solution, and not a raw substance as originally indicated. This meant we had to calculate the volume of product exported. | HIC | NO | ||
665 | G49 | Russian Federation | 50 | Fenitrothion | 2018 | 70,000 | 51,600 | Pesticide | insecticide | Sumitomo | France | Amount of substance actually exported revised on July 24, following response from France/Company providing Article 10 data. The corrected figure was revised again on July 27, after a review of recent data provided by France showed that the export was in fact a 50% solution, and not a raw substance as originally indicated. This meant we had to calculate the volume of product exported. | LMIC | NO | ||
666 | G50 | Iran | 50 | Fenitrothion | 2018 | 110,000 | 85,500 | Pesticide | insecticide | Sumitomo | France | Amount of substance actually exported revised on July 24, following response from France/Company providing Article 10 data. The corrected figure was revised again on July 27, after a review of recent data provided by France showed that the export was in fact a 50% solution, and not a raw substance as originally indicated. This meant we had to calculate the volume of product exported. | LMIC | NO | ||
667 | G51 | Saudi Arabia | 10 | Fenpropathrin | 2018 | 1,600 | 1,584 | Pesticide | Acaricide | Sumitomo | France | Amount of substance actually exported revised on July 24, following response from France/Company providing Article 10 data. The company provided figures for actual export of active substance. This was a formulated product, so needed to calculate the volume of total export from this data. | HIC | NO | ||
668 | G52 | Israel | non précisé | Fenpropathrin | 2018 | 200 | No change | Pesticide | insecticide | Sumitomo | France | HIC | NO | |||
669 | G53 | South Africa | 10 | Fenpropathrin | 2018 | 7,000 | 4,100 | Pesticide | insecticide | Sumitomo | France | Amount of substance actually exported revised on July 24, following response from France/Company providing Article 10 data. The company provided figures for actual export of active substance. This was a formulated product, so needed to calculate the volume of total export from this data. | LMIC | NO | ||
670 | G54 | South Africa | non précisé | Fenpropathrin | 2018 | 2,000 | No change | Pesticide | insecticide | Sumitomo | France | LMIC | NO | |||
671 | G55 | Syrian Arab Republic | 10 | Fenpropathrin | 2018 | 6,000 | 1,800 | Pesticide | insecticide | Sumitomo | France | Amount of substance actually exported revised on July 24, following response from France/Company providing Article 10 data. The company provided figures for actual export of active substance. This was a formulated product, so needed to calculate the volume of total export from this data. | LMIC | NO | ||
672 | G56 | Kenya | 15 | Fenpropathrin | 2018 | 1,500 | 2,600 | Pesticide | acaricide | Sumitomo | France | Amount of substance actually exported revised on July 24, following response from France/Company providing Article 10 data. The company provided figures for actual export of active substance. This was a formulated product, so needed to calculate the volume of total export from this data. | LMIC | NO | ||
673 | G67 | Taiwan | 8.7 | Flufenoxuron | 2018 | 2,400 | No change | Pesticide | AGRICULTURE USE | BASF | France | HIC | NO | |||
674 | G68 | Ecuador | 9.6 | Flufenoxuron | 2018 | 5,760 | No change | Pesticide | AGRICULTURE USE | BASF | France | LMIC | NO | |||
675 | G69 | Colombia | 9.6 | Flufenoxuron | 2018 | 1,440 | No change | Pesticide | AGRICULTURE USE | BASF | France | LMIC | NO | |||
676 | G70 | Mexico | 8.7 | Flufenoxuron | 2018 | 3,000 | No change | Pesticide | AGRICULTURE USE | BASF | France | LMIC | NO | |||
677 | G85 | Chile | 35.4 | Oxadiargyl | 2018 | 3,000 | 4,322 | Pesticide | Use as Herbicide. | Bayer | France | Amount of substance actually exported revised on July 26, following response from France/Company providing Article 10 data. The company provided figures for actual export of active substance. This was a formulated product, so needed to calculate the volume of total export from this data. | HIC | NO | ||
678 | G86 | Costa Rica | 35.4 | Oxadiargyl | 2018 | 3,000 | 2,845 | Pesticide | Use as Herbicide. | Bayer | France | Amount of substance actually exported revised on July 26, following response from France/Company providing Article 10 data. The company provided figures for actual export of active substance. This was a formulated product, so needed to calculate the volume of total export from this data. | LMIC | NO | ||
679 | A194 | Iran | Trifluralin | 2018 | 100,000 | - | kg | Pesticide | Production of Plant Protection formulation (pesticide) | Finchimica | Italy | Company stated that export did not take place in year | LMIC | NO | ||
680 | A440 | Vietnam | Trifluralin | 2018 | 500,000 | - | kg | Pesticide | Production of Plant Protection formulation (pesticide) | Finchimica | Italy | Company stated that export did not take place in year | LMIC | NO | ||
681 | A97 | China | Flutrix 48 EC | 0.48 | Trifluralin | 2018 | 20,000 | - | l | Pesticide | Pesticide use | Finchimica | Italy | Company stated that export did not take place in year | LMIC | NO |
682 | A383 | Tunisia | Azoestan | 0.25 | Azocyclotin | 2018 | 5,000 | - | kg | Pesticide | Agricultural uses | Industrial Quimica Key SA | Spain | Edited on to reflect the fact that data shows no exports of this chemical took place in 2018, according to ECHA annual report. | LMIC | NO |
683 | A173 | Honduras | >=95 | 1,3-dichloropropene | 2019 | 500,000 | - | kg | Pesticide | Crop protection product for treating nematodes | KANESHO | Belgium | Regulator stated that export did not take place in year | LMIC | NO | |
684 | G92 | Colombia | 35.4 | Oxadiargyl | 2018 | 9,200 | 12,641 | Pesticide | Use as Herbicide. | Bayer | France | Amount of substance actually exported revised on July 26, following response from France/Company providing Article 10 data. The company provided figures for actual export of active substance. This was a formulated product, so needed to calculate the volume of total export from this data. | LMIC | NO | ||
685 | A278 | Morocco | >=94 | 1,3-dichloropropene | 2019 | 220,000 | - | kg | Pesticide | Crop protection product for treating nematodes | KANESHO | Belgium | Regulator stated that export did not take place in year | LMIC | NO | |
686 | G94 | Korea | 35.4 | Oxadiargyl | 2018 | 2,000 | 5,042 | Pesticide | Use as Herbicide. | Bayer | France | Amount of substance actually exported revised on July 26, following response from France/Company providing Article 10 data. The company provided figures for actual export of active substance. This was a formulated product, so needed to calculate the volume of total export from this data. | HIC | NO | ||
687 | G95 | Japan | 35.4 | Oxadiargyl | 2018 | 6,000 | 12,000 | Pesticide | Use as Herbicide. | Bayer | France | Amount of substance actually exported revised on July 26, following response from France/Company providing Article 10 data. The company provided figures for actual export of active substance. This was a formulated product, so needed to calculate the volume of total export from this data. | HIC | NO | ||
688 | G97 | Burkina Faso | 38.8 | Propisochlor | 2018 | 1,000 | No change | Pesticide | herbicide | ARYSTA | France | LMIC | NO | |||
689 | G98 | Russian Federation | 74.6 | Propisochlor | 2018 | 50,000 | No change | Pesticide | herbicide | ARYSTA | France | LMIC | NO | |||
690 | G99 | Côte d'Ivoire | 38.8 | Propisochlor | 2018 | 12,900 | No change | Pesticide | herbicide | ARYSTA | France | LMIC | NO | |||
691 | A435 | United States | >=95 | 1,3-dichloropropene | 2019 | 165,000 | - | kg | Pesticide | Crop protection product for treating nematodes | KANESHO | Belgium | Regulator stated that export did not take place in year | HIC | NO | |
692 | A124 | Côte d'Ivoire | Krismat 75 WG | 73,1% | Ametryn | 2019 | 40,000 | - | kg | Pesticide | Herbicide | Schirm GmbH | Germany | Regulator stated that export did not take place in year | LMIC | NO |
693 | A191 | Iran | Krismat 75 WG | 73,1% | Ametryn | 2018 | 30,000 | - | kg | Pesticide | Herbicide | Schirm GmbH | Germany | Regulator stated that export did not take place in year | LMIC | NO |
694 | A229 | Kenya | Krismat 75 WG | 73,1% | Ametryn | 2019 | 10,000 | - | kg | Pesticide | Pesticide, Herbicide | Schirm GmbH | Germany | Regulator stated that export did not take place in year | LMIC | NO |
695 | H13 | Kuwait | 5 | Cyfluthrin | 2018 | 3000 | 2,000 | l | Pesticide | Insecticide | Bayer | France | Amount of substance actually exported revised on July 26, following response from France/Company providing Article 10 data. The company provided figures for actual export of active substance. This was a formulated product, so needed to calculate the volume of total export from this data. | HIC | NO | |
696 | H14 | Vietnam | 10 | Cyfluthrin | 2018 | 1800 | 1,780 | l | Pesticide | Insecticide | Bayer | France | Amount of substance actually exported revised on July 26, following response from France/Company providing Article 10 data. The company provided figures for actual export of active substance. This was a formulated product, so needed to calculate the volume of total export from this data. | LMIC | NO | |
697 | H15 | Ukraine | 5 | Cyfluthrin | 2018 | 720 | 2,160 | l | Pesticide | Insecticide | Bayer | France | Amount of substance actually exported revised on July 26, following response from France/Company providing Article 10 data. The company provided figures for actual export of active substance. This was a formulated product, so needed to calculate the volume of total export from this data. | LMIC | NO | |
698 | H16 | Russian Federation | 5 | Cyfluthrin | 2018 | 16000 | 14,880 | l | Pesticide | Insecticide | Bayer | France | Amount of substance actually exported revised on July 26, following response from France/Company providing Article 10 data. The company provided figures for actual export of active substance. This was a formulated product, so needed to calculate the volume of total export from this data. | LMIC | NO | |
699 | A364 | Sudan | Krismat 75 WG | 73,1% | Ametryn | 2018 | 30,000 | - | kg | Pesticide | Herbicide | Schirm GmbH | Germany | Regulator stated that export did not take place in year | LMIC | NO |
700 | H18 | Lebanon | 5 | Cyfluthrin | 2018 | 3400 | 1,500 | l | Pesticide | Insecticide | Bayer | France | Amount of substance actually exported revised on July 26, following response from France/Company providing Article 10 data. The company provided figures for actual export of active substance. This was a formulated product, so needed to calculate the volume of total export from this data. | LMIC | NO | |
701 | H19 | Oman | 5 | Cyfluthrin | 2018 | 10000 | 11,000 | l | Pesticide | Insecticide | Bayer | France | Amount of substance actually exported revised on July 26, following response from France/Company providing Article 10 data. The company provided figures for actual export of active substance. This was a formulated product, so needed to calculate the volume of total export from this data. | HIC | NO | |
702 | A410 | Ukraine | 42.7 % | Carbendazim | 2018 | 250,000 | - | kg | Pesticide use : Fungicide | Pesticide | Schirm GmbH | Germany | Regulator stated that export did not take place in year | LMIC | NO | |
703 | H20 | Saudi Arabia | 5 | Cyfluthrin | 2018 | 19008 | 6,000 | l | Pesticide | Insecticide | Bayer | France | Amount of substance actually exported revised on July 26, following response from France/Company providing Article 10 data. The company provided figures for actual export of active substance. This was a formulated product, so needed to calculate the volume of total export from this data. | HIC | NO | |
704 | H21 | Australia | 24 | Diazinon | 2018 | 4000 | No change | l | Pesticide | plant protection product | Cerexagri | France | HIC | NO | ||
705 | H22 | Thailand | 24 | Diazinon | 2018 | 4000 | No change | l | Pesticide | plant protection product | Cerexagri | France | LMIC | NO | ||
706 | H23 | Costa Rica | 24 | Diazinon | 2018 | 64000 | No change | l | Pesticide | plant protection product | Cerexagri | France | LMIC | NO | ||
707 | A455 | Zimbabwe | Krismat 75 WG | 73,1% | Ametryn | 2019 | 20,000 | - | kg | Pesticide | Pesticide, Herbicide | Schirm GmbH | Germany | Regulator stated that export did not take place in year | LMIC | NO |
708 | H25 | United States | 3-decen-2-one | 2018 | 60000 | No change | kg | Pesticide | Plant Growth Regulator; PC-Code 068403; EPA Reg-No.: 5481-571, 5481-568 | ESIM Chemicals | Austria | HIC | NO | |||
709 | H3 | Korea | 5 | Cyfluthrin | 2018 | 1582 | 2,160 | kg | Pesticide | Insecticide | Bayer | France | Amount of substance actually exported revised on July 26, following response from France/Company providing Article 10 data. The company provided figures for actual export of active substance. This was a formulated product, so needed to calculate the volume of total export from this data. | HIC | NO | |
710 | H24 | Japan | Cyhalothrin | 2018 | 2500 | - | kg | Pesticide | Insecticide | Syngenta | United Kingdom | Regulator stated that export did not take place in year | HIC | NO | ||
711 | H5 | Serbia | 5 | Cyfluthrin | 2018 | 500 | 240 | l | Pesticide | Insecticide | Bayer | France | Amount of substance actually exported revised on July 26, following response from France/Company providing Article 10 data. The company provided figures for actual export of active substance. This was a formulated product, so needed to calculate the volume of total export from this data. | LMIC | NO | |
712 | H6 | North Macedonia, Republic of | 5 | Cyfluthrin | 2018 | 1000 | 120 | l | Pesticide | Insecticide | Bayer | France | Amount of substance actually exported revised on July 26, following response from France/Company providing Article 10 data. The company provided figures for actual export of active substance. This was a formulated product, so needed to calculate the volume of total export from this data. | LMIC | NO | |
713 | H7 | Albania | 5 | Cyfluthrin | 2018 | 500 | 140 | l | Pesticide | Insecticide | Bayer | France | Amount of substance actually exported revised on July 26, following response from France/Company providing Article 10 data. The company provided figures for actual export of active substance. This was a formulated product, so needed to calculate the volume of total export from this data. | LMIC | NO | |
714 | A70 | Canada | >70% | Ferbam | 2018 | 11 | - | kg | Pesticide | Fungicide | TAMINCO | Belgium | Regulator stated that export did not take place in year | HIC | NO | |
715 | E3 | Singapore | >= 90 | Diazinon | 2018 | 10,000 | - | kg | Pesticide | Insecticide | Zagro Europe | Germany | HIC | NO | ||
716 | K1 | Japan | 0.0005 | Fipronil | 2019 | 225 | 200 | kg | Pesticide | Use as Insecticide | Bayer | France | Amount of substance actually exported revised on July 26, following response from France/Company providing Article 10 data. The company provided figures for actual export of active substance. This was a formulated product, so needed to calculate the volume of total export from this data. | HIC | 2019only | |
717 | K10 | Vietnam | 0.0005 | Fipronil | 2019 | 450 | 200 | kg | Pesticide | Use as Insecticide | Bayer | France | Amount of substance actually exported revised on July 26, following response from France/Company providing Article 10 data. The company provided figures for actual export of active substance. This was a formulated product, so needed to calculate the volume of total export from this data. | LMIC | 2019only | |
718 | K11 | Japan | 0.005 | Fipronil | 2019 | 1000 | No change | kg | Pesticide | sugar cane and sweet potato | BASF | France | HIC | 2019only | ||
719 | K13 | South Africa | 0.189 | Fipronil | 2019 | 20000 | No change | l | Pesticide | pesticide for crop protection | BASF | France | LMIC | 2019only | ||
720 | K14 | Japan | 0.049 | Fipronil | 2019 | 9600 | No change | l | Pesticide | pesticide for crop protection | BASF | France | HIC | 2019only | ||
721 | K15 | New Zealand | 0.189 | Fipronil | 2019 | 720 | No change | l | Pesticide | insecticide used for crop protection | BASF | France | HIC | 2019only | ||
722 | K16 | Australia | non precisé | Fipronil | 2019 | 1050 | No change | kg | Industrial use | Firpronil is used in Australia to manufacture biocide for Professional Pest control market. | BASF | France | HIC | 2019only | ||
723 | K17 | Australia | 0.189 | Fipronil | 2019 | 4000 | No change | l | Pesticide | pesticide for crop protection | BASF | France | HIC | 2019only | ||
724 | K19 | Indonesia | non precisé | Fipronil | 2019 | 24500 | 18,000 | kg | Industrial use | FIPRONIL IS USED AS ACTIVE INGREDIENT TO MANUFACTURE INSECTICIDES FOR PEST CONTROL, INSECTICIDES FOR CROP PROTECTION. | ALL'CHEM SAS | France | Amount of substance actually exported revised on July 24, following response from France/Company providing Article 10 data. Note, this was an export of pure chemical, so no difference between export volume and volume of active substance. | #REF! | 2019only | |
726 | K20 | Vietnam | non precisé | Fipronil | 2019 | 4000 | No change | kg | Industrial use | used in Vietnamese factory to manufacture formulation products for crop protection use. | BASF | France | LMIC | 2019only | ||
727 | K22 | United States | non precisé | Fipronil | 2019 | 25500 | 8,500 | kg | Industrial use | FIPRONIL IS USED AS ACTIVE INGREDIENT TO MANUFACTURE INSECTICIDE FOR PEST CONTROL INSECTICIDE FOR CROP PROTECTION. | ALL'CHEM SAS | France | Amount of substance actually exported revised on July 24, following response from France/Company providing Article 10 data. Note, this was an export of pure chemical, so no difference between export volume and volume of active substance. | HIC | 2019only | |
728 | K24 | Argentina | non precisé | Picoxystrobin | 2019 | 400000 | No change | kg | pesticide | Plant Protection Product - Fungicide | Corteva | France | LMIC | 2019only | ||
729 | K25 | India | non precisé | Picoxystrobin | 2019 | 100000 | No change | kg | pesticide | Plant Protection Product - Fungicide | Corteva | France | LMIC | 2019only | ||
730 | K26 | Japan | non precisé | Picoxystrobin | 2019 | 100000 | No change | kg | pesticide | Plant Protection Product - Fungicide | Corteva | France | HIC | 2019only | ||
731 | K27 | Singapore | non precisé | Picoxystrobin | 2019 | 100000 | No change | kg | pesticide | Plant Protection Product - Fungicide | Corteva | France | HIC | 2019only | ||
732 | K28 | Brazil | 17.9 | Picoxystrobin | 2019 | 700000 | No change | l | pesticide | Plant Protection Product - Fungicide | Corteva | France | LMIC | 2019only | ||
733 | K29 | Korea | non precisé | Picoxystrobin | 2019 | 50000 | No change | kg | pesticide | Plant Protection Product - Fungicide | Corteva | France | HIC | 2019only | ||
734 | K3 | United States | non precisé | Fipronil | 2019 | 8500 | No change | kg | Industrial | FIPRONIL IS USED AS ACTIVE INGREDIENT TO MANUFACTURE INSECTICIDES FOR PEST CONTROL AND INSECTICIDES FOR CROP PROTECTION. | BASF | France | HIC | 2019only | ||
735 | K30 | Belarus | 17.9 | Picoxystrobin | 2019 | 20000 | No change | l | pesticide | Plant Protection Product - Fungicide | Corteva | France | LMIC | 2019only | ||
736 | K31 | United States | 17.9 | Picoxystrobin | 2019 | 700000 | No change | l | pesticide | Plant Protection Product - Fungicide | Corteva | France | HIC | 2019only | ||
737 | K32 | Brazil | non precisé | Picoxystrobin | 2019 | 800000 | No change | kg | pesticide | Plant Protection Product - Fungicide | Corteva | France | LMIC | 2019only | ||
738 | K33 | Brazil | 10 | Picoxystrobin | 2019 | 300000 | No change | l | pesticide | Plant Protection Product - Fungicide | Corteva | France | LMIC | 2019only | ||
739 | K34 | United States | non precisé | Picoxystrobin | 2019 | 400000 | No change | kg | pesticide | Plant Protection Product - Fungicide | Corteva | France | HIC | 2019only | ||
740 | K35 | Israel | 17.9 | Picoxystrobin | 2019 | 20000 | No change | l | pesticide | Plant Protection Product - Fungicide | Corteva | France | HIC | 2019only | ||
741 | K36 | Russian Federation | 17.9 | Picoxystrobin | 2019 | 60000 | No change | l | pesticide | Plant Protection Product - Fungicide | Corteva | France | LMIC | 2019only | ||
742 | K37 | Serbia | 17.9 | Picoxystrobin | 2019 | 20000 | No change | l | pesticide | Plant Protection Product - Fungicide | Corteva | France | LMIC | 2019only | ||
743 | K38 | South Africa | 17.9 | Picoxystrobin | 2019 | 20000 | No change | l | pesticide | Plant Protection Product - Fungicide | Corteva | France | LMIC | 2019only | ||
744 | K39 | Turkey | 17.9 | Picoxystrobin | 2019 | 20000 | No change | l | pesticide | Plant Protection Product - Fungicide | Corteva | France | LMIC | 2019only | ||
745 | K4 | Indonesia | non precisé | Fipronil | 2019 | 52500 | No change | kg | Industrial | FIPRONIL IS USED TO MANUFACTURE INSECTICIDES for CROP PROTECTION, termidicide AND insecticides for PEST CONTROL | BASF | France | LMIC | 2019only | ||
746 | K40 | Ukraine | 17.9 | Picoxystrobin | 2019 | 20000 | No change | l | pesticide | Plant Protection Product - Fungicide | Corteva | France | LMIC | 2019only | ||
747 | K41 | China | 22.52 | Picoxystrobin | 2019 | 50000 | No change | l | pesticide | Plant Protection Product - Fungicide | Corteva | France | LMIC | 2019only | ||
748 | K42 | India | 22.52 | Picoxystrobin | 2019 | 10000 | No change | l | pesticide | Plant Protection Product - Fungicide | Corteva | France | LMIC | 2019only | ||
749 | K43 | New Zealand | 22.52 | Picoxystrobin | 2019 | 10000 | No change | l | pesticide | Plant Protection Product - Fungicide | Corteva | France | HIC | 2019only | ||
750 | K44 | South Africa | 22.52 | Picoxystrobin | 2019 | 10000 | No change | l | pesticide | Plant Protection Product - Fungicide | Corteva | France | LMIC | 2019only | ||
751 | K45 | Ukraine | 22.52 | Picoxystrobin | 2019 | 8000 | No change | l | pesticide | Plant Protection Product - Fungicide | Corteva | France | LMIC | 2019only | ||
752 | K46 | Vietnam | 22.52 | Picoxystrobin | 2019 | 100000 | No change | l | pesticide | Plant Protection Product - Fungicide | Corteva | France | LMIC | 2019only | ||
753 | K47 | China | 7.01 | Picoxystrobin | 2019 | 50000 | No change | l | pesticide | Plant Protection Product - Fungicide | Corteva | France | LMIC | 2019only | ||
754 | K48 | Indonesia | 22.52 | Picoxystrobin | 2019 | 30000 | No change | l | pesticide | Plant Protection Product - Fungicide | Corteva | France | LMIC | 2019only | ||
755 | K49 | Switzerland | 10 - < 20 % | Picoxystrobin | 2019 | 4000 | No change | l | pesticide | Plant Protection Product - Fungicide | Corteva | France | HIC | 2019only | ||
756 | K5 | Korea | non precisé | Fipronil | 2019 | 11125 | No change | kg | Industrial | FIPRONIL IS USED TO MANUFACTURE INSECTICIDES FOR CROP PROTECTION AND URBAN PEST CONTROL | BASF | France | HIC | 2019only | ||
757 | K50 | Australia | 22.52 | Picoxystrobin | 2019 | 100000 | No change | l | pesticide | Plant Protection Product - Fungicide | Corteva | France | HIC | 2019only | ||
758 | K51 | Kenya | 22.52 | Picoxystrobin | 2019 | 15000 | No change | l | pesticide | Plant Protection Product - Fungicide | Corteva | France | LMIC | 2019only | ||
759 | K52 | Chile | 17.9 | Picoxystrobin | 2019 | 30000 | No change | l | pesticide | Plant Protection Product - Fungicide | Corteva | France | HIC | 2019only | ||
760 | K53 | Nicaragua | 22.52 | Picoxystrobin | 2019 | 10000 | No change | l | pesticide | Plant Protection Product - Fungicide | Corteva | France | LMIC | 2019only | ||
761 | K54 | Kenya | 17.9 | Picoxystrobin | 2019 | 20000 | No change | l | pesticide | Plant Protection Product - Fungicide | Corteva | France | LMIC | 2019only | ||
762 | K55 | Indonesia | 17.9 | Picoxystrobin | 2019 | 30000 | No change | l | pesticide | Plant Protection Product - Fungicide | Corteva | France | LMIC | 2019only | ||
763 | K6 | Japan | non precisé | Fipronil | 2019 | 5250 | No change | kg | Industrial | FIPRONIL IS USED TO MANUFACTURE INSECTICIDES | BASF | France | HIC | 2019only | ||
764 | M1 | China | ZN 95% ТEC | 0.95 | Zineb | 2018 | - | 288,000 | kg | Pesticide | Plant protection product | Agria | Bulgaria | This data did not come from export notifications. This was data on actual exports in 2018 that was provided to us by Agria on 18 June. | LMIC | NO |
765 | M2 | Vietnam | ZN 95% ТEC | 0.95 | Zineb | 2018 | - | 14,000 | kg | Pesticide | Plant protection product | Agria | Bulgaria | This data did not come from export notifications. This was data on actual exports in 2018 that was provided to us by Agria on 18 June. | LMIC | NO |
1 | *Figures given in column G ('Estimated amount of substance or mixture to be shipped, export notification') are the estimated annual export volumes declared on the export notifications we obtained. We offered all companies and countries the opportunity to provide us precise figures for the amounts actually exported. Where they did so, those figures are provided in column H ('Changes following checks'). | ||||||||||||
2 | **Column O indicates whether the importing country is a high-income country (HIC) or a low- or middle-income country (LMIC). | ||||||||||||
3 | ***Column P indicates the substances in our data that were only exported in 2019. The data for 2019 only includes a fraction of the banned pesticides notified for export in that year. |