1 | Barobo Integrating Robotics & Arduino into CS & STEAM | Beauty and Joy of Computing | CMU CS Academy | Code Avengers | Code Savvy | CodeHS | Codelicious | CodeSpace by Firia Labs | Codesters | CompuScholar Skill-Building Sessions | CollegeBoard AP Mentoring | Creative Computing | CSAwesome | Exploring Computer Science | Karel Coding | Mobile CSP | Mouse: Video Creator & Web Literacy | Popfizz Computer Science | Project Lead the Way | Ready Learner One | Tynker for Schools | UC Davis C-STEM Program | UTeach Computer Science | Vidcode | WeTeach_CS Foundations of CS for Teachers - Praxis Prep | WeTeach_CS Foundations of CS for Teachers - TExES 241 Prep | |
2 | Organization URL | https://www.barobo.com/pd | https://bjc.berkeley.edu/ | https://academy.cs.cmu.edu/ | https://www.codeavengers.com/edu | https://mncodes.org/training/cohort/ | https://codehs.com/ | https://www.codelicious.com/ | https://firialabs.com/ | https://www.codesters.com/ | https://www.compuscholar.com/schools/outreach/skill-building/ | https://apcentral.collegeboard.org/professional-development/enroll-in-ap-mentoring | https://creativecomputing.gse.harvard.edu/ | http://www.csawesome.org/ | http://www.exploringcs.org | https://nclab.com/solutions/schools/ | http://www.mobile-csp.org/ | https://mouse.org/mouse-create-professional-development | http://popfizz.io/ | https://www.pltw.org/our-programs | https://readylearner.one/ | https://www.tynker.com/school/training/ | http://c-stem.ucdavis.edu/ | https://uteachcs.org/ | https://www.vidcode.com/ | https://utakeit.tacc.utexas.edu/foundations-cs-praxis/ | https://utakeit.tacc.utexas.edu/foundations-of-cs-texes-prep/ |
3 | Grades | K-12 | 9-12 | 7-12 | K-12 | K-12 | 6-12 | K-12 | 5-12 | 6-9 | 6-12 | 9-12 | PK-12 | 10-12 | 9-12 | 6-10 | 8-9 | 6-10 | 6-12 | PK-12 | PK-12 | PK-12 | PK-12 | 9-12 | 4-12 | 8-12 | 8-12 |
4 | Curriculum | The RoboBlockly curriuculum supports self-guided, personalized, collaborative, and hands-on learning of robotics, coding, and math. | BJC follows the AP CS Principles framework with a programming-heavy focus and deep exploration into the social implications of computing. | Free, online, interactive computer science curriculum that is engaging, creative, rigorous, and fun. | 300 hours of online lessons covering core K-12 CS concepts. | Integrate CS concepts & equitable teaching practices with K12 curricular content, using PD experiences & Cohort-created/curated curriculum as a guide. | Comprehensive, standards-aligned grades 6-12 course pathways with auto-graded coding exercises, grading tools, supplemental materials, and teacher support. | Full-year CS curriculum for K-12, including comprehensive resources that empower any teacher to teach CS. | An introduction to Python programming using physical devices, project-based learning, and intuitive, step-by-step curricula. | Over 100 project-based interactive lessons teaching core coding concepts in Python on a unique platform that bridges block-based and text-based coding. | Introductory programming courses (Java, C#, HTML, Python, Unity) that teachers can use over 4 months for personal growth and skill-building. | Teacher-to-teacher support that enhances teaching skills and improves student performance through personalized feedback and meaningful collaboration. | The Creative Computing curriculum is a collection of ideas, strategies, and activities for an introductory creative computing experience with Scratch. | Year-long introductory high school course that focuses on Java programming, with 10 units. | Year-long, research-based introductory high school CS course. Has 6 units with daily lesson plans. Designed to broaden participation and show breadth of CS. | Visual introduction to programming with 225 game-based levels, 25 quizzes, 25 projects. Average completion time: 60 hours. | Year-long introductory high school course that focuses on mobile computing and mobile app development, with 8 units. | 25+ project-based lessons where students create digital artifacts and visual stories to think critically and practice digital citizenship. | Introductory computer science courses that focus on developing algorithms and computational thinking skills through project-based learning. | Variety of PreK-12 curricula where students engage in hands-on activities, projects, and problems that are reflective of real-world challenges. | Innovative learning solutions, including technology integration, virtual reality, augmented reality, and computer science. | Over 400 hours of K-12 interactive coding lessons and curriculum in both icon and text-based blocks, Python, JavaScript, and HTML. | C-STEM curriculum provides K-12 students with 13 years of integrated math and computer science education in compliance with math and CS standards. | Year-long, project-based AP CS Principles course explores programming & computational thinking through collaborative, personally-relevant projects. | 125+ project-based online tutorials and lesson plans organized into flexible modules for 4th-12th grade. | Online course, certification preparation course for the content required by the Praxis Computer Science (5652) test. | Online course, certification prep for TExES 241 Computer Science Certification Test. |
5 | Standards Alignment | Alignment to CCSS K-12 math standards. | Aligned to AP CSP standards. | Strong alignment to CSTA standards with specific focus on programming. | Fairly strong alignment to CSTA standards. Loose alignment with some math standards through core numeracy aspects. | Strong alignment to both CSTA standards and K-12 MN academic standards, across all content areas. | Alignments to CSTA, ISTE, K-12 CS Framework & CollegeBoard. Crosswalks to state computer science standards, NGSS, and CCSS-Math. | Strong alignment to CSTA standards. Croswalk to reinforce CCSS-Math and ELA. Reinforces SEL competencies. | Strong alignment to CSTA standards. Reinforces CCSS-Math standards for 6th grade-Algebra 1. | Partial coverage of algorithms and programming CSTA standards along with capstone projects aligned to CCSS-Math and NGSS. | Strong alignment to CSTA standards and multiple state standards. | Fully aligned to the AP course and exam description and framework. | Reinforces CSTA standards. | Strongly aligns with Algorithms and Programming CSTA standards. | Strong alignment to CSTA standards. Loose crosswalk to reinforce Common Core Math, ELA and NGSS. | Aligns with CSTA algorithms and programming standards | Strong alignment to CSTA standards. | Strong coverage of 6-8 & 9-10 impacts of computing & internet CSTA standards. Strong crosswalk to reinforce CCSS-ELA & Core Arts. | Strong alignment to CSTA standards. | Strong alignment to CSTA standards, NGSS, and Common Core State Standards. | Aligned to CSTA standards. | Strong alignment to CSTA and ISTE standards, as well as Common Core, state CS, and UK learning standards. | Fully aligned with CCSS-Math and CS standards. | CollegeBoard-endorsed provider with 100% alignment to AP CSP standards. Significant alignment to CSTA standards. | Strongly aligned to CSTA standards. Crosswalk to NGSS. | Aligned to the Praxis 5652 standards and the Pearson test. | Strong alignment to TexES 241 Standards for State of Texas CS 8-12 Certification. |
6 | Curriculum Features | Includes over 1,000 built-in activities with instructor solutions, plus classroom management system for assignments, grading, etc. | Each unit has formative assessments that are embedded in the curriculum. | Includes graphics and animations, browser-based environment, interactive notes, auto-graded exercises, and anti-plagiarism features. | Pro platform includes quizzes for assessment. Color-coded progress view to identify students who need extension or support. | Includes rubric examples for CS and CT concepts, as well as peer feedback and self-assessment tools - to be adapted by participants for own lessons. | Each module includes auto-graded exercises, quizzes, assessments, feedback tools and grade book with progress visualizations. | Includes pacing guide, CS standards map, full-year step-by-step lesson plans with projects/activities, summative and formative assessments, and vocabulary. | Each step is auto-checked; scoring rubrics provided for remix projects. | Coding activities and multiple choice assessments are auto-graded. Capstone projects have support rubric-grading by teachers. | Includes teacher guides, programming labs, solution guides and answer keys, auto-graded lesson quizzes and chapter tests. | N/A | Assessment strategies are discussed. Computational thinkinig rubric included. | Includes teacher dashboard, scaffolded and auto-graded practice, creative challenges, AP FRQ and MC practice, and question bank. | Final project and grading rubrics for all six units. Validated unit assessments from SRI for units 1-4 from csforallteachers.org | All exercises are auto-graded + 1 quiz per section. Students create project with app. Teachers can create custom quizzes. | Tracks student progress in teacher dashboard. Includes auto-graded formative assessments, projects iwth rubrics, unit quizzes and exams. | Includes final project rubrics, evidence review tool to provide student feedback, peer commenting, and competency badges for all projects. | Each unit includes an auto-graded multiple choice summative assessment and creative project with scoring rubric. | Curriculum includes a First-of-its-Kind High School Assessment that measures content knowledge and transportable skills. | Includes a classroom management for teachers to easily track student progress. | Includes online classroom management system for homework assignment and grading. | Formative and summative assessments, project scoring rubrics, and starter code provided (including AP-style test banks). | Each course includes an auto-graded multiple choice summative assessment and creative projects with scoring rubrics. | Auto-grading and explanations are provided for all interactive activities and quizzes. | Practice quizzes throughout, official module quizzes, and final exam, all with auto-grading and explanations | |
7 | Programming Language(s) | Blocks-based language, C/C++ | Snap! | Python | Blockly, HTML/CSS, JavaScript, Python | Language independent, App Inventor, Scratch, JavaScript, Python, MakeCode, Thunkable | Language independent, Blockly, HTML/CSS, Java, JavaScript, Python | Scratch, HTML/CSS, Java, JavaScript, Python, ScratchJr. | Python | Python | C#, HTML/CSS, Java, Python, Unity | Language independent | Scratch | Java | Scratch | Karel | App Inventor | None | Blockly, HTML/CSS, Java, JavaScript, Python | App Inventor, Blockly, Scratch, Blocks-based language, HTML/CSS, Java, Python | Language independent | Blocks-based language, HTML/CSS, iOS/Swift, JavaScript, Python | Blockly, C/C++ | Scratch, Python | JavaScript | Language independent | Language independent |
8 | Professional Development | 1-day (6-hour) on-site or online workshop with hands-on and guided practice activities. Teachers learn basics of block-based and C/C++ programming for virtual and hardware robots, Arduinos, and sensor-based robotics. | In-person: 5 hours of PD pre-work, 40 hours of on-site PD, and 5 hours of homework during the PD week. Online: 40 hours in MOOC and 10 hours of Zoom meetings. BJC PD is endorsed as an alternative to the AP Institute. Teachers learn Snap! visual programming language and curriculum for AP CSP. | In-person: 3 days at 8 hours per day, or asynchronous online PD. The PD focuses equally on pedagogy and content, with time to dive into the curriculum and learn teaching practice. | 25 hours of virtual coaching, interactive content, effective strategies for teaching CS, and more. Teachers learn both CS content and effective teaching strategies. It is flexible enough to suit the content and curriculum needs of each school. | 2-day summer kick-off event, monthly cohort learning sessions, annual statewide CS ed summit, and optional individual or small group coaching sessions. Teachers explore CS and CT concepts and learn how to integrate them with K-12 curricular content, all through the lens of equitable teaching practices. | 1-2 day on-site professional development and/or 40+ hours online PD courses. Teachers learn student course content, best practices for blended CS teaching, and how to leverage the CodeHS platform. | 2-day (10-hour), in-person professional development to introduce CS for any teacher. Teachers unpack education standards and apply through activities in each CS pillar: digital citizenship, coding, unplugged, and hardware. | 20+ hours of online PD with an equal emphasis on CS content and best practice, plus support and coaching throughout the year. Teachers learn to program in Python with CodeSpace using the micro:bit and CodeBot, with an equal focus on pedagogy and content. | In-person PD is delivered in modular 1-day (7-hour) workshops. Available at level 1, 2, and 3. Teachers learn programming concepts combined with pedagogy for teaching those concepts to students. | Self-paced, online, up to 180 hours of content available in 4-month 'Summer' and 'Winter' sessions. Teachers will learn specific programming skills in Java, C#, HTML, Python, and Unity. | 10 or 4x 1-hour online mentoring sessions with an expert mentor and complete reflection assignments between each session. Teachers learn planning and implementation strategies to prepare students for content & assessments and maximize instructional time. | Scratch Educator Meetups are participatory in-person professional learning experiences that typically last 2-4 hours. Educators make, learn, and connect with other teachers who are excited about creative learning. | 45 hours of PD online or in-person for experienced Java teachers; 65 hours of PD online, in-person, or blended for new teachers. Teachers learn Java programming, pedagogy, review, and use of curriculum materials, and receive year-round mentoring and support from a master teacher. | Two week-long summer institutes (in consecutive summers) and four quarterly 1-day PDs throughout the school year. Teachers learn about equity, inquiry, & CS concepts in ECS—while planning, practice teaching, reflecting, and building community. | Deep Dive into Karel is 6 hours of training. The online, self-paced Karel course is about 40 hours. Teachers learn fundamental methodology of computer programming, logical reasoning, and problem solving. | 50 hours of PD online or in-person for experienced teachers; 100 hours of PD online, in-person, or blended for new teachers. Teachers learn CS content, pedagogy, review, and use of curriculum materials and receive year-round mentoring and support from a master teacher. | 35+ hours of on-site training (week-long summer or one-day academic year workshops). Blended option available. Teachers learn to navigate and create in today's multimedia landscape in order to transform casual web users to savvy digital citizens. | 30+ hours of online PD in two formats: synchronous 5-Day Coding bootcamp, or Self-Paced course. Teachers learn how to program in the language of their choice and overcome the pedagogical challenges of teaching computer science. | Choice of online, blended, or in-person PD experience that allows teachers to explore the course from a student perspective. Teachers engage in course from a student perspective, complete activities, reflect, and plan for effective implementation. | Customized to meet group needs through traditional in-person, online, or blended models. Teachers engage in research-based learning focused on transforming instruction. | An online webinar-based professional development that combines levels of achievement into different certification levels. Teachers learn how to make and create with code using Tynker's comprehensive curriculum for any grade level or subject area. | 1-day to 1-week hands-on PD, offered either on-site or remotely through distance learning. Teachers learn how to integrate coding and robotics into math and CS education in compliance with math and CS standards. | 40 hours in-depth professional development: available via 5-day, in-person workshops or multi-week, self-paced online courses. Teachers master AP CSP course content and exam requirements while practicing equitable, project-based instructional strategies. | 3-day summer institute, quarterly one-day academic year check-ins, and self-led virtual educator course online. Faciliators model teaching, and teachers learn foundational programming concepts. | 40 hours of PD. Online course delivered via Canvas, with readings, videos, interactive lessons, and practice quizzes. | 40 hours of PD, across 7 weeks. Online lessons delivered via Canvas, with interactive activities, online quizzes, videos, official quizzes, and final exam to simulate certification prep test. |
9 | Ongoing Support | Online virtual community; support hotline; newsletter. | Supported online PLCs; ongoing Master Teacher training. | Virtual 'office' hours; support hotline with staff and CMU students; newsletter with resources. | Coaching and virtual "office" hours with dedicated education consultant; PD videos. | Weekly Code Savvy newsletter; weekly Coffee & CS Ed Zoom chats; co-facilitated meetings with CSTA-MN; annual statewide MNCodes Summit. | Quartery webinars; facilitated online virtual community; moderated, online forum. | Support hotline; newsletter; additional in-person and webinar trainings available. | Facilitated online virtual community, with moderated webinars throughout the year. | Online office hours; quarterly check-ins; email support; managed online PLC. | Technical support is available by email, phone, and online support portal. | Online teacher-to-teacher videoconference sessions. | In-person Scratch Educator Meetups; Teaching with Scratch Facebook Group onlinei forum. | Online forum; biweekly virtual meetings for the first year with ongoinig mentor support; live monthly webinars; newsletter; email support. | Quarterly in-person PD for the first year; additional supports depending on the region and the project. | Facilitated online community; responsive support via email, phone, or message. | Onlinei forum; biweekly virtual meetings for the first year with ongoing mentor support; live monthly webinars; newsletter, email support. | Online monthly PLCs; Facebook groups; Mouse Create live support; newsletter; free, annual in-person conference. | Facilitated online virtual community; support hotline; email newsletter; access to code reviewers. | Job-embedded training options and span the first year of implementation and 24/7 customer support. | Virtual office hours; online forum; online resources. | Facilitated online virtual community; virtual 'office' hours. | Ongoing on-site PD; newsletter; email and phone support. | On-demand coaching & support; monthly webinars; facilitated, online professional learning community. | Online virtual community; live chat and calls with the Vidcode coaching team; quarterly check-ins; newsletter. | PD resources available in perpetuity; virtual "office" hours. | PD resources available in perpetuity; virtual "office" hours. |
10 | Geographic Limits | None | None | None | Online only, unless in New Zealand. | Offered to Minnesota educators. Additional workshops open to all geographic areas. | None | None | None | In-person workshops scheduled for groups of 10+ teachers in a district. Online and blended available for smaller groups. | None | None | Scratch Educator Meetups are hosted across the U.S. and around the world. | Available in AZ, CA, CT, IN, MA, MD, MN, and TX. In-person training scheduled for groups of 10+ teachers in a region. Also available online. | In-person workshops scheduled for 24+ teachers in a region. | None | Available in CA, CT, IN, MA, MD, MN, MO, MT, and TX. In-person training scheduled for groups of 10+ teachers in a region. Also available online. | None | None | None. 16 Core Training Hubs across the U.S., plus online core training options. | None | In-person workshops vary. | None | In-person PD at various locations across the U.S. Online PD also available. | None | None | None |
11 | Cost | Free curriculum and PD. Full curriculum, classroom management system, and hardware at additional cost. | Curriculum, teacher guide, and teacher support is free. The PD has a $75 registration fee per teacher. | Free, online, interactive computer science curriculum that is engaging, creative, rigorous, and fun. | Curriculum from $12.50-$20/student per year. School/district license available. PD is $200/teacher via video conference. | Free 10-month PD & curated K-12 curriculum resources. Free access to tech lending library for special materials (robots, microcontrollers). | Free curriculum and on-site PD in various locations. Payment required for upgrades to Pro tools, customized on-site PDs, and online PD courses. | Cost varies by implementation. | $199. Includes printed teacher materials, hardware, and license. | $2,000 per 1-day PD workshop. Curriculum cost starts at $20 per student with discounts for school and district implementation. | All PD is free, including technical support and mentoring. Please contact us for licensing curriculum in classrooms. | $895 for 10 sessions, per teacher (10% off for CollegeBoard member & 10% for 4+ teachers). $399 for 4 sessions, per teacher. | Free | Free curriculum. Immersion PD (45 hours) costs $1,750/teacher, Extended PD (65 hours) costs $2,400/teacher. | Free curriculum. PD: $3000 plus participant travel and stipends (includes 2 summer institutes and 4 quarterly sessions.) Edison robots for unit 6 (~$50 each). | Curriculum: 1-year license for 30 students is $300. PD: Online training materials and email support are free; on-site PD costs $1000/day + travel. | Free curriculum. Immersion PD (45 hours) costs $1,750/teacher, Extended PD (100 hours) costs $3,000/teacher. Tablets recommended. | Free curriculum and online learning platform. Rates vary by region and workshop size, starting at $4,000 per day (30 teacher cap). | Curriculum: $500/year for 30 students, or $2,500 for school-wide, unlimited enrollment. PD: $175 per teacher. | Total investment includes: curriculum/participation fee ($950-2200), PD fee ($1200-2400), and equipment/supply (varies by program). | Cost varies. Contact for pricing. | Free professional development. Site-based curriculum license based on grade level. | Free online distance learning PD. $150/day for on-site PD. License fees: $600/ES, $800/MS, $1,000/HS for unlimited teachers and students. | $600/teacher for curriculum & support (for unlimited students); $1,000 for online PD or $1,400 for in-person PD; discounts/grants available. | Online PD is free. In-person PD is $7,500 for up to 25 teacher for a 3-day PD, or $3,000/day. | $398 for subscription. Asynchronous, with no time limit. Resources are available after completion. | $398 for subscription. Asynchronous, with no time limit. Resources are available after completion. |