1 | simCEO Classroom Integreation Ideas | |||||||||||
2 | Purpose: To assist first-time simCEO instructors with classroom integration ideas | |||||||||||
3 | SimCEO is a powerful framework, and it is more powerful when instructors add their own customized content, | |||||||||||
4 | encouraging students to apply their understanding of content. | |||||||||||
5 | SimCEO is a more than a content provider; it is a context provider where your content can be applied in an authentic setting. | |||||||||||
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7 | Customize The Timing | |||||||||||
8 | Instructors should choose the "Start Trading" and "End Trading" dates to coincide with specific units/topics. | |||||||||||
9 | All sims are adjusted to play for a fictional 10 years. | |||||||||||
10 | A typical simulation runs in three stages. | |||||||||||
11 | Ex. | Oct.1 | Pre-Trading: Starts upon registration. Students are creating businesses and researching each others' businesses. | |||||||||
12 | Oct. 21 | Start Trading Date: Chosen by the instructor. The classroom stock market opens. | ||||||||||
13 | Dec. 10 | End Trading Date: Chosen by the instructor. The stock market closes at 11:59 pm on the day before this date. | ||||||||||
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15 | Customize For Classes | |||||||||||
16 | The following ideas are simply a starting point. Use your imagination to adapt these - or create your | |||||||||||
17 | own - to target your content at the complexity of your students. | |||||||||||
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19 | Curricular Focus: STEM / STEAM | |||||||||||
20 | STEM / STEAM | Possible Sim Environment(s) | Possible Additional Biz Plan Components | Possible News Articles | ||||||||
21 | Location? Year? Special Conditions to share? | What can be added in the business plan? | What content and scenarios can be introduced during the sim? | |||||||||
22 | In our fictional simCEO environment all fossil fuels will be depleted in 10 years. Your goal will be to build a sustainable business based here in Salt Lake City that can operate with a zero carbon footprint. Your business must produce something. (It cannot be a service company.) Your business should strive to utilize the alternative energies discussed in Chapter 8. If you know of additional alternative energy sources which can backed up with valid scientific research, you can use those as well. Potential investors will be reviewing your business idea and making investment decisions based on: 1) What problem your business is choosing to solve? How creative/innovative/viable is your solution? 2) How effectively have you altered a traditional business plan to utilize alternative energies instead of a fossil fuels to run your company? How clearly have you explained those ideas to investors with scientific research? | 1. Detail the different alterative energies your company will utilize in percentages. Show investors evidence that your alternative energies will be able to adequately produce enough energy at a competitive price to offset fossil fuels. | In a decision to move the USA into the forefront of alternative energy use, President Gill Bates has announced a new federal tax deduction for families who install solar panels to help power their homes. The deduction will range from $500 - $1500 for most families and will take effect immediately. Analysts estimate that the deduction will double the amount solar panels installed on homes over the next twelve months. | |||||||||
23 | 2. Your business plan will be an innovative one. How do you plan to market this to both customers and investors? | |||||||||||
24 | 3. Review the following possible alternative energy sources listed in Chapter 8 and share with investors what percentage (if any) each will play in your business? Share a brief explanation to investors to justify why you chose (or not) each energy source. Solar, Wind, Hydro, Fuel Cell, Nuclear, Wave, Geothermal, other? | |||||||||||
25 | Standards: NGSS: 4-ESS3-1: Obtain and combine information to describe that energy and fuels are derived from natural resources and their uses affect the environment. | |||||||||||
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27 | What must students demonstrate? Students have to demonstrate their knowledge of different alternative energies and the liklihood that their company would utilize each of them given the environment of Salt Lake City and the needs of their particular business. (Any location could be used.) | |||||||||||
28 | How to assess students? Have students estimated their company's energy needs? Have they planned an alternative option(s) that meets these needs? Do students demonstrate critical thinking in the process? Have they provided rationale for their decision to investors? | |||||||||||
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31 | STEM / STEAM | Possible Sim Environment(s) | Possible Additional Biz Plan Components | Possible News Articles | ||||||||
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33 | PHYSICS | The state of Minnesota wishes to build a new foot bridge at the start of the Mississipie River at Lake Itaska. The width of the river is 25 feet. The bridge cannot have any foundational support within the river itself (no part of it can touch the water). The bridge needs to be able to support 1000 pounds. The bridge design must be either suspension, arched, trussed, or beam bridge. Your business needs to bid on the construction of this foot bridge. The state/city planners wish to receive proposals that meet the following goals (in order or priority) 1) saftey of foot traffic, 2) promote a safe structure using minimal materials, 3) low-cost, 4) durable/long-lasting materials. All proposals will be reviewed by the city/state planners over the following six-month period before one company is awarded the contract. Your goal is two-fold. 1) Design the best bridge to meet with the needs of the planners. 2) Review all of the designs to determine which have the best chances of winning the contract and invest in those companies. Keep in mind that during the 6 month period review, some variables may change within the environment. So, be ready to potentially adjust your bridge design or your investment choices to meet these changes. | 1. Specify your building materials, construction techniques (including drawings) and weight bearing capabilities along with rationale. | In an effort to promote Minnesota statewide industries, the governor has recently proposed to subsidize all MN timber resources (raw materials or those processed in MN) with a 50% reduction in price to make them more competitive versuse their out-of-state competitors. The state is choosing to spend it's tax dollars in this way in the hopes that it increases the growth of MN timber development throughout the USA. The proposal is expected to be passed into law in the next two weeks and has the potential to drastically change the status quo as builders consider future projects. | ||||||||
34 | 2. Prepare a short PPT Presentation to share with the city planners which 1) highlights the method of construction you have chosen, 2) one other method you considered and, 3) why you feel your selected method is the one that the city planners should select. | |||||||||||
35 | 3. Prepare a budget for your project. | |||||||||||
36 | 4. Complete a business plan around your company's proposal so that you can bid on other bridge projects in the future. | |||||||||||
37 | Recommended Resource: John Hopkins University: What is Engineering? - Virtual Laboratory: "Bridge Designer", http://www.jhu.edu/~virtlab/bridge/truss.htm. | |||||||||||
38 | Standards: understanding of slopes of lines, Newton's Laws of Motion, vector resolution, force and vector diagrams, and equilibrium | |||||||||||
39 | What must students demonstrate? Students have to demonstrate their knowledge of different bridge construction techniques, and how those techniques can be used most effectively with different possible materials, to meet the intended goal. | |||||||||||
40 | How to assess students? Have students chosen an intellgent blend of technique and materials to meet the goals of the project. Have they communicated their thinking persuasively by including the rationale for their decision to investors? Additionally, instructors are encouraged to adjust parameters such as safety concerns or limiting material choices to ensure that students can demonstrate an understanding of all bridge techniques and common building materials. | |||||||||||
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1 | simCEO Classroom Integreation Ideas | |||||||||||
2 | Purpose: To assist first-time simCEO instructors with classroom integration ideas | |||||||||||
3 | SimCEO is a powerful framework, and it is more powerful when instructors add their own customized content, | |||||||||||
4 | encouraging students to apply their understanding of content. | |||||||||||
5 | SimCEO is a more than a content provider; it is a context provider where your content can be applied in an authentic setting. | |||||||||||
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7 | Customize The Timing | |||||||||||
8 | Instructors should choose the "Start Trading" and "End Trading" dates to coincide with specific units/topics. | |||||||||||
9 | All sims are adjusted to play for a fictional 10 years. | |||||||||||
10 | A typical simulation runs in three stages. | |||||||||||
11 | Ex. | Oct.1 | Pre-Trading: Starts upon registration. Students are creating businesses and researching each others' businesses. | |||||||||
12 | Oct. 21 | Start Trading Date: Chosen by the instructor. The classroom stock market opens. | ||||||||||
13 | Dec. 10 | End Trading Date: Chosen by the instructor. The stock market closes at 11:59 pm on the day before this date. | ||||||||||
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15 | Customize For Classes | |||||||||||
16 | The following ideas are simply a starting point. Use your imagination to adapt these - or create your | |||||||||||
17 | own - to target your content at the complexity of your students. | |||||||||||
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20 | Curricular Focus: Economics | |||||||||||
21 | Economics | Possible Sim Environment(s) | Possible Additional Biz Plan Components | Possible News Articles | ||||||||
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23 | High School | Place: Local City. Time: Current Day. | Research two real-world businesses within your industry, and determine the top 3 regulations which affect their operation. Describe how your company will work to meet these regulations. | Governor Ivanna Free of [INSERT STATE] has declared her intention to deregulate many industries, and made specific reference to strongly deregulating the auto manufacturing and fossil fuel energy companies. Governor Free stated, "these needless regulations have stiffled our state's companies for years, and have hindereed our growth compared to businesses outside the state. It's time for a change." Critics of her move have pointed out that these regulations are necessary to keep companies operating safely and ensuring consumers are getting safe, high-quality products. The new legislation is expected to be passed in the next two months, and will likely take effect in approximately six months after that time. | ||||||||
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27 | Standard: GA SSEF5 Describe the roles of government in the United States economy. (b) Explain the effects on consumers and producers caused by government regulation and deregulation. | |||||||||||
28 | What must students demonstrate? Within this possible customization, students must demonstrate their understanding of government regulations on businesses. They will identify the most relevant regulations that could affect their business. Students will also critical thinking skills to determine how they will best address these regulations, and effectively communicate their thinking to potential investors. | |||||||||||
29 | How to assess students? Have students identified the main regulations within thier business plan? Have they addressed the likely affects of these regulations, and communicated an effective plan for how their company will best meet these regulations? |