1 | Links Galore | |
2 | ||
3 | Links Galore is an ever-growing list of links to digital copies of some collections of books of interest to classicists, medievalists etc. in the public domain published by Google Books, Internet Archive and others. There aren't any fancy features like graphics or colors because if you're here what you want is the links, the whole links and nothing but the links. It is presented as a Google spreadsheet, as it is easy to keep working on, and the content is updated automatically. | |
4 | ||
5 | You can navigate the collection using the tabs above. Collections published so far: | |
6 | ||
7 | AH: Analecta Hymnica Medii Aevi. | |
8 | ANCL/ANF: Ante-Nicene Christian Library (Edinburgh ed.) and Ante-Nicene Fathers (American ed.) | |
9 | AS: Acta Sanctorum (Société des Bollandistes.) | |
10 | BG: J.A. Fabricius' Bibliotheca Graeca (and Harless' expanded edition.) | |
11 | Budé SG: Collection Budé (Les Belles Lettres), Greek series. | |
12 | Budé SL: Collection Budé (Les Belles Lettres), Latin series. | |
13 | CC: Corpus Christianorum. | |
14 | CSCO: Corpus Scriptorum Christianorum Orientalium. | |
15 | CSEL: Corpus Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum Latinorum. | |
16 | CSHB: Corpus Scriptorum Historiae Byzantinae. | |
17 | ES: España Sagrada. | |
18 | FP: Florilegium Patristicum. NEW | |
19 | GC: Gallia Christiana. | |
20 | GCS: Die Griechischen Christlichen Schriftsteller der ersten drei Jahrhunderte. | |
21 | LFHCC: A Library of Fathers of the Holy Catholic Church. | |
22 | Loeb: Loeb Classical Library. | |
23 | Mai: Angelo Mai's editions (Patrum Nova Bibliotheca, Spicilegium Romanum, etc.) | |
24 | Mansi: J.D. Mansi, Sacrorum Conciliorum Nova, et Amplissima Collectio. | |
25 | MGH: Monumenta Germaniae Historica (in progress.) | |
26 | Migne PG: Migne's Patrologia Graeca. | |
27 | Migne PL: Migne's Patrologia Latina. | |
28 | Migne ET: Migne's Encyclopédie Théologique. | |
29 | NPNF: A Select Library of the Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers of the Christian Church. | |
30 | OCT: Oxford Classical Texts (or Scriptorum Classicorum Bibliotheca Oxoniensis.) NEW | |
31 | PbM: Patrologies before Migne. NEW | |
32 | PO: Patrologia Orientalis (including Patrologia Syriaca 1894-1926). | |
33 | Rolls: Rolls Series. The Chronicles and Memorials of Great Britain and Ireland during the Middle Ages. | |
34 | SC: Sources Chrétiennes. | |
35 | Stephanus: H. Stephanus' Thesaurus Graecae Linguae (first edition; Valpy; Hase et al.) | |
36 | Teubner: Bibliotheca Scriptorum Graecorum et Romanorum Teubneriana (and other Teubner; in progress.) | |
37 | ||
38 | Hathi copies are generally provided by Google. Some Internet Archive files are taken from Google too; these are marked here as “IA (G)”. An asterisk (*) indicates that access to the book outside the US seems to be restricted. An ordinal mark (º) indicates an item that can be borrowed (not downloaded) from the IA. I'm trying to include all the copies I can find because the scanning is in many cases very defective, with missing pages, blurred images and so on - you sometimes need to get two or three copies to make sure you have the whole book. I'm trying to identify exact or derivative copies of the same Google scan with a simple code A, B etc. All the links listed here worked when I last checked them, but they have an annoying habit of dying. Broken links are not deleted but marked with a red background. | |
39 | I'm providing links to these books on the assumption that Google, Hathi etc. have ascertained that the books they publish are in the public domain, or have secured the necessary permission from the publisher. Still, you should check your own country's copyright laws before downloading any of them. If you believe there is a copyright infringement in the publication of any of these works, you should either report it to each website, or contact the publisher. | |
40 | Total link count so far: | |
41 | 24808 | |
42 | ||
43 | Leave a comment | |
44 | Comments, corrections, suggestions and additions are welcome. I'm always on the lookout for new links and eventually new collections. For the moment, all comments go to the "Comments" section of this page. Alternatively (e.g. if you wish to send a large list of links) you can write directly to tirachinas@yahoo.com. | |
45 | ||
46 | DOWNLOAD (updated August, 2024) | |
47 | You can download the whole worksheet as a PDF or as a MS Excel XLSX file. Feel free to use the data in any way you find useful or redistribute it. Note however that the files become immediately out of date as I work on the online database - I will only update these with major additions such as new sections. Note also that these are created using Google's export funcitonality which doesn't seem to handle merged cells and page breaks too well. There's nothing I can do about it; you may want to fix that yourself in the downloaded Excel spreadsheet. | |
48 | ||
49 | --- |
1 | Analecta Hymnica Medii Aevi | |||||||||
2 | (To do: many contain several volumes bound together - indicate these.) | |||||||||
3 | ||||||||||
4 | AH 1 | Cantiones Bohemicae. Leiche, Lieder und Rufe des 13., 14. und 15. Jahrhunderts nach Handschriften aus Prag, Jistebnicz, Wittingau, Hohenfurt und Tegerusee herausgegeben von Guido Maria Dreves, S. J. | 1886 | X | X | X | X | X* | ||
5 | Hathi | X | X* | |||||||
6 | IA | X | X | |||||||
7 | 1961 | Hathi | X | |||||||
8 | AH 2 | Hymnarius Moissiacensis. Das Hymnar der Abtei Moissac im 10. Jahrhundert. Nach einer Handschrift der Rossiana. Im Anhange: a. Carmina scholarium Campensium. b. Cantiones Vissegradenses. Herausgegeben von Guido Maria Dreves, S. J. | 1888 | X | ||||||
9 | IA | X | ||||||||
10 | 1961 | Hathi | X | |||||||
11 | AH 3 | Conradus Gemnicensis. Konrads von Haimburg und seiner Nachahmer, Alberts von Prag und Ulrichs von Wessobrunn, Reimgebete und Leselieder herausgegeben von Guido Maria Dreves, S. J. | 1888 | X | ||||||
12 | Hathi | X | X* | |||||||
13 | IA | X | ||||||||
14 | 1961 | Hathi | X | |||||||
15 | AH 4 | Hymni Inediti. Liturgische Hymnen des Mittealters aus handschriftlichen Breviarien, Antiphonalien und Processionalien herausgegeben von Guido Maria Dreves, S. J. | 1888 | X | X | |||||
16 | Hathi | X* | ||||||||
17 | IA | X | X | |||||||
18 | 1961 | Hathi | X | X | ||||||
19 | AH 5 | Historiae Rhythmicae. Liturgische Reimofficien des Mittelalters. Erste Folge. Aus Handschriften und Wiegendrucken herausgegeben von Guido Maria Dreves, S. J. | 1889 | X | X | |||||
20 | Hathi | X* | X* | |||||||
21 | IA | X | ||||||||
22 | 1961 | Hathi | X | |||||||
23 | AH 6 | Udalricus Wessofontanus. Ulrich Stöcklins von Rottach Abts zu Wessobrunn 1438-1443 Reimgebete und Leselieder mit Ausschluss der Psalterien herausgegeben von Guido Maria Dreves S. J. | 1889 | X | X | |||||
24 | Hathi | X | X* | |||||||
25 | IA | X | ||||||||
26 | 1961 | Hathi | X | |||||||
27 | AH 7 | Prosarium Lemovicense. Die Prosen der Abtei St. Martial zu Limoges, aus Troparien des 10., 11. und 12. Jahrhunderts herausgegeben von Guido Maria Dreves, S. J. | 1889 | X | ||||||
28 | Hathi | X | ||||||||
29 | IA | X | X | |||||||
30 | 1961 | Hathi | X | |||||||
31 | AH 8 | Sequentiae Ineditae. Liturgische Prosen des Mittelalters aus Handschriften und Wiegendrucken. Erste Folge herausgegeben von Guido Maria Dreves, S. J. | 1890 | X | X | |||||
32 | Hathi | X* | ||||||||
33 | IA | X | ||||||||
34 | 1961 | Hathi | X | |||||||
35 | AH 9 | Sequentiae Ineditae. Liturgische Prosen des Mittelalters aus Handschriften und Wiegendrucken. Zweite Folge herausgegeben von Guido Maria Dreves, S. J. | 1890 | X | X | X | ||||
36 | Hathi | X* | X* | |||||||
37 | IA | X | ||||||||
38 | 1961 | Hathi | X | |||||||
39 | AH 10 | Sequentiae Ineditae. Liturgische Prosen des Mittelalters aus Handschriften und Wiegendrucken. Dritte Folge herausgegeben von Guido Maria Dreves, S. J. | 1891 | X | X | X | ||||
40 | Hathi | X* | ||||||||
41 | IA | X | X | X | ||||||
42 | 1961 | Hathi | X | |||||||
43 | IA | X | ||||||||
44 | AH 11 | Hymni Inediti. Liturgische Hymnen des Mittealters aus Handschriften und Wiegendrucken. Zweite Folge herausgegeben von Guido Maria Dreves, S. J. | 1891 | X | ||||||
45 | Hathi | X* | X* | |||||||
46 | IA | X | ||||||||
47 | 1961 | Hathi | X | X* | ||||||
48 | AH 12 | Hymni Inediti. Liturgische Hymnen des Mittealters aus Handschriften und Wiegendrucken. Dritte Folge herausgegeben von Guido Maria Dreves, S. J. | 1892 | X | ||||||
49 | Hathi | X | X* | |||||||
50 | IA | X | ||||||||
51 | 1961 | Hathi | X | X* | ||||||
52 | AH 13 | Historiae Rhythmicae. Liturgische Reimofficien des Mittelalters. Zweite Folge. Aus Handschriften und Wiegendrucken herausgegeben von Guido Maria Dreves, S. J. | 1892 | X | ||||||
53 | Hathi | X* | X* | |||||||
54 | IA | X | X | |||||||
55 | 1961 | Hathi | X | |||||||
56 | AH 14 | 14a. Hymnarius Severinianus. Das Hymnar der Abtei S. Severin in Neapel. Nach den Codices Vaticanus 7172 und Parisinus 1092. Herausgegeben von Guido Maria Dreves, S. J. 14b. Orricus Scacabarotius. Origo Scaccabarozzi's, Erzpriesters von Mailand, Liber Officiorum. Nach einer Handschrift der Kapitels-Bibliothek von Mailand herausgegeben von Guido Maria Dreves, S. J. | 1893 | X | X | X | ||||
57 | Hathi | X* | ||||||||
58 | IA | X | ||||||||
59 | 1961 | Hathi | X | |||||||
60 | AH 15 | Pia Dictamina. Reimgebete und Leselieder des Mittelalters. Erste Folge. Aus Handschriften und Wiegendrucken herausgegeben von Guido Maria Dreves, S. J. | 1893 | X | X | |||||
61 | Hathi | X* | X* | |||||||
62 | IA | X | ||||||||
63 | 1961 | Hathi | X | |||||||
64 | AH 16 | Hymnodia Hiberica. Spanische Hymnen des Mittelalters aus liturgischen Handschriften und Druckweken Römischen Ordos. Gesammelt von Guido Maria Dreves, S. J. | 1894 | X | X | |||||
65 | Hathi | X | X* | |||||||
66 | IA | X | X | |||||||
67 | 1961 | Hathi | X | |||||||
68 | AH 17 | Hymnodia Hiberica. Liturgische Reimofficien aus Spanischen Brevieren. I Anhange: Carmina Compostellana, die Lieder des s. g. Codex Calixtinus. Herausgegeben von Guido Maria Dreves, S. J. | 1894 | X | ||||||
69 | Hathi | X* | ||||||||
70 | IA | X | ||||||||
71 | 1961 | Hathi | X | |||||||
72 | AH 18 | Historiae Rhythmicae. Liturgische Reimofficien des Mittelalters. Dritte Folge. Aus Handschriften und Wiegendrucken herausgegeben von Guido Maria Dreves, S. J. | 1894 | X | X | X | X | X | ||
73 | Hathi | X* | X* | X* | ||||||
74 | IA | X | ||||||||
75 | 1961 | Hathi | X | |||||||
76 | AH 19 | Hymni Inediti. Liturgische Hymnen des Mittealters aus Handschriften und Wiegendrucken. Vierte Folge herausgegeben von Guido Maria Dreves, S. J. | 1895 | X | X | |||||
77 | Hathi | X* | ||||||||
78 | IA | X | X | |||||||
79 | 1961 | Hathi | X | X* | ||||||
80 | AH 20 | Cantiones et Muteti. Lieder und Motetten des Mittelalters. Erste Folge: Cantiones Natalitiae, Partheniae. Herausgegeben von Guido Maria Dreves, S. J. | 1895 | X | ||||||
81 | Hathi | X* | ||||||||
82 | IA | X | ||||||||
83 | 1961 | Hathi | X | |||||||
84 | AH 21 | Cantiones et Muteti. Lieder und Motetten des Mittelalters. Zweite Folge: Cantiones Festivae, Morales, Variae. Herausgegeben von Guido Maria Dreves, S. J. | 1895 | X | X | X | ||||
85 | Hathi | X* | X* | |||||||
86 | IA | X | X | |||||||
87 | 1961 | Hathi | X | |||||||
88 | AH 22 | Hymni Inediti. Liturgische Hymnen des Mittealters aus Handschriften und Wiegendrucken. Fünfte Folge herausgegeben von Guido Maria Dreves, S. J. | 1895 | X | ||||||
89 | Hathi | X* | ||||||||
90 | IA | X | X | |||||||
91 | 1961 | Hathi | X | X* | ||||||
92 | AH 23 | Hymni Inediti. Liturgische Hymnen des Mittealters aus Handschriften und Wiegendrucken. Sechste Folge herausgegeben von Guido Maria Dreves, S. J. | 1896 | X* | ||||||
93 | Hathi | X* | ||||||||
94 | IA | X | ||||||||
95 | 1961 | Hathi | X | X* | ||||||
96 | AH 24 | Historiae Rhythmicae. Liturgische Reimofficien des Mittelalters. Vierte Folge. Aus Handschriften und Wiegendrucken herausgegeben von Guido Maria Dreves, S. J. | 1896 | X* | X* | |||||
97 | Hathi | X* | ||||||||
98 | IA | X | ||||||||
99 | 1961 | Hathi | X | |||||||
100 | AH 25 | Historiae Rhythmicae. Liturgische Reimofficien des Mittelalters. Fünfte Folge. Aus Handschriften und Wiegendrucken herausgegeben von Clemens Blume, S. J. | 1897 | X* | X* | |||||
101 | Hathi | X* | X* | X* | ||||||
102 | IA | X | X | |||||||
103 | 1961 | Hathi | X | X* | ||||||
104 | AH 26 | Historiae Rhythmicae. Liturgische Reimofficien des Mittelalters. Sechste Folge. Aus Handschriften und Wiegendrucken herausgegeben von Guido Maria Dreves S. J. | 1897 | X* | X* | |||||
105 | Hathi | X* | X* | |||||||
106 | IA | X | ||||||||
107 | 1961 | Hathi | X | |||||||
108 | AH 27 | Hymnodia Gotica. Die Mozarabischen Hymnen des alt-spanischen Ritus. Aus handschriftlichen und gedruckten Quellen herausgegeben von Clemens Blume S. J. | 1897 | X* | X* | |||||
109 | IA | X | ||||||||
110 | 1961 | Hathi | X | |||||||
111 | AH 28 | Historiae Rhythmicae. Liturgische Reimofficien des Mittelalters. Siebente Folge. Aus Handschriften und Wiegendrucken herausgegeben von Guido Maria Dreves S. J. | 1898 | X* | ||||||
112 | Hathi | X* | X* | X* | X* | |||||
113 | IA | X | X | |||||||
114 | 1961 | Hathi | X | |||||||
115 | AH 29 | Pia Dictamina. Reimgebete und Leselieder des Mittelalters. Zweite Folge. Aus handschriftlichen Gebetbüchern herausgegeben von Clemens Blume S. J. | 1898 | X* | X* | |||||
116 | Hathi | X* | X* | |||||||
117 | IA | X | ||||||||
118 | 1961 | Hathi | X | |||||||
119 | AH 30 | Pia Dictamina. Reimgebete und Leselieder des Mittelalters. Dritte Folge. Stunden- und Glossen-Lieder herausgegeben von Guido Maria Dreves S. J. | 1898 | X* | X* | |||||
120 | Hathi | X* | ||||||||
121 | IA | X | ||||||||
122 | 1961 | Hathi | X | |||||||
123 | AH 31 | Pia Dictamina. Reimgebete und Leselieder des Mittelalters. Vierte Folge. Aus Handschriften und Wiegendrucken herausgegeben von Clemens Blume S. J. | 1898 | X* | X* | X* | ||||
124 | Hathi | X* | X* | X* | ||||||
125 | IA | X | X | |||||||
126 | 1961 | Hathi | X | |||||||
127 | AH 32 | Pia Dictamina. Reimgebete und Leselieder des Mittelalters. Fünfte Folge. Aus Handschriften und Wiegendrucken herausgegeben von Guido Maria Dreves S. J. | 1899 | X* | ||||||
128 | Hathi | X* | ||||||||
129 | IA | X | ||||||||
130 | 1961 | Hathi | X | |||||||
131 | AH 33 | Pia Dictamina. Reimgebete und Leselieder des Mittelalters. Sechste Folge. Aus Handschriften und Wiegendrucken herausgegeben von Clemens Blume S. J. | 1899 | X* | X* | |||||
132 | Hathi | X* | X* | |||||||
133 | IA | X | ||||||||
134 | 1961 | Hathi | X | |||||||
135 | AH 34 | Sequentiae Ineditae. Liturgische Prosen des Mittelalters aus Handschriften und Wiegendrucken. Vierte Folge herausgegeben von Clemens Blume S. J. | 1900 | X* | X* | X* | X* | X* | ||
136 | Hathi | X* | ||||||||
137 | IA | X | X | |||||||
138 | 1961 | Hathi | X | |||||||
139 | AH 35 | Psalteria Rhythmica. Gereimte Psalterien des Mittelalters. Erste Folge. Aus Handschriften und Frühdrucken herausgegeben von Guido Maria Dreves S. J. | 1900 | X* | X* | X* | ||||
140 | Hathi | X* | X* | |||||||
141 | IA | X | ||||||||
142 | 1961 | Hathi | X | |||||||
143 | AH 36 | Psalteria Rhythmica. Gereimte Psalterien des Mittelalters. Zweite Folge. Nebst einem Ahnange von Rosarien herausgegeben von Guido Maria Dreves S. J. | 1901 | X* | X* | |||||
144 | Hathi | X* | X* | |||||||
145 | IA | X | ||||||||
146 | IA (G) | X | ||||||||
147 | 1961 | Hathi | X | |||||||
148 | AH 37 | Sequentiae Ineditae. Liturgische Prosen des Mittelalters aus Handschriften und Wiegendrucken. Fünfte Folge herausgegeben von Clemens Blume S. J. | 1901 | X* | X* | X* | ||||
149 | Hathi | X* | X* | |||||||
150 | IA | X | X | |||||||
151 | IA (G) | X | ||||||||
152 | 1961 | Hathi | X | |||||||
153 | AH 38 | Psalteria Wessofontana. Ulrich Stöcklins von Rottach Abts zu Wessobrunn 1438-1443 siebenzehn Reimpsalterien herausgegeben von Guido Maria Dreves S. J. | 1902 | X* | X* | X* | ||||
154 | Hathi | X* | X* | |||||||
155 | IA | X | ||||||||
156 | 1961 | Hathi | X | |||||||
157 | AH 39 | Sequentiae Ineditae. Liturgische Prosen des Mittelalters aus Handschriften und Frühdrucken. Sechste Folge herausgegeben von Clemens Blume S. J. | 1902 | X* | ||||||
158 | Hathi | X* | X* | |||||||
159 | IA | X | ||||||||
160 | IA (G) | X | ||||||||
161 | 1961 | Hathi | X | |||||||
162 | AH 40 | Sequentiae Ineditae. Liturgische Prosen des Mittelalters aus Handschriften und Frühdrucken. Siebente Folge herausgegeben von Henry Marriott Bannister M. A. Oxon. | 1902 | X* | X* | X* | ||||
163 | Hathi | X* | ||||||||
164 | IA | X | X | |||||||
165 | IA (G) | X | ||||||||
166 | 1961 | Hathi | X | |||||||
167 | AH 41 | 41a. Christianus Campoliliensis. Christians von Lilienfeld Hymnen, Officien, Sequenzen und Reimgebete herausgegeben von Guido Maria Dreves S. J. 41b. Boncore de Sancta Victoria. Boncore's di Santa Vittoria Novus Liber Hymnorum ac Orationum. Nach einer Handschrift des Kapitel-Archivs von St. Peter in Rom herausgegeben von Guido Maria Dreves S. J. | 1903 | X* | X* | |||||
168 | Hathi | X* | X* | X* | ||||||
169 | IA | X | ||||||||
170 | 1961 | Hathi | X | |||||||
171 | AH 42 | Sequentiae Ineditae. Liturgische Prosen des Mittelalters aus Handschriften und Frühdrucken. Achte Folge herausgegeben von Clemens Blume S. J. | 1903 | X* | X* | |||||
172 | IA | X | ||||||||
173 | 1961 | Hathi | X | |||||||
174 | AH 43 | Hymni Inediti. Liturgische Hymnen des Mittealters. Siebente Folge. Aus Handschriften und Frühdrucken herausgegeben von Guido Maria Dreves, S. J. | 1903 | X* | X* | X* | ||||
175 | Hathi | X* | X* | X* | ||||||
176 | IA | X | ||||||||
177 | 1961 | Hathi | X | X* | ||||||
178 | AH 44 | Sequentiae Ineditae. Liturgische Prosen des Mittelalters aus Handschriften und Frühdrucken. Neunte Folge herausgegeben von Clemens Blume S. J. | 1904 | X* | ||||||
179 | Hathi | X* | ||||||||
180 | 1961 | Hathi | X | |||||||
181 | AH 45 | 45a. Historiae Rhythmicae. Liturgische Reimofficien des Mittelalters. Achte Folge. Aus handschriftlichen und gedruckten Quellen herausgegeben von Guido Maria Dreves S. J. 45b. Cantiones et Muteti. Lieder und Motetten des Mittelalters. Dritte Folge. Cantiones Variae, Bohemicae, Suecicae. Herausgegeben von Guido Maria Dreves S. J. | 1904 | X* | X* | X* | ||||
182 | Hathi | X* | X* | X* | X* | |||||
183 | IA (G) | X | ||||||||
184 | 1961 | Hathi | X | |||||||
185 | AH 46 | Pia Dictamina. Reimgebete und Leselieder des Mittelalters. Siebente Folge. Aus Handschriften und Wiegendrucken herausgegeben von Guido Maria Dreves S. J. | 1905 | X* | X* | X* | ||||
186 | Hathi | X* | ||||||||
187 | IA | X | ||||||||
188 | IA (G) | X | ||||||||
189 | 1961 | Hathi | X | |||||||
190 | AH 47 | Tropi Graduales. Tropen des Missale im Mittelalter. I. Tropen zum Ordinarium Missae. Aus handschriftlichen Quellen herausgegeben von Clemens Blume S. J. und Henry Marriott Bannister M. A. Oxon. | 1905 | X* | X* | X* | ||||
191 | Hathi | X* | X* | X* | ||||||
192 | IA (G) | X | ||||||||
193 | 1961 | Hathi | X | |||||||
194 | AH 48 | Hymnographi Latini. Lateinische Hymnendichter des Mittelalters. Erste Folge. Aus gedruckten und ungedruckten Quellen herausgegeben von Guido Maria Dreves S. J. | 1905 | X* | X* | |||||
195 | Hathi | X* | ||||||||
196 | IA | X | ||||||||
197 | IA (G) | X | ||||||||
198 | 1961 | Hathi | X | |||||||
199 | AH 49 | Tropi Graduales. Tropen des Missale im Mittelalter. I. Tropen zum Proprium Missarum. Aus handschriftlichen Quellen herausgegeben von Clemens Blume S. J. | 1906 | X* | ||||||
200 | Hathi | X* | ||||||||
201 | 1961 | Hathi | X | |||||||
202 | AH 50 | Hymnographi Latini. Lateinische Hymnendichter des Mittelalters. Zweite Folge. Aus gedruckten und ungedruckten Quellen herausgegeben von Guido Maria Dreves, Dr. theol. | 1907 | X* | X* | X* | X* | |||
203 | Hathi | X* | X* | X* | ||||||
204 | IA | X | ||||||||
205 | IA (G) | X | ||||||||
206 | 1961 | Hathi | X | |||||||
207 | AH 51 | Thesauri Hymnologici Hymnarium. Die Hymnen des Thesaurus Hymnologicus H. A. Daniels und anderer Hymnen-Ausgaben. I. Die Hymnen des 5.-11. Jahrhunderts und die Irisch-Keltische Hymnodie aus den ältesten Quellen neu herausgegeben von Clemens Blume, S. J. | 1908 | X* | ||||||
208 | Hathi | X* | X* | X* | ||||||
209 | IA (G) | X | ||||||||
210 | 1961 | Hathi | X | |||||||
211 | AH 52 | Thesauri Hymnologici Hymnarium. Die Hymnen des Thesaurus Hymnologicus H. A. Daniels und anderer Hymnen-Ausgaben. II. Die Hymnen des 12.-16. Jahrhunderts aus den ältesten Quellen neu herausgegeben von Clemens Blume, S. J. | 1909 | Hathi | X* | X* | ||||
212 | IA | X | ||||||||
213 | 1961 | Hathi | X | |||||||
214 | AH 53 | Thesauri Hymnologici Hymnarium. Pars prior. Liturgische Prosen erster Epoche aus den Sequenzenschulen des Abendlandes insbesondere die dem Notkerus Balbulus zugeschriebenen nebst Skizze über den Ursprung der Sequenz. Auf Grund der Melodien aus den Quellen des 10.-16. Jahrhunderts neu herausgegeben von Clemens Blume S. J. und Henry Bannister M. A. Oxon. | 1911 | Hathi | X* | X* | ||||
215 | IA | X | ||||||||
216 | 1961 | Hathi | X | |||||||
217 | AH 54 | Thesauri Hymnologici Prosarium. Partis alterius Volumen I. Liturgische Prosen des Übergangsstiles und der zweiten Epoche insbesondere die dem Adam von Sanct Victor zugeschriebenen aus Handschriften und Frühdrucken neu herausgegeben von Cl. Blume S. J. und H. M. Bannister M. A. Oxon. | 1915 | Hathi | X* | X* | ||||
218 | IA | X | ||||||||
219 | 1961 | Hathi | X | X* | ||||||
220 | AH 55 | Thesauri Hymnologici Prosarium. Partis alterius Volumen II. Liturgische Prosen zweiter Epoche auf Feste der Heiligen nebst einem Anhange: Hymnodie des Gelderlandes und des Haarlemer Gebietes aus Handschriften und Frühdrucken herausgegeben von Clemens Blume S. J. | 1922 | Hathi | X* | X* | ||||
221 | 1961 | Hathi | X | |||||||
222 | ||||||||||
223 | Link count | |||||||||
224 | 347 | |||||||||
225 | ||||||||||
226 | --- |
1 | Ante-Nicene Christian Library / Ante-Nicene Fathers | |||||||||
2 | ||||||||||
3 | Ante-Nicene Christian Library (Edinburgh edition) | |||||||||
4 | (Only Google Books for the moment.) | |||||||||
5 | ANCL 1 | The Writings of the Apostolic Fathers. Translated by Rev. Dr Roberts, Dr Donaldson, and Rev. F. Crombie. | 1867 | X | X | X | X | |||
6 | 1870 | X | ||||||||
7 | 1883 | X* | ||||||||
8 | ANCL 2 | The Writings of Justin Martyr and Athenagoras. Translated by Rev. Marcus Dods, A.M., Rev. George Reith, A.M., and Rev. B. P. Pratten. | 1867 | X | X | X | X | X | ||
9 | X | X | X | |||||||
10 | 1892 | X* | X* | |||||||
11 | ANCL 3 | The Writings of Tatian and Theophilus; and the Clementine Recognitions. Translated by Rev. B. P. Pratten, Rev. Marcus Dosd, A.M., and Rev. Thomas Smith, D.D. | 1867 | X | X | X | X | X | ||
12 | 1880 | X* | ||||||||
13 | ANCL 4 | The Writings of Clement of Alexandria. Translated by the Rev. William Wilson, M.A., Musselburgh. | 1867 | X | X | X | X | (Part I.) | ||
14 | 1884 | X* | ||||||||
15 | ANCL 5 | The Writings of Irenaeus. Translated by Rev. Alexander Roberts, D.D., and Rev. W. H. Rambaut, A.B. Vol. I. | 1868 | X | X | X | X | X | ||
16 | X | |||||||||
17 | 1884 | X* | ||||||||
18 | ANCL 6 | The Refutation of All Heresies, by Hippolytus; translated by the Rev. J. H. Macmahon, M.A. With Fragments from his Commentaries on Various Books of Scripture; translated by the Rev. S. D. F. Salmond. | 1868 | X | X | X | X | X | ||
19 | X | X | X | |||||||
20 | 1887 | X* | ||||||||
21 | ANCL 7 | The Five Books of Quintus Sept. Flor. Tertullianus against Marcion. Translated by Peter Holmes, D.D. F.R.A.S., Domestic Chaplain to the Right Hon. the Countess of Rothes. | 1868 | X | X | X | X | X | ||
22 | 1870 | X | ||||||||
23 | 1878 | X | X | X | ||||||
24 | ANCL 8 | The Writings of Cyprian, Bishop of Carthage. Translated by Rev. Robert Ernest Wallis, Ph.D., Senior Priest Vicar of Wells Cathedral, and Incumbent of Christ Chruch, Coxley, Somerset. Vol. I. containing the Epistles and some of the Treatises. | 1868 | X | X | X | X | X | ||
25 | X | X | X | X | ||||||
26 | 1870 | X | X | |||||||
27 | 1882 | X* | X* | |||||||
28 | ANCL 9 | The Writings of Irenaeus. Translated by Rev. Alexander Roberts, D.D., and Rev. W. H. Rambaut, A.B. // The Writings of Hippolytus, Bishop of Portus. Vol. II. Fragments of Writings of Third Century. Translated by Rev. S. D. F. Salmond, M.A. | 1869 | X | X | X | X | X | (2 parts with different pagination.) | |
29 | X | X | X | X | ||||||
30 | 1880 | X* | ||||||||
31 | 1883 | X* | ||||||||
32 | ANCL 10 | Translated by Rev. Frederick Crombie, M.A., Professor of Biblical Criticism, St. Mary's College, St. Andrews. Vol. I. | 1869 | X | X | X | X | X | ||
33 | X | X | X | X | ||||||
34 | 1878 | X | ||||||||
35 | ANCL 11 | The Writings of Quintus Sept. Flor. Tertullianus. Volume I. | 1869 | X | X | X | X | X | ||
36 | ANCL 12 | The Writings of Clement of Alexandria. Translated by the Rev. William Wilson, M.A., Musselburgh. Volume II. | 1869 | X | X | X | X | X | ||
37 | X | X | X | |||||||
38 | 1882 | X* | X* | |||||||
39 | ANCL 13 | The Writings of Cyprian, Bishop of Carthage. Vol. II. containing the remainder of the Treatise.Together with the Writings of Novatian, Minucius Felix, etc. Translated by Rev. Robert Ernest Wallis, Ph.D., Senior Priest Vicar of Wells Cathedral, and Incumbent of Christ Church, Coxley, Somerset. | 1869 | X | X | X | X | X | ||
40 | X | X | X | |||||||
41 | 1880 | X* | ||||||||
42 | 1884 | X* | ||||||||
43 | ANCL 14 | The Writings of Methodius, Alexander of Lycopolis, Peter of Alexandria, and several fragments. | 1869 | X | X | X | X | X | ||
44 | X | X | ||||||||
45 | ANCL 15 | The Writings of Quintus Sept. Flor. Tertullianus. Volume II. Translated by Peter Holmes, D.D., F.R.A.S., Domestic Chaplain to the Right Hon. the Countess of Rothes. | 1870 | X | X | X | X | X | ||
46 | X | X | ||||||||
47 | 1884 | X* | ||||||||
48 | ANCL 16 | Apocryphal Gospels, Acts, and Revelations. Translated by Alexander Walker, Esq., one Her Majesty's Inspectors of Schools for Scotland. | 1870 | X | X | X | X | X | ||
49 | X | |||||||||
50 | 1890 | X* | ||||||||
51 | ANCL 17 | The Clementine Homilies. // The Apostolical Constitutions. Edited, with notes, by James Donaldson, LL.D. | 1870 | X | X | X | X | X | (2 parts with different pagination.) | |
52 | X | X | X | X | X | |||||
53 | ANCL 18 | The Writings of Quintus Sept. Flor. Tertullianus. Vol. III. With the extant works of Victorinus and Commodianus. | 1870 | X | X | X | X | X | ||
54 | X | |||||||||
55 | ANCL 19 | The Seven Books of Arnobius Adversus Gentes. Translated by Archd. Hailton Bryce, LL.D. D.C.L. and Hugh Campbell, M.A. | 1871 | X | X | X | X | X | ||
56 | X | X | X | |||||||
57 | 1895 | X* | ||||||||
58 | ANCL 20 | The Works of Gregory Thaumaturgus, Dionysius of Alexandria, and Archelaus. Translated by Rev. S. D. F. Salmond, M.A., Barry. | 1871 | X | X | X | X | X | ||
59 | X | X | X | X | ||||||
60 | ANCL 21 | The Works of Lactantius. Translated by William Fletcher, D.D., Head-master of Queen Elizabeth's School, Wimborne, Dorset. In two volumes. Vol. I. | 1871 | X | X | X | X | X | ||
61 | X | X | X | X | X | |||||
62 | 1886 | X* | ||||||||
63 | ANCL 22 | The Works of Lactantius. Translated by William Fletcher, D.D., Head-master of Queen Elizabeth's School, Wimborne, Dorset. In two volumes. Vol. II. | 1871 | X | X | X | X | X | ||
64 | X | X | X | X | X | |||||
65 | X | |||||||||
66 | 1886 | X* | ||||||||
67 | ANCL 23 | The Writings of Origen. Translated by the Rev. Frederick Crombie, D.D., Professor of Biblical Cricitism, St. Mary's College, St. Andrews. Volume II. Origen Contra Celsum. Books II.-VIII. | 1872 | X | X | X | X | X | ||
68 | X | X | ||||||||
69 | 1894 | X* | X* | |||||||
70 | ANCL 24 | Liturgies and Other Documents of the Ante-Nicene Period. | 1872 | X | X | X | X | X | ||
71 | X | X | ||||||||
72 | 1883 | X* | ||||||||
73 | Additional Volume Containing Early Christian Works discovered since the Completion of the Series, and Selections from the Commentaries of Origen. Edited by Allan Menzies, D.D. Professor of Biblical Criticism in St. Mary's College, St. Andrews. | 1903 | X* | |||||||
74 | ||||||||||
75 | Ante-Nicene Fathers (American edition) | |||||||||
76 | ANF 1 | Ante-Nicene Fathers. Translations of the Writings of the Fathers down to A.D. 325. The Rev. Alexander Roberts, D.D., and James Donaldson, Ll.D., Editors. American reprint of the Edinbugh edition. Revised and chronologically arranged, with brief prefaces and occasional notes by A. Cleveland Coxe, D.D. Volume I. The Apostolic Fathers. - Justin Martyr. - Irenaeus. | 1885 | X* | ||||||
77 | Hathi | X* | ||||||||
78 | IA | X | ||||||||
79 | IA (G) | X | ||||||||
80 | 1887 | Hathi | X* | |||||||
81 | IA | X | ||||||||
82 | 1899 | X* | ||||||||
83 | Hathi | X* | X* | |||||||
84 | IA (G) | X | ||||||||
85 | 1903 | X* | ||||||||
86 | IA (G) | X | ||||||||
87 | 1905 | X* | ||||||||
88 | Hathi | X* | ||||||||
89 | 1913 | IA | X | |||||||
90 | 1926 | IA | X | |||||||
91 | 1979 | IA | Xº | |||||||
92 | ANF 2 | Volume II. Fathers of the Second Century: Hermas, Tatian, Athenagoras, Theophilus, and Clement of Alexandria (entire). | 1885 | X* | ||||||
93 | Hathi | X* | ||||||||
94 | IA | X | X | |||||||
95 | IA (G) | X | ||||||||
96 | 1905 | X* | ||||||||
97 | Hathi | X* | ||||||||
98 | 1913 | IA | X | |||||||
99 | 1926 | IA | X | |||||||
100 | 1956 | IA | X | |||||||
101 | 1979 | IA | Xº | |||||||
102 | ANF 3 | Volume III. Latin Christianity: Its Founder, Tertullian. I. Apologetic; II. Anti-Marcion; III. Ethical. | 1885 | IA | X | |||||
103 | 1887 | X* | X* | |||||||
104 | Hathi | X* | X* | X* | ||||||
105 | IA | X | ||||||||
106 | 1903 | X* | ||||||||
107 | IA (G) | X | ||||||||
108 | 1905 | X* | ||||||||
109 | Hathi | X* | ||||||||
110 | 1918 | IA | X | |||||||
111 | 1926 | IA | X | |||||||
112 | 1978 | IA | Xº | |||||||
113 | 1986 | IA | Xº | |||||||
114 | ANF 4 | Volume IV. Tertullian, Part Fourth; Minucius Felix; Commodian; Origen, Parts First and Second. Authorized edition. | 1885 | X* | X* | |||||
115 | Hathi | X* | ||||||||
116 | IA | X | ||||||||
117 | IA (G) | X | X | |||||||
118 | 1905 | X* | ||||||||
119 | Hathi | X* | ||||||||
120 | 1907 | X* | ||||||||
121 | Hathi | X* | ||||||||
122 | IA (G) | X | ||||||||
123 | 1913 | IA | X | |||||||
124 | 1926 | X* | X* | |||||||
125 | IA | X | ||||||||
126 | IA (G) | X | X | |||||||
127 | 1979 | IA | Xº | |||||||
128 | ANF 5 | Volume V. Hippolytus, Cyprian, Caius, Novatian, Appendix. Authorized edition. | 1886 | X* | X* | |||||
129 | Hathi | X* | X* | |||||||
130 | IA | X | ||||||||
131 | IA (G) | X | ||||||||
132 | 1888 | X* | ||||||||
133 | Hathi | X* | ||||||||
134 | IA | X | ||||||||
135 | 1899 | X* | ||||||||
136 | Hathi | X* | ||||||||
137 | 1903 | X* | X* | |||||||
138 | Hathi | X* | ||||||||
139 | IA (G) | X | ||||||||
140 | 1919 | IA | X | |||||||
141 | 1926 | IA | X | |||||||
142 | 1978 | IA | Xº | |||||||
143 | ANF 6 | Volume VI. Gregory Thaumaturgus, Dionysus the Great, Julius Africanus, Anatolius and minor writers, Methodius, Arnobius. Authorized edition. | 1886 | X* | ||||||
144 | Hathi | X* | ||||||||
145 | IA | X | ||||||||
146 | IA (G) | X | ||||||||
147 | 1888 | X* | ||||||||
148 | Hathi | X* | ||||||||
149 | IA | X | ||||||||
150 | 1890 | X* | ||||||||
151 | IA (G) | X | ||||||||
152 | 1896 | X* | ||||||||
153 | Hathi | X* | ||||||||
154 | 1899 | X* | X* | |||||||
155 | Hathi | X* | ||||||||
156 | 1903 | X* | ||||||||
157 | Hathi | X* | ||||||||
158 | 1926 | IA | X | |||||||
159 | 1978 | IA | Xº | |||||||
160 | ANF 7 | Volume VII. Lactantius, Venantius, Asterius, Victorinus, Dionysius, Apostolic Teaching and Constitutions, Homily, and Liturgies. Authorized edition. | 1886 | X* | X* | |||||
161 | Hathi | X* | X* | X* | ||||||
162 | IA | X | X | |||||||
163 | IA (G) | X | ||||||||
164 | 1888 | IA | X | |||||||
165 | 1890 | IA | X | |||||||
166 | IA (G) | X | ||||||||
167 | 1896 | X* | ||||||||
168 | Hathi | X* | ||||||||
169 | 1905 | X* | ||||||||
170 | Hathi | X* | ||||||||
171 | 1913 | IA | X | |||||||
172 | 1926 | IA | X | |||||||
173 | 1979 | IA | Xº | |||||||
174 | ANF 8 | Volume VIII. The Twelve Patriarchs, Excerpts and Epistles, The Clementina, Apocrypha, Decretals, Memoirs of Edessa and Syriad Documents, Remains of the First Ages. Authorized edition. | 1886 | X* | ||||||
175 | Hathi | X* | ||||||||
176 | IA | X | X | |||||||
177 | 1903 | X* | ||||||||
178 | IA (G) | X | ||||||||
179 | 1906 | X* | ||||||||
180 | Hathi | X* | ||||||||
181 | 1916 | IA | X | |||||||
182 | 1926 | IA | X | |||||||
183 | 1995 | IA | Xº | |||||||
184 | ANF 9 | Original Supplement to the American edition Allan Menzies, D.D., Professor of Biblical Criticism in St. Mary's College, St. Andrews, Scotland, Editor. Volume IX. The Gospel of Peter, the Diatessaron of Tatian, the Apocalypse of Peter, the Visio Pauli, the Apocalypses of the Virgin and Sedrach, the Testament of Abraham, the Acts of Xanthippe and Polyxena, the Narrative of Zosimus, the Apology of Aristides, the Epistles of Clement (complete text), Origen's Commentary on John, Books I-X, and Commentary on Matthew, Books I, II, and X-XIV. | 1896 | X* | X* | X* | ||||
185 | Hathi | X* | X* | X* | ||||||
186 | Second edition. | 1897 | Hathi | X* | ||||||
187 | IA | X | ||||||||
188 | Third edition. | 1899 | X* | |||||||
189 | Hathi | X* | ||||||||
190 | Fifth edition. | 1903 | X* | |||||||
191 | IA (G) | X | ||||||||
192 | 1906 | X* | X* | |||||||
193 | Hathi | X* | X* | |||||||
194 | IA | X | ||||||||
195 | IA (G) | X | ||||||||
196 | 1912 | X* | ||||||||
197 | Hathi | X* | X* | |||||||
198 | IA | X | ||||||||
199 | 1926 | IA | X | |||||||
200 | ANF Suppl. | Original Supplement to the American Edition. A. Cleveland Coxe, D.D., Editor. I. Bibliographical Synopsis. By Ernest C. Richardson, M.A. II. General Index. By Bernard Pick, Ph.D. | 1887 | Hathi | X* | |||||
201 | IA | X | ||||||||
202 | 1890 | X* | ||||||||
203 | IA (G) | X | ||||||||
204 | 1903 | X* | ||||||||
205 | IA | X | ||||||||
206 | IA (G) | X | ||||||||
207 | 1907 | X* | X* | |||||||
208 | Hathi | X* | X* | |||||||
209 | 1917 | IA | X | |||||||
210 | 1926 | IA | X | |||||||
211 | 1986 | IA | Xº | |||||||
212 | ||||||||||
213 | Link count | |||||||||
214 | 371 | |||||||||
215 | ||||||||||
216 | Other compilations | |||||||||
217 | http://classicsindex.pbworks.com/w/page/125224202/early_christianity_collections | |||||||||
218 | ||||||||||
219 | Electronic texts | |||||||||
220 | https://ccel.org/fathers | |||||||||
221 | http://www.tertullian.org/fathers2/ | |||||||||
222 | ||||||||||
223 | --- |
1 | Acta Sanctorum | |||||||||
2 | ||||||||||
3 | Antwerp edition | |||||||||
4 | Jan I (1-15) | ACTA SANCTORVM Quotquot toto orbe coluntur, vel à Catholicis Scriptoribus celebrantur, Quæ ex Latinis & Græcis, aliarumque gentium antiquis monumentis collegit, digessit, Notis illustrauit IOANNES BOLLANDVS SOCIETATIS IESV THEOLOGVS, Seruatâ primigeniâ Scriptorum phrasi. OPERAM ET STVDIVM CONTVLIT GODEFRIDVS HENSCHENIVS EIVSDEM SOCIET. THEOLOGVS. Prodit nunc duobus Tomis IANVARIVS, In quo MCLXX. nominatorum Sanctorum, & aliorum innumerabilium memoria, vel res gestæ illustrantur. Ceteri menses ex ordine subsequentur | 1643 | X | X | X | X | X | ||
5 | Hathi | X | X | |||||||
6 | Gallica | X | ||||||||
7 | DCO | X | ||||||||
9 | Hathi | X | ||||||||
10 | Gallica | X | ||||||||
11 | DCO | X | ||||||||
12 | Feb I (1-6) | ACTA SAMCTORVM Quotquot toto orbe coluntur, vel à Catholicis Scriptoribus celebrantur, Quæ ex Latinis & Græcis aliarumque gentium antiquis monumentis COLLEGERVNT AC DIGESSERVNT Seruatâ primigenia Scriptorum phrasi, & variis observationibus illustrarunt IOANNES BOLLANDVS, GODEFRIDVS HENSCHENIVS SOCIETATIS IESV THEOLOGI. Prodit nunc tribus Tomis FEBRVARIVS, In quo MCCCX nominatorum Sanctorum & aliorum innumerabilium memoria vel res gestæ illustrantur. TOMVS I. Complectens dies VI priores | 1658 | X | X | X | X | X | ||
13 | Hathi | X | X | X | ||||||
14 | Gallica | X | ||||||||
15 | DCO | X | ||||||||
16 | 1684 | X | ||||||||
17 | Feb II (7-16) | ACTA SANCTORVM Quotquot toto orbe coluntur, vel à Catholicis Scriptoribus celebrantur, Quæ ex Latinis & Græcis aliarumque gentium antiquis monumentis COLLEGERVNT AC DIGESSERVNT Seruatâ primigeniâ Scriptorum phrasi, & variis Observationibus illustrarunt IOANNES BOLLANDVS, GODEFRIDVS HENSCHENIVS SOCIETATIS IESV THEOLOGI. Prodit nunc tribus Tomis FEBRVARIVS, In quo MCCCX nominatorum Sanctorum & aliorum innumerabilium memoria vel res gestæ illustrantur. TOMVS II. Complectens dies X medios à VII ad XVII | 1658 | X | X | X | X | X | ||
18 | X | |||||||||
19 | Hathi | X | X | X | ||||||
20 | Gallica | X | ||||||||
21 | DCO | X | ||||||||
22 | Feb III (17-29) | ACTA SANCTORVM Quotquot toto orbe coluntur, vel à Catholicis Scriptoribus celebrantur, Quæ ex Latinis & Græcis, aliarumque gentium antiquis monumentis COLLEGERVNT AC DIGESSERVNT Seruatâ primigeniâ Scriptorum phrasi, & variis Observationibus illustrarunt IOANNES BOLLANDVS, GODEFRIDVS HENSCHENIVS SOCIETATIS IESV THEOLOGI. Prodit nunc tribus Tomis FEBRVARIVS, In quo MCCCX nominatorum Sanctorum & aliorum innumerabilium memoria vel res gestæ illustrantur. TOMVS III. Complectens dies XIL posteriores a XVII. ad finem. | 1658 | X | X | X | ||||
23 | Hathi | X | X | X | ||||||
24 | Gallica | X | ||||||||
25 | DCO | X | ||||||||
26 | Mar I (1-8) | 1668 | X | X | X | X | X | |||
27 | X | |||||||||
28 | Hathi | X | X | |||||||
29 | Gallica | X | ||||||||
30 | DCO | X | ||||||||
31 | Mar II (9-18) | 1668 | X | X | X | X | X | |||
32 | Hathi | X | X | X | ||||||
33 | Mar III (19-31) | 1668 | X | X | X | X | ||||
34 | Hathi | X | X | |||||||
35 | Gallica | X | ||||||||
36 | DCO | X | ||||||||
37 | Apr I (1-10) | 1675 | X | X | X | X | X | |||
38 | X | X | X | X | X | |||||
39 | X | |||||||||
40 | Hathi | X | X | X | ||||||
41 | Gallica | X | ||||||||
42 | DCO | X | ||||||||
43 | Apr II (11-21) | 1675 | X | X | X | X | X | |||
44 | X | |||||||||
45 | Hathi | X | X | X | ||||||
46 | IA (G) | X | ||||||||
47 | Gallica | X | ||||||||
48 | Apr III (22-30) | 1675 | X | X | X | X | X | |||
49 | X | X | ||||||||
50 | Hathi | X | X | |||||||
51 | Gallica | X | ||||||||
52 | DCO | X | ||||||||
53 | May I | 1680 | X | X | X | X | X | |||
54 | X | |||||||||
55 | Hathi | X | X | |||||||
56 | Gallica | X | ||||||||
57 | DCO | X | ||||||||
58 | May II | 1680 | X | X | X | X | ||||
59 | Hathi | X | X | X | ||||||
60 | Gallica | X | ||||||||
61 | DCO | X | ||||||||
62 | May III | 1680 | X | X | X | X | X | |||
63 | Hathi | X | X | X | ||||||
64 | Gallica | X | ||||||||
65 | DCO | X | ||||||||
66 | May IV | 1685 | X | X | X | X | Some front pages are different. | |||
67 | Hathi | X | X | X | X | |||||
68 | Gallica | X | ||||||||
69 | DCO | X | ||||||||
70 | May V | 1685 | X | X | X | X | X | |||
71 | X | X | X | X | ||||||
72 | Hathi | X | X | X | ||||||
73 | Gallica | X | ||||||||
74 | DCO | X | ||||||||
75 | May VI | 1688 | X | X | X | X | X | |||
76 | X | |||||||||
77 | Hathi | X | X | X | ||||||
78 | Gallica | X | ||||||||
79 | DCO | X | ||||||||
80 | May VII | 1688 | X | X | X | X | ||||
81 | Hathi | X | X | X | ||||||
82 | Gallica | X | ||||||||
83 | DCO | X | ||||||||
84 | May Propylaeum | 1685 | X | X | X | X | X | |||
85 | Hathi | X | X | |||||||
86 | Gallica | X | ||||||||
87 | DCO | X | ||||||||
88 | Jun I | 1695 | X | X | X | X | X | There are two versions. | ||
89 | Hathi | X | X | X | ||||||
90 | Gallica | X | ||||||||
91 | DCO | X | ||||||||
92 | Jun II | 1698 | X | X | X | X | X | There are two versions. | ||
93 | X | |||||||||
94 | Hathi | X | X | |||||||
95 | Gallica | X | ||||||||
96 | DCO | X | ||||||||
97 | Jun III | 1701 | X | X | X | X | X | There are two versions. | ||
98 | X | X | X | |||||||
99 | Hathi | X | X | X | ||||||
100 | Gallica | X | ||||||||
101 | DCO | X | ||||||||
102 | Jun IV | 1707 | X | X | X | X | X | There are two versions. | ||
103 | X | |||||||||
104 | Hathi | X | X | X | ||||||
105 | Gallica | X | ||||||||
106 | DCO | X | ||||||||
107 | Jun V | 1709 | X | X | X | X | X | There are two versions. | ||
108 | X | X | ||||||||
109 | Hathi | X | X | X | ||||||
110 | Gallica | X | ||||||||
111 | DCO | X | ||||||||
112 | Jun VI | 1715 | X | X | X | X | X | There are two versions. | ||
113 | Hathi | X | X | X | ||||||
114 | Gallica | X | ||||||||
115 | DCO | X | ||||||||
116 | Martyrilogium Usuardi Monachi | 1714 | X | X | X | X | X | Included as second part of Jun VI. | ||
117 | Jun VII | 1717 | X | X | X | X | X | There are two versions. | ||
118 | X | |||||||||
119 | Hathi | X | X | |||||||
120 | Gallica | X | ||||||||
121 | DCO | X | ||||||||
122 | Jul I | 1719 | X | X | X | X | X | There are two versions. | ||
123 | Hathi | X | X | X | ||||||
124 | Gallica | X | ||||||||
125 | DCO | X | ||||||||
126 | Jul II | 1721 | X | X | X | X | X | There are two versions. | ||
127 | Hathi | X | X | X | ||||||
128 | Gallica | X | ||||||||
129 | DCO | X | ||||||||
130 | Jul III | 1723 | X | X | X | X | X | |||
131 | X | X | X | X | ||||||
132 | Hathi | X | X | X | ||||||
133 | Gallica | X | ||||||||
134 | DCO | X | ||||||||
135 | Jul IV | 1725 | X | X | X | X | X | |||
136 | X | X | X | X | X | |||||
137 | X | |||||||||
138 | Hathi | X | X | X | ||||||
139 | Gallica | X | ||||||||
140 | DCO | X | ||||||||
141 | Jul V | 1727 | X | X | X | X | X | |||
142 | X | X | X | |||||||
143 | Hathi | X | X | X | ||||||
144 | Gallica | X | ||||||||
145 | DCO | X | ||||||||
146 | Jul VI | 1729 | X | X | X | X | X | |||
147 | X | |||||||||
148 | Hathi | X | X | X | ||||||
149 | Gallica | X | ||||||||
150 | DCO | X | ||||||||
151 | Jul VII | 1731 | X | X | X | X | X | |||
152 | X | |||||||||
153 | Hathi | X | X | X | ||||||
154 | Gallica | X | ||||||||
155 | DCO | X | ||||||||
156 | Aug I | 1733 | X | X | X | X | X | |||
157 | X | |||||||||
158 | Hathi | X | X | X | ||||||
159 | Gallica | X | ||||||||
160 | DCO | X | ||||||||
161 | Aug II | 1735 | X | X | X | X | X | |||
162 | X | X | X | X | ||||||
163 | Hathi | X | X | X | ||||||
164 | Gallica | X | ||||||||
165 | DCO | X | ||||||||
166 | Aug III | 1737 | X | X | X | X | X | |||
167 | X | X | ||||||||
168 | Hathi | X | X | X | ||||||
169 | Gallica | X | ||||||||
170 | DCO | X | ||||||||
171 | Aug IV | 1739 | X | X | X | X | X | |||
172 | X | X | ||||||||
173 | Hathi | X | X | X | ||||||
174 | Gallica | X | ||||||||
175 | DCO | X | ||||||||
176 | Aug V | 1741 | X | X | X | X | X | |||
177 | X | X | X | X | ||||||
178 | Hathi | X | X | X | ||||||
179 | Gallica | X | ||||||||
180 | DCO | X | ||||||||
181 | Aug VI | 1743 | X | X | X | X | X | |||
182 | Hathi | X | X | X | ||||||
183 | Gallica | X | ||||||||
184 | DCO | X | ||||||||
185 | Sep I | 1746 | X | X | X | X | X | |||
186 | X | X | X | |||||||
187 | Hathi | X | X | X | ||||||
188 | Gallica | X | ||||||||
189 | DCO | X | ||||||||
190 | Sep II | 1748 | X | X | X | X | X | |||
191 | X | X | X | X | ||||||
192 | Hathi | X | X | X | ||||||
193 | Gallica | X | ||||||||
194 | DCO | X | ||||||||
195 | Sep III | 1750 | X | X | X | X | X | |||
196 | X | X | ||||||||
197 | Hathi | X | X | X | ||||||
198 | Gallica | X | ||||||||
199 | DCO | X | ||||||||
200 | Sep IV | 1753 | X | X | X | X | X | |||
201 | X | |||||||||
202 | Hathi | X | X | X | ||||||
203 | Gallica | X | ||||||||
204 | DCO | X | ||||||||
205 | Sep V | 1755 | X | X | X | X | X | |||
206 | X | X | ||||||||
207 | Hathi | X | X | X | ||||||
208 | Gallica | X | ||||||||
209 | DCO | X | ||||||||
210 | Sep VI | 1757 | X | X | X | X | X | |||
211 | X | X | ||||||||
212 | Hathi | X | X | X | ||||||
213 | Gallica | X | ||||||||
214 | DCO | X | ||||||||
215 | Sep VII | 1760 | X | X | X | X | X | |||
216 | X | X | ||||||||
217 | Hathi | X | X | X | ||||||
218 | Gallica | X | ||||||||
219 | DCO | X | ||||||||
220 | Sep VIII | 1762 | X | X | X | X | ||||
221 | Hathi | X | X | X | ||||||
222 | Gallica | X | ||||||||
223 | DCO | X | ||||||||
224 | Oct I | 1765 | X | X | X | X | X | |||
225 | X | X | X | |||||||
226 | Hathi | X | X | X | ||||||
227 | Gallica | X | ||||||||
228 | DCO | X | ||||||||
229 | Oct II | 1768 | X | X | X | X | X | |||
230 | X | X | X | X | X | |||||
231 | Hathi | X | X | X | ||||||
232 | Gallica | X | ||||||||
233 | DCO | X | ||||||||
234 | Oct III | 1770 | X | X | X | X | X | |||
235 | X | X | ||||||||
236 | Hathi | X | X | X | ||||||
237 | Gallica | X | ||||||||
238 | DCO | X | ||||||||
239 | Oct IV | 1780 | X | X | X | X | X | (Bruxellis.) | ||
240 | X | X | X | X | X | |||||
241 | Hathi | X | X | |||||||
242 | IA (G) | X | ||||||||
243 | Gallica | X | ||||||||
244 | DCO | X | ||||||||
245 | Oct V | 1786 | X | X | X | X | X | (Bruxellis.) | ||
246 | X | X | ||||||||
247 | Hathi | X | X | |||||||
248 | IA (G) | X | X | |||||||
249 | Gallica | X | ||||||||
250 | DCO | X | ||||||||
251 | Oct VI | 1794 | X | X | X | X | X | (Tongerloae.) | ||
252 | X | |||||||||
253 | Hathi | X | ||||||||
254 | Gallica | X | ||||||||
255 | DCO | X | ||||||||
256 | Oct VII | 1845 | X | X | X | (Bruxellis.) | ||||
257 | Hathi | X | ||||||||
258 | IA | X | ||||||||
259 | Gallica | X | ||||||||
260 | DCO | X | ||||||||
261 | Oct VIII | 1853 | X | X | X | (Bruxellis.) | ||||
262 | Hathi | X | ||||||||
263 | Gallica | X | ||||||||
264 | DCO | X | ||||||||
265 | Oct IX | 1858 | X | X | X | X | X | (Bruxellis.) | ||
266 | X | |||||||||
267 | Hathi | X | ||||||||
268 | IA | X | ||||||||
269 | Gallica | X | ||||||||
270 | DCO | X | ||||||||
271 | Oct X | 1861 | X | X | X | X | (Bruxellis.) | |||
272 | Hathi | X | X | |||||||
273 | IA | X | ||||||||
274 | Gallica | X | ||||||||
275 | DCO | X | ||||||||
276 | Oct XI | 1864 | X | X | X | (Bruxellis.) | ||||
277 | Hathi | X | ||||||||
278 | Gallica | X | ||||||||
279 | DCO | X | ||||||||
280 | Oct XII | 1867 | X | X | X | X | X | (Bruxellis.) | ||
281 | Hathi | X | ||||||||
282 | IA (G) | X | ||||||||
283 | Gallica | X | ||||||||
284 | DCO | X | ||||||||
285 | 1884 | X | (Bruxellis.) | |||||||
286 | IA | X | ||||||||
287 | Oct XIII | 1883 | X | X | (Printed by Palmé, Paris.) | |||||
288 | Hathi | X | ||||||||
289 | IA | X | X | X | ||||||
290 | Gallica | X | ||||||||
291 | DCO | X | ||||||||
292 | Nov Propylaeum | 1902 | X* | X* | (Bruxellis.) | |||||
293 | Hathi | X | ||||||||
294 | IA | X | X | |||||||
295 | Nov I | 1887 | X | X | X | X | X | (Printed by Palmé, Paris.) | ||
296 | X | |||||||||
297 | Hathi | X | X | |||||||
298 | IA | X | X | |||||||
299 | Nov II.1 | 1894 | X | X | (Bruxellis.) | |||||
300 | Hathi | X | X | X | ||||||
301 | IA | X | X | |||||||
302 | Nov II.2 | 1931 | IA | X | ||||||
303 | Nov III | 1910 | X | (Bruxellis.) | ||||||
304 | Hathi | X | ||||||||
305 | IA | X | X | |||||||
306 | Nov IV (9-10) | 1925 | Gallica | X | (Bruxellis.) | |||||
307 | DCO | X | ||||||||
308 | Dec | 1940 | ||||||||
309 | ||||||||||
310 | Venice edition | |||||||||
311 | Jan I (1-15) | Acta Sanctorum Quotquot toto orbe coluntur, vel a Catholicis Scriptoribus celebrantur, Quae ex antiquis Monumentis Latinis, aliarumque gentium collegit, digessit, Notis illustrauit Joannes Bollandus Societatis Jesu Theologus, seruata primigenia Scriptorum phrasi. Operam et studium contulit Godefridus Henschenius eiusdem Societatis Theologus. Tomus primus Januarii. In quo MCLXX. nominatorum Sanctorum, & aliorum innumerabilium memoria, vel res gestae illustrantur. | 1734 | X | ||||||
312 | Jan II (16-31) | Acta Sanctorum quotquot toto orbe coluntur, vel a catholicis scriptoribus celebrantur, Quae ex antiquis Monumentis Latinis, Graecis, aliarumque Gentium collegit, digessit, Notis illustravit Joannes Bollandus Societatis Jesu Theologus, servata primigenia Scriptorum phrasi. Operam et studium contulit Godefridus Henschenius ejusdem Societatis Theologus. Januarii tomus II XVI. posteriores dies complectens. | 1734 | X | ||||||
313 | Feb I | 1735 | X | X | ||||||
314 | Feb II | 1735 | X | |||||||
315 | IA (G) | X | ||||||||
316 | Feb III | 1736 | X | X | ||||||
317 | IA (G) | X | ||||||||
318 | Mar I | 1735 | X | X | ||||||
319 | IA (G) | X | ||||||||
320 | Mar II | 1735 | X | X | ||||||
321 | Mar III | 1736 | X | X | ||||||
322 | IA (G) | X | ||||||||
323 | Apr I | 1737 | X | X | ||||||
324 | Apr II | 1738 | X | X | ||||||
325 | Apr III | 1738 | X | X | ||||||
326 | May I | 1737 | X | |||||||
327 | IA (G) | X | ||||||||
328 | May II | 1738 | X | X | ||||||
329 | May III | 1738 | X | |||||||
330 | May IV | 1740 | ||||||||
331 | May V | 1740 | ||||||||
332 | May VI | 1739 | X | X | ||||||
333 | IA (G) | X | ||||||||
334 | May Propylaeum | 1742 | X | X | X | |||||
335 | IA (G) | X | ||||||||
336 | Jun I | 1741 | X | |||||||
337 | IA (G) | X | ||||||||
338 | Jun II | 1742 | ||||||||
339 | Jun III | 1743 | X | |||||||
340 | IA (G) | X | ||||||||
341 | Jun IV | 1743 | ||||||||
342 | Jun V | 1746 | X | |||||||
343 | IA (G) | X | ||||||||
344 | Jun VI | 1745 | X | |||||||
345 | Martyrilogium Usuardi Monachi | 1745 | X | X | Included as second part of Jun VI. | |||||
346 | Jun VII | 1746 | X | X | ||||||
347 | IA (G) | X | ||||||||
348 | Jul I | 1746 | X | |||||||
349 | IA (G) | X | ||||||||
350 | Jul II | 1747 | X | X | ||||||
351 | IA (G) | X | ||||||||
352 | Jul III | 1747 | X | |||||||
353 | IA (G) | X | ||||||||
354 | Jul IV | 1748 | X | |||||||
355 | Jul V | 1748 | X | |||||||
356 | Jul VI | 1749 | X | |||||||
357 | Jul VII | 1749 | X | |||||||
358 | IA (G) | X | ||||||||
359 | Aug I | 1750 | X | |||||||
360 | IA (G) | X | ||||||||
361 | Aug II | 1751 | X | X | ||||||
362 | IA (G) | X | ||||||||
363 | Aug III | 1752 | X | |||||||
364 | IA (G) | X | ||||||||
365 | Aug IV | 1752 | X | |||||||
366 | IA (G) | X | ||||||||
367 | Aug V | 1754 | X | |||||||
368 | Aug VI | 1753 | X | |||||||
369 | Sep I | 1756 | X | X | ||||||
370 | IA (G) | X | ||||||||
371 | Sep II | 1756 | X | |||||||
372 | IA (G) | X | ||||||||
373 | Sep III | 1761 | X | |||||||
374 | Sep IV | 1761 | X | |||||||
375 | IA (G) | X | ||||||||
376 | Sep V | 1770 | X | X | ||||||
377 | Greuse continuation | |||||||||
378 | (Apparently there are also vols Sept 5 (1857), Sept 8 (s.a), Oct 1 (1859), Oct 2 (1858), Oct 3 (1857), Oct 4 (1856), Oct 6 (1856 apart from 1853). | |||||||||
379 | Oct V | 1852 | X | X | ||||||
380 | Oct VI | 1853 | X | X | X | X | X | |||
381 | Oct VII.1 | 1845 | X | X | X | X | ||||
382 | Oct VII.2 | 1845 | X | X | X | X | ||||
383 | IA | X | ||||||||
384 | Oct VIII | 1853 | X | X | X | |||||
385 | Oct IX | 1858 | X | X | ||||||
386 | ||||||||||
387 | Paris edition | |||||||||
388 | Jan I (1-11) | Acta Sanctorum quotquot toto orbe coluntur, vel a catholicis scriptoribus celebrantur, quae ex Latinis et Graecis, aliarumque gentium antiquis monumentis collegit, digessit, notis illustravit Joannes Bollandus Societatis Jesu Theologus, servata primigenia scriptorum phrasi. Operam et studium contulit Godefridus Henschenius, ejusdem Societatis Theologus. Januarii tomus primus XI priores dies complectens. Editio novissima, Curante Joanne Carnandet. | 1863 | X | ||||||
389 | Hathi | X | ||||||||
390 | Acta Sanctorum quotquot toto orbe coluntur, vel a catholicis scriptoribus celebrantur quae ex Latinis et Graecis, aliarumque gentium antiquis monumentis collegit, digessit, notis illustravit Joannes Bollandus, Theologus, Societatis Jesu servata primigenia scriptorum phrasi. Operam et studium contulit Godefridus Henschenius, ejusdem Societatis Theologus. Editio novissima, Curante Joanne Carnandet. Januarii tomus primus XI priores dies complectens. | 1863 | IA | X | X | |||||
391 | Acta Sanctorum quotquot toto orbe coluntur, vel a catholicis scriptoribus celebrantur quae ex Latinis et Graecis, aliarumque gentium antiquis monumentis collegit, digessit, notis illustravit Joannes Bollandus, Theologus, Societatis Jesu servata primigenia scriptorum phrasi. Operam et studium contulit Godefridus Henschenius, ejusdem Societatis Theologus. Editio novissima, Curante Joanne Carnandet. Januarii tomus primus XI priores dies complectens. | 1866 | X | |||||||
392 | Jan II (12-21) | Acta Sanctorum quotquot toto orbe coluntur, vel a catholicis scriptoribus celebrantur quae ex Latinis et Graecis, aliarumque gentium antiquis monumentis collegit, digessit, notis illustravit Joannes Bollandus, Theologus, Societatis Jesu servata primigenia scriptorum phrasi. Operam et studium contulit Godefridus Henschenius, ejusdem Societatis Theologus. Editio novissima, Curante Joanne Carnandet. Januarii tomus secundus X mediocres dies complectens. | 1863 | Hathi | X | |||||
393 | IA | X | X | |||||||
394 | 1866 | X | ||||||||
395 | Jan III (22-31) | Acta Sanctorum quotquot toto orbe coluntur, vel a catholicis scriptoribus celebrantur quae ex Latinis et Graecis, aliarumque gentium antiquis monumentis collegit, digessit, notis illustravit Joannes Bollandus, Theologus, Societatis Jesu servata primigenia scriptorum phrasi. Operam et studium contulit Godefridus Henschenius, ejusdem Societatis Theologus. Editio novissima, Curante Joanne Carnandet. Januarii tomus tertius decem postremos dies complectens. | 1863 | X | ||||||
396 | Hathi | X | ||||||||
397 | IA | X | X | |||||||
398 | Feb I | 1863 | X | |||||||
399 | Hathi | X | ||||||||
400 | IA | X | X | |||||||
401 | Feb II | 1864 | X | X | ||||||
402 | Hathi | X | ||||||||
403 | IA | X | X | |||||||
404 | Feb III | 1865 | X | X | X | |||||
405 | Hathi | X | X | |||||||
406 | IA | X | X | |||||||
407 | Mar I | 1865 | X | |||||||
408 | Hathi | X | ||||||||
409 | IA | X | X | |||||||
410 | Mar II | 1865 | X | |||||||
411 | Hathi | X | ||||||||
412 | IA | X | X | |||||||
413 | Mar III | 1865 | X | "Volumen primum" on the front page of the Hathi copy is wrong (!) | ||||||
414 | Hathi | X | ||||||||
415 | IA | X | X | |||||||
416 | Apr I | 1866 | X | |||||||
417 | Hathi | X | ||||||||
418 | IA | X | ||||||||
419 | Apr II | 1866 | X | |||||||
420 | Hathi | X | ||||||||
421 | IA | X | X | |||||||
422 | Apr III | 1866 | X | X | ||||||
423 | Hathi | X | X | |||||||
424 | IA | X | ||||||||
425 | May I | 1866 | X | X | ||||||
426 | Hathi | X | ||||||||
427 | IA | X | X | |||||||
428 | IA (G) | X | ||||||||
429 | May II | 1866 | X | |||||||
430 | Hathi | X | ||||||||
431 | IA | X | X | X | ||||||
432 | May III | 1866 | X | X | ||||||
433 | Hathi | X | X | |||||||
434 | IA | X | ||||||||
435 | May IV | 1866 | X | |||||||
436 | Hathi | X | X | |||||||
437 | IA | X | ||||||||
438 | May V | 1866 | X | X | X | |||||
439 | Hathi | X | ||||||||
440 | IA | X | ||||||||
441 | May VI | 1866 | X | X | ||||||
442 | Hathi | X | ||||||||
443 | IA | X | X | |||||||
444 | May VII | 1866 | X | |||||||
445 | Hathi | X | ||||||||
446 | IA | X | X | |||||||
447 | May Propylaeum | 1868 | X | |||||||
448 | Hathi | X | ||||||||
449 | IA | X | X | |||||||
450 | Jun I | 1867 | X | X | ||||||
451 | Hathi | X | ||||||||
452 | IA | X | X | |||||||
453 | Jun II | 1867 | X | X | X | |||||
454 | Hathi | X | X | |||||||
455 | IA | X | X | |||||||
456 | Jun III | 1867 | X | X | ||||||
457 | Hathi | X | ||||||||
458 | IA | X | X | |||||||
459 | Jun IV | 1867 | X | X | ||||||
460 | IA | X | X | |||||||
461 | Jun V | 1867 | X | X | X | |||||
462 | Hathi | X | X | |||||||
463 | IA | X | X | X | ||||||
464 | Jun VI | 1866 | X | X | ||||||
465 | Hathi | X | X | |||||||
466 | IA | X | X | |||||||
467 | Jun VII | 1867 | X | X | ||||||
468 | Hathi | X | X | |||||||
469 | IA | X | X | |||||||
470 | Jul I | 1867 | X | X | ||||||
471 | Hathi | X | ||||||||
472 | IA | X | X | |||||||
473 | Jul II | 1867 | X | |||||||
474 | Hathi | X | ||||||||
475 | IA | X | X | X | ||||||
476 | Jul III | 1867 | X | |||||||
477 | IA | X | X | X | ||||||
478 | Jul IV | 1868 | X | X | ||||||
479 | Hathi | X | X | |||||||
480 | IA | X | X | X | ||||||
481 | Jul V | 1868 | X | X | ||||||
482 | IA | X | X | |||||||
483 | Jul VI | 1868 | X | X | ||||||
484 | Hathi | X | X | |||||||
485 | IA | X | X | |||||||
486 | Jul VII | 1868 | X | X | ||||||
487 | Hathi | X | ||||||||
488 | IA | X | X | |||||||
489 | Aug I | 1867 | X | X | X | |||||
490 | Hathi | X | ||||||||
491 | IA | X | X | |||||||
492 | Aug II | 1867 | X | X | X | |||||
493 | Hathi | X | ||||||||
494 | IA | X | X | |||||||
495 | Aug III | 1867 | X | X | ||||||
496 | Hathi | X | ||||||||
497 | IA | X | X | |||||||
498 | Aug IV | 1867 | X | X | X | |||||
499 | Hathi | X | X | |||||||
500 | IA | X | X | |||||||
501 | Aug V | 1868 | X | |||||||
502 | IA | X | X | X | ||||||
503 | Aug VI | 1868 | X | X | ||||||
504 | Hathi | X | ||||||||
505 | IA | X | X | |||||||
506 | Sep I | 1868 | X | X | ||||||
507 | Hathi | X | ||||||||
508 | IA | X | X | |||||||
509 | Sep II | 1868 | X | |||||||
510 | Hathi | X | ||||||||
511 | IA | X | X | X | ||||||
512 | Sep III | 1868 | X | |||||||
513 | Hathi | X | ||||||||
514 | IA | X | X | |||||||
515 | Sep IV | 1868 | X | X | ||||||
516 | Hathi | X | X | |||||||
517 | IA | X | X | |||||||
518 | Sep V | 1866 | IA | X | X | |||||
519 | Sep VI | 1867 | X | |||||||
520 | IA | X | X | |||||||
521 | Sep VII | 1867 | X | X | ||||||
522 | IA | X | X | |||||||
523 | Sep VIII | 1865 | X | |||||||
524 | Hathi | X | ||||||||
525 | IA | X | ||||||||
526 | Oct I | 1866 | X | X | X | |||||
527 | Hathi | X | X | X | ||||||
528 | IA | X | X | |||||||
529 | Oct II | 1866 | X | |||||||
530 | Hathi | X | ||||||||
531 | IA | X | X | |||||||
532 | Oct III | 1868 | X | X | ||||||
533 | Hathi | X | ||||||||
534 | IA | X | X | |||||||
535 | Oct IV | 1866 | IA | X | X | |||||
536 | Oct V | 1868 | X | X | ||||||
537 | Hathi | X | X | |||||||
538 | IA | X | X | |||||||
539 | Oct VI | 1868 | X | X | ||||||
540 | Hathi | X | ||||||||
541 | IA | X | X | |||||||
542 | 1906 | X | (Apud Arthur Savaète bibliopolam.) | |||||||
543 | Hathi | X | ||||||||
544 | Oct VII.1 | 1869 | X | X | ||||||
545 | Hathi | X | X | |||||||
546 | IA | X | ||||||||
547 | Oct VII.2 | 1869 | X | |||||||
548 | Hathi | X | X | |||||||
549 | IA | X | ||||||||
550 | Oct VIII | 1866 | X | |||||||
551 | Hathi | X | ||||||||
552 | IA | X | ||||||||
553 | 1870 | IA | X | X | ||||||
554 | Oct IX | 1869 | X | |||||||
555 | IA | X | X | |||||||
556 | Oct X | 1869 | X | X | X | |||||
557 | Hathi | X | X | |||||||
558 | IA | X | ||||||||
559 | Oct XI | 1863 | X | Date 1863 on frontispice. Earlier than the Brussels edition (1864)? Not mentioned by Delehaye. | ||||||
560 | IA | X | ||||||||
561 | 1870 | X | ||||||||
562 | IA | X | ||||||||
563 | Oct XII | 1867 | IA | X | ||||||
564 | Oct Suppl. | 1875 | X | X | X | X | X | |||
565 | X | |||||||||
566 | Hathi | X | X | |||||||
567 | IA | X | X | |||||||
568 | Gallica | X | ||||||||
569 | DCO | X | ||||||||
570 | ||||||||||
571 | Link count | |||||||||
572 | 1095 | |||||||||
573 | ||||||||||
574 | Other compilations | |||||||||
575 | http://www.roger-pearse.com/weblog/2012/06/19/volumes-of-the-acta-sanctorum-online/ | |||||||||
576 | http://www.patristique.org/Acta-sanctorum.html | |||||||||
577 | ||||||||||
578 | Electronic texts (first editions) | |||||||||
579 | https://www.heiligenlexikon.de/Literatur/Baende_Acta_Sanctorum.html | |||||||||
580 | ||||||||||
581 | --- |
1 | J. A. Fabricius' Bibliotheca Graeca | |||||||||
2 | Fabricius' original edition of the Bibliotheca Graeca (1705-1728) has 14 volumes which contain 6 books plus an index. The first tomes had no volume number, whereas from volumes 6-7 on the volume number took precedence and the book number was sometimes omitted. This causes some confusion when it comes to referring to individual volumes. Here I use the volume number (BG #) and give the book number in the transcription of the front page title, but since many omit it altogether the following list of correspondences between volumes and books may be useful: BG 1 = Books I and II. BG 2 = Book III. BG 3 = Book IV part I. BG 4 = Book IV part II. BG 5 = Book V part I. BG 6 = Book V part II. BG 7 = Book V part III. BG 8 = Book V part IV. BG 9 = Book V part V. BG 10 = Book V reliqua. BG 11 = Book VI chapters I-IV. BG 12 = Book VI chapters V-VIII. BG 13 = Book VI chapters IX-X. BG 14 = Book VI chapter XI; Indices. | |||||||||
3 | Harless' new edition (1790-1838) uses only volume numbers on the front page. The content generally corresponds to a volume of the original edition, but since the match is not exact I have preferred to have it in a separate list rather than mixing it with Fabricius'. | |||||||||
4 | (Only Google Books and Internet Archive for the moment.) | |||||||||
5 | ||||||||||
6 | Bibliotheca Graeca (original edition and reprints) | |||||||||
7 | BG 1 | Bibliotheca Graeca, Sive notitia Scriptorum Veterum Graecorum quorumcunque monumenta integra, aut fragmenta edita exstant: tum plerorumque è MSS. ac deperditis. Accessit Empedoclis Sphaera, & Marcelli Sidetae carmen de medicamentis è Piscibus, Graece & Latine, cum brevibus notis. | 1705 | X | X | X | X | X | ||
8 | X | X | ||||||||
9 | IA (G) | X | X | |||||||
10 | Bibliotheca Graeca, Sive notitia Scriptorum Veterum Graecorum, quorumcunque monumenta integra, aut fragmenta edita exstant: tum plerorumque è MSS. ac deperditis. Editio secunda, ab Auctore recognita & plurimis locis aucta. Accessit Empedoclis Sphaera, & Marcelli Sidetae carmen de medicamentis è Piscibus, Graece & Latine, cum brevibus notis. | 1708 | X | X | X | X | ||||
11 | IA (G) | X | X | |||||||
12 | Bibliotheca Graeca, Sive notitia Scriptorum Veterum Graecorum, quorumcunque monumenta integra, aut fragmenta edita exstant: tum plerorumque e MSS. ac deperditis. Editio tertia, ab Auctore recognita & plurimis locis aucta. Accessit Empedoclis Sphaera, & Marcelli Sidetae carmen de medicamentis e Piscibus, Graece & Latine, cum brevibus notis. | 1718 | A | B | C | D | E | A includes BG 2 1716. B, C contain only the first half; D, E contain only the second half. | ||
13 | X | X | X | X | X | |||||
14 | IA (G) | X | X | |||||||
15 | BG 2 | Bibliothecae Graecae Liber III. De Scriptoribus qui claruerunt à Platone usque ad Tempora nati Christi Sospitatoris nostri. Accedunt Albini Introductio in Platonem, & Anatolii quaedam nunca primum edita, tum Poeta Vetus de viribus Herbarum Diis sacrarum, cum latina Versione ac Notis. | 1707 | X | X | X | X | X | ||
16 | X | X | X | X | X | |||||
17 | IA (G) | X | X | |||||||
18 | Bibliothecae Graecae Liber III. De Scriptoribus qui claruerunt a Platone usque ad Tempora nati Christi Sospitatoris nostri. Accedunt Albini Introductio in Platonem, & Anatolii quaedam nunca primum edita, tum Poeta Vetus de viribus Herbarum Diis sacrarum, cum latina Versione ac Notis. | 1716 | X | X | X | X | X | |||
19 | X | X | X | X | ||||||
20 | IA (G) | X | X | X | ||||||
21 | Bibliothecae Graecae Liber III. De Scriptoribus qui claruerunt a Platone usque ad Tempora nati Christi Sospitatoris nostri. Accedunt Albini Introductio in Platonem, & Anatolii quaedam nunca primum edita, tum Poeta Vetus de viribus Herbarum Diis sacrarum, cum latina Versione ac Notis. | 1752 | X | X | ||||||
22 | BG 3 | Bibliothecae Graecae Liber IV. De libris Sacris Novi Foederis, Philone item atq; Josepho, & aliis scriptoribus claris à tempore Nati Christi Salvatoris Nostri ad Constantinum M. usq;. Accedunt Cl. Ptolomei liber de Apparentiis fixarum, nunc primum Graece editus addita versione, & Philippi Labbei S. J. Elogium Galeni Chronologicum. | 1708 | X | X | X | X | X | ||
23 | X | X | X | |||||||
24 | IA (G) | X | ||||||||
25 | Bibliothecae Graecae Liber IV. De libris Sacris Novi Foederis, Philone item atque Josepho, & aliis scriptoribus claris a tempore Nati Christi Salvatoris Nostri ad Constantinum Magnum usque. Accedunt Cl. Ptolomei liber de Apparentiis fixarum, nunc primum Graece editus addita versione, et Philippi Labbei S. J. Elogium Galeni Chronologicum. | 1717 | X | X | X | X | ||||
26 | IA (G) | X | X | |||||||
27 | BG 4 | Bibliothecae Graecae Libri IV. Pars Altera. Qua praeter scriptores de Numerorum doctrina & alios nonnullos Philosophos, recensentur Rhetores ac Sophistae, Lexicorumque veterum Graecorum notitia traditur. Accedunt praeter nonnulla hactenus inedita, Democriti & Anatolii de Sympathiis & antipathiis, interpretatione & commentario illustrata, & Ptolomei Ascalonitae de differentia vocum Graecarum, Specimenque Glossarii MS. nomikou, Porphyrius de Vita scriptisque Plotini, cum brevibus notis: Longini de metris fragmentum, & Lucae Holstenii V. C. Dissertatio de Vita & scriptis Porphyrii. | 1711 | X | X | X | X | X | ||
28 | X | X | X | X | X | |||||
29 | X | X | X | |||||||
30 | IA (G) | X | X | X | ||||||
31 | Bibliothecae Graecae Libri IV. Pars Altera. Qua praeter scriptores de Numerorum doctrina et alios nonnullos Philosophos, recensentur Rhetores ac Sophistae, Lexicorumque veterum Graecorum notitia traditur. Accedunt praeter nonnulla hactenus inedita, Democriti et Anatolii de Sympathiis & antipathiis, interpretatione & commentario illustrata, et Ptolomei Ascalonitae de differentia vocum Graecarum, Specimenque Glossarii MS. nomikou, Porphyrius de Vita scriptisque Plotini, cum brevibus notis: Longini de metris fragmentum, et Lucae Holstenii V. C. Dissertatio de Vita & scriptis Porphyrii. | 1723 | A | B | C | D | X | (a) A; (b) B, C, D have different front pages. | ||
32 | X | |||||||||
33 | IA (G) | X | X | |||||||
34 | BG 5 | Bibliothecae Graecae Liber V. De Scriptoribus Graecis Christianis, aliisque qui vixere a Constantini M. aetate ad captam A. C. MCCCCLIII a Turcis Constantinopolin. Accedunt Leonis Allatii diatribae de Nilis & Psellis eorumque scriptis, & de Libris Ecclesiasticis Graecorum, notis ac supplementis auctae, atque Mich. Pselli de omnivaria Doctrina Queastiones CXCIII, ad Mich. Ducam Imperatorem, nunc primum editae ex Apographo Lindenbrogiano, quod exstat Hamburgi in Bibl. Johannea. | 1712 | X | X | X | X | X | ||
35 | X | X | X | X | X | |||||
36 | X | X | X | X | ||||||
37 | IA (G) | X | X | X | ||||||
38 | Bibliothecae Graecae Liber V. De Scriptoribus Graecis Christianis, aliisque qui vixere a Constantini M. aetate ad captam A. C. MCCCCLIII a Turcis Constantinopolin. Accedunt Leonis Allatii diatribae de Nilis et Psellis eorumque scriptis, et de Libris Ecclesiasticis Graecorum, notis ac supplementis auctae, atque Mich. Pselli de omnivaria Doctrina Queastiones CXCIII, ad Mich. Ducam Imperatorem, nunc primum editae ex Apographo Lindenbrogiano, quod exstat Hamburgi in Bibl. Johannea. | 1723 | X | X | X | |||||
39 | IA (G) | X | X | |||||||
40 | BG 6 | Bibliothecae Graecae Libri V. Pars Altera, Sive Volumen Sextum, Quo Graeci Auctores Annalium, & Historiae Ecclesiasticae ac Byzantinae, nec non Erotici Scriptores recensentur. Accessit praeter Leonis Imp. Naumachica, & Carmen Heliodori de Chrysopoeia ad Theodosium Imp. aliaque aliorum inedita hactenus monumenta, Auctoris disssertatio, qua probatur Crucem qua in coelo visa Deus usus est ad Constantini M. animum permovendum, fuisse phaenomenon (perinde ut iridem) naturale, in halone solari. | 1714 | X | X | X | X | X | ||
41 | X | X | X | X | X | |||||
42 | X | X | X | |||||||
43 | IA (G) | X | X | |||||||
44 | Bibliothecae Graecae Libri V. Pars Altera, Sive Volumen Sextum, Quo Graeci Auctores Annalium, et Historiae Ecclesiasticae ac Byzantinae, nec non Erotici Scriptores recensentur. Accessit praeter Leonis Imp. Naumachica, et Carmen Heliodori de Chrysopoeia ad Theodosium Imp. aliaque aliorum inedita hactenus monumenta, Auctoris disssertatio, qua probatur Crucem qua in coelo visa Deus usus est ad Constantini M. animum permovendum, fuisse phoenomenon (perinde ut iridem) naturale, in halone solari. | 1726 | X | X | X | X | X | |||
45 | X | X | ||||||||
46 | IA (G) | X | X | |||||||
47 | BG 7 | Bibliothecae Graecae Volumen Septimum, in quo praeter alios insignes quarti maxime ac quinti Saeculi Scriptores, recensentur Grammatici Graeci ac Chrtistiani Poetae, & Haeresiologi, Catenaeq; Patrum Graecorum in Scripturam Sacram. Accedunt nunc primum edita Grammatica Dionysii Thracis: Libanii Sophistae Orationes IV. cum versione, una etiam cum notis C. V. Godfridi Olearii. Ejusdem Libanii Epistolae quaedam, & Emanuelis Phile Poema de Elephante, aliaque Poematia, Insertus praeterea Catalogus quingentorum circiter Scriptorum, qui Veritatem Religionis Christianae adversus Atheos, Deistas, Ethnicos, Judaeos, & Muhamedanos asseruerunt. | 1715 | X | X | X | X | X | ||
48 | X | X | X | X | X | |||||
49 | X | X | ||||||||
50 | IA (G) | X | X | X | X | |||||
51 | Bibliothecae Graecae Volumen Septimum, in quo praeter alios insignes quarti maxime ac quinti Saeculi Scriptores recensentur Grammatici Graeci ac Chrtistiani Poetae, & Haeresiologi, Catenaeq; Patrum Graecorum in Scripturam Sacram. Accedunt nunc primum edita Grammatica Dionysii Thracis: Libanii Sophistae Orationes IV. cum versione, una etiam cum notis C. V. Godfridi Olearii. Ejusdem Libanii Epistolae quaedam & Emanuelis Phile Poema de Elephante, aliaque Poematia. Insertus praeterea Catalogus quingentorum circiter Scriptorum, qui Veritatem Religionis Christianae adversus Atheos, Deistas, Ethnicos, Judaeos, & Muhamedanos asseruerunt. Editio nova pluribus locis ab Auctore emendata. | 1727 | X | X | X | X | X | |||
52 | IA (G) | X | ||||||||
53 | BG 8 | Bibliothecae Graecae Volumen Octavum, sive Libri V. Pars IV. ac Paenultima, in qua de Philosophis, Themistio, Theone, Pappo, Syriano, Proclo, Simplicio et aliis, nec non de Ecclesiae Doctiribus Celebratissimis Haereticisque et de Ioanne Stobaeo atque aliis locorum communium Scriptoribus Graecis disseritur. Accedunt nunc primum edita Maximi Philosophi, quem Iulianus Imp. audivit, poema Peri Katarchon, Eunomii Haeretici Apologeticus: Synesii de Arte Magna: Procli Philosophi de Providentia et Fato ad Theodorum Mechanicum et alia quaedam: Choricii Sophistae Orationes Duae, una in Funere Procopii Gazaei, et altera in Sommium Ducem: Basilii Cubiculari Naumachica &c. | 1717 | X | X | X | X | X | ||
54 | X | X | X | |||||||
55 | IA (G) | X | X | X | X | X | ||||
56 | X | X | X | |||||||
57 | Bibliothecae Graecae Volumen Octavum, sive Libri V. Pars IV. ac Paenultima, in qua de Philosophis, Themistio, Theone, Pappo, Syriano, Proclo, Simplicio et aliis, nec non de Ecclesiae Doctiribus Celebratissimis Haereticisque et de Ioanne Stobaeo atque aliis locorum communium Scriptoribus Graecis disseritur. Accedunt nunc primum edita Maximi Philosophi, quem Iulianus Imp. audivit, poema Peri Katarchon, Eunomii Haeretici Apologeticus: Synesii de Arte Magna: Procli Philosophi de Providentia et Fato ad Theodorum Mechanicum et alia quaedam: Choricii Sophistae Orationes Duae, una in Funere Procopii Gazaei, et altera in Sommium Ducem: Basilii Cubiculari Naumachica &c. | 1729 | X | X | X | X | X | |||
58 | IA (G) | X | ||||||||
59 | BG 9 | Bibliothecae Graecae Volumen Nonum, sive Libri V. Pars V. et Ultima, in qua praeter multos alios, traduntur Scriptores, qui Vitas Sanctorum, Monachorumque composuere; et de Theodoris, Anastasiis, Joanne Philopono, Photio, scriptisque censurae ejus subjectis, ac de Suida plenius disseritur. Accedunt nonnulla hactenus inedita, ut Xenocratis de Alimento ex Aquatilibus, longe quam Gesnerus eum olim vulgaverat, plenior: Himerii Oratio qua Athenis Julianum Imp. excepit: Specimen Lexici Photii: nec non Maximi Sophistae de Objectionibus Insolubilibus Eludensis, et Troili Prolegomena Rhetorica. | 1719 | X | X | X | X | X | ||
60 | X | X | X | X | X | |||||
61 | X | X | X | |||||||
62 | IA (G) | X | X | X | X | |||||
63 | Bibliothecae Graecae Volumen Nonum, sive Libri V. Pars V. et Ultima, in qua praeter multos alios, traduntur Scriptores, qui Vitas Sanctorum, Monachorumque composuere; et de Theodoris, Anastasiis, Joanne Philopono, Photio, scriptisque censurae ejus subjectis, ac de Suida plenius disseritur. Accedunt nonnulla hactenus inedita, ut Xenocratis de Alimento ex Aquatilibus, longe quam Gesnerus eum olim vulgaverat, plenior: Himerii Oratio qua Athenis Julianum Imp. excepit: Specimen Lexici Photii: nec non Maximi Sophistae de Objectionibus Insolubilibus Eludensis et Troili Prolegomena Rhetorica. | 1737 | X | X | X | |||||
64 | IA (G) | X | X | |||||||
65 | BG 10 | Bibliothecae Graecae Volumen Decimum, sive Reliqua Partis Ultimae Libri V. ubi de Etymologico Magno et caeteris lexicis Graecis, maxime vero de Scriptoribus Mediae et Infimae Graeciae disseritur. Accedit, praeter Lexicon in Octateuchum, Homiliam Andreae Cretensis de Phariseo et Publicano, aliaque aliorum inedita apospasmatia, Leonis Allatii Diatriba de Georgiis, notulis, supplemento et indice illustrata. Praemittuntur indices I) Homonymorum Scriptorum et II) Indicum in Scriptores Graecos, per decem volumina, huius Bibliothecae sparsorum. | 1721 | X | X | X | X | X | ||
66 | X | X | X | X | X | |||||
67 | X | |||||||||
68 | IA (G) | X | X | X | X | |||||
69 | Bibliothecae Graecae Volumen Decimum, sive Reliqua Partis Ultimae Libri V. ubi de Etymologico Magno et caeteris lexicis Graecis, maxime vero de Scriptoribus Mediae et Infimae Graeciae disseritur. Accedit, praeter Lexicon in Octateuchum, Homiliam Andreae Cretensis de Phariseo et Publicano, aliaque aliorum inedita apospasmatia, Leonis Allatii Diatriba de Georgiis, notulis, supplemento et indice illustrata. Praemittuntur indices I) Homonymorum Scriptorum et II) Indicum in Scriptores Graecos, per decem volumina, huius Bibliothecae sparsorum. | 1737 | X | |||||||
70 | IA (G) | X | ||||||||
71 | BG 11 | Bibliothecae Graecae, Volumen Undecimum, sive Libri VI. Capita Quatuor Priora, quibus enarrantur Collectiones Canonum Veteris Ecclesiae, et Conciliorum tam Universalium quam Particularium, nec non de Epistolis ac Decretis Pontificum Rom. Notitia Traditur. Accedit praeter Synodicon Vetus, pridem in lucem datum A. B. D. Joanne Pappo, Demetrii Procopii Macedonis Moschopolitae Succincta Eruditorum Graecorum Superioris ac Praesentis Saeculi Recensio, nunc primum edita Graece et Latine. | 1722 | X | X | X | X | X | ||
72 | X | X | X | X | X | |||||
73 | X | X | X | |||||||
74 | IA (G) | X | X | X | X | X | ||||
75 | Bibliothecae Graecae, Volumen Undecimum, sive Libri VI. Capita Quatuor Priora, quibus enarrantur Collectiones Canonum Veteris Ecclesiae, et Conciliorum tam Universalium quam Particularium, nec non de Epistolis ac Decretis Pontificum Rom. Notitia Traditur. Accedit praeter Synodicon Vetus, pridem in lucem datum A. B. D. Joanne Pappo, Demetrii Procopii Macedonis Moschopolitae Succincta Eruditorum Graecorum Superioris ac Praesentis Saeculi Recensio, nunc primum edita Graece et Latine. | 1740 | X | X | X | X | ||||
76 | BG 12 | Bibliothecae Graecae Volumen Duodecimum, in quo post Elenchum Situs Episcopatuum Orbis Christiani Ultra Quater-Mille, et Scriptorum Hitoriae Ecclesiasticae Notitiam, de Jctis & Medicis Graecis dissseritur. Accedunt praeter inedita varia Plutarchi, Theodori Studitae, et aliorum: selectaque veterum rarius obvia apospasmata, Theophili Protospatharii Libri V. de Hominis Fabrica, Graece et Latine. | 1724 | X | X | X | X | X | ||
77 | X | X | X | X | X | |||||
78 | X | X | X | X | ||||||
79 | IA (G) | X | X | X | X | X | ||||
80 | X | |||||||||
81 | Bibliothecae Graecae Volumen Duodecimum, in quo post Elenchum Situs Episcopatuum Orbis Christiani Ultra Quater-Mille, et Scriptorum Hitoriae Ecclesiasticae Notitiam, de Jctis & Medicis Graecis dissseritur. Accedunt praeter inedita varia Plutarchi, Theodori Studitae, et aliorum: selectaque veterum rarius obvia apospasmata, Theophili Protospatharii Libri V. de Hominis Fabrica, Graece et Latine. | 1740 | X | X | X | |||||
82 | BG 13 | Bibliothecae Graecae Volumen Tertium Decimum, quo continetur Elenchus Medicorum Veterum, et Notitia Collectionum ac Scriptorum Graecorum Junctim Editorum, Liturgicorumque. Accedunt Anonymi Hoescheliani Definitionis, latina versiona donatae: Sententiae Variorum et Secundi Philosophi, emendatae ex MS. Nuncupationes Ecclesiasticae quibis utuntur in suo litterarum commercio Graeci recentiores. Theophili Corydalei Expositio Rhetorices, &c. | 1726 | X | X | X | X | X | ||
83 | X | X | X | X | X | |||||
84 | X | X | X | X | ||||||
85 | IA (G) | X | X | X | X | |||||
86 | Bibliothecae Graecae Volumen Tertium Decimum, quo continetur Elenchus MEdicorum Veterum, et Notitia Collectionum ac Scriptorum Graecorum Junctim Editorum, Liturgicorumque. Accedunt Anonymi Hoescheliani Definitionis, latina versiona donatae: Sententiae Variorum et Secundi Philosophi, emendatae ex MS. Nuncupationes Ecclesiasticae quibis utuntur in suo litterarum commercio Graeci recentiores. Theophili Corydalei Expositio Rhetorices, &c. | 1746 | X | X | X | |||||
87 | BG 14 | Bibliothecae Graecae Volumen Decimum Quartum Ultimumque, quo continentur Paralipomena quaedam, et de Scriptis Psseudonymis atque Supposititiis Diatriba, postremo ad Universa Quatuordecim Volumina Index Generalis. Accedunt praeter alia, Gemisti Plethonis Compendium Zoroastreorum et Platonicorum Dogmatum, Graece et Latine, et Genuini Berosi Chaldaei Fragmenta, nec non Epistolae quae feruntur sub falso Diodori Siculi nomine. | 1728 | X | X | X | X | X | ||
88 | X | X | X | X | X | |||||
89 | X | X | X | |||||||
90 | IA (G) | X | X | X | X | X | ||||
91 | Bibliothecae Graecae Volumen Decimum Quartum Ultimumque, quo continentur Paralipomena quaedam, et de Scriptis Psseudonymis atque Supposititiis Diatriba, postremo ad Universa Quatuordecim Volumina Index Generalis. Accedunt praeter alia, Gemisti Plethonis Compendium Zoroastreorum et Platonicorum Dogmatum, Graece et Latine, et Genuini Berosi Chaldaei Fragmenta, nec non Epistolae quae feruntur sub falso Diodori Siculi nomine. | 1754 | X | X | ||||||
92 | ||||||||||
93 | Bibliotheca Graeca (Harless' edition) | |||||||||
94 | BGH 1 | Bibliotheca Graeca sive notitia scriptorum veterum graecorum quorumcunque monumenta integra aut fragmenta edita exstant tum plerorumque e MSS. ac deperditis ab auctore tertium recognita et plurimis locis aucta editio quarta curante Gottlieb Christophoro Harles Cons. Aul. et P. P. O. in Univers. Litter. Erlang. Accedunt B. I. A. Fabricii et Christoph. Augusti Heumanni supplementa inedita. Volumen primum. | 1790 | X | X | X | X | X | ||
95 | X | X | X | |||||||
96 | IA | X | ||||||||
97 | IA (G) | X | ||||||||
98 | BGH 2 | [...] Volumen secundum. | 1791 | X | X | X | X | X | ||
99 | X | X | ||||||||
100 | IA (G) | X | X | |||||||
101 | BGH 3 | [...] Volumen tertium. | 1793 | X | X | X | X | X | ||
102 | X | X | ||||||||
103 | IA | X | ||||||||
104 | IA (G) | X | ||||||||
105 | BGH 4 | [...] Volumen quartum. | 1795 | X | X | X | X | X | ||
106 | X | X | ||||||||
107 | IA (G) | X | X | |||||||
108 | BGH 5 | [...] Volumen quintum. | 1796 | X | X | X | X | X | ||
109 | X | X | X | |||||||
110 | IA | X | ||||||||
111 | IA (G) | X | ||||||||
112 | BGH 6 | [...] Volumen sextum. | 1798 | X | X | X | X | X | ||
113 | X | X | X | |||||||
114 | IA (G) | X | ||||||||
115 | BGH 7 | [...] Volumen septimum. | 1801 | X | X | X | X | X | ||
116 | X | X | X | X | ||||||
117 | IA | X | ||||||||
118 | IA (G) | X | ||||||||
119 | BGH 8 | [...] Volumen octavum. | 1802 | X | X | X | X | X | ||
120 | X | X | X | |||||||
121 | IA (G) | X | ||||||||
122 | BGH 9 | [...] Volumen nonum. | 1804 | X | X |