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2 | Joplin Schools Improvement Plan Five-Year Improvement Plan * beginning July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2027 *updated annually | |||||||
3 | School/Department Name: | East Middle School | ||||||
4 | Last Updated: | 2024-2025 | ||||||
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7 | District Strategic Plan Goal: | 1.1.1 Student proficiency and growth in English Language Arts in grades K-12 will improve as measured by local benchmark assessments and annually by state assessments. | ||||||
8 | 2027 SMART GOAL | Current Year Goal | Goal Met/Not Met | |||||
9 | Student proficiency in ELA will improve in grade 6 from 23% to 50% as measured by MAP by the end of the SY2027 | 38.00% | | |||||
10 | Student proficiency in ELA will improve in grade 7 from 35% to 50% as measured by MAP by the end of the SY2027 | 44.00% | | |||||
11 | Student proficiency in ELA will improve in grade 8 from 30% to 50% as measured by MAP by the end of the SY2027 | 42.00% | | |||||
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13 | Action Step | Resource Need & Costs Include funding source | PD Needs & Cost Include funding source | Person(s) Responsible | Timeline | Fidelity of Implementation | ||
14 | PLC Vision Summary (specifics for each content area group below): Core teachers will pick specific content priority standards to improve their goup efficacy with those standards. Departments will work collaboratively to improve their practices teaching those standards, using student data to measure success. Teachers evaluation PDSA goals will be the same as their PLC collaborative goals. Non-Core teachers will focus on improving the soft skills of student academics. One group has chosen to focus on student responsibility (missing work, effort, etc.) and student engagement (student participation in school activities, clubs, sports, etc.). The other non-core group has focused on increasing student behavior around our 4 East Expectations of Duty, Honor, Peace, and Pride. Both non-core teacher groups are being data driven by monitoring the numbers of student participating, student academic data, and staff surveys about student behavior. | None | Literacy Hacks—Micro PD during building PD | All 6-8 teachers Principal | Quarter1-4 Once every two weeks | | ||
15 | Curriculum: Reading and Writing Teachers will teach the Joplin Schools Curriculum and stay within 2 days of the pacing guide. Reading and Writing Teachers will develop/revise bi-wekly Common Formative Assessments. Common Assessments: ELA teachers will administer bi-wekly Common Formative Assessments and district common assessments each quarter | District Reading and Writing Curriculum Common Assessments | Substitute teachers for common collaboration time | 6-8 Reading and Writing Teachers | Quarter 1-4 District PD days and Department check in times Varies by grade/unit pace, at least one a quarter | | ||
16 | Social Studies team will PLC plan towards, collaborate, and assess the Social Studies Priority Standards for Tools of Social Science Inquiry (4.TS.7.B.b, 5.TS.7.B.b, 6-8.GEO.1.CC.A, 6-8.WH.CC,A, 6-8.AH.CC.A.) Each unit they will utilize formative assessements to monitor student progress on priority standards. They will focus on instruction utilizing the tools of inquiry involving Timelines, Charts, Graphs, and Mapping Skills. Their focus is increasing their instructional rigor to DOK 3 levels. | None | Substitute teachers for common collaboration time | 6-8 Social Studies teachers | Meet Every 2 weeks | | ||
17 | Tutoring: EMS will provide weekly tutoring in the Core Content Areas | Building Eagle Advantage & Career Ladder | None | All teachers who are on Career Ladder | 3 times a week minimum | | ||
18 | MAP Prep: Reading and Writing teachers will do MAP preparation strategies leading up to the MAP, especially concentrated in the Spring. | MAP practice tests from DRC | None | 6-8 Reading and Writing teachers | Quarters 1-4 High Focus in Spring | | ||
19 | ExactPath: Students will utilize ExactPath in Gr 6-8 to provide additional skill practice for students aligned to benchmark deficits | ExactPath access, Chromebooks (already available) Fun Friday as rewared for those who achieve in Edmentum | Advisory Captain will provide guidance to what is focused on each | Jessica Sewing (Advisory Captain) Gr 6-8teachers | Weekly expectation of 80 minutes & students earning at least 1 trophy | | ||
20 | Honor Roll: We will Recognize student academic achievement quarterly (Honor Roll, Attendance, and Trophies belting for EP trophies) | Recognition certificates | None | 6-8 Teachers, Principal, Counselor | Quarterly Grade-Level Assembly for Honor Roll | | ||
21 | BIST: Teachers will implement the BIST philosophy of Grace and Accountability, through the use of the 1 redirect, safe seat, buddy room, recovery room progression. | None | BIST Training $300 per person x 3 Building PD Funds Building PD time spent reviewing BIST approaches | New Teachers to EMS, BIST lead teachers | 2 of 5 new teachers to EMS still need trained | | ||
22 | Pay Day Incentive: The purpose of Pay Day is to provide positive motivation for students to attend school consistently, pass classes, and have right behavior. The last Friday of each month we will have an incentive time for students who meet the criteria. Structured activities will be in the gym, commons, outside, or other areas set aside for games and activities. Students who have all A’s, B’s, C’s, have missed no more than 2 days from Payday to Payday, are not on a Safety Plan, and have not received any OSS/ISD from Payday to Payday will qualify for the month. | Funding for prizes, games, equipment for activities or any food rewards | PayDay Captain to harness resources and communicate and monitor the event and its success | Payday Captain (Brenda Durbin), Principal and Office, All Staff, STUCO | Once a month | | ||
23 | Sped Teachers will have 1st hour free to pull students to work on specific IEP goals, RTI, or missing work. | No assigned students for 1st hour for Sped teachers | NA | Sped Teachers | Daily | | ||
24 | Clubs & Activities: We offer many after school clubs/activites to engage students in school. Research shows students engaged in after school activites have higher rates of passing classes. We us Career Ladder/Eagle Advantage to pay teachers to host these after school opportunities. (Archery, Quiz Bowl, ESports, Running Club, Game Club, NJHS, STUCO, etc.) | | ||||||
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31 | District Strategic Plan Goal: | 1.1.2 Student proficiency and growth in Mathematics in grades K-12 will improve as measured by local benchmark assessments and annually by state assessments. | ||||||
32 | 2027 SMART GOAL | Current Year Goal | Goal Met/Not Met | |||||
33 | Student proficiency in Math will improve in grade 6 from 35% to 50% as measured by MAP by the end of the SY2027 | 44.00% | | |||||
34 | Student proficiency in Math will improve in grade 7 from 27% to 50% as measured by MAP by the end of the SY2027 | 41.00% | | |||||
35 | Student proficiency in Math will improve in grade 8 from 19% to 50% as measured by MAP by the end of the SY2027 | 37.00% | | |||||
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37 | Action Step | Resource Need & Costs Include funding source | PD Needs & Cost Include funding source | Person(s) Responsible | Timeline | Fidelity of Implementation | ||
38 | Math Teachers will teach the Joplin Schools Curriculum and stay within 2 days of the pacing guide. Math Teachers will develop/revise bi-wekly Common Formative Assessments. Common Assessments: Math teachers will administer bi-wekly Common Formative Assessments and district common assessments each quarter | District Math Curriculum Common Assessments | None | 6-8 Math Teachers | Quarter 1-4 District PD days and Department check in times Varies by grade/unit pace, at least one a quarter | | ||
39 | Math PLC is working collaboratively by utilizing formative assessment data to improve their practices and instruction on the Math priority standards. Each team of teachers will work on priority standards within their units of study, within the their content areas (6th, 7th, and 8th). The Math group will have 3 goals (one for each grade level) tied to a priority standard for each unit of study within their curriculum pacing. | None | None | All 6-8 teachers | Quarter1-4 Once a week | | ||
40 | TransMath: Sped teachers will teach usingTransMath | TransMath resources | TransMath training provided by the district for Sped Math Teachers | Gr 6-8 | On-going | | ||
41 | Tutoring: EMS will provide weekly tutoring in Math | Building Eagle Advantage; Career Ladder | None | Math Teachers and Career Ladder Teachers | 3 times a week | | ||
42 | Common Assessments: Math teachers will administer district common assessments each quarter | Common Assessments | None | 6-8 Math teachers | Varies by grade/unit pace, at least one a quarter | | ||
43 | MAP Prep: Math teachers will do MAP preparation strategies leading up to the MAP, especially concentrated in the Spring. | MAP practice tests from DRC | None | 6-8 Math teachers | Spring | | ||
44 | ExactPath: Students will utilize ExactPath in Gr 6-8 to provide additional skill practice for students aligned to benchmark deficits | ExactPath access, Chromebooks (already available) Fun Friday to motivate work | Advisory Lead will provide guidance to what is focused on each week and what rewards are earned | Jessica Sewing (Advisory Captain) Gr 6-8teachers | Weekly expectation of 80 minutes; each student should earn a minimum of 1 trophy a week | | ||
45 | Honor Roll: We will Recognize student academic achievement quarterly (Honor Roll, Attendance, and Trophies belting for EP trophies) | Recognition certificates Building | None | 6-8 Teachers, Principal, Counselor | Quarterly Grade-Level Assembly for Honor Roll | | ||
46 | RTI: During Advisory, Math teachers will pull students who are struggling in Math. They will work on remediation skills with these students for 2-3 weeks and as needed. | Time in Advisory | Delta Math--resource for teachrs to generate practice problems. | Math Teachers | 2-3 week cycles | | ||
47 | EMS Pay Day criteria will include passing grade criteria, A-C's | | ||||||
48 | Sped Teachers will have 1st hour free to pull students to work on specific IEP goals, RTI, or missing work. | No assigned students for 1st hour for Sped teachers | NA | Sped Teachers | Daily | | ||
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51 | District Strategic Plan Goal: | 1.1.3 Student proficiency and progress in Science in grades 5, 8, and high school Biology will improve as measured by local benchmark assessments and annually by state assessments. | ||||||
52 | 2027 SMART GOAL | Current Year Goal | Goal Met/Not Met | |||||
53 | Student proficiency in Science will improve in grade 8 from 34% to 50% as measured by MAP by the end of the SY2027. | 43.00% | | |||||
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57 | Progress Monitoring: Enter benchmark data for your current year goal as your track it throughout the school year. The headings and row labels can be changed as needed. | Grade | Fall | Winter | Spring | FY25 Goal | Goal Met/Not Met | |
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64 | Action Step | Resource Need & Costs Include funding source | PD Needs & Cost Include funding source | Person(s) Responsible | Timeline | Fidelity of Implementation | ||
65 | Science Teachers will use the “CER” model for writing in science: “Cite Evidence, Explain, Relate” (The end part of RACER) Science PLC is utilize the K-12 Framework for Science Education Standards to collaborate and improve their practices on the ETS and literacy research standards (Science: PS.1.a-b, PS.2.a-b, LS.1.a-b, ESS.1.a-b, ESS.2.a-b, ELA: RL.1.D, RL.6.W1A). The three skills they will be collaborating and assessing for achievement are 1) Reading scientific texts, tables, diagrams, and graphs to explain and communicate key ideas; 2) Engage in critical reading of primary scientific literature to discuss validity and reliability of data and conclusions; 3) Producing written, speaking, and oral presentations that communicate scientific and engineering ideas. | None | Substitute teachers for common collaboration time | 6-8 Science teachers | Quarter 1-4 | | ||
66 | Tutoring: EMS will provide Science tutoring after school | | ||||||
67 | Sped Teachers will have 1st hour free to pull students to work on specific IEP goals, RTI, or missing work. | No assigned students for 1st hour for Sped teachers | NA | Sped Teachers | Daily | | ||
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75 | District Strategic Plan Goal: | 1.3.1 The district attendance rate will meet or exceed projected targets of students in attendance as evaluated by the 90/90 attendance report annually. | ||||||
76 | 2027 SMART GOAL | Current Year Goal | Goal Met/Not Met | |||||
77 | 1) 96% of students will attend school 90% of the time, or better. | | ||||||
78 | 2) East Middle School will receive at least 90% of APR Proportional Attendance points by 2027. | | ||||||
79 | 3) East Middle School's ADA/ADM measurement will reach at least 90% by 2027. | | ||||||
80 | 4) All students will have access to a variety of highly engaging academic and extra-curricular experiences to involve its student body and improve participation over time. | | ||||||
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83 | Progress Monitoring: Enter benchmark data for your current year goal as your track it throughout the school year. The headings and row labels can be changed as needed. | SMART Goal | Fall | Winter | Spring | FY25 Goal | Goal Met/Not Met | |
84 | 1 | 74.09 | 71.50% | | ||||
85 | 2 | 79.41% | 78.74 | | ||||
86 | 3 | 92.56 | 92.35% | | ||||
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90 | Action Step | Resource Need & Costs Include funding source | PD Needs & Cost Include funding source | Person(s) Responsible | Timeline | Fidelity of Implementation | ||
91 | Monitor attendance weekly | PowerSchool attendance reports | None | Principal, teachers, counselors | Weekly | | ||
92 | Send letters to students who miss 5+ days | Attendance letters (printed in house) | None | Counselor At-Risk Coordinator | Sent every two weeks | | ||
93 | Call families for students who miss 7+ days | None | None | Counselor At-Risk Coordinator | Sent weekly | | ||
94 | Refer families for additional support who miss 10+ days | None | None | Counselor, At-Risk Coordinator | Sent weekly | | ||
95 | Recognize students with perfect attendance in Honor Roll Quarterly Assembly | Certificates | None | Principal, Counselor | Quarterly | | ||
96 | Recognize students with Faithful Attendance (95%+) in Honor Roll Quarterly Assembly | Certificates | None | Counselor, Principal | Quarterly | | ||
97 | Recognize class with best attendance | PowerSchool attendance reports | None | Counselor, Principal | Quarterly | | ||
98 | Follow-up with families to obtain documentation for absences | None | None | Secretary, nurse, teachers, counselor | Daily | | ||
99 | Develop a systematic approach to analyzing attendance data to include designated benchmarks throughout the year to include 90/90, Proportional Attendance, and ADA/ADM. | Powerschool | NA | Counselors, Principals, At-Risk Coordinators, Student Success Coordinators, Director of Student Services, McKinney Vento Case Manager, CARE teams, attendance committees | - Wed., October 23, 2024 - Wed., January 22, 2025 - Wed., April 2, 2025 - Thurs., May 22, 2025 - Monthly attendance review | | ||
100 | EMS Payday Incentive will include attendance criterea to be met. | Power School Reports | None | EMS Staff | Monthly (last Friday of each Month) | | ||
101 | PLC Elective group will focus on getting students engaged in school activities to improve their attachment to school, thus their attendance. | | ||||||
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105 | 2027 SMART GOAL | Current Year Goal | Goal Met/Not Met | |||||
106 | The sub group of special education students will increase to acceptable MAP scores according to State criteria. | | ||||||
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110 | Progress Monitoring: Enter benchmark data for your current year goal as your track it throughout the school year. The headings and row labels can be changed as needed. | Grade | Fall | Winter | Spring | FY25 Goal | Goal Met/Not Met | |
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117 | Action Step | Resource Need & Costs Include funding source | PD Needs & Cost Include funding source | Person(s) Responsible | Timeline | Fidelity of Implementation | ||
118 | Sped Teachers will have 1st hour free to pull students to work on specific IEP goals, RTI, or missing work. | No assigned students for 1st hour for Sped teachers | NA | Sped Teachers | Daily | | ||
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132 | 2027 SMART GOAL | Current Year Goal | Goal Met/Not Met | |||||
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137 | Progress Monitoring: Enter benchmark data for your current year goal as your track it throughout the school year. The headings and row labels can be changed as needed. | Grade | Fall | Winter | Spring | FY25 Goal | Goal Met/Not Met | |
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