1 | About this Tool | |
2 | This tool is intended to provide local administrators of ESSA grant programs a one-stop checklist of tasks and timelines for the programs included in the Consolidated Application: Title I, Part A; Title I, Part D; Title II, Part A; Title III, Part A; Title IV, Part A; and Title V, Part B. Items are marked as either required or best practice along with links to additional resources. Space is provided for users to mark when a task has been completed. Note that many activities are common across multiple programs, such as Consolidated Application submission and fiscal reporting procedures. This tool is designed so that administrators of individual programs can use each program as a stand-alone list, but it is possible for administrators of multiple programs to combine lists as applicable. Printable PDF versions of this tool can be found on row 1 of each tab and at the bottom of the ESEA Launchpad. For a downloadable excel file of this tool, click here. | |
3 | Tabs | |
4 | All tasks are sorted onto different tabs by applicable Title program. Some tabs will have duplicate tasks if they apply to multiple Title programs. The "All Tasks" tab lists every task on this tool without duplication. This would be especially useful for smaller LEAs or administrators that oversee all Title programs. | |
5 | Key | |
6 | Seasons Ongoing: Review often or at least each season to monitor progress and completion. Fall: August, September, October; Winter: November, December, January; Spring: February; March, April Summer: May, June, July | |
7 | Updated: | 1/17/22 |
8 | CDE staff, please contact adeboye-sullivan_c@cde.state.co.us with any recommended updates or changes. |
1 | For a printable PDF of this tab, click HERE. | Updated: | 1/17/22 | ||||||||||
2 | Task Complete | Task | Season | Title I, Part A | Title I, Part D | Title II, Part A | Title III, Part A | Title IV, Part A | Title V, Part B | Resource 1 | Resource 2 | Resource 3 | Where is it found in statute or other guidance? |
3 | Attend CDE Regional/Virtual Network Meetings and weekly ESEA Office Hours. | Ongoing | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | Regional Network Meetings Webpage | ||||
4 | Based on school and district timelines, conduct a Comprehensive Needs Assessment (CNA) to identify the needs of students and staff in schools and the district that may be served with ESEA funds. | Ongoing | Required | Required | Required | Required | Required | Required | Comprehensive Needs Assessment Webpage | Needs Assessment Guidebook | Title IV, Part A Needs Assessment Tool | Section 4106(d) (Comprehensive Needs Assessment) Title I, Part C, Section 1306 (a) (Comprehensive Needs Assessment) | |
5 | Create and regularly monitor Schoolwide Plans to identify the needs of students and staff in Title I, Part A schools that do or will run a schoolwide program to ensure all students are provided opportunities to meet Colorado Academic (CAS) and Colorado English Language Proficiency (CELP) Standards. | Ongoing | Required | Title I, Part A Schoolwide Programs Webpage | Section 1114 (b)(6) Section 4106(d) (Comprehensive Needs Assessment) | ||||||||
6 | Consult with new Charter schools regarding the ESEA funds the school may be eligible to receive during the first year of operation of the school or a year in which the school's enrollment expands significantly. | Ongoing | Required | Required | Required | Required | Required | C.R.S 22-30.5-112.1(3)(c)(6) | |||||
7 | Consult with parents in Title I, Part A schools regarding activities to be conducted with the parent involvement set aside. LEAs that have a Title I, Part A allocation of $500,000 or more must use at least 1% of Title I, Part A to support Family and Community Engagement practices. | Ongoing | Required | Parent and Family Engagement Webpage | Family, School, Community Engagement Practices | Section 1116(c) | |||||||
8 | Continually identify and progress monitor student needs and align supports and services in all Title I, Part A programs. | Ongoing | Required | Title I, Part A Schoolwide Programs Webpage | Title I, Part A Targeted Assistance Programs Webpage | COMTSS | Section 1115(b)(2)(G)(iii) Section 1114(b)(3) | ||||||
9 | District program staff meets with business manager to conduct a budget to actual review on a regular basis to ensure that approved activities are occurring and funds are being drawn down. | Ongoing | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | Grant Distribution Reports | 2 C.F.R. 200.302(a) (Track funds to a level of expenditures adequate to establish that such funds have been used according to the Federal statutes, regulations, and the terms and conditions of the Federal award) | |||
10 | Identification of English learners must be made within 30 days of the beginning of the school year, including Home Language Survey, W-APT/WIDA Screener, and a BOE to confirm language proficiency; after October 1, must be made within 15 days of enrollment | Ongoing | Required | Required | CLDE Identification Website | Dear Colleague Letter | 34 C.F.R. § 100.4(b) (Comply with all requirements pursuant to Title VI) 28 C.F.R. § 42.105(a)(1) (States shall establish their own compliance standareds with regards to Title VI programs) Section 1111(b)(2)(G) (annually access ELs) | ||||||
11 | Periodically submit Request for Funds to Grants Fiscal (once final approval of application is granted) | Ongoing | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | Request for Funds Forms Webpage | ||||
12 | The District should evaluate the effectiveness of programs and/or strategies throught the use of data analyses in consulatation with stakeholders and make adjustments in the Consolidated Application. | Ongoing | Required | Required | Required | Required | Required | Required | Parent and Family Engagement Webpage | English Learners and Title III Non-Regulatory Guidance | Program Evaluation Trainings and Materials | Section 1116 (2)(D) (Evaluate Parent Engagement efforts) Section 1116 (2)(E) (Use evaluation findings to adjust programming) Section 3121(b)(2) (Every LEA receiving Title III to report on the activiteis conducted aned children served every 3 years) Section 1116 (1) (Conduct outreach and implement parent engagment programs) Section 1116 (e)(3)(C) (Building capacity for involvement) Title IV: Section 4106(e)(1)(E) Section 1431 (Title I, Part Program Evaluations) | |
13 | Parent notifications are sent. [e.g., Parents Right to Know - Teacher Qualifications, Notice to Parents of English Learners (sent no later than 30 days after enrollment; within 15 days after Oct. 1), Testing Transparency, 4-Week Rule letter] | Ongoing | Required | Required | Parent Notification Requirement Webpage | Sample Parents Right to Know Letter | Sample 4-Week Rule Letter | Section 1112(e)(1)(A-B) (Right to Know) Section 1112(e)(3)(A) (EL Parent Notification) Section 1112(e)(2)(A-B) (Testing Transparency) Section 1112(e)(1)(B)(ii) (Right to Know, 4 week rule) | |||||
14 | Submit ESEA Consolidated Application Post Award Revisions based on ongoing progress monitoring and program adjustment through the online platform, if needed. Include any changes to District Contacts. | Ongoing | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | Post-Award Revisions Webpage | ||||
15 | Prepare for Annual Count and CSPR data collection. | Summer; Fall | CDE Recommendation | Title I, Part D Website | Section 1431(a) | ||||||||
16 | Review and make modifications to Consolidated Application based on any CDE comments. | Summer; Fall | Required | Required | Required | Required | Required | Required | Consolidated Application Webpage | ||||
17 | AFR (Annual Financial Report) submitted through ConsApp (for the previous school year) | Fall | Required | Required | Required | Required | Required | Required | Grants Fiscal Webpage | ||||
18 | Attend the ELD Program Requirements training offered by the Office of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Education | Fall | CDE Recommendation | Professional Learning Opportunities Webpage | |||||||||
19 | Determine if adjustments need to be made to the Consolidated Application based on updated performance frameworks and identification of schools for comprehensive (CS) or targeted (TS) support and improvement. | Fall | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | Consolidated Application Webpage | ESSA Methods and Criteria for Identfication of Schools for Support and Improvement Webpage | Title IV: Section 4106(e)(2)(A) | |||
20 | Last day to request reimbursement for grants that expired September 30. | Fall | Required | Required | Required | Required | Required | Required | Office of Grants Fiscal | Uniform Grants Guidance §200.343 | |||
21 | Prepare and submit October Count data through Data Pipeline. | Fall | Required | Required | Required | Required | Data Pipeline Snapshots - Student October Webpage | Section 5231(a)(1) | |||||
22 | Provide training/technical assistance, as appropriate, to sub-grantees on the annual count and CSPR data collections. | Fall | CDE Recommendation | Title I, Part D Annual Count Presentation | Title I, Part D CSPR Presentation | https://neglected-delinquent.ed.gov/resource/instructional-guide-reporting-title-i-part-d-data-cspr-sy-2016-17 | |||||||
23 | Review and update ESEA personnel lists by building, in order to establish the Time & Effort logs that will need to be completed (monthly or semi-annual). | Fall | Required | Required | Required | Required | Required | Required | Time and Effort certifications are required under 2 CFR 200.430(a)-(f) | ||||
24 | Review Title I School List to ensure schools are accurately listed. If status of any school is listed incorrectly, contact CDE to have this corrected. | Fall | CDE Recommendation | Title I School List Webage | |||||||||
25 | Revisit UIP to reflect changes in schools identified for comprehensive (CS) or targeted (TS) support and improvement. | Fall | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | ESSA Methods and Criteria for Identfication of Schools for Support and Improvement Webpage | |||||
26 | The district and each Title I school should develop and disseminate the district and school level Title I Parent and Family Engagement Policy, including the Title I school-parent compact. Policy must be developed in partnership with parents. | Fall | Required | Parent and Family Engagement Webpage | 1116(a) (District policy) 1116(b) (School Policy) 1116(c) (Policy Involvement) 1116(d) (School-compact: Shared Responsibilities) | ||||||||
27 | Empowering Action for School Improvement (EASI) Application becomes available. Districts with identified CS/TS/ATS schools may apply for additional funding to support improvement efforts. (due in December) | Fall | CDE Recommendation | Empowering Action for School Improvement (EASI) Webpage | ESSA Methods and Criteria for Identfication of Schools for Support and Improvement Webpage | ||||||||
28 | Submission of Unified Improvement Plan for schools identified as Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CS) and/or Priority Improvement and Turnaround. (due in October) | Fall | Required | ESSA Methods and Criteria for Identfication of Schools for Support and Improvement Webpage | § 1111(d)(1)(B)(v) | ||||||||
29 | If Title I, Part A carryover from previous school year is greater than 15%, complete the waiver request and submit to grants fiscal. | Fall | Required | Title I, Part A Website | Section 421(b) | ||||||||
30 | Once RLIS allocations are available, update the Consolidated Application through the Post-Award Revision process to budget Rural Low-Income School (RLIS) funds. | Fall; Winter | Required | State and Federal Grants Allocations Webpage | Post-Award Revisions Webpage | Consolidated Application Webpage | |||||||
31 | Submit staff counts for TLCC survey. | Fall; Winter | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | TLCC Survey Website | ||||||||
32 | District Report Cards distributed and posted on the district's website. | Winter | Required | § 1112(e)(1)(B)(i) | |||||||||
33 | Submit CSPR Data to CDE. | Winter | Required | Required | Title I, Part ID Section 1431(a) Title IV: Section 4106(e)(2)(F) | ||||||||
34 | Verify and submit annual neglected and delinquent count data to CDE. | Winter | Required | Required | Title I, Part D: Neglected, Delinquent, and At-Risk Youth | Title I, Part A: Section 1124(c)(1)(B) Title I, Part D Non-Regulatory Gudiance - State Agency: A-1, Local Educational Agency: L-1 | |||||||
35 | If notified by CDE, LEAs submit demonstration of Comparability using alternative calculators. | Winter | Required | Title I, Comparability Webpage | Section 1118(c) | ||||||||
36 | Grants Fiscal releases revised final Title Allocations. Make adjustments to budgets in the Consolidated Application, if neccesary. | Winter | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | Grants Fiscal Allocations Webpage | |||||
37 | ACCESS for ELLs Assessment Window - All students designated as NEP/LEP, including students with parent refusals for services, must be assessed. | Winter; Spring | Required | Required | English Language Proficiency Assessment Webpage | Redesignation and Exiting Students Webpage | 3116 (b)(2)(A), 1111(b)(2)(G), 1111(c)(4)(A)(ii) | ||||||
38 | Conduct consultation for the upcoming school year with non-public schools within district boundaries and submit results of consultation to the ombudsman using the NPS Consultation Form. Note: If the non-public school has not identified students as English learners and would like to participate in the Title III, Part A program, support the school through the identification process in the upcoming school year. | Winter; Spring | Required | Required | Required | Required | Equitable Services in Non-Public Schools Webpage | Equitable Services under Title VIII | Section 8501(a-c), Section 1117(b)(1) Title IV: Section 4106(e)(2)(B) | ||||
39 | Convene the ongoing stakeholder group to begin planning for the next ESEA Consolidated Application. Use available data (e.g., free and reduced lunch, other low-income data, or a combination of poverty indicators) to determine LEA Method of Serving and eligible schools for Title I, Part A services (for next school year). | Winter; Spring | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | Required | CDE Recommendation | Stakeholder Involvement Webpage | Title IV: Section 4106(c) | |||
40 | Attend trainings on Equitable Distribution of Teachers (EDT) data analysis to help build a plan that addresses any gaps. | Winter; Spring | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | EDT Website | ||||||||
41 | Teaching and Learning Conditions Colorado (TLCC) Survey is opened. District works with schools to encourage staff caompletion of the survey. The survey data can be useful for identifying areas of need to be addressed with Title II funds. | Winter; Spring | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | Teaching and Learning Conditions Survey | |||||||
42 | Attend Consolidated Application trainings. | Spring | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | ConsApp Training Center | ||||
43 | Coordinate with early childhood centers to plan transition of pre-school students to Title I, Part A schools. | Spring | Required | Required | Section 1119(a-b) Section 3121(b)(D) | ||||||||
44 | Declare participation in Community Eligibility Provision to School Nutrition, if applicable. CEP is an optional poverty measure used for serving Title I schools. | Spring | Required | Provisional Programs Webpage | USDA CEP Webpage | 7 CFR 245.9(f)(4) | |||||||
45 | Evaluate English learner redesignation status including ELs with disabilities. | Spring | Required | CDE EL Redesignation Guidance | Section 3111 (b) (A) | ||||||||
46 | Have LEA budget discussions that include staff assignments to ensure compliance with Title I, Part A comparability and EDT requirements for the following school year. | Spring | CDE Recommendation | Comparability Website | EDT Planning Guide | ||||||||
47 | Plan and collaborate with local neglected or delinquent facilities to plan activities for Consolidated Application, if applicable. | Spring | Required | Title I, Part D Neglected and Delinquent Webpage | Title I, Part D: Section 1425 | ||||||||
48 | Preliminary ESEA allocations available for following school year. Update any plans or draft budgets with posted allocation amounts prior to planning and submission of the Consolidated Application. | Spring | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | ESSA Allocations and Fiscal Files Webpage | |||||
49 | Eligible LEAs apply for the Small Rural School Achievement (SRSA) Grant on Grants.gov. | Spring | Required | SRSA Website | |||||||||
50 | USDE releases Small, Rural Achievement (SRSA) Grant awards to LEAs. | Spring | Required | Grants.Gov | 5212(c) | ||||||||
51 | Manually add new schools (including charters) that will be opening in the Fall using the assigned school code(s) and estimated enrollment data to the School Profile in the Consolidated Application, if they are not already listed. | Summer | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | Consolidated Application Webpage | New School Code Request Form | ||||
52 | Calculate amount of current year funds that will be left unspent (carryover) by June 30. Consider adding those carryover amounts into the Consolidated Application ARAC and fund sections. | Summer | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | |||||
53 | CDE disseminates Equitable Distribution of Teachers (EDT) results. Districts with identified gaps in equitable access to educators work to develop a plan with stakeholders. Districts with medium or large EDT gaps submit educator equity plan in Consolidated Application. Districts must consider how Title II funds can address EDT gaps. | Summer | Required | Required | EDT Webpage | EDT Planning Guidance | Section 1111(g)(1)(B) | ||||||
54 | CDE releases Rural Low-Income School (RLIS) Grant awards through Consolidated Application. | Summer | Required | RLIS Grant | |||||||||
55 | If allocation methodology has changed in the distribution of state and local funds, the LEA must review and update supplement, not supplant policies and procedures then submit the SNS assurance form. | Summer | Required | Supplement, Not Supplant for Title 1, Part A under ESSA Webpage | Section 1118(b) | ||||||||
56 | Last date to submit Consolidated Application without an approved extension (June 30). | Summer | Required | Required | Required | Required | Required | Required | Consolidated Application Webpage |
1 | For a printable PDF of this tab, click HERE. | Updated: | 1/17/22 | ||||||||||
2 | Task Complete | Task | Season | Title I, Part A | Title I, Part D | Title II, Part A | Title III, Part A | Title IV, Part A | Title V, Part B | Resource 1 | Resource 2 | Resource 3 | Where is it found in statute or other guidance? |
3 | Attend CDE Regional/Virtual Network Meetings and weekly ESEA Office Hours. | Ongoing | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | Regional Network Meetings Webpage | ||||
4 | Based on school and district timelines, conduct a Comprehensive Needs Assessment (CNA) to identify the needs of students and staff in schools and the district that may be served with ESEA funds. | Ongoing | Required | Required | Required | Required | Required | Required | Comprehensive Needs Assessment Webpage | Needs Assessment Guidebook | Title IV, Part A Needs Assessment Tool | Section 4106(d) (Comprehensive Needs Assessment) Title I, Part C, Section 1306 (a) (Comprehensive Needs Assessment) | |
5 | Create and regularly monitor Schoolwide Plans to identify the needs of students and staff in Title I, Part A schools that do or will run a schoolwide program to ensure all students are provided opportunities to meet Colorado Academic (CAS) and Colorado English Language Proficiency (CELP) Standards. | Ongoing | Required | Title I, Part A Schoolwide Programs Webpage | Section 1114 (b)(6) Section 4106(d) (Comprehensive Needs Assessment) | ||||||||
6 | Consult with new Charter schools regarding the ESEA funds the school may be eligible to receive during the first year of operation of the school or a year in which the school's enrollment expands significantly. | Ongoing | Required | Required | Required | Required | Required | C.R.S 22-30.5-112.1(3)(c)(6) | |||||
7 | Consult with parents in Title I, Part A schools regarding activities to be conducted with the parent involvement set aside. LEAs that have a Title I, Part A allocation of $500,000 or more must use at least 1% of Title I, Part A to support Family and Community Engagement practices. | Ongoing | Required | Parent and Family Engagement Webpage | Family, School, Community Engagement Practices | Section 1116(c) | |||||||
8 | Continually identify and progress monitor student needs and align supports and services in all Title I, Part A programs. | Ongoing | Required | Title I, Part A Schoolwide Programs Webpage | Title I, Part A Targeted Assistance Programs Webpage | COMTSS | Section 1115(b)(2)(G)(iii) Section 1114(b)(3) | ||||||
9 | District program staff meets with business manager to conduct a budget to actual review on a regular basis to ensure that approved activities are occurring and funds are being drawn down. | Ongoing | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | Grant Distribution Reports | 2 C.F.R. 200.302(a) (Track funds to a level of expenditures adequate to establish that such funds have been used according to the Federal statutes, regulations, and the terms and conditions of the Federal award) | |||
10 | Identification of English learners must be made within 30 days of the beginning of the school year, including Home Language Survey, W-APT/WIDA Screener, and a BOE to confirm language proficiency; after October 1, must be made within 15 days of enrollment | Ongoing | Required | Required | CLDE Identification Website | Dear Colleague Letter | 34 C.F.R. § 100.4(b) (Comply with all requirements pursuant to Title VI) 28 C.F.R. § 42.105(a)(1) (States shall establish their own compliance standareds with regards to Title VI programs) Section 1111(b)(2)(G) (annually access ELs) | ||||||
11 | Periodically submit Request for Funds to Grants Fiscal (once final approval of application is granted) | Ongoing | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | Request for Funds Forms Webpage | ||||
12 | The District should evaluate the effectiveness of programs and/or strategies throught the use of data analyses in consulatation with stakeholders and make adjustments in the Consolidated Application. | Ongoing | Required | Required | Required | Required | Required | Required | Parent and Family Engagement Webpage | English Learners and Title III Non-Regulatory Guidance | Program Evaluation Trainings and Materials | Section 1116 (2)(D) (Evaluate Parent Engagement efforts) Section 1116 (2)(E) (Use evaluation findings to adjust programming) Section 3121(b)(2) (Every LEA receiving Title III to report on the activiteis conducted aned children served every 3 years) Section 1116 (1) (Conduct outreach and implement parent engagment programs) Section 1116 (e)(3)(C) (Building capacity for involvement) Title IV: Section 4106(e)(1)(E) Section 1431 (Title I, Part Program Evaluations) | |
13 | Parent notifications are sent. [e.g., Parents Right to Know - Teacher Qualifications, Notice to Parents of English Learners (sent no later than 30 days after enrollment; within 15 days after Oct. 1), Testing Transparency, 4-Week Rule letter] | Ongoing | Required | Required | Parent Notification Requirement Webpage | Sample Parents Right to Know Letter | Sample 4-Week Rule Letter | Section 1112(e)(1)(A-B) (Right to Know) Section 1112(e)(3)(A) (EL Parent Notification) Section 1112(e)(2)(A-B) (Testing Transparency) Section 1112(e)(1)(B)(ii) (Right to Know, 4 week rule) | |||||
14 | Submit ESEA Consolidated Application Post Award Revisions based on ongoing progress monitoring and program adjustment through the online platform, if needed. Include any changes to District Contacts. | Ongoing | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | Post-Award Revisions Webpage | ||||
15 | Review and make modifications to Consolidated Application based on any CDE comments. | Summer; Fall | Required | Required | Required | Required | Required | Required | Consolidated Application Webpage | ||||
16 | AFR (Annual Financial Report) submitted through ConsApp (for the previous school year) | Fall | Required | Required | Required | Required | Required | Required | Grants Fiscal Webpage | ||||
17 | Determine if adjustments need to be made to the Consolidated Application based on updated performance frameworks and identification of schools for comprehensive (CS) or targeted (TS) support and improvement. | Fall | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | Consolidated Application Webpage | ESSA Methods and Criteria for Identfication of Schools for Support and Improvement Webpage | Title IV: Section 4106(e)(2)(A) | |||
18 | Last day to request reimbursement for grants that expired September 30. | Fall | Required | Required | Required | Required | Required | Required | Office of Grants Fiscal | Uniform Grants Guidance §200.343 | |||
19 | Prepare and submit October Count data through Data Pipeline. | Fall | Required | Required | Required | Required | Data Pipeline Snapshots - Student October Webpage | Section 5231(a)(1) | |||||
20 | Review and update ESEA personnel lists by building, in order to establish the Time & Effort logs that will need to be completed (monthly or semi-annual). | Fall | Required | Required | Required | Required | Required | Required | Time and Effort certifications are required under 2 CFR 200.430(a)-(f) | ||||
21 | Review Title I School List to ensure schools are accurately listed. If status of any school is listed incorrectly, contact CDE to have this corrected. | Fall | CDE Recommendation | Title I School List Webage | |||||||||
22 | Revisit UIP to reflect changes in schools identified for comprehensive (CS) or targeted (TS) support and improvement. | Fall | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | ESSA Methods and Criteria for Identfication of Schools for Support and Improvement Webpage | |||||
23 | The district and each Title I school should develop and disseminate the district and school level Title I Parent and Family Engagement Policy, including the Title I school-parent compact. Policy must be developed in partnership with parents. | Fall | Required | Parent and Family Engagement Webpage | 1116(a) (District policy) 1116(b) (School Policy) 1116(c) (Policy Involvement) 1116(d) (School-compact: Shared Responsibilities) | ||||||||
24 | Empowering Action for School Improvement (EASI) Application becomes available. Districts with identified CS/TS/ATS schools may apply for additional funding to support improvement efforts. (due in December) | Fall | CDE Recommendation | Empowering Action for School Improvement (EASI) Webpage | ESSA Methods and Criteria for Identfication of Schools for Support and Improvement Webpage | ||||||||
25 | Submission of Unified Improvement Plan for schools identified as Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CS) and/or Priority Improvement and Turnaround. (due in October) | Fall | Required | ESSA Methods and Criteria for Identfication of Schools for Support and Improvement Webpage | § 1111(d)(1)(B)(v) | ||||||||
26 | If Title I, Part A carryover from previous school year is greater than 15%, complete the waiver request and submit to grants fiscal. | Fall | Required | Title I, Part A Website | Section 421(b) | ||||||||
27 | Submit staff counts for TLCC survey. | Fall; Winter | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | TLCC Survey Website | ||||||||
28 | District Report Cards distributed and posted on the district's website. | Winter | Required | § 1112(e)(1)(B)(i) | |||||||||
29 | Verify and submit annual neglected and delinquent count data to CDE. | Winter | Required | Required | Title I, Part D: Neglected, Delinquent, and At-Risk Youth | Title I, Part A: Section 1124(c)(1)(B) Title I, Part D Non-Regulatory Gudiance - State Agency: A-1, Local Educational Agency: L-1 | |||||||
30 | If notified by CDE, LEAs submit demonstration of Comparability using alternative calculators. | Winter | Required | Title I, Comparability Webpage | Section 1118(c) | ||||||||
31 | Grants Fiscal releases revised final Title Allocations. Make adjustments to budgets in the Consolidated Application, if neccesary. | Winter | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | Grants Fiscal Allocations Webpage | |||||
32 | ACCESS for ELLs Assessment Window - All students designated as NEP/LEP, including students with parent refusals for services, must be assessed. | Winter; Spring | Required | Required | English Language Proficiency Assessment Webpage | Redesignation and Exiting Students Webpage | 3116 (b)(2)(A), 1111(b)(2)(G), 1111(c)(4)(A)(ii) | ||||||
33 | Conduct consultation for the upcoming school year with non-public schools within district boundaries and submit results of consultation to the ombudsman using the NPS Consultation Form. Note: If the non-public school has not identified students as English learners and would like to participate in the Title III, Part A program, support the school through the identification process in the upcoming school year. | Winter; Spring | Required | Required | Required | Required | Equitable Services in Non-Public Schools Webpage | Equitable Services under Title VIII | Section 8501(a-c), Section 1117(b)(1) Title IV: Section 4106(e)(2)(B) | ||||
34 | Convene the ongoing stakeholder group to begin planning for the next ESEA Consolidated Application. Use available data (e.g., free and reduced lunch, other low-income data, or a combination of poverty indicators) to determine LEA Method of Serving and eligible schools for Title I, Part A services (for next school year). | Winter; Spring | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | Required | CDE Recommendation | Stakeholder Involvement Webpage | Title IV: Section 4106(c) | |||
35 | Attend trainings on Equitable Distribution of Teachers (EDT) data analysis to help build a plan that addresses any gaps. | Winter; Spring | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | EDT Website | ||||||||
36 | Teaching and Learning Conditions Colorado (TLCC) Survey is opened. District works with schools to encourage staff caompletion of the survey. The survey data can be useful for identifying areas of need to be addressed with Title II funds. | Winter; Spring | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | Teaching and Learning Conditions Survey | |||||||
37 | Attend Consolidated Application trainings. | Spring | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | ConsApp Training Center | ||||
38 | Coordinate with early childhood centers to plan transition of pre-school students to Title I, Part A schools. | Spring | Required | Required | Section 1119(a-b) Section 3121(b)(D) | ||||||||
39 | Declare participation in Community Eligibility Provision to School Nutrition, if applicable. CEP is an optional poverty measure used for serving Title I schools. | Spring | Required | Provisional Programs Webpage | USDA CEP Webpage | 7 CFR 245.9(f)(4) | |||||||
40 | Have LEA budget discussions that include staff assignments to ensure compliance with Title I, Part A comparability and EDT requirements for the following school year. | Spring | CDE Recommendation | Comparability Website | EDT Planning Guide | ||||||||
41 | Preliminary ESEA allocations available for following school year. Update any plans or draft budgets with posted allocation amounts prior to planning and submission of the Consolidated Application. | Spring | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | ESSA Allocations and Fiscal Files Webpage | |||||
42 | Manually add new schools (including charters) that will be opening in the Fall using the assigned school code(s) and estimated enrollment data to the School Profile in the Consolidated Application, if they are not already listed. | Summer | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | Consolidated Application Webpage | New School Code Request Form | ||||
43 | Calculate amount of current year funds that will be left unspent (carryover) by June 30. Consider adding those carryover amounts into the Consolidated Application ARAC and fund sections. | Summer | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | |||||
44 | CDE disseminates Equitable Distribution of Teachers (EDT) results. Districts with identified gaps in equitable access to educators work to develop a plan with stakeholders. Districts with medium or large EDT gaps submit educator equity plan in Consolidated Application. Districts must consider how Title II funds can address EDT gaps. | Summer | Required | Required | EDT Webpage | EDT Planning Guidance | Section 1111(g)(1)(B) | ||||||
45 | If allocation methodology has changed in the distribution of state and local funds, the LEA must review and update supplement, not supplant policies and procedures then submit the SNS assurance form. | Summer | Required | Supplement, Not Supplant for Title 1, Part A under ESSA Webpage | Section 1118(b) | ||||||||
46 | Last date to submit Consolidated Application without an approved extension (June 30). | Summer | Required | Required | Required | Required | Required | Required | Consolidated Application Webpage |
1 | For a printable PDF of this tab, click HERE. | Updated: | 1/17/22 | ||||||||||
2 | Task Complete | Task | Season | Title I, Part A | Title I, Part D | Title II, Part A | Title III, Part A | Title IV, Part A | Title V, Part B | Resource 1 | Resource 2 | Resource 3 | Where is it found in statute or other guidance? |
3 | Attend CDE Regional/Virtual Network Meetings and weekly ESEA Office Hours. | Ongoing | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | Regional Network Meetings Webpage | ||||
4 | Based on school and district timelines, conduct a Comprehensive Needs Assessment (CNA) to identify the needs of students and staff in schools and the district that may be served with ESEA funds. | Ongoing | Required | Required | Required | Required | Required | Required | Comprehensive Needs Assessment Webpage | Needs Assessment Guidebook | Title IV, Part A Needs Assessment Tool | Section 4106(d) (Comprehensive Needs Assessment) Title I, Part C, Section 1306 (a) (Comprehensive Needs Assessment) | |
5 | District program staff meets with business manager to conduct a budget to actual review on a regular basis to ensure that approved activities are occurring and funds are being drawn down. | Ongoing | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | Grant Distribution Reports | 2 C.F.R. 200.302(a) (Track funds to a level of expenditures adequate to establish that such funds have been used according to the Federal statutes, regulations, and the terms and conditions of the Federal award) | |||
6 | Periodically submit Request for Funds to Grants Fiscal (once final approval of application is granted) | Ongoing | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | Request for Funds Forms Webpage | ||||
7 | The District should evaluate the effectiveness of programs and/or strategies throught the use of data analyses in consulatation with stakeholders and make adjustments in the Consolidated Application. | Ongoing | Required | Required | Required | Required | Required | Required | Parent and Family Engagement Webpage | English Learners and Title III Non-Regulatory Guidance | Program Evaluation Trainings and Materials | Section 1116 (2)(D) (Evaluate Parent Engagement efforts) Section 1116 (2)(E) (Use evaluation findings to adjust programming) Section 3121(b)(2) (Every LEA receiving Title III to report on the activiteis conducted aned children served every 3 years) Section 1116 (1) (Conduct outreach and implement parent engagment programs) Section 1116 (e)(3)(C) (Building capacity for involvement) Title IV: Section 4106(e)(1)(E) Section 1431 (Title I, Part Program Evaluations) | |
8 | Submit ESEA Consolidated Application Post Award Revisions based on ongoing progress monitoring and program adjustment through the online platform, if needed. Include any changes to District Contacts. | Ongoing | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | Post-Award Revisions Webpage | ||||
9 | Prepare for Annual Count and CSPR data collection. | Summer; Fall | CDE Recommendation | Title I, Part D Website | Section 1431(a) | ||||||||
10 | Review and make modifications to Consolidated Application based on any CDE comments. | Summer; Fall | Required | Required | Required | Required | Required | Required | Consolidated Application Webpage | ||||
11 | AFR (Annual Financial Report) submitted through ConsApp (for the previous school year) | Fall | Required | Required | Required | Required | Required | Required | Grants Fiscal Webpage | ||||
12 | Last day to request reimbursement for grants that expired September 30. | Fall | Required | Required | Required | Required | Required | Required | Office of Grants Fiscal | Uniform Grants Guidance §200.343 | |||
13 | Provide training/technical assistance, as appropriate, to sub-grantees on the annual count and CSPR data collections. | Fall | CDE Recommendation | Title I, Part D Annual Count Presentation | Title I, Part D CSPR Presentation | https://neglected-delinquent.ed.gov/resource/instructional-guide-reporting-title-i-part-d-data-cspr-sy-2016-17 | |||||||
14 | Review and update ESEA personnel lists by building, in order to establish the Time & Effort logs that will need to be completed (monthly or semi-annual). | Fall | Required | Required | Required | Required | Required | Required | Time and Effort certifications are required under 2 CFR 200.430(a)-(f) | ||||
15 | Submit CSPR Data to CDE. | Winter | Required | Required | Title I, Part ID Section 1431(a) Title IV: Section 4106(e)(2)(F) | ||||||||
16 | Verify and submit annual neglected and delinquent count data to CDE. | Winter | Required | Required | Title I, Part D: Neglected, Delinquent, and At-Risk Youth | Title I, Part A: Section 1124(c)(1)(B) Title I, Part D Non-Regulatory Gudiance - State Agency: A-1, Local Educational Agency: L-1 | |||||||
17 | Convene the ongoing stakeholder group to begin planning for the next ESEA Consolidated Application. Use available data (e.g., free and reduced lunch, other low-income data, or a combination of poverty indicators) to determine LEA Method of Serving and eligible schools for Title I, Part A services (for next school year). | Winter; Spring | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | Required | CDE Recommendation | Stakeholder Involvement Webpage | Title IV: Section 4106(c) | |||
18 | Attend Consolidated Application trainings. | Spring | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | ConsApp Training Center | ||||
19 | Plan and collaborate with local neglected or delinquent facilities to plan activities for Consolidated Application, if applicable. | Spring | Required | Title I, Part D Neglected and Delinquent Webpage | Title I, Part D: Section 1425 | ||||||||
20 | Preliminary ESEA allocations available for following school year. Update any plans or draft budgets with posted allocation amounts prior to planning and submission of the Consolidated Application. | Spring | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | ESSA Allocations and Fiscal Files Webpage | |||||
21 | Calculate amount of current year funds that will be left unspent (carryover) by June 30. Consider adding those carryover amounts into the Consolidated Application ARAC and fund sections. | Summer | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | |||||
22 | Last date to submit Consolidated Application without an approved extension (June 30). | Summer | Required | Required | Required | Required | Required | Required | Consolidated Application Webpage |
1 | For a printable PDF of this tab, click HERE. | Updated: | 1/17/22 | ||||||||||
2 | Task Complete | Task | Season | Title I, Part A | Title I, Part D | Title II, Part A | Title III, Part A | Title IV, Part A | Title V, Part B | Resource 1 | Resource 2 | Resource 3 | Where is it found in statute or other guidance? |
3 | Attend CDE Regional/Virtual Network Meetings and weekly ESEA Office Hours. | Ongoing | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | Regional Network Meetings Webpage | ||||
4 | Based on school and district timelines, conduct a Comprehensive Needs Assessment (CNA) to identify the needs of students and staff in schools and the district that may be served with ESEA funds. | Ongoing | Required | Required | Required | Required | Required | Required | Comprehensive Needs Assessment Webpage | Needs Assessment Guidebook | Title IV, Part A Needs Assessment Tool | Section 4106(d) (Comprehensive Needs Assessment) Title I, Part C, Section 1306 (a) (Comprehensive Needs Assessment) | |
5 | Consult with new Charter schools regarding the ESEA funds the school may be eligible to receive during the first year of operation of the school or a year in which the school's enrollment expands significantly. | Ongoing | Required | Required | Required | Required | Required | C.R.S 22-30.5-112.1(3)(c)(6) | |||||
6 | District program staff meets with business manager to conduct a budget to actual review on a regular basis to ensure that approved activities are occurring and funds are being drawn down. | Ongoing | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | Grant Distribution Reports | 2 C.F.R. 200.302(a) (Track funds to a level of expenditures adequate to establish that such funds have been used according to the Federal statutes, regulations, and the terms and conditions of the Federal award) | |||
7 | Periodically submit Request for Funds to Grants Fiscal (once final approval of application is granted) | Ongoing | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | Request for Funds Forms Webpage | ||||
8 | The District should evaluate the effectiveness of programs and/or strategies throught the use of data analyses in consulatation with stakeholders and make adjustments in the Consolidated Application. | Ongoing | Required | Required | Required | Required | Required | Required | Parent and Family Engagement Webpage | English Learners and Title III Non-Regulatory Guidance | Program Evaluation Trainings and Materials | Section 1116 (2)(D) (Evaluate Parent Engagement efforts) Section 1116 (2)(E) (Use evaluation findings to adjust programming) Section 3121(b)(2) (Every LEA receiving Title III to report on the activiteis conducted aned children served every 3 years) Section 1116 (1) (Conduct outreach and implement parent engagment programs) Section 1116 (e)(3)(C) (Building capacity for involvement) Title IV: Section 4106(e)(1)(E) Section 1431 (Title I, Part Program Evaluations) | |
9 | Submit ESEA Consolidated Application Post Award Revisions based on ongoing progress monitoring and program adjustment through the online platform, if needed. Include any changes to District Contacts. | Ongoing | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | Post-Award Revisions Webpage | ||||
10 | Review and make modifications to Consolidated Application based on any CDE comments. | Summer; Fall | Required | Required | Required | Required | Required | Required | Consolidated Application Webpage | ||||
11 | AFR (Annual Financial Report) submitted through ConsApp (for the previous school year) | Fall | Required | Required | Required | Required | Required | Required | Grants Fiscal Webpage | ||||
12 | Determine if adjustments need to be made to the Consolidated Application based on updated performance frameworks and identification of schools for comprehensive (CS) or targeted (TS) support and improvement. | Fall | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | Consolidated Application Webpage | ESSA Methods and Criteria for Identfication of Schools for Support and Improvement Webpage | Title IV: Section 4106(e)(2)(A) | |||
13 | Last day to request reimbursement for grants that expired September 30. | Fall | Required | Required | Required | Required | Required | Required | Office of Grants Fiscal | Uniform Grants Guidance §200.343 | |||
14 | Prepare and submit October Count data through Data Pipeline. | Fall | Required | Required | Required | Required | Data Pipeline Snapshots - Student October Webpage | Section 5231(a)(1) | |||||
15 | Review and update ESEA personnel lists by building, in order to establish the Time & Effort logs that will need to be completed (monthly or semi-annual). | Fall | Required | Required | Required | Required | Required | Required | Time and Effort certifications are required under 2 CFR 200.430(a)-(f) | ||||
16 | Revisit UIP to reflect changes in schools identified for comprehensive (CS) or targeted (TS) support and improvement. | Fall | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | ESSA Methods and Criteria for Identfication of Schools for Support and Improvement Webpage | |||||
17 | Submit staff counts for TLCC survey. | Fall; Winter | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | TLCC Survey Website | ||||||||
18 | Grants Fiscal releases revised final Title Allocations. Make adjustments to budgets in the Consolidated Application, if neccesary. | Winter | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | Grants Fiscal Allocations Webpage | |||||
19 | Conduct consultation for the upcoming school year with non-public schools within district boundaries and submit results of consultation to the ombudsman using the NPS Consultation Form. Note: If the non-public school has not identified students as English learners and would like to participate in the Title III, Part A program, support the school through the identification process in the upcoming school year. | Winter; Spring | Required | Required | Required | Required | Equitable Services in Non-Public Schools Webpage | Equitable Services under Title VIII | Section 8501(a-c), Section 1117(b)(1) Title IV: Section 4106(e)(2)(B) | ||||
20 | Convene the ongoing stakeholder group to begin planning for the next ESEA Consolidated Application. Use available data (e.g., free and reduced lunch, other low-income data, or a combination of poverty indicators) to determine LEA Method of Serving and eligible schools for Title I, Part A services (for next school year). | Winter; Spring | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | Required | CDE Recommendation | Stakeholder Involvement Webpage | Title IV: Section 4106(c) | |||
21 | Attend trainings on Equitable Distribution of Teachers (EDT) data analysis to help build a plan that addresses any gaps. | Winter; Spring | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | EDT Website | ||||||||
22 | Teaching and Learning Conditions Colorado (TLCC) Survey is opened. District works with schools to encourage staff caompletion of the survey. The survey data can be useful for identifying areas of need to be addressed with Title II funds. | Winter; Spring | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | Teaching and Learning Conditions Survey | |||||||
23 | Attend Consolidated Application trainings. | Spring | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | ConsApp Training Center | ||||
24 | Preliminary ESEA allocations available for following school year. Update any plans or draft budgets with posted allocation amounts prior to planning and submission of the Consolidated Application. | Spring | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | ESSA Allocations and Fiscal Files Webpage | |||||
25 | Manually add new schools (including charters) that will be opening in the Fall using the assigned school code(s) and estimated enrollment data to the School Profile in the Consolidated Application, if they are not already listed. | Summer | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | Consolidated Application Webpage | New School Code Request Form | ||||
26 | Calculate amount of current year funds that will be left unspent (carryover) by June 30. Consider adding those carryover amounts into the Consolidated Application ARAC and fund sections. | Summer | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | |||||
27 | CDE disseminates Equitable Distribution of Teachers (EDT) results. Districts with identified gaps in equitable access to educators work to develop a plan with stakeholders. Districts with medium or large EDT gaps submit educator equity plan in Consolidated Application. Districts must consider how Title II funds can address EDT gaps. | Summer | Required | Required | EDT Webpage | EDT Planning Guidance | Section 1111(g)(1)(B) | ||||||
28 | Last date to submit Consolidated Application without an approved extension (June 30). | Summer | Required | Required | Required | Required | Required | Required | Consolidated Application Webpage |
1 | For a printable PDF of this tab, click HERE. | Updated: | 1/17/22 | ||||||||||
2 | Task Complete | Task | Season | Title I, Part A | Title I, Part D | Title II, Part A | Title III, Part A | Title IV, Part A | Title V, Part B | Resource 1 | Resource 2 | Resource 3 | Where is it found in statute or other guidance? |
3 | Attend CDE Regional/Virtual Network Meetings and weekly ESEA Office Hours. | Ongoing | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | Regional Network Meetings Webpage | ||||
4 | Based on school and district timelines, conduct a Comprehensive Needs Assessment (CNA) to identify the needs of students and staff in schools and the district that may be served with ESEA funds. | Ongoing | Required | Required | Required | Required | Required | Required | Comprehensive Needs Assessment Webpage | Needs Assessment Guidebook | Title IV, Part A Needs Assessment Tool | Section 4106(d) (Comprehensive Needs Assessment) Title I, Part C, Section 1306 (a) (Comprehensive Needs Assessment) | |
5 | Consult with new Charter schools regarding the ESEA funds the school may be eligible to receive during the first year of operation of the school or a year in which the school's enrollment expands significantly. | Ongoing | Required | Required | Required | Required | Required | C.R.S 22-30.5-112.1(3)(c)(6) | |||||
6 | District program staff meets with business manager to conduct a budget to actual review on a regular basis to ensure that approved activities are occurring and funds are being drawn down. | Ongoing | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | Grant Distribution Reports | 2 C.F.R. 200.302(a) (Track funds to a level of expenditures adequate to establish that such funds have been used according to the Federal statutes, regulations, and the terms and conditions of the Federal award) | |||
7 | Identification of English learners must be made within 30 days of the beginning of the school year, including Home Language Survey, W-APT/WIDA Screener, and a BOE to confirm language proficiency; after October 1, must be made within 15 days of enrollment | Ongoing | Required | Required | CLDE Identification Website | Dear Colleague Letter | 34 C.F.R. § 100.4(b) (Comply with all requirements pursuant to Title VI) 28 C.F.R. § 42.105(a)(1) (States shall establish their own compliance standareds with regards to Title VI programs) Section 1111(b)(2)(G) (annually access ELs) | ||||||
8 | Periodically submit Request for Funds to Grants Fiscal (once final approval of application is granted) | Ongoing | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | Request for Funds Forms Webpage | ||||
9 | The District should evaluate the effectiveness of programs and/or strategies throught the use of data analyses in consulatation with stakeholders and make adjustments in the Consolidated Application. | Ongoing | Required | Required | Required | Required | Required | Required | Parent and Family Engagement Webpage | English Learners and Title III Non-Regulatory Guidance | Program Evaluation Trainings and Materials | Section 1116 (2)(D) (Evaluate Parent Engagement efforts) Section 1116 (2)(E) (Use evaluation findings to adjust programming) Section 3121(b)(2) (Every LEA receiving Title III to report on the activiteis conducted aned children served every 3 years) Section 1116 (1) (Conduct outreach and implement parent engagment programs) Section 1116 (e)(3)(C) (Building capacity for involvement) Title IV: Section 4106(e)(1)(E) Section 1431 (Title I, Part Program Evaluations) | |
10 | Parent notifications are sent. [e.g., Parents Right to Know - Teacher Qualifications, Notice to Parents of English Learners (sent no later than 30 days after enrollment; within 15 days after Oct. 1), Testing Transparency, 4-Week Rule letter] | Ongoing | Required | Required | Parent Notification Requirement Webpage | Sample Parents Right to Know Letter | Sample 4-Week Rule Letter | Section 1112(e)(1)(A-B) (Right to Know) Section 1112(e)(3)(A) (EL Parent Notification) Section 1112(e)(2)(A-B) (Testing Transparency) Section 1112(e)(1)(B)(ii) (Right to Know, 4 week rule) | |||||
11 | Submit ESEA Consolidated Application Post Award Revisions based on ongoing progress monitoring and program adjustment through the online platform, if needed. Include any changes to District Contacts. | Ongoing | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | Post-Award Revisions Webpage | ||||
12 | Review and make modifications to Consolidated Application based on any CDE comments. | Summer; Fall | Required | Required | Required | Required | Required | Required | Consolidated Application Webpage | ||||
13 | AFR (Annual Financial Report) submitted through ConsApp (for the previous school year) | Fall | Required | Required | Required | Required | Required | Required | Grants Fiscal Webpage | ||||
14 | Attend the ELD Program Requirements training offered by the Office of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Education | Fall | CDE Recommendation | Professional Learning Opportunities Webpage | |||||||||
15 | Determine if adjustments need to be made to the Consolidated Application based on updated performance frameworks and identification of schools for comprehensive (CS) or targeted (TS) support and improvement. | Fall | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | Consolidated Application Webpage | ESSA Methods and Criteria for Identfication of Schools for Support and Improvement Webpage | Title IV: Section 4106(e)(2)(A) | |||
16 | Last day to request reimbursement for grants that expired September 30. | Fall | Required | Required | Required | Required | Required | Required | Office of Grants Fiscal | Uniform Grants Guidance §200.343 | |||
17 | Prepare and submit October Count data through Data Pipeline. | Fall | Required | Required | Required | Required | Data Pipeline Snapshots - Student October Webpage | Section 5231(a)(1) | |||||
18 | Review and update ESEA personnel lists by building, in order to establish the Time & Effort logs that will need to be completed (monthly or semi-annual). | Fall | Required | Required | Required | Required | Required | Required | Time and Effort certifications are required under 2 CFR 200.430(a)-(f) | ||||
19 | Revisit UIP to reflect changes in schools identified for comprehensive (CS) or targeted (TS) support and improvement. | Fall | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | ESSA Methods and Criteria for Identfication of Schools for Support and Improvement Webpage | |||||
20 | Grants Fiscal releases revised final Title Allocations. Make adjustments to budgets in the Consolidated Application, if neccesary. | Winter | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | Grants Fiscal Allocations Webpage | |||||
21 | ACCESS for ELLs Assessment Window - All students designated as NEP/LEP, including students with parent refusals for services, must be assessed. | Winter; Spring | Required | Required | English Language Proficiency Assessment Webpage | Redesignation and Exiting Students Webpage | 3116 (b)(2)(A), 1111(b)(2)(G), 1111(c)(4)(A)(ii) | ||||||
22 | Conduct consultation for the upcoming school year with non-public schools within district boundaries and submit results of consultation to the ombudsman using the NPS Consultation Form. Note: If the non-public school has not identified students as English learners and would like to participate in the Title III, Part A program, support the school through the identification process in the upcoming school year. | Winter; Spring | Required | Required | Required | Required | Equitable Services in Non-Public Schools Webpage | Equitable Services under Title VIII | Section 8501(a-c), Section 1117(b)(1) Title IV: Section 4106(e)(2)(B) | ||||
23 | Convene the ongoing stakeholder group to begin planning for the next ESEA Consolidated Application. Use available data (e.g., free and reduced lunch, other low-income data, or a combination of poverty indicators) to determine LEA Method of Serving and eligible schools for Title I, Part A services (for next school year). | Winter; Spring | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | Required | CDE Recommendation | Stakeholder Involvement Webpage | Title IV: Section 4106(c) | |||
24 | Attend Consolidated Application trainings. | Spring | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | ConsApp Training Center | ||||
25 | Coordinate with early childhood centers to plan transition of pre-school students to Title I, Part A schools. | Spring | Required | Required | Section 1119(a-b) Section 3121(b)(D) | ||||||||
26 | Evaluate English learner redesignation status including ELs with disabilities. | Spring | Required | CDE EL Redesignation Guidance | Section 3111 (b) (A) | ||||||||
27 | Preliminary ESEA allocations available for following school year. Update any plans or draft budgets with posted allocation amounts prior to planning and submission of the Consolidated Application. | Spring | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | ESSA Allocations and Fiscal Files Webpage | |||||
28 | Manually add new schools (including charters) that will be opening in the Fall using the assigned school code(s) and estimated enrollment data to the School Profile in the Consolidated Application, if they are not already listed. | Summer | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | Consolidated Application Webpage | New School Code Request Form | ||||
29 | Calculate amount of current year funds that will be left unspent (carryover) by June 30. Consider adding those carryover amounts into the Consolidated Application ARAC and fund sections. | Summer | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | |||||
30 | Last date to submit Consolidated Application without an approved extension (June 30). | Summer | Required | Required | Required | Required | Required | Required | Consolidated Application Webpage |
1 | For a printable PDF of this tab, click HERE. | Updated: | 1/17/22 | ||||||||||
2 | Task Complete | Task | Season | Title I, Part A | Title I, Part D | Title II, Part A | Title III, Part A | Title IV, Part A | Title V, Part B | Resource 1 | Resource 2 | Resource 3 | Where is it found in statute or other guidance? |
3 | Attend CDE Regional/Virtual Network Meetings and weekly ESEA Office Hours. | Ongoing | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | Regional Network Meetings Webpage | ||||
4 | Based on school and district timelines, conduct a Comprehensive Needs Assessment (CNA) to identify the needs of students and staff in schools and the district that may be served with ESEA funds. | Ongoing | Required | Required | Required | Required | Required | Required | Comprehensive Needs Assessment Webpage | Needs Assessment Guidebook | Title IV, Part A Needs Assessment Tool | Section 4106(d) (Comprehensive Needs Assessment) Title I, Part C, Section 1306 (a) (Comprehensive Needs Assessment) | |
5 | Consult with new Charter schools regarding the ESEA funds the school may be eligible to receive during the first year of operation of the school or a year in which the school's enrollment expands significantly. | Ongoing | Required | Required | Required | Required | Required | C.R.S 22-30.5-112.1(3)(c)(6) | |||||
6 | District program staff meets with business manager to conduct a budget to actual review on a regular basis to ensure that approved activities are occurring and funds are being drawn down. | Ongoing | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | Grant Distribution Reports | 2 C.F.R. 200.302(a) (Track funds to a level of expenditures adequate to establish that such funds have been used according to the Federal statutes, regulations, and the terms and conditions of the Federal award) | |||
7 | Periodically submit Request for Funds to Grants Fiscal (once final approval of application is granted) | Ongoing | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | Request for Funds Forms Webpage | ||||
8 | The District should evaluate the effectiveness of programs and/or strategies throught the use of data analyses in consulatation with stakeholders and make adjustments in the Consolidated Application. | Ongoing | Required | Required | Required | Required | Required | Required | Parent and Family Engagement Webpage | English Learners and Title III Non-Regulatory Guidance | Program Evaluation Trainings and Materials | Section 1116 (2)(D) (Evaluate Parent Engagement efforts) Section 1116 (2)(E) (Use evaluation findings to adjust programming) Section 3121(b)(2) (Every LEA receiving Title III to report on the activiteis conducted aned children served every 3 years) Section 1116 (1) (Conduct outreach and implement parent engagment programs) Section 1116 (e)(3)(C) (Building capacity for involvement) Title IV: Section 4106(e)(1)(E) Section 1431 (Title I, Part Program Evaluations) | |
9 | Submit ESEA Consolidated Application Post Award Revisions based on ongoing progress monitoring and program adjustment through the online platform, if needed. Include any changes to District Contacts. | Ongoing | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | Post-Award Revisions Webpage | ||||
10 | Review and make modifications to Consolidated Application based on any CDE comments. | Summer; Fall | Required | Required | Required | Required | Required | Required | Consolidated Application Webpage | ||||
11 | AFR (Annual Financial Report) submitted through ConsApp (for the previous school year) | Fall | Required | Required | Required | Required | Required | Required | Grants Fiscal Webpage | ||||
12 | Determine if adjustments need to be made to the Consolidated Application based on updated performance frameworks and identification of schools for comprehensive (CS) or targeted (TS) support and improvement. | Fall | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | Consolidated Application Webpage | ESSA Methods and Criteria for Identfication of Schools for Support and Improvement Webpage | Title IV: Section 4106(e)(2)(A) | |||
13 | Last day to request reimbursement for grants that expired September 30. | Fall | Required | Required | Required | Required | Required | Required | Office of Grants Fiscal | Uniform Grants Guidance §200.343 | |||
14 | Review and update ESEA personnel lists by building, in order to establish the Time & Effort logs that will need to be completed (monthly or semi-annual). | Fall | Required | Required | Required | Required | Required | Required | Time and Effort certifications are required under 2 CFR 200.430(a)-(f) | ||||
15 | Revisit UIP to reflect changes in schools identified for comprehensive (CS) or targeted (TS) support and improvement. | Fall | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | ESSA Methods and Criteria for Identfication of Schools for Support and Improvement Webpage | |||||
16 | Submit CSPR Data to CDE. | Winter | Required | Required | Title I, Part ID Section 1431(a) Title IV: Section 4106(e)(2)(F) | ||||||||
17 | Grants Fiscal releases revised final Title Allocations. Make adjustments to budgets in the Consolidated Application, if neccesary. | Winter | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | Grants Fiscal Allocations Webpage | |||||
18 | Conduct consultation for the upcoming school year with non-public schools within district boundaries and submit results of consultation to the ombudsman using the NPS Consultation Form. Note: If the non-public school has not identified students as English learners and would like to participate in the Title III, Part A program, support the school through the identification process in the upcoming school year. | Winter; Spring | Required | Required | Required | Required | Equitable Services in Non-Public Schools Webpage | Equitable Services under Title VIII | Section 8501(a-c), Section 1117(b)(1) Title IV: Section 4106(e)(2)(B) | ||||
19 | Convene the ongoing stakeholder group to begin planning for the next ESEA Consolidated Application. Use available data (e.g., free and reduced lunch, other low-income data, or a combination of poverty indicators) to determine LEA Method of Serving and eligible schools for Title I, Part A services (for next school year). | Winter; Spring | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | Required | CDE Recommendation | Stakeholder Involvement Webpage | Title IV: Section 4106(c) | |||
20 | Teaching and Learning Conditions Colorado (TLCC) Survey is opened. District works with schools to encourage staff caompletion of the survey. The survey data can be useful for identifying areas of need to be addressed with Title II funds. | Winter; Spring | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | Teaching and Learning Conditions Survey | |||||||
21 | Attend Consolidated Application trainings. | Spring | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | ConsApp Training Center | ||||
22 | Preliminary ESEA allocations available for following school year. Update any plans or draft budgets with posted allocation amounts prior to planning and submission of the Consolidated Application. | Spring | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | ESSA Allocations and Fiscal Files Webpage | |||||
23 | Manually add new schools (including charters) that will be opening in the Fall using the assigned school code(s) and estimated enrollment data to the School Profile in the Consolidated Application, if they are not already listed. | Summer | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | Consolidated Application Webpage | New School Code Request Form | ||||
24 | Calculate amount of current year funds that will be left unspent (carryover) by June 30. Consider adding those carryover amounts into the Consolidated Application ARAC and fund sections. | Summer | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | |||||
25 | Last date to submit Consolidated Application without an approved extension (June 30). | Summer | Required | Required | Required | Required | Required | Required | Consolidated Application Webpage |
1 | For a printable PDF of this tab, click HERE. | Updated: | 1/17/22 | ||||||||||
2 | Task Complete | Task | Season | Title I, Part A | Title I, Part D | Title II, Part A | Title III, Part A | Title IV, Part A | Title V, Part B | Resource 1 | Resource 2 | Resource 3 | Where is it found in statute or other guidance? |
3 | Attend CDE Regional/Virtual Network Meetings and weekly ESEA Office Hours. | Ongoing | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | Regional Network Meetings Webpage | ||||
4 | Based on school and district timelines, conduct a Comprehensive Needs Assessment (CNA) to identify the needs of students and staff in schools and the district that may be served with ESEA funds. | Ongoing | Required | Required | Required | Required | Required | Required | Comprehensive Needs Assessment Webpage | Needs Assessment Guidebook | Title IV, Part A Needs Assessment Tool | Section 4106(d) (Comprehensive Needs Assessment) Title I, Part C, Section 1306 (a) (Comprehensive Needs Assessment) | |
5 | Consult with new Charter schools regarding the ESEA funds the school may be eligible to receive during the first year of operation of the school or a year in which the school's enrollment expands significantly. | Ongoing | Required | Required | Required | Required | Required | C.R.S 22-30.5-112.1(3)(c)(6) | |||||
6 | District program staff meets with business manager to conduct a budget to actual review on a regular basis to ensure that approved activities are occurring and funds are being drawn down. | Ongoing | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | Grant Distribution Reports | 2 C.F.R. 200.302(a) (Track funds to a level of expenditures adequate to establish that such funds have been used according to the Federal statutes, regulations, and the terms and conditions of the Federal award) | |||
7 | Periodically submit Request for Funds to Grants Fiscal (once final approval of application is granted) | Ongoing | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | Request for Funds Forms Webpage | ||||
8 | The District should evaluate the effectiveness of programs and/or strategies throught the use of data analyses in consulatation with stakeholders and make adjustments in the Consolidated Application. | Ongoing | Required | Required | Required | Required | Required | Required | Parent and Family Engagement Webpage | English Learners and Title III Non-Regulatory Guidance | Program Evaluation Trainings and Materials | Section 1116 (2)(D) (Evaluate Parent Engagement efforts) Section 1116 (2)(E) (Use evaluation findings to adjust programming) Section 3121(b)(2) (Every LEA receiving Title III to report on the activiteis conducted aned children served every 3 years) Section 1116 (1) (Conduct outreach and implement parent engagment programs) Section 1116 (e)(3)(C) (Building capacity for involvement) Title IV: Section 4106(e)(1)(E) Section 1431 (Title I, Part Program Evaluations) | |
9 | Submit ESEA Consolidated Application Post Award Revisions based on ongoing progress monitoring and program adjustment through the online platform, if needed. Include any changes to District Contacts. | Ongoing | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | Post-Award Revisions Webpage | ||||
10 | Review and make modifications to Consolidated Application based on any CDE comments. | Summer; Fall | Required | Required | Required | Required | Required | Required | Consolidated Application Webpage | ||||
11 | AFR (Annual Financial Report) submitted through ConsApp (for the previous school year) | Fall | Required | Required | Required | Required | Required | Required | Grants Fiscal Webpage | ||||
12 | Determine if adjustments need to be made to the Consolidated Application based on updated performance frameworks and identification of schools for comprehensive (CS) or targeted (TS) support and improvement. | Fall | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | Consolidated Application Webpage | ESSA Methods and Criteria for Identfication of Schools for Support and Improvement Webpage | Title IV: Section 4106(e)(2)(A) | |||
13 | Last day to request reimbursement for grants that expired September 30. | Fall | Required | Required | Required | Required | Required | Required | Office of Grants Fiscal | Uniform Grants Guidance §200.343 | |||
14 | Prepare and submit October Count data through Data Pipeline. | Fall | Required | Required | Required | Required | Data Pipeline Snapshots - Student October Webpage | Section 5231(a)(1) | |||||
15 | Review and update ESEA personnel lists by building, in order to establish the Time & Effort logs that will need to be completed (monthly or semi-annual). | Fall | Required | Required | Required | Required | Required | Required | Time and Effort certifications are required under 2 CFR 200.430(a)-(f) | ||||
16 | Revisit UIP to reflect changes in schools identified for comprehensive (CS) or targeted (TS) support and improvement. | Fall | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | ESSA Methods and Criteria for Identfication of Schools for Support and Improvement Webpage | |||||
17 | Once RLIS allocations are available, update the Consolidated Application through the Post-Award Revision process to budget Rural Low-Income School (RLIS) funds. | Fall; Winter | Required | State and Federal Grants Allocations Webpage | Post-Award Revisions Webpage | Consolidated Application Webpage | |||||||
18 | Grants Fiscal releases revised final Title Allocations. Make adjustments to budgets in the Consolidated Application, if neccesary. | Winter | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | Grants Fiscal Allocations Webpage | |||||
19 | Convene the ongoing stakeholder group to begin planning for the next ESEA Consolidated Application. Use available data (e.g., free and reduced lunch, other low-income data, or a combination of poverty indicators) to determine LEA Method of Serving and eligible schools for Title I, Part A services (for next school year). | Winter; Spring | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | Required | CDE Recommendation | Stakeholder Involvement Webpage | Title IV: Section 4106(c) | |||
20 | Attend Consolidated Application trainings. | Spring | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | ConsApp Training Center | ||||
21 | Eligible LEAs apply for the Small Rural School Achievement (SRSA) Grant on Grants.gov. | Spring | Required | SRSA Website | |||||||||
22 | USDE releases Small, Rural Achievement (SRSA) Grant awards to LEAs. | Spring | Required | Grants.Gov | 5212(c) | ||||||||
23 | Manually add new schools (including charters) that will be opening in the Fall using the assigned school code(s) and estimated enrollment data to the School Profile in the Consolidated Application, if they are not already listed. | Summer | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | Consolidated Application Webpage | New School Code Request Form | ||||
24 | Calculate amount of current year funds that will be left unspent (carryover) by June 30. Consider adding those carryover amounts into the Consolidated Application ARAC and fund sections. | Summer | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | CDE Recommendation | |||||
25 | CDE releases Rural Low-Income School (RLIS) Grant awards through Consolidated Application. | Summer | Required | RLIS Grant | |||||||||
26 | Last date to submit Consolidated Application without an approved extension (June 30). | Summer | Required | Required | Required | Required | Required | Required | Consolidated Application Webpage |