1 | 30 August | ||
2 | 8:30 | Registration @ Registration Desk | |
3 | 9:30 | Opening Session @ Room 02.1 | |
4 | 10:00 | Keynote: Wilfrid Utz (OMiLAB) @ Room 02.1 Challenging Innovation in IS Development through Digital Design Thinking | |
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6 | 11:00 | Break | |
7 | 11:30 | Managing IS Development and Operations @ Room 02.1 Session Chair: Miguel Mira da Silva * Rahmat Mulyana, Lazar Rusu and Erik Perjons - How Hybrid IT Governance Mechanisms Influence Digital Transformation and Organizational Performance in the Banking and Insurance Industry of Indonesia * Daniel Remta, Marie Kovarova and Vlasta Svata - Is SAFe Agile Portfolio Management Compatible with COBIT? * Francisco Cesario, Carlos J. Costa, Manuela Aparicio and João Tiago Aparicio - Blockchain Technology Adoption: Factors Influencing Intention and Usage | Information Systems Modelling @ Room 01.1 Session Chair: Geert Poels * Pascal André, Dalila Tamzalit, Ali Benjilany and Hugo Bruneliere - A Review of Core Operational Business-IT Alignment * Leonardo Abreu, David Aveiro, Duarte Pinto, Vitor Freitas and João Oliveira - DEMO Models Based Automatic Smart Contract Generation: a case in Logistics using Hyperledger * Patrícia Borges Vilão and Alberto Rodrigues da Silva - Rapid Production of Enterprise Applications in a Low-Code Environment: Comparing the ITLingo-ASL and Microsoft PowerApps Metamodels |
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10 | 13:00 | Lunch | |
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13 | 14:30 | Managing IS Development and Operations @ Room 02.1 Session Chair: Miguel Mira da Silva * Timo Tokkonen, Atte Kinnula, Kari Kuutti and Marianne Kinnula - How Information Systems are shaped from the decision-making level to technical implementation: Case Trucking * Daniel Staegemann, Natalie Schröder, Christian Daase, Christian Haertel, Matthias Pohl, Robert Häusler, Johannes Hintsch and Klaus Turowski - Contrasting the Necessary Skills of Leaders in Classical and Agile Software Development * Damian Dziembek and Paula Bajdor - Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Adaptation and Development of Cloud Computing Solutions in Enterprises in Poland | Information Systems Modelling @ Room 01.1 Session Chair: Geert Poels * Qishan Yang, Mouzhi Ge and Markus Helfert - Classification Model for Architectures in Information Systems: A Statistical Converging Technique * Carolina Bandeira, João Barata and Nuno Roque - Introducing the Sectoral Enterprise Architecture Framework (SEAF) * Grażyna Paliwoda-Pękosz, Piotr Soja, Marius Rohde Johannessen, Dariusz Dymek, Lasse Berntzen, Kim Normann Andersen and Tove Bøe - Reconciling Multiple Stakeholders in University ICT Curricula Development: Preliminary Lessons Learned from Poland and Norway |
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16 | 16:00 | Break | |
17 | 16:30 | User Interface and Customer Experience @ Room 02.1 Session Chair: Jacinto Estima * Adrianna Mateja and Anna Borawska - Incorporating Cognitive Neuroscience Techniques to Enhance User Experience Research Practices * Aleksandra Schick and Jakub Swacha - Factors Affecting the Perceived Usefulness of Enterprise Content Management Systems * Artur Strzelecki and Mariia Rizun - Exploring the Impact of Google Discover on Users and Publishers: A Data-driven Study | Data Science and Machine Learning @ Room 01.1 Session Chair: Bruno Martins * Jarosław Wątróbski, Aleksandra Bączkiewicz, Robert Król and Iga Rudawska - Neural Network Based Multi-Criteria Ranking Prediction - Sustainability Assessment Case Study * David Calhas and Rui Henriques - EEG to fMRI Synthesis: Is Deep Learning a candidate? |
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20 | 18:30 | Welcome Reception @ IST’s North Garden (Portuguese Music and Wine Tasting) | |
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