1 | Class | Specialisation | Status | Priority | Information |
2 | Death Knight | Blood | Closed | N/A | Discord |
3 | Death Knight | Frost | Open | ⮟ LOW ⮟ | https://discord.gg/PYGjtZn |
4 | Death Knight | Unholy | Open | ⮟ LOW ⮟ | |
5 | Demon Hunter | Havoc | Open | ⮟ LOW ⮟ | Application form |
6 | Demon Hunter | Vengeance | Closed | N/A | https://bit.ly/brosapplication |
7 | Druid | Balance | Open | ⮝ HIGH ⮝ | |
8 | Druid | Feral | Open | ⮟ LOW ⮟ | This form shows the recruitment |
9 | Druid | Guardian | Closed | N/A | status of these classes & |
10 | Druid | Restoration | Open | ⮟ LOW ⮟ | specialisations for CORE RAIDER |
11 | Evoker | Devastation | Open | ⮟ LOW ⮟ | positions ONLY. |
12 | Evoker | Preservation | Open | ⮟ LOW ⮟ | |
13 | Hunter | Beast Mastery | Open | ⮞ MEDIUM ⮜ | CASUAL RAIDERS can ignore |
14 | Hunter | Marksmanship | Open | ⮞ MEDIUM ⮜ | the recruitment status to the left |
15 | Hunter | Survival | Open | ⮟ LOW ⮟ | and apply WITHOUT their class or |
16 | Mage | Arcane | Open | ⮝ HIGH ⮝ | specialisation combination being |
17 | Mage | Fire | Open | ⮝ HIGH ⮝ | listed as OPEN for recruitment. |
18 | Mage | Frost | Open | ⮝ HIGH ⮝ | Casual raids take place on |
19 | Monk | Brewmaster | Closed | N/A | Thursdays at 7:00pm - 10:00pm server |
20 | Monk | Mistweaver | Open | ⮟ LOW ⮟ | time (AEDT). Please note that you will |
21 | Monk | Windwalker | Open | ⮟ LOW ⮟ | have a much higher chance of being |
22 | Paladin | Holy | Open | ⮟ LOW ⮟ | able to attend a casual raid if you play |
23 | Paladin | Protection | Closed | N/A | a DPS specialisation rather than a |
24 | Paladin | Retribution | Open | ⮟ LOW ⮟ | |
25 | Priest | Discipline | Open | ⮟ LOW ⮟ | Core raid times are 7:00pm - 10:00pm |
26 | Priest | Holy | Open | ⮟ LOW ⮟ | server time (AEDT) on Wednesdays |
27 | Priest | Shadow | Open | ⮟ LOW ⮟ | & Mondays. |
28 | Rogue | Assassination | Open | ⮟ LOW ⮟ | |
29 | Rogue | Outlaw | Open | ⮟ LOW ⮟ | ONLY RECRUITING FOR ABERRUS (10.1)! Recruitment for Vault of the Incarnates is CLOSED & we are on raid break. |
30 | Rogue | Subtlety | Open | ⮟ LOW ⮟ | |
31 | Shaman | Elemental | Open | ⮟ LOW ⮟ | |
32 | Shaman | Enhancement | Open | ⮟ LOW ⮟ | |
33 | Shaman | Restoration | Open | ⮟ LOW ⮟ | |
34 | Warlock | Affliction | Open | ⮝ HIGH ⮝ | |
35 | Warlock | Demonology | Open | ⮝ HIGH ⮝ | |
36 | Warlock | Destruction | Open | ⮝ HIGH ⮝ | |
37 | Warrior | Arms | Open | ⮟ LOW ⮟ | |
38 | Warrior | Fury | Open | ⮟ LOW ⮟ | Last updated: |
39 | Warrior | Protection | Closed | N/A | 27th February 2023 |