| Policy/Procedure (Job descriptions appended at end of policies) | Adopted | Updated |
| | | |
| | | | |
Section A - Foundations & Basic Commitment | | | |
AC | Nondiscrimination/Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action | 6/15/00 | 11/05/20 |
ACAA | Harassment and Sexual Harassment of Students | 6/15/00 | 11/5/20 |
ACAA-R | Student Discrimination and Harassment Complaint Procedure | 3/19/02 | 11/5/20 |
ACAB | Harassment and Sexual Harassment of School Employees | 1/4/11 | 11/5/20 |
ACAB-R | Employee Discrimination and Harassment Complaint Procedure | 1/4/11 | 11/5/20 |
ACAD | Hazing | 6/20/02 | 11/5/20 |
AD | Educational Philosophy/Mission | 12/13/93 | 4/5/11 |
ADA | School District Goals and Objectives | 12/13/93 | 4/5/11 |
ADC | Tobacco Use and Possession Policy | 1/8/08 | 11/06/18 |
ADC-R | Tobacco Use and Possession - Administrative Procedures | 01/03/17 | 11/6/2018 |
ADF | School District Commitment to Learning Results | 4/1/03 | 01/03/17 |
Section B - Board Governance & Operations | | | |
BBA | School Board Powers and Responsibilities | 8/12/96 | 01/03/17 |
BBAA | Board Member Authority and Responsibilities | 8/12/96 | |
BBBA | Board Member Qualifications | 8/12/96 | |
BBBE | Unexpired Term Filfillment/Vacancies | 8/12/96 | |
BBD | Board Declared Vacancy Caused By Absenteeism | 9/16/96 | |
BCA | Board Member Code of Ethics | 12/13/93 | |
BCB | Board Member Conflict of Interest | 2/17/00 | |
BCC | Nepotism | 12/13/93 | 01/03/17 |
BDB | Board Officers | 9/16/96 | 01/03/17 |
BDBA | Duties of Secretary Ex-Officio | 9/16/96 | |
BDD | Board-Superintendent Relationship | 9/16/96 | |
BDE | Board Committees | 9/16/96 | 01/03/17 |
BE | School Board Meetings | 10/17/96 | 01/03/17 |
BEA | School Board Use of Electronic Mail | 9/14/00 | |
BEC | Executive Sessions | 10/4/05 | |
BEC-E | Executive Sessions Law | 9/14/00 | |
BEDB | Agenda | 12/9/96 | 01/03/17 |
BEDB-R | Agenda Format | 01/03/17 | |
BEDC | Quorum | 12/9/96 | 01/03/17 |
BEDD | Rules of Order | 12/9/96 | |
BEDF | Voting Method | 12/9/96 | 01/03/17 |
BEDFA | Abstentions | 01/03/17 | |
BEDG | Minutes | 4/27/04 | |
BEDH | Public Participation at Board Meetings | 4/27/04 | 01/03/17 |
BED | Remote Participation in Board Meetings | 10/5/21 | |
BG | School Board Policy Process | 12/13/93 | 11/1/11 |
BGB | Policy Adoption | 12/13/93 | 11/1/11 |
BGB-R | Policy Adoption - Procedures | 12/13/93 | 11/1/11 |
BHC | Board Communication with Staff | 3/18/97 | |
BIA | New Board Member Orientation | 12/13/93 | |
BIB | Board Member Development Opportunities | 12/13/93 | |
BID | Board Member Compensation and Expenses | 3/18/97 | |
Section C - General School Administration | | | |
CA | Administrative Goals/Priority Objectives | 6/9/97 | |
CB | School Superintendent | 6/9/97 | |
CBA | Superintendent Authority and Duties | 6/9/97 | |
CBD | Superintendent's Contract | 6/9/97 | |
CBI | Evaluation of the Superintendent | 12/13/93 | |
CF | School Building Administration | 6/9/97 | |
CHD | Administration in the Absence of Policy | 12/13/93 | |
Section D - Fiscal Management | | | |
DA | Fiscal Management Goals/Priority Objectives | 11/13/97 | |
DB | Annual Budget | 10/7/97 | |
DH | Bonded Employees | 10/7/97 | |
DI | Fiscal Accounting and Reporting | 10/7/97 | |
DID | Inventories | 10/7/97 | 1/3/12 |
DIE | Audits/Financil Monitoring | 10/7/97 | |
DJ | Purchasing and Bidding Procedures | 10/7/97 | |
DJC | Petty Cash Accounts | 12/17/98 | |
DM | Cash in School Buildings | 3/12/98 | |
DN | School Properties Disposition | 12/13/93 | 2/10/15 |
DNA | Capital Assets and Other Assets Policy | 10/7/03 | |
Section E - Support Services | | | |
EB | Environmental and Safety Program | 4/16/98 | |
EBAA | Chemical Hazards | 6/20/02 | |
EBCA | Crisis Response Plan | 5/14/98 | |
EBCB | Fire Drills | 6/18/98 | |
EBCC | Bomb Threats | 2/3/04 | |
ECB | Pest Management in School Facilities | 11/4/03 | 8/2/11 |
ECB-E1 | Pest Management Notification | 11/4/03 | |
ECB-E3 | Notice of Planned Pesticide Application | 11/4/03 | |
EDE | Waste Management and Recycling | 12/17/98 | |
EEA | Student Transportation Services | 12/17/98 | |
EEAG | Student Transportation in Private Vehicles | 3/15/01 | |
EEAEG | Idling/Fuel Usage of Transporation Vehicles | 10/7/03 | |
EEAH | Transportation of Secondary Students | 10/7/97 | |
EEBB | Use of Private Vehicles for School Purpose | 10/02/12 | |
EFC | Free, Reduced, and Regular Price Food Services | 5/14/98 | |
EFE | Competitive Food Sales | 10/4/05 | |
EGAD | Copyright Compliance | 6/14/01 | |
Section F - Facilities Development | | | |
Section G - Personnel | | | |
GA | Personnel Goals/Priority Objectives | 8/16/01 | |
GBB | Staff Involvement in Decision Making | 12/13/93 | |
GBEC | Drug-Free Workplace | 12/13/93 | |
GBED | Staff No Smoking/Smoking | 12/13/93 | |
GBGAA | Employees Infected with HIV and Other Catastrophic Illnesses | 2/14/02 | |
GBGB | Workplace Bullying | 10/5/21 | |
GBGE | Return to Work and Light Duty Assignments | 6/6/06 | |
GBJ | Personnel Records and Files | 11/19/01 | |
GBJAA | Confidentiality in the Hiring Process | 4/11/96 | |
GBN | Family and Medical Leave | 3/19/02 | |
GBN-R1 | Family and Medical Leave Administrative Procedure | 3/19/02 | |
GBN-R2 | Maine Family Medical Leave Administrative Procedure | 3/19/02 | |
GBO | Family Care Leave | 10/4/05 | |
GCFB | Recruiting and Hiring Administrative Staff | 12/13/93 | |
GCFB-R | Recuiting and Hiring of Administrative Staff - Procedures | 12/13/93 | |
GCI | Professional Staff Development Opportunities | 12/13/93 | |
GCOA | Evaluation of Instructional Staff | 12/13/93 | 9/13/16 |
GCOC | Evaluation of Administrative Staff | 12/13/93 | |
GCQC | Resignation of School Unit Employees | 9/14/00 | |
GCQCA | School Unit Employee References | 9/14/00 | 11/13/08 |
GCQC/GCQD | Resignation of Professional and Support Staff Members | 5/13/99 | |
GCSA | Employee/Volunteer Computer and Internet Use | 1/13/00 | |
GCSA-R | Employee Computer and Internet Use Rules | 1/13/12 | |
GDF | Support Staff Hiring | 1/7/14 | |
Section H - Negotiations | | | |
Section I - Instruction | | | |
IGA | Curriculum Development & Adoption | 09/04/12 | |
IHBAA | Referral Procedures & General Education Interventions | 10/12/99 | 10/01/24 |
IHBAC | Child Find | 12/12/94 | 10/01/24 |
IHBAI | Independent Evaluations | 12/12/94 | |
IHBD | Compensatory Education/Title I | 4/2/13 | |
IHBEA | English as a Second Language | 5/17/16 | 12/10/19 |
IHBG | Home Schooling | 11/2/04 | 8/2/11 |
IHBGA | Home Schooling - Participation in School Programs | 11/2/04 | 8/2/11 |
IHCFB | After School Progam Guidelines | 10/4/16 | |
IJJ | Instruction and Library-Media Materials Selection | 2/3/04 | 8/2/11 |
IJJ-E | Citizen's Challenge of Educational Media Form | 1/10/94 | |
IJNDB | Student Computer and Internet Use | 9/7/10 | 1/7/14 |
IJNDB-R | Student Computer and Internet Use Rules | 9/7/10 | 1/7/14 |
IJNDB-E | Student Computer/Internet Use Acknowledgement Form | | |
IJNDC | Mobile Technology Draft | 4/1/03 | |
IJOA | Field Trips and Excursions | 2/14/02 | |
IJOA-R | Eighth Grade Class Trip Guidelines | 9/1/09 | 10/4/16 |
IJOC | School Volunteers | 9/7/10 | 10/4/16 |
IKE | Promotion, Retention and Acceleration of Students | 9/12/94 | 11/4/03 |
ILA | Tests/Assessment | 9/12/94 | 5/7/19 |
ILD | | 2/3/04 | |
IMB | Teaching About Controversial/Sensitive Issues | | |
IMDA | Patriotic Exercises | 9/12/94 | |
IMDB | Flag Displays | | |
IMG | Animals in Schools | 10/02/12 | |
Section J - Students | | | |
JEA | Compulsory Attendance | 3/4/08 | 8/2/11 |
JFAA | Admission of Resident Students | 1/10/95 | 12/2/14 |
JFAB | Admission of Nonresident Students | 5/9/94 | 3/5/15 |
JFABB | Admission of Exchance and Foreign Students | 11/19/01 | |
JFABD | Admission of Homeless Children and Youth | 2/8/06 | 4/2/13 |
JFABE | Admission of Migrant Students | 4/2/13 | |
JFC | | 1/10/93 | |
JG | Assignments of Students to Classes | 5/8/96 | |
JHB | Truancy | 3/4/08 | 01/04/2022 |
JI | Student Rights and Responsibilities | 11/4/03 | |
JIBC | 8th Grade Advisor | 10/4/16 | 12/6/16 |
JIC | Code of Conduct | 1/3/12 | |
JICA | Student Dress Code | | |
JICB | Care of School Property by Students | 11/4/03 | |
JICC | Student Conduct of School Buses | | |
JICFA | Student Hazing RESCINDED update pending | 6/15/00 | |
JICH | Drug and Alcohol Use by Students | 5/15/99 | |
JICIA | Weapons, Violence, and School Safety | 11/30/03 | |
JICK | Bullying | 10/3/06 | 11/5/20 |
JICK-R | Bullying - Administrative Procedure | 9/1/09 | 11/5/20 |
JICK-E1 | SES Bullying Report Form | 12/3/13 | |
JICK-E2 | SES Bullying Investigation Form | 12/3/13 | |
JICK-E3 | | 12/3/13 | |
JICK-E4 | | 12/3/13 | |
JIH-R | | 10/14/99 | |
JJE | Student Fundraising Activities | 8/16/05 | |
JJIF | Concussion Management | 6/2/2015 | 05/05/20 |
JJJ | Extra Curricular Policy | 2/6/21 | |
JJJ-R | Extra Curricular Eligibility | 1/12/01 | |
JK | Student Discipline | 4/15/99 | 8/22/06 |
JKAA-R | Physical Restraint and Seclusion | 11/03/15 | 10/1/24 |
JKB | Detention of Students | 2/16/99 | |
JKD | Suspension of Students | 4/27/00 | 06/14/22 |
JKE | Expulsion of Students | 4/27/00 | 06/14/22 |
JKE-R | Expulsion of Students - Guidelines | 4/27/00 | 06/14/22 |
JKEA | | 12/12/94 | |
JKEA-E | New Language | 12/12/94 | |
JKF | Self Esteem | | |
JL | Student Wellness | 6/6/06 | 7/3/18 |
JLCB | Immunization of Students | | |
JLCC | Communicable/Infectious Diseases | | |
JLCD | Adminstration of Medication to Students | 6/7/05 | 1/3/23 |
JLCE | First Aid and Emergency Medical Care | 4/17/97 | |
JLCE-R | First Aid Procedures | 4/17/97 | |
JLD | Guidance and Counseling | 10/17/96 | |
JLF | Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect | 3/4/08 | |
JLF-E | Suspected Child Abuse/Neglect Report Form | | |
JLIB | Student Dismissal Precautions | 4/27/00 | |
JLIF | Suicide Awareness Program | 1/10/95 | |
JN | School and Community Service | 1/10/95 | |
JP | Student Donations and Gifts | 1/10/95 | |
JRA | Student Educational Records | | |
JRA-R | Student Educational Records - Procedure | | |
JRA-E | Notification of Rights Under FERPA | 4/12/01 | |
JS | Student Aspirations | 1/10/95 | |
Section K - School-Community Relations | | | |
KBF | Parent Involvement in Title I | 2/8/06 | 8/4/15 |
KBG | Surry Elementary School Home and School Agreement | 6/1/97 | |
KCD | Public Gifts/Donations to the School | | 2/10/2015 |
KE | Public Concerns and Complaints | 11/18/99 | 01/03/17 |
KEB | Public Concerns/Complaints About Personnel | 11/18/99 | |
KF | Community Use of School Facilities | 9/8/93 | 12/01/15 |
KI | Visitors to the School | 1/13/00 | |
KLG | Relations with Law Enforcement Authorities | 4/27/00 | |
KLG-R | | | |
Section L - Education Agency Relations | | | |
| | | |
Job Descriptions | | | |
| ASL Interpreter - Ed Tech | | |
| Athletic Director | | |
| Braille Specialist | | |
| Bus Driver | | |
| Bus Driver - Head | | |
| Cook - Assistant | | |
| Custodian | | |
| Custodian - Part time | | |
| Director of Food Services | | |
| Ed Tech I | | |
| Ed Tech II | | |
| Ed Tech III | | |
| Food Manager | | |
| Garden Coordinator | | |
| Guidance | | |
| Nurse | | |
| Principal | | |
| Secretary to Principal | | |
| Student Council Advisor | | |
| Teacher | | |
| Teacher - preK | | |
| Teacher - Special Ed | | |