Concept identificationConcept definitionContextUse case selectioneProcurement Phases selection
IDConceptDefinitionWG Approval DateGithub issueDefinition SourceAdditional informationRelated eForms BTChoiceJustificationPhasesUC 1UC 2UC 3e-Notification (TED)e-Access (e-Tendering)e-Submissione-Evaluatione-Awardinge-Requeste-Orderinge-Fulfilmente-Invoicinge-Payment
C-112Abnormally Low TenderA tender that is judged abnormally low based on technically, economically or legally unsound assumptions or practices.WG approval 18/04/2018
C-112Abnormally Low TenderTender deemed to have an unrealistically low value
C-112Abnormally Low TenderA tender that is judged by the contracting authority as abnormally low based on technically, economically or legally unsound assumptions or practices.
C-112Abnormally Low TenderThere are one or several bids with unexpected cheap prices. proposalAn indicator to specify whether the tenders are abnormally low or notBT-194NOHaving not found any clear enough definition, another has been proposed from other sources and from the knowledge of the team.e-Evaluation; e-Awarding;YESYES
C-112Abnormally Low TenderTenders that appear abnormally low in relation to the works, supplies or services might be based on technically, economically or legally unsound assumptions or practices. Where the tenderer cannot provide a sufficient explanation, the contracting authority should be entitled to reject the tender. 2014/24/EUWhereas (103)BT-194NO
C-112Abnormally Low TenderContracting authorities shall require economic operators to explain the price or costs proposed in the tender where tenders appear to be abnormally low in relation to the works, supplies or services. 2014/24/EUArticle 69BT-194NO
C-112Abnormally Low TenderText describing the exclusion criterion for abnormally low tenders.
C-112Abnormally Low TenderText describing the exclusion criterion for abnormally low tenders.
C-001Accelerated ProcedureA procurement procedure where the time limit for receipt of tenders can be reduced due to a state of urgency.WG approval 18/04/2018
C-001Accelerated ProcedureA procurement procedure where the time limit for receipt or requests to partipate or tenders are reduced due to a state of urgency.
C-001Accelerated ProcedureA procurement procedure where the time limit for receipt of tenders can be reduced due to a state of urgency or some administrative steps of the tendering procedure can be skipped due to a state of emergency.
C-001Accelerated ProcedureA process where the time limit for receipt of tenders can be reduced due to a state of urgency. proposalBased on DIRECTIVE 2009/81/EC and DIRECTIVE 2014/24/EU
It applies to open procedures, restricted procedures or competitive procedures with negotiation.
BT-106NOWhen there are more than one Directive that refers to the BT in question, the combination of these Directives helps to get a better definition and more understandablee-Notification; e-Access; e-Submission; e-Evaluation; e-Awarding;YESYESYESYESYES
C-001Accelerated ProcedureA procedure where the time limit for receipt of requests to participate or tenders can be reduced due to a state of urgency.áchym Hercher 20180207BT-106NO
C-001Accelerated ProcedureWhere a state of urgency duly substantiated by the contracting authority renders impracticable the time limit laid down in the second subparagraph of paragraph 1, it may fix a time limit which shall be not less than 15 days from the date on which the contract notice was sent. 2014/24/EUArticle 27.3BT-106NO
C-001Accelerated ProcedureRestricted procedures and negotiated procedures with publication of a contract notice, where urgency renders impracticable the minimum time-limits. 2009/81/ECArticle 33.7BT-106NO
C-141Added Category Buyer In Framework AgreementAny additonal categories of purchasing agents participating in the framework agreement. proposalBased on eForms consultationBT-111YESTaking into account the BT, and the definition provided by eForms consultation for the same term, it has been considered that this is a good definition.e-Notification;YES
C-141Added Category Buyer In Framework AgreementAny additonal categories of buyers participating in the framework agreement and not mentioned in the buyer section of this notice: consultationBT-59, BT-300NO
C-262AgentMembers of an evaluation committee (e.g..: jury members) that take into account the requirements, specifications and conditions of the tenders in order to evaluate them.To be discussed further 14/11/2018To be discussed when addressing eEvaluationYES
C-218AgreementA formal decision between two or more parties.WG approval 13/07/2018YES
C-062Agreement DurationPeriod during which an agreement is valid.WG approval 13/07/2018 be expressed as a time period or with a start and end date
An agreement could be for example a contract, a framework agreement or a dps.
C-062Agreement DurationInterval between the award of the contract or closing of the framework agreement and its ending, including options and renewals. This duration may be expressed using two dates (start date and end date). proposalBased on eForms consultation and the OP internal working.BT-36NOWhen there is more than one Source that refers to the BT in question, it is possible to get a better and/or complete definition by combining these sources. In that case, the information of the OP internal working has been complemented by the definition given in the eForms consultation.e-Notification; e-Request; e-Ordering;YESYESYES
C-062Agreement DurationDuration since the award of the contract or closing of the framework agreement. In case of qualification systems, the duration indicates for how long the qualification system is open. This should include options and renewals. consultationBT-36NO
C-062Agreement DurationFor contracts and framework agreements, please give their duration since their signature. For dynamic purchasing systems and qualification systems, please give the duration since the publication of the notice. consultationBT-36NO
C-062Agreement DurationDuration since the award of the contract or closing of the framework agreement. Duration of this period. internal workingBT-36NO
C-062Agreement DurationThe period during which this framework agreement applies.
C-062Agreement DurationThe period during which this contract is valid.
C-062Agreement DurationTime-frame for delivery or provision of supplies, works or services and, as far as possible, duration of the contract. (a) In the case of a framework agreement, indication of the planned duration of the framework agreement, stating, where appropriate, the reasons for any duration exceeding four years; as far as possible, indication of value or order of magnitude and frequency of contracts to be awarded, number and, where appropriate, proposed maximum number of economic operators to participate. (b) In the case of a dynamic purchasing system, indication of the planned duration of that system; as far as possible, indication of value or order of magnitude and frequency of contracts to be awarded. 2014/24/EUANNEX V PART C Information to be included in contract noticesBT-119NO
C-225Ancillary Purchasing Activities.Provision of support to procuring entities including:
(a) technical infrastructure enabling procuring entities to award public contracts or to conclude framework agreements for works, supplies or services;
(b) advice on the conduct or design of procurement procedures;
(c) preparation and management of procurement procedures on behalf and for the account of the procuring entity concerned;
WG approval 18/05/2018YES
C-003Award CriterionDescribes a rule or a condition to be taken into account for the award decision.WG approval 27/04/2018
C-003Award CriterionSpecific means for the comparative assessment of tenders.
C-003Award CriterionIt describes a rule or a condition from the buyer that will be taken into account for the selection of the most economically advantageous tender, and which will be the basis for a comparative assessment of the quality of tenders. proposalBased on DIRECTIVE 2014/24/EU
An awarding criterion can be objective, when it can be evaluated following a formula, or subjective, when human analysis is required.
BG-38, BT-539, BT-540, BT-541NOIt makes the definition of the Directive more comprehensible either because of its complexity, vocabulary, or semantics.e-Notification; e-Evaluation; e-Awarding;YESYESNOYESYESYES
C-003Award CriterionA concept to define a criterion from the contracting party that will be taken into account when awarding a contract. An awarding criterion can be objective, when it can be evaluated following a formula, or subjective, when human analysis is required. internal workingBG-38, BT-539, BT-540, BT-541NO
C-003Award CriterionContract award criteria are the basis for a comparative assessment of the quality of tenders. 2014/24/EUWhereas (104)BG-38, BT-539, BT-540, BT-541NO
C-003Award CriterionWithout prejudice to national laws, regulations or administrative provisions concerning the price of certain supplies or the remuneration of certain services, contracting authorities shall base the award of public contracts on the most economically advantageous tender. 2014/24/EUArticle 67BG-38, BT-539, BT-540, BT-541NO
C-003Award CriterionObjective criteria which comply with the principle of equal treatment, non-discrimination and transparency and which ensure that tenders are assessed in conditions of effective competition so as to identify an overall economic advantage for the contracting authority or the contracting entity. 2014/23/EUArticle 41BG-38, BT-539, BT-540, BT-541NO
C-003Award CriterionCriteria for the procurement, using the award criteria code list, which describes the basis on which contract awards will be made. ontology
BG-38, BT-539, BT-540, BT-541NO
C-003Award CriterionDefines a criterion for awarding this tender., BT-539, BT-540, BT-541NO
C-003Award CriterionA class to define a criterion from the contracting party that will be taken into account when awarding a contract. An awarding criterion can be objective, when it can be evaluated following a formula, or subjective, when human analysis is required., BT-539, BT-540, BT-541NO
C-003Award CriterionA class to define the terms for awarding a contract., BT-539, BT-540, BT-541NO
C-003Award CriterionClass describing criterioa that depend on a value judgement. Ontology Ontology#ObjectiveAwardCriterionBG-38, BT-539, BT-540, BT-541NO
C-003Award CriterionClass used to describe criteria that depend on a subjetive opinion. Ontology Ontology#SubjectiveAwardCriterionBT-539NO
C-273Award Criterion Evaluation DimensionThe information needed to ponder award criteria dimensions.The award is computed on the basis of different several dimensions such as quality, price and cost.

One dimension, e.g. quality, provides the information necessary to measure how the overall quality criteria will be evaluated, as opposed to the individual quality criterion (which has its own weight and threshold).
C-074Award Evaluation Method TypeThe category of the criterion whether it be concerned with the quality of the offer or the financial offer. proposalBT-539YESHaving not found any clear enough definition, another has been proposed from other sources and from the knowledge of the team.YESYES
C-074Award Evaluation Method TypeCategory of Award Criteria
C-074Award Evaluation Method TypeA code used to define this awarding criterion. internal workingBT-539NO
C-074Award Evaluation Method TypeA quality criterion is any non-price non-cost criterion.
Please note that the European Commission maintains a detailed technical list of examples of green award criteria.
This list is available in most EU languages at consultationBT-539NO
C-074Award Evaluation Method TypeCost refers to any monetary value, except price, that the buyer wants to take into account, e.g. running costs,
switching costs, disposal costs. consultationBT-539NO
C-074Award Evaluation Method TypePrice refers to the acquisition price. consultationBT-128NO
C-262Award DecisionResolution of the buyer as to the result of the procurement procedure.WG approval 14/11/2018The award decsion should identify what is awarded to who.
The final result could be not awarded.
In the case of variants a tenderer could have submitted more than 1 tender therefore the result has to identify the tender as well as the tenderer.
The award decision can be made in favour of more than one tender for example in the case of framework contracts and lots.
C-261Award ResultTo be discussed further
C-110Awarded ContractThe decision on the winner of the procurement procedure has been taken.To be discussed further proposalAn indicator to specify whether a contract is awarded or notBT-142YESHaving not found any clear enough definition, another has been proposed from other sources and from the knowledge of the team.e-Notification; e-Awarding;YESYESYESYES
C-110Awarded ContractResult of the procedure.NO
C-110Awarded ContractPoints to the body agreement where a tender has been awarded. Ontology Ontology#awardAgreementBT-142NO
C-110Awarded ContractProperty for awarded tender submitted by a bidder. Ontology
C-110Awarded ContractA class to describe the awarding of a tender in a tendering process.
C-110Awarded ContractThe awarded tendered project associated with this tender result.
C-168Awarded to Small or Medium Enterprise (SME)The award decision is attributed to an organisation that is an SME (small or medium enterprise) at the time of submitting a tender.WG approval 04/05/2018
C-168Awarded to Small or Medium Enterprise (SME)The winner of the contract is a SME (small or medium enterprise). proposalAn indicator to specify whether the procurement procedure is awarded to a SME or not)BT-165NOHaving not found any clear enough definition, another has been proposed from other sources and from the knowledge of the team.e-Notification; e-Awarding;YESYES
C-168Awarded to Small or Medium Enterprise (SME)awarded to SME winner. internal workingBT-164NO
C-078Bargain Purchase ValueThe financial worth of a bargain purchase, taking advantage of a particularly advantageous opportunity available for a very short time at a price considerably lower than market prices.WG approval 25/05/2018 proposalBased on the DIRECTIVE 2014/25/EUBT-164YESIt makes the definition of the Directive more comprehensible either because of its complexity, vocabulary, or semantics.e-Notification;YES
C-078Bargain Purchase ValuePrice paid for bargain purchases. internal workingBT-164NO
C-078Bargain Purchase Value(...) for bargain purchases, where it is possible to procure supplies by taking advantage of a particularly advantageous opportunity available for a very short time at a price considerably lower than normal market prices; 2014/25/EUArticle 50 (h)NO
C-044BuyerOrganisation that manages the budget allocated for the procedure and pays for the items being procured.WG approval 14/11/2018
C-044BuyerBody that manages the budget allocated for the procedure and pays for the items being procured. It may be different from the procuring entity.
C-044BuyerThe party whose budget will be used to purchase the works, supplies or services.áchym Hercher 20180207NO
C-044BuyerThe buyer is the entity whose budget will be used to purchase the goods. This may be different from the procuring entity who may be specified in the tender data. ontologyVoted WG 21/9/2017.
NOTaking into account the BT, and the definition provided by OCDS ontology for the same term, it has been considered that this is a good definition.e-Notification; e-Access; e-Submission; e-Evaluation; e-Awarding; e-Request; e-Ordering; e-Fulfiltment; e-Invoicing; e-Payment;YESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYES
C-044BuyerThe entity managing the procurement. This may be different from the buyer who pays for, or uses, the items being procured. ontology
C-044BuyerBody related to the contract. Ontology Ontology.html#ContractBodiesNO
C-044BuyerAny authority of a State. A public authority is a type of public body, i.e. is a public body of a State apparatus, either at central and local level. OntologyLOTED ontology (
C-044BuyerThe contracting authority or contracting entity who is buying supplies, services or public works using a tendering procedure as described in the applicable directive (Directives 2014/24/EU, 2014/25/EU).
C-044BuyerAn entity which pursues one of the activities referred to in Annex II and award a concession for the pursuit of one of those activities, and which are one of the following: (a) State, regional or local authorities, bodies governed by public law or associations formed by one or more such authorities or one or more such bodies governed by public law; (b) public undertakings as defined in paragraph 4 of this Article; (c) entities other than those referred to in points (a) and (b) of this paragraph, but which operate on the basis of special or exclusive rights, granted for the exercise of one of the activities referred to in Annex II. 2014/23/EUArticle 7NO
C-044BuyerEntities which: (a) are contracting authorities or public undertakings and which pursue one of the activities referred to in Articles 8 to 14; (b) when they are not contracting authorities or public undertakings, have as one of their activities any of the activities referred to in Articles 8 to 14, or any combination thereof and operate on the basis of special or exclusive rights granted by a competent authority of a Member State. 2014/25/EUArticle 4NO
C-044BuyerA class representing the contracting authority or contracting entity who is buying supplies, services or public works using a tendering procedure as described in the applicable directive (Directives 2014/24/EU, 2014/25/EU). MS15/9/2017NO
C-044BuyerA contracting authority providing centralised purchasing activities and, possibly, ancillary purchasing activities. 2014/24/EUWhereas 16NO
C-044BuyerA role played by an entity operating in ordinary sectors in the context of any procurement competitive process. Ontology
C-044BuyerState, regional or local authorities, bodies governed by public law or associations formed by one or more such authorities or one or more such bodies governed by public law. 2014/24/EUArticle 2NO
C-044BuyerThe contracting authority specifies the business entity which issues the contract. ontology
C-044BuyerThe coordinates and identifiers relating to the organisation(s) that are procuring works, supplies and services. proposalBG-10NOHaving not found any clear enough definition, another has been proposed from other sources and from the knowledge of the team.
C-044BuyerA concept to describe the buyer with the information about the contacting point and the address of this buyer. internal workingNO
C-044Buyera party that acquires, or agrees to acquire, ownership (in case of goods), or benefit or usage (in case of services), in exchange for money or other consideration under a contract of sale. Industry Business OntologyNO
C-044BuyerIt represents the organization. One organization maycomprise several sub-organizations and any organization may have one or moreorganizational units. CORE VOCABULARIESNO
C-044BuyerEach of the parties (organizations or other participants) referenced in a release must be included in the parties section. ontologyNO
C-044BuyerA class representing the contracting authority or contracting entity who is buying supplies, services or public works using a tendering procedure as described in the applicable directive (Directives 2014/24/EU, 2014/25/EU).
C-028Buyer ProfileWebsite address where the buyer publishes information on its procurement procedures and general information.WG approval 04/05/2018
C-028Buyer ProfileWebsite address where the buyer publishes information regarding procurement processes, such as procurement notices, contract award notices, prior information notices, etc. proposalBT-508NOHaving not found any clear enough definition, another has been proposed from other sources and from the knowledge of the team.e-Notification; e-Access;YESYES
C-028Buyer ProfileInternet address of the ‘buyer profile’ (URL). 2014/24/EUANNEX V PART A Information to be included in notices of the publication of a prior information notice on a buyer profileBT-508NO
C-028Buyer ProfileThe buyer profile is typically located on a web site where the contracting party publishes its procurement opportunities.
C-028Buyer ProfileAddress of the buyer profile: (URL). consultationBT-08NO
C-047Buyer RoleIt identifies the function of the buyer in this procurement process.Discussed 04/05/2018 to be discussed further proposalBased on the OP internal working.
Possible roles of the buyer: sole contractor; central purchasing body; capacity of the buyer to buy for others, on behalf of others or jointly with others, etc.
BT-08YESTaking into account the BT, and the definition provided by the OP internal working for the same term, it has been considered that this is a good definition.e-Notification;YES
C-047Buyer RoleCapacity of the buyer to buy for others/on behal of others together with others. internal workingBT-08NO
C-047Buyer RoleThe buyer is a central purchasing body: â—¯ yes â—¯ no consultationBT-08NO
C-047Buyer RoleThe buyer is a central purchasing body or acts on behalf of another or participates in a joint procurement or as no speciifed role. consultationBT-08NO
C-047Buyer Role• If the buyer is acquiring goods or services intended for other buyers, no other buyers need to be specified in the notice. (2014/24/EU Art. 2(1) 14a and Art. 37(1) first subparagraph.)
• If the buyer is awarding public contracts intended for other buyers, these buyers must be indicated in this
• If the buyer is concluding a framework agreement or a dynamic purchasing system intended for other buyers,
these buyers must be clearly indicated in this section or in the techniques section (...).
In case of dynamic purchasing systems, other buyers can join the system later (...).
This box should not be ticked if the procurement is not intended for other buyers. consultationBT-62NO
C-079Calculation MethodFormula for obtaining values.WG approval 25/05/2018 possible values are monetary values, ranking scores, criterion weighting.YES
C-079Calculation MethodThe technique used for determining the estimated cost of a concession.
C-079Calculation MethodThe technique used for determining the estimated cost of the concession. consultationBT-62NOTaking into account the BT, and the definition provided by the eForms consultation for the same term, it has been considered that this is a good definition.e-Notification;YES
C-079Calculation MethodIn accordance with the calculation method set out in the GPA, the determination of such values shall be based on the average daily values of those currencies corresponding to the applicable threshold expressed in euro over the 24 months terminating on 31 August preceding the revision with effect from 1 January. 2014/23/EUArticle 9 (2)BT-62NO
C-079Calculation MethodMethod used for calculating the estimated value of the concession. consultationNO