(Rank is a 1-5 number which indicates how much love and/or nostalgia I have for this particular title, 1 being greatest. Represents value to me, but not necessarily actual monetary value)
2400 A.D.Origin SystemsApple IINear MintBig Box1987In good shape except floppy label is detatched. This is one of my favorite Apple II RPGs of all time. Didn't age well, but still fun.1
2400 A.D. *Origin SystemsApple IIGoodBig Box1987This is my original copy. Sadly, it is missing the disks and figurines.1
A2-PB1 Pinball (Night Mission)SubLOGICApple IINear MintZiploc Baggie1982This is the first edition and first printing of the game. Not my original copy, the original (which was the boxed 2nd edition) was lost to time somehow.2
Age of AdventureElectronic ArtsApple IINear MintFolio1986A crappy game that truly marred the face of CRPGs forever. (In my opinion at least)4
AirheartBroderbundApple IINear MintBig Box1986Graphically amazing, but sadly not very fun, game. It was held back by the tech of the time. Made by the same fellow who made Choplifter.3
Akalabeth (In shadowbox on wall)Self-Published (R. Garriott)Apple IIMintZiploc Baggie1979Received directly from and signed in person by Richard Allen Garriott de Cayeux. Only maybe twenty of these exist today. Probably less.1
Alice in WonderlandWindham ClassicsApple IINear MintBig Box1985Coded by Dale Disharoon, the same fellow responsible for Below the Root, this isn't as immersive, but is still fun to play.3
Arcade Boot CampPenguin SoftwareApple IINear MintBig Box1984Really loved this ridiculously weird game when I was a kid. For some reason the "boots and a hat" characters stuck with me as my own mental meme.2
ArchonElectronic ArtsApple IINear MintFolio1983In nearly perfect condition, this was one of my favorites when I was a kid. I loved the Unicorn character the most. This is my original.2
Archon *Electronic ArtsApple IIVery GoodFolio1983Second Copy. Availabe for trade or sale.2
Archon II: AdeptElectronic ArtsApple IIMint & SealedFolio1984Sealed and in perfect condition. Very rare. Not *quite* as much fun as the original Archon, but still lots of fun.3
ArkanoidTaitoApple IIMintFolio1986I loved this in the arcade. The Apple II 8-bit version is pretty cool, but I miss the fast-moving laser blasts. They're slow in this version!3
Arthur: The Quest for Excalibur *InfocomApple IINear MintBig Box1989This game kind of sucks. I was anticipating something really impressive, and instead it wasn't even a good text adventure, even with the graphics.5
AutoduelOrigin SystemsApple IINear MintBig Box1985This is a copy of Autoduel that I got from eBay because it contained the toolkit that I had, but lost, in my original.2
Autoduel *Origin SystemsApple IIGoodBig Box1985I really did poorly at this game when I was a kid but I liked it anyhow. Sadly my childhood copy is missing the little "toolkit" that the game came with.2
Autoduel *Origin SystemsApple IIVery GoodBig Box1985Yeah, I don't know why I have three copies of Autoduel. This one is missing the toolkit, also.2
AztecDatamostApple IIMintBig Box1982A true classic, but man do I hate the keyboard controls. I've never been good at this game.3
Balance of PowerMindscapeApple IINear MintBook1985I didn't fully grasp what this game was trying to teach me as a kid. It's a surprisingly grown-up game for something designed for children.3
Batman: The Caped Crusader *Data EastApple IIMintBig Box1988I bought this from eBay for $10 USD because I like Batman, but I have never played it. Once I do I'll let you know if I like it or not!5
Battle ChessInterplayApple IIgsNear MintBig Box1988I really enjoyed playing this game against my friends in high school. I never got tired of the animations back then.3
Battletech: The Crescent Hawk's InceptionInfocom RPGApple IINear MintBig Box1988I had a love/hate relationship with this game. Great universe, crappy game engine.2
Below the RootWindham ClassicsApple IINear MintBig Box1984A truly incredible game that is fun to play despite it being thirty-five+ years old. Strongly recommended. Also, this copy is in awesome shape!1
Below the Root *Windham ClassicsApple IIVery GoodBig Box1984Second Copy. Availabe for trade or sale. Sort of. Not really.1
Beyond Castle WolfensteinMuse SoftwareApple IIVery GoodBig Box1984Great shape, but I only have the disk and manual, the box is missing. This is a very fun game, that holds up well even today.2
Beyond Castle WolfensteinMuse SoftwareApple IIFairBig Box1984Complete copy, but the box has some crush damage. No tears though, so I think I'll be able to restore it if I'm really careful!2
Bop 'N WrestleMindscapeApple IINear MintFolio1985Got this only because it cost $7 and my original was in bad shape. "When I'm done, yer face will be hog slop."4
Bop 'N Wrestle *MindscapeApple IIPoorFolio1985Severe wear on corners. Not ripped, but looks pretty bad. This game sucks, by the way, but it was amusing when I was a kid.4
Bridge PartnerPersonal SoftwareApple IINear MintZiploc Baggie1978I am pretty sure that this game was purchased in 1979 when my dad bought our Apple ][+. He played it often, but didn't like the simplistic bidding.2
Bruce LeeDatasoft Apple IINear MintBig Box1984Complete, including all inserts, and in extremely good shape. I have a second copy with a crushed-up box.2
Cannonball BlitzSierra OnlineApple IIGoodBig Box19822nd Edition, sadly missing the box but all other materials in good shape3
Canyon ClimberDatasoftApple IIGoodBig Box1982A classic, but was never one of my favorites.4
Captain Goodnight and the Islands of FearBroderbundApple IIVery GoodBig Box1985Simplistic but fun, I loved this game as a kid. Sadly I lost the box, but still have everything else (disk, manual, and code wheel)2
Castle WolfensteinMuse SoftwareApple IINear MintZiploc Baggie1981Early "orange manual" released prior to the boxed version. I'm lucky to have this one. Includes manual and disk, the baggie is not original.2
Castle WolfensteinMuse SoftwareApple IIGoodBig Box1981Box has a little more wear than I'd prefer, but still good. This game used to scare the crap out of me!2
Castle WolfensteinMuse SoftwareApple IIVery GoodBlister Pack1981I got this one from eBay. I'm not sure how rare it is, but I know it is a later release. (Maybe 1982, but I don't know yet)2
Chem LabSimon & SchusterApple IINear MintBook1985I enjoyed intentionally making things explode. :)3
Chessmaster 2000The Software ToolworksApple IIMintFolio1986This was my favorite chess program as a kid.2
ChoplifterBroderbundApple IINear MintBig Box1982A true classic. Box is in good shape. There's a good number of the sleeve versions of this game, but not too many boxes like this one.2
ChoplifterBroderbundApple IINear MintSleeve1982I bought this on eBay just becuase I didn't have the sleve version. :) 2
Chuck Yeager's Advanced Flight TrainerElectronic ArtsApple IINear MintFolio1987Basically, Microsoft Flight Simulator II on steriods. Great game.3
Crisis MountainSynergistic SoftwareApple IINear MintZiploc Baggie1982I didn't play this as a kid, but grew to like it later, so I picked up my copy from eBay.3
Curse of the Azure BondsSSIApple IINear MintBig Box1989The Gold Box D&D games were fun, but mired a little bit by the fact that the story took a back seat to the mechanics of AD&D itself.2
Dark LordDatasoftApple IINear MintBig Box1987My favorite graphical text adventure game, I was initially blown away by the amazing intro music, and the game itself was fun, too.2
David's Midnight MagicBroderbundApple IIGoodZiploc Baggie1982I liked Night Mission Pinball better, but this was still a lot of fun.3
Death Sword *EpyxApple IIVery GoodBig Box1987Complete with an oiled Conan the Barbarian knockoff on the box, this game is far less cheesy than the cover implies. Not bad for it's time.3
DeathlordElectronic ArtsApple IIVery GoodFolio1987A blatant Ultima clone, it was still decent, albeit punishingly difficult.3
Demon's Forge *MastertronicApple IIGoodBig Box1987Another game that I don't remember owning. Why do I have this? Seriously though, I don't remember where it came from. LOL5
Dino EggsMicro FunApple IIFairBig Box1983Complete, but box has some crush damage and the disk is slightly creased. Looks good on the shelf, though, and I loved it as a kid.2
Dragon WarsInterplayApple IINear MintBig Box1989Basically Bards Tale III with improvements and a different world to explore, this game was a blast to play.2
Dragon Wars *InterplayApple IIGoodBig Box1989This second copy is a little worn, but it's the last game I ever purchased from Software Etc before they quit selling Apple stuff2
Dungeon MasterFTL GamesApple IIgsGoodBig Box1987I got this game because I love the other FTL game I have and love, Sundog. Despite it's popularity, I didn't really enjoy this game.4
Dunjonquest - Temple of ApshaiEpixApple IIGoodBig Box1979This is one of the oldest Apple II RPGs. Clunky, but the best you could get back then.2
EliteFirebirdApple IIVery GoodBig Box1984Everyone loved this game. Oddly, I didn't. Game and box are in good shape though.3
Ernie's Quiz
Children's Computer Workshop
Apple IIVery GoodFolio1982My little brother played this game all the time when he was about four or five years old.3
Fahrenheit 451TrilliumApple IIVery GoodFolio1984The folio is awesome, it unfolds to five panels. Amazing. Sadly the game kind of sucks, but the book it was based on was interesting.3
FalconsPiccadilly SoftwareApple IIVery GoodZiploc Baggie1981I loved this game as a kid, despite the fact I was not very good at it. :) 2
Flight Simulator IISubLOGICApple IIGoodBig Box1983I'm glad flight simulators are not this crappy any more. Heh, heh. Truly amazing for it's time, though. Flight sim with 64k of RAM and 1 mhz CPU!3
Garry Kitchen's GameMaker - Science Fiction *ActivisionApple IINear MintBig Box1985Add on that provides a bunch of Sci-Fi resources for Garry Kitchen's GameMaker4
Garry Kitchen's GameMaker *ActivisionApple IINear MintBig Box1985Didn't have this as a kid, but I always wanted to try it. It's more flexible than I thought it would be.4
GauntletMindscapeApple IIgsNear MindFolio1987This felt just like the arcade game, and at the time I had it, was pretty much the coolest. Playing Gauntlet gets old after a while, but still... Awesome!2
GBA Championship Basketball *GamestarApple IINear MintBig Box1986I'm not even sure why I have this game. It's not that good.5
GhostbustersActivisionApple IIGoodBig Box1984Loved the movie! Game, not so much. A valiant effort, but it doesn't really capture the movie very well. Complete, but box is slightly squished.4
Gold RushSierra OnlineApple IIMintBig Box1988Accidentally on purpose makes you learn things. Fun, but the IIgs version's graphics are a lot nicer.4
Hard Hat MackElectronic ArtsApple IIMint & SealedFolio1983Factory sealed, mint condition3
Hard Hat Mack *Electronic ArtsApple IIMintFolio1983In perfect condition despite being opened.3
Hardball!AccoladeApple IINear MintFolio1985Truly impressive graphics for it's time, especially considering the capabilities of the Apple II 8 bit hardware.3
Hardball!AccoladeApple IINear MintBig Box1985Identical to the folio version, I don't really know if the big box release came out before or after.3
In Search of the Most Amazing ThingSpinnakerApple IINear MintBig Box1983Another game that I absolutely loved as a kid, but really hasn't aged that well.2
John Madden FootballElectronic ArtsApple IINear MintBig Box1988I got this as a kid becuase I loved the video game "Cyberball" in the arcade. It was never quite as fun, but it was still pretty cool. It's fairly valuable.3
Jumpman *EpixApple IIVery GoodBig Box1983To be honest I never had this when I was younger, but I picked it up because of it's relative rarity.4
Karate ChampData EastApple IINear MintBig Box1985They did their best to port this, but it's just not the same without the two joysticks.3
KaratekaBroderbundApple IINear MintBig Box1984Hard to believe that an Apple II computer could do this. Some of the best visuals on an 8 bit Apple, lots of fun, and in nearly perfect shape.1
King's BountyNew World ComputingApple IINear MintBig Box1990The mechanics in this game is what New World Computing based Heroes of Might and Magic on. Truly an important milestone, overlooked by many.2
Knights of LegendOriginApple IIVery GoodBig Box1989Even more mired in mechanics than the Gold Box D&D games, this was an amazing game brought down by the weight of it's own hubris.3
Kung-Fu MasterData EastApple IIGoodBig Box1984In good shape except floppy label is detatched. I'm going to try and re-affix it with glue. Sooner or later. One of these days. Real soon now.4
Law of the WestAccoladeApple IIVery GoodFolio1985While not a particularly complex game, I really loved it as a kid. Really simplistic, I know, but I thought it was awesome to be the sheriff. :)1
Learning Bridge Made Easy (Charles Gorin) *CBS SoftwareApple IIMintBig Box1983This game, and it's accompanying book, actually taught me how to play bridge. My dad loved bridge. Sadly, I never really got into it.3
Legacy of the AncientsElectronic ArtsApple IINear MintFolio1987Uses the Questron engine. Questron is not my favorite, not nearly as good as the Ultima engine of the same era.3
Lode RunnerBroderbundApple IIVery GoodBig Box1983Great condition except for a small amount of tearing along the box top. A true classic that really deserves to be remembered.2
Marble MadnessElectronic ArtsApple IIVery GoodFolio1987Loved this as a kid, but man, it's way more fun in the arcade with a trackball!3
MasterTypeThe Scarborough SystemApple IIFair & SealedBig Box1981Sealed and unopened, but the box is slightly crushed. Lame, but it did teach me to touch type pretty well!4
MicroLeague BaseballMicroLeagueApple IIVery GoodBig Box1984Not your typical sports game, this was all about statistics and management and it was a lot of fun.2
Microzine #11ScholasticApple IIVery GoodBig Box1985As a ten year old, I absolutely loved "The Dark Tower" which is an adventure game included in this release of Microzine2
Microzine #7ScholasticApple IIMint & SealedFolio1984Sealed in mint condition. "Brain Drain" was fun when I was a kid. Isn't quuuuite as engaging these days. :-) 3
Might and MagicNew World ComputingApple IIGoodBig Box1986I didn't have this as a kid, I started with Might and Magic II. But it seemed appropriate for me to collect the original, so... here it is.5
Might and Magic IINew World ComputingApple IIVery GoodBig Box1988The graphics in this game were amazing. I was never a big fan of 3D grid-based dungeon games, but this, Bard's Tale 3 and Dragon Wars were great.3
Mind MirrorElectronic ArtsApple IIMintFolio1985I've never actually played this, even as a kid - I saw it on eBay for next to nothing and figured, what the heck?5
Miner 2049erMicro FunApple IIVery good Big Box1982I had heard of this game but never played it as a kid. Through eBay, I now own one! It doesn't suck, but I have no nostalgia for it so, it's not a favorite.4
Mines of TitanInfocomApple IIVery GoodBig Box1989The combat in this game is torturous. If it weren't for that, I would have really enjoyed this game.3
Moebius: The Orb of Celestial HarmonyOrigin SystemsApple IIVery GoodBig Box1985Complete copy that I found on eBay that included the headband!4
Moebius: The Orb of Celestial Harmony *Origin SystemsApple IIGoodBig Box1985My original copy, in good shape except that I'm missing the headband. I wore that thing all the time as a kid but I have no idea where it is, now. :(4
Movie MakerElectronic ArtsApple IINear MintFolio1985I'm not sure why I have this, or where it came from. Must have been in my collection as a kid but I never knew I had it.5
Movie Monster EpyxApple IINear MintBig Box1987I acquired this game as a present for my wife who loves Godzilla, I didn't have it growing up. Cool presentation, but unfortunately it's not much fun!5
Music Construction SetElectronic ArtsApple IINear MintFolio1984This sucks without a Mockingboard. With one, however, it's pretty cool!3
NeuromancerInterplayApple IIgsNear MintBig Box1988The definitive version of Neuromancer. I love the 8 bit Apple platform, but the IIgs version of this game is the best!2
Neuromancer *InterplayApple IIPoorBig Box1988Missing disk, box dented. This hardly qualifies as actually having the game, it's basically just a dented, empty game box.2
Nox Archaist Collector's Edition6502 WorkshopApple IIMint & SealedBig Box2020Sealed and unopened, original Kickstarter collector's edition.1
Nox Archaist Developer's Edition - numbered 9 of 116502 WorkshopApple IIMintBig Box2020I was one of the developers of this game, and it's my voice you hear on the splash screen when you launch the game!1
Odyssey: The Compleat ApventureSynergistic SoftwareApple IIVery GoodZiploc Baggie1980One of the earliest RPG games that I ever played, this was a favorite of mine until I encountered the Ultima series. VERY glad to have a good copy!1