Program2017-2018 CommentsNumber of RotatorsLOR?Interview while there?Interview offer?EMR
Augusta University
Baylor College of MedicineIntense. Residents are an amazing and hard-working group, great sense of camraderie, looked out for one another and offered to help with cases if they were done with their own workload at the end of the day. Take 5 per year, many go into fellowship or academic medicine. Seem to really love their program but will tell you how hard they work, and while I didn't ask I got the impression that they don't have much of a life outside of work (I'm sure they do, it's just less than what you might get at a smaller/less innundated hospital system). PGY-4s and 5s very comfortable with managing clinic/inpatient teams with a confidence that makes them seem like attendings, and I was even more impressed by one of the 3s running a hospital service on their own. Unique "morning report" where the chief(s) of each team from the different hospitals met and ran their lists with the Chair and several attendings every morning (usually 7 a.m., but variable depending on other morning requirements like Grand Rounds). This also means arriving early to prepare the list and pre-round every day. Immense case load and breadth of pathology at all hospitals. As a student I rotated at Methodist, Ben Taub, and Texas Children's, only went to clinic at Taub and was in the OR every day at the other locations. PGY-3s, 4s, and 5s rotate at MD Anderson, with the PGY-5 having a fellow-type role on the team. Call pool is split into "private" (Children's, Methodist, St. Luke's) and "public" (VA, Taub). "Home call" setup if you live close, but residents seem extremely busy, especially if having to run back and forth between buildings, and the medical campus is HUGE. Operate early, saw PGY-1s and 2s already very comfortable in the OR, including 2s on big H&N flap cases, and many attendings allowed students to assist during surgery or even act as first assist if the resident needed to scrub out. The workload is intense, sometimes chiefs would leave around 9 p.m. on non-flap days. They were not demeaning/belittling, and I felt appropriately challenged knowing they had very high expectations regarding case preparation and general knowledge. PD is an awesome guy, very skilled surgeon, and seems like he values sticking to the rules about work hours. Donovan doesn't write LORs for away rotators, away rotation doesn't guarantee an interview. I would come out of this program as a confident physician and surgeon capable of handling anything.2NoNoTBD/waitlisted?Epic
Boston UniversitySeveral current residents did away rotations here. Extremely well organized. I got face-time with everyone in the department and there was a good mix of clinic and OR time, ~75% OR. Round with the residents every morning, but wasn't expected to present patients, just help with supplies. I had a lot of flexibility in what I wanted to see, and the chief encouraged me to let him know if there were particular attendings or cases I wanted to see. Chief made the rotator schedule. Residents were a hilarious bunch and very close. They had excellent surgical skills; chiefs highly confident in the OR. Attendings was very friendly, enthusiastic about teaching in the OR. Some pimped, but only with the intention to teach. Didactics were in the afternoon every Wednesday, one day was at Tufts (they share didactics with Tufts residents) which was a fun little field trip and Tufts medical center was only like 10 minutes away. No overnight or weekend call for rotators! I loved the area of the city BMC was located and had a lot of opportunity to explore the city. South end has a lot of old Boston feel with brownstones, restaurants, coffee shops, and outdoor bars. Downsides : clinic was mostly shadowing. BMC involves two campuses a block from each other, so there is some learning curve to get familiar with the hospital. Typical day 6A-6P.1YesYesEPIC
Case Western Reserve UniversityGreat group of residents, awesome attendings, residents seem to be very proficient in surgical technique by their chief year. Exposure to university hospital, children's hospital, VA and county settings.2yestbdepic at metrohealth (county), allscripts (?) at UH (university)--sucks
Cleveland ClinicLaid back residency compared to other rotations, only one hospital that residents rotate at, managable call, residents seem to have a bit less surgical experience.2yestbdepic
Duke University2YesNoYesEpic
Eastern Virginia Medical School
EmoryHuge case load and a large department, especially in H&N (8 free flaps during one week I was on). Otology is weaker. Call is brutal, especially second year with call pools covering multiple hospitals and terrible Atlanta traffic 24/7. "Home call" = driving around call. Residents are well-trained surgeons, generally happy, and very well respected throughout the hospital. They are somewhat cliquey as a group. Strong representation of female attendings and residents in the program, this seems to be a point of pride in the department. Great Dept Chair in Dr. Mattox, but is nearing retirement, so change in leadership is likely coming. Overall solid rotation, and good training2yesNoYesSeveral. Powerchart at Midtown, Epic x2 (different versions at Grady and children's hospital), CPRS at VA
George Washington
GeorgetownGreat program in amazing location. The chairman, Dr. Davidson is so kind and nice. All the attendings were great and fantastic to work with. Really like to teach. Good volume in all subspecialities. Rotate at 3 different hospitals (VA is across the street/parking lot from one of the sites, and these 2 are about a 15-20 min drive from Georgetown). Residents seem to get along well. Location is prime, though housing is expensive. 2 PAs in clinic.3YesYesPowerchart
Henry FordHenry Ford is truly a hidden gem. I rotated there recently and really enjoyed all of my interactions with the residents and faculty. They are quickly expanding and have hired many new faculty, including two new head and neck surgeons, a generalist, and a laryngologist I worked with. Dr. Yaremchuk is chair of the department and happens to be a world authority in sleep medicine. She is very approachable. Dr. Ko is the program director and he is awesome to work with. While I haven't been involved with many other ENT programs, the male:female ratio seems pretty solid with respect to both residents and faculty. The training is fantastic and graduates go on to have very successful careers. One of the seniors will be pursuing training at Johns Hopkins in head and neck next year. After completing my elective, I know I would enjoy pursuing my training at Henry Ford.
Henry Ford-Macomb
Indiana U
JeffersonStrong in H&N, get to do a ton. PD does sleep/hypoglossal stimulators. Can also see other cases if you're interested. Assigned to a team each week for rounding, then go to cases. People are awesome. Go to clinic a couple of half days during the month, but can do more if you want.YesSeparate day for home students and rotatorsY, interview all rotatorsEpic
Johns HopkinsThey give you a preceptor which is really nice because you get to spend 1-2 days each week with him/her. Great if you're trying to get a letter, and also great just to get to know a faculty member and work with them on a consistent basis. Each week you're on a different service for rounding in the morning and cases. Your preceptor days are independent from this schedule (for ex if your preceptor is H&N, you'll still go to H&N clinic once during your otology week). Very organized in terms of assigning students to cases at the start of every week. Each week you give a mini presentation to your residents (<5 minutes). Also responsible for 4 observed H&P forms. Residents all get along well and the collegiality between residents and faculty is excellent (no hierarchy, everyone is very approachable). Night float system is a huge plus. If you do the 7 year track, you take 2 years after PGY2 and then start back as a PGY4. The 5 year track still has 6 months of research during PGY3, so you're doing 1.5 years more research in the 7 year plan.NYEpic
Kaiser Permanente
Loma LindaActually loved my rotation at Loma Linda. The residents and faculty were all super cool and friendly. Young, ambitious faculty who were very wecloming. I was only on H&N but all sub-specialties seemed well represented. Since they cover the entire Inland Empire they have tons of volume - saw lots of H&N and skull base cases. People drive in 50+ miles to get treated here (Palm Springs, Big Bear, etc.). PD was very nice and a talented rhinologist. Chair was just awesome. Hilarious, satirical dude who is just constantly joking around. I could see how that could get old to some of the residents but I think I could get along with him. Chair is also a powerhouse thyroid surgeon who does classes all over the country - I saw him do 9 thyroid/parathyroids in one day. They're also building a brand new hospital which should be up by 2020. Residents were very busy but didn't seem burned out. Residents were also way more chill than I thought they were going to be - I did not get any akward vibes from them. The program and hospital have a strong religious bent - if that's not your thing then you could just ignore that for the great training here. Loma Linda/Redlands are tiny but nearby Riverside is a big city (300,000+ people) - not a ton to do in Riverside but you could find almost any food/entertainment your interested in. It's far (1.5 hours) from LA, just so you know. Also amazing recreation nearby in Palm Springs, Joshua Tree, Big Bear.2YesNYEpic
LSU - unspecified
LSU New Orleans
LSU Shreveport
Mass Eye and EarVery intense, demanding and rewarding sub-i. Rotators spend two weeks on head and neck, one week on neurotology, and one week on ESL/plastics. The two weeks on head and neck are very busy, with census up to 25 patients and sub-i’s bearing a significant responsibility and role in following patients and making sure that rounds are as efficient as possible. Probably the best clinical and surgical training in the country, with a very unique opportunity to get clinical experience in a ED dedicated to ENT/ophtho. Every single subspecialty is more than well-represented with big names in each, with ~10 attendings in neurotology and facial plastics each. Chief residents are VERY accomplished, with some running their own research labs. All the attendings in general are phenomenal teachers, and as a result the residents are highly competent in clinic and OR. Stacey Gray is seriously the nicest/most fantastic program director ever. Scheduled, useful feedback sessions at halfway point and at end of rotation, and sub-i's are expected to give a short presentation (no PPT) at end. They DO NOT interview every rotator.7YNYEpic
Mayo Clinic Arizona
Mayo Clinic Rochester, MNPhenomenal rotation experience. Rotators generally spend 2 weeks on head and neck, and then 2 weeks split between neurotology, laryngology and peds. Hours are good due to their apprenticeship system (only rounding on patients you operated on). Faculty are incredible teachers, friendly, supportive and take sub-i education seriously. The program director Dr. Price is amazing and is responsive to feedback from residents. Every subspecialty is represented with the exception of sleep, but it sounded like they're getting a sleep attending in the next year or so. One laryngologist currently (who is fantastic) but they're in the process of hiring another. Residents extremely competent in the OR with early operative experience. They also seem like one big family. Sub-i's gave grand rounds at the end of the rotation which was surprisingly less intimidating than expected. This place is like Disneyland.
Medical College of Wisconsin (MCW) - Milwaukee
MichiganPhenomenal program. TONS of operative experience - fellows actually a good sign. Means higher case load. Multiple flaps per day on H&N. Amazing faculty, love to teach. THE spot to be if you want to pursue academics4YNYMiChart(basically epic)
MichiganGreat group of residents and faculty. Be aware that they do not interview every rotator; I believe from what I heard this year it was ~50% if not less. There is arguably no better place in the country for training from a reputation, volume, research opportunities, and mentorship standpoint. Your cases are assigned by the chief resident on service, and you basically spend one week on each service. No presentation/grand rounds which was really nice. They do not pre-emptively set you up with chair or PD meetings, so be proactive. I think more than anything, they want someone who gets along with everyone and works hard. In house call which is beautiful. The rotation is fairly intense time wise, expect to spend >80 hours on H+N weeks.5YYMiChart(basically epic)
Montefiore Medical Center/Albert Einsteinawesome residents, great and large faculty, wide variety of pathology due to Bronx patient population1YNYEpic
Mount Sinai
MUSCgreat group of residents and faculty. in-house call. academic feel. fellows in most subspecialties.3YNYEpic
NYUPresentation at grand rounds at the end of the rotation, 10 minutes of a case you saw or research. 2 weeks at Tisch and 2 weeks at Bellevue. Bellevue is totally resident run and as a med student you get your own clinic room which is pretty awesome. They have a really nice floor NP/PA who helps with consults during the day. Also NP/PAs in the Bellevue clinic. Tisch clinic is for the attendings' private patients, so residents aren't involved in this. Don't interview all rotators.NNYEpic at Tisch, something else at Bellevue
OHSUHave a tendancy to not interview rotators. Nice residents and facilitites. Call q 4 with no post call day for students. I would often stay up all night and still have cases the next day till 5/6pm. 2 weeks of H&N 2 weeks of elective ENT.

Had a great experience. One of the nicest groups of residents and attendings. Call is 1 / week and covers 2 weekend days, if you stay up all night you will get a post-call day to meet duty hours, overally very managable. If there is nothing going on they won't call you in. You will work hard my days were usually 4:30am-7pm. You will usually be 2nd or 1st assist on cases as a rotator. Minimal scut work. And like above poster said 2 weeks HN and 2 weeks elective of rhinology, fprs, peds, or neurotology with much lighter workload, (basically 6-7am - 4pm)



OklahomaAll the residents are really nice and get along well. Attendings are friendly and great at teaching. Lots of head and neck done here, less subspecialty work. Call is Q5, and trauma call is split w/ plastics and OMFS Q3. They cover OU Med center, Children's hospital, and the VA.1YNYMeditech at OU Med and Children's, but they're going through this big buyout w/ HCA, so apparently Epic is on the way? CPRS at the VA
OklahomaOf note there is a lack of pediatric faculty and that is definitely NOT a focus of this institution. I wouldn't rank high if peds was a big priority.1YNYWhat they said ^
OklahomaStudent rotation: The way it was set up when I rotated was you spend each week with a different attending, basically you get to do 1 week of H&N, general ENT, rhinology, or otology, and possibly even 2 weeks of H&N. Typical work day is 5:30 a.m. - 5 or 6 p.m.), not necessarily required to stay if you're in the OR on a case that is going late (i.e. flaps) but it's best not to leave unless the attending explicitly sends you home. Give a brief powerpoint mini-Grand Rounds presentation on the last week of the rotation. You take 2 or 3 nights of home call with a resident, and at least one of those call days is a trauma call day, but residents won't call you in for little things. Didactics every Wednesday morning, tumor board every Friday morning when on H&N service.
Pros: Solid training clinically and surgically, operate early. Amazing resident comraderie. They have each others' backs, work hard but know how to have fun. The faculty are great, some can be tough but ultimately they want you to learn and are great teachers. Dr. Medina is still involved the department and hands-on with resident education, oversees resident clinic on Wednesdays at the cancer center. The current Chair, Dr. Krempl, was one of Medina's fellows, and is invested in growing the department. He's no-nonsense (don't curse in his OR) but still easy to talk to/funny, very supportive of students and residents. Recognizes and is honest about the need to fill the hole on the Peds side and is actively working to hire Peds faculty. Beautiful Stephenson Cancer Center to go with the immensely busy H&N cancer training, and now with a new bed tower in the process of going up next to the main hospital that will have new ICUs and ORs. Clinics and hospitals all located on the same campus, with the exception of the OU Edmond hospital approximately 20-30 minute drive north depending on traffic. Call is approximately Q4, most residents end up with one or two weekends off per month. The gem of this program is Dr. McKinney the new rhinologist. He's a truly amazing guy to work with -- loves teaching and is one of the most fun, chill faculty I have ever met. He also does incredible skull base work with neurosurg. Majority of the hospitals/clinics are connected by a skywalk which is very convenient. Recently hired a hospital PA (after the previous one retired) to cover floor patients/consults at the main hospital while residents are busy in the OR.
Cons: H&N heavy. No laryngologist, only 1 FPRS fellowship-trained faculty who is adjunct/volunteer (another faculty member is in the process of getting the cases/hours to apply for certification), only 1 neurotologist; but haven't heard residents report any issues getting numbers. No Peds faculty at the moment but working to change this, residents still get a lot of experience at the Children's Hospital -- the practice has the potential to be huge if they had at least 3 Peds faculty. Some of the facilities are older (main hospital, VA). EMR is outdated.
Other comments: getting Epic EMR has been rumored for a few years, but nothing definitive on if/when this is happening. Parking is free for residents, but just as an FYI to visiting students they give out tickets like crazy if you don't pay your meter or if you park where you shouldn't. 2 gyms on campus (one is 24-hour ID badge access). Only level 1 trauma center in the state, split Q3 trauma call with plastics and OMFS. Not rotator heavy, rotators likely to get offered an interview, just show interest and put in the effort like you would normally for any rotation.
Penn State Hershey Medical Center
RutgersSolid program. With the addition of FPRS and Laryngology, and Peds starting next year, every subspecialty will be well represented. Good training. Only one fellow, in rhinology, but that actually enhances your experience since Dr. Eloy runs multiple rooms with the chief in one and the fellow in the other. He’s very hands off. Dr. Baredes (chaIr) is a real gentleman. Graduates can go into PP or fellowship. Most go into rhinology, but people have gone on to H&N or Laryngology in the past as well. Hackensack and the VA are great places to learn bread and butter cases. Very high thyroid, sinus, and H&N volume. 1-2 flaps/week. Flap surgeon allows residents a great deal of autonomy. Manageable call. Plenty of nice areas to live in north jersey. Residents can easily commute from Manhattan. The department is tight knit, and supports residents.4YNYEpic
Saint Louis UniversityA strong, multifaceted clinical training experience. Diverse and complex pathologies routine. Young, energetic, supportive chairman (rhinology/skull base) invested in advancing the program's academic standing. Two head and neck + micro recon attendings: one mid- and one early-career, both are excellent surgeons and outstanding teachers. One mid-career FPRS attending is an amazing surgeon; also is associate program director and highly supportive of residents and medical students. There are talks of recruiting second FPRS attending in very near future. One nationally renowned Neurotologist. Two rhinology/skull base attendings: chairman (well-known nationally) and another young, energetic academically-oriented attending specializing in skull base. One veteran laryngologist who is an excellent clinical teacher and well-known in the community. Strong, high volume pediatric oto with 6 pediatrics attendings. Cardinal Glennon is the children's hospital directly adjacent to SLU hospital. In process of building new $500m hospital facility adjacent to current SLU hospital to be operational by 2020. Clinics are across street from SLU hospital in doctor's office building. Cohesive resident community, residents get along well and support one another. Residents also rotate for ~6 months at a community hospital in the suburbs called Mercy. Good research support with intradepartmental biostatisticians who publish well (recent pubs in Oral Onc, Head&Neck, Cancer, JAMA OHNS). Recent residents have matched into nationally renowned FPRS, Head and neck, Pediatric, and Rhinology fellowships.1YNYEpic
Southern Illinois
StanfordEnjoyable rotation in a large, research-heavy department. I rotated through their three services: scalpel (head and neck), peds, and scope (everything else) for 1 week each and did an extra week on head and neck. The chiefs of each service would email out the schedule for the week on Sunday and depending on the service they would either assign you to specific cases/clinics each day or give you more freedom to choose what you were interested in or which attendings you wanted to work with. I usually did about 2 days of clinic per week, and the clinics are close by in other smaller buildings.
Most days started with helping the intern prepare the list at 5 am and then rounding at 6. Free flaps could go as late as 8 or 9 pm, but the other two services had decent hours. The residency program has night float, and the students didn’t take overnight call. Students took 1 day per weekend, and it was usually a short day for students, so there’s time to explore the area. Residents seem to have a good quality of life and get along well. Most of the faculty are benign, but there are a few more intense personalities. They have student-specific didactics at random times during the day that are very good. With somewhere around 45 faculty, they have depth in all specialties, but I don’t think many other programs do as much sleep surgery as here. The multi-disciplinary peds clinics were hectic but rewarding and educational to see a lot more complex cases. The main hospital felt a little small compared to what I’m used to, but the university has been making some major additions to both the adults and peds sides of the hospital.
A few practical comments: the weather is great. Palo Alto is expensive and a bit uninspiring. The area is very bike-able, and you can rent a bike from the campus bike shop for a month to get around. They don’t interview during the rotation and don’t interview all rotators.
SUNY Buffalo
SUNY Downstate
SUNY Stony Brook
SUNY Upstate
Texas A & M1 resident per year with greater than 2:1 faculty-to-resident ratio and hiring new faculty. Relatively new program—graduated 3 so far with 1/3 who pursued a fellowship (Rhinology). Fantastic resident culture—extremely supportive of eachother, laid back, and down-to-earth. They are the type of people you'd love to hang out with in your free time. Faculty is also down-to-earth with a good mix of older and younger physicians. The residents operate early and often with ORs going uncovered. Free-standing children's hospital (basically across the street) with 2 pediatric fellowship trained physicians. Call schedule is Q4 home call. They do not take facial trauma call so their call schedule is relatively laid back (the chief resident said there has only been one time that he hasn't got any sleep). Rhinology is strong mainly due to Dr. Clark who is a fantastic mentor and a great human being. They do have a microvascular trained H&N surgeon that takes on big cases, however, plastics does all the reconstruction. One attending lets 4th year medical students remove tonsils and place ear tubes. Most faculty gives the resident's an appropriate amount of autonomy in the OR—but there are a few that have come from private practice who are more hesitant in letting the residents operate as much as they should (my opinion is more weighted on giving residents significant autonomy so this may be biased). Rotate through the VA where residents get a lot of autonomy. Surgical training is strong, but you don't get as many unique cases as the larger programs. They do not have a fellowship trained Laryngologist or Facial Plastics Surgeon and research opportunities are lacking (all clinical research), but PD is trying to address this. Temple, TX is a small town with patients often traveling far to get their care there (cover a large geographical area of central TX). The town has an extremely low cost of living with a majority of the residents buying homes. Temple is also about an hour away from Austin and 2 hours away from Dallas.2YNYEPIC
Texas Tech in Lubbock, Texas
The Ohio State Universitygreat tight-knit residents and attendings excited to teach5ynyEPIC
Tulane3YNYEpic(Ochsner) and meditech(tulane)
U of Arizona
U of CincinnatiAwesome program overall. Residents are super nice and welcoming to all students. You get involved in pt care and surgeries but sometimes need to take more initiative to get the involvment you want. Childrens rotation is mostly an observership but also amazing (but I love peds ent). I did get to scrub an LTR which was really cool! Lots of fellows at childrens but they don't take OR time from residents for the most part. Very well rounded program no doubt, it's peds heavy but i don't feel like it takes away from any other subspecialty. Neurotology was also very strong in my opinion. Eventhough this program is rotator heavy, you are never "fighting" for OR time or anything like that. There is plenty to go around, but because of all the students they see, it can be very difficult to really stand out. This was an awesome experience and I have no regrets but I'm really not sure how much it helped for my application overall. They are clear that they do not garuntee interviews to rotators because the get so many. I would highly recommend an away rotation here (esepecially if you like peds and neurotology) but if you are looking for a place to increase your chances of matching or to rack up interviews, I recomend finding a program that ethier interviews their rotators while they are there or one that at least almost garuntees a formal innterview invitation.5no (already had 4 post eras)nwaitlistedepic
U of CincinnatiI LOVED this program. The residents were close and seemed to actually like hanging out with each other, and were extremely bright and competent surgeons. They loved teaching the medical students in their downtime. Night float is awesome.. life sucks for about a month each year, but the rest of the time you can leave the hospital and not worry about getting paged in the middle of the night. The attendings were all well respected and got along really well with the residents, and allowed the residents a fair amount of autonomy. I was really impressed with the surgical skills the PGY3s and above had, speaking to their caseload. OBviously very childrens heavy... may be a negative for some, but I liked it. Cincinnati was a great, lively town as well- tons of great food and bars in the area. <Just to add, residents get pretty good OR time at children's even with all the fellows there. I got a LOR and they basically assumed I would be asking and made the process very easy.6 / 4didn't ask (already had 4)

U of Illinois ChicagoRotated at the UI Health hospital so I can't speak for their experiences at the VA, Cook County, Lurie, or the more private sites, but overall it seems like the residents get a broad exposure to a lot of different patient populations. UIC just lost their Chairman and PD, so current Chairman is serving both roles, not sure what the plan is for that in the future. Small tumor board at UI (like 8 people total in the room from the different specialities). They do 1-2 H&N cases per week, but currently in the process of trying to hire a new microvascular/H&N surgeon, worked with Plastics on flaps when I was there. Interns don't take weekend call (literally they're off the whole the weekend) on the Oto rotations at UI Health. During the week they're rarely in the OR and do all of the floor management (or if there are 2 interns then one covers the floor for a week and one covers clinic, then they switch). Interns rotate at Christ Advocate (big level 1 with lots of trauma cases) for trauma/general surgery rotations. I was surprised that at the UI hospital the residents had A LOT of autonomy, and basically ran the team. As a student I had very little interaction with the attendings regarding their floor patients, but got to interact with them quite a bit in clinic/OR. Hierarchal the in way they expect students to communicate with the intern, who then communicates first with a mid-level resident before going to their chief on service; similarly interns/2s/even some 3s almost never communicated directly to the attendings. Spent 1 day with Toriumi at his plastics office on Michigan Avenue, which is awesome. A lot of residents end up doing plastics, and most match well across the country, likely thanks to Toriumi. I think residents only work at Lurie during their 3rd year, but they stay for 6 months and often refer to it as a mini-fellowship in peds. Also get to see kids at UI Health for T&As and BMTs. As far as the area being sketchy, yeah I can see it getting that way late at night, but I never felt unsafe. Most residents don't live near the hospital and have a car to commute to work (many live in suburbs or even nice part of Chicago like River North, Gold Coast, etc.). Pretty sure you have to pay a lot for a spot in the garage conveniently close to the E&E/hospital building though. All specialties represented: 1 laryngologist **one of my favorite attendings to work with**, 1 H&N surgeon and looking to hire another microvascular person since the PD left, 1 rhinologist, 2 otologists, 2 general ENTs, and 2 plastics (Toriumi, plus Dixon is another facial plastics who does general cases as well). Cons: smaller H&N focus if that's what you're wanting, not as academic/felt like their curriculum is less organized/didactics not as thorough than institutions of similar size elsewhere, older facilities/departmental office but talked about the hospital's plans for building a brand new ENT-dedicated(? either that or a new Ear & Eye) facility in the future, cost of living (Chicago is expensive PLUS you have to pay for parking on the street/in a garage), seem to bounce patients around (eg, had a patient at tumor board that was also seen at Rush and Northwestern and got different diagnoses/management from each... not really sure how the docs feel about the other programs). Despite the less organized curriculum, both residents and attendings repeated that they are an academic institution. My understanding of why they had to participate in SOAP last year is because they didn't rank as many people as they should have (and the people they did rank chose other programs ahead of UIC). Lost a resident who would have been a PGY-3. I was told he wasn't enjoying ENT and not catching on and wanted to do gen surg instead, which is what he ended up changing to, so they picked up a fourth PGY-2 to fill that void. It sounded like all rotators were offered an interview on a date during the interview season (rather than interviewing while on their rotation), didn't seem rotator heavy.2NNYCerner/Powerchart
U of Illinois Chicagohad a great time here, got me involved quickly and all of the attendings were a delight to work with, great group of residents4YNYCerner
U of Kentucky
U of Rochestergreat rotation, so many attendings, great group of residents, ridiculous volume of cases in the center a of a beautiful city, really enjoyed it5YNYEpic/Health
U of UtahThis is a clinically rigorous program, and the residents are very close, helping each other out often. Call is ~Q3 and is very busy most nights due mainly to Primary Children's hospital - it is "home" call, but many if not most nights, the residents were in the hospital seeing consults, etc, sometimes without sleep. There are no post-call days. The PD was making a push to have the residents be sure to accurately log duty hours, as there was concern (legitmate from what I observed) that residents were pushing beyond the work hour restrictions, especially on their pediatrics rotation. Attendings are almost all fantastic to work with, interested in teaching students and residents. The PD kept his distance from the rotating students, making it hard to judge where I stood with him and the program. The chair is really fun to work with, and he and his wife took the rotating students out to dinner and made sure we felt welcome and had a great experience. They just started a new Rhinology fellowship this year, run mainly by Dr. Alt, who is an incredibly fun person to work with and does a great job in teaching the residents on the rhinology rotation. There were always more cases going on at the children's hospital than there were residents. The head and neck service was also busy, and the H&N attendings are all very great to work with. The Huntsman Cancer Hospital is absolutely stunning - beautiful, comfortable and spacious patient rooms, somewhere I'd want my family members to be taken care of. There is a lot of really great research going on in the division, with a bit of everything to choose from. The research rotation is set up really well, and the PhD who they have running it is excellent and very interested in helping every resident have a successful research experience. That being said, the PGY-2s and PGY-3s were spread very thin given the intense call schedule, and completing meaningful research projects during busy clinical rotations was not always realistic. They are applying for T32 funding to expand to 4 residents per year, but for now, it still 3.5YNY
U of UtahSurgical training is amazing here. Chief resident was basically running the head and neck service (attendings only scrubbed in for the really technically challenging or high stakes parts of cases). I can attest to the residents likely working beyond work hour restrictions particularly as a PGY2. All 3 chief residents matched into very impressive fellowships (Facial plastics at Vandy, Pediatrics at MUSC, and Rhinology at OHSU). Salt Lake also has one of the best (if not the best) outdoors scene as far as an ENT residency program goes. The hospital is literally on the Rocky Mountains (unlike Denver where your ~1 hour away with traffic on weekends) with great access to year-round outdoor activities. You are 30-45 minutes to at least 6 ski resorts (some of which hosted the Winter Olympics).5YNYEPIC (Primary Childrens uses a different EMR)
U of Wisconsin
UC DavisReally fantastic rotation. The attendings love to teach, residents treat each other like family, and the rotation coordinator (residency coordinator) is a saint. Lots of hands on work in the OR, and a huge emphasis on teaching. They interview you there so you don’t have to fly back during interview season which is amazing. In-house call a few times over the rotation, totally manageable. Was sewing up a bunch of lacs on my own by the end of it. Dr. Farwell is amazing and gives off this adorable fatherly vibe that makes you really want to make him proud; all the residents love him. Also the cafeteria there literally makes the best french toast ever.2noyesn/aEpic
UC DavisExcellent rotation with great organization. All the attendings are enthusiastic to teach and meet with you whenever they are free. Really big sense of family here, almost all the residents and a large portion of the faculty went out for dinner to celebrate one of the resident's birthday while I was there. Many of the young faculty are prior graduates of the program and love it there. Integrate rotating students into the team in an efficient manner. Only rotate at UC Davis Medical Center: 2 weeks on Gold H&N service (participated in a large variety of flaps and reconstructive techniques while I was there) and 2 weeks on Blue Oto/Rhino/Peds/Facial Plastics service (participated in several cleft repair surgeries). Given a schedule at the beginning of your rotation outlining which attendings you will be working with, whether you are in clinic or OR (mostly OR for students), and which days you are on call (4 overnight calls with post-call days, 1 is during the weekend). This allows you to prepare for cases way in advance and also meet all the attendings in the OR/clinic. You can request changes if you haven't had a chance to work with a particular attending (these meetings essentially serve as your 'interviews'). Assigned 1 or 2 patients to round on everyday (2 is usually on the H&N service and the pts you see are the ones you were in the OR for), the chiefs are great about including you in their texts and telling you about time for morning rounds and always available to answer any of your questions. Come in the morning anywhere from 5:15-6:30 to preround on your patients, brief presentation before rounds, round as a team, enjoy breakfast with your team while doing a quick run of the list for the day, and then go off to the OR or clinic with your resident. All the nursing and supporting staff on the floors, ORs, and clincs are very good at what they do and happy! Don't feel shy in the OR/clinic, if you don't know what/how to do something, ask! At the end of the rotation, you give a Grand Rounds presentation on an interesting case you saw (either at Davis or on a prior rotation) - prepare well for this, as it's the final impression you give to the entire department. Helpful things for rotators: You have electronic EMR access online so you can check up on your patients at any time (helps in the morning to do a quick check in case you need to come earlier if there were lots of changes to check up on), you receive a pager with your own number (helpful in case you have horrible cell phone service like me), consider walking/biking to the hospital (you have to pay for parking about $50-100). Some unique things: variety of peds and FPRS experience - cleft reconstruction, craniosynostosis, multidisciplinary clinics (well-run and great learning experience), dysphagia clinic with diverse laryngology experience, large catchment area with nice patients and interesting pathology - regardless or these unique tidbits you get a well rounded experience here in all subspecialties. Overall, I had a great time at UC Davis with encouraging, friendly residents and faculty (I mean it - not one person was intimidating, they expect the best from you and just want to see you learn and do well).2yesyesn/aEpic
UC Irvine
UConnSurgical training is very solid. Chiefs were routinely doing operations skin to skin and running the cases when the attending was scurbbed in. Residents have great relationships with one another and with the attendings. The faculty is at least two deep in every subspecialty. The faculty is very large and includes private practice docs at the two community hospitals. They want to try and have you rotate through all the hospitals while you are there although that didn't happen for me. They don't give you access to the EMR so your interactions with the attendings can really help you. My involvement in cases was pretty strong and I was able to do quite a bit of closing. The residents look out for you and want you to have a good experience. I really enjoyed my time here.2Yes, one from PD, another from a faculty memberNoYesEpic everywhere but the University hospital but they are changing over
UFGreat faculty. HNS very strong. Hiring new peds, new neurotology facutly (one each). Just hired great new rhino/sinus faculty, who along with Dr. Justice, makes for a great rotation. Most resident autonomy at VA and during Peds rotation. PD is the greatest person to work with, and is very focused on residents. Call is very manageable, Q5-6, with post-call days off at 12 noon if you are in between midnight and 5am. Residents are super friendly, great teachers, and very tight knit. Have a great life outside of work. Department Chair is intense, has very high expectations of residents, and is quick to correct in clinic and OR, making for stressful but overall effective learning environment. He is amazing with his patients, and they LOVE him. Gainesville is a great place to live. Good eats, entertainment. Decent outdoors (trails, biking, hiking). Jacksonville, Tampa, and Orlando, along with Atlantic ocean and gulf coast are all within 2 hours drive, making for great weekend getaways. Graduates from this program universally agree that they feel absolutely confident in entering fellowship or practice as fully competent surgeons who are ready to handle whatever comes their way. Research is not a strength, but is well supported for those who want to really dive in. All residents do some, some do more.3YesYesN/AEpic
UNCLarge, diverse caseload, see plenty of rare things. Well-represented in every subspecialty and not homogenous about it (ie the surgeons within each specialty have different training backgrounds and don't all operate exactly the same way) really excellent teaching. Like, wow, I didn't think people could teach like that in the OR? Was very impressed with amount of time the tools were in the residents hands, didn't feel like the fellows really encroached on the resident-level stuff. Very high standards for patient care. Seems like the PGY3s were kind of in a zombie-mode (they don't sleep much), but the rest of the residents understood that's the hard year and were nice to them. ORs ran quite smoothly (except for the latenight take-back, but ain't that always the way?) and the care on the floors seemed solid. Also- everyone was just so nice and kind and pleasant (full disclosure this might just be a southern thing I am not from the south but was blown away)! Their didactics are legit too, andI don't think I've ever seen such a thorough, well-run tumor board. The PD is really nice, and their chairman is a riot but also will retire before we get to PGY-1. Rumors are that he'll be replaced by someone internal, so I'm guessing things wouldn't change drastically. Also, if anyone's planning on babies in residency (I'm not), this place has multiple male and female parent-residents.4yesnot formally but I spent at least an hour chatting with the PD informallyTBD (not first round)Epic
UNCHuge caseload. More ORs than residents most days, so plenty of work to go around.4nononoEpic
University of Alabama at BirminghamReally enjoyed my rotation. One week each on Peds, H&N, Otology, and General (rhino, FPRS, etc). H&N is stellar. 2-3+ flaps/week with some crazy pathology. Dr. Carroll, the chair, is awesome. Super nice and great teacher. PD is also fun and a great surgeon. Peds is top-knotch. The PGY-2 runs his/her own room on Peds and does whatever comes in, not just tubes and tonsils. The otologist is a talented surgeon but is difficult to work with. Facial plastics could be better--not a huge volume. Overall, big volume; H&N and Peds are awesome; other subspecialties are also good.2no (already had enough)yesyes (all interview while on away)Powerchart at UAB, Allscripts at Alabama Childrens but changing soon
University of ArkansasEXTREMELY PEDS HEAVY. I mean extremely, several of the residents I've talked to said they were going to do a peds fellowship but after doing all their peds rotations they didn't feel like they needed to. I can't remember how many months they do peds exactly but I think it is 11-13 months total. Overall a solid program. Very well rounded with a peds leaning. They have an interesting call schedule with trauma call being every call night. They balance this by giving primary call to upper-level residents very rarely, like once or twice a month. This makes call as a PGY-2 ~Q5. The new chair is Dr. Dornhoffer, he is amazing. No need to be concerned here, he's going to make the program explode. PD is super nice and from the UAMS system, residents love her. All the faculty were extremely nice and residents were super great.1No, went after ERASYesn/aEpic
University of California, Los AngelesWell-rounded in every specialty. Laryngology and Head & Neck are their strengths. Dr. Blackwell is a world-renowned reconstructive surgeon. Dr. Mendehlson has a busy robotic practice. The voice center is top notch, and their residents often choose to stick around for the laryngology fellowship. Rhinology is also excellent. Dr. Suh is a gem, and they match extremely well in Rhinology. Dr. Suh himself, Richard Orlandi, Dr. Lee (also on faculty), and 2 others completed the Penn rhinology fellowship after doing residency at UCLA. Research is not as strong as some of the other big name programs like Hopkins or Harvard, but you can still get a lot out of the opportunities. You get 6 months of research time and can spend it doing basic science, translational research, or clinical projects. Dr. Long is a great research resource, and Dr. St. John is a research superstar as well; she has a lab with some very exciting translational research going on. The laryngology research is also top-notch. AMAZING department culture. Faculty are very friendly and have great relationships with the residents. Some of the faculty even surf on the weekends with the residents. The rumor that there is a lot of hierarchy in the department is not true by any means. Dr. Nabili the program director is also a great guy. He is kind, but has high expectations. I thought this was a good sign that it's a serious program despite the "laid-back" LA culture. He is very supportive of residents and really takes their opinions into consideration. The department really takes care of the residents. They will pay for the residents' uber home and back the next day after their call. The residents are a tight-knit and fun group of people. They are very bright and are always on top of their game. It's no wonder last year the program matched it's top 5 choices. The program was most of the residents' first choice. Most of the residents were very happy and loved the fact that they lived in LA. Overall, just a great group of people. They treat the students very well. Ronald Reagan, where residents spend half their time, is a very beautiful hospital. Patients are on the wealthier side, and can be demanding. The residents didn't seem to like that aspect. Another consequence of the wealthy patient population is that clinic at Ronald Reagan is mainly shadowing. Autonomy at Ronald Reagan could be better, especially with a few of the attendings. However, the residents said that they get almost complete autonomy at the county hospitals (Olive View, Harbor) and the VA. Overall, like most big name programs, the program is "top-heavy." Nursing staff and the nurse practitioner, Reiko, are excellent. One of the negatives of the program is that call is home-call and that they cover multiple sites, so the PGY3 can end up driving between these all night long. The rotation itself is not excessively demanding. They do expect you to give a 10-15 minute presentation at the end of the rotation on your research. In the past, SubI did not guarantee an interview, but this has changed in the past two years. They get about 10 rotators, and interview an additional 20 in the interview season. They've taken a few rotators in the past few years. The program director is very open to writing rotators an LOR. You can also request a chair's letter. They just appointed a new chair (internal).2 (10 all year)yesYesN/AEpic
University of California, San DiegoNeurotology/skull-base surgery heavy, comprehensive program, research-happy. Great residents and faculty.2nonoYEpic
University of California, San FranciscoSuper strong rotation. Attendings like to teach and are really hilarious. The residents are great and tons of fun as well. Got pimped a ton but in a non-mean way. I got a letter from one of their faculty. You spend two weeks on head and neck and two weeks on peds; they have 2 rotators at each site so no other med students are on your team at any point in time which was nice/decreased competitive stress. A lot of the attendings are really young, and there are quite a few fellows, so it was less hands-on than I anticipated especially on peds. I ended up doing a lot of peds clinic which was educational but not the most exciting. Overall, really great rotation, would highly recommend.2 at each site, 4 totalyesnoyesEpic
University of California, San FranciscoI rotated at Parnassus and Mount Zion, alternating every other day with another SubI. Overall, a phenomenal experience (minus UCSF shuttle between campuses). Saw a variety of complex and intriguing bread and butter cases at Parnassus: invasive fungal rhinosinusitis, skull base surgery, complicated substernal thyroidectomy requiring CT surg, various trachs, etc. Mount zion was more ambulatory surgery focused: facial plastic surgery, rhinology, otology, laryngology, and sialendoscopy. Mount Zion is also the central hub for clinics and academic offices, so had a lot of face time with the Chairman, PD, and Chairs/Chiefs of each respective subspecialty. Really liked the vibe of the residents, who are super supportive of one another and very close-knit. Same is true for the attendings, who are just super brilliant but also down-to-earth, funny, and genuinely invested in resident education as well as giving rotators a great learning experience. Definitely have time to explore the city and all the amazing food.I believe it's maximum of 2 per site: 1. Mission Bay (H&N + Peds) 2. SFGH (county bread and butter) 3. Parnassus + Mount Zion 4. VAMCYesNoYesEpic
University of Chicago
University of Colorado2 weeks at the main University, 1 week at county hospital, 1 week at peds. Come in for a 12 hour shift/call/rounds one weekend. Residents are amazing, but damn they work long hours.
University of FloridaStrong in neurotology and HNS. Weaker in sinus and facial plastics. Very efficient hospital. Big on research. Great residents and faculty.2YesYesN/AEpic
University of IowaThe department has a longstanding reputation as an academic center. It is a big program with tight-knit, happy residents. There is a good mix of single/married/parent residents. They have a night float system which seems to work amazingly well and makes call more doable. H&N is strong, they have great attendings and a big patient population since they are the only institution that does free flaps within a large area of the midwest. Otology is also very strong with Dr. Ganz and Dr. Hansen both being big names in cochlear implants and vestibular schwannoma. They are both also very friendly and approachable and love to teach. They have pediatric and H&N fellows, and currently an unfilled rhinology fellow position. They recently hired two alumni as new attendings one in facial plastics and another in rhinology. There are tons of research opportunities from basic sciences to translational to purely clinical with very productive projects. Overall they have all the things you would hope for and expect at a large, academic, midwest oto program.3yesyesN/Aepic
University of IowaGreat group of residents, treat students like part of the team. Faculty seem to truly enjoy teaching and working with students. Big names here who pull interesting cases from across the country. However I wish I had known that the expectation was for Sub I's to spend 3-4 days a week in clinic. This was great for getting one on one time with attendings and the chair but I wish I had known going in. While they only take a few SubI's/Home students at a time there are many third year medical students who are assigned to a resident which means you have to work to find clinics or cases that aren't already covered by a student. You are assigned to teams and split up so that the head and neck service has one SubI and the other weeks you are either on Otology or Peds. If you apply to the 5 year they count your rotation as an audition (no interview, which is convenient as Iowa City can be hard to travel to during the interview season) but you have to interview for the 7 year.2yesyesN/AEpic
University of KansasGreat group of resindets - they all seem to get along well and hve lifes outside of residency. Call can get busy at KU, but only backup after 3rd year. Very head nad neck heavy. Chiefs seem to be very well rounded. Mix of clinical and basic science research. KC as a city has some new fun restaurants/bars. great place if you enjoy the Midwest mentality.1-2yesyesEpic, cerner? ( some of the satellite hospitals, I think)
University of Kentucky
University of Louisville
University of MarylandAmazing and fun group of attendings. All of them are fantastic people who really care about their residents. That being said, this is not a chill residency. Residents here work extremely hard (80+ hours). They can some times not be the nicest to students, and its hard to get a connection with them. Home-call is not really home call. On facial trauma call you will be up all night, and then be expected to work the full day. Call is getting better because they are increasing the number of residents. Strong in all fields especially H&N, Oto, And FPS (esp Facial Trauma).
University of Miami
University of MinnesotaGreat group of residents get along really well. Faculty representing every subspecialty including sleep. Most are interested in teaching, very approachable. Residents have a good relationship with faculty. 6 hospitals covered including the VA, the University, 2 Children's hospitals, Hennepin County Medical Center, and Regions Hospital. Lots of OR experience early with plenty of cases to go around. Roughly 40 staff across all hospitals. Rotations are 3 month blocks. Chiefs rotate through Regions, HCMC, the University, and the VA and manage the whole service. At the University the team consists of a PA who manages the floor and consults with the intern, a chief who manages everything, and then a few other residents on neurotology, head&neck, and rhinology who cover their own cases but still work together for inpatient tasks. Head and Neck service is mostly Khaja and Khariwala, both excellent and completely different personalities. Khaja will pimp hard on anatomy. The chair, Bevan Yueh (H&N), is always really busy and you may have few chances to operate with him, so snag them when you can. Neurotology service is mostly with Dr. Adams, who is the sweetest, nicest human being on the planet and an extremely skilled surgeon, and Dr. Huang who I didn't work with as much but was also very nice. Sinus surgeries are mostly Dr. Boyer, while your complex rhinology/skull base/CSF leak stuff will be more Dr. Caicedo, both really good to work with. Dr. Boyer loves mentoring students. Also a strong FPRS program, with Dr. Lyford-Pike doing ground-breaking facial nerve regeneration. While these are the faculty you would interact with on the rotation, note that there are a bunch more faculty who spend more time at Regions, the VA, HCMC, and the Children's Hospitals. Dr. Janus, the PD, spends most of his time at Regions and is only at the University 1 day per week. Residents take home call with separate call pools depending on which rotation they're on, some are easier than others. In one call pool, residents cover 3 hospitals and can spend a significant part of the night driving around. But because it's Minneapolis, nothing is more than 15 minutes away. Med students not expected to take call, just work one weekend. Overall strong, well-rounded program. Recent retirement of two big names - Dr Levine (neurotology) and Dr Sidman (peds) will be a hit to the department. Not taking a neurotology fellow this year as they adjust. The peds program is very robust and the transition seems to be going very smoothly.

The sub-I consists of up to 4 rotators. You will spend one week on peds at Minneapolis Children's, one on head and neck (this is your chance to hang with Dr. Yueh), one week on neurotology, and one on rhinology. Laryngology and sleep were mixed in there as well. While I was there, the intern was always on it with the list, but the expectation is that you'll show up early and help get the list together, record drain outputs etc. You round together as a team in the AM before everyone heads to the OR. STRONGLY recommend sending an email in your first week to set up an appointment with Dr. Yueh for the end of your rotation (he's a busy guy but he likes to meet with students, and he writes very good letters).
ynyEpic mostly. Cerner at Children's, CPRS at VA
University of Mississippi
University of PennsylvaniaAn excellent program by most measures. High surgical volume, especially in H&N and Rhinology. HUP (the main hospital) is well run. They are building a new gigantic hospital which will effectively house all surgical patients that would have been at HUP. From what the residents told us, the other sites (Pennsylvania Hospital, Penn Presbyterian, CHOP) are also well run. Residents seemed to like one another a lot, and hang out outside of work all the time. Most of the high quality research is in rhinology or TORS. Speaking of TORS, they probably have the highest volume TORS practice in the country. You graduate with TORS certification. Two H&N fellows, which can take away from the experience of the residents. That being said, the program is still less top-heavy than most other top programs. As far as sinus/skull base goes, the fellows don't detract from the residents' experience. The PD is an awesome guy who really supports his residents. Dr. Chalian (H&N/Recon) is an amazing teacher and mentor for residents. One of the H&N attendings, who is an amazing surgeon, is too old school. Very hierarchical, expects students not to move a muscle or utter a single word unless he asks them to. The sinus guys are pretty awesome, and down to earth as well. The department has a lot cash. Insane support for research. Didactics seem good. All the hospitals are close to one another, so residents don't even need a car. Call is in-house, which is awesome. Interns go to the OR. Quality of life is good overall, especially at non-HUP rotations. Philadelphia is a cheap city, most residents own their home. As a subI you spend two weeks on H&N and two weeks on Sinus/Oto. It can be hard to get facetime with individual attendings as a result. You can ask for a chairs letter, which will be based on residents reviews of you. This has the potential to help you out since Dr. OMalley is well known in ENT. SubI does not guarantee interview. You have to write up a case report or review if you want an Honors grade. They also admit to being "inbred." 3/5 residents went to Penn for med school. Only 1 or 2 out of the 25 residents did away rotations at Penn. They also have 3 students currently taking a year off for research at Penn, so that's something to keep in mind. The obsession that Penn has with its reputation, especially the ENT department, is a little too much. They claim to be the #1 program in the country, and claim that the term breadth and depth originated at Penn (Chairman's own words from a welcome video he prepared for interviewees last year since he couldn't make it to interview day).4NoNoNoEpic
University of Pennsylvania4YesNoYesEpic
University of Puerto Rico