A | B | C | D | E | |
1 | Group | Code | Course | Web | |
2 | intro | cs1U | Practical Unix | https://practicalunix.org | |
3 | programming | cs41 | The Python Programming Language | https://stanfordpython.com/#/ | |
4 | mobile | cs47 | Cross-Platform Mobile Development | https://web.stanford.edu/class/cs47/#schedule | |
5 | programming | cs106A | Programming Methodology | http://web.stanford.edu/class/cs106a/ | |
6 | programming | cs106B | Programming Abstractions | https://web.stanford.edu/class/cs106b/ | |
7 | programming | cs106L | Standard C++ Programming Laboratory | ||
8 | programming | cs106M | Enrichment Adventures in Programming Abstractions | https://web.stanford.edu/class/cs106m/syllabus | |
9 | intro | cs106E | Exploring Computing | https://web.stanford.edu/class/cs106e/ | |
10 | systems | cs107 | Computer Organization and Systems | http://web.stanford.edu/class/cs107/ | |
11 | systems | cs107e | Computer Systems from the Ground Up | http://web.stanford.edu/class/cs107e/ | |
12 | programming | cs108 | Object-Oriented Systems Design | http://web.stanford.edu/class/cs108/ | |
13 | math | cs109 | Probability for Computer Scientists | http://web.stanford.edu/class/cs109/ | |
14 | systems | cs110 | Principles of Computer Systems | http://web.stanford.edu/class/cs110/ | |
15 | systems | cs110L | Safety in Systems Programming | https://web.stanford.edu/class/cs110l/ | |
16 | systems | cs111 | Operating Systems Principles | ||
17 | AI | cs124 | From Languages to Information | http://web.stanford.edu/class/cs124/ | |
18 | AI | cs129 | Applied Machine Learning | https://web.stanford.edu/class/cs129/ | |
19 | vision | cs131 | Computer Vision: Foundations and Applications | ||
20 | systems | cs140 | Operating Systems | https://www.scs.stanford.edu/21wi-cs140/ | |
21 | systems | cs140E | Embedded Operating Systems | https://github.com/dddrrreee/cs140e-20win | |
22 | web apps | cs142 | Web Applications | http://web.stanford.edu/class/cs142/ | |
23 | systems | cs143 | Compilers | http://web.stanford.edu/class/cs143/ | |
24 | networking | cs144 | Introduction to Computer Networking | https://cs144.github.io | |
25 | databases | cs145 | Data Management and Data Systems | https://cs145-fa20.github.io | |
26 | HCI | cs147 | Introduction to Human-Computer Interaction | ||
27 | graphics | cs148 | Introduction to Computer Graphics and Imaging | http://web.stanford.edu/class/cs148/ | |
28 | systems | cs149 | Parallel Computing | http://cs149.stanford.edu/fall20 | |
29 | programming | cs151 | Logic Programming | ||
30 | theory | cs154 | Introduction to the Theory of Computation | ||
31 | security | cs155 | Computer and Network Security | https://cs155.stanford.edu | |
32 | theory | cs157 | Computational Logic | http://intrologic.stanford.edu/stanford/index.php | |
33 | algorithms | cs161 | Desgin and Analysis of Algorithms | https://stanford-cs161.github.io/winter2021/ | |
34 | algorithms | cs166 | Data Structures | http://web.stanford.edu/class/cs166/ | |
35 | ethics | cs182 | Ethics, Public Policy, and Technological Change | https://web.stanford.edu/class/cs182/ | |
36 | application | cs193U | Video Game Development in C++ and Unreal Engine | https://www.tomlooman.com/stanford-cs193u | |
37 | application | cs193P | iOS Application Development | https://cs193p.sites.stanford.edu | |
38 | application | cs194A | Android Programming Workshop | https://web.stanford.edu/class/cs194a/ | |
39 | law | cs202 | Law for Computer Science Professionals | http://web.stanford.edu/class/cs202/ | |
40 | law | cs204 | Computational Law | ||
41 | law | cs209 | Law, Bias & Algorithms | https://5harad.com/mse330/ | |
42 | algorithms | cs205L | Continuous Mathematical Methods with an Emphases on ML | http://web.stanford.edu/class/cs205l/ | |
43 | AI | cs221 | Artificial Intelligence: Principles & Techniques | https://stanford-cs221.github.io/spring2021/ | |
44 | robotics | cs223A | Introduction to Robotics | ||
45 | AI | cs224N | Natural Language Processing with Deep Learning | ||
46 | AI | cs224S | Spoken Language Processing | http://web.stanford.edu/class/cs224s/ | |
47 | AI | cs224W | Machine Learning with Graphs | http://web.stanford.edu/class/cs224w/ | |
48 | robotics | cs225A | Experimental Robotics | ||
49 | AI | cs228 | Probabilistic Graphical Models | https://cs228.stanford.edu | |
50 | AI | cs229 | Machine Learning | http://cs229.stanford.edu | |
51 | AI | cs230 | Deep Learning | http://cs230.stanford.edu | |
52 | AI | cs231N | Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition | http://cs231n.stanford.edu | |
53 | graphics | cs233 | Geometric and Topological Data Analysis | ||
54 | AI | cs234 | Reinforcement Learning | http://web.stanford.edu/class/cs234/index.html | |
55 | AI | cs236G | Generative Adversarial Networks | https://cs236g.stanford.edu | |
56 | AI | cs231A | Computer Vision: 3D Reconstruction to Recognition | http://web.stanford.edu/class/cs231a/ | |
57 | robotics | cs237B | Principles of Robot Autonomy II | http://web.stanford.edu/class/cs237b/ | |
58 | AI | cs238 | Decision Making under Uncertainty | https://web.stanford.edu/class/aa228/cgi-bin/wp/ | |
59 | systems | cs240 | Advanced Topics in Operating Systems | http://web.stanford.edu/class/cs240/ | |
60 | programming | cs242 | Programming Languages | https://web.stanford.edu/class/cs242/ | |
61 | systems | cs243 | Program Analysis and Optimization | https://suif.stanford.edu/~courses/cs243/ | |
62 | big data | cs246 | Mining Massive Datasets | http://web.stanford.edu/class/cs246/ | |
63 | databases | cs245 | Principles of Data-Intensive Systems | http://web.stanford.edu/class/cs245/ | |
64 | graphics | cs248 | Interactive Computer Graphics | http://cs248.stanford.edu/winter21 | |
65 | application/blockchain | cs251 | Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain Technologies | https://cs251.stanford.edu | |
66 | theory | cs254 | Computational Complexity | ||
67 | theory | cs254B | Computational Complexity II | http://cs254b.stanford.edu | |
68 | security | cs255 | Introduction to Cryptography | https://crypto.stanford.edu/~dabo/cs255/ | |
69 | algorithms | cs261 | Optimization and Algorithmic Paradigm | http://web.stanford.edu/~ashishg/cs261/ | |
70 | theory | cs265 | Randomized Algorithms and Probabilistic Analysis | http://web.stanford.edu/class/cs265/ | |
71 | ??? | cs269I | Incentives in Computer Science | http://timroughgarden.org/f18/f18.html | |
72 | application/bio | cs273a | The Human Genome Source Code | ||
73 | application/bio | cs275 | Translational Bioinformatics | https://sites.google.com/site/bmi2172016/home | |
74 | ??? | cs278 | Social Computing | http://cs278.stanford.edu | |
75 | application/bio | cs279 | Computational Biology: Structure and Organization of Biomolecules and Cells | http://web.stanford.edu/class/cs279/ | |
76 | robotics | cs326 | Topics in Advanced Robotic Manipulation | http://web.stanford.edu/class/cs326/ | |
77 | AI | cs329S | Machine Learning Systems Design | https://stanford-cs329s.github.io/index.html | |
78 | AI | cs330 | Deep Multi-Task and Meta Learning | http://cs330.stanford.edu | |
79 | graphics | cs348I | Computer Graphics in the Era of AI | http://cs348i.stanford.edu | |
80 | graphics | cs348A | Computer Graphics: Geometric Modeling/Processing | ||
81 | graphics | cs348B | Image Synthesis Techniques | http://graphics.stanford.edu/courses/cs348b/ | |
82 | graphics | cs348C | Computer Graphics: Animation and Simulation | http://graphics.stanford.edu/courses/cs348c/ | |
83 | graphics | cs348K | Visual Computing Systems | http://cs348k.stanford.edu/spring21 | |
84 | application/finance | cs349F | Technologies for Financial Systems | http://web.stanford.edu/class/cs349f/ | |
85 | security | cs355 | Topics in Cryptography | http://cs348k.stanford.edu/spring21 | |
86 | security | cs356 | Topics in Computer and Network Security | https://cs356.stanford.edu | |
87 | graphics | cs448B | Visualization | https://magrawala.github.io/cs448b-fa20/ | |
88 | graphics | cs468 | Non-Euclidean Methods in Machine Learning | ||
89 | music | cs476a | Music, Computing, and Design: The Art of Design | https://ccrma.stanford.edu/courses/256a/ |