Name. Organizations with current or past funding from Soros financing instruments are shaded in blue. Please insert comments. Email me at with comments, tips.#cancelKavenaugh #endKavenaugh (as of 10/7/2018)Current or past connection with George Soros Open Society Foundations and other grant mechanisms, including National Security and Human Rights, Proteus Fund, Piper Fund (political and judicial). This list has partial data because of the secrecy around grants.Tax-exempt status#WomensMarch "Partner," "Movement Friends," "Sponsors" as of Jan. 21, 2017#MuslimBan #NoBanNoWall #StandWithRefugees #RefugeesWelcomeOpposition to SJ Res 27 (OSHA rule) March 13, 2017#ShePersisted#HereToStay#ResistanceRecess #ReclaimRecess #ICERaids #MayorsStand4All #ResistTrumpTuesdaySignatory to OSF-grantee created "#WeAreBetter ThanThis" PetitionAffiliation with Democratic PartyNotesNotesNotes NotesNotesNotes
Organizations that have had Soros
#VoteProChoice"Partner."Grantee."Partner." RT: #VOTEPROCHOICE Retweeted: "ACLU National ‏@ACLU Jan 29 More ACLU National Retweeted: ThinkProgress Find your protest ACLU National added, ThinkProgress @thinkprogress Here’s a list of all the protests happening against the #MuslimBan: …90 replies 4,912 retweets 9,314 likes Reply 90 Retweetx"Supported"Website: "Supported by National Institute for Reproductive Health Action Fund,, Act.TV" URL: ‏@VoteChoice Jan 27 More .@sherylsandberg says #GlobalGag rule "could have terrible consequences for women + families around the world" @CNN
9to5, National Association of Working WomenGrantee."Partner." Yesx"tab 11," "Criminal Justice Fund" Memo, Sept. 17, 2010, page 5: "The recommended grants to 9to5 National Association of Working Women, Family Values at Work: A Multi-State Consortium, and the Women’s Funding Network will support efforts to implement workplace policies that enable low-wage workers to achieve a sustainable balance between work and caretaking responsibilities."
U.S. Programs: State and Local Work, 2008-2010," page 10: "The following data reflects U.S. Programs’ funds active participation in multi-state, issue-based work throughout the country....Ensuring justice and equality for people of color, women, low-wage workers, immigrants, and LGBTQ people. 9to5 National Association of Working Women, Funds: Democracy and Power (D&P), Equality and Opportunity Fund (EOF), and Seize the Day Fund (SDF), Year: 2010-2012, Amount: $300,000
NSHR's core set of grantees -- Muslim Advocates, Sikh Coalition, South Asian Americans Leading Together, and National Network of Arab American Communities -- is well prepared for rapid response work."...."increased coordination among donors, including a donor affinity group."
"Criminal Justice Fund," "_tab 07 articles of interest from u.s. programs.pdf," page 3: "9to5, National Association of Working Women, an EOF grantee and national advocate for women's rights in the workplace, helped defend Milwaukee’s paid sick leave ordinance from attacks by local businesses. The ordinance will protect the interests of the 120,000 Milwaukee families who currently lack paid sick days to recover from illness or care for sick family members."
A. Philip Randolph InstituteAffiliated with AFL-CIO (see below), which is OSF "Key Partner.""Partner." xFrom website: "AFL-CIO-affiliated organization of black trade unionists, working to build black community support for the movement."
ACCESS Michigan (Arab Community Center for Economic and Social Services)NSHR "Grantee." 2009: $200,000"Partner." YesxJan. 30, 2017: "Our @takeonhate campaign is organizing an Emergency Town Hall this Wednesday, Feb. 1 from 6 to 9 p.m. in Dearborn, Mich." With announcement image: "Now is the time to RESIST. Emergency Town Hall. Discussion Topics:....Trump's Executive Orders (Muslim Ban, Border Wall)." CoSponsors: TakeOnHate, National Network of Arab-American Communities, ACCESS, ACLU, ADC, TK.
"National Security and Human Rights Campaign" document, page 45: "Arab Community Center for Economic and Social Services, $200,000 over 2 years to support the National Network for Arab American Communities, which seeks to strengthen grassroots institutions serving Arab Americans in order to deepen civic participation, promote economic empowerment, and enhance the community’s ability to engage in policy advocacy, particularly on immigration reform and ending racial and religious profiling of Arabs and Muslims by national security agencies and law enforcement."
Jan. 30, 2017: "Our @takeonhate campaign is organizing an Emergency Town Hall this Wednesday, Feb. 1 from 6 to 9 p.m. in Dearborn, Mich." With announcement image: "Now is the time to RESIST. Emergency Town Hall. Discussion Topics:....Trump's Executive Orders (Muslim Ban, Border Wall)." CoSponsors: TakeOnHate, National Network of Arab-American Communities, ACCESS, ACLU, ADC, TK.
ACLU, American Civil Liberties Union ("Movement Friend")"Partner."NSHR "Grantee." 2009: $500,000"Partner." Yes, filed lawsuits vs. TrumpU.S. Programs Strategy Memo, Sept. 6, 2013, page 14: "...the Equality Fund works with national unions SEIU and the AFL-CIO to advance the immigration reform agenda...""Open Society U.S. Programs Board Meeting, New York, New York, May 15 - 16, 2014, page 214: ""anchor grantee....the ACLU..."2010 Open Society document on NSHR grantees: "American Civil Liberties Union Foundation, $500,000 over 2 years to support the Exposing and Opposing Government Surveillance Through Local Advocacy Project, a special initiative of the national ACLU and state affiliate campaigns in Illinois, Massachusetts, Maryland, New York, and Washington to roll back government monitoring of political activists and religious minorities."
OSF 2016 Board Report, page 58: "ACLU case against the psychologists behind the CIA torture program..."...."NSHR commissioned an ideas paper in late obtain judicial review of national security abuses...."
U.S. Programs Strategy Memo, Sept. 6, 2013, page 14: "...the Equality Fund works with national unions SEIU and the AFL-CIO to advance the immigration reform agenda..."
U.S. Programs Strategy Memo, Sept. 6, 2013, page 14: "...the Equality Fund works with national unions SEIU and the AFL-CIO to advance the immigration reform agenda..."
The Advancement ProjectYes: "Anchor" grantee; "Top Funded USP Grantees from Jan 2009 through April 2014: $4.8 million" "Partner." xU.S. Programs Board Meeting, Dec. 18 and 19, 2012, page 15: "U.S. Programs investments in the...Advancement Project ($1.6 million)...""Open Society U.S. Programs Board Meeting, New York, New York, May 15 - 16, 2014, page 28: "Our current anchor organizations are: ACLU, Advancement Project, American Constitution Society, Brennan Center for Justice, Center for American Progress, Center for Community Change, Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, Drug Policy Alliance, Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, and the NAACP.""Anchors and Cores""Youth Work Synthesis, From OSF Proposed Strategies 2014-2017," page 40: "To challenge schools’ over-reliance on standardized tests as a measure of success, invest in aggressive, campaign-style advocacy to require schools to disaggregate federal data collection and track rates of suspensions and expulsions that disproportionately penalize marginalized youth. As a complement, work with select school districts to revise school discipline and policing policies to reduce suspensions, expulsions, arrests, and racial disparities. Key Partners: OSI-Baltimore, OSI-DC, Campaign for Black Male Achievement, Atlantic, The California Endowment, Schott Foundation, Just and Fair Schools Fund, American Federation of Teachers, National Education Association, law enforcement. Key Grantees: Advancement Project, NAACP LDF, National Association of School Psychologists."
AFL-CIO"Key Partner.""Partner." x
Open Society "Equality Fund works with national unions SEIU and the AFL-CIO to advance the immigration reform agenda."
America VotesMember of "House of Soros."OPEN SOCIETY U.S. PROGRAMS BOARD MEETING, May 15 - 16, 2014, p. 118: "On the plus side, the most noteworthy shifts include more c3 organizations creating and using c4 capacity, in order to directly participate in elections and high profile advocacy. They are supported here by “House of Soros” funded America Votes and Catalist as well as the Working Families Organization."
America's Voice"Anchor" Grantee."Partner."x"America’s Voice promoted news of the global reach of the #DumpTrump movement, aimed at applying financial pressure on Trump’s empire via boycotts. Its latest installment mentions a Dubai-based retailer who is pulling Trump merchandise from store shelves at outlets in Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Pakistan. AV also urged elected officials to go beyond distancing themselves from his remarks and actively renounce him, pledging not to support him if he were to become the GOP nominee.""Anchor" organizations
American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)"Anchor" grantee. "Top Funded USP Grantees from Jan 2009 through April 2014: $27.7 million." 2009: $500,000."Partner."Yes, filed lawsuits vs Trump x"Anchors and Cores"U.S. Programs Strategy Memo, Sept. 6, 2013, page 14: "...the Equality Fund works with national unions SEIU and the AFL-CIO to advance the immigration reform agenda...""Open Society U.S. Programs Board Meeting, New York, New York, May 15 - 16, 2014, page 214: ""anchor grantee....the ACLU..."2010 Open Society document on NSHR grantees: "American Civil Liberties Union Foundation, $500,000 over 2 years to support the Exposing and Opposing Government Surveillance Through Local Advocacy Project, a special initiative of the national ACLU and state affiliate campaigns in Illinois, Massachusetts, Maryland, New York, and Washington to roll back government monitoring of political activists and religious minorities."
American Constitution SocietyYes; "anchor" grantee;"Partner."x"Open Society U.S. Programs Board Meeting, New York, New York, May 15 - 16, 2014, page 28: "Our current anchor organizations are: ACLU, Advancement Project, American Constitution Society, Brennan Center for Justice, Center for American Progress, Center for Community Change, Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, Drug Policy Alliance, Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, and the NAACP.""Anchors and Cores"
American Federation of Teachers, AFL-CIO ("Movement Friend")Yes"Key "Partner."""Partner." Yesx"Oppose Betsy Devos," Jan. 25, 2017, website."Youth Work Synthesis, From OSF Proposed Strategies 2014-2017," page 40: "To challenge schools’ over-reliance on standardized tests as a measure of success, invest in aggressive, campaign-style advocacy to require schools to disaggregate federal data collection and track rates of suspensions and expulsions that disproportionately penalize marginalized youth. As a complement, work with select school districts to revise school discipline and policing policies to reduce suspensions, expulsions, arrests, and racial disparities. Key Partners: OSI-Baltimore, OSI-DC, Campaign for Black Male Achievement, Atlantic, The California Endowment, Schott Foundation, Just and Fair Schools Fund, American Federation of Teachers, National Education Association, law enforcement. Key Grantees: Advancement Project, NAACP LDF, National Association of School Psychologists."
American Jewish World Services"Donor "Partner."""Partner."x
Amnesty International2010 "Grantee," $125,000. NSHR "Grantee.""Partner."xOpen Society Document: "Amnesty International USA, $125,000 over 1 year to support the Constituency Expansion Project."
Arab American Association of New York"Grantee.""Partner."x Sarsour, cochair of march, "is the Executive Director of the Arab American Association of New York, co-founder of Muslims for Ferguson, and a member of Justice League NYC. She is most notably recognized for her focus on intersectional movement building.""Open Society U.S. Programs Board Meeting, New York, New York, May 15 - 16, 2014," page 213: "On April 15, the New York City Police Department announced the closure of the unit tasked with mapping, eavesdropping on, and documenting daily life in Muslim communities in Pennsylvannia, New Jersey, and New York, revealed by the Associated Press in a Pulitzer-prize winning series of articles beginning in August, 2011. “The Demographics Unit created psychological warfare in our community,” said Linda Sarsour, national advocacy director of NSHR grantee the National Network for Arab American Communities. Sarsour also directs the Arab American Association of New York, a grantee of the Security and Rights Collaborative, funded in part by NSHR. “Those documents, they showed where we live. That’s the cafe where I eat. That’s where I pray. That’s where I buy my groceries. They were able to see entire lives on those maps. And it completely messed with the psyche of the community.”""Open Society U.S. Programs Board Meeting, New York, New York, May 15 - 16, 2014," page 213: "A number of grassroots organizations funded by the Security and Rights Collaborative and NSHR anchor grantee the Brennan Center for Justice met with New York City Police Commissioner Bratton recently to discuss community concerns. NSHR grantees Muslim Advocates and the Center for Constitutional Rights, and anchor grantee the ACLU are engaged in lawsuits challenging the practice. One of the cases was dismissed by a federal judge in February, 2014 and is on appeal. Grantees and other advocates welcomed the announced closure of the unit (which never generated a lead on terrorist of Muslim communities.""2012-2015: $160,000 grants from Proteus Fund, to which Open Society Foundations contributes money.
Americans Advancing Justice (AAJC) (new)Americans Advancing Justice, "Anchor" grantee."Partner.""Anchors and Cores"
Asian Americans Advancing Justice - AtlantaYes; "Anchor" grantee"Partner."xWebsite: "We are one of five independent organizations that make up the national Asian Americans Advancing Justice. Together with our affiliates in Chicago, DC, Los Angeles and San Francisco, we bring more than 100 years of collective experience in addressing the civil rights issues faced by Asian Americans and other vulnerable and underserved communities." "Anchors and Cores"
Asian Americans Advancing Justice - ChicagoYes; Main org, "Anchor" grantee"Partner."x"Anchors and Cores"
Asian Americans Advancing Justice - Los AngelesYes; Main org, "Anchor" grantee"Partner."x"Anchors and Cores"
Bend the Arc Jewish Action Yes; Grantee; ""Partnership""Partner."x"Feb 2016 USP Board Book" page 31: " 2011, USP staff -- in partnership with Jewish Funds for Justice (now known as Bend the Arc) and Nathan Cummings Foundation -- funded public opinion research, expert convenings, and community engagement experiments in order to better understand the evolving anxieties and politics of the white working class.""Final Dec Board Board Book Electronic," page 102: "December 18-19, 2012: "...(fiscal sponsor: Bend the Arc fka The Jewish Funds for Justice)"Bend the Arc: A Jewish Partnership for Justice, Year 2012; Location, New York, NY; Amount $250,000; Term, One year; Grantee URL; "To support the White Working Class Research Project, a project designed to identify best practices for the engagement of the white working class in open society advocacy."Bend the Arc: A Jewish Partnership for Justice, Year, 2012, Location, New York, NY, Amount $320,000, Term One year, Grantee URL, "To support the Care Fund, a donor collaborative that provides grantmakers the opportunity to pool resources and coordinate strategies to support the Caring Across Generations Campaign. Caring Across Generations is a national campaign led by the National Domestic Workers Alliance (NDWA) and Jobs with Justice. The goal of the campaign is to transform how the country cares for elders and other vulnerable members of society. It seeks to do so by improving the professional training and job quality of the workers who provide that care, including home health attendants and domestic workers."Alexander Soros, son of George Soros, donated $5,000 to Bend the Arc Action Inc. on Feb. 17, 2016.
BreakthroughYes; Grantee"Partner."x
Brennan Center for Justice (New York University)2009 NSHR Grantee, $200,000.NoYes
Catholics for Choice"Donor "Partner."""Partner."x
Center for American Progress (new)"Anchor" grantee. 2009, $50,000; other future contributions"Partner."YesFounded by John Podesta, former Clinton campaign chair. Yes; founded by Hilllary Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta"Open Society U.S. Programs Board Meeting, New York, New York, May 15 - 16, 2014, page 28: "Our current anchor organizations are: ACLU, Advancement Project, American Constitution Society, Brennan Center for Justice, Center for American Progress, Center for Community Change, Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, Drug Policy Alliance, Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, and the NAACP."December 2015 Open Society Foundation memo, "Fallout of ISIS Attacks": "Advocates of greater gun control took to Twitter, chiding the parade of politicians who sent “thoughts and prayers” without taking concrete steps to improve public safety. The Center for American Progress convened calls on mass gun violence—one of a number of efforts to follow through on President Obama’s exhortation to revive efforts to enact new controls, such as universal background checks or a ban on assault rifles. But there few immediate signs that Congress was planning to take action; Senate Republicans promptly shot down a pair of gun control amendments."
Center for American Progress Action Fund "Partner."501(c)4
Center for Community Change Grantee NoSignatory.December 2015, OSF "Fallout of ISIS Attacks" meml: "Among other grantee activities: #WeAreBetterThanThis took out a full-page ad in the New York Times to launch a campaign calling on elected officials and the press to “stop the spread of hate and division,” and pledging to “stand with any community that is targeted by hateful rhetoric and violence.” The group features a vast swath of OSF and OSPC grantees, including, the Domestic Workers Alliance, United We Dream, the Center for Community Change, Demos and Color of Change. Some funders, while applauding the effort, questioned the efficacy of the ad (expensive, preaching to the choir) and the messaging (desire for a stronger, more focused ask)."
Center for Constitutional RightsGrantee"Partner."x
Center for Popular DemocracyYes"Partner."Yes, OrganizerSignatory.
The Center for Reproductive Rights"Partner."Grantee"Partner."x
Center for Victims of TortureNSHR Grantee: 2010; 2009, $80,000.NoYesxJan. 30, 2017 tweet: "At @CVT, we stand alongside all who #standwithrefugees! #RefugeesWelcome!"Jan. 30, 2017: "The Executive Order halting the U.S. refugee resettlement program betrays long-held U.S. values. #StandWithRefugees"
Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in WashingtonGranteeEthics lawsuit
Color of Change"Partner.""Anchor" Grantee.Yesx"Anchors and Cores"Color of Change received $100,000 in 2016 election cycle contributions from, a grantee of Open Society Foundations. From website: "Color Of Change is the nation’s largest online racial justice organization."Rashad Robinson, @rashadrobinson, Executive Director of Color of Change, bio: "Rashad led Color Of Change in a national campaign against the secretive, right-wing policy shop, the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC). After exposing ALEC's involvement in passing discriminatory voter ID laws—and deadly Stand Your Ground laws—Color Of Change pushed over 100 corporations to end their financial support of ALEC. Rashad similarly emerged as a game-changing new voice in the national fight over net neutrality, convincingly reframing the technology issue as a major civil rights issue, and leveraging the moral authority of Black communities across the country to win a free and open Internet for all.; 2015, OSF "Fallout of ISIS Attacks" meml: "Among other grantee activities: #WeAreBetterThanThis took out a full-page ad in the New York Times to launch a campaign calling on elected officials and the press to “stop the spread of hate and division,” and pledging to “stand with any community that is targeted by hateful rhetoric and violence.” The group features a vast swath of OSF and OSPC grantees, including, the Domestic Workers Alliance, United We Dream, the Center for Community Change, Demos and Color of Change. Some funders, while applauding the effort, questioned the efficacy of the ad (expensive, preaching to the choir) and the messaging (desire for a stronger, more focused ask)."
Communities United for Police ReformYesYesx
Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR)2018 funding for anti-"Muslim ban" activities.YesFiled lawsuit vs. TrumpDecember 2015 Open Society Foundaitons memo, "Fallout of ISIS Attacks": "The identities of the suspects in the San Bernardino, California shooting had barely been made public when the Council on Islamic-American Relations convened a press conference denouncing the violence, urging the public not to blame Islam for the tragedy, and giving a podium to one of the alleged shooter’s relatives to express regret for the loss of life and bewilderment at the possible motives, which remained under investigation."
Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR-CT)YesFiled lawsuit vs. Trump
Council on American Islamic Relations -- San Francisco Bay AreaYesFiled lawsuit vs. Trump
DemosYes; GranteeYesYesYesDecember 2015, OSF "Fallout of ISIS Attacks" meml: "Among other grantee activities: #WeAreBetterThanThis took out a full-page ad in the New York Times to launch a campaign calling on elected officials and the press to “stop the spread of hate and division,” and pledging to “stand with any community that is targeted by hateful rhetoric and violence.” The group features a vast swath of OSF and OSPC grantees, including, the Domestic Workers Alliance, United We Dream, the Center for Community Change, Demos and Color of Change. Some funders, while applauding the effort, questioned the efficacy of the ad (expensive, preaching to the choir) and the messaging (desire for a stronger, more focused ask)."
Domestic Workers AllianceYes
Yes, grantee YesDecember 2015, OSF "Fallout of ISIS Attacks" meml: "Among other grantee activities: #WeAreBetterThanThis took out a full-page ad in the New York Times to launch a campaign calling on elected officials and the press to “stop the spread of hate and division,” and pledging to “stand with any community that is targeted by hateful rhetoric and violence.” The group features a vast swath of OSF and OSPC grantees, including, the Domestic Workers Alliance, United We Dream, the Center for Community Change, Demos and Color of Change. Some funders, while applauding the effort, questioned the efficacy of the ad (expensive, preaching to the choir) and the messaging (desire for a stronger, more focused ask)."
Economic Policy Institute (Policy Center)Yes; "long-time OSF grantee"; "Democracy & Power Fund grantee"; "core grantee"Yes Yesx
EMILY's List ("Social Justice "Partner."")Statement that Kavanaugh was approved by "right-wing groups": 7/9/2018 through America Votes (see above), a "key grantee" of OSFYesxAdvocates for Democratic candidates
Every VoiceYes "Partner."Yes; GranteeYesYes
Family Values @ WorkYes YesYes
Gathering for JusticeYesYesxExecutive Director Carmen Perez is cochair of march. "As the Executive Director of The Gathering for Justice, a nonprofit founded by Harry Belafonte, Carmen has crossed the globe promoting peace through civil and human rights, building alternatives to incarceration and violence, and providing commentary and guidance for state and federal policy creation."
Georgetown University College DemocratsYesxYes
Green for AllYesYesYes
Human Rights Campaign ("Movement Friend")Yes "Partner."Grantee.Yes
Human Rights WatchYes; Grantee (Media Democracy Fund grantee)YesOSF Transparency and Integrity Fund document (_tab 06 discussion of tif 3 year plan): "Proteus Fund (Media Democracy Fund) $500,000 over two years in project support The Media Democracy Fund (MDF) – a funder collaborative managed by the Proteus Fund – supports organizations advocating for the public's rights in the digital age. The Fund works with foundations and donors to award grants that promote a diversity of viewpoints and an open and accessible Internet." Media Democracy Fund Website: "June, 2015, Docket Grant, To support research and advocacy around government surveillance and internet freedom."
Indian American Democrats ClubYesxYes
Yes "Partner."
Yes, Organizer
Interfaith Center of New Yorkyes; 2011: Tanenbaum Center for Interreligious Understanding will "regrant" portion of funds to the group.YesYesJanuary 2017 newsletter: "I’m afraid, however, that it’s going to be a tough year for New Yorkers and others who care about religious diversity and inclusion. Here at ICNY, we will do our best to protect the city we love from Donald Trump's xenophobic policy agenda. I hope you’ll save the date of Wednesday, April 5th, for the 33rd meeting of the Rabbi Marshall T. Meyer Retreat for Social Justice, which will bring together religious and civic leaders to explore the theme of Hospitality in a Time of Hate: Religious Leadership for an Inclusive City under the Trump Administration.""CAP’s [Center for American Progress's] first step will be to interview and engage in the Project the journalists, researchers, academics, and leaders in the anti-hate movement who are researching and writing on Islamophobia, and to develop a roster of knowledgeable and credible experts to whom journalists and policymakers can turn for information. As part of this process, CAP will reach out to Media Matters for America, FAIR, the Muslim Public Affairs Council, the American Muslim Civic Leadership Institute, Muslim Advocates, the Interfaith Center of New York, the Southern Poverty Law Center, and the cohort of emerging Muslim leaders in CAP’s Young Muslim American Voices Project that is run by CAP’s Faith and Progressive Policy Institute."
International Women's Health CoalitionYes; among "longstanding grantees of OSF"Yes
Iowa Citizens for CommunityPiper Fund Grantee: 2012, $30,000; 2013, $30,000; 2014, $30,000; 2015, $40,000; 2016, $25,000;
Labor Project for Working Family Yes YesYes, promoting for; RT by
Leadership Conference on Civil & Human Rights

Ran ads in the Washington Post
"Anchor" granteeYes"Open Society U.S. Programs Board Meeting, New York, New York, May 15 - 16, 2014, page 28: "Our current anchor organizations are: ACLU, Advancement Project, American Constitution Society, Brennan Center for Justice, Center for American Progress, Center for Community Change, Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, Drug Policy Alliance, Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, and the NAACP."
League of Women VotersGranteeYes
Make the Road New YorkYesYesYes
MediaMatters Fox News host compares Kavanaugh to Jesus Christ and investigation to the crucifixionGrantee
69 ("Movement Friend")"US Programs and Partners" Grantee.YesYesYes, OrganizerMoveOn.Org PAC contributes to DemocratsLink to contributions, FEC document. December 2015, OSF "Fallout of ISIS Attacks" meml: "Among other grantee activities: #WeAreBetterThanThis took out a full-page ad in the New York Times to launch a campaign calling on elected officials and the press to “stop the spread of hate and division,” and pledging to “stand with any community that is targeted by hateful rhetoric and violence.” The group features a vast swath of OSF and OSPC grantees, including, the Domestic Workers Alliance, United We Dream, the Center for Community Change, Demos and Color of Change. Some funders, while applauding the effort, questioned the efficacy of the ad (expensive, preaching to the choir) and the messaging (desire for a stronger, more focused ask)."Open Society document, Fallout of ISIS Attacks, March 15, 2016: "Among other grantee launched a petition drive aimed at preventing the deportation of Kimberly Pineda Chavez, who fled gang violence in Honduras and settled with family in Georgia before being arrested by ICE on her way to high school."
MPower Change 501(c)4 Grantee. Founded by Linda Sarsour.YesYesLinda Sarsour, march cochairwoman
Gloria Steinam, Ms. FoundationHow to #CancelKavanaugh in Three Easy Steps - Ms. Magazine BlogAmong "re-granting "Partners."?From Open Society Foundations 2009 document: "Other possible re- granting "Partner."s include Ms. Foundation, a national women’s fund, and the Catalyst Fund, which supports women of color-led reproductive justice organizations and projects."From Open Society Foundations 2012 document: "This docket includes support for two technical assistance collaboratives. The first is to the Ms. Foundation to provide a cohort of organizations working at the intersection of gender justice and immigrant rights with services to strengthen financial management and resilience, improve strategic communications, and bolster organizational development."
Muslim Advocates NSHR Grantee.xYes NSHR's core set of grantees -- Muslim Advocates, Sikh Coalition, South Asian Americans Leading Together, and National Network of Arab American Communities -- is well prepared for rapid response work."...."increased coordination among donors, including a donor affinity group."
NSHR's core set of grantees -- Muslim Advocates, Sikh Coalition, South Asian Americans Leading Together, and National Network of Arab American Communities -- is well prepared for rapid response work."...."increased coordination among donors, including a donor affinity group."
Muslim Students Association West (Arizona, CA)2018 Proteus Fund Security & Rights Collaborative OSF Advocate Travel & Convening Fund, $1,350.
NAACP (See: National Association for the Advancement of Colored People)Yes; "Anchor" granteeYes Yesx"Open Society U.S. Programs Board Meeting, New York, New York, May 15 - 16, 2014, page 28: "Our current anchor organizations are: ACLU, Advancement Project, American Constitution Society, Brennan Center for Justice, Center for American Progress, Center for Community Change, Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, Drug Policy Alliance, Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, and the NAACP.""Anchors and Cores""Youth Work Synthesis, From OSF Proposed Strategies 2014-2017," page 40: "To challenge schools’ over-reliance on standardized tests as a measure of success, invest in aggressive, campaign-style advocacy to require schools to disaggregate federal data collection and track rates of suspensions and expulsions that disproportionately penalize marginalized youth. As a complement, work with select school districts to revise school discipline and policing policies to reduce suspensions, expulsions, arrests, and racial disparities. Key Partners: OSI-Baltimore, OSI-DC, Campaign for Black Male Achievement, Atlantic, The California Endowment, Schott Foundation, Just and Fair Schools Fund, American Federation of Teachers, National Education Association, law enforcement. Key Grantees: Advancement Project, NAACP LDF, National Association of School Psychologists."
NAACP Youth & College DivisionYes (through NAACP connection)Yesx
NARAL Pro-Choice America Foundation ("Social Justice "Partner."")Yes; Grantee Yesx"Donald Trump's presidency poses a clear and present danger to women."
National Asian Pacific American Women's ForumYes; Grantee through Equality and Opportunity Fund (2011)Yesx
National Council of Jewish WomenYes; Grantee (2009 document)YesYes
National Domestic Workers AllianceYes; Grantee, "Key "Partner.""Yes
National Education AssociationYes "Partner."; "Key "Partner."" (2014 documents)Yes
National Immigration Law CenterYes, GranteeYes, organizer"Grantees the National Immigration Law Center and the ACLU’s Texas chapter have brought lawsuits in defense of embattled refugees, and America’s Voice and the Refugee Council USA have provided communications support.""Key grantees"
National Network for Arab American Communities NSHR Grantee.YesYesLinda Sarsour, "Women's March" cochair; NSHR's core set of grantees -- Muslim Advocates, Sikh Coalition, South Asian Americans Leading Together, and National Network of Arab American Communities -- is well prepared for rapid response work."...."increased coordination among donors, including a donor affinity group."
National Partnership for Women & FamiliesYes Grantee.YesYes
The Natural Resources Defense Council ("Premiere "Partner."") ("Presenting Platinum Sponsor")Yes; GranteeYesYes"Making Trump Feel the Heat," November 14, 2016, Susan Casey-Lefkowitz, "From President-elect Trump's campaign statements to the choices of his advisors, we have every reason to be very concerned about his intentions when it comes to climate change." "STAND STRONG AGAINST DONALD TRUMP'S ANTI-ENVIRONMENT AGENDA
We must let President-elect Donald Trump know that the American people do not support his extreme anti-environment agenda."

"Before Donald Trump takes the oath of office, make sure he knows where you stand on his extreme anti-environment agenda. We will send your petition letter to the Trump Transition Team's headquarters in Washington, D.C."
UniDos (previously NCLR) [National Council of La Raza]Yes
Yes; "Anchor" and "Core" grantee (2014 document)YesYes
NCJW Chicago North Shore [National Council of Jewish Women] YesYes; Grantee [through national NCJW]Yes
PEN AmericaYes; "We supported PEN American Center to hold a conference taking an international, comparative look at the harms from surveillance and to raise awareness of the issues through the lens of writers’ First Amendment concerns." (2014 document)Yesx
People for the American WayYes

Yes (2010 fiscal sponsor for Young People For & Young Elected Officials Network)Yes"Right Wing Watch" is a project of People for the American Way
Planned Parenthood ("Premier "Partner."") ("Exclusive Premiere Sponsor")Yes

"Top Funded USP Grantees from Jan 2009 through April 2014: $20 million" 501(c)3Yes"Lori Adelman is the Associate Director of Global Communications at Planned Parenthood Federation of America and an Executive Director at A writer and advocate focusing on race, gender, and sexual and reproductive rights, Lori has previously worked at the United Nations Foundation, the International Women’s Health Coalition, and Human Rights Watch. In 2014, she was named to The Root 100 list of the nation's most influential African Americans."Lori Adelman publishes New York Times column, defending march against criticism of identity politics.
Planned Parenthood Action Fund501(c)4
Presente.orgYesYes; "Citizen Engagement Lab, a national online/offline organizing and advocacy incubator – home to Color Of Change and Presenté.org – ... is a USP grantee "Partner."."Yes
Psychologists for Social Responsibilty not visibleYes; Grantee, "$24,685 over 1 year to support the development of the Psychology and Military Intelligence Casebook for Interrogation Ethics."Yesx
Public CitizenYes
Yes; "Anchor" grantee; "Key "Partner.""YesYesx
ReThink MediaYesNSHR Grantee.xYesDecember 2015 Open Society Memo, "Fallout of ISIS Attacks" : "Anticipating a backlash against Muslims, advocates swung into high gear. ReThink Media, funded in part through NSHR grantee the Security and Rights Collaborative, distributed a set of talking points to organizations working to combat Islamophobia and arranging a series of conference calls to discuss messaging and crisis communications tactics." Program: Piper Fund
Location: National
Year Approved: 2018
Amount: $380,000.00
Tax Status: 501(c)3
Grant Description
To support the continued work of the Democracy Collaborative to build the communications capacity and continue to hone the messaging of the money in politics and fair courts fields.
Security and Rights Collaborative (see also ReThink Media)Yes, Grantee December 2015 Open Society Memo, "Fallout of ISIS Attacks" : "Anticipating a backlash against Muslims, advocates swung into high gear. ReThink Media, funded in part through NSHR grantee the Security and Rights Collaborative, distributed a set of talking points to organizations working to combat Islamophobia and arranging a series of conference calls to discuss messaging and crisis communications tactics."
SEIU Healthcare PA"...the Equality Fund works with national unions SEIU and the AFL-CIO to advance the immigration reform agenda;"Yes
The Shalom Center Yes

Sikh Coalition Yes; NSHR GranteexYesNSHR's core set of grantees -- Muslim Advocates, Sikh Coalition, South Asian Americans Leading Together, and National Network of Arab American Communities -- is well prepared for rapid response work."...."increased coordination among donors, including a donor affinity group."
South Asian Americans Leading Together (SAALT)NSHR GranteeYesYesNSHR's core set of grantees -- Muslim Advocates, Sikh Coalition, South Asian Americans Leading Together, and National Network of Arab American Communities -- is well prepared for rapid response work."...."increased coordination among donors, including a donor affinity group."
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