School and District or Organization
Which CESA are you in? (if you know, 1-12)
Are your professional learning needs being met in science?
From where do you receive professional learning? (WSST, your school/ district, online or in-person courses, online communities, colleagues, DPI, other…)
What further professional learning would you like?
How much time is allotted for science in the grades you teach (or administer)?
Is there a clear, consistent scope and sequence for what is taught in science at your school (or district)?
If you have a clear scope and sequence, do teachers consistently follow it?
Grades K-5 (if you know for your district) - Which instructional materials are used? Select or list all that apply.
Grades 6-8 (if you know for your district) - Which instructional materials are used? Select or list all that apply.
Grades 9-12 (if you know for your district) - Which instructional materials are used? List others at that button and select all that apply.
Is your school looking for new instructional materials? Answer yes/no and explain why.
What has your school or district worked on in relation to implementation of the new Wisconsin Science Standards (NGSS)? Select all that apply.
What are your next implementation steps?
Are students taken out of science for special services, like interventions, special education, or other supports?
(If you know) What is the typical high school course sequence and how many students are in that sequence? [Bio, chem, physics]
(If you know) What is the typical high school course sequence and how many students are in that sequence? [Bio, chem, and various third options]
(If you know) What is the typical high school course sequence and how many students are in that sequence? [Physical science, bio, chem]
(If you know) What is the typical high school course sequence and how many students are in that sequence? [Physical science, bio, and various third options]
(As relevant) If there is a different high school course sequence, what is it and how often is it used?
What, if anything, does your high school do to make sure that students, particularly underrepresented students, are not placed into particular science courses or sequences? (or answer N/A).
Does your school or district have an equity initiative? Answer yes/no and provide a brief description.
Does your school have a STEM program? Answer yes/no, and if yes, is it connected to science learning or separate?
Does your school have a maker space, FabLab, or similar space? Answer yes/no, and if yes, is it connected to science learning or separate?
Does your school use standards-based grading at your grade(s)? Answer yes/no, and if yes, please list the categories (a link to a reference document or website would be ideal for this answer).
Milwaukee Public Schools
I am pretty much left on my own to beg to attend PD and other learning opportunities
How to support science when the state and district do not see it as a priority, yet still expect me to answer for test data and failure rates
The district does not enforce suggested minutes in grades K-5, barely does in 6-8 and will not allow any specific courses to be required in high school
HMH Science Dimensions
HMH - Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
PLTW - Project Lead the Way, STEMscopes, McGraw Hill and a few other older resources
We just adopted everything except for Physics and Environmental science so we will be looking at those in a couple of years in theory
Re-developed or created a new scope and sequence, Adopted new, standards-aligned curriculum materials, Brought in more student sensemaking of phenomena, Support more student talk/dialogue, Have students writing claim, evidence, reasoning explanations
This year we are focused on designing and implementing investigations and CER and Science notebooks, we have not set the goal for next year yet.
OftenFew studentsSome studentsNo studentsNo students
Schools can do whatever they want - there is no district enforced sequence of courses, only a suggested path
nothing - requiring biology was seen as gatekeeping and is not allowed
on paper, not in reality
Yes - it is just PLTW and separate from science
we have six innovation labs in teh district - they are currently separate from science but we are hoping to change that
on paper, rarely in reality
Shorewood School District/ Shorewood Intermediate School
Networking with building-level colleagues, WSST - Wisconsin Society of Science Teachers, Online communities (e.g. Facebook AP or subject groups), NSTA - National Science Teaching Association
Coaching on improving 3D assessment/ design
40-50 min daily
In some grades, but not others
Locally created lessons/units, IQWST, Mosa Mack
Locally created lessons/units, Following traditional textbook
Yes, middle school always looking to improve (and lots of staff turnover with new ideas)
Adopted new, standards-aligned curriculum materials, Developed new standards-aligned units, Revised assessments
Getting new staff through a first year to design better units
RarelyMost studentsSome studentsNo studentsNo students
Got rid of freshman course- everyone now starts in Bio
Yes- currently working on ICS equity
PLTW, doesn't count as science
Yes at high school- separate from science
No, elementary only
Brookfield Christian School
School or district provided learning, Curriculum Trainers, PD Support, i.e. FOSS
35 - 45 min every other day
TCI Science Alive
No, we just concluded a curriculum review for science content.
Re-developed or created a new scope and sequence, Adopted new, standards-aligned curriculum materials, Support more student talk/dialogue
Further PD on student talk and dialogue
RarelyMost studentsNot at this time.
Yes, separate as part of technology class
Yes, connected to technology
Whitnall High School
School or district provided learning, CESA, DPI - Department of Public Instruction
40-50 min dailyYesMostly
Locally created lessons/units, Open Education Resources (OER) such as ML-PBL, etc.
Locally created lessons/units, DiscoveryEd
Locally created lessons/units, Open Education Resources (OER) such as iHub, HHMI, etc.
Re-developed or created a new scope and sequence, Revised assessments, Developed rubrics based on the standards
Common Assessments, continued development of standards based units and instruction.
RarelyMost students
We have multiple versions of our science classes to support various student levels and needs.
not that I know of.
not specific to science
yes-trying to. Grading rubrics were built around the SEP's.
Waukesha STEM Academy-Saratoga Campus at SDW
School or district provided learning, Online communities (e.g. Facebook AP or subject groups)
> 60 min dailyYesYes
Locally created lessons/units, SEPUP
Revised assessments, Have students writing claim, evidence, reasoning explanations, Developed rubrics based on the standards
We are fully implemented.
NeverMost students
Our academies have their own science sequences for engineering and health sciences.
I have no clue.
No. It was cancelled. No signage of any kind is allowed related to equity.
Yes. It is the science program at my school.
Yes. Separate.
Greenfield School District
Networking with building-level colleagues, NSTA - National Science Teaching Association, Workshops or meetings from other non-profit partners (e.g. nature centers, community groups), Reading
More workshops choices with higher frequency
40-50 min dailyNoFOSS
OpenSciEd, Amplify
Locally created lessons/units, Open Education Resources (OER) such as iHub, HHMI, etc., American Modeling Teachers Association (AMTA)
Waiting for OpenSciEd at the HS level
Adopted new, standards-aligned curriculum materials, Developed new standards-aligned units, Revised assessments, Brought in more student sensemaking of phenomena, Brought in more storylines where students make sense of phenomena over multiple units, Have students writing claim, evidence, reasoning explanations, Developed rubrics based on the standards
Transition from Amplify to OpenSciEd at MS. Adopt new Bio curriculum at HS and explore opportunities for upgrades in other subjects.
RarelyMost studentsNAYesYes, PLTWYes, PLTW labsYes
University School of Milwaukee
School or district provided learning, Networking with building-level colleagues, CESA, WSST - Wisconsin Society of Science Teachers, Online communities (e.g. Facebook AP or subject groups), NSTA - National Science Teaching Association, Workshops or meetings from other non-profit partners (e.g. nature centers, community groups), DPI - Department of Public Instruction
Retreats for intensive discussion and formation of strong professional relationships
35 - 45 min every other day
We adopted the NGSS DCIs and SEPs. Teachers are moving away from NSES pedagogy.
Locally created lessons/units, Mystery Science, NSTA
Locally created lessons/units, NSTA
Locally created lessons/units
Yes, we are always looking for innovative ideas and resources.
Re-developed or created a new scope and sequence, Adopted new, standards-aligned curriculum materials, Developed new standards-aligned units, Revised assessments, Brought in more student sensemaking of phenomena, Brought in more storylines where students make sense of phenomena over multiple units, Support more student talk/dialogue, Have students writing claim, evidence, reasoning explanations, Developed rubrics based on the standards, Presentations and peer review of rudimentary scientific scholarship
Cross Cutting Concepts, Curriculum Development, Professional Development of faculty
OftenMost studentsNA
Yes: Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion director
Yes, connectedYes, connectedNo
St. Joseph Catholic Academy
School or district provided learning, WSST - Wisconsin Society of Science Teachers, Online communities (e.g. Facebook AP or subject groups), NSTA - National Science Teaching Association, Workshops or meetings from other non-profit partners (e.g. nature centers, community groups)
At this time, I am fully committed.
40-50 min dailyNo
Open Education Resources (OER) such as iHub, HHMI, etc., AP
No - funding is restricted.
Developed new standards-aligned units, Brought in more student sensemaking of phenomena, Brought in more storylines where students make sense of phenomena over multiple units, Support more student talk/dialogue, Have students writing claim, evidence, reasoning explanations
Advance Standards-Based Assessment from MS to HS
SometimesMost studentsN/AN/A
STEM elective course
Kettle Moraine Middle School
School or district provided learning, Networking with building-level colleagues, WSST - Wisconsin Society of Science Teachers, NSTA - National Science Teaching Association, Workshops or meetings from other non-profit partners (e.g. nature centers, community groups), Summit Learning
Competency-based models in Science: how to write competencies & create continuua for assessment; Project-based learning in Science
50-60 min dailyYesMostly
Locally created lessons/units, Mystery Science, Open Education Resources (OER) such as ML-PBL, etc., Inspire Science
Locally created lessons/units, Summit Learning Curriculum
Locally created lessons/units, Open Education Resources (OER) such as iHub, HHMI, etc.
Not right now. Social studies is going through a curriculum review period right now.
Re-developed or created a new scope and sequence, Adopted new, standards-aligned curriculum materials, Developed new standards-aligned units, Revised assessments, Have students writing claim, evidence, reasoning explanations, Developed rubrics based on the standards
Shift to a competency-based model and continuua for assessment aligned to NGSS. We are using models such as the Stanford SCALE cognitive skills rubric & Building 21 (PA) as a model.
RarelyMost studentsN/A
Not explicitly, and we are consistently focusing on growth for all learners.
Yes. It is integrated into science course work.
Yes. Design lab connected to learning. Makerspace is separate.
Yes. Scientific Inquiry, Evaluation and Communication, Interpretation of Data, Disciplinary Core Ideas.
School District of Waukesha
Networking with building-level colleagues, WSST - Wisconsin Society of Science Teachers, Online communities (e.g. Facebook AP or subject groups), NSTA - National Science Teaching Association, Workshops or meetings from other non-profit partners (e.g. nature centers, community groups), DPI - Department of Public Instruction
Locally created lessons/units
Locally created lessons/units, Open Education Resources (OER) such as iHub, HHMI, etc.
Re-developed or created a new scope and sequence, Adopted new, standards-aligned curriculum materials, Developed new standards-aligned units, Revised assessments, Brought in more student sensemaking of phenomena, Brought in more storylines where students make sense of phenomena over multiple units, Support more student talk/dialogue, Have students writing claim, evidence, reasoning explanations, Developed rubrics based on the standards
SometimesMost studentsn/ano
yes, but charter schools
yes, and building in LAUNCH into science k-5
yes (based on science practices k-8)
Lake Shore MS - Mequon-Thiensville School District
WSST - Wisconsin Society of Science Teachers, Online communities (e.g. Facebook AP or subject groups)
It would be nice to work to get more of a K-8 or even K-12 continuum of learning for the district.
> 60 min daily
documented, but many NGSS topics and standards seem to have been skipped to focus on "priority standards"
OpenSciEd, HMH - Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, PLTW - Project Lead the Way - Gateway
PLTW - Project Lead the Way, Unsure
Adopted new, standards-aligned curriculum materials, Have students writing claim, evidence, reasoning explanations
Apparently work upcoming for K-5 work on science curriculum
NeverMost studentsUnsureUnsure
Yes -
At elementary, but not MS or HS (yet)
Milwaukee Excellence Charter School
School or district provided learning, Networking with building-level colleagues
> 60 min every other day
FOSS science kits and curriculum
Locally created lessons/units, Materials created by Achievement First
Yes. We do not have a comprehensive, guaranteed curriculum for any of our science courses currently. They either are teacher created or need to be heavily modified to meet our needs.
Adopted new, standards-aligned curriculum materials, Revised assessments, Have students writing claim, evidence, reasoning explanations
Complete assessment revision for all courses. Train science teachers in CCRS standards and NGSS instruction.
SometimesNo studentsNo studentsNo studentsNo students
All students take the following sequence in High School: Bio, Physics, AP Chem.
All students take AP Chem junior year.
Kenosha Unified School District
School or district provided learning, Networking with building-level colleagues, WSST - Wisconsin Society of Science Teachers, NSTA - National Science Teaching Association
Summer intense workshops
50-60 min dailyNoNot sure
Not sure. I am hearing HMH
HMH - Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Teachers pick their own to fit topic and get it on their own filling in gaps in HMH and seeing need.
Have students writing claim, evidence, reasoning explanations, Working on common assessments for natively and summatively in PLT’s for big section offering courses.
Common formative assessments and CLose reading strategies appears this next PRofessional Development day.
SometimesSome studentsMost studentsFew studentsSome students
Bio—>. Chem/Matter & Energy—>. Physics/Earth Sci/Adv Bio
Everyone is equal in choice and opportunity
Not sure
Middle school yes it is separate enrichment
PLTW. Separately with tech Ed in competition with science classes at high school
No, but has retesting, and appears to be heading that way (about 10 years behind).

Yet, there are a lot of new people here in positions
St. Anthony School - Milwaukee
Networking with building-level colleagues, WSST - Wisconsin Society of Science Teachers, Online communities (e.g. Facebook AP or subject groups), NSTA - National Science Teaching Association
Varies depending on grade span K-5 45-60 every other day, 6-12 50-60 daily
Yes but it can always be reviewed and improved
Locally created lessons/units, Mystery Science
Locally created lessons/units, McGraw Hill iScience
Locally created lessons/units, Open Education Resources (OER) such as iHub, HHMI, etc.
Yes. We follow a 5-7 year review cycle and Science is currently in its year of research. We want to be able to provide students with more experiences that meet the Performance Expectations outlined in the NGSS.
Re-developed or created a new scope and sequence, Developed new standards-aligned units, Revised assessments, Support more student talk/dialogue, Have students writing claim, evidence, reasoning explanations, Developed rubrics based on the standards
We need to re-visit our alignment across grade spans. Individual grade and course work has been the focus thus far.
NeverSome studentsSome studentsNo studentsNo studentsN/A
Yes. Our network has spent the past 3 years offering professional development to our staff around equity related topics.
Yes. We offer afterschool STEM programing at our Middle School only
Yes we use the Archidocese of Milwaukee standards.
Muskego High School - Muskego-Norway School District
Networking with building-level colleagues, Online communities (e.g. Facebook AP or subject groups), Workshops or meetings from other non-profit partners (e.g. nature centers, community groups), AP Reading, UW-Oshkosh CAPP community, UW-Milwaukee SEPA group
I'm always learning within biology, many topics are of interest to me, especially new applications (ex. CRISPR, cancer treatments)
50-60 min dailyYesYesFOSS
Locally created lessons/units, FOSS
Locally created lessons/units, Open Education Resources (OER) such as iHub, HHMI, etc., PLTW - Project Lead the Way
We are always looking for new instructional materials. However, I do not think that we are looking for a new entire suite of instructional materials (ex. a replacement for FOSS).
I am not certain what was done at the grade levels below high school level. At the high school, we reexamined our standards and materials. We developed standards of focus that incorporate many of the NGSS standards as well as the ACT standards. After that, our programming was examined to determine level of fit. Finally, adjustments were made to the instructional resources to better meet these new standards.
The 5-12 group is at the point in our PDSA cycle where we are beginning the planning for our next 7 year cycle this year. Adjustments to the curriculum will likely be made, but no decisions have been made yet.
Never at the high school. Sometimes they are taken out for intervention in the elementary and middle grades.
Some studentsSome studentsNo studentsNo students
All students take biology. There are 2 sections of biology that are team-taught with a special education teacher. However, these sections have 1/2 regular ed students along with the students that are getting extra support. Chemistry is similar, where there is one team-taught section. Both of these courses teach exactly the same curriculum as the non-team taught classes, so any student in these classes is able to move on to any next-level science class.
Yes. It is connected to science. There is one PLTW class that can be taken for science credit. However, the majority of the PLTW classes are separate.
Standards based grading is not done at the high school. However, it is done in grades K-8.
Menomonee Falls
Online communities (e.g. Facebook AP or subject groups), NSTA - National Science Teaching Association, Online or in-person courses from higher ed
90 min every other day
FOSS, PLTW - Project Lead the Way - Launch
Locally created lessons/units, DiscoveryEd, PLTW - Project Lead the Way - Gateway
Locally created lessons/units, PLTW - Project Lead the Way
6-8 is looking
Adopted new, standards-aligned curriculum materials, Brought in more student sensemaking of phenomena, Brought in more storylines where students make sense of phenomena over multiple units, Have students writing claim, evidence, reasoning explanations
SometimesSome studentsSome studentsNo studentsNo students
no sequence. Must take bio as grade 9 and then whatever other 2 desired
We discuss with level previous
not sureYes - is scienceSTEM Lab spaceno
Kenosha Unified School District
Networking with building-level colleagues, WSST - Wisconsin Society of Science Teachers, NSTA - National Science Teaching Association, Online or in-person courses from higher ed, Workshops or meetings from other non-profit partners (e.g. nature centers, community groups), DPI - Department of Public Instruction
Elementary twice a week for thirty minutes, MS daily for fifty minutes and HS daily for fifty minutes
sometimes and at what grade level
HMH - Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, HMH is the adopted materials but a lot of teacher use local created
Locally created lessons/units, HMH
Yes, I am new to the role and the adoption is still a couple of years away but I cant sit back and watch this happen. Looking at open source for MS-HS. Elementary is going well
Re-developed or created a new scope and sequence, Adopted new, standards-aligned curriculum materials, Have students writing claim, evidence, reasoning explanations
Not really sure at this point since it is so far away. I am looking at open sourced materials. Maybe we can move forward faster
SometimesSome studentsMost studentsN/A
we are currently working on it
Kinda - we have a high school that has a stem program and one middle school as well
not really
only one ms/hs is standards based
Greendale Middle School/Greendale schhol district
School or district provided learning, Networking with building-level colleagues
45-60 min every other day
Locally created lessons/units
yes, we are piloting SEPUP and OpenSciEd
Adopted new, standards-aligned curriculum materials
piloting new curriculm
RarelySome studentsSome students
all freshman start in bio
all classes are open to students
yes; not connected but we can use it
North Middle School Menomonee Falls
School or district provided learning, Networking with building-level colleagues, WSST - Wisconsin Society of Science Teachers, NSTA - National Science Teaching Association
NGSS, CER work, technology integrations
40-50 min dailyYesYes
Nat Geo and McGraw Hill
IScience with McGraw Hill
Locally created lessons/units
Re-developed or created a new scope and sequence, Adopted new, standards-aligned curriculum materials, Developed new standards-aligned units, Revised assessments, Brought in more student sensemaking of phenomena, Have students writing claim, evidence, reasoning explanations
Looking at new programs for 6-8
NeverSome studentsSome students
Bio first and then 2 choices
Yes, major part of HS support system
Yes, we have a STEM academy
Yes in TEch Ed dept
Germantown High School
WSST - Wisconsin Society of Science Teachers, Online communities (e.g. Facebook AP or subject groups), NSTA - National Science Teaching Association
I would like more training in phenomenon-based teaching/learning.
40-50 min daily
Yes at the high school. Not sure about grades K - 8
They use some Einstein Kits.
Not sure
Locally created lessons/units, Open Education Resources (OER) such as iHub, HHMI, etc., PLTW - Project Lead the Way, Illinois Storylines for Biology
Not that I am aware of. Personally, I am always looking for new ideas and ways to teach concepts.
Adopted new, standards-aligned curriculum materials, Developed new standards-aligned units, Revised assessments, Brought in more storylines where students make sense of phenomena over multiple units, Have students writing claim, evidence, reasoning explanations
My district is having us do UBD for each unit that we teach in science.
NeverSome studentsFew studentsSome students
Our freshman physical science course has changed to a blend of Chem, Physics and Earth Science.
Nothing that I am aware of.
Great question. I don't know.
Not to my knowledge
We have a wonderful tech ed dept. but I am not aware of any space like this in our district.
Kenosha Lutheran Academy, Kenosha, WELS Synod
School or district provided learning, Online communities (e.g. Facebook AP or subject groups), NSTA - National Science Teaching Association, Online or in-person courses from higher ed, Workshops or meetings from other non-profit partners (e.g. nature centers, community groups)
40-50 min dailyYesYes
Locally created lessons/units, Mystery Science, PLTW - Project Lead the Way - Launch
Locally created lessons/units, PLTW - Project Lead the Way - Gateway
Locally created lessons/units, PLTW - Project Lead the Way
No. Not many teachers know how to implement more instructional materials than they already have.
Re-developed or created a new scope and sequence, Adopted new, standards-aligned curriculum materials, Support more student talk/dialogue, Developed rubrics based on the standards
Student led discussions and projects
RarelyMost students
Bio, Chem, various third option. Used when students MAP scores are high enough to test out of physical science
N/AI do not know
Sort of. We implement it when we can into units and topics. Mostly involved in the science classroom.
No, I do not believe so.
Eastbrook Academy
Online communities (e.g. Facebook AP or subject groups), Continuing Education Courses reimbursed under Title II
40-50 min dailyYesYesAmplify, HMH
HMH - Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
HMH Science I believe
No, recently purchased new curriculum for all grades.
Re-developed or created a new scope and sequence, Adopted new, standards-aligned curriculum materials
In our second year of implementing new science curriculum.
RarelyMost students
All students are on the same science sequence at our very small HS
Yes, we appointed a new DEI supplemental role coming into this school year and are working on discussing DEI matters with our staff through professional development. While diversity has always been one of the 4 pillars of our school, we are seeking to be more intentional about building the skills in our staff and students to navigate conversations constructively.
Yes, integrated within our existing science sources, involves a STEM week in partnership with MSOE each week.
No; limitation has been funding but it is something we have proposed.
Racine Lutheran High School
Networking with building-level colleagues, Online communities (e.g. Facebook AP or subject groups), Online or in-person courses from higher ed, Workshops or meetings from other non-profit partners (e.g. nature centers, community groups)
Any available would be nice.
Three science credits are required for graduation. Students take Lab Science (physical science content) as freshmen, Biology as sophomores, and have a variety of options as Juniors and seniors. Normal class periods are approximately 50 minutes 3 times a week, block periods occur for each class once a week and are approximately 80 minutes.
Locally created lessons/units, Open Education Resources (OER) such as iHub, HHMI, etc.
The school specifically, no. Our teachers are always interested in new material that can be used to support classroom goals and standards.
Re-developed or created a new scope and sequence, Adopted new, standards-aligned curriculum materials, Developed new standards-aligned units, Revised assessments, Support more student talk/dialogue, Have students writing claim, evidence, reasoning explanations
We will continue to assess the tools and techniques we are using to teach the standards.
RarelyMost students
Physical science, and biology are required for freshmen and sophomores. Many of our students take Chemistry, but we also offer a variety of half credit electives that can be taken to complete the required three science credits for graduation.
We offer all of our classes to students based on common pre-requisites.
No. We work with all of our students to provide each of them with the support and help they need to be successful and offer them the classes the they are interested in taking.
No. Each of our classes incorporates aspects of STEM, and in addition we have shop classes and CAD that engage students in many STEM concepts and practices.
Yes, We have a small number of 3D printers used primarily for CAD classes. This is typically separate from our science classes.
Racine Unified1No
I have to seek professional learning for specific subjects in science
middle school chemistry
40-50 min daily
They have selected 4 power standards that we are to teach but we don't assess the other standards that are taught in the process. I wouldn't say it is clear but the teachers that write curriculum over the summer did create a scope and sequence.
I think most of our teachers see we only assess on 4 standards so they glaze through things but don't necessarily follow it.
Mystery ScienceTCI
no we just adopted TCI 3 years ago
Re-developed or created a new scope and sequence, Adopted new, standards-aligned curriculum materials, Developed new standards-aligned units, Developed rubrics based on the standards
I have no idea they don't really ask the teachers what we need
SometimesMost studentsN/A
yes our entire district's year long PD is based on equity.
yes, Practice, formative and summative
St. Mary Menomonee Falls
Online communities (e.g. Facebook AP or subject groups), NSTA - National Science Teaching Association
More collaboration in best practices of teaching in an NGSS/3 dimensional classroom
40-50 min daily
One exists but no time is allowed to discuss with elementary science teachers
Locally created lessons/units, Mystery Science
Locally created lessons/units, OpenSciEd, Amplify
No, not until our Amplify contract is up in the next few years.
Re-developed or created a new scope and sequence, Revised assessments, Brought in more student sensemaking of phenomena, Support more student talk/dialogue, Have students writing claim, evidence, reasoning explanations
I wish I could collaborate with other middle school science teachers on maintaining best practices (i.e. - so much disagreement on should certain topics still be taught in middle school like Newton's Laws or mitosis/meiosis, etc.)
NeverMost studentsN/AUnsureNoNo
Yes, we use the science and engineering practices.
Hamilton School District
School or district provided learning, Online communities (e.g. Facebook AP or subject groups), NSTA - National Science Teaching Association, Workshops or meetings from other non-profit partners (e.g. nature centers, community groups), Jason Crean and Kristin Rademaker (All Species Consulting) - NGSS Storylining
More on standards-based NGSS assessment practices
Elementary - 30-40 minutes 4x per week is the goal that we are switching to, 5-8th = 60 minutes per day or 96 min every other day, high school 83 min semester blocks
We are still in the process of consistent implementation. We are strongest at the lower grades and working on more alignment and consistency at the upper grades
Amplify, Mystery Science, TCI - Science Alive (K-2)
Locally created lessons/units, Amplify, SEPUP, Gizmos; Amplify Grade 6 only
Locally created lessons/units, Open Education Resources (OER) such as iHub, HHMI, etc.
Re-developed or created a new scope and sequence, Adopted new, standards-aligned curriculum materials, Developed new standards-aligned units, Revised assessments, Brought in more student sensemaking of phenomena, Brought in more storylines where students make sense of phenomena over multiple units, Have students writing claim, evidence, reasoning explanations, Developed rubrics based on the standards
Consistent feedback and alignment to standards and rubrics; storylining and rubric usage at the high school level, implementation walk-throughs for program evaluation
SometimesMost studentsnot enough
yes, we have just begun and contracted with AWSA to support this work
Yes, separate
Our intermediate and middle schools do
yes at K-6 (we've prioritized 2-4 SEPs and also have categories for Content Understanding (DCIs). The CCCs are incorporated into our rubrics for both.
Franklin Public Schools
School or district provided learning, Networking with building-level colleagues, CESA, NSTA - National Science Teaching Association, DPI - Department of Public Instruction, College Board
We're delving deeper into all teachers better understanding the three dimensions, particularly science practices and crosscutting concepts and what the progression really looks like.
I'm a curriculum coordinator - amount of science varies by grade level
PLTW - Project Lead the Way - Launch
Locally created lessons/units, OpenSciEd, PLTW - Project Lead the Way - Gateway
Locally created lessons/units, Pre-AP from the College Board
We have a few units to finalize with our multi-year implementation work, but we know where we're getting the materials.
Re-developed or created a new scope and sequence, Adopted new, standards-aligned curriculum materials, Developed new standards-aligned units, Revised assessments, Brought in more student sensemaking of phenomena, Support more student talk/dialogue, Have students writing claim, evidence, reasoning explanations, Developed rubrics based on the standards
Continue to implement remaining new units; continue to improve instruction based on evidence-based strategies, deeply understand three dimensions of science for particular grade levels
NeverMost students
We have leveled up at the high school level and all students are enrolled in Pre-AP Biology in 9th grade and Pre-AP Chemistry in 10th grade.
Yes. We have values and equity is one of them.
We don't have something labeled "STEM program" but our high school students on average take FAR more than 3 credits of science and we have a strong biomedical career pathway and extensive engineering embedded in our science education.
Yes. It's a separate space, not connected to a science learning space.
Yes at K-8 and classes are graded based on standards converted to a single grade at 9-12. All are based on the science practices.
School District of New Berlin
1Yesself50-60 min dailyYesYes
Locally created lessons/units, Open Education Resources (OER) such as iHub, HHMI, etc., PLTW - Project Lead the Way
Re-developed or created a new scope and sequence, Adopted new, standards-aligned curriculum materials
RarelyMost studentsyes; separateyes
School or district provided learning, Networking with building-level colleagues, WSST - Wisconsin Society of Science Teachers, NSTA - National Science Teaching Association, Online or in-person courses from higher ed
50-60 min dailyIt's in progressMostly
Locally created lessons/units
No- resource adoption was last year
Re-developed or created a new scope and sequence, Adopted new, standards-aligned curriculum materials
RarelyMost studentsNothing
Yes- we have equity non-negotiables and work incorporate equity into instruction. We've have several days of PD dedicated to it. However, having said that no major changes have happened
yes- it is a club/team
Genesee Lake School
Networking with building-level colleagues, Online communities (e.g. Facebook AP or subject groups), DPI - Department of Public Instruction
Other resources that are out there to support special ed students, especially students with significant learning needs.
30 min or less every other day
Locally created lessons/units, Mystery Science, FOSS, Scholastic magazines
Locally created lessons/units, Scholastic magazines
Locally created lessons/units, McGraw Hill Biology
Not at the moment, but this is an area that will be explored sometime in the future.
Support more student talk/dialogue, Have students writing claim, evidence, reasoning explanations
We have a company and school curriculum committee who will be looking at a timeline to adopt new science materials.
All of our students are in self-contained classrooms.
Most studentsN/AN/ANo
Yes- our library media specialist teaches STEM classes using standard supported materials.
Not yet. Looking into it. Would be connected to STEM.
No- we do not give letter grades at our school. We use a rubric to measure progress.
Siena Catholic Schools of Racine
School or district provided learning
Our teachers need some professional development on integrating STEM within their curriculum. Would love to have you sometime if you are traveling.
I'd have to verify but I believe 40-50 minutes daily
we are working on that :)
see previous response
PLTW - Project Lead the Way - Launch, we had teachers trained in PLTW but they left...
PLTW - Project Lead the Way - Gateway, we had teachers trained in PLTW but they left...
PLTW - Project Lead the Way
Yes! Free is best but we might have some money.
we need to work on this.
Right now our focus has been on math but science will be next. If I had help we could get there faster.
SometimesMost students
Yes - too detailed to get into right now
Guidance works with that in scheduling with students
better at the high school but we need to build our K-8's
our high school does, yes and it is connected
we are transitioning to SBG and will have it next year
Glenwood, School District of Greenfield
School or district provided learning, DPI - Department of Public Instruction
More learning around phenomenon based science
50-60 min dailyNoNo scope
Locally created lessons/units, Mystery Science
yes. I would like some resources for our teachers to help them with the science standards.
Brought in more student sensemaking of phenomena, Have students writing claim, evidence, reasoning explanations
Would love to look more into storylines. Also, just developed a science leadership team to develop scope and sequence at our school.
yes, it is a part of each schools growth plan
yes, but not yet for science
Glenwood - Greenfield School District
School or district provided learning, Networking with building-level colleagues, Online communities (e.g. Facebook AP or subject groups), Workshops or meetings from other non-profit partners (e.g. nature centers, community groups), DPI - Department of Public Instruction
Alignment of units across grades and design of science units
30 -40 min dailyNo
Locally created lessons/units, Mystery Science
No, instructional materials are purchased at the district level.
Developed new standards-aligned units, Revised assessments, Brought in more student sensemaking of phenomena, Brought in more storylines where students make sense of phenomena over multiple units, Support more student talk/dialogue, Have students writing claim, evidence, reasoning explanations
Continued alignment and development of units
Yes - focused on equity, access and inclusion
Yes - developed by teachers and linked to science
Some classrooms have a maker space and it is separate
Yes, but currently our report card is being redesigned so I can not link it.
Prairie Hill Waldorf School
Networking with building-level colleagues, Online or in-person courses from higher ed, Workshops or meetings from other non-profit partners (e.g. nature centers, community groups)
we teach in blocks of 4 weeks; we have 3 science blocks / year (2 hours/day during the block)
Locally created lessons/units, Materials from Waldorf organizations
Locally created lessons/units, Materials from Waldorf organizations
no. We just went through a review and are confident in what we offer.
Developed rubrics based on the standards
Milwaukee Jewish Day School
School or district provided learning, Networking with building-level colleagues, Workshops or meetings from other non-profit partners (e.g. nature centers, community groups), Ed consultants and science curriculum providers
Help unpacking and aligning NGSS to K-8th classrooms
30-60min 2-3x a week in k-4th, 60mi 4x a week in 5-8th
Yes for 5th-8th. Not yet for younger grades.
Locally created lessons/units
Locally created lessons/units, IQWST
Re-developed or created a new scope and sequence, Adopted new, standards-aligned curriculum materials, Developed new standards-aligned units, Revised assessments, Brought in more student sensemaking of phenomena, Brought in more storylines where students make sense of phenomena over multiple units, Support more student talk/dialogue, Have students writing claim, evidence, reasoning explanations, Developed rubrics based on the standards
Continue this work in our K-4th classrooms
Yes, connected to science learning
Yes and yesYes
West Allis-West Milwaukee
School or district provided learning, Networking with building-level colleagues, CESA
More resources for teachers
Switch back and forth between science and social studies
There are I Can statements for each grade
Teachers follow the I Can Statements for each grade
Locally created lessons/units, Mystery Science, FOSS
Yes, we would be interested in more science materials
Created common grade level I Can Statements/GVC
We try not to.NANA
Yes, our district adopted Equity Beliefs
Depends on each school.
New Testament Christian Academy
School or district provided learning, Networking with building-level colleagues, CESA, Online or in-person courses from higher ed, DPI - Department of Public Instruction
STEM/ STEAM , robotics, Legos, Project Lead the Way,... STEM/STEAM opportunities and lessons for young children lessons (K3-8 grades)
Science is planned and alternated with social studies by the quarter.
Purposeful Design and Ignitia(?)
IgnitiaN/APossibly. New curriculaSometimes
No, we are primarily African- American.
We are attempting to develop a STEM program.
We have a limited science lab.
Yes, to a limited extent.
Seton Catholic Schools
School or district provided learning
40-50 min dailyYesYes
Locally created lessons/units, Mystery Science
Re-developed or created a new scope and sequence, Adopted new, standards-aligned curriculum materials, Support more student talk/dialogue, Have students writing claim, evidence, reasoning explanations
We just adopted Amplify for 6-8 this trimester. That is our focus!
Yes. Instructionally: Closing the instructional gap by 10% in ELA and Math (also goals in hiring, anti racist PD, etc.)
Yes based on NGSS
Milwaukee College Prep
School or district provided learning, NSTA - National Science Teaching Association
45-60 min every other day
Locally created lessons/units, Amplify
Adopted new, standards-aligned curriculum materials, Brought in more student sensemaking of phenomena
Shining Star Christian Schools
School or district provided learning, Networking with building-level colleagues, Online communities (e.g. Facebook AP or subject groups), Workshops or meetings from other non-profit partners (e.g. nature centers, community groups)
Depending on the campus, Middle School has science either every day or every other day. Elementary School it is 30 minutes or less, every other day or if they can fit it in.
Flexpoint/FLVS (Online curriculum)
Flexpoint/FLVS (Online curriculum)
No- We just implemented FLVS and it appears to be meeting our needs.
Re-developed or created a new scope and sequence, Adopted new, standards-aligned curriculum materials
Yes; Just implemented this year; no link available. There are about 3 standards for Science at each grade level.
Hamilton School District
School or district provided learning
More professional learning about the science practices and cross cutting concepts and how to naturally incorporate them into my instruction to model for students
40-50 min dailyYesMostlyAmplify, TCI
Locally created lessons/units, Lab Aids
Re-developed or created a new scope and sequence, Adopted new, standards-aligned curriculum materials, Developed new standards-aligned units, Revised assessments, Brought in more storylines where students make sense of phenomena over multiple units, Support more student talk/dialogue, Have students writing claim, evidence, reasoning explanations, Developed rubrics based on the standards
Continue to roll our our current plan
Rarelyyesyes separateno
yes-content and practices are assessed using rubrics
Richmond School
School or district provided learning, Online communities (e.g. Facebook AP or subject groups), Online or in-person courses from higher ed
I am good right now, working on Kesler Science and Blended Learning and how to incorporate in the science classroom.
40-50 min dailyYesMostlyMystery Science
PLTW - Project Lead the Way - Gateway, Kesler and Saavas
No, we are in the middle of a Saavas Subscription right now.
Adopted new, standards-aligned curriculum materials, Revised assessments, Have students writing claim, evidence, reasoning explanations, Developed rubrics based on the standards
Don't have any as of now.
RarelyNot sure.
Yes, we use it as an elective that is science based.
Yes, it is a stand alone class for grades K-5.
St. Paul Lutheran Grafton WI
WSST - Wisconsin Society of Science Teachers, Online communities (e.g. Facebook AP or subject groups), Online or in-person courses from higher ed
40-50 min dailyYesMostlySAVVAS ElevateSAVVAS Elavate
No Just purchased this curriculum
Developed new standards-aligned units
Wauwatosa School District- Roosevelt Elementary
School or district provided learning, Online communities (e.g. Facebook AP or subject groups)
30 min or less every other day
Locally created lessons/units, Sangari
Re-developed or created a new scope and sequence, Revised assessments, Brought in more student sensemaking of phenomena, Work started on the ones checked above, however, there has not been much follow through.
My specific school does not, however, we have two elementary STEM schools and two middle school STEM programs in our district.
My school does not, but other schools in the district have them.
Yes- Communicate scientific information; Core concepts and ideas of science; Model to represent ideas, explanations, and events; Gather and analyze data; Overall Effort
St. Josaphat Parish School / Archdiocese of Milwaukee
School or district provided learning
40-50 min dailyYesYes
Locally created lessons/units
Not at this time. What I do with what I have works.
Revised assessments, Support more student talk/dialogue, Have students writing claim, evidence, reasoning explanations
Continue to implement the new standards throughout the what we do.
Robotics Club is separate.
Yes. Separate.
Yes. The Archmil Standards.
Notre Dame School of Milwaukee, Archdiocese of Milwaukee
WSST - Wisconsin Society of Science Teachers, Online communities (e.g. Facebook AP or subject groups), NSTA - National Science Teaching Association, Online or in-person courses from higher ed, Workshops or meetings from other non-profit partners (e.g. nature centers, community groups)
45 min, three days a week
Personally created lessons (me), Museum of Science and Industry (girls campus0
NO - the younger grades are happy enough with FOSS and I'm happy enough doing my own thing!
Re-developed or created a new scope and sequence, Developed new standards-aligned units, Revised assessments, Brought in more student sensemaking of phenomena, Brought in more storylines where students make sense of phenomena over multiple units, Support more student talk/dialogue, Have students writing claim, evidence, reasoning explanations, Developed rubrics based on the standards, The Archdiocese of Milwaukee has a set of standards that look exactly like the NGSS....
noneSometimesI'm not sure.
Sort of - Supposedly I am the STEM coordinator- what it means is that I share resources as i find them and then I teach the 1st -4th grade classes once or twice a month. Those lessons are typically 45 minutes and I try to design a lesson that is engineering based and related to what they are currently learning.
not really - we are standards based learning but traditional grading (don;t get me going on this). We should be moving to a 4 pint scale next year.
Mt. Olive Lutheran School
School or district provided learning, Workshops or meetings from other non-profit partners (e.g. nature centers, community groups)
30 min or less every other day
BJU Press Science Curriculum
No, just chose this curriculum this year
Adopted new, standards-aligned curriculum materials, Support more student talk/dialogue
Review curriculum after initial year's use
We have STEM specific projects built in throughout our new curriculum
Meadowbrook Elementary School- Waukesha
School or district provided learning
Science alternates with Social Studies instruction. This typically is about a 30-minute block each day. If a unit requires daily instruction for a prolonged period of time, we honor that.
Not to my knowledge
Re-developed or created a new scope and sequence
I implement what is shared with me. We have a Science representative from our building who is part of this work as a district.
We are in the midst of redeveloping one.
We do not have a STEM program at our school, but our district offers both an elementary and middle STEM school.
Yes- we have carts that are occasionally used by teachers for PBL projects.
Mahone Middle School, KUSD
School or district provided learning, Networking with building-level colleagues, WSST - Wisconsin Society of Science Teachers, NSTA - National Science Teaching Association, Online or in-person courses from higher ed, Workshops or meetings from other non-profit partners (e.g. nature centers, community groups)
I woul dlike our district to align itself with WSST and NSTA's philosphy on use of specific strategies that help us develop students to think like scientists in the classroom.
50-60 min daily
not in the district, but we have taken the curriculum purchased and developed the scope and sequence so we can scaffold the units based on development needs of our students and in preparation for the 8th grade expectations on the FORWARD.
HMH - Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
No, however, science should be starting their first year of the adoption cycle sometime this summer for the next school year (2022.23 school year).
Re-developed or created a new scope and sequence, Developed new standards-aligned units, Revised assessments, Brought in more student sensemaking of phenomena, Brought in more storylines where students make sense of phenomena over multiple units, Support more student talk/dialogue, Have students writing claim, evidence, reasoning explanations, Developed rubrics based on the standards
Determining levels of proficiency for standards being assess within in each unit of study. We focus heavily on the formal lab report (CER) with each grade level prioritizing the level of proficiency by scaffolding the CER process. By the time they exit 8th grade, our students are proficient or at the very least have a foundation of the scientific inquiry process and can justify their thinking through inquiry (formal lab process).
Yes, Educational outcome disparities are not the result of deficiencies in marginalized communities' cultures, mind sets, or grittiness, but rather of inequities. Equity initiatives focus, not on fixing marginalized people, but on fixing the conditions the marginalize people. - Paul Giorski - Equity in our district is about 1. Reducint the predictability of who succeeds and who fails. 2. Equity is interrupting reproductive practices that negatively impact vulnerable and marginalized students. 3. Equity is cultivating the unique gifts and talents of every student.
Ye, but unfortunately it is separate.
Yes, but it is not connected to science learning. It is housed in the library and does have many inquiry supported thinking.
(said they don't receive it)
Garland School Milwaukee Public Schools
School or district provided learning
In-person professional development.
40-50 min dailyYesYes
HMH - Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
No, as we just began a new adoption this year.
Re-developed or created a new scope and sequence, Adopted new, standards-aligned curriculum materials, Developed new standards-aligned units
Follow the new adoption while differentiating it for all learners.
Yes, we do and always have an equity initiative
Yes, we implement STEM into our science, math, technology, and art programs.
Yes, though we grade by rubrics.
School District of Monroe
School or district provided learning, Networking with building-level colleagues, CESA, WSST - Wisconsin Society of Science Teachers, Online communities (e.g. Facebook AP or subject groups), NSTA - National Science Teaching Association, Online or in-person courses from higher ed, DPI - Department of Public Instruction
> 60 min dailyYesMostly
Locally created lessons/units, Open Education Resources (OER) such as iHub, HHMI, etc., PLTW - Project Lead the Way
Not for a few years
Re-developed or created a new scope and sequence, Adopted new, standards-aligned curriculum materials, Developed new standards-aligned units, Revised assessments, Have students writing claim, evidence, reasoning explanations, Developed rubrics based on the standards
RarelyFew studentsSome studentsMost studentsNo studentsnonayesseparateyes separatestarting to
Delavan-Darien High School
School or district provided learning, Networking with building-level colleagues, CESA, Online communities (e.g. Facebook AP or subject groups), Workshops or meetings from other non-profit partners (e.g. nature centers, community groups)
40-50 min dailyYesYesHMH
No. We just adopted new curriculum for science materials.
Adopted new, standards-aligned curriculum materials, Revised assessments, Support more student talk/dialogue, Have students writing claim, evidence, reasoning explanations, Incorporating Close Read strategy, along with John Hattie strategies of "Teacher Clarity" and "Classroom Discourse", while also implementing TPT's (Total Participation Techniques).
Continually review data in our PLC's to show we're impacting the growth of all students.
NeverFew studentsMost studentsNo studentsNo students
We strive to treat all students equitably, therefore requiring Biology as an entry point, followed by either Core-Chemistry or Chemistry, based on a students college/career pathway.
No, however, we do strive to meet the individual needs/desires/goals of all students, regardless of gender, race, etc...
Yes, but not connected necessarily to science/math. If a student desires to take a STEM course, they're openly invited, and they commit to that out of self-selection based on college/career interest.
Yes, it began as a stand-alone lab, but is now integrated into our business/science/CTE space.
Jefferson High School School District of Jefferson
School or district provided learning, Networking with building-level colleagues, Online communities (e.g. Facebook AP or subject groups), DPI - Department of Public Instruction
> 60 min every other day
YesMostlyMystery ScienceFOSS
Locally created lessons/units, Open Education Resources (OER) such as iHub, HHMI, etc., Biology- Storylines from Illinois Teachers
Yes- We are currenlty realigning our core curriculum courses and looking for gaps in our curriculum. We are also looking at Storylines that have been developed for Chemistry. In addition we are looking to add a new semester course in Zoology.
Re-developed or created a new scope and sequence, Adopted new, standards-aligned curriculum materials, Revised assessments, Brought in more storylines where students make sense of phenomena over multiple units, Have students writing claim, evidence, reasoning explanations
We are in the 3rd year of implementing the Biology Storylines. We are looking to add Zoology and to implement some units of study next fall in Chemsitry involving Storylines.
RarelyFew studentsMost studentsNo studentsNo studentsN/ANoYes; no it is not.No
School District of Jefferson
School or district provided learning, Networking with building-level colleagues, Online communities (e.g. Facebook AP or subject groups)
I like to be continually updated on best practices in teaching science and using the NGSS.
40-50 min dailyYesYes
Locally created lessons/units, Open Education Resources (OER) such as iHub, HHMI, etc., ISTA Storylines in Biology
Our physical science and chem teachers are looking at different storylining curricula
Re-developed or created a new scope and sequence, Adopted new, standards-aligned curriculum materials, Developed new standards-aligned units, Revised assessments, Brought in more storylines where students make sense of phenomena over multiple units, Support more student talk/dialogue, Have students writing claim, evidence, reasoning explanations
Aligning all of our courses with NGSS.
NeverFew studentsNo studentsNo students
Bio, Phys Sci, various 3rd year
Yes. It is connected to our tech ed department.
School District of Janesville
Networking with building-level colleagues, WSST - Wisconsin Society of Science Teachers, Online communities (e.g. Facebook AP or subject groups), NSTA - National Science Teaching Association, Workshops or meetings from other non-profit partners (e.g. nature centers, community groups), DPI - Department of Public Instruction
3D implementation frameworks (adoption, professional learning, resource alignment, curriculum, SBG, instructional frameworks, etc.)
ES: supposed to be 30 min every other day but some do not get to it, MS/HS: ~42-48 minutes
at some levels fully implemented and others are re-working related to adoption cycles
mixed based on level and/or building and course
Inspire Science
Currently using iScience and supplementing with Gizmos. We will implement openscied in 22-23
Locally created lessons/units, Open Education Resources (OER) such as iHub, HHMI, etc., PLTW - Project Lead the Way, AP, articulated, Glencoe, really a mixture across the board based on core and/or elective area
yes- general chemistry, Earth (earth/space integrated), A&P, K-5
Re-developed or created a new scope and sequence, Adopted new, standards-aligned curriculum materials, Revised assessments, Brought in more student sensemaking of phenomena, Have students writing claim, evidence, reasoning explanations, Developed rubrics based on the standards, depends on grade band K-5: none, MS: SEP integration and new adoption, HS: curriculum work and bio adoption
MS: implementation of Openscied followed by curriculum work; ES: eventual adoption, HS: curricular work around common asseessments and SBG, as well as resource adoption and alignment
mostly happens K5 if it does- we keep students in core
Few studentsFew studentsSome studentsSome students
we have an equity statement and utilize equity practices
Yes, both
Yes in some schools, usage and purpose of space varies by building, teacher, etc.
yes, K-8 and are moving that way 9-12
Wisconsin Heights Middle School
School or district provided learning, Networking with building-level colleagues, WSST - Wisconsin Society of Science Teachers, Online communities (e.g. Facebook AP or subject groups), NSTA - National Science Teaching Association
Making inquiry based labs
40-50 min daily
Kind of mixed around. Middle school is more structured than the high school as for grade levels
Locally created lessons/units, Amplify, DiscoveryEd
Developed new standards-aligned units, Revised assessments, Brought in more student sensemaking of phenomena, Have students writing claim, evidence, reasoning explanations
Still working on implementing CER in building steps from 6th all the way to 12th grade, gradually releasing supports
SometimesFew studentsMost studentsSome studentsFew studentsN/A, unsureUnsureno
no but there is a space for tech ed
Shabazz High School, Madison Metropolitan School District
School or district provided learning, Networking with building-level colleagues, Workshops or meetings from other non-profit partners (e.g. nature centers, community groups)
I'd love to have space and time to shadow other schools/programs.
> 60 min dailyYesMostly
Locally created lessons/units
It would be nice to have access to them at least to utilize as useful.
Re-developed or created a new scope and sequence, Adopted new, standards-aligned curriculum materials, Developed new standards-aligned units, Revised assessments, Brought in more student sensemaking of phenomena, Brought in more storylines where students make sense of phenomena over multiple units, Support more student talk/dialogue, Have students writing claim, evidence, reasoning explanations, Developed rubrics based on the standards
Continue to work on sequencing classes and experiences within classes.
RarelyFew studentsSome studentsSome studentsSome students
We try to give students a wide range of choices in courses that are high interest, so we have a high amount of choice.
WE do our best to support students on all levels and assess data as such.
Yes. Continue to support and assess how we address the needs of students of color in our buildings'.
Yes. Only math and science class. Not something explicitly STEM.
No. It would be great though to have the space.
Not yet. Slowly working on it.
Janesville School District
School or district provided learning, Networking with building-level colleagues, WSST - Wisconsin Society of Science Teachers, Online communities (e.g. Facebook AP or subject groups), NSTA - National Science Teaching Association, DPI - Department of Public Instruction
Varies by level and building. 6-12 ~47 min and K-5 ~0-30 min 0-3 times per week
Yesvaries by levelinspireOpenSciEd
Locally created lessons/units, Open Education Resources (OER) such as iHub, HHMI, etc., PLTW - Project Lead the Way
Yes- in an adoption cycle
Re-developed or created a new scope and sequence, Adopted new, standards-aligned curriculum materials, Revised assessments, Have students writing claim, evidence, reasoning explanations, Developed rubrics based on the standards
Curriculum adoption and support for the instructional shifts
RarelyFew studentsSome studentsSome studentsSome studentsYes
yes- both, varies by level/building
yes- both, varies by level/building
yes- K-8. Varies by level but gist is a DCI type standard and the rest reflect grouped SEPs/skills
Clinton Community School District
School or district provided learning, NSTA - National Science Teaching Association
40-50 min dailyNo
No scope & sequence
Locally created lessons/units
Yes--new science class is being taught
Developed new standards-aligned units, Revised assessments, Have students writing claim, evidence, reasoning explanations, Developed rubrics based on the standards
RarelyMost studentsFew studentsFew studentsFew studentsN/a
Yes--honors students and non-honors students are placed in the same science course so that they are all provided the same learning opportunities.
Yes--there are three Pillars used throughout all science courses: data investigation, modeling, and communicating science ideas.
Union Grove Union High School District
Networking with building-level colleagues, CESA, Online communities (e.g. Facebook AP or subject groups), WSELA
3-D Assessment, How to help those who are reluctant to adjust from the "old way" of teaching
~83 minute block each day for 2 terms for most classes (AP Chem and AP Bio are 83 minute blocks each day for 4 terms)
The process is currently in progress.
Depends on the teacher
N/A: We are a 9-12 district
N/A: We are a 9-12 district
Locally created lessons/units, American Modeling Teachers Association (AMTA), PLTW - Project Lead the Way
No. We are fairly happen the skeletons of the AMTA materials, but we are always modifying to improve and fill "holes"
Re-developed or created a new scope and sequence, Adopted new, standards-aligned curriculum materials, Developed new standards-aligned units, Revised assessments, Brought in more student sensemaking of phenomena, Support more student talk/dialogue, Have students writing claim, evidence, reasoning explanations, Developed rubrics based on the standards
Continue the development of updated Scope/Sequence and find development opportunities for those who are reluctant to adapt to the new changes
RarelyMost studentsSome studentsNo studentsNo students
Next year we will be adding an Earth and Space Science option so that most students will go Bio --> Chem --> Physics or Earth and Space
Not that I am aware of
Yes, but it is largely separate. We, the Science Department, have been pushing for stronger ties, but it does not seem to be a high priority item.
No, but the engineering teacher has been working hard on securing fund for this type of space.
New Glarus School District
School or district provided learning, Networking with building-level colleagues, DPI - Department of Public Instruction
> 60 min dailyYesYesCKLA
PLTW - Project Lead the Way - Gateway
Locally created lessons/units
Yes. We are waiting to see some reviews on EdReports for high quality high school curriculum.
Developed new standards-aligned units, Revised assessments
Implement a high quality curriculum at the middle and high school level
NeverMost studentsMost students
We have eliminated any lower tracks that would take students out of our expected courses.
Yes- closing gaps with our most underrepresented populations.
Not formally, but several departments do.
O'Keeffe MS, MMSD
School or district provided learning, Networking with building-level colleagues, WSST - Wisconsin Society of Science Teachers, NSTA - National Science Teaching Association
None. I'd like the district to honor science more and give us more time and latitude for integrated science learning.
40-50 min dailyYesMostlyAmplify
Locally created lessons/units
Not that I know of. We recently adopted Amplify. It's not popular with teachers in my building.
Adopted new, standards-aligned curriculum materials
In my first year of Amplify, I'm focusing on getting the gist of the phenomena and story lines.
RarelyMost students??Yes.
I think the HS does. I've been discouraged from using my Advanced Math space as a STEM space. I don't know why.
Yes. Separate from science, but available to us if we can make the time.
Yes. Categories are the unit names from Amplify.
Washington Caldwell School District
School or district provided learning, CESA, Workshops or meetings from other non-profit partners (e.g. nature centers, community groups), DPI - Department of Public Instruction
NSTA and WSST PD for all staff focusing on science and STEAM philosophy and application integration.
35 - 45 min every other day
Locally created lessons/units, PLTW - Project Lead the Way - Launch
Locally created lessons/units, PLTW - Project Lead the Way - Gateway
Yes, we are beginning to identify and align our science curriculum, resources and practices.
Adopted new, standards-aligned curriculum materials, Support more student talk/dialogue, Have students writing claim, evidence, reasoning explanations
Continue to identify needs, resources and create consistent and clear expectations for science instruction. We are developing a strategic plan to embed STEAM into our daily work across the content areas.
SometimesNo studentsNo studentsNo studentsNo studentsn/an/a
yes, to provide resources to support all students.
no- we are in the process of defining and identifying needs to build a strong platform for STEAM as a focus of our work.
yes, being developed. It is somewhat connected.
Williams Bay School District
Networking with building-level colleagues, WSST - Wisconsin Society of Science Teachers, Online communities (e.g. Facebook AP or subject groups), NSTA - National Science Teaching Association, Online or in-person courses from higher ed, Workshops or meetings from other non-profit partners (e.g. nature centers, community groups)
> 60 min every other day
Locally created lessons/units, HMH
Locally created lessons/units, HMH - Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Locally created lessons/units, Open Education Resources (OER) such as iHub, HHMI, etc.
Re-developed or created a new scope and sequence, Adopted new, standards-aligned curriculum materials, Developed new standards-aligned units, Brought in more student sensemaking of phenomena, Brought in more storylines where students make sense of phenomena over multiple units, Support more student talk/dialogue, Have students writing claim, evidence, reasoning explanations
Revising our assessments and rubrics based upon performance expectations
RarelySome studentsMost studentsNo studentsNo studentsN/A
We do not have a formal equity initiative as it relates to science instruction.
Connected to science learning. We are working towards implementing a complete STEM program with the inclusion of a menu of engineering elective options.
Yes, it is formally connected to both science learning and the technology department.
Not formally. We are working towards curriculum alignment that incorporates standards-based grading at the moment.
FJ Turner High School, School District of Beloit Turner
School or district provided learning, Networking with building-level colleagues, CESA, Online communities (e.g. Facebook AP or subject groups), Individual Contracts
Rigor and Alignment of Assessments to the standards
> 60 min every other day
Locally created lessons/units
Re-developed or created a new scope and sequence, Developed new standards-aligned units, Revised assessments
Some studentsMost studentsNo studentsNo students
Bio, Broadfield, Chem (as alternative to Bio-Chem)
We have de-tracked all our course sequences. The "regular" pathway has the same rigor expectations as the "alternative" pathway. Passion drives the decisions, not performance.
Equity is a constant lens, though no formal identified "initiative"
Yes, separate.
Yes, available to whole building. Primarily used by STEM
Oregon High School
Networking with building-level colleagues, WSST - Wisconsin Society of Science Teachers, Online communities (e.g. Facebook AP or subject groups), ChemEd and AACT Webinars
I honestly have no time for more professional learning this year
40-50 min dailyYesMostly
Locally created lessons/units, American Modeling Teachers Association (AMTA), PLTW - Project Lead the Way
We are always adding new ideas to our locally created lessons. We have adopted NGSS
Re-developed or created a new scope and sequence, Developed new standards-aligned units, Support more student talk/dialogue, Have students writing claim, evidence, reasoning explanations, I am only aware of work done at the high school level
Adding more 3-D assessments
RarelySome studentsMost studentsNo studentsNo students
We do not have a course called physical science. Freshmen who are not ready for biology take Environmental Science, Applied Physics, and/or Earth and Space Science. All are one semester stand alone courses.
I don't know
We have a focus on equity and I can't describe it
We have a STEM course at the middle school level
Yes. At the high school it is connected to and used by our Technology Education department, but is near science.
Union Grove Union High School
School or district provided learning, Networking with building-level colleagues
I need to pro-actively search out other options listed above. I know that NSTA, AAPT have good resources. I just need to use them.
Locally created lessons/units, American Modeling Teachers Association (AMTA), PLTW - Project Lead the Way
Not at this time - the above materials are well-structured.
Re-developed or created a new scope and sequence, Adopted new, standards-aligned curriculum materials, Revised assessments, Brought in more student sensemaking of phenomena
Reviewing alignment
Some studentsSome studentsNo studentsNo studentsUnsureUnsureUnsureUnsureNo
DeForest Area High School, DeForest Area Schools
School or district provided learning, Online communities (e.g. Facebook AP or subject groups)
differentiated instruction in higher level classes, like Physics
> 60 min every other day
Locally created lessons/units
Locally created lessons/units, Open Education Resources (OER) such as iHub, HHMI, etc., American Modeling Teachers Association (AMTA), PLTW - Project Lead the Way
no, I think we are generally happy with what we have and are doing, and are seeing positive student interest and performance growth.
Re-developed or created a new scope and sequence, Developed new standards-aligned units, Revised assessments, Brought in more storylines where students make sense of phenomena over multiple units, Have students writing claim, evidence, reasoning explanations, Developed rubrics based on the standards
We are eliminating Physical Science as our 9th grade course, and moving all 9th graders to taking Biology. This will mean that Chemistry moves down to a largely 10th grade class, and Physics to 11th. These changes will require revising the curriculum in all three course to meet those students at their level, and to differentiate to wider range of student needs.
SometimesSome studentsSome studentsSome studentsSome students
No systematic process exists, but the change to 9th grade Biology is in part to equalize access to biology as the 9th grade course. In the past, parents 'in the know' would agitate that their kid should be allowed to skip Physical Science and take Biology, and there was really nothing we could do to stop it. We have tried in the past few years to seek out 8th graders who are academically advanced, and suggest that they take Biology, but that pool is still underrepresenting non-white student populations.
The Science Dept. is starting to collect data on under-represented groups in the upper level courses, to see if any changes we make impact student enrollment in those classes.
yes, the district has a strong commitment to Equity, but I don't think there is a clear set of actions to improve educational equity in the high school.
no, because while we have the tools and materials, the district is not willing to pay staff to supervise a maker space in after school hours, and no staff are interested in doing so voluntarily.
Yes, sort of. We are all supposed to be using standards-based grading, but each course is allowed to determine what that looks like, so some courses are much more standards-based in the grading than others.
Oregon High School
School or district provided learning, WSST - Wisconsin Society of Science Teachers, Online communities (e.g. Facebook AP or subject groups), NSTA - National Science Teaching Association, WSELA
40-50 min dailyYesMostly
Locally created lessons/units, FOSS
Locally created lessons/units
Locally created lessons/units, Open Education Resources (OER) such as iHub, HHMI, etc.
Re-developed or created a new scope and sequence, Adopted new, standards-aligned curriculum materials, Developed new standards-aligned units, Revised assessments, Brought in more student sensemaking of phenomena, Support more student talk/dialogue, Have students writing claim, evidence, reasoning explanations
RarelySome students
We purposely do not have a standard pathway to allow students to make their own path
We are trying to encourage kids to have at least one course in each strand of the NGSS (Earth/Space, Physical, Life) but the district isn't ready to mandate that.
I know we are currently working on our equity initiative, but I don't know that we have anything formal yet.'s part of tech ed.
Not yet...definitely coming though
Kenosha Unified2Yes
Networking with building-level colleagues, WSST - Wisconsin Society of Science Teachers
> 60 min dailyYesMostly
Locally created lessons/units, PLTW - Project Lead the Way
Developed new standards-aligned units
RarelySome students?yesnoyes
School District of Beloit
WSST - Wisconsin Society of Science Teachers, NSTA - National Science Teaching Association, Online or in-person courses from higher ed, DPI - Department of Public Instruction
I would like to see more on instructional leaders leading the change in their districts.
30 -40 min dailyYesMostly
Amplify, Mystery Science, HMH Science Dimensions
Locally created lessons/units
Need to find more NGSS aligned materials for the high school level.
Re-developed or created a new scope and sequence, Adopted new, standards-aligned curriculum materials, Developed new standards-aligned units, Have students writing claim, evidence, reasoning explanations
Getting high a school to have units more aligned to NGSS and then looking at redoing the K-3 program
SometimesMost students
This is a current focus. Very few students of color take AP and honors and a 4th science class.
Yea. We are working on providing all students with a solid science foundation. We are keeping our eye on the data to ensure what we are doing is working for all of our students.
We are in the process of connecting the various programs to make one STEM vision.
In the elementary schools it is part of the library. We also have a small maker space at our alternative school.
Yes for K-5. The standards are based on the practices. I hope this link works, otherwise, email me and I will directly share it with you.
Monroe High School
WSST - Wisconsin Society of Science Teachers, Online communities (e.g. Facebook AP or subject groups), Online or in-person courses from higher ed, Workshops or meetings from other non-profit partners (e.g. nature centers, community groups)
I do appreciate a good summer workshop
50-60 min daily
We are getting there, but not there yet.
Locally created lessons/units, FOSS
Locally created lessons/units
Locally created lessons/units
Developed new standards-aligned units, Revised assessments, Developed rubrics based on the standards
complete writing essential questions and learning targets
RarelyMost students
bio and chem can be taken concurrently.
yes, separate. PLTW
no (but working toward it)
School District of Milton
School or district provided learning, Networking with building-level colleagues, Workshops or meetings from other non-profit partners (e.g. nature centers, community groups)
30 -40 min dailyYesYes
HMH - Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
PLTW - Project Lead the Way
Re-developed or created a new scope and sequence, Developed new standards-aligned units, Have students writing claim, evidence, reasoning explanations, Developed rubrics based on the standards
transition to SBGNeverMost studentsnono
working on it this year
Delavan-Darien School District
School or district provided learning, Networking with building-level colleagues, DPI - Department of Public Instruction
understanding different science curricula - what other districts are using? What is the most impactful?
40-50 min dailyYesMostly
HMH Science Dimensions
Yes, we are in our last year with IQWST
Re-developed or created a new scope and sequence, Adopted new, standards-aligned curriculum materials, Support more student talk/dialogue, Have students writing claim, evidence, reasoning explanations
Science/social studies instructional coach is leading this process, so not sure what is coming next
NeverMost studentsN/A
No - but we need to move forward with that
NoYes, separate No
Watertown High school
School or district provided learning, Networking with building-level colleagues, Online communities (e.g. Facebook AP or subject groups), NSTA - National Science Teaching Association, Online or in-person courses from higher ed, DPI - Department of Public Instruction
> 60 min daily
For our school - yes - for the district - no
Locally created lessons/units, Open Education Resources (OER) such as iHub, HHMI, etc., PLTW - Project Lead the Way
Most likely AP Physics textbooks.
Re-developed or created a new scope and sequence, Adopted new, standards-aligned curriculum materials, Developed new standards-aligned units, Revised assessments, Brought in more student sensemaking of phenomena, Support more student talk/dialogue, Have students writing claim, evidence, reasoning explanations, Developed rubrics based on the standards
WICOR and AVID strategies for literacy
SometimesMost students
We have guidance counselors help during the registration process, we also meet with students individually as needed, we talk about the courses in all of our science classes, and we get a list of students who have registered for each course to ensure they are taking the right courses for what they need/want.
I do not know.
Yes - yes it is connected to science learning.
Yes - both
The high school does not but our Endeavor Charter School does (a separate school entity than the high school).
School or district provided learning, WSST - Wisconsin Society of Science Teachers, NSTA - National Science Teaching Association, Workshops or meetings from other non-profit partners (e.g. nature centers, community groups), DPI - Department of Public Instruction
30 -40 min dailyYesMostlyAmplifyAmplify
no for k-8, yes for some specific HS courses
Adopted new, standards-aligned curriculum materials, Revised assessments, Brought in more student sensemaking of phenomena, Brought in more storylines where students make sense of phenomena over multiple units, Support more student talk/dialogue, Have students writing claim, evidence, reasoning explanations
NeverMost students
yes, but we are re-doing our website and I can't find the specific verbiage the district uses.
some schools have a specific STEM class students can choose to enroll in. It depends on the school on if it is connected to science learning or if it is more of a maker space.
some do
Yes-ish. We are standards based as in teachers are grading based on selected focus DCIs but we do not have a good rubric. All entered grades then get boiled down into one letter grade for Science.
Yorkville Elementary
WSST - Wisconsin Society of Science Teachers
40-50 min dailyYesMostly
HMH Science Dimensions
HMH - Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Adopted new, standards-aligned curriculum materials, Brought in more student sensemaking of phenomena, Support more student talk/dialogue, Have students writing claim, evidence, reasoning explanations
RarelyMost studentsnononono
BASD - Burlington
Online communities (e.g. Facebook AP or subject groups), NSTA - National Science Teaching Association, Workshops or meetings from other non-profit partners (e.g. nature centers, community groups)
40-50 min dailyYesMostly
Locally created lessons/units, Open Education Resources (OER) such as iHub, HHMI, etc.
no. Show me the money
nothingSometimesMost studentsnot much...not sureyesno
we will be next year. Terrible concept.
St John's Lutheran School
School or district provided learning, Online or in-person courses from higher ed
none40-50 min dailyYesYes
Locally created lessons/units, PLTW - Project Lead the Way - Launch, McGraw-Hill
Locally created lessons/units, PLTW - Project Lead the Way - Gateway, McGraw-Hill
noSometimesMost studentsn/an/anoyes - connectednono
WSST - Wisconsin Society of Science Teachers, NSTA - National Science Teaching Association, Online or in-person courses from higher ed, Amplify Science/Lawrence Hall of Science
40-50 min dailyYesMostlyAmplifyAmplify
Adopted new, standards-aligned curriculum materials, Brought in more student sensemaking of phenomena, Brought in more storylines where students make sense of phenomena over multiple units, Support more student talk/dialogue, Have students writing claim, evidence, reasoning explanations
SometimesMost students
yes - The office of Equity and Engagement actively uses universal and targeted strategies aimed to disrupt societal and historical inequities and eliminate disparities based on race and socioeconomic status so that our entire learning community, including all staff and all students, benefit and thrive.
Beloit Memorial High School/ School District of Beloit
School or district provided learning, Networking with building-level colleagues, CESA, NSTA - National Science Teaching Association, Online or in-person courses from higher ed, Workshops or meetings from other non-profit partners (e.g. nature centers, community groups)
> 60 min daily
We are in the process of evaluating and revising our K-12 science articulation.
Mystery Science, K-3 is Mystery Science, 4-5 is Amplify
Locally created lessons/units
Yes, looking to move to Project Based Learning for 9th grade Physical Science
Support more student talk/dialogue, Have students writing claim, evidence, reasoning explanations, Developed rubrics based on the standards, We use the NGSS.
SometimesMost students
All classes are open to all students. We do not have pre-requisite grade requirements. We very much focus on eliminating barriers for students.
Yes. Again, there is no tracking. We encourage all students to go as far as they can in the levels of science.
Yes - PLTW Engineering, provided by the Tech Ed. Dept.
Not yet, but we are moving in that direction.
School District of Belleville
School or district provided learning, Networking with building-level colleagues, PLTW
More opportunities to explore science resources at reasonable costs
30 -40 min dailyNo
We know which units are taught in each grade level in PLTW but we know these units don't cover all science standards.
PLTW - Project Lead the Way - Launch
PLTW - Project Lead the Way - Gateway
I'm not sure
Yes- looking for science materials in grades 5-6 to supplement
Developed new standards-aligned units, Support more student talk/dialogue
Need to revisit with our ELA review as we take an integrated approach
I'm only at the elementary level
One of our district core values- not a true initiative
Yes- connected with PLTW and high school STEAM courses
High school yes- elementary school- no
Lakewood School/Twin Lakes District #4
Current best practices
30 min or less every other day
Fusion Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Locally created lessons/units, Fusion Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Yes. The teachers say the current materials are not engaging. We would also like to add PLTW back in.
I am just starting in this role. We need to create a scope and sequence and review materials.
I am not sure yet because there are issues with the reading materials and social studies materials as well.
Darien Elementary, Delavan-Darien School District
School or district provided learning, Networking with building-level colleagues, CESA
Not sure at this time
40-50 min dailyYesMostly
HMH Science Dimensions
No-just purchased within the last 2 years.
Adopted new, standards-aligned curriculum materials, Support more student talk/dialogue, Have students writing claim, evidence, reasoning explanations
Discussions around asseessment
Yes (Science 3 (Overall Grade)
Science Process
Observes, asks questions, collects data
Applies scientific process
Science Content
Discusses scientific ideas
Demonstrates an understanding of scientific content and
Douglas Elementary - Watertown Unified School District
School or district provided learning, Networking with building-level colleagues, Videos found online about standards, Using online platforms - mystery science, generation genius
Clarification for my elementary teachers on the science standards, units for their grade level, and how to assess student learning —- specifically showing an “old” science test as compared to a new assessment for the current standards would be great.
30 min or less every other day
We have the units mapped out for each grade level, not specific targets
Mystery Science, Generation Genius
Yes! We have mystery science and generation genius, and want to make sure we are on the right track. We have not explored other resources.
Re-developed or created a new scope and sequence, Adopted new, standards-aligned curriculum materials, Developed new standards-aligned units
I think our teachers would benefit from working with someone on assessments and understanding the targets/standards. Also, strategies for engaging students in science would be great.
No - our media specialists do integrate stem into their classes
Yes - reading, writing, math, science, social studies, music, PE, art —- though we do not have specific science standards on our report card
Reek Elementary Linn J6
School or district provided learning, NGSS website
50-60 min daily
We are about to adopt a new curriculum - so there will be.
Amplify, FOSS, We currently use dated Foss resources. We will soon have Amplify
Amplify, We currently use dated Foss resources. We will soon have Amplify
Yes, we enjoy a variety of options for reaching kids!
Adopted new, standards-aligned curriculum materials, Support more student talk/dialogue, Have students writing claim, evidence, reasoning explanations
All of middle school will be switching to Amplify Science in the coming weeks.
Yes - it is a separate class for all students - every day for a quarter of the year.
yes - (A= 90%-100%) (B=80%-89%) (C=70%-79%) (D=60%-69%) (F= <59%)
Marshall Public Schools
School or district provided learning, Networking with building-level colleagues, CESA
> 60 min every other day
NoNoMystery Science
Locally created lessons/units
Locally created lessons/units
yes, we are in the process of prioritizing content standards, creating unit plans and a scope and sequence.
Have students writing claim, evidence, reasoning explanations
Prioritizing standards, creating unit plans and creating a k-12 scope and sequence
Science 9 (integrated year long course), Human Biology (1 sem) required for all various other options to meet requirements
yes -working on foundational instruction using GRR framework so all students are brought into CL and guided instruction is occurring.
Preschool of the Arts
School or district provided learning, Online communities (e.g. Facebook AP or subject groups), Workshops or meetings from other non-profit partners (e.g. nature centers, community groups), Felllow teachers at the school
How to implement inquiry based science in the classroom.
We typically touch on nature based science each day, even though it isn't scheduled into our curriculum.
Locally created lessons/units
Not exactly. We are always open to new ideas and materials, but we aren't actively searching at this time.
Brought in more student sensemaking of phenomena, Brought in more storylines where students make sense of phenomena over multiple units, Support more student talk/dialogue, Have students writing claim, evidence, reasoning explanations, Developed rubrics based on the standards
Exploring science tops that are relevant to the lives of our students.
We have a school-wide group called the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee
Yes. It is inclusive of our science expiration.
Hickory Hill Academy
School or district provided learning
I would love information on any science & STEM specific trainings available online or in my area in Dane county.
We get 45 minutes for 3 days a week for science and 45 for one day per week for STEM for each classroom..
Yes, but I have a lot of freedom to add to the curriculum and create my own as well.
I am the lead and I do follow it and also add to it as our students are somewhat advanced in science and nature studies.
Locally created lessons/units, TCI - Bringing Science Alive
Looking for support materials but not a whole curriculum.
Adopted new, standards-aligned curriculum materials, Developed new standards-aligned units, Brought in more student sensemaking of phenomena, Brought in more storylines where students make sense of phenomena over multiple units, Support more student talk/dialogue, Have students writing claim, evidence, reasoning explanations
We have a curriculum that is aligned with NGSS but we also have our own private school standards (that are very similar to NGSS).
RarelyI am not sure.
Yes, we began it this year but I am creating it as I go and utilizing online curriculum resources from various sources. It is directly connected to our science classes that I teach and often it ties into the curriculum lesson we are in.
We have a maker space for summer and are creating one for our new school that will be built in a year or two. We do have a science school bus that has heat and air conditioning that we can utilize for a nature oriented learning space.
We discuss standards goals with parents, but there are not specific grades.
Saint Maria Goretti Catholic School, Diocese of Madison
Wer aren't really... beyond curriculum support from a publisher upon adopting a new curriculum.
Job-embedded; Planning Instruction (What do I want students to know / be able to do? How will I know they've learned it? What will I do if they've already learned it? What will I do if they haven't learned it yet?).
< 30min. 3-4x/week in elementary; approx. 50min/day 4x/week in Middle School
We don't go beyond Grade 8
We will be renewing Science curriculum within the next 2-3 years.
Adopted new, standards-aligned curriculum materials
Curriculum mapping; PLC planning and response to student learning (RtI)
N/A as we don't go beyond Grade 8
No, we are a Catholic school that acknowledges that every student being created in God's Image and Likeness. We want every child to know 1) Why they were created. 2) What their purpose in life is. 3) What is their ultimate destiny.
Monroe Middle School - Monroe School District
School or district provided learning, Networking with building-level colleagues, WSST - Wisconsin Society of Science Teachers, Online communities (e.g. Facebook AP or subject groups)
50-60 min dailyYesYes
Locally created lessons/units
Not currently - we have worked hard to develop our scope and sequence and are happy with the rigor and variety of our curriculum.
Re-developed or created a new scope and sequence, Adopted new, standards-aligned curriculum materials, Revised assessments, Support more student talk/dialogue, Have students writing claim, evidence, reasoning explanations
Yes - maker space. It is separate from science learning.
No, but our department aligns each formative to one standard so we can easily determine if a student is meeting or exceeding proficiency.
UW Madison, Create 4 STEM
Online or in-person courses from higher ed, DPI - Department of Public Instruction
I would like more connection between local scientists. the work they are doing on the ground, and educational communities. In my view, there needs to be a stronger network between the science world, social action groups, and educators and schools.
I think curriculum has taken the place of.developing that in schools. If the curriulum has a clear scope and sequence then the schools / districts don't worry about it. That is my sense any way.
Science in elementary is still a black box for a lot of teachers I speak with. They still don't feel personally connected to the science, or personally intrigued by the challenge of teaching it.
Madison Metropolitan School District
School or district provided learning, Networking with building-level colleagues, WSST - Wisconsin Society of Science Teachers, Online communities (e.g. Facebook AP or subject groups), NSTA - National Science Teaching Association, Workshops or meetings from other non-profit partners (e.g. nature centers, community groups), DPI - Department of Public Instruction
30 min or less every other day
NoAmplify, FOSS
No. In transition to new materials: Amplify
Adopted new, standards-aligned curriculum materials
Continue K-5 implementation of new science resource, Amplify, and support connections to literacy.
Yes. Black Excellence: the learning and experience of students in our black community will be uplifted.
Some schools do, but no district support.
Sort of.
Monona Grove School District; MG21
WSST - Wisconsin Society of Science Teachers, Online communities (e.g. Facebook AP or subject groups)
More opportunities to work with science teachers who specialize in HS project-based learning.
> 60 min every other day
Locally created lessons/units, Open Education Resources (OER) such as iHub, HHMI, etc., American Modeling Teachers Association (AMTA)
Always - we are very small (70 students from 6-12), so all classes are created/taught by a small number of teachers. We integrate content whenever possible, and are focused on project-based learning.
Re-developed or created a new scope and sequence, Developed new standards-aligned units, Have students writing claim, evidence, reasoning explanations, Developed rubrics based on the standards
Continue to create a Scope and Sequence aligned with NGSS.
3-4 elective science projects each year - one bio, one chem, one physics, one earth
Yes - MG uses ICS
NoYes - integrated
Yes - still under development
Sharon J112NoCESA
Networking meetings
It varies by grade level, about 60 minutes per week isolated science K-4 (integrated topics in ELA)and 50 per day 5-8
Amplify, Mystery Science, FOSS
Amplify, FOSS, APEX
YES! Looking at Amplify STEM for 6-8
Adopted new, standards-aligned curriculum materials
More rigorous materials
Yes, related to achievement
Yes - in LMT
Makerspace/STEM lab in LMT
Mt Horeb School District
School or district provided learning, Online communities (e.g. Facebook AP or subject groups)
30 min or less every other day
YesMostlyMystery Science
No, we have been very happy with Mystery Science.
Re-developed or created a new scope and sequence, Adopted new, standards-aligned curriculum materials, Developed new standards-aligned units, Revised assessments, Brought in more student sensemaking of phenomena, Support more student talk/dialogue
We are currently working on revising assessments and units.
Yes, we have an equity team.
No, we do have Genius Hour and outside STEM programs.
No, but working towards it.
35 - 40 min, 3 times per week
Locally created lessons/units, Mystery Science, Former Pearson Resources
No. It is not in the curriculum review cycle
Developed new standards-aligned units
To make sure we are covering the grade level standards with the units we have developed.
Yes. Our district goal is to reduce disparities in social-emotional and academic outcomes for students of color, students with disabilities, linguistically diverse students, and economically disadvantaged students, to the point where outcomes reflect our District’s demographic characteristics.
Yes.It is seperate.
Yes. It is separate.
Yes. Right now we are reporting on Science ELOs (Essential Learning Outcomes) (adapted from the NGSS Scientific and Engineering Practices)
1. Asking questions, then planning and carrying out investigations
2. Developing and using models
3. Analyzing and interpreting data/ computational thinking
4. Engaging in argument from evidence/ Constructing explanations
5. Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information
Madison Country Day School
School or district provided learning, Networking with building-level colleagues, WSST - Wisconsin Society of Science Teachers, NSTA - National Science Teaching Association, Workshops or meetings from other non-profit partners (e.g. nature centers, community groups)
55 min 6/8 daysNo
Locally created lessons/units
Locally created lessons/units
Locally created lessons/units
Yes, in some areas. We are working on aligning our curriculum with the IB requirements for primary years (PK-4) and middle years (5-10).
Re-developed or created a new scope and sequence, Have students writing claim, evidence, reasoning explanations, Developed rubrics based on the standards
Mapping the NGSS onto the IB requirements.
Integrated Science (bio/chem/physics) for 9th & 10th grade. Then they choose at least one from Bio, Chem, Physics, Environmental Science to take for 2 years in 11/12.
Everyone takes the same science in 9/10
yes, but I'm not entirely clear on the details.
Yes, lower school has a STEAM class that is a collaboration between science & art. We are currently looking to hire a new teacher for MS who will teach a Design class in the Makerspace, separate from science.
Yes, see above. The makerspace supports science classes at all levels.
For middle years (5-10):