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1 | HI EVERYONE YOU SHOULD BE ABLE TO EDIT NOW SORRY!!! | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
2 | # | Fact | Make your comments here please! | or here | or here | |||||||||||||||||||||
3 | 1 | Suriname toad moms bury their eggs in their own backs to keep the eggs safe. The eggs hatch out of their skin! | Wtf? That is wild :O ✅ | Do the babies stay on the skin or do they get transferred to a body of water? | This almost reads like the mother toad buries her eggs in the eggs' backs. Suggest switching to singular pronouns? | I'm not sure "bury" is the best word here. Maybe "incubate"? Also, technically, the eggs don't hatch out of their skin, they continue to grow on the skin until they're in the toadlet stage (post tadpole) and then they emerge from their mother's back. I know it's pedantic (sorry!), I just wanted to clarify. Also, I don't think there's an E at the end of "Surinam." | ||||||||||||||||||||
4 | 2 | Wood frogs can freeze in winter then thaw out in spring without getting hurt, thanks to an antifreeze-like sugar in their blood! | comma between "hurt" and "thanks"✅ | |||||||||||||||||||||||
5 | 3 | Toads ARE frogs! Frog is a broader category that includes both. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
6 | 4 | Poison dart frogs have no poison when raised in captivity because the toxin comes from their diet in the wild! | The "at all" is repetative, since you previously stated that they have no poison✅The toxin is primarily sourced from ants: https://doi.org/10.1086/426599 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
7 | 5 | In 1754, Windham CT locals feared they were being attacked by an approaching army, but that sound was frogs. | maybe mention that it was the sound of the frogs?✅ | <-- this | Comma between Windham and CT? Might be too many commas though | what species of frog? | Who is your audience? Depending on the audience (age, location, etc.) you might want to spell out Connecticut. It could read "In 1754, the locals of Windham Connecticut..." | |||||||||||||||||||
8 | 6 | Most frogs call to each other to find a mate, but Panamanian golden frogs wave to each other to show interest. | suggest "... to find a mate, but Panamanian golden..." ✅ | |||||||||||||||||||||||
9 | 7 | Warty toads won't give you warts, but they might squirt toxins on you through their skin! | Feels unclear as to whether the warts ARE the bulbous glands or whether e.g. warty toads just have bulbous glands | |||||||||||||||||||||||
10 | 8 | Some frogs use their eyes to help them swallow. They squeeze their eyes into their faces to put pressure on food going down! | Do they shut their eyes to do this, or is another mechanism at play here? e.g. are they squeezing their eyes shut and causing the eyeballs to move inward by using muscles and eyelids, or are they able to do this some other way? | |||||||||||||||||||||||
11 | 9 | Pacific tree frogs have a chorus leader when they sing together! | Might be nice to have one extra element here - e.g. does the leader set the song or tempo or something? like, what makes them the leader, basically. | Agree, what's the leader's job :)? | ||||||||||||||||||||||
12 | 10 | Poison dart frog dads carry their babies on their backs and drop them off in many different ponds to grow up. | Reads fine, but should be "different"✅ | Unclear whether each dad drops their own babies in a different pond to the other dads, or whether a single dad will separate out their own babies in different ponds ✅ | ||||||||||||||||||||||
13 | 11 | Glass frogs hide some of their blood inside their liver while they're sleeping so they can be more transparent for better camouflage! | Perhaps make it clear that glass frogs are normally transparent? And also, where do they move the blood cells to? | |||||||||||||||||||||||
14 | 12 | Some frogs can live to be over 40 years old! | In human years or frog years? is there a difference? Another suggestion: "more than" instead of "over" | <-- regular earth years ✅ | ||||||||||||||||||||||
15 | 13 | The pumpkin toadlet is so small that its ears don't work properly. It can't even hear itself sing! | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
16 | 14 | Pumpkin toadlets are very uncoordinated. They jump, but are bad at landing, and sort of flop all over the place. | Missing "are" between they and very ✅ | Small note: Add a space between toadlet and the "-"✅ | ||||||||||||||||||||||
17 | 15 | A frog first went to space in 1961. | I'd like to know what flight the frog was on! Was the frog was in an experiment on Freedom 7-Mercury with astronaut Alan Shepherd? | I work with kids, and they usually want to know the name. Did it have a name? | The phrasing implies there have been multiple frogs in space (dunno if that's correct or not). It make more sense to make the sentence more active, i.e. "The first frog was sent to space in 1961." | Who took the frog to space and why :) | ||||||||||||||||||||
18 | 16 | No glue needed! Tree frogs stick to trees using a brush-like surface on their toes, covered in goo. | Is the brush like structure part of the frog, or part of the tree? ✅ | Unclear how surface tension is working in conjunction with the goo and the brush structure to achieve this. ✅ | Not clear whether the goo is excreted by the frogs. More broadly I think the first sentence could be more concise for clarity "Tree frogs stick to trees using a brush like structure on their fingers and a goo the frog excretes. The surface tension (explanation) between the… " also, role of goo in surface tension is unclear | |||||||||||||||||||||
19 | 17 | Hairy Frogs (also called Horror Frogs) break their toe bones, which then break through their skin to create claws for defense | Wolverine frogs✅ | AYO. Metal AF.✅ | Should "Frogs" in "Hairy Frogs" be capitalized here? If so, suggest capitalizing the full names of each species in this list. | |||||||||||||||||||||
20 | 18 | "Flying Frogs" can't truly fly, but they can glide for impressive distances using the webbing between their toes to catch air. | Maybe add an example distance that they can travel into this fact | |||||||||||||||||||||||
21 | 19 | Back before refrigeration, Russians would put frogs in their milk to prevent it from spoiling. It may have actually helped thanks to antimicrobials on frog skin! | Did the frogs keep the milk cold or something? I feel like this needs a little bit more info. ✅ | How??✅ | ||||||||||||||||||||||
22 | 20 | Most frogs can breathe through both their lungs and their skin, but the Bornean flat-headed frog has no lungs at all! | I think " breathe through skin" needs a tiny bit more info, how does that even work" | |||||||||||||||||||||||
23 | 21 | The Indian Skipper Frog can leap off the surface of the water, thanks to their use of water's surface tension! | The first sentence really doesn't add much, you can just add in the second sentence that "Small animals can even push off the surface of the water - which holds the water together - ..." | Agree reorder the fact, maybe "The Skipper Frog can jump off water! It's so small that is can distribute its weight across water..." | ||||||||||||||||||||||
24 | 22 | Some frogs, like the plains spadefoot toad, specialize in burrowing. They have strong shovel-shaped toes for digging! | *specifically ✅ | Just pointing out that this toad is in lower case while other species are in upper case. Not sure if the consistency is important here! | adding on to a previous comment: I think the species names would stand out better (/be easier to read) if they are capitalized (i.e. "Plaines Spadefoot Toad") | It might be interesting to add why they've specialized in burrowing (water retention during dry seasons and through hibernation). | ||||||||||||||||||||
25 | 23 | Pitcher plants are carnivorous and attract animals into pools in their leaves to be eaten. Some frogs have adapted to live inside those pools! | Wording correct but a bit awkward. Maybe "have adapted", "are specially adapted" or "are adapted"? ✅ | the adaptation might be cool to get a detail on. e.g. are they covered in anti-digestion chemicals | Why doesn't it eat the frogs :o | |||||||||||||||||||||
26 | 24 | When pebble toads are threatened, they ball themselves up and roll away | Like Sonic? Cool!✅ | |||||||||||||||||||||||
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