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My role at Birney Elementary:
To what extent does the governing body and school leaders articulate a purpose for learning that aligns with the IBs philosophy and mission? (0101-01)

Our mission, philosophy and/or strategy that reflects the IB mission and philosophy and includes a holistic approach to education that goes beyond academic development and encourages awareness beyond the individual and the immediate community.
To what extent does the school's pedagogical leadership team (ILT) embraces educational approaches that encourage students to become active, compassionate life-long learners? (0101-02)

Pedagogical leadership team articulates a shared commitment to the IB's mission and philosophy
To what extent does our school community foster internationally minded people who embrace all attributes of the IB learner profile? (0101-03)

School ensures that the school community is aware of the IB learner profile and is committed to international-mindedness and embodying the IB mission.
Standard 0101: Implement IB programmes to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understand and respect.

Optional Comments: Describe any major achievements or challenges related to this standard over the last 5 years
To what extent does our school regularly review and follow all IB rules, regulations and guidelines to support programme implementation and ongoing development? (0201-01)

The school clearly articulates its governance and/or leadership structure and establishes roles, responsibilities, and mandates for ensuring program implementation and development.

Leadership and governance understand all IB rules, regulations and guidelines, and have put in place structures and processes to ensure compliance.
To what extent does our school include on our ILT an IB-trained programme coodinator who is empowered to facilitate successful program implementation? (0201-02)

Coordinator has job description, time, necessary support, and an organizational position to facilitate curriculum and program development.

Coordinator completes required professional development that is up to date with the most current version of the program under their responsibility.
To what extent does our school organize time for learning and teaching that provides a broad, balanced and connected curriculum and serves the changing needs of the community? (0201-03)

Our schedule allows for requirements of program to be met and time to develop the required number of units of inquiry.
To what extent does our school implement and review systems and processes to improve operation and sustainability of the IB program? (0201-04)

Our school has systems and processes in place to document, share and save curriculum, policies and procedures that safeguard program implementation.

We capture and use data that informs operation and sustainability of the program and informs the quality of the implementation of our program.

We ensure students and legal guardians are informed of general characteristics of our Primary Years Program and how we implement our PYP.

To what extent does our school fund and allocate resources that sustain and further develop our IB program? (0201-05)

Our school allocates resources to support collaborative planning amongst subject specialists and classroom teachers for transdisciplinary learning.
Standard 0201: Leadership and governance of Birney Elementary create and sustain high-quality learning environments.

Optional Comments: Describe any major achievements or challenges related to this standard over the last 5 years

To what extent does our school provide relevant human, natural, built and virtual resources to implement our program? (0202-01)

We provide adequate resources and facilities.

We are responsible for its teachers meeting local and legal requirements.

We provide effective learning spaces and environments;

Our technologies facilitate effective communication with the IB community and ensure access to current resources that support engagement with local, national, international, and global contexts.

We use program documents to inform the use and design of learning spaces which allow for flexibility and collaboration.

We maintain a functioning and active library consisting of adquate combinations of people and services that aid and extend learning and teaching.
To what extent does our school identify and provide appropriate learning support? (0202-02)

We implement and review systems and processes to identify needs of students.

We support identified needs of students, and evidence this support through planning, policy, and practice.

We provide staff, facilities, and resources as outlined in our inclusion policy.

We demonstrate a commitment to make the most effective use of learning spaces and learning environments in ways that meet the needs of all students.
To what extent does our school foster the social, emotional, and physical well-being of students and teachers? (0202-03)

We identify and allocate spaces and resources to support the social, emotional, and physical well-being of students and teachers.

We demonstrate in our systems, processes and policies attention to the social, emotional, and physical well-being of its students and teachers.

Our ILT and teachers support students' social, emotional and physical well-being.

Our school promotes open communication based on understanding and respect.
To what extent does our school provide guidance and support that help students succeed in the PYP and plan for educational and career-related experiences? (0202-04)

We implement and review systems and processes to provide experiences to students that give them insight into future careers and education choices such learning about the IB Middle Years Programme.
To what extent do we build relationships with the wider community that are a source of wisdom and expertise to strengthen our PYP? (0202-05)

We identify and use a variety of human, virtual, and physical resources in the wider community that aid and extend student learning.

We provide meaningful oppportunities for legal guardians to contribute to the development and support of our PYP.
Optional Comments: Describe any major achievements or challenges related to this standard over the last 5 years

Standard 0202:
Learning environments support student success.
To what extent do we provide access to an IB education for the broadest possible range of students? (0301-01)

We implement and review an admissions/enrollment policy.

We provide relevant support materials, resources and structures to promote access to our program for as many students as possible.

We provide the PYP across all grade levels at the school.
To what extent do we provide access to an IB education for the broadest possible range of students? (0301-01)

We implement and review an admissions/enrollment policy.

We provide relevant support materials, resources and structures to promote access to our program for as many students as possible.

We provide the PYP across all grade levels at the school.
To what extent do we ensure that leadership and teachers participate in appropriate and timely professional learning to inform their practice? (0203-02)

We comply with IB-mandated professional development requirements, as outlined in IB documentation.
To what extent do we provide time and other resources for teacher to collaborate effectively in the implementation of our PYP? (0203-03)

We allocate dedicated and schedule time for teachers' collaborative planning and reflection.
Optional Comments: Describe any major achievements or challenges related to this standard over the last 5 years

Standard 0203:
Learning environments in our school support and empower teachers.
To what extent do we ensure that we are providing access to and enrolling the broadest range of students? (0301-01)

We implement and review our admissions/enrollment policy that clearly describes the conditions for enrollment in our school and IB Primary Years Program.

We provide relevant support materials, resources and structures to promote access to the program for all students regardless of learner skills and knowledge.
To what extent do implement and regulary review our Inclusion Policy that creates cultures and support all students to reach their full potential? (0301-02)

Our policy meets IB guidelines.

We identify in our Inclusion Policy all of our legal requirements, outline our structures and processes for compliance, and describe rights and responsibilites of all members of the school community.

Inclusion policy clearly states the school's vision for implementing an inclusive program.
To what extent do implement, communicate, and regulary review our Academic Integrity Policy that creates a culture of ethical academic practice? (0301-03)

Our policy makes our school's philosophy clear and it is aligned with IB guidelines.

We clearly describe the rights and responsibilities of all members what constitutes good practice and misconduct, and the actions that are to be taken if there are transgressions.

We articulate responsibilities for teaching a variety of practices related to academic integrity

What we model and teach and reflect on the five fundamentals of academic integrity, honesty, trust, fairness, respect, and responsibility.

We ensure that the policy is followed and implemented by both teachers and students.

The school monitors and evaluates the impact of the policy so that it regularly informs learning and teaching across the curriculum and school procedures are transparent, fair, and consistent.
To what extent do implement, communicate, and regulary review our Language Policy so that it is aligned with IB guidlines and creates that helps foster intercultural understanding through communicating in a variety of ways in more than one language? (0301-04)

We describe the way that we recognize multilingualism as a fact, a right, and a resource for learning.

Our language policies identifies a variety of physical and virtual resources used to facilitate language development.

We describe within our policy the rights and responsibilities of all members of the school community and what constitutes good practice.

We teach a language in addition to instruction to all students (at least from the age of seven years of age).
To what extent do implement, communicate, and regularly review our Assessment Policy so that it is aligned with IB guidelines and creates a culture of continuous learning and growth? (0301-05)

Our policy makes our philosophy clear and it is aligned with the IB concerning learning and assessment.

We identify all necessary local and IB requirements, and outline how the school is adhering to these assessment requirements.

We describe within our policy the rights and responsibilities of all members of the school community and what constitutes good practice and the value of assessment for continuous learning and growth.
To what extent do we implement, communicate, and regularly review IB mandated policies to ensure they are cohesive and reflect IB philosophy? (0301-06)

All of our processes align with our policies.

All our policies are communicated and available to the school community.

The school consider the Learner Profile and international-mindedness in all of its IB-mandated policies.

The ILT uses the school's policies in decision-making and curriculum development.
Optional Comments: Describe any major achievements or challenges related to this standard over the last 5 years

Standard 0301:
We develop, implement, communicate, and review effective policies that help to create a school culture in which IB philosophy can thrive.
To what extent does the school plan and implement a coherent curriculum that organizes learning and teaching within and across the years of its IB program? (standard: 0401-01)

We design our curriculum in accordance with program documentation.

We articulate our curriculum horizontally and vertically.

We demonstrate that all applicable IB curriculum frameworks are fully integrated with the requirements for school, local, state or provincial and national education authorities.

We provide collaborative planning time for teachers to incorporate IB philosophy into the curriculum.

We articulate our schedule and curriculum to make it possible for students to make connections across their learning.

We design a POI that consists of six unit or inquiry - one for each transdisciplinary theme - at each year or grade level, with the exception of students who are 3-6 years where the requirement is at least four units at each year or grade level, with two being "Who we are" and "How we express ourselves".

We demonstrate that our curriculum is influenced by an understanding of students' prior knowledge, identities, backgrounds, needs and contexts.
To what extent do our teachers design, plan, and deliver our PYP? (standard: 0401-02)

Teachers collaborate to plan and design units that meet program requirements and are in accordance with program documentation.

Teachers use the PYP planner template or otherwise document that way that they use the PYP planning process to collaboratively design, plan, and deliver the PYP.

We demonstrate a commitment to transdisciplinary learning by ensuring that the POI is collaborative designed, planned and facilitated between the classroom teacher and specialist teachers to deliver the subjects included in each unit of inquiry.

Teachers plan and reflect collaboratively to consider connections and relationship between different areas, and reinforce shared concepts (change, form, etc), content and ATL skills.

Teachers use human, physical and virtual resources to aid and extend their collaboration.

Teachers use collaborative planning and reflection to address all the elements of an IB education.
To what extent does our school develop, regularly review and share its curriculum in ways that explicitly engage the school community? (standard: 0401-03)

We inform the school community of ongoing developments in the program and incorporate these into curriculum development.

We ensure that all teachers and ILT have access to relevant communities that support the development of the program.

We review IB requirements for learning, teaching and assessment, and communicate them to the school community.

We regularly review required and supporting IB content.

We ensure our curriculum is up to date and clearly communicated to the school community.
Optional Comments: Describe any major achievements or challenges related to this standard over the last 5 years

Standard 0401: Learning in our IB World School is based on a coherent curriculum.
To what extent do out students develop thinking, research, communication, social and self-management skills? (standard: 0402-01)

We implement and review the devleopment of the IB's approaches to learning.

We implement and review processes that actively engage students in their own learning.
To what extent do our students demonstate and reflect on their continued development of the IB learner profile attributes? (standard: 0402-02)

Students understand the learner profile adn can reflect on it effectively.

Teachers provide students with opportunities in the curriculum to reflect on the growth and demonstration of their IB learner profile attributes.

Students understand the connections between the IB learner profile and international-mindedness.
To what extent do our students identify and foster healthy relationships, an understanding of shared responsibility, and the ability to collaborate effectively?? (standard: 0402-03)

Students and teachers engage in learning experiences that are design to include opportunities for students to collaborate.

We demonstrate that collaboration and effective relationship building are featured explicity with in the curriculum.

Our pedagogical leaders provide opportunities for student voice to be represented in the school.
To what extent do our students growth their ability to make informed, reasoned, ethical judgments? (standard: 0402-04)

Students and teachers acknowledge the intellectual property of others when producing work.

The school provides support and guidance for students on acknowledging the work of others, including guidance on citation and referencing.

Teachers discuss with students the significance and importance of producing authentic and original work.
To what extent do our students exercise the flexibility, perseverance and confidence they need to bring about positive change in the wider community and beyond? (standard: 0402-05)

We provide opportunities for students to directly apply their learning by taking action.

Students demonstrate a commitment to service with and for the community throughout their learning, in accordance with program documentation.
To what extent do our students take ownership of their learning by setting challenging goals and pursuing personal inquiries? (standard: 0402-06)

Student take opportunities to develop personal goals.

Students take opportunities to ask questions and pursue personal inquiries and actions.
To what extent do our students pursue opportunities to explore and develop their own personal and cultural identities? (standard: 0402-07)
The school provides opportunities for students to explore and develop personal and cultural identities.

We affirm individual student identity through learning and teaching.

Student take opportunities to develop their language profiles.
Optional Comments: Describe any major achievements or challenges related to this standard over the last 5 years

Standard 0402: Learning in our school aims to develop students ready for further education and life beyond the classroom.
To what extent do our teachers use inquiry, action and reflection to develop natural curiosity in students? (standard: 0403-01)

Teachers use inquiry-based teaching strategies and learning engagements.

We monitor and evaulate inquiry-based teaching strategies and learning engagements.

We provide opportunities for students to actively engage in interactive and exploratory learning environments and/or play in accordance with PYP documentation.

Teachers encourage student choice in appropriate places in the curriculum.

Teachers facilitate student exploration of their personal interests and ideas.
To what extent do our teachers focus on conceptual understanding to support students in developing their ideas? (standard: 0403-02)

Teachers demonstrate strategies focused on conceptual understanding.

Teachers plan and facilitate learning experiences through which students can develop their own conceptual understandings.

Students take opportunities to explore and develop their own conceptual understanding in appropriate places in the curriculum.
To what extent do our teachers use local and global contexts to establish the relevance of the curriculum? (standard: 0403-03)

Teachers ensure there are clear examples of connections to local and global contexts in the curriculum.

Teachers encourage students to transfer their conceptual understandings to unfamiliar contexts.
To what extent do our teachers promote effective relationships and purposeful collaboration to create a positive and dynamic learning community? (standard: 0403-04)

Teachers collaborate to ensure a holistic and coherent learning experience for students in accordance with PYP documentation.

Student collaborate with teachers and peers to plan, demonstrate and assess their own learning.

The school provides opportunities for students to collaborate based on their strengths and abilities.
To what extent do our teachers remove barriers to learning to enable every student to develop, pursue and achieve challenging personal learning goals? (standard: 0403-06)

Teachers consider learner variability when planning students' personal learning goals.

Teachers integrate prior knowledge into the curriculum to aid and extend learning for all students.

Teachers use IB-mandated policies to support students.

Teachers support language development with consideration for the language profiles of studnets.

Teachers use multiple technologies to aid and extend learning and teaching.
Optional Comments: Describe any major achievements or challenges related to this standard over the last 5 years

Standard 0403: We encourage approaches to teaching that create learning experiences that are shown to be meaningful to the school community.
To what extent do our students and teachers use feedback to improve learning, teaching, and assessment? (standard: 0404-01)

Students and teachers use feedback to support stated outcomes and expectations, in accordance with IB philosophy and assessment documentation.

The school uses specific and constructive school-based reporting to provide students and teachers with information that can be used to improve learning, teaching, and assessment.
To what extent does the school use assessment methods that are varied and fit-for-purpose for the curriculum and stated learning outcomes and objectives? (standard: 0404-02)

Teachers use a variety of assessment methods that are connected to stated learning objectives and outcomes.

Teachers document and analyze student learning over time to design learning experiences based on data.

The school demonstrates that assessment practices are formed around conceptual learning.

The school ensures that from the time of enrollment students and legal guardians are aware of and have access to documentation describing the relevant program regulations and requirements regarding assessment.
To what extent does the school administrates assessment consistently, fairly, inclusively and transparently? (standard: 0404-03)

The school implements, communicates and regularly reviews consistent and fair systems and processes for reporting students progress.
To what extent do students take opportunities to consolidate their learning through asessment? (standard: 0404-04)

The school and teachers provide an opportunity to consolidate their learning through a variety of assessments
Optional Comments: Describe any major achievements or challenges related to this standard over the last 5 years

Standard 0404: Learning, teaching, and assessment effectively inform and influence one another.
Certificated: Classroom Teacher
DevelopedI don't knowHighly DevelopedDevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedDevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedDevelopedDevelopedI don't knowHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedDevelopedDevelopedI don't knowHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedDevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedDevelopedHighly DevelopedDevelopedDevelopedI don't knowDevelopedDevelopingDevelopingDevelopedDevelopedDevelopingDevelopedDevelopingDevelopedDevelopingDevelopedI don't know
Certificated: Classroom Teacher
Highly DevelopedHighly DevelopedDevelopingWe don't have the Halloween parade during the school day any more, that took sometime to get ride of. During Valentines we have friendship weeks. 5th grade students to do a great job - one year we had so many diapers and baby stuff stuff delivered to Birney for the women who where homeless mothers that our problem became how to delivery all the stuff. DevelopingDevelopedDevelopedDevelopingDevelopedthis is a developing process at Birney, specially because of the past few years with COVID, it was difficult. But we are trying to get back on track.DevelopingDevelopingDevelopingDevelopingDevelopingChallenges: COVID years. Most answers were "developing" as in the true measure of IB we are always trying to make it better ... don't think we ever be "developed"DevelopedDevelopedDevelopingDevelopedDevelopingDevelopedDevelopingDevelopingDevelopedDevelopingDevelopedDevelopedDevelopingDevelopingDevelopedDevelopingDevelopedDevelopingDevelopedDevelopingDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopingDevelopedDevelopedDevelopingDeveloped
11/28/2022 11:21:57
Classified StaffHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedDevelopedI don't knowHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedI don't knowHighly DevelopedDevelopedDevelopedI don't knowI don't knowI don't knowI don't knowI don't knowHighly DevelopedI don't knowI don't knowDevelopedHighly DevelopedI don't knowI don't knowHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedI don't knowHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedI don't knowDevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedDevelopedI don't knowHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedI don't knowI don't knowHighly Developed
Certificated: Classroom Teacher
Highly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedDevelopedDevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedDevelopedDevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedDevelopedDeveloped
11/28/2022 13:49:07
Certificated: Classroom Teacher
DevelopedHighly DevelopedDevelopedThe interruption of the typical program due to the global pandemic was significant - we tried hard to maintain our IB program while online but it suffered. DevelopedDevelopedHighly DevelopedDevelopedDevelopedThe interruption of the typical program due to the global pandemic was significant - we tried hard to maintain our IB program while online but it suffered. Turnover in staff and coordinator has impacted the development of systems and structures maintaining the IB program. Highly DevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedThe interruption of the typical program due to the global pandemic was significant - we tried hard to maintain our IB program while online but it suffered. Learning loss has had an impact on certain studentsHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedDevelopedHighly DevelopedThe interruption of the typical program due to the global pandemic was significant - we tried hard to maintain our IB program while online but it suffered. Tnis has also impacted the PD schedules for teachers - they could only do so much before they qwere overwhelmedHighly DevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedThe interruption of the typical program due to the global pandemic was significant - we tried hard to maintain our IB program while online but it suffered. I have to object to the fact that these policies are so time-consuming and burdensome when we are part of a o ublic school district, the second largest in California. There should be some sort of way to refer IBO to the district's website/policies without having to 'invent' pokicies we had noithing to do with developing. Highly DevelopedHighly DevelopedDeveloped
The interruption of the typical program due to the global pandemic was significant - we tried hard to maintain our IB program while online but it suffered. For example, student-led conferences were held twice a year pkus the yearly Exhibition prior to the pandemic. We did hold an online Exhibition during the pandemic but student-led conferences will not be held more than once this year, I hope.
DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedThe interruption of the typical program due to the global pandemic was significant - we tried hard to maintain our IB program while online but it suffered. DevelopingDevelopingDevelopingDevelopingDevelopingThe interruption of the typical program due to the global pandemic was significant - we tried hard to maintain our IB program while online but it suffered. I checked 'developing' throughout this section because I feel like we are having to reinvent a lot of what we used to do in light of the pandemic effects. With new staff, with veteran staff relearning teaching online, then hybrid, then cohorted and now basically back to normal but with considerably more absences due to illness, I can't honestly avow to things being 'highly developed' or even developed since we are undergoing so much change. Hopefully our visit will reinforce just how much we do have in place. DevelopingDevelopingDevelopedDevelopingThe interruption of the typical program due to the global pandemic was significant - we tried hard to maintain our IB program while online but it suffered. I checked 'developing' in this section because I feel like we are having to reinvent a lot of what we used to do in light of the pandemic effects. With new staff, with veteran staff relearning teaching online, then hybrid, then cohorted and now basically back to normal but with considerably more absences due to illness, I can't honestly avow to things being 'highly developed' or even developed since we are undergoing so much change. Hopefully our visit will reinforce just how much we do have in place. As far as assessment is concerned, we learned some things over the school closure and hybrid instruction that we are adding to our POI, and we reconsidered other things that we used to do. So we are in the process of developing anew.
11/28/2022 14:16:11mswanson@sandi.netSupport StaffDevelopedDevelopedHighly Developedthe environmentally minded action reflections in the last couple years have been inspiringDevelopedHighly DevelopedDevelopingDevelopedDevelopedsupport for specials is solid now -- however the integration of this component could be develped further to integrate more thoroughlyDevelopedDevelopingDevelopingDevelopedDevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedDevelopedDevelopinggrade level teams the collaboration is highly developed but for the support staff there is sometimes a gap in connectivity -- we are getting back to our quarterly meetings, however actually using these meetings to successfully plan integrated transdisciplinary efforts is evolving. For what we have we do a great job...because part of the limitation is fundingHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedI don't knowI don't knowDevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedI don't knowin my work I try to encourage this - however I don't know how it is happening in other settingsI don't knowI don't knowI don't knowDevelopedI don't knowI presume that teachers do go above and beyond to meet these goals, though I am not always aware of how and IF this is happening from my point of view
DevelopingI don't knowDevelopedDeveloped
11/28/2022 14:26:45clord1@sandi.netSupport StaffHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedCovid was a tough time for students and teachers. I am seeing the return to the practices and activities that reinforce the IB attributes in the Birney community. Highly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedDevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedWe have a new reading area in our library that allows kids to grab material and read in a comfy space. Our teachers' lounge is in the workroom so is not really a lounge but we don't have space for a true "work free" space indoors to get a time out during the day. Highly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly Developed Highly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly Developed
11/28/2022 16:06:46rgoudy@sandi.netSupport StaffHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly Developed
11/29/2022 9:35:49
Certificated: Classroom Teacher
DevelopedDevelopingHighly DevelopedDevelopingHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedA major achievement is the dedicated time for planning each week. A challenge related to this standard is the lack of Governance/ILT and that Vertical Teams are loosely structured with no goals in mind for meeting or next steps. Highly DevelopedHighly DevelopedDevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedWhen working with social-emotion learning, it would be helpful to have an updated program (even part of the health standard) that is done school wide and can even be supported by the guidance counselor as needed.Highly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedWeekly collaboration is key in all of this.Highly DevelopedHighly DevelopedDevelopingHighly DevelopedDevelopedDevelopedHaving an ILT or this as part of governance to review policies yearly and to communicate these policies with staff would be helpful moving forward.Highly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedDevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedStudents are given a variety of assessments to demonstrate their understanding of the standards, but it is often difficult to find time in the schedule to find time for students to re-take an assessment where they would not be missing out on something else valuable.
11/29/2022 9:40:27
Certificated: Classroom Teacher
DevelopedDevelopingDevelopedDevelopingDevelopedDevelopedDevelopingDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopingDevelopingDevelopingDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedHighly DevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopingHighly DevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopingDevelopingDevelopingDevelopingDevelopedDevelopedDevelopingDevelopingDevelopingDevelopingDevelopingDevelopingDevelopingDevelopingDevelopingDevelopingDevelopedDeveloping
11/29/2022 9:41:09
Certificated: Classroom Teacher
DevelopedDevelopingDevelopingDevelopedDevelopingDevelopedDevelopedDevelopingDevelopedDevelopingDevelopedI don't knowDevelopingStaffing is an issue right now especially for SPED needs.Highly DevelopedHighly DevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopingDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedNot many staff meetings to be able to do this.Highly DevelopedHighly DevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedHighly DevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedHighly DevelopedDevelopedHighly DevelopedDevelopedHighly Developed
11/29/2022 9:44:54
Certificated: Classroom Teacher
DevelopingDevelopingDevelopingThe COVID pandemic has made instruction very challenging.DevelopingDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopingDevelopingI don't knowDevelopedThere is not nearly enough being done to support the social, emotional, and academic development of many students here at Birney. This is neither the fault of IB nor Birney's administration, rather a result of the scarcity of financial support from the district to adequately staff Birney with the educators and support personnel needed to identify, assess, and support the ballooning number of kids requiring additional attention. DevelopedDevelopedDevelopingDevelopingSee comments for STUDENT SUPPORT: IB Standard 2020. More and more time meant to be designated for planning and collaboration is being spent with the special education team reviewing weekly interactions with students requiring additional support.DevelopingI don't knowDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedHighly DevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopingDevelopedDevelopingDevelopingDevelopingDevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedHighly Developed
11/29/2022 13:23:37
Certificated: Classroom Teacher
DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedDevelopingHighly DevelopedDevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedDevelopingDevelopedDevelopingDevelopingDevelopingOur students would benefit from a full-time counselor. We currently have a counselor on campus 3 days a week.Highly DevelopedDevelopedHighly DevelopedDevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedDevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedDevelopedDevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedDevelopedDevelopingDevelopedDevelopingHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDeveloped
11/29/2022 13:38:41
Certificated: Classroom Teacher
Highly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedI think we do a very good job providing experiences, curriculum focus and learning structures that foster the development of this type of student. Of course the pandemic upended our routines and progress, but even through those challenges, and perhaps even BECAUSE of those challenges we have expanded our repertoire of instructional strategies, resource bases and pedagogical choices to be more inclusive and comprehensive.DevelopedDevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedFunding challenges, of course, affect the availability and frequency of professional development. The pandemic severely limited our ability to effectively support especially needy students, and some district protocols make it difficult to quickly and efficiently develop and implement suitable curriculum and pedagogy for certain students.Highly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedDevelopedDevelopingDevelopedDevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedDevelopedHighly DevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedDevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedDevelopedDeveloped
12/1/2022 1:05:52
Certificated: Classroom Teacher
Highly DevelopedDevelopedDevelopedstudent turnoverDevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedDevelopedcovidDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDeveloped
Having a program coordinator present at colabs
DevelopedDevelopingDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedHighly DevelopedDevelopedremote learningDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedI don't knowDevelopedI don't knowI don't know
Info not shared across grade levels
DevelopedI don't knowDevelopedI don't knowDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedI don't knowI don't know
12/1/2022 10:50:57
Certificated: Classroom Teacher
DevelopingDevelopedHighly Developed
Covid, class size, lack of social and emotional support (counselor)
DevelopingHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedDevelopingDevelopedLower class size and more special edu support at each grade level. Achievement- counselor three days a week Highly DevelopedDevelopedDevelopingDevelopingDeveloping
People havent been able to socialize as much
DevelopedDevelopedHighly Developed
Collabs are very helpful for reflection and planning
Its nice to review policies
Highly DevelopedHighly DevelopedDevelopedDevelopedHighly DevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopingDevelopedDevelopedI don't knowHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopingDeveloped
12/1/2022 10:53:51
Certificated: Classroom Teacher
DevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedHighly DevelopedDevelopedHighly DevelopedDevelopedI don't knowDevelopedHighly DevelopedDevelopedHighly DevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedHighly DevelopedDevelopedDevelopedHighly DevelopedDevelopedDevelopedHighly DevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedHighly DevelopedDevelopedDevelopedHighly DevelopedDevelopedHighly DevelopedDevelopedHighly DevelopedDeveloped
12/1/2022 10:56:00
Certificated: Classroom Teacher
Highly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedDevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedDevelopingHighly Developed
12/1/2022 14:51:35
Certificated: Classroom Teacher
Highly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly Developed
12/1/2022 15:06:08
Certificated: Classroom Teacher
DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedDevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedDevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedDevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedDevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly Developed
12/1/2022 15:06:15
Certificated: Classroom Teacher
Highly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly Developed
Students knowing about their role as citizens in government and how to be active citizens.
Highly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedChallenges included online teachig/learning during Covid/Zoom. It was difficult teaching to the standards, but we made it work. Highly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly Developed
Weekly Specials meetings are key in the collaboration, creation, and modification of pedagogical methods.
Highly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedI don't knowHighly DevelopedI don't knowHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly Developed
12/2/2022 10:08:25
Certificated: Classroom Teacher
12/2/2022 11:33:39
Certificated: Classroom Teacher
DevelopedHighly DevelopedDevelopedDevelopingDevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedDevelopedDevelopedHighly DevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopingDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDeveloped
12/2/2022 15:11:22Classified StaffHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedDevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedHighly DevelopedDevelopingDevelopingDevelopedHighly DevelopedDevelopedDevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedDevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedDevelopingHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedDevelopedHighly Developed
12/2/2022 15:32:44Classified StaffDevelopingDevelopingDevelopingDevelopedDevelopingHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedDevelopedHighly DevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedHighly DevelopedDevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedHighly Developed
12/2/2022 16:56:25
Certificated: Classroom Teacher
covid-19 and online learning was a big challenge but also brought the school community together
DevelopingDevelopingDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopingDevelopingI don't knowDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopingDevelopedDevelopedDevelopingDevelopingDevelopingDevelopingDevelopingDevelopingDevelopingDevelopingDevelopingDevelopingDevelopingDevelopingDevelopingDevelopingDevelopedDevelopedDeveloped
12/5/2022 13:16:45Support StaffHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedI don't knowI don't knowI don't knowHighly DevelopedI don't knowHighly DevelopedDevelopedHighly DevelopedI don't knowHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedI don't knowHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedI don't knowHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedI don't knowHighly DevelopedDevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedDevelopedDeveloped
12/5/2022 13:38:45Support StaffHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedDevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedDevelopedDevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedI don't knowHighly DevelopedHighly Developed
12/5/2022 13:45:31Support StaffHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedI don't knowHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedI don't knowI don't knowHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedDevelopingHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedI don't knowHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedI don't knowHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedI don't knowI don't knowI don't knowHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly Developed
12/5/2022 14:22:17Support StaffDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopingDevelopedDevelopingDevelopingDevelopedDevelopingDevelopingDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopingDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopingDevelopingDevelopingDevelopedDevelopedDevelopingDevelopedDevelopedDevelopingDevelopingDevelopedDevelopingDevelopedDevelopingDevelopedDeveloped
12/6/2022 14:00:39Support StaffHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedI don't knowHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedDevelopedHighly DevelopedDevelopedDevelopedI don't knowHighly DevelopedDevelopedDevelopedHighly DevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedI don't knowHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedHighly DevelopedDeveloped
12/6/2022 14:06:48Classified StaffDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedHighly DevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedI don't knowDevelopedDevelopedI don't knowDevelopingDevelopingDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedI don't knowDevelopedDeveloped
12/6/2022 14:36:44Classified StaffDevelopedI don't knowDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedHighly DevelopedDevelopedI don't knowI don't knowDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopingDevelopedDevelopingI don't knowI don't knowDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopingDevelopingDevelopingDevelopingDevelopingDevelopingDevelopingDevelopedDevelopedI don't knowDevelopedDevelopedI don't knowI don't knowDevelopedI don't know
12/6/2022 14:48:10
Certificated: Classroom Teacher
DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDeveloped
12/6/2022 15:02:09Support StaffHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly Developed
This is articulated throughout all classrooms and the culture of our school.
Highly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedOur IB program drives the culture of our school, thus the community and leadership are directing funds and programs to support this.Highly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly Developed
Our collaboration time is weekly and well organized by IB coordinator.
Highly DevelopedHighly DevelopedDevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedDevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedDevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly Developed
12/6/2022 16:02:53
Certificated: Classroom Teacher
DevelopedI don't knowHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedDevelopingDevelopedI don't knowDevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedI don't knowHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedDevelopedHighly DevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedDevelopedHighly DevelopedDevelopedDevelopedI don't knowHighly DevelopedDevelopedDevelopingDevelopedDevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedDevelopedHighly DevelopedI don't knowDeveloped
12/6/2022 17:28:05
Certificated: Classroom Teacher
Highly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly Developed
When Birney received Afghani refugees, students took action to welcome their new friends and were very caring and open minded.
DevelopedDevelopedDevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedDevelopedI don't knowHighly Developed
Challenge-COVID protocol, Achievements-Family Friday events, classroom parent presentations
Prior to COVID, opportunities for further IB training, weekly collaboration, trimester check in's with specials teachers
DevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedDevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedDevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedDeveloped
Challenges: Staffing for special ed.
DevelopedDevelopedHighly DevelopedI don't know
12/7/2022 9:19:12Classified StaffDevelopingDevelopingI don't know
I see we are doing very good.
DevelopingDevelopingDevelopingDevelopingDevelopingI don't knowDevelopingI don't knowI don't knowI don't knowDevelopingDevelopingDevelopingDevelopingDevelopingI don't knowI don't knowI don't knowI don't knowI don't knowI don't knowI don't knowI don't knowDevelopingDevelopingDevelopingDevelopingDevelopingDevelopingDevelopingDevelopingDevelopingDevelopingDevelopingDevelopingDevelopingDevelopingDevelopingDeveloping
12/8/2022 13:53:56Classified StaffHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedDevelopedHighly DevelopedDevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedDevelopedDevelopedHighly DevelopedDevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedDevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedDevelopedHighly DevelopedDevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedDevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedDevelopedHighly DevelopedDevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly Developed
12/9/2022 10:11:46Classified StaffDevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedI don't knowHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedDevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedI don't knowHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedI don't knowHighly DevelopedI don't knowI don't knowHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedI don't knowDevelopedHighly DevelopedI don't knowHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedHighly DevelopedI don't knowDevelopedHighly Developed