Games Completed on StreamRatingNotes
SMW: Quickie World-Everyone says to start with QW2, I am not so sure. I started here. I think this one tests you on some more fundamental things Kaizo often employs.
SMW: Quickie World 2-
Hades9/10An incredible game with a great story written around its game mechanics. All of the powers can be fun and having gameplay work in tandem with story in several ways pushes you to try things. The game is almost perfect, but fails when the game forces in this weird, incestuous, homosexual relationship option with a character whom the protagonist grew up with like a brother. I guess it isn't as bad as bear fucking... why do I have to talk about any of this when the topic is video games??
Nier (2010)10/10If you thought the era of great Japanese exestential reflection was gone, replaced by awful dramedy and torpedo breasts, think again. This is still the definitive version of the game. Play this one. This game does have tedious flaws but they are worth it. Beautiful music, well written characters.
Steven Seagal's The Final Option (Demo)-It is a shame this never got finished. Really funny animations that are pretty fluid.
SMW: Little Mario World (100%)-This hack drove me nuts. I think it was a little beyond my skill level which didn't help but some parts where just annoyingly precise. Weird color pallettes didn't help. Some really cool level sections.
Zelda: Ocarina of Time Randomizer-This is the greatest way to have fun with this game after years of playing it.
Captain America & the Avengers (Genesis)-WR
Nier Replicant (2021)7/10Eh... Worse protagonist, no quality of life changes. If you care enough to play this game, get the original.
Messenger7.5/10I liked this game a lot more than I thought. I hated the the awful, 4th wall breaking zoomer humor when I first saw the game. However when you skip past it the game is really fun. The DLC was meh.
SMW: Take It Easy World (Any%)-My favorite hack I have played so far.
Diddy Kong Racing9/10Classic game. The difficulty always seemed like a high bar but, after finally sitting down and getting it done, this game was way easier then I thought. Almost all of the levels are great and the silver coin routing challenges are a great way to add more original play to the level. A few of the levels, especially the final Wizpig race, have some poorly designed sections but nothing the player can't overcome. Wise's soundtrack is among the best in video gamesm possibly better than his DKC work. Taj is one of the best original game characters. Someone please make me a romhack where he is a playable character.
Star Fox-Really hard to tell what you are looking at most of the time. A really cool experiment, but just seems like a beta-project for the masterpiece that came later.
Returnal5/10I really did not care for this game. Lots of ideas for gameplay (3D bullet hell, dungeon crawler, shooter) but never fully develops them into anything coherent. Overall the game isn't too difficult, however the random difficulty spikes come from poor design rather than learning curve/player control. The items almost all seemed pretty useless and the +/- benefit items were not worth it 97% of the time. Further, there was no real progression from run to run. You couldn't build skills or your suit, etc... It was almost all wiped fresh. The narrative was a current year, abstract "muh psychological trauma" metaphor. Beyond that the writers, who may understand the story themselves, fail to actually communicate it to the player. I am glad I only payed $50 for this as that is the maximum price that seemed reasonable for this title. Definitely felt like a more smaller scale game than something full priced.
Ghouls 'N Ghosts (Genesis)-I had fun with this. I was surprised how quickly I went through the second loop. The final boss was cool.
Zelda: Skyward Sword HD6.5/10This game is... strange. Weird character designs, dialogue. It did have some cool ideas, like the beatle item, and I liked the unified art style aesthetics of the textures. It was also neat how the dungeons didn't conform to the typical Zelda elemental arrangements. The forest area was part water for example. However, the good things from this game are overtaken by the amount of terrible dialogue, drawn out, tedious backtracking, flying over an empty overworld (why were their even birds in this game?), and especially the totally unecessary 3rd loop. After the 2nd loop I was prepared for endgame, but the developers decided it was necessary to toss in another round of tedious bullshit so I could find a song, to find a gem, to take me to the final dungeon. ...why?? Where Wind Waker wasn't finished, this game had way too much padding with bullshit. There were a few cool/fun bosses but most of them were complete pushovers, including the final boss once you realize you can charge your own sword with lightning. I should also mention the extremely awkward controls. At best, I didn't quit this game like Breath of the Wild, Link Between Worlds, or the Awakening remake. The coolest part of this game was when using the Dungeon Map was necessary to figure a puzzle out.
Demon Souls (PS5)7.5/10I had fun with this game. It is much shorter than typical Souls games, or it felt that way, but it was nice to get to play one of these games I never had the chance to play before. I liked how the areas were set up as stages with different acts. The weapons weren't as fleshed out and there are lots of issues with the camera and tight spaces, specifically spiraling or prisms apporximating spiraling. The bosses were pretty much all a joke. Flamelurker was easier than his reputation but was the best boss overall since you actually had to pay attention and play well.
Escaflowne (PSX)-I wanted to rate this game but I don't think it really compares to general games. Take Returnal for example, Escaflowne is less of a game, but I enjoyed it way more. However it doesn't seem like Escaflowne should have a higher score. This 'game' is mostly a quick playthrough of the story with unifinished game elements scattered throughout. The game has some decent background and sprite work, but there is very little in the way of game design. It could be really great with some programming. It is just sort of its own thing.
Legend of Zelda - Minish Cap4.5/10This was the strangest Zelda game I've ever played. It looks great. I liked the sprite work. The problem with it is the design. It feels like a Zelda romhack. Many of the typical logical conventions of these games are broken, which is not generally a bad thing. The issue here is that those conventions supply a logic to the game and sense of progression. Minish Cap loses that and how to get from one area to the next is often very unclear. Some dungeons had really weird flows that created confusion, which made the map more useful, but not in a creative way like Skyward Sword. The game tries to introduce different mechanics but they all feel slow, such as the vaccuum and the cloning (where you have to charge a spin attack AND then a long bar up to use). Let's not even speak about the one room where you need to realize you can push the pots as normal link.
Ghost of Tsushima: Iki Island Expansion9/10This "DLC" release was more in line with the somewhat recent trend of console game expansions more than it was some held back content added on later (MGS: Ground Zeroes, Uncharted, Dishonored). The initial game was divided into 3rds and this adds a 4th, equally sized area of the map. The base price seems to be $20 (or sold complete in a new 'Director's Cut' packaged), which is compeltely justified given the scope of the content. if you have a PS5 it is only $10 after inserting the PS4 disc into the console (yes this was confusing). There are a lot of new little gameplay add ons such as archery training and horse combat. My favorite addition was an armor set that added hits into perfect deflects. This really changed the approach to combat if you used it and it was really fun. The story was good and added to the character rather than detracting from the previous story.
Kena: Bridge of Spirits7.5/10I had a lot of fun with this game, and a lot of frustration, some of it fun. This is the developers first big project and it is really impressive the footing it stands on compared to AAA titles, at half the price to the consumer. The game has really fun controls that feel mostly tight and responsive. It felt like some things needed tweaks, such as parrying windows on most bosses. Exploring and combat was fun and while I wish there was better tracking for missed collectables, there is a built in logic to placements. There was far too much enemy spam with add ons for bosses I felt. Often I wanted to engage one on one with a boss and couldn't. The music in the game was great, can't wait for a full soundtrack release. I hope the game gets some fixes and more content down the road. Returnal cost $70 and isn't anywhere near this game.
Medievil (PS4)8.5/10After probably two decades, I have finally seen this game to the end. This game had great production design. Levels were interesting, music, character designs... etc... Well worth the wait. Even cooler, as an added bonus, the original game is on the disc. Some of the level design was strange and annoying, but generally once you knew how to do something, levels were super quick to get through. My favorite part of the game was taking that knowledge and doing the runback riddles with the spirits. That was a ton of fun and a great way to make more out of the existing levels. The final boss was weird and not a challenge but the design was interesting.
Alan Wake (PS5)9/10A lot of games are movies with gun shooting sections. Then there are games actually based on control mechanics. What is really rare is a game that uses game mechanics and design to tell a story in a way only a video game could. Metal Gear Solid 2: Son's of Liberty is the master of this. A lesser example is the indie game Brothers. Alan Wake is a great example of this, a game that takes advantage of the medium to be something unique. It wouldn't work as a movie or a book. I was interested in this game for a long time because of Remedy's Max Payne games had this signature style that was interesting. Right before I went to play the original release, this remaster came out. It looks fantastic. There is intersting and satisying gameplay where you must damage enemies with a flashlight in order to shoot them. One of my favorite parts was when you are with the sheriff character and you can strategize flashing enemies and letting her shoot them. It was also awesome how many horror/thriller movie settings they managed to reasonably squeeze out of the setting. The same can be said for the red herring writing tropes. Rememdy does all sorts of things no one else does. This is a top tier game. I'd say the one drawback is the ending that was left intentionally vague for a sequel.
Fatal Frame3/10The only good thing about this game is the initial concept. Sounds like it could be really interesting. The reality is that Fatal Frame is an absolute mess. Having a character with very limited mobility combatting ghosts that are fast, can travel through walls, and teleport right on top of you fundamentally doesn't work, especially on older hardware. The game doesn't give you any real way to deal with the enemies in the game. Most of the time you take some damage due the restrictive movement and environments. This becomes an issue when the later chapters stop spawning film and health items. This means you are fighting stronger ghosts with worse tools. It was also a very weird decision to flip the analog sticks in camera mode. Instead if right analog moving the view finder, it moves your character while the left analog moves the view finder. I never got used to this. Most of the minor advantage the slow movement could have provided was lost. The game also lacks clear logic throughout. The first few nights teach you that most things are linear with some roundabouts inbetween, then the third night kicks in and you are darting all over. Ghosts give you no room to learn how they work when they behave erratically, which means game overs, which take you to the title screen. Save often, even though it is super annoying. There are a few scripted death encounters at the end of early chapters then all of the sudden, the same looking events are not scripted deaths and you get killed later on. The games puzzles end up being a lot of the same things, just with different number inputs. The game design was just awful. I am really surprised this got 3 sequels.
Super Mario - 16 Star-PB: 28:50
Hameln no Violin Hiki/Violinist of Hamelin SNES6.5/10This was a pretty interesting game, only released in Japan. It had a solid mechanical foundation and really great sprite work (might be based on an anime). However, it was really lacking in level design. There was very little consistency and often everything looked sort of random, had no flow.
Dragon View-Interesting SNES game. Not something I can really give a comparable, arbitrary rating too. Zelda 2 style side scrolling mixed with overworld navigation. I like this style for games.
Minecraft8/10I was always hesitant or uninterested in this game, but after seeing some people play, and having the goal of "beating the game", I really wanted to start and finish it. It is a really well designed game (at this point anyways). I really like how layers, resources, and realms were built. My biggest complaints were the lack of any way to learn what you can make and what things do. There is a recipie book but it doesn't tell you what things do etc... Also I wanted a better way to dispose of unwanted items. In the end I built a trash pit, but it was always a slog managing garbage inventory. It is pretty incredible how this game generates giant, random worlds.
Legend of Zelda - Oracle of Seasons4/10Hands down the worst Zelda game I have ever played. At every step of the game you are blocked from moving from objective to objective on the overworld by obtuse ancillary objectives with little logic. I was stuck at pretty much every step of the game and forced to wander around, looking for whatever random area or step of some "logic" sequence I needed to progress. The trading sequence was the only natural part of the game. The dungeons weren't terrible but they resued way to many of the same pieces that made them not feel distinct. The coolest part of the game is the magnet glove. That had good potential the game didn't quite achieve. It seems clear that the problem with this game and Minish Cap is Capcom.
No More Heroes7/10Really interesting and unique game. The entire thing is rough around the edges but it has a solid foundation. Funny, satircal writing that isn't too self-indugent. I had fun with this.
No More Heroes 23/10One of the worst sequels ever made. A game with lots of charm, promise, and decent mechanics gets turned into a busted, button mashing piece of shit.
Legend of Zelda - Oracle of Ages4.5/10This game starts of better than Seasons but quickly gets just as tedious and incomprehensible. I called it quits after playing through the Jabu Jabu Dungeon. Had I not been using a guide to get there and through it, I have no idea how much time I would have wasted. Capcom should never have made Zelda games.
Tunic5/10There is a good idea here... but the idea never really gets fleshed out. I thought you'd spend the game piecing together the language and being able to actually read the amazing game manual (the best part of the game). Instead you just decipher it by figuiring out what it is trying to say, etc... The combat is not great and it really shows when you get to the final gauntlet, where I stopped playing. Game expects one thing then gives you poor tools for the job.
Kirby's Dreamland9/10This game is a classic. Very short, but you should play it.
Kirby's Dreamland 27.5/10Fun game but secrets require a ton of dumb back tracking. Thankfully there are only 5 or 6 (one for each stage). I really liked that the bosses were made harder and the final boss was really fun.
Kirby's Dreamland 35/10This game looks great, starts off great, has some cool new animal power ups (Boss Cat), then, about half way through, the levels start getting extremely tedious and long. And then LONGER. It ends up taking forever, especially if you are going for the bonuses. Speaking of those, the counting ones were horrible. Some of them weren't bad but there were a few that required constant trial and error. There is a reason you've never seen this game before it got added to Switch.
Brave Fencer Musashi5/10Random Action/RPG mechanics tossed in a blender, dumped into a pan, then half baked at a low temperature. This is part of the "Golden Age" Squaresoft... There is a reason people still play Ocarina of Time and a reason you haven't seen anyone playing this one. The best part of the game was the DDR section where your success causes the enemy girl to become paralyzed from the waist down. The most interesting parts of the game were the beginning and end, then everything in between was rpg mush.
Kirby Super Star7/10Some of this game is great... but some of it is a dumb slog. You can see the same design issues from previous games and that would plague Dreamland 3 in this one. All the different modes are neat, besides the last two, but the more normal ones go by too fast.
Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards8.5/10This game is so much fun and a breath of fresh air. The best Kirby game next to Dreamland by far. I love the power mixing idea and the puzzles for shards. The one downside is that, even though this has amazing tunes, it recycles them way too much.
SMW: Super Cindy World-
SMW: Love Yourself-I really, really loved myself here. The hack introduced new challenges to me in a way that kaizo games focused on misery just can't because they are too far up their own ass.
SMW: Briefly 12-Somehow this didn't make it on the list. I played it too sporadically but this hack was really great. Great design, once again you get digestable challenge that doesn't require you to be a miserable to get good at.
Cuphead9/10Great game, I just wish it had been longer. The run and gun stages were the most difficult part of the game. This game keeps handdrawn animation alive and shows how 3D can be used to supplement it well. I should dock 7 points off for the devs making htis Xbox/PC exclusive for so long. At least the complete thing is out now.
Portal 27/10After the ending to the first game's escape, I was hoping the sequel would take the interesting portal mechanic and apply it to real world architecture. This game sort of does that, but it a limited capacity. I wasn't impressed with the story here. The game design was often confusing in the non-controlled environments as, because this is software, not every surface can be interactive. I would really like to see someone take this mechanic and make a modern game with it.
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night6/10A Metroid like spin on Castlevania. This game somehow earned the high accolade of describing this genre of games along with Super Metroid ("Metroidvania") but I fail to see how. Symphony added nothing to the mix that Metroid hadn't already done better. The level design was poor and this game bascially forces you to check everywhere you can. There was very little direction via text or design. The best part was how smooth the controls were, although they still have that annoying knockback in this. Pretty awful soundtrack that is out of place and way too loud.
Castlevania: Circle of the Moon6/10It is clear to me know that Konami didn't know how to grow Castlevania, so what they did was merge it with other popular games styles in order to see what fit. Like Symphony of the Night, this game is another Castlevania pasted onto Metroid game, only this time the controls are not as smooth. However, this game does have a cool magic system where you combine cards of different types to produce different magic moves. Bosses are sort of more difficult than SotN. The last two guys took me like 15min total. I finished off stream and had no idea it was so short to credits. This game was way too long, overstayed it's welcome. So far all these games take place it the same freaking castle... only it gets worse every time.
Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance5/10
Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow7/10Best of the Metroid like Castlevania's I played. Stupid anime characters. Really liked the soul system and that magic was combined with hearts. Switching on and off of abilities from souls was tedious. This game would be much better on a real console with more buttons. Absolute pushover final boss.
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow5/10
Dante's Inferno8.5/10This game was great. I wanted to rate it 9/10 but the trials at the end of the game and the final boss were a little tedious and in need to more fine tuning, respectively. It was also strange that the Unholy/Holy meters had no real impact on anything progress wise. I thought there would be two endings, but there is only one, which makes it so getting all moves requires at least one more playthrough. The combat was simple but fun and snappy. A huge reason the game works so well is how quick you can block in and out of other actions. This works very well for fast paced hack and slash combat and I don't know why other games aren't more like it. The game had a good story and really memorable aesthetics. Where other similar titles focused on making the games really cinematic, this one really felt more like a game, even with the pre-rendered cutscenes. This game also broke that unspoken, aristocratic style "etiquette" that mainstream games abide by in terms of what they are willing to include. There are breasts, cocks, farts, baby enemies, cock towers, nipple's with tongues that spit babies out... and it all, while striking, just feels comfortable with itself. I can't think of another game like this and certainly, no game like it would ever get released now. The developers really did a great job at the programming and fine tuning of the basic actions, including many quality of life changes from similar titles like God of War. Using ropes to swing or hand cross, ladders/walls to climb and slide down, all of it is really easy and bounded in useful ways. It is really sad this game is lost to time and that the DLC is unobtainable.
Blair Witch2/10A mediocre game that is at least fun to make fun of while chatting with people devolves into endless walking, zero world building or coherent plot, and a 1 hour ending sequence that is walking through the same house over and over. It was excruciatingly bad. At the end you are rewarded... with the knowledge that you got the shitty ending and that, after looking it up online, there was no way you ever could have known how to get the good one.
Valkrie Elysium4/10Square Enix continues to be the publisher of top flight pieces of trash. The most polished fake game I have ever played.
God of War: Ragnarok9/10I am not sure where to start. This game was just completely unexpected. So many times along the way I thought I must be close to the end and it was never true. This game breaks the mold in a way I have talked about wanting games to in the past. This game was not created budget first. Santa Monica and Sony looked at the game that needed to be made… and made it. It is like a Christopher Nolan video game. The game came first. Because of this the game is incredibly long, a two disc release on the last two generations of consoles (the only one that I am aware of). The game is insanely large and with no compromises. I read, “travel the nine realms…” and thought there was no way they would all be full of content… I was wrong. Even areas you think are smaller and just little side realms end up having larger areas to explore later. It is truly incredible. I finished the main story upwards of 50 hours. Even still there is a dedicated post game. Not just clean up of unresolved issues, new scripting and events. In typical circumstances this game would have been two games to make a trilogy. However, sometime in the planning of the first the decision was made to only plan two and that was a real benefit. All a third game would have done would have been to duplicate puzzles and challenges alongside the new story bits. By taking this approach, they made one, large, and purposeful game. It stands out among all other games. The cream rises to the top. Its issue aside, it stands with the greats.*
Sonic Frontiers7.5/10This game came out of nowhere. It has been two decades since SEGA released a funnctioning, competent Sonic game, let alone a good one. Frontiers actually feels inspired by and made with regards to the original 3 Sonic games. It has its interpretations and changes as it is now in 3D but it feels like the developrs put a real effort into actual controls and movement. -- not done
No More Heroes 36/10When it started, I was pretty happy with it and how it returned to being more like the first game. However the game really never picks up steam and eveerything is just sort of stationary, then you finish it. By the end I was extremely board. Clothing is stingy, the jobs aren't really necessary, the side quests reward you with one thing, like a t-shirt for long treks. Just a bunch of at best boring, at worst, tedious and boring. The game looked good but the characters were poorly written and had zero plot advancement. Travis never talks to Silvia, Silvia never says anything real. The side characters sit around doing nothing for 98% of the game. Wasted opportunity.
Praey For the Gods3/10Praeying for my money back... It was no surprise that this came out with such little fanfare that it had already been out for a year. Poor controls, bad design (crafting and foraging in a frozen wasteland...wut), leading to lack of items needed to not be constantly almost dead and having the screen flash in your face, annoying enemies and platforming, constantly low visibility.
Kings Quest VI8/10
Gitaroo Man7/10Holy Shit, I am playing PS2 on PC with zero issues. This was a crazy game. There are some cool ideas for making a rhytmic game something more than just button presses. I really liked the 360 track you had to follow while on offense, very good idea. I'd like to see this idea redone with songs that have actual parts to listen to instead of being bad guitar center show off nonsense. Also the words need to not overlap with the track.
Evergrace6.5/10Proto-souls. Wasn't the worst thing ever. Interesting but really annoying puzzles based on equipment. The music is just awful, but it is hilarious and I honestly kind of like it.
Great Battle III6/10
Great Battle IV7.5/10Very good sprite work, very good soundtrack.
Hogwarts Legacy6/10I had more fun playing Sonic Frontiers. I am not sure what to say here. This game started out seeming pretty damn good. Tutorial is weirdly paced and long. The coolest part of this game are the non-linear, non-game logic areas. Hogwarts castles is insanely convoluted and it is really cool. However after awhile the game lost its charm and I was just bored. Maybe because I don't really care about Harry Potter, but the story and characters were bland as shit. I feel like Harry Potter is more Star Wars than Star Trek. The larger world isnt really anything but a setting for one character's experience. End of the game turns into a bunch of people waving their twigs and other people. Looks stupid and tries to be epic. I also encountred a lot of glitches in this the longer I played. I loved how many spells could be assigned, but ultiamtely it was just too cumbersome to switch quickly. Game started out strong but wore me out VERY quickly.
Star Fox Adventures4.5/10This game is way too long. A lack of actual game content is repalced by tedious long travels accross the game and trying to guess not only where to go, but where that place even is in relation to other things. Worse is that it intentionally makes the pacing of the first half of the game twice as long as it needs to be. It get more straightforward until then.
Eternal Darkness: Sanitiy's Requiem6.5/10Did not live up to the hype.
Swiftly17-Lee12UK does it again. This is a challenging but still fun hack. I like how he upped the anti a bit by making the puzzles more complicated, harder, and by making the levels longer. i feel like this is just about where all hacks should be.
Chibi-Robo6.5/10Lack of logic and progression. Puzzles can be extremely obtuse. This causes game to drag and get boring real fast. Really neat concept and fun when it is going.
Pacman World: Re-Pac7.5/10"Super Mario World 3D but handicapped". Game has great, fluid controls. Too easy but fun to try and break intended platforming. Would recommend for kids, which is a rare find.
Higlahnder - The Last of the Macleods-This is a game I had wanted to play for years, and it was absolutely worth the wait. The perfect amount of dumb.
The Stanley Parable2/10
Final Fantasy XVI9/10I loved this game. While I know a lot of people will dislike it because Final Fantasy to them is ATB/Turn Based but those systems are not any fun to me. ATB has too much RNG built in and, while Turn Based offers a solution and makes things more tactics oriented, when there is a turn order, it becomes literally, "do these things in this order = win". I prefer actually controlling the character and my inputs having the direct impact in battles.-- This game takes decades of Final Fantasy and morphs into one solid experience that is better than anything before it. The plot is well thought out, interesting, and engaging. Everything you hear or read is relevant and sets up later things or is integral to the world building. Guardian Forces were always cool, but how many times can you sit there watching 40 second clips before it grows old? Well this game takes GFs and turns them into special transformations various characters have. Along the way you obtain powers from them and it opens up all kinds of special skills move sets. There is a ton of variety. Further still, how else could GFs be made more engaging they asked? Why combining them with another Japanese culture staple, Kaiju. There are awesome GF battles in this game you actually get to control. As the game progresses the movement of Ifrit starts out clunky with limited moves and becomes more smooth and quick, with better skills. This runs parallel to the the main character getting more control of this GF power. The music in the game is extremely well done. The melodies and memorable but there still are big orchestral pieces, there are several songs that work in little nods to the older games (probably more than I can recognize). The only time the music is completely off base and not uniform is the Final Titan fight when it turns into Matrix, Devil May Cry bullshit out of left field. Don't know what the hell was happening there. The game is absolutely huge. I was worried the entire time that it would shit out and you'd just kind of warp to the end without the map being surveyed. Instead the final area is perhaps the largest of all and completing it still isn't the end. Side Quests take a page from Ghosts of Tsushima (the best open world experience to date) and, rather than being random, build onto an ongoing story in that region of the map, or build into the world in general someway. Many of them also build on themselves as the game progresses. This less major cast of characters stand on their own and are interesting. Another FF that is normally half baked that this game does well, Geopolitics. The land has purpose, the politics and strategic movements of groups have purpose, and the game goes out of its way to give you ways to review this and show it to you. -- Status Effects should happen way more often or be in the game in general, elemental +/- should have been implemented between GF abilities and enemies, probably my biggest issue is that the game is too easy. You do unlock a more difficult option after completing the game but it is combined with new game plus. They should have let the none NG+ option be available from the start.
Castlevania (N64)7/10This is my favorite Castlevania game. It has jank, but it is fun. Like Mario Sunshine the controls aren't great, but they give you more rather than less, resulting in some pretty fluid movement. The bosses were few and very easy. Decent enough story, some cool enemy ideas (stain glass guys).
Myst (Masterpiece Edition)4.5/10
Robocop - Rogue City9/10
Terminator Resistance8/10
Warhammer 40k - Boltgun5/10Did not finish. Really cool artstyle, absolute dogshit level design that is incomprehensible and way too long.
Ys Origin5/10This game seems to be highly recommended but it is an uninspired clone of Ys VI. I quit at the final boss after having a hard time wanting to even get that far. Grinding would have been required and I was not going to do that.
Ys 78/10
Ys 8 9/10
Ys 96.5/10
The Saboteur6/10
Wild 95/10Loved the demo as a kid, turns out the interesting stuff is all in those 2 levels. Then it is just repeating until the last stage.
Heart of Darkness6/10
Rise of Ronin7/10
Metal Storm8/10My favorite NES game. Tight controls and interesting mechanics that try to make more out of the limitations.
Stellar Blade5/10In a phrase, South Pacific bootleg/counterfeit Nier.
Another Crab's Treasure
Animal Well
Mullet Mad Jack