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1 | Type | Question | Answer |
2 | Sleeving | What size are the cards in this game? | They are Tarot sized (US). The solo mode cards are poker sized. |
3 | Sleeving | How many poker sleeves will I need to sleeve the solo mode? | 38 |
4 | Sleeving | How many Tarot sleeves will I need to sleeve all player cards in the game? | 87. 107 if you include the mini expansion. |
5 | Leon Army | Can I promote a card in a battle that hasn't happened yet? | Yes. You can promote a card, "wherever it may be." This could be in a battlefield, your hand, discarded cards, or even destroyed cards. By picking a card in a future battle, you can be very tricky. |
6 | Leon Army | Promote Mechanic: How does the Leon Army's Promote action work with the Turncoats expansion? | You have more promote targets. You can promote a unit to a Lion of the same strength and in some cases, you will have more then one choice now. |
7 | Leon Army | What happens if I promote a unit into a Lion that has a setup effect? | The setup effect resolves when that card enters the game. If you choose the Abandoned mech with a promtoe action, it's setup effect will resolve when it enters the game at that time. |
8 | Leon Army | Trey: When Trey uses his Lead effect, does he could as one of the 3 face-up promoted units you need to gain the extra medal? | Yes. |
9 | Leon Army | Hacker / Moxie: When a unit becomes 0 due to hacker/ Moxie's effect, does it also ignore any modifiers? | |
10 | Leon Army | War Hero / Samanta: Can this cards recover themselves? | No they cannot. |
11 | Kudzu Army | Overgrown and Kudzu Token Clarification: Do Overgrown Kudzu tokens follow the standard Kudzu token rules? How do I stop the swarm? | The standard Kudzu token rules are that when they are deployed, they stay in that battlefield until they lose a battle. When they lose, they are all destroyed in that battlefield. Kudzu tokens are also still units so they can be destroyed by enemy effects that destroy units. ( Like Officer , Lord, or Centi-steed ). When playing against Kudzu your destroy units effect is most critical because as you pointed out, it can grow out of control real quick. For Overgrown, it allows you play Kudzu tokens where you don't have a base potentially winning a battle against 2 armies. It's very good against two players doing a 'soft truce'. They follow the standard Kudzu token rules and if you lose overgrown, they get to stay there. Basically Overgrown grants you the ability to place them. |
12 | Enerhiya Army | Titan / Mahes: Can the amount of tech level I have be doubled beyond 12 by the effect of Titan / Mahes? | Yes. Even though the limit for the physical dice itself is 12, the amount of tech you can have can be doubled by Titan / Mahes resulting in a very high strength. |
13 | Enerhiya Army | Titan / Mahes: If this card is taken control by the Vaccus army, will it use my tech level to determine it's strength? | It does not. It looks at the controllers tech level. Vacuus can't generate tech so the strength is 0. |
14 | Enerhiya Army | Titan / Mahes: How is this cards strength determined? Is it always vulenerable to cards like centi-steed due to it's printed 0 strength? | Mahes strength is ( 0+ [Green die] ). So its possible Mahes gets strong enough to avoid the effect centi-steed. It's possible for Mahes to gain more then 5 strength and be vulerable to Hackers. |
15 | Vaccus Army | Alluring Eye/Penumbra: do the units deployed by Alluring Eye / Penumbra get to use their battle effects? | Yes. You may resolve them in any order. |
16 | Vaccus Army | Mari: Mari's effect mentions a tower. What is a tower? | This is a misprint. "Tower" should say "base". |
17 | Vaccus Army | Red Door: When you destroy a unit with this card, can I target enemy discarded units? | Yes. |
18 | Castell Army | Celric / Jazen : If the celric plays its lead ability and is destroyed by Centi-steed, will the effect still take place? What if it's destroyed by Officer? | The cleric will need to be present at the end of the battle to force the clash. If it's removed before then, so its the effect. There are some battle effects that can destroy cards immediately ( Centi-steed ) ensuring the Celric is not present at the end of the battle. Cards like Officer destroy after the battle. In that case, Clerics effect would have taken place then it's destroyed by Officers effect. |
19 | Priority | What is "Priority order?" | The player who has the Priority token has priority. Priority order is clock-wise from that player. |
20 | Lead Effects | How long do lead effects last? | Lead effects last for as long as the card is face-up in battle. If the card is removed, the effect is removed. If the same card returns into play by card effect, its lead effect is not restored. |
21 | Battle effects | Are Battle effects limited to the Battlefield where they take place, unless otherwise specified? | Yes. Battle effects are local. There are some effects that can change this rule. |
22 | Battle effects | When resolving battle effects in a battlefield, what is the order in which they are resolved? Does the priority player resolve ALL of their battle effects and then the next clock-wise player resolves all of theirs, or does each of them resolve one battle effect at a time (in priority order)? | The priority player resolves all their battle effects. Then the next player resolves all of theirs. |
23 | Move effects | Can a units move into a resolved battlefield? | No. |
24 | Move effects | Can the priority player choose to resolve battle on empty battlefields to prevent movement into them? | Yes. |
25 | Expansion | Relentless Typo: The reminder text on Relentless is different in the Turncoard mini expansion. Which reminder text of Relentless is is correct? | Relentess has the wrong reminder text on cards in the turncoat expansion. The wording of relentless in the rulebook ( and base cards) is the correct definition. |
26 | Expansion | Manda Deep Oean Rogue A.I.: How does this card work exactly? | When a battle ends, he will move to a battlefield to the left. Since he's overgrown, he can enter battlefields where you don't have a base an potentially win 2 medals. If he's destroyed before the end of battle he moves immediately which can lead to clever battle tricks. You might even win two battles with this card in one round! This card can only be played if there are 3+ players and this can can never be in the center battlefield. |
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