Internship proposed by and under management of:Additional information about your department/ laboratory/ research group (website, research account, etc)Field of the internshipTopic of the internshipSupervisor at USTH (Full name + position)Supervisor's emailInternship duration (estimated)Number of students expected to receiveStudent level Remuneration and other allowancesIf yes, please specify the amount of remuneration/ kind of allowancesInternship project description (Please give a more detailed description about the project)Other requirements (if any)
Department: Life Sciences (LS)https://usth.edu.vn/en/department-of-life-sciences/Plant-Microorganism InteractionSearch for beneficial bacteria possessing plant growth promoting and biocontrol properties Nguyen Van Phuong, Lecturernguyen-van.phuong@usth.edu.vn3-6 months02B3, M2NoRice (Oryza sativa) is among the most economically important crops in many countries including Vietnam. However, production of rice in Vietnam and other countries is threatened by pests and diseases causing huge losses, particularly, bacterial leaf blight, blast and sheath blight are considered as major constraints in rice cultivation. In modern society, farmers usually use agrochemicals such as chemical fertilisers, herbicides, and pesticides to gain higher productivity and prevent pathogens and weeds. Applying agrochemicals in paddies is considered an easy solution to control diseases and maintain high yield; however, the overuse of these chemicals might cause tremendous impact on environment, public health, and non-target organisms due to the high levels of toxic residues. At the same time, prolonged agrochemical exposure of paddies also reduces their effectiveness and might increase the number of insecticide-resistant strains. In Vietnam, during the period of 1995 – 2018, the positive correlations between the amount of rice production and the use of pesticides indicated the intractable routines of farmers in using of pesticides for rice production. Moreover, the improper use of pesticides by farmers (e.g., too high dosages, cocktailing of pesticides, inadequate pre-harvest intervals etc.) leads to the heavy dependence of pesticides in rice production, especially in poorer areas where farmers have to largely rely on cheap but often with old and more toxic pesticides. This problem need to be urgently addressed because it causes significant adverse impacts on food safety, soil, water environment, and human health. Thus, alternative solutions are being developed to alleviate the dependence of agrochemicals. Beneficial endophytic bacteria (EB) have been studied as an alternative measure to improve crop yield, grain quality, and to prevent pathogens; at the same time, the use of endophytes does not cause serious damage to the crops and ecosystem.
EB colonise internal plant tissues without causing infection or damage. EB are found in many plant crops including rice, and their relationships with host plants have been widely studied. These interactions have been shown to benefit the hosts, namely, promoting growth via phytohormone biosynthesis, nitrogen fixation, nutrient solubilisation, and phytopathogen suppression through antibiotic production and/or cell wall-degrading enzymes like matrix metalloproteinases. These beneficial properties make EB promising candidates for biocontrol agents.
Taking advantage from my own previous studies, we propose further evaluating the antifungal activity of rice root endophytic bacteria against Magnaporthe oryzea (Mo) causing rice blast disease on rice. The Mo strains were isolated from infected rice in the North of Vietnam during the main season of 2018. Paralelly, we also would like to screen the antifungal activity of rice root EB against Fusarium spp. causing wilt and root rot diseases on different crops.
Research group: Sustainable Energy and Environmental Development (SEED).Energy - EnvironmentHydrothermal gasification of agricultural residuesDr. Hong Nam Nguyen, Team leader of Emerging research Group "Sustainable Energy and Environmental Development (SEED)nguyen-hong.nam@usth.edu.vn3-6 months3B3, M1, M2NoThe resaerch aims at establishing a new procedure for the conversion of agricultural residues to energy using gasification. At a laboratory scale, the residue will first be treated using Hydrothermal carbonization (HTC) under CO2 atmosphere. Then the obtained solid residue will be used for steam gasification. The syngas quality will be measured, and the residue after gasification can be used directly or upgraded to become adsorbents for environmental treatment purposes.
Research group: Chemistry for Energy Conversion & Storage (CECS)https://usth.edu.vn/en/overview-fas-4427/Chemistry/ Inorganic ChemistrySynthesis cobalt complexes and its use as molecular catalysts for the H2 evolutionDr. To Hai Tungto-hai.tung@usth.edu.vn03 - 06 months01M1, M2NoThe project deals with design and synthesis of cobalt complexes using Schiff base-based ligands. Mononuclear and dinuclear complexes will be considered. Complexes obtained will be then assayed for its catalytic activity for the proton reduction reaction generating H2 fuel using several electrochemical and spectroscopic analyses. All technics required for the synthesis, characterization, and catalysis investigation are available in USTH and other sister institutes inside the campus of Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology.
CECS group is constituted of 07 permanent lecturer-researchers of USTH, 01 postdoc, 06 PhD students and several master and undergraduate students.
Research group: Chemistry for Energy Conversion & Storage (CECS)https://usth.edu.vn/en/overview-fas-4427/Chemistry/ Chemistry of Nanomaterials/ Solid State PhysicsTailoring defects within BiVO4 to tune its photocatalytic activity for solar water splittingDr. Le Thi Lyle-thi.ly@usth.edu.vn3-6 months01M2Yes3 million VND/ monthBiVO4 is presented as a promising photocatalyst for solar water splitting which is used for large scale production of green H2 fuel. Within our project funded by VINIF, we aim to investigate on the role of structural defects to photocatalytic activities of BiVO4. To this end, the internship project (of 3-6 months) will vary synthesis conditions and/ or introduce dopant to tune the type(s) and population of defects within BiVO4. The student will aslo collaborate with physicsits who use the Positron annihilation spectroscopy (PAS) to probe the defects. Lastly, photocatalytic activities of the obtained BiVO4 will be determined using photoelectrochemical analysis.
Except PAS, all characterization tools required are available at USTH.
CECS group is constituted of 07 permanent lecturer-researchers of USTH, 01 postdoc, 06 PhD students and several master and undergraduate students.
Department: Life Sciences (LS)Plant biotechnology teamBiotechnology, bioinformatic, genome-wide association studyInvestigating the Silic uptake in rice varieties using Genome-Wide Association StudyDr. To Thi Mai Huong, leader of Plant biotech team, Deputy director of Research, Innovation and Technology transferto-thi-mai.huong@usth.edu.vn3-6 months2B3, M1, M2YesLunch and transport (1M VND/month)A typical silicon-accumulating plant is the rice plant (Oryza sativa), which is gained
from silicon dietary supplements. Silicon (Si) has been shown to strengthen plants,
protect them from diseases and pests, improve crop growth and quantity, and stimulate
plant immune systems. However, most plants can accomplish their life cycle when
cultivated in nutrient solutions without silicon, Si is not regarded as an essential
ingredient for crop growth. Several benefits for plants have been demonstrated, although
the researches in question are either speculative or experimental in nature. It is therefore
necessary to conduct this trial on a larger scale using rigorous research methodology.
Here we use GWAS for a large-scale study applying data on 180 Vietnamese rice
varieties in the presence and absence of Si with the aim of finding related QTLs and
potential novel genes for the silicon uptake in rice
Proficient in english
Department: Life Sciences (LS)Plant biotechnology groupMetagenomics, bioinformaticInvestigate microbial profile in rice root under silicon treatmentDr. To Thi Mai Huong, leader of Plant biotechnology team, Deputy director of Research, Innovation and technology transferto-thi-mai.huong@usth.edu.vn3-6 months1B3, M2NoProficient in english, have some basic knowledge about bioinformatic
Research group: Advanced Materials and Applications (AMA)AMSNMaterials ScienceSynthesis of gold nanostarDr. Nguyen Luong Lam - Lecturernguyen-luong.lam@usth.edu.vn3-62B3, M1, M2NoGold nanomaterials in different shapes that have focused a lot of interest due to their physical and chemical properties. The gold nanomaterials have potential application such biosensing, catalyst, surface plasmonics. In this project, the gold materials is synthesized by chemical method and characterized by SEM, XRD, UV-Vis techniques.
Research group: Biopharma-Environmental Assessment & Monitoring (BEAM)the research group combined by 2 departments (WEO and LS)Environmental monitoringevaluation of organic pollutants in environmental samplesDr. Bui Van Hoi - Lecturer - Researcherbui-van.hoi@usth.edu.vn5-6 months1 - 2M2NoIn this internship, the students will learn different skills to extract and to analyze the organic pollutants (pharmaceutical residues, Perfluorinated compounds, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons...) in both water and sediment samples. The intern should have strong background in chemistry especially in analytical chemistry
Department: Information and Communication Technology (ICT)ICTLab, https://ictlab.usth.edu.vnComputer Vision, Deep Learning, Machine LearningMultimodal Regression for Remote Sensing UAV imagesDr. Tran Giang Son, Co-director of Departmenttran-giang.son@usth.edu.vn4/2023 - 9/20232M1, M2NoThe candidate(s) should (not a must) be confident with TensorFlow, Pytorch or other deep learning frameworks.
Department: Energy (EN)Control System LabControl System, Embedded systemObject detection and object tracking for an embedded devicesDr. PHAM XUAN TUNGpham-xuan.tung@usth.edu.vn3 months2B3, M1, M2NoDevelop an embedded system that can detect moving objects and tracking them.
Department: Water-Environment-Oceanography (WEO)https://usth.edu.vn/en/department-of-water-environment-oceanography/HydrologyApplying Machine learning-based method in River water quality researchDr. Nguyen Quoc Sonnguyen-quoc.son@usth.edu.vn5 months1B3, M2Noexperiences in coding
Department: Water-Environment-Oceanography (WEO)https://usth.edu.vn/en/department-of-water-environment-oceanography/Natural Waters & Environmental Quality Assessing the impact of human activities on aquatic ecosystems at Xuan Thuy (Nam Dinh Province, Vietnam)Nguyễn Thanh Hiền - Lecturernguyen-thanh.hien@usth.edu.vn5-6 months01M2YesCost related to field trip, which might be organised from February to July 2023Xuan Thuy National Park is a Ramsar registered wetland and valuable habitat for endangered bird species in Vietnam. However, increasing demand for agriculture inputs due to economic pressure, rapid development of shrimp and clam farming were occurred in this area in these 3 decades. Because of the drainage from these aquaculture activities, water quality would deteriorate and have an impact on the aquatic ecosystems, especially the microalgae. When water contains a lot of nutrients, harmful cyanobacteria would flourish, and it affects other trophic levels.
This study aims to investigate the impact of human activities (aquaculture) on water quality, aquatic ecosystems, and diversity between different locations in Xuan Thuy, Nam Dinh Province. We also evaluate the shift in community structure associated with water quality. In order to achieve the main aims, specific activities will be targeted as follows:
- To collect water and sediment samples from the intensive shrimp and clam farming area and natural river and analyze these collected samples, with special emphasis on organic matter, pigment composition of microalgae, and meiofauna.
- To improve understanding of the factors interacting with aquatic environment, microalgal, and meiofaunal distributions and to provide a context for assessing the water quality.

Samples will be collected every month from February to July 2023 at intensive shrimp farming and clam ponds, and a natural river in Xuan Thuy, Nam Dinh Province, Vietnam. Environmental parameters were measured in situ including salinity, EC, pH, temperature, and turbidity. In the framework of this internship, the candidate will focus on the dynamics of microalgal and meiofaunal assemblages in response to environmental changes and take into account the change in nutrients (TN, TP, TOM, chlorophyll a). Multiple analyses will be then conducted to reveal the best explainable variables for the ecological niche shift of microalgae and meiofauna
the intern is required to have
- teamwork experiences
- lab working skills, particularly willing to work with microscopy
- English fluency
- Computer skills
- Basic knowledge of statistics

Throughout the internship, the intern is expected to:
- Understand the objective of his/her research and know how to conduct research regarding such objective
- Improve communication skills by completing one field trip with other researchers
- Demonstrate the ability to plan, and implement his/her individual tasks
- Gain more expertise on the taxonomy of aquatic organisms and its applicability as bioindicators, particularly the ability to analyze, interpret and report the data in the context of environmental changes
- The intern will be instructed to get familiar with statistical analysis tools such as CANOCO 4.5, PRIMER-E.
Research group: Biopharma-Environmental Assessment & Monitoring (BEAM)The goal of the research team is to assess and monitor the emerging contaminants in the environment, the impact of pollution on biological systems including plants, microorganisms and humans and to improve the human health by ensure the quality of food chain (not limited to functional food and medicines). The research team's activities revolve around analytical solutions including instrumental analysis, biological tests, and data analysis to understand the adaptive mechanisms of plants/humans to a number of agents at molecular level. Analytical factors in the environment and biopharmaceutical products will be combined to find out the relationship/or interaction between the environment, plants and humans to give warnings/recommendations in the protection/safety management of the natural environment and human health.Biochemistry, drug discoveryIn vitro determination of the anti-aging potential of different tea extracts towards application in skin and mucosal care productsNguyen Thi Kieu Oanh, Leader of the research groupnguyen-thi-kieu.oanh@usth.edu.vn3-6 months1B3, M1, M2NoThe general objectives of this project are to determine the potential of Vietnamese herbs in radical scavenging and anti-aging properties.
Research contents:
1. Sample treatment
2. Antioxidant activity testing
3. Anticollagenase, anti-elastase, anti-hyaluronidase activity testing
Research group: Biopharma-Environmental Assessment & Monitoring (BEAM)The goal of the research team is to assess and monitor the emerging contaminants in the environment, the impact of pollution on biological systems including plants, microorganisms and humans and to improve the human health by ensure the quality of food chain (not limited to functional food and medicines). The research team's activities revolve around analytical solutions including instrumental analysis, biological tests, and data analysis to understand the adaptive mechanisms of plants/humans to a number of agents at molecular level. Analytical factors in the environment and biopharmaceutical products will be combined to find out the relationship/or interaction between the environment, plants and humans to give warnings/recommendations in the protection/safety management of the natural environment and human health.Biochemistry, pharmacologyRelationship between chemical profile and the potential activity on anxiety and depression treatment of tea extractsNguyen Thi Kieu Oanh, Nguyen Phuong Nganguyen-thi-kieu.oanh@usth.edu.vn4-6 months1M1, M2NoObjectives:
- to see the effects of various tea compounds on the main pathophysiological mechanisms investigated in depression
Research contents:
1. Targeted profiling of amino acids and catechins in different type of tea (leaves/ flowers, unprocessed/processed, fresh/dry...)
2. In vivo bioassay
3. Connect two dataset of chemical profiling and in vivo bioassay
Department: Life Sciences (LS)https://usth.edu.vn/en/department-of-life-sciences/Biotechnology, Medical science and technologyInvestigation of the antidiabetic/ anticoagulant and antiplatelet aggregation activity of traditional plantsDr. Le Hong Luyenle-hong.luyen@usth.edu.vn3-6 months1B3No
Department: Life Sciences (LS)https://usth.edu.vn/en/department-of-life-sciences/Biotechnology, Medical science and technologyAnalysis of phytochemicals from Vietnamese black ginger using GC-MS and LC-MS/MS methodsDr. Le Hong Luyenle-hong.luyen@usth.edu.vn3-6 months1B3No
Department: Life Sciences (LS)https://usth.edu.vn/en/department-of-life-sciences/Biotechnology, Medical science and technologyStudy the antagonistic activity of endophytic bacteria against plant pathogensDr. Nguyen Van Phuongnguyen-van.phuong@usth.edu.vn3-6 months1M1No
Department: Life Sciences (LS)https://usth.edu.vn/en/department-of-life-sciences/Biotechnology, Medical science and technologyInvestigation of endophytic bacteria on plant growth promoting and biocontrol traitsDr. Nguyen Van Phuongnguyen-van.phuong@usth.edu.vn3-6 months1M1No
Department: Life Sciences (LS)https://usth.edu.vn/en/department-of-life-sciences/Biotechnology, Medical science and technologyAntifungal activity of bacterial endophytes associated with rice rootDr. Nguyen Van Phuongnguyen-van.phuong@usth.edu.vn3-6 months1M1No
Department: Life Sciences (LS)https://usth.edu.vn/en/department-of-life-sciences/Biotechnology, Medical science and technologyDesign and construction of CRISPR/Cas9 system for targeted Genome Editing in riceDr. Tran Tuan Anh & Dr. To Thi Mai Huongto-thi-mai.huong@usth.edu.vn/ tran-tuan.anh@usth.edu.vn3-6 months2B3, M1No
Department: Life Sciences (LS)https://usth.edu.vn/en/department-of-life-sciences/Biotechnology, Medical science and technologyHistological and expression analysis of NCR10 promoter control the root development under stress in riceDr. To Thi Mai Huong & Dr. Le Thi Van Anhto-thi-mai.huong@usth.edu.vn/ le-thi-van.anh@usth.edu.vn3-6 months2B3, M1No
Department: Life Sciences (LS)https://usth.edu.vn/en/department-of-life-sciences/Biotechnology, Medical science and technologyHistological analysis of OsGDPD13 gene responsible for the Phosphate use efficiency in riceDr. To Thi Mai Huong & Dr. Le Thi Van Anhto-thi-mai.huong@usth.edu.vn/ le-thi-van.anh@usth.edu.vn3-6 months2B3, M1No
Department: Life Sciences (LS)https://usth.edu.vn/en/department-of-life-sciences/Biotechnology, Medical science and technologyProtein localization study by transient expression of fluorescence reporter gene in Nicotiana tabacumDr. Tran Tuan Anh, Dr. To Thi Mai Huongto-thi-mai.huong@usth.edu.vn/ tran-tuan.anh@usth.edu.vn3-6 months2B3, M1No
Department: Life Sciences (LS)https://usth.edu.vn/en/department-of-life-sciences/Biotechnology, Medical science and technologyInvestigating the interaction between Phosphate solubilizing bacteria and rice plants at phenotypic and biochemical level Dr Nguyen Van Phuong & Dr. Mai Thi Phuong Nganguyen-van.phuong@usth.edu.vn/ mai-thi-phuong.nga@usth.edu.vn3-6 months1M1No
Department: Life Sciences (LS)https://usth.edu.vn/en/department-of-life-sciences/Biotechnology, Medical science and technologyIn vitro tissue culture for preserving genetic ressorces of Golden Camellia Dr. Lê Thị Vân Anh & Dr. Mai Thi Phuong Ngale-thi-van.anh@usth.edu.vn/ mai-thi-phuong.nga@usth.edu.vn3-6 months1M1No
Department: Life Sciences (LS)https://usth.edu.vn/en/department-of-life-sciences/Biotechnology, Medical science and technologyInvestigation of the genetic diversity of endemic Golden Camellias collection of VietnamDr. Lê Thị Vân Anh & Dr. Mai Thi Phuong Ngale-thi-van.anh@usth.edu.vn/ mai-thi-phuong.nga@usth.edu.vn3-6 months1M1No
Department: Life Sciences (LS)https://usth.edu.vn/en/department-of-life-sciences/Biotechnology, Medical science and technologyInvestigation anti blood cancer properties from potential compound isolated from Morus alba Dr. Le Thanh Huong & Dr Nguyen Hai Dang le-thanh.huong@usth.edu.vn/ nguyen-hai.dang@usth.edu.vn3-6 months1M1No
Department: Life Sciences (LS)https://usth.edu.vn/en/department-of-life-sciences/Biotechnology, Medical science and technologyInvestigation anti osteoporosis properties from potential compound isolated from Piper longum L.Dr. Le Thanh Huong & Dr Nguyen Hai Dang le-thanh.huong@usth.edu.vn/ nguyen-hai.dang@usth.edu.vn3-6 months1M1No
Department: Life Sciences (LS)https://usth.edu.vn/en/department-of-life-sciences/Biotechnology, Medical science and technologyInvestigation of the anti-imflammatory effects from plants naturalized in the North of VNDr. Le Thanh Huong & Dr Nguyen Hai Dang le-thanh.huong@usth.edu.vn/ nguyen-hai.dang@usth.edu.vn3-6 months1M1No
Department: Life Sciences (LS)https://usth.edu.vn/en/department-of-life-sciences/Biotechnology, Medical science and technologyBioactivities (antiplatelet/anticoagulant/antioxidant/anti-inflammatory) of medicinal plants Dr. Nguyen Thi Van Anhnguyen-thi-van.anh@usth.edu.vn3-6 months1M1No
Department: Life Sciences (LS)https://usth.edu.vn/en/department-of-life-sciences/Biotechnology, Medical science and technologyHuman genetic disordersNguyen Thy Ngocnguyen-thy.ngoc@usth.edu.vn3-6 months1M1No
Department: Life Sciences (LS)https://usth.edu.vn/en/department-of-life-sciences/Biotechnology, Medical science and technologyGenome Wide Association Study (GWAS) of resistant starch from Vietnamese rice
Dr. To Thi Mai Huong & Msc. Le Quoc Khang (Paris Saclay)
to-thi-mai.huong@usth.edu.vn3-6 months1M1No
Department: Life Sciences (LS)https://usth.edu.vn/en/department-of-life-sciences/Biotechnology, Medical science and technologyGenome Wide Association Study (GWAS) of amino acid composition from Vietnam rice
Dr. To Thi Mai Huong & Msc. Le Quoc Khang (Paris Saclay)
to-thi-mai.huong@usth.edu.vn3-6 months2B3, M1No
Department: Life Sciences (LS)https://usth.edu.vn/en/department-of-life-sciences/Biotechnology, Medical science and technologyGWAS analysis of Silic, Arsenic and Cadmium residues in Vietnam rice
Dr. To Thi Mai Huong & Msc. Le Quoc Khang (Paris Saclay)
to-thi-mai.huong@usth.edu.vn3-6 months2B3, M1No
Department: Life Sciences (LS)https://usth.edu.vn/en/department-of-life-sciences/Biotechnology, Medical science and technologyQuantitative characterization of inorganic phosphate solubilization of rice root endophytic bacteriaDr. Nguyen Van Phuongnguyen-van.phuong@usth.edu.vn3-6 months2B3, M1No
Department: Life Sciences (LS)https://usth.edu.vn/en/department-of-life-sciences/Biotechnology, Medical science and technologyQuantitative characterization of siderophore production of rice root endophytic bacteriaDr. Nguyen Van Phuongnguyen-van.phuong@usth.edu.vn3-6 months2B3, M1No
Department: Life Sciences (LS)https://usth.edu.vn/en/department-of-life-sciences/Biotechnology, Medical science and technologyQuantitative characterization of auxin production of rice root endophytic bacteriaDr. Nguyen Van Phuongnguyen-van.phuong@usth.edu.vn3-6 months2B3, M1No
Department: Life Sciences (LS)https://usth.edu.vn/en/department-of-life-sciences/Biotechnology, Medical science and technologyPreparation of berberine solid lipid nanoparticlesDr. Nguyen Hong Vannguyen-hong.van@usth.edu.vn3-6 months3B3, M1, M2No
Department: Life Sciences (LS)https://usth.edu.vn/en/department-of-life-sciences/Biotechnology, Medical science and technologyPreparation of berberine nano lipid carrierDr. Nguyen Hong Vannguyen-hong.van@usth.edu.vn3-6 months3B3, M1, M2No
Department: Life Sciences (LS)https://usth.edu.vn/en/department-of-life-sciences/Biotechnology, Medical science and technologyPreparation of rutin phytosomeDr. Nguyen Hong Vannguyen-hong.van@usth.edu.vn3-6 months3B3, M1, M2No
Department: Life Sciences (LS)https://usth.edu.vn/en/department-of-life-sciences/Biotechnology, Medical science and technologyPreparation of curcumin floating systemDr. Nguyen Hong Vannguyen-hong.van@usth.edu.vn3-6 months3B3, M1, M2No
Department: Life Sciences (LS)https://usth.edu.vn/en/department-of-life-sciences/Biotechnology, Medical science and technologyPreparation of rutin nanocrystalDr. Nguyen Hong Vannguyen-hong.van@usth.edu.vn3-6 months3B3, M1, M2No
Department: Life Sciences (LS)https://usth.edu.vn/en/department-of-life-sciences/Biotechnology, Medical science and technologyScreening lipopeptide from endophytic antifungal bacteriaDr. Nguyen Van Phuongnguyen-van.phuong@usth.edu.vn3-6 months3B3, M1, M2No
Department: Life Sciences (LS)https://usth.edu.vn/en/department-of-life-sciences/Biotechnology, Medical science and technologyBioactivities (Antithrombotic and antioxidant) and mechanisms of action of medicinal plantsDr. Nguyen Thi Van Anhnguyen-thi-van.anh@usth.edu.vn3-6 months3B3, M1, M2No
Department: Life Sciences (LS)https://usth.edu.vn/en/department-of-life-sciences/Biotechnology, Medical science and technologyAnalysis of whole genome sequence of drug resistant bacteriaDr. Nguyen Quang Huy & Dr. Tran Thi Thanh Tamnguyen-quang.huy@usth.edu.vn3-6 months3B3, M1, M2No
Department: Life Sciences (LS)https://usth.edu.vn/en/department-of-life-sciences/Biotechnology, Medical science and technologyDevelopment of multiplex realtime PCR assay for rapid detection of major carbapenem resistant genes in Gram-negative bacteria Dr. Nguyen Quang Huynguyen-quang.huy@usth.edu.vn3-6 months2B3, M2No
Department: Life Sciences (LS)https://usth.edu.vn/en/department-of-life-sciences/Biotechnology, Medical science and technologyDetermination of Prevalence of antibiotic resitant genes in Nha Trang Bay Dr. Nguyen Quang Huynguyen-quang.huy@usth.edu.vn3-6 months2B3, M2No
Department: Life Sciences (LS)https://usth.edu.vn/en/department-of-life-sciences/Food science and technologyInvestigate microbial profile in rice root under silicon treatment
Dr. Trần Thị Thanh Tâm & Dr. To Thi Mai Huong
tran-thi-thanh.tam@usth.edu.vn3-6 months3B3, M1, M2No
Department: Life Sciences (LS)https://usth.edu.vn/en/department-of-life-sciences/Food science and technologyGenome editing by Crispr/Cas9 for functional investigation of OsGDPD13 for improving Phosphate use efficiency in riceDr. To Thi Mai Huongto-thi-mai.huong@usth.edu.vn3-6 months3B3, M1, M2No
Department: Life Sciences (LS)https://usth.edu.vn/en/department-of-life-sciences/Food science and technologyDevelopment of healthy food product from Codonopsis javanica (blume) at Komtum provinceDr Pham Hoang Nampham-hoang.nam@usth.edu.vn3-6 months2B3, M1No
Department: Life Sciences (LS)https://usth.edu.vn/en/department-of-life-sciences/Food science and technologySurvey of antibiotic resistance in bacteria from Vietnamese traditional foodDr Pham Hoang Nampham-hoang.nam@usth.edu.vn3-6 months1B3No
Department: Life Sciences (LS)https://usth.edu.vn/en/department-of-life-sciences/Food science and technologyBlending of craft alcoholic beverage from Vietnamese natural ressourcesDr Pham Hoang Nampham-hoang.nam@usth.edu.vn3-6 months1B3No
Department: Life Sciences (LS)https://usth.edu.vn/en/department-of-life-sciences/Food science and technologyOptimization of healthy dairy product from Vietnamese ressourcesDr Nguyen Chinh Nghia3-6 months1B3No
Department: Life Sciences (LS)https://usth.edu.vn/en/department-of-life-sciences/Food science and technologyFood factory designDr Nguyen Chinh Nghia3-6 months1B3No
Department: Life Sciences (LS)https://usth.edu.vn/en/department-of-life-sciences/Food science and technologyGWAS on amino acid composition in Vietnamese rices
Dr. To Thi Mai Huong & Dr. Mai Phuong Nga
to-thi-mai.huong@usth.edu.vn3-6 months3B3, M1, M2No
Department: Life Sciences (LS)https://usth.edu.vn/en/department-of-life-sciences/Food science and technologyGenome Wide Association study on silicon uptake in riceDr. To Thi Mai Huongto-thi-mai.huong@usth.edu.vn3-6 months3B3, M1, M2No
Department: Life Sciences (LS)https://usth.edu.vn/en/department-of-life-sciences/Food science and technologyFormulation of healthy starch product from Vietnamese ressourcesDr Nguyen Tien Cuong3-6 months3B3, M1, M2No
Department: Life Sciences (LS)https://usth.edu.vn/en/department-of-life-sciences/Food science and technologyEvaluation of the antidiabetic activity of Vietnamese black gingerDr. Le Hong Luyenle-hong.luyen@usth.edu.vn3-6 months1B3No
Department: Life Sciences (LS)https://usth.edu.vn/en/department-of-life-sciences/Food science and technologyEvaluation of the antithrombotic effect of Vietnamese black gingerDr. Le Hong Luyenle-hong.luyen@usth.edu.vn3-6 months1B3No
Department: Life Sciences (LS)https://usth.edu.vn/en/department-of-life-sciences/Food science and technologyAnalysis of phytochemicals from Vietnamese black ginger using GC-MS and LC-MS/MS methodsDr. Le Hong Luyenle-hong.luyen@usth.edu.vn3-6 months1B3No
Department: Life Sciences (LS)https://usth.edu.vn/en/department-of-life-sciences/Food science and technologyResearch on the extract rich-saponin from Polyscias fruticosa to develop functional foods for osteoporosis disease
Dr. Le Thanh Huong & Dr. Nguyen Hai Dang
le-thanh.huong@usth.edu.vn/ nguyen-hai.dang@usth.edu.vn3-6 months1B3No
Department: Life Sciences (LS)https://usth.edu.vn/en/department-of-life-sciences/Food science and technologyResearch on herbs with anti-inflammatory properties to develop functional food products to support cytokine storm suppression
Dr. Le Thanh Huong & Dr. Nguyen Hai Dang
le-thanh.huong@usth.edu.vn/ nguyen-hai.dang@usth.edu.vn3-6 months3B3, M1, M2No
Department: Life Sciences (LS)https://usth.edu.vn/en/department-of-life-sciences/Food science and technologySữa chua kefirDr.Pham Hoang Nampham-hoang.nam@usth.edu.vn3-6 months3B3, M1, M2No
Department: Life Sciences (LS)https://usth.edu.vn/en/department-of-life-sciences/Food science and technologyStudy the effects of artificial culture conditions on cordycepine production of medicinal fungi Cordyceps militaris Dr. Nguyen Van Phuongnguyen-van.phuong@usth.edu.vn3-6 months1B3No
Department: Life Sciences (LS)https://usth.edu.vn/en/department-of-life-sciences/Food science and technologyStudy the effects of artificial culture conditions on adenosine production of medicinal fungi Cordyceps militaris Dr. Nguyen Van Phuongnguyen-van.phuong@usth.edu.vn3-6 months1B3No
Department: Life Sciences (LS)https://usth.edu.vn/en/department-of-life-sciences/Food science and technologyResearch on several anti-microbial and anti-inflammation herbal compounds for mouth washDr. Nguyen Hong Vannguyen-hong.van@usth.edu.vn3-6 months1B3No
Department: Life Sciences (LS)https://usth.edu.vn/en/department-of-life-sciences/Food science and technologyWasabi Oyster Mushroom snack using vacuum frying technologyDr. To Thi Mai Huongto-thi-mai.huong@usth.edu.vn3-6 months1B3No
Department: Life Sciences (LS)https://usth.edu.vn/en/department-of-life-sciences/Food science and technologyGarlic and Chilli Oyster Mushroom snack using vacuum frying technologyDr. To Thi Mai Huongto-thi-mai.huong@usth.edu.vn3-6 months1B3No