CARD TYPECARD NUMBERNAMECARD TEXTCLARIFICATIONSAction CardsArtifactsFactionsMasteryObjectivesSingularitiesTacticsUnofficial Errata
Action Cards
Action cards in general ignore restrictions.

If you are able to fulfil an effect, you have to fully resolve them. They are mandatory.
If they have two distinct paragraphs and you don't satisfy the condition of one paragraph you can still play it for the other.
See Mining Exploitation for example. You can play it just for the storm movement, if you can't banish an Infantry from a sector with a Living Galaxy.
If you would not satisfy any condition you would play it rather face-down to receive the reward for that.

Symbols at the top left are relevant for the Beyond the Void campaign and have no effect on normal gameplay.
CoreC-A001Commercial GuildsRemove a Depletion token from another player's basic action, then gain 1 Credit.

Move 1 Living Storm
C-A002Colony ProsperityGain 1 Influence if you have at least 1 Imperial colony.

Gain 2 Science if you have at least 1 Science colony.
C-A003CorruptionAdd a Depletion token to one of your basic actions to gain 1 Credit and 1 Influence.To get the reward of 1 Credit and 1 Influence you need to deplete one basic action, hence making it unavailable until undepleted again.
By adding the Depletion Token, this card does not grant you the action itself, but merely blocks it.
C-A004Mining ExploitationBanish one of your units (on) a sector with a Living Galaxy token to gain 1 Credit.

Move 1 Living Storm.
C-A005Sovereign TributeGain 1 Influence for each type of colony you have on the board.

Move 1 Living Storm.
C-A006Advanced LogisticsRemove a Depletion token from one of your basic actions if you control at least 4 adjacent sectors on the board.

The previous player moves 1 Living Storm.
C-A007Advanced LogisticsRemove a Depletion token from one of your basic actions if you control at least 4 adjacent sectors on the board.

The previous player moves 1 Living Storm.
C-A008Forced MarchMove a Lightship two sectors away ignoring pin-down, Living Galaxies and Living Storms.You can use Forced March only on your own Lightships.
The lightship can transport ground units as per normal rules
C-A009Forced MarchMove a Lightship two sectors away ignoring pin-down, Living Galaxies and Living Storms.You can use Forced March only on your own Lightships.
The lightship can transport ground units as per normal rules
C-A010Galactic ObservationPerform 2 Insight actions on components placed on sector tiles only, or move 2 Living Storms.

Gain 1 Influence.
C-A011ChampionReplace your Heavy Fire or Planetary Strike tactic with its elite version.

The previous player moves 1 Living Storm.
C-A012Galactic TrucePlace one of your faction tokens in a sector with your units. Skip battle resolution in this sector during cycle and remove the token.

Gain 1 Influence.
Battle and Siege are part of the battle resolution, so neither will happen during the cycle.
C-A013Galactic ReformTrigger your Government action, even if you already used it during this cycle.Use Action card as if it said Perform Government Action. You can trigger the action multiple times if you have enough Influence as per normal rules
C-A014Private ContractsReplace your Ground Defense or Ground Assault tactic with its elite version.

The previous player moves 1 Living Storm.
C-A015Recruitment DecreeYou may add 1 Infantry to each sector with your colonies.Redeployment rule cannot be used here, since this is not a Recruit action.
C-A016Broken LegendReplicate the effect of a face-up action card played by another player during this cycle.The phrasing "by another player" prevents you from using this on one of your played action cards.

'During this cycle' refers to the played action card.
Any effect that is permanent, persists.
C-A017Broken LegendReplicate the effect of a face-up action card played by another player during this cycle.The phrasing "by another player" prevents you from using this on one of your played action cards.

'During this cycle' refers to the played action card.
Any effect that is permanent, persists.
C-A018Twisted FatePlace a Victory token on one of the conditions of the objective(s). For the rest of the game, this condition also rewards 1 Victory token during scoring.
C-A019Unlikely DealAnother player of your choice gains 1 VP Token then you gain 1 Credit and 2 Influence.
C-A020Battle FatigueThe player(s) with the least Battle Medals remove a Depletion token from one of their basic actions.
C-A021Impenetrable ColonyDuring this cycle, your colonies require 1 extra enemy unit to be besieged.

Move 1 Living Storm.
C-A022Martial RivalryTrigger a battle resolution (including siege) in a contested sector of your choice.

Gain 1 Battle Medal.
This can also trigger a battle resolution in which only opponents are present.
You place a Battle Medal at the beginning of the resolution.

The Battle Medal gain is a separate effect. Even if you would win the previous triggered conflict, you would get an additional one.
C-A023Naval TraditionAdd 1 Lightship to every sector with at least 2 of your space units.

Move 1 Living Storm.
Redeployment rule cannot be used here, since this is not a Recruit action.
C-A024Naval TraditionAdd 1 Lightship to every sector with at least 2 of your space units.

Move 1 Living Storm.
Redeployment rule cannot be used here, since this is not a Recruit action.
C-A025Supply ShortagesGain 1 Influence for each player with more Depletion token on their basic actions than you.

Gain 1 Influence.
C-A026Covert ResearchBanish one of your Lightships from any sector, then place a Science colony in that sector, ignoring restrictions.Ignoring restrictions involve, except if stated otherwise on card:

You can ignore colony icons on the sector and place any colony you like
You can place a second colony in a sector with only one colony space
You can place a colony on a sector with NO colony space
You can place a colony on any sector, including standard, non-habitable, utopian and enemy controlled sectors
C-A027Futuristic ColonySpend 1 Credit to place a non-productive colony in a sector you control, ignoring restrictions.Ignoring restrictions involve, except if stated otherwise on card:

You can ignore colony icons on the sector and place any colony you like
You can place a second colony in a sector with only one colony space
You can place a colony on a sector with NO colony space
You can place a colony on any sector, including standard, non-habitable, utopian and enemy controlled sectors
C-A028Independent ResearchSpend 1 Influence to develop a technology from any slot and with a cost of 2 or less for free.
C-A029Patent SaleBanish one of your technologies to remove a Depletion token from one of your basic actions or to gain 2 Influence.
C-A030BreakthroughPerform 1 Insight action.

Gain 2 Science for every 3 sectors you control.
C-A031Alternative PlanBanish 1 Obstacle, Anomaly, Living Galaxy token or Living Storm from a sector with your units.

Gain 1 Influence.
C-A032Antimatter TestBanish 1 empty sector (except starting and Utopian) adjacent to your colonies.Empty sectors are defined by 'without any player unit or colony'
C-A033Covert OperationsFor the remainder of this cycle, you may choose to perform only one action during each of your turns.

Gain 1 Influence.
C-A034Corrupted PatentsBanish the top card from a technology slot of your choice, then place 2 Science on that slot and reveal any face-down technology.Reveal the now visible, next in-line tech card, not any of your choice.
C-A035Corrupted PatentsBanish the top card from a technology slot of your choice, then place 2 Science on that slot and reveal any face-down technology.Reveal the now visible, next in-line tech card, not any of your choice.
C-A036Decaying StarBanish a productive sector you control to gain 1 Credit. Each player (including yourself) that removed units or colonies as a result of this action gains 1 Influence.
C-A037Tactical WithdrawalMove all your units from one sector to an adjacent sector without enemy units, ignoring restrictions.Tactical Withdrawal ignores any restriction that applies to movement or retreat. It ignores pin-down, Living Storms, Transport abilities, if a unit is a space unit or not, anything.
C-A038False AlarmMove 1 space unit (from any player) to an adjacent sector of your choice, ignoring restrictions.False Alarm ignores pin-down and Living Storms.
You can even move it into a sector with enemy units.

Space units moved with this cannot transport any units with them.
C-A039Growing SocietyGain 1 Credit if you have at least 1 colony of each type on the board.
C-A040Imperial ServiceRemove one of your units from the board to gain 2 Influence.
C-A041Imperial ServiceRemove one of your units from the board to gain 2 Influence.
C-A042Inciting DesertionAll other players must remove 1 Infantry or 1 Lightship from the board for each Battle Medal in your play area (max. 3).
C-A043Informant NetworkGain 1 Influence and 1 Science for each contested sector with your units.
C-A044Mercenary WingsReplace your Orbital Assault or Orbital Defense tactic with its elite version.

The previous player moves 1 Living Storm.
C-A045Mercenary CorpsReplace your Retreat or Flanking tactic with its elite version.

The previous player moves 1 Living Storm.
C-A046OverexploitationGain the resources from the exploitation area of a Living Galaxy Token you control (ignoring its requirements), then banish it.

Gain 1 Influence.
C-A047OverexploitationGain the resources from the exploitation area of a Living Galaxy Token you control (ignoring its requirements), then banish it.

Gain 1 Influence.
C-A048ParanoiaSpend 1 Influence to banish a Military colony from your empire board.
C-A049ParanoiaSpend 1 Influence to banish a Military colony from your empire board.
C-A050PlagiarismPlace 1 Science on a technology card developed by another player with a cost of 3 or less to gain its benefits until the end of the game.
C-A051Primal ObjectSpend 1 Influence to draw 1 Artifact.

The next player moves 1 Living Storm.
C-A052Progress PlanReplace up to 2 of your colonies on the board with Imperial or Science Colony from your empire board.

Gain 1 Influence.
You can ignore all restrictions. Just replace any of your colonies on the board.

Ignoring restrictions involve, except if stated otherwise on card:

You can ignore colony icons on the sector and place any colony you like
You can place a second colony in a sector with only one colony space
You can place a colony on a sector with NO colony space
You can place a colony on any sector, including standard, non-habitable, utopian and enemy controlled sectors
C-A053Relive the OdysseyRepeat one of your revealed colonization bonuses from your empire board.

The next player moves 1 Living Storm.
C-A054RiftBanish a sector (except starting and Utopian) with at least 4 of your units.

Gain 1 Influence.
Alliance ExpansionAL-A01Age of IlluminationAt the end of the cycle, if you control 2 sectors adjacent to the Utopian sector, banish a non-productive colony from your empire board and gain 2 Influence.
AL-A02Corruption NetworkAt the end of the cycle, if you have at least 4 units in a sector adjacent to an enemy colony, you may invade that colony.One of the 4 units needs to be an Infantry (or any other unit that has the Invade ability) and then you can replace the enemy colony with one of the same type from your empire board and you gain 1 Military VP.
You can even do this if there are other enemy units present on the to-be-invaded sector.

There is no movement involved.
AL-A03Age of DiscoveryAt the end of the cycle, if you control at least 2 non-habitable sectors, draw 2 Living Galaxy token and place them on sectors you control.
AL-A04PromotionBanish one of your Battle Medals to replace up to 2 of your Infantries with Mechs from your reserve.
AL-A05StormbringerMove up to 2 Living Storms the gain 1 Influence for each Living Storm on sectors you control.Any Living Storm touching any of your sectors are considered 'on your sector'.
CoreC-A055Central Directive
As An Action

For each 3 Influence: banish 1 Obstacle or 1 Anomaly from a sector with your units, or move 1 Living Storm.

End Of The Cycle

Removing a Depletion token from your Advance action costs 1 less Influence.
C-A056Central Directive
As An Action

For each 3 Influence: banish 1 Obstacle or 1 Anomaly from a sector with your units, or move 1 Living Storm.

End Of The Cycle

Gain 1 Influence for every 2 sectors of the same type you control.
C-A057Military State
As An Action

For each 3 Influence: replace 1 of your Infantry on the board with a Mech fom your reserve.

End Of The Cycle

Removing a Depletion token from your Recruit action costs 1 less Influence.
C-A058Military State
As An Action

For each 3 Influence: replace 1 of your Infantry on the board with a Mech fom your reserve.

End Of The Cycle

Removing a Depletion token from your Recruit action costs 1 less Influence.
C-A059Collective Overmind
As An Action

For each 3 Influence: remove 1 of your Infantry to gain 2 Influence, or add 1 Infantry to a sector with your units instead.

End Of The Cycle

Removing a Depletion token from your Advance action costs 1 less Influence.
If you add 1 Infantry, this does not count as a Recruit action, hence can be used to place units into blockaded sectors.
C-A060Council of the Bone
As An Action

For each 3 Influence: add 1 enemy Infantry from a sector with your units to your Bone Coin pool.

End Of The Cycle

Removing a Depletion token costs 3 Influence, but you may return units from the Bone Coin pool to pay for it (1 Influence per unit).
C-A061Elective Conclave
As An Action

For each 4 Influence: trigger the leftmost revealed colonization bonus from your empire board (each bonus can only be triggered once)


Anytime you resolve an Obstacle or Anomaly, gain 1 Influence.
The left most revealed is basically the first revealed on any track on the empire board.
(Not the most recently revealed of any track. That would be the rightmost revealed otherwise.)

If you have 8 influence but only 1 colonization bonus revealed, then you can only activate this ability once.
C-A062Elective Conclave
As An Action

For each 4 Influence: trigger the leftmost revealed colonization bonus from your empire board (each bonus can only be triggered once)


Anytime you resolve an Obstacle or Anomaly, gain 1 Influence.
The left most revealed is basically the first revealed on any track on the empire board.
(Not the most recently revealed of any track. That would be the rightmost revealed otherwise.)

If you have 8 influence but only 1 colonization bonus revealed, then you can only activate this ability once.
C-A063Fanatic Order
As An Action

For each 3 Influence: inflict 1 Direct Damage in a contested sector with your units.

End Of The Cycle

Gain 1 Influence for every 2 sectors of the same type you control.
The damage is applied per rules, that means that Vanguard and Resist are applied.
C-A064Meriocratic Society
As An Action

For each 3 Influence: add 1 Infantry or 1 Lightship to a sector with your units.

End Of The Cycle

Removing a Depletion token from your Research action costs 1 less Influence.
This does not count as a Recruit action, hence can be used to place units into blockaded sectors.
C-A065Meriocratic Society
As An Action

For each 3 Influence: add 1 Infantry or 1 Lightship to a sector with your units.

End Of The Cycle

Removing a Depletion token from your Research action costs 1 less Influence.
This does not count as a Recruit action, hence can be used to place units into blockaded sectors.
C-A066Trade Federation
As An Action

For each 3 Influence: place 1 Living Galaxy in a sector you control or add 1 unit from another player's reserve to your Bone Coin pool.

End Of The Cycle

Return any number of units from your Bone Coin pool to trigger as many exploitation areas or gain as many Science.
The Living Galaxy is face-up when placed.

You can place multiple Living Galaxies in one single hex.

For triggering you still need to fulfill the requirements on the Living Galaxy. The trigger is not free. This only allows you to trigger the Living Galaxy outside of income phase.

The same exploitation area cannot be triggered multiple times with this action.
C-A067Trade Federation
As An Action

For each 3 Influence: remove 1 of your Infantry to place 1 Living Galaxy in a sector you control or to trigger an exploitation area you control.


Anytime you place a colony on the board, gain 1 Influence.
The Living Galaxy is face-up when placed.

You can place multiple Living Galaxies in one single hex.

You can immediately trigger placed Living Galaxies.
For example if you activate twice, you can place one Living Galaxy with your first activation and trigger it immediately with the second activation.

For triggering you still need to fulfill the requirements on the Living Galaxy. The trigger is not free. This only allows you to trigger the Living Galaxy outside of income phase.

The same exploitation area cannot be triggered multiple times with this action.
C-A068Warlord Dynasty
As An Action

For each 4 Influence: banish 1 non-productive colony from your empire board.

End Of The Cycle

Removing a Depletion token from your Colonize action costs 1 less Influence.
Banished colonies don't count toward objective scoring.
CoreC-A069Hive Mind
Use the Swarm Attack tactic instead of Flanking (even after this card is flipped)

The Initiative of Swarm Attack and Ground Assault is reduced by 2.
C-A070Combat Precognition
When you and your opponent reveal the same tactic, inflict 2 Retreat Damage before resolving the cards.

When you and your opponent reveal the same tactic, inflict 2 Direct Damage before resolving the cards.
"Same" means a tactic of the same name.
It does not matter if it is an basic tactic and an elite tactic.

Faction specific variations of cards (like Frenzied Assault replacing Ground Assault), count as that specific card.
C-A071Elite Training
The Initiative of Flanking and Ground Assault is reduced by 1.

Immediately replace any tactic with its elite version.

The Initiative of your tactics is reduced by 1 (min. 0)
Faction specific variations of cards (like Frenzied Assault replacing Ground Assault), count as that specific card.
C-A072Bone Collector
Once per battle, when you successfully force an enemy unit to retreat, you may add it to your Bone Coine pool.

When you successfully force an enemy unit to retreat, you may add it to your Bone Coine pool.
You force a unit by inflicting non-blocked Retreat Damage. In its Basic version, you can add one unit per battle. The elite version allows you to add every unit you force to retreat to the Bone Coin pool.

This only gets triggered when the retreat is forced by the Goria player. An opponent playing a retreat card, does not trigger this.
Use the Frenzied Assault tactic instead of Ground Assault (even after this card is flipped)

Your Infantry gain the Courage 1 ability.
Units with the Courage X keyword can sustain up to X instances of Retreat Damage before being forced to retreat.
C-A074Accelerated Evolution
At the start of the conflict phase, you may replace 1 of your Infantry on the board with a Mech from your reserve.

At the start of the conflict phase, you may replace up to 2 of your Infantry on the board with Lightships or Mechs from your reserve.
This does not count as a Recruit action, hence Redeployment cannot be used.
C-A075Robotic Infantry
Your Infantry gain the Resist 1 ability.

Anytime you would add any number of Infantry to the board, only add 1.

Immediately replace any tactic with its elite version.

Your Infantry gain the Resist 1 ability.
Units with the Resist X keyword can sustain up to X damage (direct, indirect, and retreat) dealt to them before being removed or forced to retreat.
CoreC-A076Survival of the FittestAge 1
Imperial: Have 1 Imperial Colony on the board
Productive: Have 1 Productive Colony on the board