July 18th, 2024: The spreadsheet is up to date to the current meta and patch.Current bans: Toplane: Jax Midlane: Sylas, Hwei.
This spreadsheet was made by UJard, a high Grandmaster-low Challenger Rank 1 Kayle OTP. To check out his content, go to his youtube:
To show your support to UJard and keep this spreadsheet up to date and free, join his patreon using the following link:
ChampionDifficulty (easy=1, insane=10)Summoner SpellsRune Setup
(check sheet 2 below, I have an explaination for every rune choice and will guide you when you should change your minor runes from the ones listed here)
Starting ItemsMax Q or E?

Refer to "6. Advanced Ability Maxing" for better understanding
Tips Against the MatchupVideo Guide
"," means better
"=" means just as good
SecondaryMinor Runes
(don't be afraid to dodge if you're in a bad matchup or bad team comp).
Aatrox8Flash + TeleportPress the Attack.Inspiration: w/ Jack & Biscuits or Cashback.
- Doran's Blade.Q MaxTry and let him push, most Aatrox's do that; farm as much as you can from a safe distance. Miss some CS if it means you staying healthy. Bait his Q cooldown by getting into Q + E Range so you can free farm. Bait his Q into minions so he pushes into you.
Ahri6Flash + TeleportFleet Footwork.Resolve w/Second Wind & Overgrowth.
- Doran's Blade.Q MaxStand behind minions and bait her Q into the minion wave. Try and go in and out her Q range to bait it into the wave, if she pushes into you, you win the lane as it'll become a farm matchup under tower and you scale better. When under tower, try and bait her Q and her E going in and out of range so you can farm freely while they're on cooldown. Use Fleet on her when yo can but behind minions so avoid her E. Careful when she hits level 6 because she might all in.
Akali5Flash + TeleportFleet Footwork.Inspiration: w/ Jack & Biscuits.
- Doran's Blade.Q MaxYou want to survive this lane as best as possible. Go in for a Q into E trade when you have your Fleet up as it's hard for her to deal with this poke. Never trade autoattacks with her and give up CS if it means she's going to all in you. Try to walk back and foward in her Q range to bait it as it has a high energy cost. Also very important to bait her Q into the minion wave so it continually pushes towards you.
Akshan8Flash + TeleportFleet Footwork.Resolve: w/Second Wind & Overgrowth.
Cloth Armour + 4 Health Potions StartQ MaxGo for short trades into him only abusing fleet when it's up after level 6. Before level 6 you want to play this as any other ranged matchup, avoid him hitting you for free autoattacks. It's way better earlygame to give up CS in order to stay healthy. Avoid walls just like you would in the Camille matchup. He will roam a lot but you can't freely push unless you see him on the map because he might stealth to "roam" but be behind you and kill you. Be careful when he stealths.
Alistar3Flash + TeleportPress the Attack.Inspiration: w/ Jack & Cashback.
Doran's Blade StartE MaxAlistar actually has very nice base damage early on. Just stay under your minions because if he E+Q combos you, he's going to push the lane into you. He's very tanky with his ult so don't get baited into diving him Farm as much as possible and outscale him.
Amumu3Flash + TeleportPress the Attack.Inspiration: w/ Jack & Cashback.
Doran's Blade StartE MaxHe's very resilient to auto attacks because of his W passive, because of this prioritize AP or AD instead of Attack Speed when building your first item (ie. blasting wand instead of recurved bow for AP) even with E max. He can stun lock you with Q + ult + Q so be VERY careful if about ganks. Have very good vision on the map and just turtle up; he can't deal with you post level 11.
Anivia9Flash + TeleportFleet Footwork.Resolve: w/Second Wind & Overgrowth.
Doran's Shield StartQ MaxAnivia is an absolute bully for Kayle early on. You really have to rush T2 boots ASAP to avoid her damage, as long as you can avoid her Q you're fine. It will also lower the Q stun on you. Be VERY careful because she will try to use her wall in order to hit her Q into you. Bait her Q when going for farm under tower and wait for a gank. You CAN'T win short trades against her early on.
Annie7Flash + TeleportFleet Footwork.Resolve: w/Second Wind & Overgrowth.
Doran's Shield StartQ MaxBe aware of her passive (under her HP bar), if she has full stacks she can stun you. She can also stun you with a combo (throws Q and hits shield to get 2 stacks at the same time). Without her stun she's really not a champion but her burst is insane so you really need to be careful. You can take Barrier if in the midlane to survive her combo and run her down after she's on cooldown. Try and go for a short trade if she misses a CS with her Q as it puts it in a longer cooldown, especially if she has low stacks.
Aphelios6Flash + TeleportFleet Footwork.Resolve: w/Second Wind & Overgrowth.
- Doran's Blade.Q MaxAphelios if going top will try to build a ton of lifesteal with Hullbreaker and be a splitpushing monster. He'll have conqueror, ravenous hunter, shieldbow, hullbreaker and then more healing items. Try and build an 800gold grevious wounds item if he's going for this build and if you're far behind, avoid splitting on the same lane he is. In the laning phase be careful with Calibrum (his light blue weapon), as he'll have a ton of range and poke you down. When engaging into him with or without a gank, be careful with Severum and Crescendum (red and white weapons) as he's an all-in monster with those.
Ashe6Flash + TeleportFleet Footwork = Press the Attack.Resolve: w/Second Wind & Overgrowth.
- Doran's Blade.Q Max
Aurelion Sol5Flash + TeleportPress the Attack.Inspiration: w/ Jack & Cashback.
Doran's Blade StartQ Max
Azir9Flash + TeleportFleet Footwork.Resolve: w/Second Wind & Overgrowth.
Doran's Shield StartQ MaxAzir's poke is insane. Avoid the sand soldiers as much as possible, you can also walk in his summon sand soldier range to bait them out and just walk away. Try and survive till level 6 where it's easier for you to farm from range. He's going to roam a lot so try and push and take plates; most of the time it's not worth it to help your team unless you find a very good teleport opportunity. Dodge this matchup tbh.
Bard3Flash + TeleportFleet Footwork = Press the Attack.Inspiration: w/ Jack & Cashback.
- Doran's Blade.Q Max
Bel'Veth4Flash + TeleportPress the Attack.Inspiration: w/ Jack & Cashback.
Doran's Blade StartQ Max You can bait her W stun into the wave in order to make it push into you. Play under tower and wait till level 6. She doesn't have an ultimate unless she kills someone. Lvl 6 is when you start taking over the lane and you also outscale her.
Blitzcrank3Flash + TeleportPress the Attack.Inspiration: w/ Jack & Cashback.
Doran's Blade StartE Max
Brand6Flash + TeleportFleet Footwork.Resolve: w/Second Wind & Overgrowth.
Doran's Shield StartQ MaxAgainst brand rush T2 boots, it'll make it harder for him to hit his spells. There's not much to say about this matchup, just avoid his spells and bait them into the minion wave in order for him to push the wave. His waveclear is great but his roams really aren't so all you have to do is survive the lane. You can rush Wit's End into this matchup and it'll do great.
Braum1Flash + TeleportPress the Attack.Inspiration: w/ Jack & Cashback.
Doran's Blade StartE Max
Briar5Flash + TeleportPress the Attack.Inspiration: w/ Jack & Biscuits.
Doran's Blade StartQ Max
Caitlyn7Flash + TeleportFleet Footwork = Press the Attack.Resolve: w/Second Wind & Overgrowth.
Doran's Shield StartQ Max
Camille4Flash + TeleportPress the Attack.Inspiration: w/ Jack & Biscuits.
Doran's Blade Start3 points into Q, then E maxCamille is that matchup where she's going to bully you inmensely hard and if she gets help from her jungler it's going to be a hard game. Once you get level 6 (play safe untill that level), the matchup becomes a lot more manageable to a point where you can start bullying her and zoneing her off CS. Pay attention to the map and ping missing a TON because Camille is going to roam a ton in this matchup. Be careful level 1 because most of them start E into Kayles, so stand very far away from walls.
Cassiopeia9Flash + TeleportFleet Footwork.Resolve: w/Second Wind & Overgrowth.
Doran's Shield StartQ MaxBait her Qs into the minion wave, this will cause the wave to push into you. Notice if she has conqueror or phase rush; phase rush will be a lot harder for you if you're next to her tower because she can run you down, so be aware of this. If she doesn't hit Q and her W is on CD (long cd), you can try and go for all in because her E does no damage. The biggest problem with this matchup is that she'd pretty much stronger than you until you're level 16. Dodge this matchup.
Cho' Gath7Flash + TeleportFleet Footwork = Press the Attack.Inspiration: w/ Jack & Cashback.
- Doran's Blade.Q MaxYou have to coinflip the game, or at least the laning phase. Play as safe as possible and NEVER trade against this guy. Cho'Gath's base damages are high and will chunk you while in the early game, Kayle has very lackluster damage and Cho's sustain is insane. Poking Cho Gath down is futile with Kayle, it's not happening. Play as safe as you can and farm up for mid game.
Corki6Flash + TeleportFleet Footwork = Press the Attack.Inspiration: w/ Jack & Biscuits.
- Doran's Blade.Q MaxCorki Scales. Hard. Not as much as you though. He'll be stronger than you levels 1-5 and you can start contesting him from level 6 onwards till he finishes his Muramana. Once he does, you'll won't really be able to 1v1 him anymore till level 16 but you're more useful in teamfights. In lane, bait his Q and E poke into the minion wave so he pushes into you and try and give up a lot of farm in order to stay healthy. You can add more points into W early on if you really need it. He'll roam a lot once he has his passive (siren sounds) so prepare to ping to team to back off when he does.
Darius5Flash + GhostFleet Footwork, Press the Attack.Inspiration: w/ Jack & Biscuits or Cashback.
- Doran's Blade.Q MaxDarius will try to let the wave push towards their tower and then all in you with ghost. Try and pus the wave as slow as posible to create a big minion wave and make it hard for him to do this. Always take Doran's shield and Second Wind in this matchup because it resets on every Darius Passive Proc. Matchup gets easier on level 6.
Diana5Flash + TeleportFleet Footwork = Press the Attack.Inspiration: w/ Jack & Biscuits.
Doran's Blade StartQ Max
Dr. Mundo6Flash + TeleportFleet Footwork.Inspiration: w/ Jack & Cashback.
- Doran's Blade.Q MaxAfter his rework, mundo has a lot of poke. His Q does a ton of damage and he can poke you with his E even behind minions. You want to proc Fleet Footwork in this matchup on mundo AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE earlygame as it heals you for way more if you hit him with E. Try and prioritize getting CS with your E but if you can get a free E with Fleet on him you can outlast his poke with your sustain.
Draven9Flash + TeleportFleet Footwork.Resolve: w/Second Wind & Overgrowth.
Cloth armour + 4 Health Potions StartQ Max
Ekko5Flash + TeleportPress the Attack.Inspiration: w/ Jack & Biscuits.
Doran's Blade StartQ Max
Elise5Flash + TeleportPress the Attack.Inspiration: w/ Jack & Biscuits.
- Doran's Blade.Q Max
Evelynn4Flash + TeleportPress the Attack.Inspiration: w/ Jack & Cashback.
Doran's Blade StartQ Max
Ezreal7Flash + TeleportFleet Footwork = Press the Attack.Inspiration: w/ Jack & Biscuits.
- Doran's Blade.Q Max
Fiddlesticks4Flash + TeleportFleet Footwork = Press the Attack.Inspiration: w/ Jack & Biscuits.
- Doran's Blade.Q MaxFiddlesticks is played as a tank when in the toplane and as an AP caster when in midlane. If he's building tank, you just farm lane. He scales really badly when built tank BUT don't get baited into an all-in when built tank because he will heal for a lot with minions and make it impossible for you to kill him. When build either tank or AP try to avoid trading with him, just farm lane and you'll outscale every time. Be careful with fog of war because of his ult.
Fiora4Flash + TeleportFleet Footwork.Inspiration: w/ Jack & Cashback.
- Doran's Blade.Q MaxFiora matchup is very easy if you play it well, only way she wins is by forcing an all in when you're far away from your tower or by a tower dive level 3. Always slow push against her to make all-ining you harder with a big minion wave. AVOID HER AT ALL COSTS Levels 1-3 because if you're at even 70% health she'll dive you. You can bait her into procing her vitals on you so your minions focus her and the wave pushes towards you.
Fizz8Flash + TeleportPress the Attack.Inspiration: w/ Jack & Biscuits.
- Doran's Blade.Q Max
Galio6Flash + TeleportPress the Attack.Inspiration: w/ Jack & Cashback.
- Doran's Blade.Q Max
Gangplank7Flash + Teleport Fleet Footwork.Inspiration: w/ Jack & Biscuits.
- Doran's Blade.Q MaxReason why Gangplank is so strong in the earlygame is because he abuses (First Strike/Grasp) + Sheen to bully out people, this is why we have such a defensive start with doran's shield and runes, because when he comes back with that sheen it's gonna be difficult. Don't be afraid to put some extra points into W if you need it and try to give up CS if it means you don't get chunked down. If her has first strike just proc it with Q from afar using minions.
Garen2Flash + TeleportGrasp of the Undying (conditioning on resolve), Fleet Footwork.Sorcery w/Celerity & GS
Doran's Blade Start3 Points into Q, then E MaxThis matchup is easy because Garen can't really get to you, he has lackluster movespeed and even then, you have your W and Q. Remember to use your Q after his Q so he doesn't remove the slow. The only way you die is if you're half HP and he flash + Qs so you can't ult and then he just comboes you down with E and R. Be extra careful when he was Stridebreaker because he'll be able to get to you then.
Gnar6Flash + TeleportFleet FootworkResolve w/Second Wind & Overgrowth.
Doran's Shield StartQ MaxA typical ranged matchup but you can start out-trading gnar at level 6. Don't go for risky cs and under tower, give up caster minions if it means you'll save up on HP. Don't be afraid to put some points into W for sustain. Be really careful with Gnar's range and his bounce, he can travel a ton of distance and get a lot of free Attack Speed to mow you down.
Gragas7Flash + TeleportFleet Footwork.Sorcery: w/Celerity & GS
Doran's Shield StartQ MaxYou never want to trade into Gragas untill like level 11; unless you're fed. Try and buy early boots as it helps out a lot on dodging his Qs and be aware on where he is on the map as he'll be roaming a lot.
Graves5Flash + TeleportFleet Footwork, Press the Attack.Inspiration: w/ Jack & Cashback.
- Doran's Blade.Q Max
Gwen3Flash + TeleportFleet Footwork.Inspiration: w/ Jack & Cashback.
- Doran's Blade.Q MaxGwen doesn't have CC to lock you down and very little mobility. She'll most likely not have kill pressure on you unless you mess up or she's running ignite, so be careful. Try and bait her Q into the minion wave by getting somewhat close to her so she pushes into you and when she has her W around her, don't go in to trade as she'll kill you unless she's a free kill. She scales better than you if you're AD Kayle but not AP Kayle, so bear that in mind.
Hecarim6Flash + TeleportPress the Attack.Inspiration: w/ Jack & Biscuits.
Doran's Blade StartQ Max
Heimerdinger6Flash + TeleportFleet Footwork = Press the Attack.Resolve w/Second Wind & Overgrowth.
Doran's Shield StartQ MaxYou have to survive the lane, give up CS when being pressured and wait till level 6 to start trading with him. You only want short trades and when you're going in, you have to move from side to side as he's going to try and E you. Tell your jungler not to gank him early on because he will 1v2 you guys since you're very weak in the early game.
Hwei9Flash + TeleportFleet Footwork = Press the Attack.Resolve w/Second Wind & Overgrowth.
Doran's Shield StartQ Max
Illaoi4Flash + TeleportGrasp of the Undying (Second wind on resolve),
Fleet Footwork, LT, PtA.
IF Grasp, Precision: w/Absorb Life and Legend Alacrity.
if Fleet, Inspiration: w/ Jack & Biscuits.
- Doran's Blade.3 Points into Q, then E MaxYour ultimate counters her ultimate insanely hard, especially for lategame teamfights. Always ult the champion she's ulting (unless he's useless). In the early game try and sustain as best as you can and dodge abilities by faking going into her range. Buy early boots against her. When you're level 6 try and bait her E, if she misses her you can win trades and all ins.
Irelia10Flash + IgnitePress the Attack.Inspiration: w/ Jack & Biscuits.
Doran's Blade StartE MaxIrelia matchup is insanely hard, you have to always be aware of your minion's HP and the amount of stacks she has; you can get all inned even next to your tower. Game doesn't get easier at level 6. Slow push and ask for help or better yet, dodge. Probably Kayle's worst matchup in the game with Yone.
Ivern1Flash + TeleportPress the Attack.Sorcery: w/Celerity & GS
Cull Start3 Points into Q, then E Max
Janna2Flash + TeleportPress the Attack.Sorcery: w/Celerity & GS
Cull Start3 Points into Q, then E Max
Jarvan IV8Flash + TeleportPress the Attack.Inspiration: w/ Jack & Biscuits.
- Doran's Blade.E Max
Jax9Flash + TeleportFleet Footwork.Sorcery: w/Celerity & GS
- Doran's Blade.

Rush Tier 2 boots in this matchup
Q MaxIf the Jax has Grasp, that means he knows the matchup (because he can only go for short trades), so bear in mind it's going to be a lot harder. Only go for very short trades against him when close to your tower. If you're away from it and he's freezing, try and ask for your jungler to help you push. You can't win all-ins. You'll be able to beat him level 6 if you outplay him or level 11+ on a realistic game. With Fleet and T2 Boots rush, you're going to be able to kite his E before he stuns you.
Jayce8Flash + TeleportFleet Footwork if top.
Fleet Footwork if mid = Press the Attack if mid.
Resolve: w/Second Wind & Overgrowth.
Cloth Armour + 4 Health Potions StartQ MaxHe might try and zone you off level 1 but all you have to do is try and soak off exp and go for REALLY short trades. Try and use your fleet on him and use the movespeed to escape. If you manage to short trade against him you'll win the earlygame as you'll out-sustain him. YOU HAVE TO LOOK at his First Strike cooldown and proc it using minions when it's up in order to win this matchup, otherwise he'll have a 300 gold lead at level 6.
Jhin7Flash + TeleportFleet Footwork = Press the Attack.Resolve: w/Second Wind & Overgrowth.
Doran's Shield StartQ Max
Jinx4Flash + TeleportFleet Footwork = Press the Attack.Inspiration: w/ Jack & Biscuits.
- Doran's Blade.Q Max
Kaisa5Flash + TeleportFleet Footwork = Press the Attack.Inspiration: w/ Jack & Biscuits.
- Doran's Blade.Q Max
Kalista9Flash + TeleportFleet Footwork.Inspiration: w/ Jack & Biscuits.
- Doran's Blade.Q Max
Karma7Flash + TeleportPress the Attack.Sorcery: w/Celerity & GS
Doran's Shield StartQ Max
Karthus8Flash + TeleportPress the Attack.Inspiration: w/ Jack & Biscuits.
- Doran's Blade.Q MaxAvoiding his Qs is going to be very difficult as he has no cooldown on them. Try and stay under your minions as his Qs deal less damage and will push the wave into you. Rush T2 boots every time and try to survive till level 11 were you can all-in him. You can all in him before level 11 if he messes up.
Kassadin6Flash + TeleportPress the Attack.Inspiration: w/ Jack & cashback.
Doran's Blade StartQ Max
Katarina7Flash + TeleportPress the Attack.Inspiration: w/ Jack & cashback.
Doran's Blade StartQ Max
KayleStop Playing NormalsTry and ult after she ults so you negate the damage and she doesn't. Also, go to ranked.
Kayn4Flash + TeleportPress the Attack.Inspiration: w/ Jack & cashback.
Doran's Blade StartQ MaxPay attention if he has Conqueror, Dark Harvest or First Strike. If he has Dark Harvest or First Strike he's going blue, if he's going conqueror he's going red. If he's going blue don't be afraid to try and trade levels 1-5 so gets red and then AFK farm levels 6+. If he's going red, just afk till level 6 and you'll be fine. Always try and sidestep to dodge his W. Be careful with his ult as he can proc it very fast and kill you if you're timing it with your ult.
Kennen8Flash + TeleportFleet Footwork = Press the Attack.Inspiration: w/ Jack & Biscuits.
- Doran's Blade.Q Max
Kha Zix7Flash + TeleportPress the Attack.Inspiration: w/ Jack & Biscuits.
Doran's Blade StartQ Max
Kindred8Flash + TeleportFleet Footwork.Inspiration: w/ Jack & Biscuits.
- Doran's Blade.Q Max
Kled8Flash + TeleportPress the Attack.Inspiration: w/ Jack & Biscuits.
Doran's Blade StartQ Max
Kog Maw7Flash + TeleportPress the Attack.Inspiration: w/ Jack & Biscuits.
- Doran's Blade.Q Max
K' Sante4Flash + TeleportGrasp of the Undying (bone plating on resolve), Fleet Footwork.Sorcery: w/Celerity & GS.
if fleet, Inspiration: w/ Jack & Cashback.
- Doran's Blade.Q Max Cull to farm up, you want this to be a farm matchup. The reason why you have Grasp in this matchup is not to poke but to farm stacks, giving you permanent HP coupled with Overgrowth; this matchup is easy for you to stack grasp procs as his all-in is telegraphed, just be careful. Once he has his third Q, he'll look for an all in. Also, be very careful with walls as he can ult you through them, especially when you're under your tower thinking you're safe and he can ult you away.
Leblanc9Flash + TeleportFleet Footwork = Press the Attack.Inspiration: w/ Jack & Biscuits.
- Doran's Blade.Q Max
Lee Sin8Flash + TeleportFleet Footwork.Inspiration: w/ Jack & Biscuits.
- Doran's Blade.Q Max
Leona4Flash + TeleportPress the Attack.Inspiration: w/ Jack & cashback.
Doran's Blade StartE Max
Lillia5Flash + TeleportPress the Attack, Fleet Footwork.Resolve: w/Second Wind & Overgrowth.
Doran's Shield StartQ Max
Lissandra4Flash + CleansePress the Attack.Sorcery: w/Celerity & GS
Doran's Shield StartQ Max
Lucian9Flash + TeleportFleet Footwork.Resolve: w/Second Wind & Overgrowth.
Cloth Armour + 4 Health Potions StartQ Max
Lulu8Flash + TeleportPress the Attack.Inspiration: w/ Jack & Cashback.
- Doran's Blade.Q Max
Lux5Flash + TeleportPress the Attack.Sorcery: w/Celerity & GS
Doran's Shield StartQ Max
Malphite6Flash + TeleportFleet Footwork.Resolve: w/Second Wind & Overgrowth.
Doran's Shield Start if he has Comet, if he has Grasp you can go Cull.

Do NOT go AD vs Malphite.
Q MaxIf he has comet the matchup becomes a little harder but there's a trick ( where you can dodge his comet by moving towards the opposite side of where you're moving as soon as he hits you with his Q, denying a lot of his poke. You want to try and free farm and be at more than 70% hp against him (especially if he's AP) because he can one shot you from a perma stun if you're not careful. Just free farm and scale.
Malzahar5Flash + TeleportPress the AttackInspiration: w/ Jack & Cashback.
Doran's Blade StartQ Max
Maokai4Flash + TeleportPress the Attack.Inspiration: w/ Jack & Cashback.
Doran's Blade StartE Max
Master Yi4Flash + TeleportPress the Attack.Inspiration: w/ Jack & Cashback.
Doran's Blade StartQ Max
Milio2Flash + TeleportPress the Attack.Sorcery: w/Celerity & GS
Cull Start.3 Points into Q, then E Max
Miss Fortune7Flash + TeleportFleet Footwork = Press the Attack.Inspiration: w/ Jack & Biscuits.
- Doran's Blade.Q Max
Mordekaiser4Flash + TeleportPress the Attack.Inspiration: w/ Jack & Cashback.
- Doran's Blade.3 Points into Q, then E MaxYou win this matchup by baiting his E and his Q; walk into their range and bait them, don't get hit by them. Try and sidestep them always when you go into his ability Range. His E cooldown is about twice as long as his Q cooldown. Bait his Q into the minion wave so it pushes permanently into you. Once you're level 6, you can force long trades and all ins when he misses his E; he can't do anything. When under his ult, use our ult against one of his Qs.
Morgana6Flash + TeleportPress the Attack.Inspiration: w/ Jack & Biscuits or Cashback.
- Doran's Blade.Q Max
Nami2Flash + TeleportPress the Attack.Sorcery: w/Celerity & GS
Cull StartQ MaxYou start out-trading her at level 6 and you scale way better than her. Just let her push into you (even if it mean eating some free AAs so the wave focuses her) and wait till level 6.
Naafiri7Flash + TeleportPress the Attack.Inspiration: w/ Jack & Biscuits.
- Doran's Blade.Q Max
Nasus5Ghost + CleansePress the Attack.Sorcery: w/Celerity & GS
Cull Start.

Rush boots of Swiftness.
Q maxNasus matchup is very hard unless you know exactly how to counter him. You're stronger than him first two levels, so stack your passive and be very aggresive. There's times where the nasus doesn't respect you and you can get a free kill. After level 3, respect him till level 6. You NEED to rush swifites in this matchup so you can poke him down with the slow resist from them. lvls 6-10 it's a skill matchup but aftrer level 11, you start winning easily. Trade ghost for ghost and he can't catch up to you. Cleanse is there if you got outplayed with cooldowns or you're badly positioned into his wither, or even to cleanse it if you think you can get a free kill.
Nautilus6Flash + TeleportPress the Attack.Inspiration: w/ Jack & Cashback.
- Doran's Blade.E Max
Nilah2Flash + TeleportPress the Attack.Inspiration: w/ Jack & Biscuits.
Doran's Blade StartQ MaxNilah is not very good on Solo Lanes because she losses her benefit EXP Share to an ally and her ability to buff and share heals and shields. She doesn't have a ton of damage but her all-in is amazing with two dashes and a pseudo-diana ult. Be very careful because of this to not be far away from your tower and care if she freezes because her gank setups are so good. Bait her Q into you when next to minions in order to make her push into you and also when she has her Q buff and you're getting poked, make sure you're next to minions because she does AoE Damage with her Autos (like tiamat) and will help you push the wave into you.
Neeko9 if AD Neeko. 8 if AP Neeko.Flash + TeleportFleet Footwork.Resolve: w/Second Wind & Overgrowth.
Doran's Shield StartQ MaxNormally top Neeko will go AD or any variant of AD On-hit. The matchup is extremely hard as you'll get poked out hard. If she's AP, it's more manageable but she'll scale a little bit better. Give up a ton of CS if it means staying healthy and against Neeko you don't want to stay close to your minions as her E will root you for a longer duration. Stay in a line of sight where she can't hit both the minions and you with her E at the same time.
Nidalee6Flash + TeleportPress the Attack.Inspiration: w/ Jack & Biscuits.
- Doran's Blade.Q Max
Nocturne8Flash + TeleportPress the Attack.Inspiration: w/ Jack & Biscuits.
- Doran's Blade.Q Max
Nunu4Flash + TeleportPress the Attack.Inspiration: w/ Jack & Cashback.
- Doran's Blade.Q Max
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