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2 | • | Streaming: Every challenge must be streamed on Twitch, under the Retro category and with the "GamerOfTheYear2024" tag. Both the streams and the submissions must happen no later than December 1st. Practicing offline is not in line with the spirit of the event: it's a streaming community event! | |
3 | • | Submitting: Every completed challenge (either full or just the consolation point) must be submitted via a highlight link. The highlight must only contain the winning challenge run (+ game settings), so please trim the stream content before and after. A normal VOD could expire before we can verify it, so you must "Highlight" it. Make sure your highlight has a clear view of the whole game canvas, including the UI, the score. Make sure the game's audio is there. Be on the Discord server (discord.gg/goati) so I can message you about your submission. | |
4 | • | Scoring: Challenges are worth different amount of points; a consolation point goal is also designed to keep things moving and fun. When the full challenge is completed, the consolation point does not count anymore and is not added to the main challenge's goal score. Everything is designed for fun over balance! | |
5 | • | Settings: Every difficulty setting and related settings such as time, number of lives or continues is not to be touched unless the challenge specifies otherwise. Some games include a README file to help with the in-game setup. | |
6 | • | Not allowed: Save states of any kind at any moment (this includes practicing); pausing to make the game easier; turbo or autofire inputs; playing 2 games at once; cheats or codes not specified in the challenge. A true Gamer respects the Honor of the Game by matching it with his own. We're expecting unworthy cheaters and we are very ready for them! Haha! | |
7 | • | Conditions: Failure to follow these simple rules will result in disqualification. Goati_ reserves the right to disqualify competitors who aren't aligned with the spirit of the event. The rules are pretty straightforward... Just have fun! The competition layer is just an incentive, don't make me question your footage with obvious cheating or playing offline just to stream the pre-practiced run. | |
8 | • | Packaging: Players must use the programs and files found within the package to play the challenges. These files and emulator settings cannot be altered to your advantage. JoyToKey is provided for controller remapping so you don't have to mess with individual emulator configurations too much. Please contact Goati_ or write on discord.gg/goati for help or clarifications. | |
9 | • | Packaging (Special Conditions): Using the provided package is preferred but if you must, real hardware or MiSTer is allowed provided you attempt to match the ROM version in the package. MiSTer is not mature enough for some of the systems presented and using it is at your own risk. Still download the package since it allows you to know the ROM to use as well as READMEs and other files that are important. | |
10 | • | Prizes and Awards: Whoever scores the most Gamer Points from the challenges will win the Gamer of the Year 2024 trophy and eternal glory. Numerous tailored virtual awards will be bestowed upon distinguished competitors. Viewers and streamers can both submit clips for the "Best Gamer Clip" award! | |
11 | • | Award ceremony: Sunday December the 8th, http://www.twitch.tv/Goati_ 11PM Rome; 10PM London; 5PM New York; 2PM Los Angeles; 9AM Sydney; 8AM Brisbane; 8AM Tokyo; 2AM Moscow | |
12 | • | Ties: In the unlikely event of a tie, a live showdown with mystery challenges will be held prior to the award ceremony. The event is designed to have a vast pool of choice for maximized fun; clearing even close to all 100 should be VERY IMPOSSIBLE. But if it happens, we are ready! | |
13 | • | Hints: This is an event put together for the Twitch Retro community. Don't be afraid to ask your chat for tips, or even steal strategies from other competitors' streams! Spy on other competitors by searching for the "GamerOfTheYear2024" tag! Join the discussion on discord.gg/goati, somebody might have dropped a hint... | |
14 | CHALLENGE LIST | https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1xqrt17WcmNiua9zuMs3RpuJKuKrP0x59B0X2RfO9s3Y/edit?gid=0#gid=0 | |
15 | GAMES PACKAGE | https://drive.usercontent.google.com/download?id=1rcU5e7f9dX2Hi4KwQ8H4hDVQk57p56ic&export=download (v2.1) | |
16 | PATCH PACKAGE | https://drive.usercontent.google.com/u/0/uc?id=15iOEk39G5aDxAkRJLbto849OL624p8KE&export=download (v2.0 -> v2.1) | |
17 | SUBMIT CHALLENGE | https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScqYKiYi54RVlV86JhG3kVQObiLSBdU7FAyBV6wrNDZldguKA/viewform | |
18 | SUBMIT GAMER CLIP | https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSceD6wA8UFqrQWhXYvDguJ37TOxnaN5QiH_UXpZCwoVs-ZWYQ/viewform | |
19 | EVENT TRAILER | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DCfrBFb78ts | |
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