Item TypeManual TagsPublication YearAuthorTitleUrlAbstract NoteDateArchiveExtra
manuscriptChapter 11961Statement by the President on the Establishment of the President's Commission on the Status of Womenhttps://www.jfklibrary.org/Asset-Viewer/Archives/JFKPOF-093-004.aspxStatement by the President on the establishment of the Commission on the Status of Women and letters from the President to members of the Commission.1961-12-14John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and MuseumKeennedy emphasizes the importance of economic opportunities for women; responding to rollback of employment after WWII; removes barriers to civil service emplpoyment (federal careers); mentions exploring needed support for families including childcare; invites Caroline Ware; Related to: https://www.jfklibrary.org/asset-viewer/archives/JFKWHP/1963/Month%2010/Day%2011/JFKWHP-1963-10-11-D
webpageChapter 11963Presentation of the report of the Commission on the Status of Women to President Kennedy, 4:00PM - John F. Kennedy Presidential Library & Museumhttps://www.jfklibrary.org/Asset-Viewer/Archives/JFKWHP-1963-10-11-D.aspxPresident John F. Kennedy speaks with Representative Edith Green and Senator Maurine Neuberger (both of Oregon) after receiving the final report of the President’s Commission on the Status of Women, titled "American Women." Also pictured: Vice Chairman of the Commission, Dr. Richard A. Lester; President of the National Council of Negro Women (NCNW), Dorothy Height;...1963-10-11John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and MuseumMentions Pauli Murray when asked why the Commission was formed..."Some of the steam for this movement came from people in Washington, women in government who felt that there was a great deal that could be done to improve the situation of women in the federal government itself. There were a number of young women whose husbands had been active in the Kennedy campaign and the Kennedy administration: Tony Chayes [Antonia H. Chayes] was one. Perhaps another was Pauli Murray who had a position in the Justice Department. There was some stirring in other parts of the federal government. I think it was a combination of things. Esther Peterson would be in a better position to know the details than I am."
tvBroadcastChapter 11962Prospects of Mankind with Eleanor Roosevelt; What Status For Women?http://openvault.wgbh.org/catalog/V_285B9C3362534FFF8494B95922E3240B1962-06-04WGBH Media Library & Archives
bookChapter 11963American women--report of the president's commission on the status of women.http://hdl.handle.net/2027/mdp.390150418281641963
bookChapter 11963President's Commission on the Status of Women. Four consultationshttp://hdl.handle.net/2027/uc1.b44111981963
webpageChapter 1; Murray, PauliRichard A. Lester Oral History Interview - JFK #2, 3/22/1974 - John F. Kennedy Presidential Library & Museumhttps://www.jfklibrary.org/Asset-Viewer/Archives/JFKOH-RAL-02.aspxMentions Pauli Murray when asked why the Commission was formed..."Some of the steam for this movement came from people in Washington, women in government who felt that there was a great deal that could be done to improve the situation of women in the federal government itself. There were a number of young women whose husbands had been active in the Kennedy campaign and the Kennedy administration: Tony Chayes [Antonia H. Chayes] was one. Perhaps another was Pauli Murray who had a position in the Justice Department. There was some stirring in other parts of the federal government. I think it was a combination of things. Esther Peterson would be in a better position to know the details than I am."
audioRecordingChapter 1; Murray, Pauli1963Remarks at the Presentation of the Final Report of the President's Commission on the Status of Women, 11 October 1963https://www.jfklibrary.org/Asset-Viewer/Archives/JFKWHA-230-007.aspxSound recording of President John F. Kennedy’s remarks in the White House East Room at the presentation of the final report of the President’s Commission on the Status of Women. In his speech President Kennedy discusses the necessity for the United States to become a nation where women have the opportunity to utilize their full array of abilities and make significant contributions to society.1963-10-11JOHN F. KENNEDY PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY AND MUSEUM
webpageChapter 1; Roosevelt, EleanorWGBH and the President’s Commission on the Status of Women - WGBH Openvaulthttp://openvault.wgbh.org/exhibits/showing_status/article
artworkChapter 2; Chapter 4; Hernandez, Aileen; NOW1974Lane, BettyeAileen Hernandez at NOW conference, Houston1974
documentChapter 2; Chapter 9; Hernandez, Aileen1977_NOW_CantBoxSpirit_ACH.pdfSophia Smith Collection, Aileen C. Hernandez Papers
manuscriptChapter 2; Hernandez, Aileen1983Parker, SharonHistory of Minority Women's Participation in NOW Being DevelopedFound in Loretta Ross papers. Not sure of author.1983Sophia Smith Collection
webpageChapter 2; Hernandez, AileenFirst Women's March down Fifth Avenue · Catching the Wavehttp://catchingthewave.library.harvard.edu/items/show/647
webpageChapter 2; Hernandez, AileenWomen's strike demonstration · Catching the Wavehttp://catchingthewave.library.harvard.edu/items/show/2613
documentChapter 2; Hernandez, AileenHightower, Patricia1_1973_BlackCaucusSurvey2_ACH.pdfhttps://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bx4HRy8YN62tajl3YXNQaGtzVnc/view?usp=sharingSophia Smith Collection, Aileen C. Hernandez Papers
documentChapter 2; Hernandez, Aileen1_1973_MinorityTaskForceQuestMentions_ACH.pdfhttps://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bx4HRy8YN62tVllpd0NyUVQ5SHc/view?usp=sharingSophia Smith Collection, Aileen C. Hernandez Papers
documentChapter 2; Hernandez, Aileen1_1974_MinorityTaskForceReport_ACH.pdfhttps://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bx4HRy8YN62td0t3R094VWQ5UjQ/view?usp=sharingSophia Smith Collection, Aileen C. Hernandez Papers
documentChapter 2; Hernandez, Aileen1976_NOWClippings_ACH.pdfhttps://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bx4HRy8YN62tTHlNV0h5ZnhwTzA/view?usp=sharingSophia Smith Collection, Aileen C. Hernandez Papers
documentChapter 2; Hernandez, Aileen1979_NatlMinorityWmnsLdrshpConf_ACH.pdfhttps://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bx4HRy8YN62tTU1IT3JRQ0Uydkk/view?usp=sharingSophia Smith Collection, Aileen C. Hernandez Papers
documentChapter 2; Hernandez, Aileen196719671214_NOWProtestsEEOCpic_ACH.jpghttps://forgotten.miriamneptune.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/199671214_NOWProtestsEEOCpic_ACH.jpgFrom: Love, Barbara J. Feminists Who Changed America, 1963-1975. University of Illinois Press, 2006.1967-12-14
documentChapter 2; Hernandez, Aileen1_1974_MinorityTaskForcePurpose_ACH.pdfhttps://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bx4HRy8YN62tNUsyby16OHZRd2c/view?usp=sharingSophia Smith Collection, Aileen C. Hernandez Papers
newspaperArticleChapter 2; Hernandez, Aileen197019700827_WomenMarchDownFifthinEquality Drive.pdfhttps://drive.google.com/file/d/1gNNu-MKAqkFNrdDKVSVMxc4qXhzX7Ur6/view?usp=sharing1970-08-27
documentChapter 2; Hernandez, Aileen19700826_Strike_OrganizingNewsletter_ACH.pdfhttps://drive.google.com/file/d/1HfzYcAsn1KaGLJFGQkV6MuNBHWJ8OqW7/view?usp=sharingSophia Smith Collection, Aileen C. Hernandez Papers
documentChapter 3Jefferson, Margo"Sterilization of Black Women is Common in the US."https://drive.google.com/open?id=138OKH2H6pLQNUh_tJ1Rz4dHmF8gZwrSUSophia Smith Collection
documentChapter 3197446.SterilizationAbuseWomenTheFacts.pdfhttps://www.freedomarchives.org/Documents/Finder/DOC46_scans/46.SterilizationAbuseWomenTheFacts.pdf1974
blogPostChapter 3History of Forced Sterilization and Current U.S. Abuseshttps://www.ourbodiesourselves.org/book-excerpts/health-article/forced-sterilization/Women in the United States have historically been subjected to coordinated efforts to control their fertility, including forced sterilization.
documentChapter 3AbortionRap Quote-- Flo Kennedy.docx
documentChapter 3; Committee to End Sterilization Abuse1977Sterlization Abuse: A Task for the Women's Movementhttps://www.cwluherstory.org/health/sterlization-abuse-a-task-for-the-womens-movementby The Chicago Committee to End Sterilization Abuse (January 1977) A working paper written to mobilize the women's movement to demand an end to forced sterilization.  by the Chicago Committee to End Sterilization Abuse (CESA). (January-1977) (Editors Note: CESA- Committee to End Steriliza1977-01
journalArticleChapter 3; Frances BealBEAL, FRANCESFrances Beal: Voices of Feminism Oral History Project - Quotes on Abortion Rights
documentChapter 3; Hamer, Fannie Lou1974Steinem, GloriaConversation BFF & GS With Fannie Lou Hamer; Ruleville, MShttps://forgotten.miriamneptune.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/1974_Hamer_Steinem_Conversation_Sterilization.pdf1974Sophia Smith Collection
webpageChapter 3; Hernandez, AileenWomen's liberation demonstration · Catching the Wavehttp://catchingthewave.library.harvard.edu/items/show/2523
documentChapter 3; Reproductive rights1974Rivera,, Gloria"Sterilization: La Operacion: The Doctor May Need it More Than You." Triple Jeopardy -- Racism, Imperalism, Sexism.https://drive.google.com/open?id=16Ewyl1yhcB4kU90UXJquS2aKObl4DY0J1974-02Sophia Smith Collection
documentChapter 3; Reproductive rights; Sterilization1979“Sterilization: What You Need to Know,” Committee to End Sterilization Abuse, courtesy of Marian McDonald · Georgia State University Library Exhibitshttps://exhibits.library.gsu.edu/current/items/show/2331979
audioRecordingChapter 42017Aileen Hernandez, SpeakerAll issues are women's issues / Aileen Hernandez.http://archive.org/details/pacifica_radio_archives-BC0719Aileen Hernandez speaking on the question of women's issues at a meeting sponsored by the Berkeley Chapter of the National Organization for Women (NOW) on March 15, 1972. Hernandez, a consultant in urban affairs, has advised business, labor, government and private groups on programs for utilizing the talents of minority groups and women.2017-10-16
webpageChapter 4Lane, BettyeBlack caucus at NOW conference, Houston · Catching the Wavehttp://catchingthewave.library.harvard.edu/items/show/372
audioRecordingChapter 41982Aileen Hernandez, Speaker; Margaret Sloan-HunterIn Celebration of Black Womanhood / Aileen Hernandezhttp://archive.org/details/pacifica_radio_archives-AZ1669Aileen Hernandez, former President of the National Organization for Women, and founder of the Black Women Organized for Action, gives a brilliant presentation of the problems, triumphs, and realities of life for Black women in the USA. Opens with Joyce Carol Thomas reading "A Poem for Black Women." Hernandez is introduced by Margaret Sloan. Venue of speech unknown. (Possibly Barnard College) 1982-02-13Pacifica Radio Archives
webpageChapter 4; Day CareLane, BettyePro day care and welfare demonstrator confronts a KKK member in front of convention center · Catching the Wavehttp://catchingthewave.library.harvard.edu/items/show/796
documentChapter 4; Hernandez, Aileen1976Program, for National Minority Women's Leadership Conference. (Aileen C. Hernandez, Speaker)https://drive.google.com/file/d/1HJ55_KrtWsonqIIDTFmye7ck174YILXR/view?usp=sharing1976-08-25Sophia Smith Collection
documentChapter 4; Hernandez, Aileen1974Hernandez, Aileen; Fulcher, Patsy; Spikes, EleanorReport of the Task Force on Minority Women and Women's Rightshttps://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bx4HRy8YN62td0t3R094VWQ5UjQ/view?usp=sharing1974-05Sophia Smith Collection
manuscriptChapter 4; Hernandez, Aileen1974Hernandez, Aileen CSmall Change for Black Womenhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=0Bx4HRy8YN62tV2pnM01hcnVwdFEFrom Ms. Magazine.1974Sophia Smith Collection
documentChapter 4; Hernandez, Aileen1973Hernandez, Aileen“Equal Employment Opportunities for Women: Problems, Facts, & Answers”https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bx4HRy8YN62tQmw2bEFGR1ZwUm8/view?usp=sharing1973
audioRecordingChapter 4; Kennedy, Florynce1968Kay Lindsey, Producer; Ed CumberpatchThe role of the Black woman in America / moderated by Ed Cumberpatch ; produced by Kay Lindsay.http://archive.org/details/pacifica_radio_archives-BB3193Four Black women--Peachie Brooks, housewife and mother of five living in Brownsville, NY; Vertamae Smart-Grosvenor, mother, actress, and Temple University and Sorbonne alum who has lived in New York and Paris; Florynce "Flo" Kennedy, attorney, director of Media Workshop and member of the Steering Committee of the Peace and Freedom Party; and Eleanor (Holmes) Norton, Antioch University alum and Assistant Legal Director at the ACLU office in NYC--discuss their role in society, politics, and the U.S. economy. Moderated by Ed Cumberpatch and produced by Kay Lindsey for WBAI.1968
documentChapter 4; Moynihan1965Moynihan, PatrickThe Negro family;the case for national action.http://hdl.handle.net/2027/mdp.390150016495501965
audioRecordingChapter 4; Tillmon, Johnnie2017Johnnie Tillmon (b. 4/10/1926 - d. 11/22/1995); Sherna Berger Gluck, interviewerTillmon, Johnnie (audio interview w. transcript)http://symposia.library.csulb.edu/iii/cpro/DigitalItemViewPage.external;jsessionid=E9AD176910B4FDBCF026CEC0AD5E898E?lang=&sp=1001808&sp=T&sp=1&suite=defJohnnie Tillmon began her work as a leading activist for poor women in 1963, when she helped to found ANC Mothers Anonymous of Watts, the first grass roots welfare mothers organization in the country. She played key roles in the later formation of both the California Welfare Rights Organization (CRWO) and the National Welfare Rights Organization (NWRO), and eventually became executive director of NWRO....2017-11-26
magazineArticleChapter 4; Tillmon, Johnnie1972"Welfare is a Women's Issue"http://www.msmagazine.com/spring2002/tillmon.asp1972
documentChapter 4; Tillmon, Johnnie197211-12_JohnnieTillman_Welfare_TWWA.pdfhttps://drive.google.com/drive/u/3/search?q=197211-12_JohnnieTillman_Welfare_TWWA.pdf
audioRecordingChapter 5; FB1979Beal, Frances; Pacifica Radio Archive; WPFW (Radio station : Washington, D.C.)Black women and liberation movements conference (Part 2 only)http://servlet1.lib.berkeley.edu:8080/audio/stream.play.logic?coll=pacifica&group=b23306973Listening Post: Highlights from the "Black Women and Liberation Movements" Conference, sponsored by Howard University's Institute for the Arts and Humanities, November 8, 1979. Speaker on this reel, Frances Beal, tells of her first teacher and about the history of the SNCC and SCLC. This is reel 2 of 2, reel 1 is missing1979
manuscriptChapter 5; glob; LORDE, Audre, 1934-19921986Art Against Apartheid: Works for Freedom, with Introduction by Alice Walkerhttps://archives.worldlit.org/ikon-pdfs/IKON-5-6.pdf1986
bookChapter 5; LORDE, Audre, 1934-19922015Schultz, DagmarAudre Lorde-The Berlin Years, 1984 to 1992: Transnational Experiences, the Making of a Film, and Its Receptionhttp://audrelorde-theberlinyears.com/2015
webpageChapter 5; LORDE, Audre, 1934-19922009Byrd, Rudolph P.; Cole, Johnetta B.; Guy-Sheftall, BeverlyI Am Your Sister COLLECTED AND UNPUBLISHED WRITINGS OF AUDRE LORDEhttps://mwasicollectif.files.wordpress.com/2015/06/audre-lorde-i-am-your-sister-collected-and-unpublished-writings.pdf
blogPostChapter 5; Lorde, Audre, 1934-1992Article: Gloria Joseph and Audre Lorde in St. Croix (1981-82) – Forgotten Project Bloghttps://forgotten.miriamneptune.com/blog/audrelorde/article-gloria-joseph-and-audre-lorde-in-st-croix-1981-82/
documentChapter 5; Ross, LorettaRoss_VOF_OralHistory_Transcript_Kenya_ICAW.pdfhttps://drive.google.com/file/d/1uWKw1YjYbu17fXIyXN6t34oXA7Ni1c1o/view?usp=sharingLoretta Ross descirbes her part in organizing the UN Third World Conference on the Status of Women in Nairobi Kenya (1985).
videoRecordingChapter 5; Smith, BarbaraDAWchannelThird World Conference on Women (Nairobi 1985)https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=2&v=UNvv5NwQq7g
documentChapter 5; Smith, BarbaraSmith, BarbaraSMITH - Voices of Feminism Oral History Project.jpghttps://drive.google.com/file/d/1J0f0umBoojD5qoYj-0BsQK_TJD34Fy7R/view?usp=sharingBarbara Smith connects attending the Kenya UN Women’s Conference to producing Kitchen Table's Freedom Organizing Pamphlet Series.
blogPostChapter 5; Walker, AliceWinning Our Freedoms Together: A New Book on African Americans and South Africans – AAIHShttps://www.aaihs.org/winning-our-freedoms-together-a-new-book-on-african-americans-and-south-africans/
documentChapter 5: Beal1974"International Women's Day March 8: Come Celebrate with Us"https://drive.google.com/open?id=1vJACt_MsqBStbZAoMcX24_wcBcZAYUZ6Bilingual announcement in Double Jeopardy for International Women's Day celebration in Oakland, CA on March 8,1974.1974Sophia Smith Collection