TimestampDo you live in the State Fair Overlay District?Would you support having parking provisions of the State Fair Parking Overlay District expanded to include MSRA BACK TO THE 50’S Weekend, thereby permitting lawn parking in the same way it is permitted for the State Fair?Would you prefer keeping the current signs: “NO PARKING DURING THE STATE FAIR” or new signs reading: “NO PARKING DURING THE STATE FAIR AND MSRA BACK TO THE 50’S Weekend” to enhance safety and access by emergency vehicles 24/7?Please provide any ideas about parking in Sub-District1 during the State Fair and MSRA BACK TO THE 50’S Weekend.
10/6/2023 8:51:21Yes1010
10/6/2023 8:53:36Yes110I would support the repeal of the state fair overlay district and the prohibiting of parking on lawns during all events, including the state fair and back to the 50s (i.e. prohibiting parking on lawns year around). Parking on lawns is a public safety hazard which encourages parking in a residential neighborhood that does not have the capacity to support the influx. The constant circling by visitors looking for parking causes several accidents every year as well as near misses with pedestrians. Additionally, sidewalks and accessibility ramps are not intended to handle the load of motor vehicles yet people drive on them. I would also support the restriction of parking to residents only during the state fair and back to the 50s or similar parking prohibitions as falcon heights has to improve public safety and access to the neighborhood by emergency vehicles.
10/6/2023 8:55:23Yes101
10/6/2023 9:00:47Yes109
10/6/2023 9:17:04Yes1010Expand permit parking south of the currently overlay district.
10/6/2023 9:19:02Yes22
10/6/2023 9:19:24Yes1010Street Machines seems to be drawing a large crowd now as well and should be included in this conversation. There weren’t even temporary no parking signs put up for it this year.
10/6/2023 9:24:31Yes110Remove lawn parking all together, its dangerous, it encourages people to drive on our side streets that are not designed to handle that much traffic. Plus since you do not rotate which side of the street has no parking half the residents can't sell lawns for parking its a very equable system that punishes half the neighborhood every year. I swear walking one's dog on the sidewalk because so dangerous every year we almost get hit by cars several time. I can't believe any city would allow such a thing to exist. It feels like were just waiting for someone to get seriously hurt then a lawsuit happening. Falcon Heights does it correctly!
10/6/2023 9:28:29Yes110No parking allowed in alley. Difficult for security/police to monitor but it has become a issue. Signs posted during event. How to approach neighbors and not cause controversy.
10/6/2023 9:35:32Yes68
10/6/2023 9:42:22Yes110I oppose lawn parking during MSRA. Our neighborhood is chaotic enough during MRSA without adding lawn parking and all the extra traffic (cars and pedestrians), litter, and noise that this would bring. And potential for more violence like the fair has become in the last few years.
Also, if this is adopted, then it could easily become allowed to do lawn parking during Hmong Freedom days and any other event at the fair or Como Park. The fair and Como Park should be working with potential other sites for parking (public transportation, park and ride, etc), NOT using our neighborhood as their easy solution.
10/6/2023 10:12:00Yes110
10/6/2023 10:45:36Yes18PLEASE don't turn our neighborhood into a parking lot. The fair is enough. If we start allowing any new event to yard park then where does it stop? There are more and more off-season fair events, and they already pose challenges. Those will grow bigger and "want" yard parking too. The 50's show is already often very disruptive (but we like it and do go!), it wakes my kids and and makes walking and playing in the neighborhood dangerous. Moreover, parking that time of year will ruin lawns, but during fairtime lawns are already heading towards dormancy. If we keep just selling our souls for 20 bucks a car outside of Fairtime, we are silencing the many many neighbors who are already against or ambivilant about Fairtime Yard Parking. (We do lazy Yard parking during the Fair, but are very mellow about it, unlike many).
10/6/2023 11:54:01Yes110Would love it if Back to the 50s found a new home!
10/6/2023 12:15:30Yes11
10/6/2023 14:40:29Yes1010
10/6/2023 15:54:23Yes105
10/6/2023 19:28:14Yes14
10/6/2023 22:13:36Yes58
10/6/2023 23:39:15Yes110Back to the 50s is a major nuisance that outstrips the fair in impact. I leave town rather than deal with the noise, rude patrons, and nostalgia for era known for racism, misogyny, and homophobia. Why are we subsidizing a celebration of a culture directly tied to climate change? Parking rules are not the problem that needs to be addressed.
10/7/2023 9:11:55No107
10/7/2023 9:30:52Yes110The city definitely should not expand lawn parking for events. In fact, the city should have a plan for phasing out lawn parking during the state fair. Allowing parking on lawns contributes to increased carbon emissions and air pollution which is at odds with city and states climate goals. The fair should offer free admission to residents who live in the overlay district instead.
10/7/2023 9:53:23Yes110
10/7/2023 15:28:42Yes58
10/7/2023 17:46:29Yes101It's a great event, let's support it in anyway we can.
10/7/2023 20:55:15Yes105Don't forget the soccer tournaments! 😉 Whichever is cheaper and easier for the city; leaving the existing signs and adding staked cardboard signs when needed, or changing the metal signs to include all the other events.
10/8/2023 8:34:59Yes11
10/9/2023 8:06:23Yes99
10/9/2023 8:37:39Yes18
10/9/2023 18:03:36Yes110One side of street only
10/10/2023 6:52:36Yes1010
10/12/2023 10:02:44Yes51
10/12/2023 10:09:51Yes32If this implementation would help keep roads manageable as the cars line up, I think it would be a good change. I don't find the parking as much of a necessity as I find it difficult to deal with the long lines of running cars on the side streets on the first mornings of the show. This last year was especially difficult as I tried to find a route without long lines of waiting cars and ended up being late...they were on all the side roads I tried and given how narrow those roads are, I was stuck. Very very frustrating.
10/12/2023 16:30:22No56
10/12/2023 19:51:08Yes1010Regardless of decision on lawn parking during MSRS, permanent street signs limiting to one side only parking for both car show and fair would be great. FYI, the permant street signs in place restricting fair parking are so faded and should all be replaced! I had to call the city twice a year ago to get the sign by my house replaced. I live a block from the main gate and all the signs in my neighborhood are badly faded and in need of replacement. A safety issue for sure. City only replaced one sign....
10/12/2023 21:49:45Yes101
10/12/2023 22:40:44Yes1010
10/13/2023 6:54:22Yes11Double parking fines like Falcon Heights and have strict enforcement. Tow vehicles blocking driveways and parked to close to intersections right away.
10/13/2023 6:56:16Yes15
10/13/2023 8:00:10Yes110
10/13/2023 8:05:32Yes1010
10/13/2023 8:25:23Yes1010
10/13/2023 8:35:43Yes1010
10/13/2023 8:58:48Yes1010
10/13/2023 9:22:04Yes510
10/13/2023 9:22:21Yes310
10/13/2023 9:25:40Yes21Back to the 50s is a smaller event and more dependent on weather. It is not feasible to consistently park meaningful amounts of cars beyond a block or so away from the main gate
10/13/2023 9:30:59Yes88Would the new signs be cost efficient in respect to the temporary signs that are posted?
10/13/2023 10:26:14Yes1010
10/13/2023 10:26:46Yes1010It would be great if the city would allow yard parking during Back to the 50s, just like during the fair. Use the same overlay district and procedures. (District 10 was working on this prior to Covid, but then it fell by the wayside once Covid hit.)

The current parking situation is a disaster, and many times dangerous during Back to the 50s. Cars will circle and circle, hoping to find a spot and in the process, not pay much attention to pedestrians or other cars. This past year, I witnessed many near accident situations.

Allowing yard parking will help alleviate many of the current parking problems. I am in favor of the change. (I live one block from the main gates, so this situation personally affects me.)
10/13/2023 11:08:47Yes110I am 4 blocks east of Snelling & Arlington. The MSRA parking has not been a problem on my street over the last few years. Thank you for asking for input.
10/13/2023 11:12:57Yes16Paint 5 ft yellow on curbs of driveways on streets that have no alleys as it is difficult to back out onto street with cars parked right to the edge of the driveway.
10/13/2023 11:27:59Yes16The MSRA organization confuses things on my block (Frankson), where parking is allowed only by permit on my side of the street from 10 am to 4 pm May through September. So when they put up temporary signs on the other side of the street, where no parking is allowed at all during the State Fair, visitors assume that it IS allowed on the opposite side of the street. I hope you see what I mean--if you're going to add temporary signs to one side of the street, then you need to have signs, but with a different message, on the other side. This applies to about five blocks around Frankson and Midway Parkway. Visitors who disregard or don't see the signs on my side of the street risk getting a $56 ticket.
10/13/2023 11:36:11Yes15If we move to new permanent parking signs, who will pay for the signs? We can't even get the city to replace faded No Parking During State Fair signs.
10/13/2023 11:40:34Yes101Short of canceling back to the 50s, things work pretty well. My biggest complaint is the car noise. Both early in the morning and with squealing tires on Snelling Ave in the evening.
10/13/2023 16:27:49Yes810
10/13/2023 17:05:48Yes110
10/13/2023 17:21:05Yes11During the MSRA event, it would be VERY HELPFUL if their volunteers would put up SEPARATE No Parking signs, as do the volunteers for the Hmong Soccer Festival. MSRA people cheesily tape their signs onto existing "No Parking During State Fair" signs - making them LESS VISIBLE, and resulting in more people getting ticketed and towed than need be,
IF MRSA took the time to put their signs on stakes in the ground along the boulevards.
10/13/2023 18:45:37Yes77
10/13/2023 22:55:11Yes11
10/14/2023 5:29:49Yes10
10/14/2023 19:01:22Yes410
10/15/2023 8:13:03Yes110
10/15/2023 16:42:01Yes910Need better enforcement of parking and idling rules during back to the fifties. Too many line up starting at 5am or earlier and let their vehicle idle while they sit in the street blocking traffic.
10/15/2023 16:46:09Yes1010Increased parking enforcement for individuals who park illegally
10/15/2023 17:17:46Yes1010
10/15/2023 17:31:13Yes910
10/15/2023 17:44:49Yes1010
10/16/2023 15:45:10Yes11
10/17/2023 12:41:11No107
10/17/2023 13:23:03Yes108
10/20/2023 6:59:09Yes19
10/20/2023 7:12:50Yes11
10/20/2023 7:24:51Yes11Desire to see police presence driving through the neighborhood from time to time.
10/20/2023 7:43:31Yes11I think it is good the way it is. Not as big of crowds as years before. The only busy day is Saturday. Who would pay for change of parking signs? The City Council would have to vote to change the yard parking signs MSRA. Many people are happy no yard parking during the MSRA.
10/20/2023 7:49:34No1010This and other high pollution events should be banned. Air polo at the 2023 event was an environmental crime in the truest sense of the word.
10/20/2023 7:57:02Yes77I live on Simpson. I doubt lawn parking demand would extend to my block. But the authorization to park cars if the demand exists is a fair trade-off for the burden imposed by the traffic. The higher the traffic, the more lawn parking makes sense.
10/20/2023 8:11:31Yes110Ned to prohibit all parking, street and lawn, during the state fair and back to the fifties!
10/20/2023 8:32:21Yes88
10/20/2023 12:18:47Yes110The permanent signs are not enough during the State Fair. Adding temporary signs in between the permanent signs would help prevent ignorance of the no parking rules. Every year during the State Fair, a car will park on the no parking side of the street, and once one car parks then other cars start parking there too. We end up letting people know that there is not parking on the odd side of the street and they always thank us and say they did not see the no parking signs. We have lived on the 1500 block of Asbury (Hoyt cross street) for over 20 years. While I would like the permanent signs to also include the Back to the 50’s show, I would still like the temporary signs placed between the permanent signs. This is because the temporary signs are more effective, because they stand out more than the permanent signs. We never have problems with people parking with the temporary signs during the Back to the 50’s show. Part of the issue with the Sate Fair parking problems could be that the permanent No Parking signs also have a Night Plow Route sign on the same post, so it does not stand out. Also the permanent No Parking signs are spaced too far apart. We also have issues during the Kick-Off to the Fair event that runs during memorial weekend. Last year our entire street was parked on both sides, and no emergency vehicles could get by. There needs to be temporary no parking signs put up on one side of the street during this event as well. Lastly, I implore you to not let people start parking on their yards during the back to the 50s show, we cannot get in and out of our alley for the whole 12 days of the fair already. We shouldn’t have to deal with another four days during June. We have neighbors that are much too overzealous about the yard parking situation and park cars so that they block the alley and we can’t get into our own driveway. Please do not open up the situation to more days.
10/20/2023 12:19:33Yes110
10/20/2023 13:52:14Yes1010
10/21/2023 7:58:03Yes21
10/21/2023 10:01:08No87
10/22/2023 4:15:41Yes110
10/22/2023 7:48:11Yes11Provide shuttles for visitors not displaying cars. I would like to see air quality monitoring done in the neighborhood as well.
10/22/2023 22:56:43Yes1None
10/27/2023 7:09:49Yes96While I approve these solutions, I would also like to see more effort made to encourage MSRA visitors to use public transportation or provide park and rides, to limit the number of vehicles coming into the neighborhood in the first place. Thanks for letting us weigh in!
10/27/2023 7:15:07Yes21
10/27/2023 7:32:36Yes1010On-street parking restrictions are definitely necessary due to the high volume of cars in our area and to provide access for emergency vehicles and services.

We support yard parking following current provisions and understandings as a way to help accommodate people wishing or needing to park closer to the Fairgrounds.

Refreshing the current no parking signs with new ones is an absolute necessity in our area as they are seriously faded now.
10/27/2023 7:35:34Yes102I believe street signs should stay the same. Back to the 50’s is a smaller and shorter event than the State Fair. Investment in new street signs is a waste of money and could cause confusion during Stare Fair.
10/27/2023 7:45:45No110
10/27/2023 7:57:28Yes1010
10/27/2023 8:03:07Yes88
10/27/2023 8:34:50Yes110Absolutely no lawn parking during back to the 50s. I’ve lived here 30 years and we have had enough of the disrespect of our streets, our sidewalks, and our yards. These attendees consistently drive through our yard and flowers, despite the fact that we have no parking on our side of the street and we have no parking.
10/27/2023 9:00:01Yes1010
10/27/2023 9:21:35Yes108revised looks good
10/27/2023 9:37:1695Park and ride areas, like the fair.
10/27/2023 11:09:31Yes1010Traffic is a mess. People circle looking for parking spots. Allowing lawn parking will help with this issue.